Nepean Visual Arts Centre Centre des arts visuels


Nepean Visual Arts Centre Centre des arts visuels
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
1701 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean Sportsplex, Entrance 3, Nepean
613-580-2828 option 3
Learn in a relaxed and creative studio setting. The Nepean Visual Arts Centre focuses on fine
arts, pottery and specialised workshops. The NVAC offers programs at the Nepean Sportsplex
and its satellite location, the Nepean Creative Arts Centre in Bells Corners.
1701, avenue Woodroffe, Sportsplex de Nepean, porte 3
Découvrez l’art dance l’ambiance detendue et propice à la création d’un studio. Le Centre des
arts visuals de Nepean met l’accent sur les beaux-arts, la poterie et les ateliers spécialisés. Le
Centre offer des programmes à deux endroits différents—au CAVN, 1701, avenue Woodroffe et
au Centre des art créatifs de Nepean, 35, chemin Stafford (Bells Corners).
Course Information:
Children’s course fees include supplies.
Supply costs for most Adult programs are
not included in the Adult program fee.
Supply requirements or additional fees will
be listed on printed course receipts or can
be picked-up when registering. If you have
questions regarding your supply
requirements, please call the Nepean Visual
Arts Centre at 580-2424 ext. 46652.
Additional modeling fees may apply to some
Arts Tax Credit: Keep Your Receipts
Many City of Ottawa Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Services programs may be eligible
for the Children's Arts Tax Credit. The
Children's Arts Tax Credit is a federal, nonrefundable, personal tax credit that lets
parents claim up to $500 per year for eligible
programs of artistic, cultural, recreational or
developmental activity expenses paid for
each child who is under 16 years of age at
the beginning of the year in which the
expenses are paid. For more information on
this credit, please see the Canada Revenue
Agency website
No classes on: Oct. 6-9, 2012 & Feb. 18,
March 11-17, March 29-31 and April 1, 2013
Renseignements sur les cours :
Programmes pour enfants : le prix des
fournitures est inclus dans les programmes
pour enfants. Pour la plupart des
programmes pour adultes, le prix des
fournitures n'est pas inclus. Les fournitures
requises ou les frais supplémentaires seront
indiqués sur les reçus de cours imprimés ou
vous pourrez en prendre connaissance lors
de l'inscription. Si vous avez des questions
au sujet des fournitures requises pour votre
cours, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre
des arts visuels de Nepean au
613-580-2424, poste 46652. Pour certains
cours, il pourrait y avoir des frais
supplémentaires relatifs aux modèles
Crédit d’impôt pour les activités
artistiques : De nombreux programmes du
Service des parcs, des loisirs et de la
culture de la Ville d’Ottawa pourraient être
admissibles au Crédit d'impôt pour les
activités artistiques des enfants. Ce crédit
constitue un crédit d’impôt personnel, non
remboursable, du gouvernement fédéral qui
permet aux parents de réclamer jusqu’à
500 $ par année sur les frais d’inscription à
certains programmes admissibles d’activités
artistiques, culturelles, récréatives et de
développement pour chaque enfant âgé de
moins de 16 ans au début de l’année au
cours de laquelle les dépenses sont
encourues. Pour obtenir de plus amples
renseignements, veuillez consulter le site
Il n’y aura pas de cours du 6 au 9 octobre
2012; anisi que du 18 février, du 11 au 17
mars et du 1 avril 2013.
Preschool /
Kids Create
Designed to develop your child's creativity
and artistic skills through the introduction of
a variety of art and craft activities.
Participants must be toilet trained.
Instructor: Gwynn Norman
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
3-5 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
3-5 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
9-10:30 am
11 am-12:30 pm
Time Traveller
Journey through art history and create
drawings, painting, sculptures and more.
Bring your own ideas and images to life
while learning hands on about famous
artists. Instructor: Jeanine Anderson
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
3-5 yrs
Sep 25-Nov 27
Jan 22-Apr 2
Apr 16-Jun 18
3-5 yrs
Jan 19-Apr 6
9-11 am
2:30-4:30 pm
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Children / Enfants
Art Around the World
Broaden your child's horizons… stories,
songs, music, games and crafts from
various cultures around the world.
Instructor: Patricia Brunelle
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
6-12 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Apr 13-Jun 22
1-2:30 pm
$144.75 709880
$144.75 713633
Cartooning – Beginner
Discover the art of cartooning. A variety of
cartooning and animation techniques will be
used as students learn about this fun and
exciting field.
Instructor: Patrick Fraser
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
9-12 yrs
Sep 23-Dec 2
Jan 20-Apr 7
Apr 14-Jun 23
10-11:30 am
Cartooning – Intermediate
Discover a variety of cartooning and stopmotion animation techniques in this fun and
exciting field. Further develop your skills in
illustration, comics and animation.
Prerequisite: Cartooning – Beginner.
Instructor: Patrick Fraser
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
9-12 yrs
Sep 23-Dec 2
Jan 20-Apr 7
Apr 14-Jun 23
noon-1:30 pm
Multi Media Mixing It
A dynamic,creative experience, which
explores different mediums and techniques
in art. Projects will integrate drawing,
painting, sculpture collage and more. New
ideas each class.
Instructor: Patricia Brunelle
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
6-8 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
6-8 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
9-10:30 am
11 am-12:30 pm
Pottery – Handbuilding
Make creative clay sculptures and projects
using handbuilding techniques. To finish
your projects, surface decorations, textures
and glazing techniques will be introduced.
Instructor: Allison Usher
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
7-9 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
7-9 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
10-11:30 am
noon-1:30 pm
Sketching and Painting
Drawing and painting with medias such as
watercolours, acrylics, charcoal, conté and
pastels, with advanced techniques and
learning opportunities.
Instructor: Jeanine Anderson
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
9-13 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
9-13 yrs
Sep 22-Dec 1
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22
9:30-11:30 am
noon-2 pm
Youth / Ados
Pottery Wheel Basic and
Learn wheel thrown techniques to create
cylinders, vases and bowls on the pottery
wheel. More advanced techniques shown to
students with previous experience.
