november 2012 - AIDS Emergency Fund
NOVEMBER 2012 AIDS EMERGENCY FUND | QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER HeartToHeart Martha Wash to headline AEF Gala December 1 Legendary dance diva Martha Wash will headline AIDS Emergency Fund’s 30th Anniversary Gala on December 1. Ms. Wash began her singing career as one of the “Two Tons O’ Fun” who sang backup for Sylvester in the late 70s and early 80s. She went on to record several huge dance anthems, including “It’s Raining Men” and “Everybody, Everybody.” Martha and Sylvester performed at several of the earliest AIDS fundraising events in the Castro. When Sylvester died of AIDS in 1988, he bequeathed his future recording royalties to AEF and Project Open Hand. AEF will honor Sylvester posthumously with a Lifetime Achievement Award to be shared with Ms. Wash and accepted by her. The circus-themed event, “Under the Big Top” will be held in a huge, clear tent in the heart of the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park on the night of World AIDS Day. The Grove’s annual event “Light in the Grove” will be held Friday evening, November 30. Because the tent for that event will remain in place throughout the World AIDS Day weekend, the Grove has offered its use to AEF without charge. AEF and the Grove will be sharing the same sound, light, and event rental contractors which will substantially reduce costs to both agencies. Presented by Wells Fargo and Levi Strauss & Co., the cocktail party, seated dinner and show will include awards to Mayor Ed Lee, on behalf of the City of San Francisco and to Levi Strauss & Co.’s AIDS Action Group. Both award recipients have been close partners with AEF for its entire 30 years of service. The program will be followed by a performance by Ms. Wash and a disco-era dance party complete with mirror balls and late 70s and 80s dance music. The event marks the conclusion of AEF’s year-long 30th Anniversary campaign designed to raise an additional $300,000 for AEF’s client services. Due to strong support from corporate and individual patrons and the space limitations of the tent, only about 100 seats remain unsold, at $300 each (or a pair at $500 each). Tickets: Please join us for a once-in-a-lifetime evening! Donna Sachet’s Songs of the Season 20 Years Later... Songs of the Season began humbly in 1993 hosted by Lily’s on Market Street and Kimo’s on Polk Street and co-starring my singing Mr. Gay San Francisco, Scott Stewart, and a lively cast of drag queens. From 1994-1996, partnered with my talented singing Emperor Brian Benamati, we added Charpe’s, The Galleon, The Mint, Marlena’s, Company, The Cinch, Eichelberger’s, Daddy’s, The Edge, and The Wooden Horse. Philip Turner — a skilled producer of many events — saw great potential, but he encouraged me to rein in this scattered event to a single location. Philip also volunteered to be the first sponsor. So in 1997, Songs of the Season moved to the Transmission Theatre for two nights, and Bob Ross, Paul Scudder, Marlena, A spec comment ial ary b Donna Sa y chet Ken Turner, Don McMartin and Eric Weinmann joined Philip Turner as our first sponsors. Even with such gracious support, my dreams of generating huge sums for AIDS Emergency Fund faded after expenses mounted. Committed to Songs of the Season, in 1998 it was back to the drawing board but only if it could generate significant money for the cause. We made the International Ballroom (now the Conservatory of Music) our home for 1998-1999 and added new sponsors and professional production assistance from Bob Brunson and Richard Sablatura. We were finally raising thousands of dollars for AEF. Much to my astonishment, in 2000 Trevor Logan and The Plush Room in the York Hotel agreed to host Songs of the Season. Everything took on a new level of professionalism, including Sharon McNight’s first performance with us, the first Barefoot Champagne reception, and the first Donna Sachet snow globe collectables. We raised over $16,000 that year and again in 2001. Songs of the Season celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2002 at a brand new location for a single night — Ruby Skye on Mason Street, and raised over $20,000 for AEF. After 10 years, burnout, exhaustion, and personal challenges in the lives of many of the key players threatened to end the tradition. But fortunately Richard Sablatura stepped in to produce the event with tireless energy and heartfelt commitment. In 2003, we returned to The Plush Room with a sold-out show, added a second night in 2004 and 2005, and a third night in 2006 and 