34th Annual Turkey Trot - Southwest Research Institute
34th Annual Turkey Trot - Southwest Research Institute
SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE® RRA.SWRI.ORG SAN ANTONIO, TX NOVEMBER 2013 34th Annual Turkey Trot The annual RRA Turkey Trot will be held (rain or shine) Saturday, November 23 at 9:00 AM. Starting and ending at the Fitness Center, this is a FREE event for SwRI employees and family members. Strollers and pets on a leash are welcome (please be prepared to clean up after your pet). Come on out to run, jog or walk the course. Preferred registration is online at rra.swri.org. Day of registration will be from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM. Participants may choose from the following: 2-mile walk, 2-mile run, or 4-mile run (NEW course). Winners will receive a frozen turkey. Ways to Win a Frozen Turkey ●● Fastest overall finish time (each gender, each course) ●● Top age group finish time (each gender, each course, six age groups) ●● Age Groups: 19 and under, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60 and over ●● Raffle for all participants and volunteers Note: Limited to one prize awarded per winner Contact Mark Griffin at x3502 or the Fitness Center at x5100 for more details. RRA Craft Fair Friday, November 15 SwRI Cafeteria 11 AM to 1 PM Shop, Shop, Shop! Vendors will be at the SwRI Cafeteria with handmade holiday gift items including jewelry, crocheted hats and blankets, candles, soap, and much more. Presented by the RRA Fundraising Committee. RRA Holiday Dinner & Dance SwRI Children's Holiday Festival Friday, December 13 Sunday, December 8 Red Oak Ballroom, Wonderland Mall 6:30 PM to Midnight $25 per person Limit 4 tickets per SwRI employee and SwRI retiree. Buy tickets at the SwRI Fitness Center through December 4. ●● Live DJ: Richard Mendez and Celestial Productions ●● Door Prizes ●● Buffet Dinner and complimentary frozen margaritas and beer Call x5100 for more information. SwRI Fitness Center 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM FREE Admission Open to SwRI employees and their children Pick up tickets at the SwRI Fitness Center through December 4. ●● Santa photos to begin at 1:30 PM ●● New process to assist with wait time to see Santa! ●● Entertainment ●● Refreshments Call x5100 for more information. SwRCFCU Shred Day! Stock Show and Rodeo Presale Tickets To help protect yourself and your identity, SwRCFCU will host a Shred Day at the SwRI campus location on Friday, November 15, 2013 from 11 AM to 1 PM. A document destruction truck will be on-site so you can watch your documents be shredded right in front of your eyes. For more information, call Angelia at 210-684-1054 x321. On November 14, Representatives from the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo will be at the SwRI Fitness Center from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM for presale tickets for the 2014 Rodeo. New this year, our employees have access to an exclusive offer to purchase rodeo tickets throughout the season. With this new promotion, there is only a $5 fee charge per order and you get to choose your seats! Employees can enjoy the ease of purchasing individual rodeo tickets, Rodeo Star Experience tickets, and carnival vouchers through a Ticketmaster web portal designed especially for us at: http://www.ticketmaster.com/promo/oxizzk password: 14RRA. For information on Season or Mini Season Seat packages, contact Rodeo Ticket Committee Member Charlotte Muniz at 512-6569386 or email cmuniz60@yahoo.com. Weight Watchers at Work Weight Watchers® at Work (SwRI®) meetings are held weekly on campus and is a convenient setting for ongoing support and motivation, creates a supportive environment, which can help you reach your weight-loss goals. The weekly meetings are held every Thursday at 11:00 AM for weigh-ins and 11:15 AM to discuss different topics which promote better nutritional habits and a healthier lifestyle. Parties, family gatherings, gifts, and food, food, food!