Instructor: Meagan Pethick
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
11-14 yrs
10 am-noon
Sep 22-Dec 1 $210
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22 $210
11-14 yrs
1-3 pm
Sep 22-Dec 1 $210
Jan 19-Apr 6
Apr 13-Jun 22 $210
Family / Famille
Parent and Child Handbuilding
Parent and child are going to have fun
making hand built pottery. Adult and Child
must register separately. One child per adult
-no exceptions. Grandparents welcome.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Instructor: Allison Usher
Sep 23-Oct 28 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Nov 4-Dec 2
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 20-Feb 17 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Feb 24-Apr 7
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Apr 14-May 12 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
May 26-Jun 23 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
10 am-noon
10 am-noon
10 am-noon
10 am-noon
10 am-noon
10 am-noon
“My child loves coming to class each week. The instructor is great and makes it fun and
interesting. This is a great facility and super program”
Parent of NVAC Participant
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Instructor: Tim Thibeault
Sep 23-Oct 28 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Nov 4-Dec 2
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 20-Feb 17 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Feb 24-Apr 7
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
Apr 14-May 12 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
May 26-Jun 23 Sun.
6-10 yrs
19+ yrs
1-3 pm
1-3 pm
1-3 pm
1-3 pm
1-3 pm
1-3 pm
Pottery Wheel – Parent and Teen
Learn wheel thrown techniques to create
projects together or just to work along side
your teen in a creative environment. Adult
and Child must register separately. One
child per adult, no exceptions.
Instructor: Meagan Pethick
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 23-Dec 2
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 20-Apr 7
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Apr 14-Jun 9
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Sep 23-Dec 2
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 20-Apr 7
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Apr 14-Jun 9
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Sep 23-Dec 2
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 20-Apr 7
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
9:30-11:30 am
9:30-11:30 am
9:30-11:30 am
noon-2 pm
noon-2 pm
noon-2 pm
2:30-4:30 pm
2:30-4:30 pm
Apr 14-Jun 9
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
2:30-4:30 pm
Pottery Parent and Teen
Spend time with your teen or tween creating
pottery projects together in a fun and
easygoing setting. Adult and Child must
register separately. One child per adult, no
Instructor: Allison Usher
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 24-Nov 19
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Jan 21-Mar 25
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
Apr 15-Jun 10
11-14 yrs
19+ yrs
6:30-8:30 pm
6:30-8:30 pm
6:30-8:30 pm
Adults / Adultes
Explore the brilliant colours of autumn
through detailed watercolour studies of fall
foliage. Demos and individual instruction will
improve your painting technique. Botanical
Art One and Two recommended.
Instructor: Kerri Weller
Sep 19-Oct 24
Level 1 – Drawing
Through practical exercises, master
fundamental drawing skills to create true to
life drawings and paintings of botanical
subjects. Suitable for beginners to
intermediates. Returning students continue
to improve skills and develop personal style.
Instructor: Kerri Weller
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
9 am-noon
$300.25 709063
Level 2 – Watercolour Basics
Introduction to materials and watercolour
techniques used by contemporary botanical
artists to create realistic plant portraits. Step
by step instructions and demos allow
students who have never painted to try their
hand at watercolour. Instructor: Kerri Weller
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Jan 16-Mar 27
Fall Leaves
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Botanical Art /
Art botanique
Sep 19-Dec 5
Bergenia by Kerri Weller©
9 am-noon
$250.25 709946
1-4 pm
$150.25 711723
Garden Journal
– Drawing
Sketching and field studies outdoors add to
the enjoyment of spring! Drawing classes
will be held at the NVAC and at the
Experimental Farm. Suitable for all levels.
Instructor: Kerri Weller
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
May 1-Jun 19
9 am-noon
$200.25 713598
Garden Journal
– Watercolour
Create watercolour studies of wildflowers
and spring blooms in your journal. Classes
will be held at the NVAC and at the
Experimental Farm. Suitable for all levels.
Instructor: Kerri Weller
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
May 1-Jun 19
1-4 pm
$200.25 713603
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Winter Textures
Work in pencil or watercolour. Drawing and
watercolour drybrush techniques will be
mastered in studies of seedpods, bark, twigs
and nuts. Botanical Art One recommended.
Instructor: Kerri Weller
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Jan 16-Mar 27
1-4 pm
$250.25 709929
Drawing and Painting /
Dessin et peinture
Canvas and Cocktails NEW
Explore your artistic side with this night out!
Learn the very basics of acrylic painting,
completing a 16”x20” canvas while exploring
and savouring wines from around the world.
Supplies and two glasses of wine included.
Professional art instructor and wine
sommelier guide you and answer questions.
Instructors: Various Instructors
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 21
Oct 19
Nov 16
Jan 25
Feb 22
Mar 22
Apr 5
May 17
Jun 14
6:30-9:30 pm
$73.25 727548
$73.25 727557
$73.25 727579
$73.25 727592
$73.25 727602
$73.25 727604
$73.25 727618
$73.25 727623
$73.25 727626
Collage Based Acrylic
Explore collage creation, and then go a step
further in re-creating the image as a large
scale acrylic painting. Discuss techniques to
scale up and reproduce the image. The final
results possess a trompe l'oeil effect and
are truly contemporary in approach.
Instructor: Blair Paul
Drawing Introduction
Learn simple tips that make a big difference
in the way you see and draw. Observational
skills are built while studying perspective,
values, understanding mass, line, contour
drawing, shading and more. Suitable for
beginners and intermediates. Pencil and
minimal colour medium.