2007. In 2008, the long rumored closing of The Plush Room became a reality, but Robert Kotonly and Rory Paull welcomed us to the brand new Rrazz Room at Hotel Nikko. We quickly settled into The Rrazz Room and continued the tradition of Lu Conrad presents Opening Night, while adding additional instruments to our band and welcoming Abigail, Tickets songsofth eseason.n et Kim Kuzma, Paula West, Val Diamond and others to our cast. Loyal and new sponsors and an ever enthusiastic audience over three nights pushed revenue up to $30,000 in 2009 and nearly $50,000 in 2010 and 2011. This year, we welcome you to four nights of Songs of the Season with a cast of returning favorites and a few brand new guests, the largest sponsor list ever, and a commemorative CD available in the lobby. Please join us, because, as they say: “The holidays don’t begin until you’ve seen Donna Sachet’s Songs of the Season!” Our Goal Cynthia Hester, Board President is Within Reach In January 2012, AEF announced an ambitious 30th Anniversary Campaign to raise an additional $300,000 in new donations for client services. Our goal is in sight, and we have just a few more weeks to cross the threshold to success. Our “Parties with a Purpose!” strategy has been a big hit. The two dozen hosts, who opened their home or created events for their friends, introduced AEF to many new donors and raised new funds to help AEF provide emergency financial assistance to low-income people disabled by HIV/AIDS. In addition, the community is embracing our 30th Anniversary Gala on World AIDS Day, December 1st, in the National AIDS Memorial Grove. We are grateful to two major donors who have established matching grants to help AEF leverage the generosity of our donors to reach our $300,000 Welcoming our new Client Services Coordinator Jeff Jones Joining the team here at AIDS Emergency Fund is a dream come true. Over the last 20 years, I’ve enjoyed various jobs that have allowed me to help and teach people. I began working in HIV/AIDS services 12 years ago. At the STOP AIDS Project, I managed programs for men living with HIV/AIDS, and this first experience really sparked my passion for doing this work. Next I lived in Honolulu and worked for an ASO called Life Foundation, managing programs for PLWHA and an HIV testing and counseling intervention. The most fun part of that job was getting to do HIV rapid testing and outreach on beaches around Honolulu at least once a week! Later I lived in Sydney, Australia and worked for the AIDS Council of New South Wales. It was an amazing experience, but after 5 years my heart brought me back to my home, San Francisco. I’m thrilled and very proud to be the newest staff member at such a wonderful organization. My new role here providing client services is allowing me to continue doing rewarding and important work with a community I care about deeply. I look forward to meeting everyone and learning a lot. Please feel free to email me at or calling 415558-6999 x226 if I can assist you in any way. Our Com Never Sto munity ps Giving SEPTEMBER 9 Garden Tour Party with a Purpose! A huge thank you to AEF founder Rick Booth for your terrific Garden Tour Party and lunch. Your green thumb helped raise over $2100. We thank you for your support on behalf of our clients! SEPTEMBER 22 Meet and Greet and founders Bill Sanderson and Andy Wysocki hosted their 8th Annual Meet and Greet at the DNA Lounge over Folsom Weekend. 100% of all ticket proceeds is donated to AEF, and this year’s event raised a whopping $12,000! goal. The Bob Ross Foundation will match any gift up to $1,000 from first-time donors or those returning as donors after a threeyear absence or longer. Ambassador James C. Hormel and Michael P. Nguyen will also match new gifts of $1,000 or more. Both challenge grants expire at the end of November, so time is of the essence. Please take a moment now to make a gift to AEF and help us earn these generous matching funds. In a unique gesture, Wells Fargo and Levi Strauss & Co. have agreed to co-present our 30th Anniversary Gala. Both companies have long histories of support for AEF. Their underwriting of the Gala means that 100% of all ticket sales will go directly to our clients. Thank you, Levi Strauss & Co. and Wells Fargo! It is not too late to become a 30th Anniversary Gala patron at the $1,000 or $2,500 level. In addition, a very limited number of Gala tickets at $300 each (or a pair at $500 each) are available at press time. Over 30 years, our work has been supported by you, our donors, who know how vital emergency financial assistance