… what a special time of year this is! To help you through the season, Weight Watchers® offers you holiday tips. Did you know…you can still lose weight? RRA Amateur Radio Club One easy way to learn more about amateur radio would be to observe one of our volunteers that help provide communications support for the RRA Turkey Trot in November. Radio operators are positioned at key points along the 2 mile and 4 mile course to call for help if needed by a participant. These radio operators also provide feedback to event organizers of where the front runners are on the course. Amateur Radio Club annual dues are $10, contact Treasurer Michael Blanton (x5332/bldg. 68) to see when you last paid club dues. Weight Watcher Lifetime members are welcome to attend with the appropriate WW identification. This is a monthly pass group and there are no end dates provided we have enough members. Registration is available to all employees at any time. Nonemployees are welcome to join too, but without subsidy. Membership includes free eTools (Internet weight-loss companion). SwRI pays 25% of the cost for SwRI employees! If you want to join Weight Watchers on our campus, contact Linda Estes at x5664 or lestes@swri.org for more information. Slick Talkers Toastmasters Club • Come to a WW meeting and find out how to enjoy the Holidays and still lose weight! This fall, harvest some great weight-loss tips with the help of Weight Watchers®. • Weight Watchers proven approach plus our formula can give you an edge to help you lose weight. • For over 40 years, Weight Watchers has helped millions of people around the world to lose weight! • Weight Watchers Ranked #1 Best Weight-Loss Diet by U.S. News & World Report for Third Year in a Row - 2013 Best Diets review also once again gives us top ranking in Easiest Diet to Follow and Best Commercial Diet Plan categories. (article is attached to this e-mail from the WW web site). A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a nopressure atmosphere. There is no instructor in a Toastmasters meeting. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success. Meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics; conduct meetings; and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar, and parliamentary procedure. Members learn communication skills by working in the Competent Communication manual, a series of 10 self-paced speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking. Leadership skills are built by working through the Competent Leadership manual. Everyone who attends a meeting learns something, and it’s fun! Check the next Happy Times for more information about our Holiday Open House. Slick Talkers meets every time-sheet Friday from 11:30-12:30 in the Bldg. 77 first floor conference room. Call Laura Vela at 2x736 or Alana Woods at x3760 for more information. 2 Thank You to the October Blood Donors! The RRA Vampire thanks you for all the blood donated at the October Blood Drive. He enjoyed meeting (and biting) the 179 participants, including the 16 new donors! Mark your calendars for the final 2013 Blood Drive on Thursday, December 12. REMEMBER – When you give blood, you give life. Encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to donate too. Let’s have another record year! Name Shane Aaron Jason Aley Joel Allardyce Jennifer Alvarez Daniel Anctil Pascual Arambula Mark Arnold James Asher Christopher Axton Sheri Baetz Joe Barfield Paul Barrera Taylor Bartholomew Chris Bemben Cody Bendele Michael Blanton Steve Bourland Mark Bowen David Branyon Joshua Bricker Sean Broderick Daniel Broesche Gary Burkhardt Hal Burnside Spring Cabiness Johnny Cantu Juan Cantu Norma Cantu Karen Carpenter George Castillo Mark Castle Joshua Cavazos David Chambers John Charlton Chance Childress Crystal Chudej Steve Clay Josh Cornell Carly Currier Michael Davis Terry Davison Abel deHoyos Chris DesRuisseau Norma Diaz David Dickerson CC 75 16 10 16 08 11 30 03 14 01 Retiree 57 11 01 11 10 14 73 03 11 11 09 Retiree Retiree 14 03 42 01 01 08 11 09 10 16 01 72 18 03 08 15 03 01 08 18 09 Name Name CC Greg Dirks 15 Edmond DuPont 10 Doug Earnest 18 Kenneth Ellebracht 08 John Elliot 31 Jonathan Esquivel 11 Linda Estes 18 John Eterno 15 Dustin Falcon 11 Tony Fall 72 Jack Fernandi Retiree Tim Fey 18 Sharon Fielder 70 Joe Fohn 67 Emily Forsyth 18 Alberto Fuentes 11 Danny Gabriel 09 Patricia Garcia 08 Richard Garcia 10 Deborah Gohmert 18 Steve Gomez-Leon 11 Christian Gonzales 01 Janice Grantz 16 Steve Green 18 Norberto Guerra 11 Steve Gutting 14 John Harrison 14 Sara Harrison Family Joseph Hayden 11 Patrick Heenan 10 Nadine Hernandez 08 Linda Kay Hill 11 Ralph Hill 11 Beverly Holley 42 Michele Holzer 08 Kevin Honeyager 14 Lane Howard 20 Josh Hunt 18 Robert Hunt 03 Bob Inouye 11 Karyn Ireton 73 Tom Jaeckle 16 Shinhyuk Joo 03 Mike Jordan 01 Duane Jungman 03 Kyle Kondoff Samuel Kong Kris Kozak Steven Kramm Philip Leal Frances Lecocke Mike Ledesma Alton Ledwig Nino Limfueco William Livermore Joe Loomis Glen Mabey Bruce Mabrito Tony Magaro Frank Maldonado Leonard Martinez Samantha Massengill Ron Mathis Marianne May Patsy McBee Dylan McDaneld Larry McDaniel Joe McDonough Yong-Li