Summer - AIDS Emergency Fund


Summer - AIDS Emergency Fund
Sylvester’s ‘Mighty Real
Greatest Dance Hits’ Benefits AEF
Disco legend Sylvester’s Mighty Real Greatest Dance Hits is now on sale! Since his
passing 25 years ago, Sylvester’s bequest of his royalties to AIDS Emergency Fund and
Project Open Hand has generated lifesaving funds of more than $200,000 benefiting
our clients in need.
Check out the brand new remix of the iconic “You
Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)” by Grammy-nominated
remixer and DJ, Ralphi Rosario (Rihanna, Mariah Carey,
Beyonce, Madonna).
Though the fabulous Sylvester is no longer with us,
his incredible legacy and music will live on forever. This
11-track release features a number of original album tracks
and 12” mixes that are rare or no longer available on CD.
Even if you already own all of Sylvester’s catalog, please
consider adding this special reissue package to your collection and you’ll help Project Open Hand and AIDS Emergency
Fund continue to serve our community.
Order your copy now! Digital on iTunes or CD/Vinyl on Amazon
is September 22
The 22nd Annual LeatherWalk, benefiting AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF) and Breast
Cancer Emergency Fund (BCEF), is Sunday,
September 22, 2013. LeatherWalk is the
official kick-off for San Francisco’s Leather
Pride Week which culminates the following
Sunday, September 29, with the Folsom
Street Fair. From the Castro to SoMa, we
walk together to celebrate leather, kink
and community — all while raising funds
for two great agencies.
Each year, hundreds of LeatherWalkers
join the route, which includes stops at
some of San Francisco’s favorite watering holes and ends with a beer bust at the
new SF Eagle hosted by by the Bare Chest
Calendar Men. Please join us and our event
chair, Sandy “Mama” Reinhardt, as we
revamp and expand this 20-year tradition.
Help us reach our goal of raising $20,000
for people living with disabling HIV/AIDS
or breast cancer. Last year we raised an
incredible $17,000!
All are welcome to form walking teams
of any size: bars, sports clubs, fraternal
organizations, title holders, businesses,
community groups, or just family and
friends! There is no registration fee or
minimum fundraising requirement. All
teams will be posted on our new website
with links to your facebook or team pages.
We’ve taken some steps to make things
easier: a new website and pledge forms,
a secure online giving option, and lots of
details about LeatherWalk. We’ve even
added incentives for raising funds including LeatherWalk t-shirts, bandanas, caps
and more! Most importantly, 100% of all
funds raised directly benefit AEF & BCEF.
To get started today visit
to see the current list of teams, download
pledge sheets and sample solicitation letters, and learn more.
g our new
An active, well-functioning
Board of Directors is a fundamental building block of a successful
community-based organization.
At AIDS Emergency Fund, we’re
honored to announce the addition of five new Board members
who bring a wealth of experience to support the mission of
our agency.
Derek Brocklehurst grew up
in the Bay Area and graduated
from the University of California,
Berkeley in 2006 with a B.A. in
Biology, and the University of
Pennsylvania in 2008 with a
B.S. in Nursing. He hopes to
continue his education in the
ard Memb
Scott Wil
liams, Bo
ard Presid s
future, obtaining his M.S.N. or
PhD in HIV or Oncology Nursing.
Derek has worked as an Infectious Disease RN for four years
and has a fond love for all of
his patients.
Karen Edwards is a Senior
Manager of Global Business
Development at Oracle in Silicon Valley, where she executes
international business strategies.
Karen has a degree in psychology
from the University of Georgia
and has been both a marathoner
and an Iron Man triathlete. Karen
is also Vice President of the Board
of Directors of Breast Cancer
Emergency Fund, AEF’s sister
Rory Quintana
is a civil rights and
employment lawyer
and has worked in the area of
employment rights for the past
seven years, with a specific
emphasis on disability discrimination, pregnancy discrimination
and wage and hour violations. In
addition to his experience with
employment law, Rory was one
of the first attorneys to litigate
the intersection between medical marijuana rights, land use
laws and constitutional rights.
Rory has been recognized as a
“Rising Star” by the Northern
California Super Lawyers each
year from 2010-2013.
Brad Saget is Clinical Scientist at Abbott Laboratories who
works in HIV and Hepatitis C.