is to many in San Francisco battling HIV/AIDS. With your help, we keep the rent paid, the utilities on, and other basic needs met. Our clients express their gratitude to AEF every single day, and we always remember our donors who help make it all possible. I hope to see you in the National AIDS Memorial Grove on World AIDS Day. LeatherWalk Raises $17,000! One bright September morning, a hot crowd of Leather Daddies and Mommas, Empresses and Sisters, Bare Chest Men and Dykes on Bikes, Flaggers and Survivors gathered for LeatherWalk 2012, the official Leather Week Kickoff. Our beloved Mama Sandy Reinhardt once again produced an incredible roving party of family, friends and supporters to benefit AEF & BCEF. Together we raised an astounding $17,000! The event began at 440 Castro, where for the first time teams competed to raise the most money for people living with HIV/AIDS and breast cancer. Shout-out to the top fundraisers Mama’s Family, Haus of Starfish, David Wichman and to our generous Event Sponsor Folsom Street Events. A very special thanks to the many people who make LeatherWalk possible each year: Sgt. Chuck Limbert of the SFPD who serves and protects, Senator Mark Leno who represents us grandly, Daddy Mike Floyd who drives the entertainment truck, Randy Schiller Productions whose generosity is endless, Sister Pat N Leather for her blessings, Troy Brunet for being a blessing, our talented entertainers Brian Kent and Raquela, and the handsome Bare Chest Calendar Men whose beer bust is always the perfect capper to the parade. None of this would be possible without our favorite Leather watering holes: 440 Castro, Powerhouse, KOK Bar and BeatBox. LeatherWalk is an amazing event that celebrates pride, visibility and giving without any commercialism or agenda. Sometimes, all we need is Family! Save the date: LeatherWalk 2013, Sunday September 22! SEPTEMBER 22 SEPTEMBER 22 Folsom Street Fair Kickoff Tanathon This was a fantastic Party with a Purpose! on the bay. Thanks to Juliana Cochnar and Ernesto Roy for hosting this Rock the Boat in Red party on the boathouse of Tyson Graham. They rocked the boat to a tune of over $2000. Keep on rocking! Loren Brown and Joseph Candeloro hosted a hot and sexy Party with a Purpose! at their beautiful house. Their annual Folsom Street Fair Kickoff party was a huge success raising $3000! Thanks to you both for opening up your home to us! Our friends at Tan Bella hosted their second annual fundraiser for AEF and turned it into a Party with a Purpose! They donated over $1300 to us on a one-day fundraising event. 25% of sales for the day went back to our clients in need. Huge shout-out to Gregory Murray for giving back to the community! We love you! Rock the Boat in Red SEPTEMBER 23 REAL BAD AEF was a Beneficiary of REAL BAD the Official Closing Party to SF Leather Week. Over 3,000 people danced the night away. AEF received $7,500 from this hot and sexy event. Thanks to our late night crew of volunteers who helped out into the wee hours. SEPTEMBER 27 Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Frank Martinez, Volunteer Manager From all of us at AIDS Emergency Fund, Thank You! This has been a busy summer and a lot of you took time out of your personal lives to volunteer for events on our behalf. Thanks again from the bottom of our AEF hearts! Special thanks to all our office volunteers who did a fantastic job all year helping prepare this Heart to Heart Newsletter and other mailings. Big hugs and thanks to Craig Anderson, Wayne West, RJ Sloan, Lupe Martinez, Verenisse Bejarano, Isaac Dominguez, William Langley, Claire Eugenia Gerendt, Jr., Anna Brodski, Colby Michaels, Timm Dobbins, Julia Avrimides, Anthony Moore, Ivan Holum, Sedrick Vanisi, Doug Laine, Russell Hong, and Ren Phoenix. We are excited to be putting together our 30th Anniversary Gala and We Need You! Please consider signing up for a shift or two. You can contact me at 415558-6999 ext 225 or send me an email at frank.martinez@aef-sf. org. You can sign up for the Gala shifts and all other volunteer opportunities at emergencyfund. Party with a Purpose! Alex Seber AIDS Emergency Fund was brought to my attention through my good friend, Randy Marcotte, who is on the AEF board. He mentioned how Bay Area companies were hosting Parties with a Purpose! and raising money for AEF. We both agreed that Google was in a unique position given its strong SF presence. OCTOBER 7 Castro Street Fair Castro Street Fair was held on a beautiful October Sunday in the Castro. We had over 30 volunteers helping out to make this