Old Bags Raise $125,000 for BCEF!


Old Bags Raise $125,000 for BCEF!
FALL 2007
Old Bags Raise $125,000 for BCEF!
A celebra
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BreAst C
Top: Giles Marsden &
Hilary Newsom Callan
Middle: Neil Figurelli receives
Founders Award & Board
Persident Cynthia Hester
Bottom: Mark Calvano &
Hon Bella Farrow
Drew Altizer Photography
This Old Bag, October 19 at W San Francisco, was an amazing success, raising more than
$125,000 for BCEF’s clients. Thanks to presenting sponsor Kaiser Permanente, other generous
sponsors, fabulous celebrity and local donors and
joyously competitive bidders, BCEF raised enough
funds to provide grants to over 200 low-income San
Franciscans battling breast cancer.
Riding the reins of what turned into a wild live
auction was guest auctioneer San Francisco Police
Officer Lenny Broberg assisted by Channel 7’s
Janelle Wang, host of View from the Bay. The top
purchases of the evening were the Sharon Stone Versace bag for $8,000 and two VIP tickets to the Oprah
Winfrey Show that include a photo opportunity with
Oprah, bought for $13,000 by Mark Calvano. Mark
plans to take his friend Bella Farrow, This Old Bag’s
Event Chair, to meet the Divine Ms. O!
BCEF was the grateful recipient of three very special
donated items that were snatched up during the Live
Auction: a custom April in Paris bag donated by master
artisan Beatrice Amblard that cashed out at $4,200, and
several other hand-made bags made with love by event cochair Hilary Newsom Callan and author Isabel Allende.
Both bags, displayed with jewelry from Tiffany & Co. and
Shreve & Co respectively, brought in a collective $5,000.
With the 2008 presidential election heating up, autographed
bags from Elizabeth Edwards and Michelle Obama also
did well in the live auction.
Among our generous local handbag donors who made the
evening possible were Ann Getty, Amber Marie Bently,
Jo Schuman Silver, Michela Alioto-Pier, OJ Shansby,
Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Cheryl Jennings, Prada USA
and Christian Dior Union Square.
Auction revenues from BCEF’s third annual event nearly
doubled last year’s total. None of this would have been possible
without the dedicated support of our Event Chairs, the Honorable Bella Farrow, Wilkes Bashford, Hilary Newsom
Callan, Harry Denton, Beth Townsend and DA Kamala
Harris; and our Host Committee Beatrice Amblard, Lindsay Chambers, Celeste Ellett-Woo, Elaine LaMastra,
Rafael Lucatero, Bahya Oumlil-Murad, Claudia Ross, and
Giancarlo Vega. We are so grateful to the tireless behind-thescenes work of our Steering Committee Alexandra Alznauer,
Beatrice Amblard, Dorothy Compeau, Neil Figurelli,
Cynthia Hester, Ralph Hyman, Veronica LaBeau, Arianne
Nichol, Bahya Oumlil-Murad, Erin Sedilko, Elyssa Thorp
and our wonderful volunteers for the evening.
Corporate Sponsorship solicited in advance allowed 100%
of ticket sales and auction proceeds to go directly to help
clients in need. Led off by Presenting Sponsor Kaiser Permanente, underwriters included Wells Fargo Private Banking, 7x7 Magazine, W San Francisco, Pacific Union Community Fund, Safeway, Medjool and
Tiffany & Co. Donations in-kind from
The SAK, Chanel, Belvedere Vodka
and Doman Chandon rounded out
the donor list.
BCEF Recognized by Local Foundations
BCEF is proud to be recognized this year by three community leaders in the fight against breast cancer. The Safeway
Foundation, San Francisco Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for
the Cure and To Celebrate Life Breast Cancer Foundation
have once again honored BCEF’s work with major grants to
enable us to continue to serve low-income San Franciscans
struggling with breast cancer. These grants provide BCEF
with the resources to insure our clients are able to meet
their basic needs and have access to continuous medical care
when they are too sick to work. BCEF is extremely grateful
to our three largest foundation granters who have long led
the way to support people living with breast cancer!