McFarland Mary McGovern Blair McLaren Andrew Medelez Chris Mentzer Darryl Miley Scott Miller Herman Monroe Wayne Music Jose Navarro Art Nicholls Marcus Nugent Hector Ochoa James Oxley Kathy Parks Jay Pastwa Scott Pearson Heather Pelley Matthew Pena Susan Pope Luke Powell John Quinby 3 CC 01 08 10 18 11 70 20 08 09 25 10 16 72 70 75 75 16 14 08 14 01 15 01 08 01 11 18 09 11 10 18 16 14 18 16 16 01 73 08 15 73 32 15 11 14 Name Epifanio Quiroga Alfredo Ramos Mike Rigney Samuel Rocha Crystal Rodriguez Mark Rodriguez Monica Romero Daniel Rossiter Andrew Saldiva Mary Sattler James Sczepanik Joyce Seale Jasmin Serna Kevin Shannon James Sharber Kelly Smith Nils Smith Sean Soriano Joe Sosa Steven Spence Jeremy Stein Stuart Stothoff Kevin Sultenfuss Mark Tapley Steve Tenay Richard Tennis Ashley Terrazas Briana Terrazas Maria Terrazas Pablo Terrazas Joshua Terry Martin Thompson Kali Tibbitts Tom Trbovich Jim Vande Zande Ashton van Rooyen Nathan Veliz Jonathan Wade Greg Wattis Will Westover Nolan Wright Michael Yowell Julia Zangirolami Yvette Zepeda CC 08 11 10 03 70 03 73 10 70 15 03 72 72 01 15 15 16 01 03 09 09 20 11 15 03 18 Family Family Family 11 01 08 08 30 31 11 15 18 18 08 03 01 09 55 San Antonio Food Bank Discount Movie Passes: NEW Tickets Many of you have at least heard the name San Antonio Food Bank, but maybe you did not know much about the 60,000 people each week who rely on the Food Bank here for food: The RRA Store now has discount movie passes to the Boerne Starplex Cinemas. These supersavers can be used for one admission to movies including new releases that may advertise “no passes”. There will be a surcharge for any 3D format. Prices are only $6 per ticket and can be purchased at the SwRI Fitness Center. To view other entertainment specials offered via the RRA, visit the RRA website at rra.swri.org to view the Discounts tab. • • • • 36% of its clients are children under the age of 18 years old 14% of its clients are elderly 46% of households include at least one employed adult 67% have incomes below the federal poverty level during the previous month • 8% are homeless Here are some other facts about Food Bank clients: • 48% of clients report having to choose between paying for utilities and food. • 47% of clients said they had to choose between paying for rent or a mortgage and food. • 24% of clients report having to choose between paying for medical bills and food. • 22% of clients report having to choose between transportation and food. • 39% of clients report having to choose between paying for gas for a car and food. • 25% of all clients interviewed are living in households without health insurance • 40% of clients have unpaid medical or hospital bills. • One-third of households report having at least one member of their household in poor health. There are many ways we can partner with the Food Bank to provide assistance to those in need. One way is through volunteering at the Food Bank warehouse to sort and pack food that is directly distributed, normally that same week, to local residents. There are many types of tasks, so we welcome all volunteers regardless of skills and physical limitations. We volunteer the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. If you are interested in participating at a future date, please contact Shane Siebenaler at shane.siebenaler@swri.org. All movie passes can be purchased at the SwRI Fitness Center. Theater Santikos Theaters Alamo Drafthouse Regal Theaters AMC Theaters Starplex Boerne Gate Price $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $8.50 $7.00 RRA Price $7.50 $6.50 $8.00 $6.50 $6.00 Savings $2.50 $2.50 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 Discount Show How the Grinch Stole Christmas December 26-29, 2013, Majestic Theater Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical is the record breaking Broadway holiday sensation which features hit songs “You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” (written by Albert Hague and Dr. Seuss) from the original animated series. Max the Dog narrates as the mean and scheming Grinch, whose heart is “two sizes too small,” decides to steal Christmas away from the Holiday loving Whos. Magnificent sets (John Lee Beatty) and costumes (Robert Morgan) inspired by Dr. Seuss’ original illustrations help transport audiences to the whimsical world of Whoville, while the Music and Book of Mel Marvin and Timothy Mason breathe new life into this timeless story of the true meaning of Christmas. The 2012 production is directed by Matt August and choreographed by Bob Richard based on the original choreography by John DeLuca and originally created by 3-time Tony Award® winning director, Jack O’Brien. To purchase tickets, go to eventusher.com; password: discount. 