Instructor: Kerry Stothers
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709064
$208.50 709952
$208.75 712246
Exclusively Oils
– Beginner and Intermediate
Topics covered: materials, equipment,
colour theory, colour mixing, applications
and composition. Intermediate students will
be encouraged to work from their own
Instructor: Ted Duncan
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 19-Dec 5
Jan 23-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 713834
$208.50 716162
$208.75 712277
Introduction to Acrylic Landscape
Landscape is a challenging subject. Begin to
understand the acrylic paint medium and
subject interpretation. All levels welcome.
Instructor: Blair Paul
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 19-Dec 5
Jan 23-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709070
$208.50 709984
$208.75 712258
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Jan 24-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
7-9:30 pm
$208.50 713672
$208.75 713675
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Miniature Landscape
Painting in Acrylic
Landscape in a miniature format, no larger
than 4'x6', is rarely seen today. Strong
design and intelligent use of colour is
essential in all art. What is different is the
size of brushes used to get this very small,
intimate window on the world.
Instructor: Blair Paul
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 20-Dec 6
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 711768
Oil/Acrylic Painting – Level 1
A wonderful way for beginners to learn to
paint and gain confidence. Paint mixing,
colour, value, form and techniques will be
covered through the instructor's step-bystep demonstrations. Use the subject matter
of your choice.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Instructor: Kerry Stothers
7-9:30 pm
Sep 18-Dec 4 $250.25 709077
Jan 22-Apr 2
$208.50 710003
Apr 16-Jun 18 $208.75 712267
Instructor: Ted Duncan
Sep 18-Dec 4 $250.25 709082
Jan 22-Apr 2
$208.50 710008
Oil/Acrylic Painting – Levels 1/2
Individual instruction will be given to
enhance and develop your skills.
Perspective, colour mixing and painting
techniques will be explored using the
subject matter of your choice.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Instructor: Kerry Stothers
9:30 am-noon
Sep 19-Dec 5 $250.25 709095
Jan 23-Apr 3
$208.50 710135
Apr 17-Jun 19 $208.75 712271
1-3:30 pm
Sep 19-Dec 5 $250.25 709092
Jan 23-Apr 3
$208.50 710054
Apr 17-Jun 19 $208.75 712270
Instructor: Ted Duncan
7-9:30 pm
Sep 20-Dec 6 $250.25 709098
Jan 24-Apr 4
$208.50 710146
Apr 18-Jun 20 $208.75 712280
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Instructor: Kerry Stothers
1-3:30 pm
Sep 21-Dec 7 $250.25 709090
Jan 18-Apr 5
$208.50 710039
Apr 19-Jun 21 $208.75 712281
Painting with Pizzazz
Paint a picture to liven up your decor.
Express yourself with contemporary designs
using brushes, painting knife, roller, old
credit cards, etc. No experience required.
Be amazed at your results! Teens 15 and
older welcome.
Instructor: TBA
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Nov 18
9:30 am-3:30 pm
$125.25 713712
Traditional Oil Techniques
– Level 1/2
Learn age-old methods of painting with oils.
Using Vermeer's painting Girl with a Pearl
Earring as inspiration, we will explore a
traditional approach to oil painting. We will
discuss materials, colour, underpainting,
overpainting, glazing, etc. Client must
provide their own supplies.
Instructor: Kathy McNenly
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709102
$208.50 710160
$208.75 712286
Watercolour – Level 1
This class is designed for the beginner
student. Learn the very basic techniques
and hone them through practical exercises.
Subjects include composition, colour theory,
landscapes, florals and more.
Instructor: Ted Duncan
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
9:30 am-noon
$250.25 709104
$208.50 710178
$208.75 712291
Courses are promoted in the language
in which they are taught.
Les cours sont annoncés dans la
langue dans laquelle ils sont offerts.
Watercolour – Levels 1/2
Explore watercolour techniques, colour
theory and elements of painting through
exercise and demonstrations. Individual
attention will be tailored to the needs of
students by the instructor.
Instructor: Patricia Brunelle
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
Sep 20-Dec 6
Jan 24-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709108
$208.50 710789
$208.75 712304
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709110
$208.50 710801
$208.75 712313
Jewellery / Bijoux
Silver Jewellery – Beginner
Make finger rings, toe rings, earrings and
bracelets. Learn the basic techniques of
sawing, shaping, soldering and finishing
pieces of personal jewellery in sterling silver.
Complete two projects. Experienced
students can work on their own projects.
Instructor: Karl Schutt
Instructor: Karl Schutt
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
9 am-noon
Apr 15-May 13 $163.75 713625
Mixed Media /
Techniques mixtes
Introduction to
Mixed Media
A basic understanding of acrylic paints, inks
and mediums, colour theory, printing,
collaging, layering, the use of dry media and
an investigation of painting surfaces. No
experience necessary, but some may be
Instructor: Yvette Nugent
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 19-Dec 5
Jan 23-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
9 am-noon
$163.75 709737
$163.75 711573
Silver Rings with Stones
Make finger rings set with your favourite
gemstones. Using sterling silver sheet, wire
and your choice of gemstone, you will
complete two projects- rings or other
fashionable jewellery items. Experienced
students welcome.
Instructor: Karl Schutt
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Nov 5-Dec 3
9 am-noon
$163.75 709738
Simple Silver Casting
Objects, either found or made from plastic,
can be duplicated in sterling silver using
cuttlefish bone or casting sand. The
technique is simple and immediate and can
easily be done at home without expensive
equipment. Complete two projects.
Experienced students welcome.
7-9:30 pm
$250.25 709923
$208.50 711710
$208.50 713666
“Our instructor is very enthusiastic and
imparted lots of knowledge”
NVAC Participant
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 24-Oct 29
Jan 28-Mar 4
Pottery / Potterie
Participants in pottery programs must
provide their own clay and tools, all clay
MUST be purchased at the NVAC at a fee
per bag (this fee helps offset the cost of
glazes and firing). Tools are also
available for purchase. Supply
requirements or additional fees will be
listed on printed course receipts or can
be picked-up when registering. If you
have questions about supplies, please
call the NVAC at 580-2424 ext. 46652.