From the president
Reflection Amidst the Whirlwind
Cynthia Hester,
Board President
2007 has been an
extraordinary year of
milestones: AEF marked
its 25th anniversary with
a memorable gala at the
San Francisco Marriott in
July; August marked the
occasion of AEF’s 25 millionth dollar of
emergency assistance to clients in need,
and in October, BCEF hosted the biggest
and most successful “This Old Bag” to date
at W San Francisco. Kudos to the AEF/
BCEF staff and hundreds of volunteers
for an outstanding job. We appreciate your
support and the countless hours you each
put in to make this year a huge success.
We are delighted to welcome to
the board of directors, two new faces:
Nicole Auyang of Bank of America and
Eric Christiansen, Professor of Law
at University of San Francisco. We also
welcome Stephen Logan back onto the
board after six years of previous board
service and a one year hiatus.
Amidst all that event activity, I am proud
to say that the board and staff also made
For the 29th consecutive year, the Green Room at the War
Memorial will be abuzz with activity on Christmas Eve day, as
200 volunteers present the 20th Annual AIDS Emergency Fund
Holiday Dinner for People with HIV/AIDS. The first-class feast
complete with holiday decorations, Santa Claus and other live
entertainment, will feed more than 1,100 people with HIV/AIDS
and their families and friends. The five-course sit-down din-
congratulations to
SF Leather Daddy’s Boy XXV
Congratulations to Angle
Dunkelberger who was
declared San Francisco
Leather Daddy's Boy XXV
at the Eagle Labor Day
Weekend. Stepping down
was Boy Dirk. Kudos to all
the contestants who raised
$1,440 for AEF. And a
thank you to Daddy Glenn
Tanking and Mark Welsh
for organizing this year's
09.23.07 & 10.21.07
Congratulations to the remarkable 2008 Bare
Chest Calendar Men, who took two big steps
toward reaching their goal of $100,000 by raising
a combined total of $17,000 at the two Dinner
Date Auctions held at the Eagle.
Bill Sanderson and Andy Wysocki have added
another $8,100 to the total they have raised for
AEF. The BigMuscle Meet & Greet was the place to
be Saturday afternoon of Folsom Weekend. Thank
you to Bill and Andy and to the AEF volunteers
who had to 'suffer' through this event.
More info: www.BigMuscle.com
Bare Chest Calendar
Dinner Date Auctions I & II
Beats 4 Boobs
The 12th Annual Lazy Bear Weekend in
Guerneville raised an incredible $170,000 for bay
area charities. A big thank you to the Lazy Bear
Fund, Harry Lit and Alen Eggman and all the
volunteers, including the Bare Chest Calendar men,
who made the event a huge success. Lazy Bear
Fund's donation to AEF/BCEF was an incredible
$12,400. More info: www.lazybearweekend.com
Mama’s Leather Walk
'Mama' Sandy Reinhardt, Mama’s Family and the
leather and fetish communities never stop giving.
This loving event dedicated to long-time friend
and AEF/BCEF board member, Empress Suzie
Wong, held very special meaning to us this year.
Participants walked over three miles and raised
over $24,000 for AEF and BCEF.
More info: www.mamasfamily.org.
BigMuscle.Com Meet & Greet
Fire dancers, a fashion show, spoken word artists
and burning beats kept the roof raised all night
with proceeds benefiting local breast cancer
agencies including BCEF.
More info: www.beats4boobs.org
We love KOMEN!! BCEF is a 2007-2008 Komen
grant beneficiary and this event always reminds
us of what makes our breast cancer community so
beautiful. More info: www.sfkomen.org.
Secondly, in 2006 and 2007, AEF
received funding from the San Francisco
Department of Public Health to augment
its emergency assistance grant program
with additional funds specifically to help
clients in who are facing imminent eviction
or who have a one-time opportunity to
move into subsidized housing but lack the
resources to cover their move-in costs.
This new program fills a very important
need for a selected segment of our clients.
I am pleased to announce that the board
unanimously voted to continue this
program and to augment staff resources to
insure its success and growth in 2008.
While we had much to celebrate in
2007, we also lost a long time AEF/BCEF
supporter and former board member, Peter
‘Suzie’ Wong. Suzie served on the AEF
board from 2002-2006 and was one of
AEF’s biggest champions.