Brad was a student and a bench
scientist for about 15 years, with
stops along the way at Penn
State, University of Rochester,
MIT, and Tufts. Brad has lived
in San Francisco since 1994,
when he came here to work on
experimental clinical research
that used novel combinations
of antivirals to treat persons
living with HIV.
Jerry Suarez has worked in the
music industry since the 1980s,
with positions of increasing
responsibility at Virgin, Island
Def Jam, and most recently as
a Director at Universal Music.
Jerry lost both his brother and
father to AIDS in the 1980s. He
has decades of volunteer involvement in the HIV/AIDS community,
including the NAMES Project
and DIFFA.
I’m both happy and honored to
welcome each of these outstanding people to the Board of AEF.
Bare Chest $1.7 Million and Counting
The Archive Project
For our 30th Edition of the Bare Chest Calendar, we have
returned to the collaborative model of the early days when the
calendar was often shot by a team of photographers. We invited
previous photographers to return and shoot for us as a team.
Seven talented men answered that call, and their commitment
to our mission, talents, and hard work is unparalleled. The 2014
calendar is a tribute to all of the photographers over three
decades; images from each of the previous 29 calendars
are represented. Sadly, hard copies of some of our earliest
calendars are missing from our archive. This edition is also a
call for help, as we are seeking donations of calendars from
’85 to ’95. If you’re a collector, we want to hear from you!
Team 2014
This year, 13 men were selected to represent the calendar.
They are: (in month order) Chris Ferrer, Ed Morgan, Isaac Wigley,
Ross Hayduk, Julio Gonzalex, Damien Alvarez, Jonathan Augst,
Desmond Perrotto, Scott BigRed Farrell, Rob Soares, Stephen
Sutton, Ed Mathews, and Kelly Rivera Hart. Their efforts along
with the other contestants and Team BCC are responsible for
the 2014 contest season setting a new record. We raised over
$80,000 before the calendar was even printed. To those who’ve
been generous with their time and money in support of Team
2014, we thank you!
Please support us once more by attending our Monte Carlo Night
& Auction on August 13.
Each auction winner will
enjoy dinner with Team
2014, followed by an evening
at Macy’s Glamorama and
the over-the-top post-party.
It’s sure to be an evening to
201 4 | 30
Tickets to the Monte Carlo
Night are $50 and can be purchased at
Bay Area merchants, schools and our very own
community have been very generous since the
beginning of the year. In the past seven months,
Every Penny Counts has raised $30,115.15, making
our goal of $40,000 within our reach. The compassion and generosity of the community is tremendous. The word is out — Every Penny does count!
Presented by
Presented by Wells Fargo, the 2013 EPC School
Campaign has 18 school participants and has
raised $19,888.34 since the beginning of the year. AEF is proud to count on
so many compassionate, motivated students, teachers, and administrators as
our fundraising partners in the community.
Empty Your Drawers was held in April and August; it will be held again at
Castro and Market Street on October 3rd. Please start to gather that loose
change under your couch or in your car and join us with our October volunteers,
the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. EPC jars can be found in business in the
Castro, SOMA, West Portal, Polk, and the Financial Districts. For information
on how your business or school can participate in EPC, contact Lance Brittain,
EPC Coordinator, at 415.558.6999 x232 or email him at
ilomen Cl
er/Jane Ph
ea Report
Commun r
Never Sto
nd photos
: James Sc
ott Geras
BIGMUSCLE.COM MEET AND GREET and founders Bill Sanderson and Andy
Wysocki will host their 11th Annual Meet and Greet at DNA Lounge over
Folsom Weekend, Saturday, September 22, from 1–6pm. 100% of all ticket
proceeds are donated to AEF, and last year’s event raised a whopping $12,000!
The First 12 Months
The Faces of AEF
My first year working at AEF has definitely flown by. There have been so many
memorable moments already. My wonderful
colleagues and our AEF Volunteers, the AEF
annual Christmas Eve dinner, marching in
the Pride Parade with AEF and the many
clients who I have had the pleasure of
working with—all of these are at the top of the list. But I would
have to say that assisting our clients in becoming permanently
housed is the best.
We all know that finding affordable housing in SF is a daunting
endeavor, and I see every day how greatly this unmet need effects
the HIV/AIDS community. People are struggling to live on a small
disability income or sometimes no income at all. Given this reality,
the times when a client is finally able to obtain stable housing
and AEF is able to pay for the move-in costs is most fulfilling to
me. So far this year, we have helped move 28 clients into newly
built Tenderloin Neighborhood Development housing and have
paid for move-in expenses for 69 clients in total. The overwhelming feelings of relief and gratitude our clients share with me in
those moments is truly gratifying. To be a part of an organization
that is doing such vital work with the PLWHA community is truly
a dream come true.