Discovering Your Voice in Clay
Learn new techniques in handbuilding,
wheel throwing, glazing and design. All
levels. Work through projects with a serious
interest in improving your skills.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Oct 5-Nov 9
$173.25 709231
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Hand Built Vessels
Handbuilding is a method of creating clay
pots off of the Wheel. Introduction to a
variety of forming methods to make
functional pottery. All levels welcome.
Instructor: Allison Usher
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 18-Dec 4
Jan 22-Apr 2
Apr 16-Jun 18
Sep 20-Dec 6
Jan 24-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
9:30 am-noon
$346.50 709232
$288.75 711392
$288.75 712411
7-9:30 pm
$346.50 709234
$288.75 711397
$288.75 712413
"I loved the class—great instructor. Can’t
wait to do it again"
Pottery Participant
Sculptural Handbuilding NEW
Explore handbuilt construction techniques,
with heavy emphasis on the addition of
sculptural elements. Tailored appropriately
to participants level. Some experience with
clay is recommended.
Instructor: Colette Beardall
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 19-Dec 5
Jan 23-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
7-9:30 pm
$346.50 713683
$288.75 713687
$288.75 713706
Pottery Special Projects
Do you have a special project in mind but
don't quite know how to accomplish it?
Instructor will mentor you through to a
finished product. Intermediate to Advanced
potters only.
Instructor: Doug Moir
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
9:30 am-noon
$346.50 709733
$288.75 711566
$288.75 713619
Pottery Studios / Les studios de potterie
Nepean Visual Arts Centre / Centre des arts visuals, Nepean Sportsplex
1701, Avenue Woodroffe Ave.
613-580-2424 ext. 46652
Wheel and / or Hand building
No instruction. Previous experience in the Nepean Visual Arts Centre Pottery Studio or
instructional class is required. Participants must provide their own clay and tools. All
clay MUST be purchased at the Nepean Visual Arts Centre at a fee per bag (This fee
helps offset the cost of glazes and firing). Note: Spring classes are not open to
registration until March 6, 2013.
Fall & Winter
12 weeks $153.50
10 weeks $128
Sep 10-Dec 3
Jan 7-Apr 15
Apr 22-Jul 8
Sep 11-Nov 27
Jan 8-Apr 2
Apr 16-Jun 18
Sep 12-Nov 28
Jan 9-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
Sep 12-Nov 28
Jan 9-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
Sep 13-Nov 29
Jan 10-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
Sep 13-Nov 29
Jan 10-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
Sep 14-Dec 7
Jan 4-Apr 5
Apr 19-Jun 21
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
1-4 pm
6:30-9:30 pm
6:30-9:30 pm
6:30-9:30 pm
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Wheel – Level 1 and 2
This course is a complete introduction to
wheel throwing techniques. Explore basic
wheel thrown shapes to make cylinders,
plates and bowls. Surface decorations
including features and glazing techniques
will be introduced.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Wheel and Handbuilding Combo
Explore both pottery techniques during one
course! Learn wheel throwing techniques
plus a variety of forming methods including
the slab roller to make functional forms.
Surface decoration & glaze techniques will
be introduced.
Instructors: Allison Usher & Liz Hoffmann
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
Sep 18-Dec 4
Sep 18-Dec 4
Jan 22-Apr 2
Jan 22-Apr 2
Apr 16-Jun 18
Apr 16-Jun 18
1-3:30 pm
$346.50 709257
$288.75 711443
$288.75 712449
7-9:30 pm
$346.50 709258
$346.50 709259
$288.75 711452
$288.75 711454
$288.75 712455
$288.75 712457
Wheel – Level 1
This course is a complete introduction to
wheel throwing techniques. Create basic
vessel forms such as cylinders and bowls.
Glazing, decorative techniques and
application of handles will be introduced.
Instructor: Doug Moir
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 17-Dec 10
Jan 14-Apr 8
Apr 15-Jun 24
7-9:30 pm
$346.50 709261
$288.75 711461
$288.75 712464
Instructor: Doug Moir
9:30 am-noon
Sep 18-Dec 4 $346.50 709262
Jan 22-Apr 2
$288.75 711466
Apr 16-Jun 18 $288.75 712469
Instructor: Susan Gold
7-9:30 pm
Sep 19-Dec 5 $346.50 709264
Jan 23-Apr 3
$288.75 711472
Apr 17-Jun 19 $288.75 712470
Instructor: Liz Hoffmann
7-9:30 pm
Sep 20-Dec 6 $346.50 709265
Jan 24-Apr 4
$288.75 711479
Apr 18-Jun 20 $288.75 712471
Special Needs /
Besoins spéciaux
Experience Clay
Enjoy the sensations of working with
earthenware clay while making both
decorative and practical pieces such as
vases, wall hangings, and dried flower
sconces. For adults with physical and
developmental disabilities and their worker.
Instructor: Susan Gold
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
1:30-3 pm
Oct 4-Nov 8
$99.50 709062
Apr 18-May 23 $99.50 712245
Studios / Studios
Life Drawing Studio – Combo
Drawing from the nude model. Provides
participants with the opportunity to draw or
paint in the media of your choice. Short
poses followed by one hour long pose.
Studio members share the cost of the
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 13-Dec 13
Jan 10-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
9:30 am-noon
$71.25 709066
$61.25 709959
Life Studio – Short/Gestural Poses
Drawing from the nude model. Provides
participants with the opportunity to draw or
paint in the media of your choice. Short &
gestural poses. Model fees not included ,
studio members share the cost of the
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 9-Dec 16
Jan 6-Apr 7
Apr 14-Jun 23
Sep 11-Dec 11
Jan 8-Apr 2
Apr 16-Jun 18
10 am-12:30 pm
$71.25 709068
$61.25 709964
9:30 am-noon
$71.25 709069
$61.25 709973
Oil or Acrylic Studio
No instruction. Bring your own subject
matter or still life to paint. Please use only
odourless solvents.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 14-Dec 14
Jan 4-Apr 5
Apr 19-Jun 21
9:30 am-noon
$71.25 709074
$61.25 709995
Note: Spring classes are not open to
registration until March 6, 2013.