As we move into the holiday season
and end of the year, on behalf of the AEF/
BCEF board and staff, I extend our deep
appreciation and thanks to each of you
for your continued support of the work
we do on behalf our clients.
ner is underwritten each year by Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket
Babylon, The Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund, the Castro Lions
Club and others. Neil Figurelli and his fabulous committee of
bakers, carvers, slicers, scoopers and servers will undoubtedly
pull off another culinary miracle. Tickets to the dinner are
available by early December for free to people with HIV/AIDS
at most AIDS organizations throughout the city.
Susan G. Komen Race for the cure
2 Heart To Heart
time for quiet contemplation, long-term
planning, and strategic thinking at the
annual AEF/BCEF retreat. Tucked away
in the Santa Cruz Mountains for a long
weekend, the board and staff took time to
reflect on the achievements of 2007 and
set the direction for the organization in
2008 and beyond.
The retreat focused on two key areas of
the organization’s development. First, the
potential expansion of BCEF services into
neighboring counties. To properly assess
this effort, we commissioned a needs
assessment and feasibility study this past
summer. Conducted by consultant Giselle
Clark-Ibañez, the study identified San
Mateo County as the best county for BCEF
expansion, citing a lack of similar services,
great need among low income women, and
several strong and logical potential partner
agencies. I am pleased to announce that
the board unanimously accepted the
recommendation to expand BCEF services
into San Mateo County. The staff will begin
to develop an implementation plan so that
services to women in San Mateo County
can begin in 2008.
Lazy Bear Check presentation
Alan Selby
Legacy Brunch
Gary Virginia, Donna Sachet
and Ararat Restaurant hosted
a delightful Folsom Weekend
Brunch in memory of the
original Mr. SF Leather Daddy,
Alan Selby, which raised more than $400 for AEF.
Donor Profile
Every Penny Counts Day
Gordon Salter
Make Change
For more than a
decade, AIDS Emergency
Fund held a very special
place in the heart of Gordon Salter, who passed
away in October at his
home in Lincoln, California. Each year around the time of World
AIDS Day in December, AEF would get a
call or a note from Gordon, asking us to
charge his credit card for a large annual gift. Like so many other donors who
give annually each December, Gordon
helped AEF build up its cash reserves as
it entered the busiest time of the year for
helping clients in need, during the dark
and rainy days of January and February.
Gordon and his partner Robert Fong
were also thoughtful enough to consider
AEF and other AIDS causes in Gordon’s
estate planning. Because Gordon designated AEF as a beneficiary of his 401k
plan, Gordon’s gift this year was his largest ever, at more than $55,000. His estate
also made a large gift of real estate to
the AIDS Memorial Grove, another of his
favorite charities.
AEF is deeply grateful to Gordon for
his years of loyalty and his thoughtful and
generous remembrance in his will. We
will miss his cheerful and colorful annual
phone conversations and his infectious
enthusiasm. Our condolences go out to
his partner, Robert, at this sad time.
Once again, the change from summer into
fall means it’s time to dig deep for your
spare change to support the Every Penny
Counts campaign sponsored by Wells
Fargo. School children across San Francisco and the Bay Area will work to raise
more than $40,000, competing among
classes and in friendly rivalry against other
schools to see who can raise the most
funds for our clients.
After nearly 15 years of wrapping
up this program on World AIDS Day,
December 1st, EPC Day will instead be
held on February 14th, 2008.
“We’ve found over the last few years
that many schools are collecting later in
the year, in order to ease the burden of
competing with numerous other fundraising drives during the holiday season,”
said Executive Director Mike Smith. “It
makes sense to allow them more time
to collect. At the same time, Valentine’s
Day marries beautifully with our theme
of opening your hearts and wallets. We’re
excited to have the event once again at the
Wells Fargo History Museum in downtown San Francisco.”
For more information, to donate,
or to get your own pennies jar, visit
www.aef-sf.org, or call 558-6999, ext 4.
Folsom Street Fair
A big high-five to all 55 AEF Volunteers who
worked at Folsom Street Fair helping AEF
keep its volunteer commitment as a major
beneficiary. Stay tuned to find out how
much Folsom will be donating to AEF.
Annual Labor of Love
Fifteen years ago at Lily’s Bar (now Martuni’s
on Market Street) the then Miss Gay SF, Donna
Sachet hosted her first-ever Songs of the
Season. With early backing from Bob Ross
and Lu Conrad and guest appearances by San
Francisco icons Sharon McNight and Irene
Soderberg, Donna built up a holiday fundraising franchise of monumental scale. Donna
gets annual production help from her dear
friends Richard Sablatura and Bob Brunson,
and together the trio has raised over $200,000
for AEF clients.