The other highlight of my work at AEF is having the pleasure of
working with our Client Services Volunteers — an amazing group
who bring so much talent, passion and compassion to their work
with our clients they are an inspiration on a daily basis. They give
so generously of their time, and I thank my lucky stars for them
every day! Client Services would not be the same without them.
Interested in volunteering for Client Services? Please feel free
to contact me at or call 415-558-6999 ext. 226.
I originally began as a volunteer for
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund but transitioned into a full-time member of the
Finance department for both agencies. To
be quite honest, although I had experience
in finance management, I never thought I
would enjoy it as much, since becoming a
part of AEF and BCEF. I appreciate coming to work each and every
day because I know that what we do directly matters in the lives
of our clients. Everyone in the office contributes in some way to
make sure money is raised, accounted for and distributed to those
who need it the most. Not many people can say that their jobs
make an immediate difference in their community, but I am proud to say that mine does.
Since I began working here, I have heard
and witnessed the telling of so many emotional stories about the AIDS epidemic and
how AEF has deeply changed the lives of
those infected as well as the people who
love and support them. Thanks to the hard
work of the AEF staff, many of our clients
Jeff Jones, Client Services Manager
It’s a Hot Summer here at AEF!
Frank Martinez, Volunteer Manager
Kome Muller, Finance Manager
have found safe, permanent
housing, stayed connected to
their doctors because they have a
working phone or kept the power
on in their apartments. It is my
honor to help continue the work
that began 30 years ago.
Who’s Who
at A EF
Frederick H. Booth
, Jr.
Walter Mellon
An Epic Pride
Scott Williams
AIDS Emergency Fund and sister organization Breast
Cancer Emergency Fund marched in the 2013 San Francisco
LGBT Pride Parade—the largest Pride Parade in its 43 year
history! Special thanks go out to Beach Blanket Babylon
for their continued support. Singers Stephanie Harwood
and Misa Malone did the happy dance all the way down
Market Street in our big red firetruck. A huge thank you
to all of our clients, volunteers, staff, board, family and
friends who walked with us. What a magical day it was!
Derek Brocklehurst
Eric Christiansen
Lu Conrad
Karen Edwards
Lance Holman
Rory Quintana
Brad Saget
Jerry Suarez
Heather Renshaw
Vu etin
Summertime is here! At AEF that means parties, sunshine,
more parties, dancing, music and street fairs. We kicked off this
summer with our biggest AEF Pride Contingent ever! We are going
full force as we gear up for a Sylvester Tribute Party on August
14 as well as the annual Up Your Alley Street Fair on July 28.
We will also be having some more low-key but very important
office mailing parties. Gear up this summer and break out
your sunscreen and sexy gear. Email or call me to sign
up now so that you won’t miss out on all the fun while
helping AIDS Emergency Fund continue to raise money
for our clients.
You can reach me at frank. or call
415-558-6999 ext. 225.
Mike Smith
Jonathan Foulk
Lee Harrington
Jeff Jones
Yana Martichonok
Frank Martinez
Kome Muller
12 Grace Street, Su
ite 300
San Francisco, CA
PHONE: 415.558
FAX: 415.558.69
Federal Tax ID: 94
Dancing Queen rocked Beatbox again on Sunday, June 2. We kicked off Gay
Pride month AEF style with amazing effects by Visuals by 3, uplifting beats
by DJ Russ Rich, and a few surprises. Thank you to everyone who came out.
We raised $2,000 for our clients
who are too sick to work. Shout
out to all of our volunteers who
helped during the event and
our event producer Ed Tolan.
Dancing Queen will return in
January 2014.
Thank you Golden Gate Guards for supporting AEF. Your donation of $3,000
from this year’s event is truly awesome! We cannot thank you enough.
Thanks to all who helped throw this fun, sexy daytime party produced by
Kevin Sniecinski. It was a great event and drew in a bunch of fun fans, all
in support of AEF. The party raised $714 for AEF.
Help AEF reach
our goal of 3,000
Thanks so much for thinking of us on your birthday. We hope you had a
great party at the Powerhouse. We love Powerhouse Scott and can’t thank
you enough for designating us as your beneficiary for your party. It’s the
best birthday present ever!
Folsom Street Fair: We Need You!