Schedule and fees may be subject to
change. Fees include HST.
Nota : Il n’est pas possible de s’inscrire
aux cours de printemps avant le
6 mars 2013.
Veuillez note que les frais d’inscription
peuvent être sujets à changement
sans préavis. TVH incluse.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Portraiture Studio
Watercolour Studio
This supportive studio group is dedicated to
portraiture in its many forms. No instruction
is involved. All levels of skill are welcome.
Studio members share the cost of the
No instruction. Bring your own subject
matter or still life to paint.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 12-Dec 12
Jan 9-Apr 3
Apr 17-Jun 19
9:30 am-noon
$71.25 709731
$61.25 711487
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 13-Dec 13
Jan 10-Apr 4
Apr 18-Jun 20
Sep 14-Dec 14
Jan 4-Apr 5
Apr 19-Jun 21
10 am-3 pm
$142.50 709117
$122.50 710825
10 am-3 pm
$142.50 709115
$122.50 710813
ARTS...affordable, accessible, approachable, awesome!
Did you know that there are many FREE arts and culture activities
throughout the year?
Ottawa Hand in Hand: Recreation & Culture Fee Support
The City of Ottawa offers financial support to ensure that all residents can participate in recreation and culture programs and activities offered
by the City, regardless of their ability to pay. For additional information or to obtain a fee support application, visit your local recreation facility
or any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre. Applicants will be asked to provide proof of financial need.
Children’s Arts Tax Credit: Keep Your Receipts
Many City of Ottawa Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services programs may be eligible for the Children's Arts Tax Credit. The Children's Arts
Tax Credit is a federal, non-refundable, personal tax credit that lets parents claim up to $500 per year for eligible programs of artistic, cultural,
recreational or developmental activity expenses paid for each child who is under 16 years of age at the beginning of the year in which the
expenses are paid. For more information on this credit, please see the Canada Revenue Agency website
Free Lunchtime Performing Arts Series
Plan to experience the sights and sounds of some of Ottawa’s most talented artists during the summers at wading pool parks across Ottawa.
Each summer Lunchtime Performing Arts Series offer a variety of arts activities for children and youth on Thursdays from 11 am to 4 pm with
a live performance from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. A low-cost BBQ lunch can be enjoyed as well as games and other special guests. And don’t forget
to bring your bathing suit so you can enjoy a splash in the pool! Watch for the Summer 2013 line-up at for details.
Culture Days
On September 28-30, 2012, come and try out some fun, creative, and FREE workshops in Dance, Theatre, Pottery, Painting, Printmaking,
Drumming, Movie Making, and Watercolours. Explore the opportunities the City’s arts centres and galleries have to offer. Free instruction and
supplies. Culture Days is a free, interactive celebration of arts and culture from coast to coast to coast. This fall, Canadians everywhere will
participate in thousands of free events that bring creators and the public together to celebrate the creative vitality of our communities. For a
complete listing of free events, gallery tours, and activities in Ottawa, please visit
National Youth Arts Week provides an opportunity for young people ages 13 to 30 to express and exchange their ideas, showcase their
talents, get excited about art and creativity and celebrate their positive contributions to their communities and to Canada. For one week each
spring, young people across Canada join together to host the largest youth-led celebration of creative expression and community involvement
this country has ever seen. National Youth Arts Week showcases simultaneous youth-led projects from St. John's to Vancouver and
everywhere in between. The week is a project of the Arts Network for Children and Youth. Visit
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Nepean Visual Arts Centre /
Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
1701, Avenue Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean Sportsplex
Hours / Heures :
Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Please call centre for evening and weekend hours.
Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Closed Saturday. Please call centre for evening hours.
Du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30
Veuillez appeler le centre pour connaître les heures d’ouverture des soirs et
des fins de semaine.
Du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30
Fermé les samedis
Veuillez appeler le centre pour connaître les heures d’ouverture des soirs.
Staff / Personnel :
Programmer / Programmeur
Corrie Keevel
613-580-2424 ext. 41260
Customer Service Clerk /
Commis, Service à la clientèle
Karen Borrens
613-580-2424 ext.46652
Pottery Technicians / Potiers
Doug Moir
613-580-2424 ext.46652
Alison Usher
613-580-2424 ext.46652
Communications & Marketing /
Coordinator of Volunteers / Direction des
communications et du marketing,
coordonnatrice des volontaires
Laura Logan
613-580-2424 ext. 42263
Instructors / Instructeurs
Allison Usher
Blair Paul
Crystal Beshara
Doris Lamontagne
Doug Moir
Gwynn Norman
Jadzia Romaniec
Jeanine Anderson
Karl Schutt
Kathy McNenly
Kerri Weller
Kerry Stothers
Liz Hoffman
Meagan Pethick
Patricia Brunelle
Patrick Fraser
Stephanie Browness
Susan Gold
Tim Thibeault
Tricia Savoie
Ted Duncan
Yvette Nugent
Nepean Visual Arts Centre | Centre des arts visuels de Nepean
Culture Days Ottawa 2012
Fête de la culture Ottawa 2012
On September 28-30, 2012 come and try out some fun, creative workshops—for free!
This Culture Day we want you to explore the exciting opportunities the Nepean Creative Arts Centre and Nepean Visual Arts Centre have to
offer this Fall and Winter. Free instruction and supplies. All welcome! Please note the location when selecting a program and information
number. Pre-registration is required for some workshops.
Le 28 septembre 2012, venez participer gratuitement à des ateliers amusants et créatifs.
À l’occasion de cette Fête de la culture, nous voulons vous faire découvrir toutes les possibilités intéressantes offertes cet automne et cet
hiver par le Centre des arts créatifs de Nepean et le Centre des arts visuels de Nepean. Enseignement et fournitures gratuites. Vous êtes tous
les bienvenus! Veuillez noter l’endroit ou aura lieu l’activité que vous choisissez ainsi que le numéro de référence.