Her move to the Plush Room several years
ago firmly established Songs of the Season as
a San Francisco Holiday Tradition. “Songs of
The Season is a dream come true for me each
year,” said Donna Sachet, now Empress XXX,
“I get to bring talented friends together to
add cheer to a holiday that is often lonely for
many in our community — and raise money
for a good cause, too.”
This year, Songs of the Season returns to the
Plush room for three performances, December
17, 18, and 19. “The holidays would not be
the same with the tradition of Donna’s Songs
of the Season,” said Mike Smith, AEF executive director. “We are never quite sure how she
does it, but each year gets better and better.
You can actually feel the love in the room.”
For tickets to see Donna and her crew
this holiday season, go to:
Thank you to Mark Stoner & Elaine LaMastraStoner for hosting a wine tasting garden
party in their beautiful home. Everyone
enjoyed the featured wines of the Fluery
Estate Winery, who donated $2,000 to BCEF.
Gary Virginia and Maria Ruchka’s Siberian Star
Jewelers, located at 2103 Market Street (at
Church) hosted a private shopping night to
benefit BCEF clients. Thank you Gary and Maria.
Special thanks to
Scott from Massage
Works and Matt
from Baytenders who
helped make the
BCEF 'Massage and
Mimosas' event at
the Bloomingdales
shopping benefit a
success. We served
nearly 100 mimosas
and nearly 40 shoppers took advantage of the
free massages to relieve their shopping stress.
A Taste of Fluery
Siberian Star Jewelers
Shopping Night FOR BCEF
Sisters Network
Folsom Street Fair
BCEF participated in Sisters Network of San
Francisco Breast Cancer Gift for Life Walk and
Health Fair in Bayview Hunters Point.
And a 'whopping' thanks to Vern Tice and
Man's Hand Films who raised $7,000 for
AEF at their spanking and flogging booth
at Folsom Street Fair!
Hoedown Happened here!
Strike out Breast Cancer 9
Universal Care generously donated $10,000
to BCEF as a beneficiary of this year's event.
Over 500 women put on bowling shoes at
Presidio Bowl to raise money for BCEF and
other local organizations. Thank you to
Gail Deferarri and Susan Sachs, their team as
well as the BCEF Volunteers.
More info: www.strikeoutbreastcancer.org
Donna Sachet’s
Castro Street Fair Volunteers
25 Volunteers stood at the corner of 18th
and Hartford shaking down street fair
attendees for donations! Thank you to all
the AEF Volunteers who weathered all the
rejections and helped AEF meet its volunteer
Thanks to Ingu Yun and his hard working
team for producing an another fun-filled
country western dance weekend. The Bare
Chest Calendar Men made an appearance at
Saturday's Hoedown to help sell raffle tickets
for an RSVP Cruise. Proceeds from Stompede
benefit AEF and Rainbow World Fund.
More Info: www.stompede.com
The Shopping Benefit
John Brody Salon
Shear Beauty II
Fashion show
We should have known that the men's
underwear would have been a huge hit!
Thanks to John Alter, Ryan Brody, the Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence and the entire John
Brody Salon team for producing this sexy
little fashion show benefitting AEF and BCEF.
They rolled up the yoga studio and rolled
out the red carpet for the night, including
catering by Delicious Catering.
Hearts of Gold
Small Acts of Generosity Add Up
P Tyrone Smith, Director of Development & Communications
The holidays are
a special time that
remind of how we are
connected to the world
around us. It's a season
of giving and hope. So
it’s not surprising that
during the holidays,
many of us seek out ways that we can personally make a difference in the world. We
volunteer our time and/or donate money
to our favorite organizations to quench our
desire to be of service. In fact it is during
the holidays that AEF/BCEF experiences
the most outpouring of support from our
donors. And then often, after the holidays
pass, this collective drive to be of service
seems to wane as we return to our normal
lives, until eleven months later when the
cycle begins again.
Fortunately, there several ways you
can be of service throughout the year that
don’t require a huge commitment of time or
money. And, when added up over time, these
small acts of generosity become a much
larger contribution and source of pride.