event successful and fun! OCTOBER 10 San Francisco Giants Fundraiser Gary Virginia hosted a Giants Fundraiser for AEF at the Edge! Thank you Gary for all that you do for us and the community! You are our hero! OCTOBER 11—14 Sundance Stompede Hoedown SF’s Country Western Dance Week was a blast! The line dancing and parties all week were great! Thanks to our volunteers and to Sundance for volunteering at the big HoeDown dance party and auction. The Stompede Hoedown was a great success, and AEF is grateful to be a beneficiary of this event. Lupe Martinez, Why I volunteer at AEF Volunteering has been a large part of my life. I started in high school, volunteering at the Chamber of Commerce for a campaign to have a UC campus built in the Central Valley. It gave me a sense of pride then, and volunteering still gives me a sense of pride to this very day. When I was given an opportunity to participate in PROJECT 20, a program to help me pay my parking tickets, I was eager to help myself and my community. The process was simple, and I was given three months to Having a gay younger brother, I felt like this would be a great opportunity to educate myself, and the larger community at Google. My coworkers were very supportive in putting the event together. With their help and the support of AEF, we were able to have a highly successful event. We also decided to dedicate the event to the memory of complete my community service. AIDS Emergency Fund is a great agency which has been doing great service in our community for 30 years. I felt happy and privileged to volunteer at AEF. I have worked both in their office and at events, including Folsom and LeatherWalk. I am looking forward to being an integral part of the AEF’s 30th Anniversary celebration. Even though my hours will be complete by that time, I have found pride and satisfaction volunteering for this fun, vital agency. Please consider AEF if you need Project 20 hours, and as a great place Aaron Lucas who was part of our Google family. In all we raised over $7,000! The event not only raised money, but also helped educate my colleagues about the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in our community. I look forward to helping them with future events. OCTOBER 14 Garden BBQ, Bare Chest Calendar Men Thank you Jerry Roberts, John Dopp and David Lumadae for hosting a Party with a Purpose! Your fantastic party in the Castro featuring the Bare Chest Calendar Men helped raised $4100 for AEF’s clients. Thank you, Ducal Court! Ducal Court Grand Duke Alan and Grand Duchess Kylie Minono presented our agency with a $1000 check from their fundraising efforts. Thank you, Duke and Duchess and the Ducal Court! Run, Bill, Run! Bill McCarty has raised $3695 to date on behalf of AIDS Emergency Fund. Bill continues his relentless fundraising and running. Special thanks to all his friends, sponsors and supporters. Supporting Bill as he raises money for us is an amazing experience. We are very grateful to him for the funds and support. We love you! MANY THANKS We are grateful to many others in our community who raise money on behalf of our clients, including: The Edge, our basket contest this October was a lot of fun, special thanks to our volunteers Mayra Lopez, Sedrick Vanisi, Isaias Camacho, Eric Alberty and Don Mccabe; Harley Maxwell’s Sunday Buzz at Powerhouse for your support from the haircuts you do on site; thanks to our friends and supporters at the Tyco Conference, Tanathaon, Beatbox, Brian Kent, Joshua Ryan, Tober Devore, Michele Myers; and an all around thank you to everyone who has been donating and supporting our 30th Anniversary Gala. to volunteer in general. They participate in many of the city’s fun events, and they know how to have fun while still working hard. My days of volunteering at AEF went by fast and were full of fun, caring people. AIDS EM ERGE NCY FUND HeartToHeart NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT #1504 AIDS EMERGENCY FUND Providing emergency financial assistance to people fighting HIV/AIDS 12 Grace Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, California 94103 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED MARTHA WASH LIVE! DECEMBER 1, 2012 Sa These Da ve tes 11.25 — 28.12 Donna S achet’s 20th A Songs onnual f the Season 12.01.12 AnniversAEF 30th ary Gala 12 Christm .24.12 as Eve Dinner 01.20 AEF Dan .13 Queen T cing -Dance The Family Photo Album 1982 — 2012 Mike Smith, Executive Director In preparation for a video presentation at AEF’s 30th Anniversary Gala on December 1, I spent most of the past weekend