L’inscription préalable est requise pour certains ateliers.
Preschool /
Nepean Visual Arts Centre /
Centre des arts visuels
1701, avenue Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean Sportsplex, Entrance 3
613-580-2828 ext. 3
Ben Franklin Place / Place Ben Franklin
101, promenade Centrepointe Drive
Gardener’s House
104, avenue Greenview Avenue,
(Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre)
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
3-5 yrs
Sep 30
Children / Enfants
Fairytale Ball
It's time your Princess or Prince Charming
got dressed for the ball! Learn dance moves
to show off at the end. Hurry! We'll see you
at the ball!
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
3-6 yrs
Sep 30
Nepean Creative Arts Centre /
Centre des arts créatifs
35, rue Stafford Road
2-4 pm
Gotta Dance
Does your child like to dance? This class
exposes children to a variety of different
dance styles with room for creative
expression. You will be joining a course that
is currently running.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
3-5 yrs
10:30-11:15 am
Sep 30
Miss Katherine’s Creative
Arts Club – Drop In Activity
A chance to create and participate in a dropin arts experience. Hands-on visual arts and
imaginative activities. All are welcome;
creativity knows no limits to age or ability.
Culture Days | Fête de la culture
Children enjoy music and movement, and
learn the basics of jazz dance. Exercises
are structured to develop strength, balance,
flexibility and coordination. Children will
expand their creative scope and gain
confidence in their abilities. You will be
joining a course that is currently running.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
8-12 yrs
Sep 30
9:30-10:30 am
Hip Hop
Learn all the moves in this fun, energetic
dance class. Hip Hop, with its roots in street
dancing and break dancing, provides a good
cardio workout to funky, up-beat tunes. Hip
Hop is easy to learn and fun for all ages!
You will be joining a course that is currently
Music Ability
Children of all abilities will create music
using adaptive electronic devices and
instruments. Children with significant
disabilities are encouraged to participate.
Ensemble playing, composing, and
recording music are all components of this
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Sep 30
Paint a Story
Express the realities of life and
neighbourhood. Experiment with the
elements: line, shape, form, texture.
Incorporate design: color, harmony, pattern
and movement. Develop skills of visual
expression through palette knife and acrylic
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Sep 30
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
7-11 yrs
Sep 30
11:15 am-noon
Culture Days Ottawa 2012
Fête de la culture Ottawa 2012
Family / Famille
Celebrate Open House at
Stafford Studios
Stafford Studios invites curious minds to
indulge in conversation and interaction with
its artists as they paint, draw, and sculpt in
their studios and exhibit their artwork.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Sep 30
Discover Open House at the
Gardener’s House Artists’ Studios
Inside a small white bungalow at Britannia
Beach exist five artist studios! Let curiosity
get the better of you and talk and interact
with the artists as they paint, draw, and
sculpt in their studios and exhibit their
Gardener’s House
Sep 30
Hand Drumming – Parent and
Learn the joy of music through hand
drumming. Join our drum circle and learn
traditional African and Latin rhythms on
djembes, congas, timbales, and more. No
musical training required.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
6-11 yrs
Sep 30
11 am-noon
Get behind the scenes access as you watch
one of Ottawa’s community theatre groups
rehearse their latest show: Puss In Boots.
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Lisa Creskey: Images to Inhabit
Always wanted to try pottery? Join us for
fun and experimentation. Supplies provided.
Absolute beginners welcome. Registration is
Exhibition of artwork and hands-on
participation in “Sgrafitto”. Participants will
learn the art of sgraffito: the technique of
scraping away layers of coloured clay to
produce an image.
Sep 28
Sep 30
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
4:30-6:30 pm
Which Witch is Which? – Drop In
Ben Franklin Place
Persian Dance
Explore workshops in Persian dance
choreographies and techniques.
Storytelling, poetry-on-the-spot and other
creative activities with Susan Atkinson and
Kim Dalrymple, teachers and authors of
Where Do Witches Go?
17+ yrs
Sep 30
Sep 30
Ottawa/Gatineau Printmakers
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Lakeside Players
Sep 30
Parent and Child Pottery –
Adults / Adultes
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Printmaking demonstrations and selling of
hand pulled prints. Located in Ottawa’s only
all green printmaking studio!
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Indian Dance
Using the techniques of Bharatanatyam: a
traditional Indian dance, students will
explore new and modern expressions in
movement in Indian contemporary
Sep 30
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Sep 30
Culture Days | Fête de la culture
Culture Days Ottawa 2012
Fête de la culture Ottawa 2012
Oil and Acrylic Painting –
Always wanted to try oil or acrylic painting?
Join us for fun and experimentation.
Supplies provided. Absolute beginners
welcome. Registration is required.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 28
Sep 28
5-7 pm
7:30-9:30 pm
Pottery Handbuilding – Workshop
Always wanted to try a clay class off the
wheel? Join us for fun and experimentation.
Supplies provided. Absolute beginners
welcome. Registration is required.
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Sep 28
Sep 28
5-7 pm
7:30-9:30 pm
Culture Days | Fête de la culture
Pottery Wheel – Workshop
Watercolour Painting – Workshop
Always wanted to try a class using a pottery
wheel? Join us for fun and experimentation.
Supplies provided. Absolute beginners
welcome. Registration is required.
Always wanted to try watercolour painting?
Join us for fun and experimentation.
Supplies provided. Absolute beginners
welcome. Registration is required.
Sep 28
Sep 28
Sep 28
Sep 28
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
5-7 pm
7:30-9:30 pm
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
5-7 pm
7:30-9:30 pm
Stephanie Huckabone:
Perspective of a Mainlander
Workshops with the Ottawa
Watercolour Society
Exhibition of artwork and hands-on
participation in the making of handmade
Take a plunge into watercolour with two
great workshops: “How to Create and Keep
a Watercolour Journal” by Brenda Beattie,
and “Paint Like No One’s Watching” by
Rosemary Randell.