4 Passport Dinner to Czechoslovakia Saturday, Nov. 16 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Little Gretel Restaurant 518 River Road Boerne TX, 78006 www.littlegretel.com Price Range $15.99 - $23.99 (limited menu) You select and pay for your own meal. Open to all RRA Members (SwRI, Texas Biomed and SwRCFCU employees) and their guests. RSVP to Sheri Baetz at sheri.baetz@swri.org or x6667. Space is limited. Upcoming Races Shiner Beer Run — November 23 Illuminations Half Marathon — December 7 Jingle Paws 5K Classic — December 14 Texas Cocoa Women’s Half Marathon 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run — January 19 Alamo City Run Fest Half Marathon, 10K, & 5K — March 2 5 This publication is provided to advertise employees’ personal items. There is no charge for this service. No commercial ventures will be advertised except those that offer substantial discounts to the SwRI staff. To include an item in this publication, send an email to rra@swri.org or mail a note to RRA Ads building 170. Only those items with an SwRI/Texas Biomed extension or with a specified retiree name will be accepted. This is a publication service for employees and retirees only. The RRA is not responsible for any item presented, for any typographical errors, or for any omission in the items included. Submit your ad by the 20th of the month for the following month by using the address rra@swri.org. If you are calling from outside SwRI, use prefix (522) with the four digit extensions. Appliances Breville juice extractor (mo. BJE200XL), silver, very gently used. All accessories, manual, and original packaging included. $50. Breadman automatic bread machine (mo. TR555LC), white, very gently used. All accessories, manual, and recipe booklet included. $40. Photos available. Contact Gwen at x6806 or gwenyvonne@ hotmail.com. Sharp microwave, large size with carousel turntable, works great, asking $30 OBO. Contact Sue at 210-379-2505 or sule_carr@ yahoo.com. Auto 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer SUV, LS Model, 4D, 2WD, automatic, AM/FM radio with CD player, dual (rear) AC, power seat, luggage rack and towing package. Medium gray exterior with a light gray cloth interior. Excellent condition, very clean inside and out, well maintained, never been in an accident, original owner, approx. 92K miles. $7,500 OBO. Contact Rick at x3214 or 210-394-2827. 1982-1992 Camaro/Firebird/ Trans Am T-Top sunshades, gray. Original shades from 1987 vehicle that were never used, $60. Call Larry at x5711. 1990 Olds Delta 88, 133K miles, 4 DR, new tune-up, battery and tires. Very reliable, never wrecked, Heirlooms China hutch, 2 pieces, black finish. $1,000. Broyhill Attic Heirlooms dining room set: 9’ (6’ without leaves) table, 4 chairs (black finish and bench seat), oak finish. $1,000. Photos available. Call 210-739-4259. A/C, and original owner. $1,000. Call Kenny at 210-681-1597 or 210-259-3578. Electronics Complete video game sets: Guitar Hero for the PS2 (game and 2 guitars), Rock Band for the XBOX 360 (game, drum set and sticks, 2 guitars, microphone), DJ Hero for the XBOX 360 (game, turntable set in carrying kit). $25 for each game with equipment. $60 for all 3 games with equipment. Contact Shirleen at x3257 or soldham@ swri.org. Queen size metal headboard from Pier 1, excellent condition. $75 OBO. Call x3602 or 210-535-4981. Dark blue leather couch, premium brand. $200 OBO. Cast iron glass coffee table and end-table, new condition. $150 OBO. Pier 1 love seat, wicker, includes thick cushions. Two matching endtables with glass, like new. $150 OBO. Pictures available. Contact Sue at 210-379-2505 or sule_ carr@yahoo.com. Furniture Chest of drawers, dresser with mirror, narrow storage unit, entertainment center. All are oak finished, good condition, located near Lytle, Texas. Photos available. $400 for all OBO. Call Brian at x3588. Real Estate/Rental Townhome, 3 bd/2 ba/2ga, quiet neighborhood near Medical Center, 10 minute commute to and from SwRI. $150,000. Contact Jim Burkes at 210-647-4982. Two Lazy Boy recliners, very good condition. Will sell separately. $275 each. Call x3602 or 210535-4981. Vacation rental for July 19-26, 2014. 