Bequests & Planned Giving: Bequests
and planned giving are the ONLY ways to
ensure that you generous intentions are
honored in the event of your death. If you’d
like to include AEF or BCEF in your will
and/or are interested in creating living trusts
we encourage you to contact us as well as
consult a planned giving professional.
Employer Giving Programs: Many
larger corporations have employee giving programs. You can designate a certain
amount of money to be deducted from
your check each pay period. A $10 commit-
ment each pay period becomes an annual
gift of $260. Ask your employer’s human
resources department if they have such
a program. If they do. please nominate
AEF/BCEF to be added to their approved
organizations list.
Employer Matching Program: Many
larger corporations will also match your
donations dollar for dollar. Ask your human
resources department if they will match
your donation to AEF/BCEF.
Sustainers: For those without access
to an employee giving program, you can
choose to become a monthly sustainer
directly with AEF./BCEF. We will charge
your credit card each month for an amount
you determine appropriate.
You can also set up a monthly donation
online with Give Direct, a service of Local
Independent Charities. When you make
any kind of donation through Give Direct,
100% of your donation goes to AEF /BCEF
– there are no credit card fees. To make a
donation thru Give Direct visit AEF/BCEF’s
websites and click on DONATE NOW.
Donate A Car: Donate For Charity
processes our vehicle donations, including free vehicle pickup, handling all of the
DMV issues, selling the vehicle at auction,
and distributing the net proceeds to AEF/
BCEF. To avoid the headache of selling a
used vehicle simply call Donate For Charity
toll-free at 1-866-392-4483 or donate online
at www.donateforcharity.com.
Shop at Cole Hardware: Cole Hardware has locations throughout San Francisco. When you shop at Cole Hardware
AEF receives 10% of the cost of your
purchases. Simply ask the cashier to post
Dine Around
A record 48 restaurants have signed up for this
year's Dine Around. Join us for lunch or dinner at
any of these participating restaurants and 25% of
your bill goes to AEF/BCEF. See the ad on the back
of the newsletter or visit www.dinearoundsf.org
for more info.
Country Dance-a-thon
The Bare Chest Calendar Men and The Sundance
Saloon have teamed up to bring you this threehour country music dance-a-thon. To participate
you just need to collect at least $50 in pledges.
All proceeds benefit AIDS Emergency Fund and
Positive Resource Center. More info and forms:
Spa Day at Gina Khan Salon
Yosh for Hair
Special benefit spa day for BCEF. Book an appt to
indulge yourself on Maiden Lane!. 173 Maiden
Lane, 415-989-7704.
More info: www.ginakhan.com
Siberian Star Jewelers
Shopping Night FOR AEF
Gary Virginia and Maria Ruchka’s invite you to a
private shopping night to benefit AEF clients at
Siberian Star Jewelers, located at 2103 Market
Street at Church.
12.09.07 & 12.16.07
Bare chest Calendar
holiday shopping
Need last minute stocking stuffers? A sexy Bare
Chest Calendar should do the trick. And you can
find the Bare Chest Calendar Men out in the
Castro selling their Calendars for the holiday
Season. On Sunday December 9th you can find
them on Castro and 18th as well as Rock Hard.
On Sunday, December 17th you can find them on
Castro and 18th and then playing Santa at Under
One Roofs "A Home for the Holidays."
More info: www.barechest.org
More info: www.underoneroof.org
your purchases to AIDS Emergency Fund
(#1540). Breast Cancer Emergency Fund
will have its own donation account set up
with Cole Hardware soon. Visit the Cole
Hardware website for more information:
Shop Online: There are many online
shopping websites that make donations
back to participating organizations. Visit
AEF/BCEF's websites to see the sites that
AEF/BCEF participates in.
For information about any of the ways
you can make a difference please visit our
websites and click on Donate Now or
contact me at 415.558.6999 x3.
Who’s who
Frederick H. Booth, Jr.
Walter Mellon
Board President
Cynthia Hester
Neil Figurelli
Rafael Scroggins
Development Support Team Rocks!
Lara Sallee
Board of Directors
Nicole Auyang
Eric Christiansen
Veronica Labeau
Stephen Logan
Joe Pessa
Sharon Tetlow
Mike Smith
AEF & BCEF just completed one of its most
successful fundraising seasons, thanks in part
to the tremendous support of our development staff and volunteers. Their dedication,
hard work and attention to detail have paid
off in a big way for AEF/BCEF this summer and
fall. Far left: Suzy Goldsmith, Development
Associate, responsible for keeping our donor
database and acknowledgments up to date to
the finest detail. Left: Lance Brittain, volunteer extraordinaire with the ability to adapt to
the most stressful and demanding situations.