Ben Franklin Place
Sep 30
11 am-2pm
Nepean Creative Arts Centre
Sep 30
Key Benefits of the Arts
Principaux bénéfices d’art
Key Benefits of the Arts
Classes for kids and adults can cultivate a curiosity. In doing so,
children can develop a number of advantages over their peers.
Studies have shown that adolescents who are provided
ongoing exposure to various forms of artistic expression enjoy
marked improvements in motor skills, coordination, concentration,
and in other areas.
By nurturing a child's natural attraction to creative works, that child
can enjoy a developmental head start in life.
#1 – Boost in Creativity
Art classes for kids support the development of their creativity while
giving students the opportunity to express themselves.
#2 – Increased Concentration
Art teaches them to concentrate in other areas of their lives. Too
often, young people are easily distracted, spurred largely by video
games and television. Carefully formulated lessons in painting,
sculpting, and illustration encourage them to ignore distractions and
focus on the task in front of them.
#3 – Better Eye-Hand Coordination
Art classes for kids provide children with the opportunity to develop
eye-hand coordination.
#4 – Affirmation Through Achievement
By expressing themselves artistically, young people can enjoy the
freedom of creativity without the concern of potential failure. Art
classes for kids facilitate this affirmation in an environment that
focuses upon the process of creation rather than the end result.
#5 – Ability to Complete Projects
Art develops the ability to take projects through completion.
Students learn to derive a sense of personal satisfaction from
finishing their projects. Though they don't realize it, they're building
the foundation of an important character trait that will yield dividends
throughout their adult lives.
Taken from Christine O'Kelly, writer for Young Rembrandts.
Principaux bénéfices que les enfants et ceux
qui les aiment peuvent tirer de cours d'art
Les cours pour enfants et les adultes éveillent la curiosité. De cette
manière, les enfants peuvent développer un certain nombre
d'atouts qui les distinguent des autres. Des études ont démontré
que les adolescents exposés à diverses formes d'expression
artistique ont amélioré de façon significative leur motricité, leur
coordination, leur concentration et d'autres habiletés.
En stimulant l'attirance innée des enfants pour le travail créatif,
ceux-ci partiront dans la vie avec une longueur d'avance.
#1 – Augmenter la créativité
Les cours d'art aux enfants aident à développer leur créativité tout
en leur donnant la possibilité de s'exprimer.
#2 – Accroître la concentration
La création artistique apprend aux enfants à se concentrer sur
autre chose dans leur vie. Trop souvent les jeunes sont facilement
distraits ou surexcités par les jeux vidéo et la télévision. Un bon
enseignement en peinture, en sculpture et en dessin leur évite des
distractions et les incite à centrer leur attention sur la tâche
#3 – Améliorer la coordination œil-main
L'enseignement de l'art permet aux enfants de développer un bon
niveau de coordination œil-main.
#4 – S’affirmer par le biais de l’accomplissement
Par l'expression artistique, les jeunes ressentent le bonheur de
créer en toute liberté sans la contrainte liée à la crainte de l'échec.
Les cours d'art pour enfants facilitent cette affirmation grâce à
l'environnement qui met l'emphase sur le processus de création
plutôt que sur le résultat final.
#5 – Développer une aptitude à terminer des projets
L'art développe la capacité de mener des projets à bien. Les élèves
apprennent qu'ils peuvent tirer une grande satisfaction personnelle
en venant à bout de leurs projets. Sans le savoir, ils établissent les
bases d'un important trait de caractère qui leur servira tout au long
de leur vie.
Tiré d'un texte rédigé par Christine O'Kelly pour Young Rembrandts.
Key Benefits of the Arts | Principaux bénéfices d’art
NCAC / NVAC Guide | Guide de CACN / CAVN
NCAC / NVAC Registration Information
CACN / CAVN Modes d’inscription
Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 registration begins:
Online/Touch Tone 10 pm August 15.
In person August 16 during business hours
NOTE: Spring registration starts March 6, 2013 at 10 pm.
Choose the method that’s most convenient for you!
Online: direct your browser to and
select the Register button to view programs and to sign up for a
course. You can register online for any course that has a program
code. Please have your credit card number and expiry date ready
(Visa/MasterCard). You will need your Family PIN number and Client
Touch Tone Telephone: at 613-580-2588. Please have your
credit card number and expiry date ready (Visa/MasterCard). You
will need your Family PIN number and Client Barcode(s). Receipts
will be available upon request.
In person: visit a City of Ottawa recreation facility during normal
operating hours to register for your course. Registration must be
done in person for courses without a program code. In person
registration is also accepted at City of Ottawa Client Service
Centres. Payments accepted by cash, cheque (made payable to the
City of Ottawa), debit or credit card (Visa/MasterCard).
Registration Information:
Programs must be paid for in full at the time of registration. Payment
can be made by cheque, credit card, debit card or in cash. Cheques
are made payable to the City of Ottawa.
Courses with insufficient registration will be cancelled. If a class or
lesson is cancelled, every attempt will be made to re-schedule. If the
class or lesson cannot be rescheduled, a refund will be issued.
Returned Cheque /Declined Credit Card Fee:
A service fee will be charged after two declined credit card payments
and on all cheques returned as Non Sufficient Funds (NSF); Stop
Payment; or Funds Not Cleared. Schedules and fees may be subject
to change. Fees include HST.
Début des inscriptions automne - hiver 2012-2013 :
En ligne ou par téléphone à clavier dès 22 h le 15 août, et en
personne le 16 août pendant les heures d’ouverture des bureaux.
NOTA : Les inscriptions pour le printemps débutent le 6 mars
2013 à 22 h.
Choisissez le mode qui vous convient!