3bd/3ba condo on North Shore of Canyon Lake. Two full kitchens and two living areas, sleeps up to 10 people. Minutes away from the Guadalupe river and tubing or the marina with boat access and rentals. Located on FM 306, halfway between IH 35 and US 281. Pictures and floorplan available. $1,400. Call Jeff at x6041. Golden oak end table, good condition, top needs a little refinishing. Photos available. $50. Call 210-490-5379 and leave a message. Broyhill Yorkshire Market collection sofa table. $150. Broyhill Yorkshire Market collection armoire. $450. Broyhill Attic Heirlooms coffee table, black finish. $300. Broyhill Attic Miscellaneous Prewar (1937) Winchester model 12 shotgun in 12 gauge: 30” full choke barrel, bluing thin on receiver but pretty much intact on barrel, not rusted or pitted, wood is excellent, mechanically excellent. $350 OBO. Contact Jerry at 210-288-5252 or jgolden@ swri.edu. Two San Antonio Spurs tickets and 1 parking pass (Lot 4), Golden State Warriors, Friday - Nov. 8, the AT&T Center. Location of the tickets are in Section 220, Row 3, aisle seats. The H.E.B. Fan Zone is located one section away. $80. Contact Lori at x5976 or 210-325-6178. Sole F80 treadmill, good condition, includes owner’s manual, pictures available. $600. Call Nora x5893. Franciscan Ware, Madeira Pattern, 53 pieces, very good condition, picture and list available. $200. Call Diana Drenner at 210-5082108 or drdrenner@sbcglobal.net. Need a language or music tutor? Want to learn a foreign language? Available to teach beginning German, beginning and intermediate French/Hebrew, and beginning to advanced Music Theory. Contact Rachael at 210464-8162. Submit your ad for Free! Submit ads on the RRA website: rra.swri.org by November 20 for the December Happy Times. 6 Scentsy Christie Floral & Co Receive a free Scentsy bar ($5 value) with the purchase of any warmer and the mention of this ad. Why pay when you can host a party and get product for free? For details visit www.scentsbyjes. scentsy.us to shop online or call/text Jessica at 210-422-8307 to order with free shipping! Show SwRI Badge for 20% off. Located at 5939 Culebra Road or check out our design’s at http://www.facebook.com/ChristieFloral. Contact Christi at 210-859-1007. Thirty-One For just $16 per ticket you can enjoy four hours of unlimited use of the go-karts, bumper boats, and mini golf. Malibu Castle is located at 410 and Cherry Ridge Dr. Tickets expire six months from date of purchase and are on sale at the SwRI Fitness Center. Great idea for birthday parties! Malibu Castle Discount Tickets For every $35 spent November 1-26, get a Medium Utility Tote for $7 ($30 value)! Custom personalization is just $7 more. This new size of our most popular tote comes in 9 prints. For details, visit www.mythirtyone.com/j3ss1ca or call/text Jessica at 210-422-8307. South Texas PreCollege Advisors Works one-on-one with students and from 8th grade to senior year for college readiness and admissions process. Take 10% off any service packages. Request a FREE copy of the Annual Education Check Up worksheet at the web site. www.texasprecollegeadvisors. com or call 210-630-0988. J-P Showcase, LLC We invite you to come visit our website, we have a large variety of items that we are sure you will like: www.j-pshowcasellc.com. Our web offers a few items but if you email us at info@j-pshowcasellc. com then we can email a catalog to you. It is in PDF form at no charge. Just let us know what you want from the catalog and we will give you the 30% off and have it shipped to your home. You can also call us at 210-264-9442. Real Living Best Homes Realty Offering a discounted listing commission for sellers, and a comparable contribution toward closing costs for buyers on all offers for SwRI, Credit Union, and TX Biomed employees and their families. The contribution for buyers is contingent on their lender’s approval. Contact Jane Baker. Call 210-844-2159 for more information. T-Mobile Advantage Program - SwRI Employees The T-Mobile Advantage Program just announced an exclusive special for SwRI employees. Activate the Sony Xperia Z ($49.99 Down) and get a FREE Sony Bluetooth Speaker ($69.99 value). Activate the HTC One ($99.99 Down) and get a FREE pair of urBeats in-ear headphones ($99.99 value). Employees can take advantage of these exclusive Employee Specials with NO CONTRACT for a limited-time, while supplies last. In addition, take advantage of your 8% Monthly Discount (Save on EVERY line of account) and pay NO Activation Fees ($10 SIM starter kit may be required). Offers only available for NEW lines of service through the Advantage Program. If you are looking to activate a NEW line of service with the SwRI discount, please call 866-464-8662. Please reference Promo Code 1140TMOFAV for SwRI employees. Please