As a major beneficiary of Folsom Street Events, AEF is looking for more than
60 volunteers to help produce the world’s largest fetish event on Sunday,
September 29. Help us raise money by volunteering now. Contact our volunteer coordinator at or call 415-558-6999 ext. 225
Become a Volunteer
To learn about how you can volunteer, please visit:
Our AIDS Walk Heroes!
Mike Smith, Executive Director
These Da ve
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Leather ber 22
AEF Turn ber 26
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Big Mus tember 28
d Gr e e t
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Street Fom
October 3
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S un d a
I spent last weekend in an inspirational sea of 15,000 people
walking together to fight AIDS. Whether an AIDS Walk team
was walking for AIDS Emergency Fund, Project Open Hand, or
San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we all shared a common goal:
raising funds to end AIDS! From grade school students to seniors
in wheelchairs, from church groups to bowling leagues, from a
straight African-American mom with kids to a newly-married
twenty-something gay couple, we walked as one.
AEF’s team broke all records again with a new high of nearly
$30,000 raised. Our team was led by Doug Laine and Joanie Juster,
who coordinated our booth, food, water bottles and picture-taking.
For Joanie, who has been walking the AIDS Walk since 1988 (with
a couple years off for family weddings), this event marked her
24th walk — nearly 150 miles for AEF! She set a new personal
best, raising nearly $3500 for AEF!
Wilma Mason, AEF’s unstoppable pink-haired
volunteer (finally recovered from injuries in her
apartment fire last year), kept people fed and caffeinated and held down the fort at our table during the Walk. AEF super-volunteer Griff Young,
retired Chevron employee David Lowe, and I
rounded out our small but mighty Walk Team.
Cal Calahan, Breast Cancer Emergency Fund’s volunteer
manager, joined us briefly, but he was also volunteering
all day for San Francisco AIDS Foundation in the VIP tent.
Bruce Smith, AEF’s mega-superstar walker, who annually raises
$15,000 or more for AEF, is facing serious health challenges and
could not walk with us this year. But Bruce was there in spirit
— and then some! Joanie cut out a picture of Bruce from a previous walk, (with his Star Walker tiara on!) and mounted him on a
stick. Two-dimensional Bruce then made it into the group photo
shoot and all the way around the 10K course through Golden
Gate Park. Our team held up a giant “THANK YOU, BRUCE” sign
for our official photo.
AIDS Walk is in transition this year. Production of the event
will shift from San Francisco AIDS Foundation this year to Project
Inform next year. But the event and the tradition will live on. AEF
will field a team next July 20, when we will gather again with
our peer agencies and the diverse and eclectic mass of humanity that is San Francisco, to unit once again to fight AIDS — one
collective step
at a time!
PERMIT #1504
Providing emergency financial assistance to people fighting HIV/AIDS
12 Grace Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, California 94103
AEF is a major beneficiary of Glamorama!
Tickets Now on Sale:
AEF turns 31 at The Armory
Ever wonder what goes on inside the giant Armory
building at Mission & 14th owned by Well,
AEF has created the perfect way to find out! Join us
on Thursday, September 26 in’s opulent and
theatrical grand salon in The Armory as AEF celebrates
our 31st year of service.
This year AEF will be returning to our community roots
with a new signature event during Folsom Street Fair
Week that celebrates the unique and colorful communities that have supported AEF since our earliest days:
drag queens and leather men! “AEF turns 31: XXXi” will
allow our guests to express their inner selves, experiment with drag or fetish wear, or create and show off
their alter egos. As guests enjoy one-of-a-kind cocktails
and scrumptious appetizers,
we’ll have secret judges
moving through the room to select winners in a series
of silly and outlandish categories!
And rumor has it that private tours of The Armory
will be available throughout the evening. Did you
know about the underground river the flows through
the basement? Of the dozens of porn studio sets built
into the nooks and crannies of the old military fortress?
Please join us on this evening of Folsom Leather Week
as we bring together AEF’s diverse and generous community of donors and supporters to mark another year
of service to people with HIV/AIDS. We’ll raise a glass
to several very special honorees for their dedication to
AEF, and we’ll have a fun
and fabulous time doing it!
Thanks to underwriting
from Macy’s, PO Plus, Sterling Bank and many others,
100% of ticket proceeds
and other revenue from
the event will go directly
to help our clients in need.
So dig through your closet
and dress up for AEF on
Thursday, September 26!
Tickets and info:

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