En ligne : allez à et cliquez sur le bouton
« Inscrire » pour visionner les programmes et vous inscrire à un
cours. Vous pouvez vous inscrire en ligne pour tous les cours ayant
un code à barres. Vous aurez besoin du numéro et de la date
d’expiration de votre carte de crédit (Visa/MasterCard), ainsi que de
votre NIP familial et de votre code à barres individuel.
Téléphone à clavier : composez le 613-580-2588. Vous aurez
besoin du numéro et de la date d’expiration de votre carte de crédit
(Visa/MasterCard), ainsi que de votre NIP familial et de votre code à
barres individuel. Les reçus seront fournis sur demande.
En personne : rendez-vous à une installation de loisirs de la Ville
d’Ottawa pendant les heures normales d’ouverture afin de vous
inscrire à un cours. Pour les cours qui n’affichent pas de code de
programme, vous devez vous inscrire en personne. Vous pouvez
également vous inscrire en personne dans les centres du service à
la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa. Vous pouvez payer en argent
comptant, par chèque (libellé à l’ordre de la Ville d’Ottawa), par carte
de débit ou de crédit (Visa/MasterCard).
Information sur les inscriptions : Les frais doivent être
entièrement acquittés lors de l’inscription à un programme. Les
modes de paiement acceptés sont les suivants : chèque (libellé à
l’ordre de la Ville d’Ottawa), carte de crédit, carte de débit ou argent
Annulations : Un nombre insuffisant d’inscriptions entraînera
l’annulation du cours ou de la séance. Le cas échéant, tous les
efforts seront déployés afin d’établir une nouvelle date à l’horaire. Si
c’est impossible, il y aura remboursement.
Frais pour chèque retourné et carte de crédit refusée
Des frais seront exigés si deux paiements consécutifs par carte de
crédit ont été refusés et pour tous les chèques retournés (chèques
sans provision, bloqués ou dont les fonds ne sont pas dégagés).
Veuillez noter que les frais d’inscription peuvent être sujets à
changement sans préavis. TVH incluse.
NCAC / NVAC Registration Information | CACN / CAVN Modes d’inscription
NCAC / NVAC Registration Information
CACN / CAVN Modes d’inscription
Ottawa Hand in Hand
Recreation & Culture Fee Support
The City of Ottawa offers financial support to ensure that all
residents can participate in recreation and culture programs and
activities offered by the City, regardless of their ability to pay. For
additional information or to obtain a fee support application, visit your
local recreation facility or any City of Ottawa Client Service Centre.
Applicants will be asked to provide proof of financial need.
Waiting Lists
If the course you are interested in is full, you have the option of
making another course selection or being put on a waiting list for the
course of your choice (however, there is no guarantee that a space
will become available). Participants will be contacted only if a space
becomes available.
Visit your local recreation facility or any City of Ottawa Client Service
Centre to withdraw from a program. If you would like a refund*, you
must fill out and submit a Refund Request Form. No processing fee
will be charged if the refund is credited to your account. A $25
processing fee will be charged for refunds by cheque or credit card.
Refunds will be issued within 21 days of the receipt of the Refund
Request Form.
* If more than 50% of the course/membership has elapsed, no
refund or credit on account will be offered. There are no refunds or
credits for private lessons. For admission and goods purchases,
refunds will be processed at the Facility with proof of purchase.
Ottawa main dans la main
Subvention pour les programmes de loisirs et de
La Ville d’Ottawa offre un soutien financier permettant à tous les
résidents de participer aux activités et aux programmes de loisirs et
de culture, quels que soient leurs moyens. Pour de plus amples
renseignements ou pour obtenir un formulaire de demande, veuillez
vous adresser à un centre du service à la clientèle de la Ville
d’Ottawa, ou à l’installation de loisirs de votre quartier. Une preuve
sera exigée pour toute demande.
Listes d’attente
Si le cours qui vous intéresse est complet, vous pouvez choisir un
autre cours ou vous faire inscrire sur la liste d’attente du cours voulu.
Il n’y a toutefois aucune garantie qu’une place se libérera. Les
participants seront avisés uniquement si une place se libère.
Abandon et remboursement
Si vous souhaitez abandonner un programme, veuillez vous
adresser à un centre du service à la clientèle de la Ville d’Ottawa, ou
à l’installation de loisirs de votre quartier. Pour tout remboursement*,
vous devez remplir et présenter un Formulaire de demande de
remboursement. Aucuns frais ne seront imputés si le
remboursement est crédité à votre compte, mais un remboursement
par chèque ou carte de crédit occasionnera des frais de traitement
de 25 $. Les remboursements seront traités dans les 21 jours
suivant la réception du Formulaire de demande de remboursement.
City of Ottawa residents who are 65 years of age and over will
receive a discount of 10% when registering for a City program. A
proof of age is required.
* Si plus de la moitié de la durée du cours ou de l’abonnement s’est
déjà écoulé, aucun remboursement ni crédit ne sera accordé. Aucun
remboursement ni crédit n’est accordé pour les leçons privées. Pour
les frais d’admission et l’achat de produits, les demandes de
remboursement seront traitées sur place, sur présentation de la
preuve d’achat.
Special Needs Integration
Rabais pour personne âgée
All recreation programs offered within the City's Parks, Recreation
and Cultural Services department are open to participants with
disabilities, in respect of terms and conditions in department policy.
Visit for more information or call 613-5802424 ext. 29289
Besoins spéciaux – Services d’intégration
Seniors’ Discount
Les résidents de la Ville d’Ottawa âgés de 65 ans ou plus ont droit à
un rabais de 10 % lorsqu’ils s’inscrivent à un programme, sur
présentation d’une preuve d’âge.
Tous les programmes de loisirs organisés par le Service des parcs,
des loisirs et de la culture de la Ville d’Ottawa sont accessibles aux
personnes ayant un handicap, en vertu des conditions de la politique
du Service. Consultez le site pour obtenir
de plus amples renseignements ou téléphonez au 613-580-2424,
poste 29289.
NCAC / NVAC Registration Information | CACN / CAVN Modes d’inscription