direct questions to William.White9@T-Mobile.com. Unforgettable Floral Unforgettable Florist specializes in weddings but is a one stop shop for all your floral needs. Fresh flower arrangements available for Birthdays, Anniversary’s, Condolences, Get Well, Valentine’s Day, and more. SwRI employees and family members receive a 10% discount. Visit www.unforgettableflorist.com or call 210863-2959 for a free consultation. Bring Your Own Parts Bring Your Own Parts offers employees a 10% discount off regular labor costs in addition to the following services: no mark-ups on parts or you can bring your own parts, receive free computer diagnostic tests, same day service for most jobs, and discounts on deductibles within their body and collision shop. Located at 6610 Bandera at Grissom and 3824 Culebra at Alicia Ave near St. Mary’s. Must mention SwRI over phone for quotes and show ID at time of payment. Just Pay Labor, No Mark Ups, No Gimmicks! Visit bringyourownparts.com or call 210-682-2967 for more information. Sophie Health Center Sophie Health Center - Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine practices acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, tui na, herbs, and more. 4242 Medical Dr. Bldg.#7, Suite 7125 San Antonio, TX 78229 Phone: 210-615-6808 Offers discount below to SwRI, CU, and TX Biomed employees, retirees, and their family members. Initial appointment: 50% discount with free diagnosis; Follow up appointment: 25% discount. For more information, please contact Dr.Sophie Peng at 210-615-6808 or visit: www. sophiehealthcenter.com. 7 Contact Information Restaurant Spotlight Viola's Ventanas Viola's Ventanas, located at 9660 Westover Hills Blvd., is offering three different discounts for SwRI, TX BioMedical, and CU employees. Choose one discount from the following: • From 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, present your employee badge to get 10% off one food item purchased Monday Friday only. Lunch menu and regular menu included. Alcohol not included. Offer expires December 31, 2013. • Present this coupon to receive one free entree. Order one entree and two beverages and get the second entree of equal or lesser value free. Valid Sunday - Thursday only. Offer expires April 30, 2014. • A 20% discount on food for groups of 25 or more. Alcohol not included. The RRA operates through committees headed by a chair. The RRA Board of Governors Officers and Committee Chairs are listed below. RRA Executive Board Chair Michael Carter x3933 Vice Chair Mary Ramos x3353 Secretary Terry Davison x6550 Treasurer Debi Reeh x2609 Executive Secretary Ernest Gomez x3503 SwRI Fitness Center JoLyn Swain x5100 Committee Chairs Athletics Jason Nave x2925 Spanky’s Burger Joint Finance & Fundraising x6067 x4260 Spanky’s Burger Joint offers a 10% discount with valid IDs for SwRI, TX Biomedical, and CU employees. When you visit, ask how you can get a free soda at every time! Located at 7616 Culebra Road. Call 210-509-6700 for more information. Crystal Chudej Shondra Richardson-Mooore Health & Fitness Mark Griffin x3502 Membership Linda Estes x5664 Outreach Shane Siebenaler x5758 Publicity/ Historical Cynthia Luna x3036 Recreation Sarah Thomson x6585 Social Sheri Baetz x6667 Travel Lora Neil x5157 Call for more information at 210-684-9660. Porky’s Burgers and More Porky’s offers SwRI, CU, and TX Biomed employees a 10% discount on meals from 11 AM to 3 PM with work ID. Happy Hour Monday-Friday from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Free patio available for parties and offer only valid at the 2426 Culebra Road location. Website: www.porkysburgersandmore.com Phone: 210-432-1903 Cha-Cha’s Mexican Restaurant and Catering Offering SwRI, CU, and TX Biomed employees 15% discount on meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner but excluding alcoholic beverages. Badges must be presented and are for the employee’s individual order, not the entire party’s ticket. Located at 5616 Bandera Rd. Call 210-681-2066 for more information. FATSO’s Sports Garden FATSO’s Sports Garden offers SwRI, CU, and TX Biomed employees a 20% discount on regular priced food items (excludes food specials and alcohol). Must show valid SWRI, SFBR, or Credit Union ID. Located at 1704 Bandera Rd. fatsossportsgarden.com. Call 210-432-0121 or 210-404-0121 for more information. 8 For questions or comments about the Happy Times, call 210-522-2687.
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series. Max the Dog narrates as the mean and scheming Grinch,
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