combing through photos from AEF’s past. The early years (1982 to, say, 1999) have been neatly catalogued in photo albums that fill two file cabinets. Some of the faces I know personally, others I’ve come to know over the last ten years as characters in stories told by others. Classic fundraising events of the 80s and 90s like Men Behind Bars (no, not prisoners, bartenders!), tricycle races on Castro Street, and Sylvester singing at the Elephant Walk (now Harvey’s). A hat themed dinner, the first editions of the Bare Chest Calendar (with pubic hair showing, E gads!). Art Tomaszewski’s first Leather Walk, when there were actually a dozen leather bars South of Market! Sharon McNight belting out tunes on AEF’s Pride Parade floats. Mr. Marcus, Bob Ross and Alan Selby (the original “Mr. S” of Mr. S Leather) counting pennies. Finished with the binders, I moved on to the trays of CDs that capture AEF’s family until about 2008. These are years I know better, because the family included me by then. Penny drives in Yerba Buena Park. Parker Guest House garden Parties, a parade float that was a giant piggy bank. Fortune Tellers’ Balls, and a massive Castro County Fair. Next comes the present, 2008 to now. For these I went to AEF’s server to look at images that exist only as pixels in the ether. Familiar faces like Lenny Broberg still auctioning off anything that moves to raise money for our clients, Bare Chest Calendar men who now think nothing of raising $150,000 a year for us. But also new events like boat cruises and parties at Google that introduce us to hundreds of new donors. Still with me? Thanks for staying for the wander down memory lane. If you are reading this newsletter, somewhere along this timeline you joined our family. On December 1, we’ll be having a huge family reunion. It will be a night to look back at how we helped make the darkest days brighter. A night to celebrate how far we’ve come. A night to recommit to being there until a cure is found. Come. Join our AEF family’s 30th reunion! Christmas Eve Dinner: 25,000 Meals and Counting In 1988, Lynne Winslow, George Macaluso, Vinnie Russell, Randy Schiller and a group of concerned and dedicated friends put together the first AIDS Emergency Fund Christmas Eve Dinner. At that time, AIDS was known as ARC and those stricken with the disease, the majority being gay men, were being evicted from their homes, fired from their jobs, disowned by family and friends, banished from spending the holidays with loved ones and left with nowhere to go. So AEF stepped up to the plate. Twenty-five years later, the disease is still prevalent and this festive event is still being held for needy people in our community. For many, this event is their holiday, a time for turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a chance to meet Santa Claus and be entertained by some of San Francisco’s most popular performers, many of whom have been performing at the event for the entire twenty-five years. The core team of Neil Figurelli, Cindy Roberts, Terry Irvin, Randy Schiller, Gavin Middleton, Glennon Sutter, and Stanley Wong, along with over 200 volunteers, will be returning to the Green Room at The San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center at 401 Van Ness Avenue on Christmas Eve Day, Monday, December 24, 2012. Our volunteers come from all walks of life and many have been volunteering since its inception. There are even couples who first met at the event and are still together, as well as families who volunteered when the children were young and now reunite to volunteer as adults. Some people fly cross-country to continue their volunteer service! Please join us this year for some Holiday Cheer. AEF FAMILY 30 YEARS OF LOVE Who’s Who at A EF FOUNDERS Frederick H. Boot h, Jr. Walter Mellon BOARD PRESIDEN T Cynthia Hester BOARD OF DIRECT OR S Eric Christiansen Lu Conrad Neil Figurelli Joe Headlee Lance Holman Randy Marcotte Heather Renshaw Vu etin Scott Williams EXECUTIVE DIRECT OR Mike Smith STAFF TEER A VOLUN can E M O C E B u ut how yo bo To learn a ase visit: ple r, voluntee w lunteerno o v / g r o . f aef-s OK. N FACEBO O S U ” E “LIK ach Help AEF ref 3,000 “likes.” o our goal .com/ facebookrgencyfund aidseme on Twitter Follow us #AEFsf Michael Armentro ut Jonathan Foulk Lee Harrington Jeff Jones Frank Martinez Kome Muller Maritza Penagos 12 Grace Street, Su ite 300 San Francisco, CA 94103 PHONE 415.558.6999 FAX 415.558.6990 WEB www.barechest.o rg www.leatherwalk. org Federal Tax ID 94-2922039
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