Right: Joanie Juster, Development Associate,
who single handily solicited over 40 handbags
for This Old Bag and added her bubbly spirit to
the office. Far Right: Efe Ertem, Development
Intern and volunteer who has been busy
recruiting schools for the 2007 Every Penny
Counts Day program. Thanks Team!
Every Penny Counts Day
Every Penny Counts Day has been moved to
coincide with that big-hearted holiday, Valentine's
Day. Join us at Wells Fargo History Museum as
we announce the change drive totals including
the winning schools and companies who collected
change between November and January. Special
thanks all the schools and to Steven Sams and his
team of employees at AT&T for their participation
as a corporate collecting team. If your school or
company would like to participate in Every Penny
Counts Day change drive, contact Jeff Johnson
at 415.558.6999 x5 or jeffj@aef-sf.org.
Susannah Dunlap
Lee Harrington
Jeff Johnson
P Tyrone Smith
965 Mission STREET
Suite 630
San Francisco, CA 94103
AEF & BCEF Events
If you'd like to produce
an event that benefits
AEF or BCEF and have it
listed in this newsletter,
contact P Tyrone Smith at
415.558.6999, x3 or
events@aef-sf.org or
Become A Volunteer
If you’d like more
information about how
you can volunteer for AEF
or BCEF at one of these
events or in our offices
please send an email to:
volunteer@aef-sf.org or
Songs of the
Join Donna Sachet for her
15th Annual Songs of the
Season at the Empire Plush
Room at the York Hotel.
More info & tickets:
Heart To Heart 4
1. Barbara and Bob Callan
and Hilary Newson Callan.
2. Susannah Dunlap
and Ralph Hyman.
3. Mag Dimond
and Viola Falchetti.
4. Julie Johnston
and Cara Nelson.
5. Pamela Judd,
Catherine Conway,
Kimberly Petska,
Amy Buckner.
6. Maria Holder
and Liz Diaz.
7. Ilana Minkoff and
Heather Larkey.
8. Elyssa Thorp,
Al Smyth and
Erin Sedilko.
9. Sara Krenecki
and Sumi Shohara.
10. Amanda Wright,
Brenda Wright.
11. Sandy Reinhardt
and Joe Pessa.
12. Assemblywoman
Fiona Ma and
Bahya Oumlil-Murad.
13,. Constance Moore.
14. Carol Hollway.
15. Frank Sclafani and
Donald Cremers.
16. Caroline Scott.
Photos 1,2,5,7,8,10,11,12:
Drew Altizer Photography
Photos 3,4,6,9,13,14,15,16:
Billy Mezynski
Chez Spencer
The Last Supper Club
Squat and Gobble
Hayes Valley
& lower haight
Metro Kathmandu
Squat and Gobble
upper Haight
& cole valley
Garibaldi’s on Presidio
Squat and Gobble
Via Veneto
Pacific Heights
& Marina
Kookez Café
La Ciccia
Le Zinc
Lovejoy’s Tea Room
Lupa Trattoria
Ristorante Bacco
Noe Valley
Squat and Gobble
West Portal
21st Amendment
Custom Burger
Koh Samui
& The Monkey
Le Charm French Bistro
Potrero Hill
north east
of your bill
will be
donated to
Dine at
restaurants and
Neighborhood Partners | Castro Lions Club | Merchants of Upper Market & Castro | Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
2223 Restaurant
Anchor Oyster Bar
Bagdad Café
Bombay India
Capri Ristorante
Côté Sud
Cove on Castro
Eureka Restaurant
& Lounge
Home Restaurant
La Mediterranee
Squat and Gobble
Join 1000’s of friends and neighbors who will be dining around San Francisco
neighborhoods. By simply dining at one of the 48 participating restaurants
you can support local chefs and raise funds for two great charities.
for two
great causes
Eat your
heart out
Providing emergency financial assistance to people fighting AIDS and breast cancer
Media Partner
PERMIT #1504
www.aidsemergencyfund.org www.aef-sf.org
www.breastcanceremergencyfund.org www.bcef-sf.org

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