St.Francis Assembly 3495 St.Marys Parish


St.Francis Assembly 3495 St.Marys Parish
St.Francis Assembly 3495
Cardinal McGuigan Province 2nd Ontario District
Master: Sir Knight Joe Mathews
Faithful Navigator:Sir Knight Michael Dynes
St.Marys Parish-Collingwood Ontario
“The Sentinel Newsletter”-May 2016- Issue #21
Our Patron Saint :
The Prayer of Saint Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.
Attributed to Francis Bernadone, perhaps the most universally loved of Christian saints, who was
born in Assisi, Italy, in 1181 or 1182. At the age of twenty-two, after a sudden illness that
brought him almost to the point of death, he left his home and inheritance to follow an injunction
that he felt he received from Christ himself: "Francis, go and rebuild my Church." Three great
Franciscan orders quickly grew around the monks, nuns, and lay disciples who responded to his
joyful example of universal love and selfless service.
For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond
our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our
fellow man. That's what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic
Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. "Sir Knight" is more
than a title — it’s an honor.
Your 2015/2016 executive:
Faithful Navigator Mr Michael F Dynes 303-225 St Paul street
Collingwood On L9Y 3P5
705-446-0807 (R)
Faithful Comptroller Mr Kasimir Watroba 112 Cortina Crescent
Blue Mountains, ON L9Y 0S9
705 445-2054 (R)
Faithful Friar Fr. Gerard A Pilon Saint Mary'S Church
63 Elgin St
Collingwood, ON L9Y 3L6
705- 445- 1790 (R)
Faithful Captain Mr Domenic Sanfilippo 53 Lockhart Rd
Collingwood, ON L9Y 4M1
705-445-7615 (R)
Faithful Admiral Mr Lorne T Winkler 19 Wellington St
Collingwood, ON L9Y 0X2
705-445-2515 (R)
Faithful Purser Mr Brian F Mcdonnell 87 Glen Eton Rd
Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1T8
705 429-0499 (R)
Faithful Pilot Mr Joseph Frendo-Cumbo 24 Katherine St
Collingwood, ON L9Y 3R2
705-446-1728 (R)
Faithful Scribe Mr Michael Sangregorio 25 Cherry Sands Cres
Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1P5
905 866 9564 (R)
Inner Sentinel Mr Adam Michael Jonathan
311- B Hurontario St.
Apt. E
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2M5
705-446-0690 (R)
Outer Sentinel Mr Sal J Greco 9 River Run
Collingwood, ON L9Y 4S9
705- 445-7288 (R)
One Year Trustee Mr Demetrius Romanko 205-490 Tenth Street
Collingwood On. L9Y 2H1
705-443-8011 (R)
Two Year Trustee Mr Ype Huver 634 Cameron St
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2J7
705-445-1702 (R)
Three Year Trustee Mr Frank C Bondi 16 Marina Cres
Collingwood, ON L9Y 5H1
705-444-6427 (R)
Color Corps Commander Mr Michael Anthony Bullis
36 Maple Dr Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 0A8
705-300-2154 (R)
Color Corps Commander Mr Don McDonald
Wasaga Beach On Tel: # 705 429 6956
Upcoming of Events
Dates to mark on your Calendar:
Saturday May 7th 2016- 50th anniversary dinner of Father Lally Council
5793 at Royal Canadian Legion further details to follow/ Honor Guard has
been requested.
Sunday May 29th 2016- Confirmation at St Patricks Stayner.Double Honor
Guard required.First Confirmation starting at 4:00 P.M followed by the
second Confirmation starting at 6:00 P.M.
Tuesday June 5th @ 2:00 PM 2016- Confirmation St Marys Collingwood
Honor Guard required.Time to be set.
Wednesday 25th May 2016- NEXT MEETING- St Marys Parish Hall @
7:30 PM –There will be a sword drill at this meeting7:00-7:30 .Bring
appropriate regalia. ( Hat, Sword, baldric and gloves)
From The Desk Of The Worthy Faithful Navigator:
St. Francis Assembly # 3495
63 Elgin Street, Collingwood Ontario L9Y 3L6
May 2016
Sr. Knights, I hope all is well with you and you’re Family.
Our 4th degree Exemplification is fast approaching June 4th 2016 at Our
Lady of Grace Parish Aurora Ontario, yes we will be there if you require
details Contact Michael Dynes FN Tel: # 705 446 0807.
Over the last two years we have brought in reading material for all if
you don’t have it ask and will insure you have it. By-Laws 2015, Color
Corps Drill Manual 2008 and Laws and Rules Governing the Fourth
Degree 2013. There is also our Newsletter where current information is
posted on web address
when there go across to newsletter hit the arrow down key then you
can read St Francis newsletter also catch up on what 5793 is doing by
ready there Take 5.
As we all are aware being a member of the 4th you need to be in good
standing with the 3rd degree please insure your dues are paid as our
dues are always payable on January 1st of each year and that you
continue to support your Councils they are the backbone of our order
and they do support us and we are thankful.
I would to take this opportunity to Thank Sir Knight Frank Bondi for
good work on our newsletter, please read it and give him a tip of the
hat when you see him.
Vivat Jesus
Michael FN
St. Francis Assembly # 3495
63 Elgin Street, Collingwood Ontario L9Y 3L6
May 2016
Honor Guard Schedule
Mark your Calendars Assembly 3495 is active our Commanders will make contact
with you or better yet call them and let them know you will be there to support
honor Guards that you can help with. Sir Knights please note that Commanders
are in charge of all Honor Guards.
Commander Mike Bullis Tel. # 705 300 2154 or Email:
Commander Donald MacDonald Tel: # 705 429 6956 or Email:
Honor Guard for two Confirmations Masses May 29th 1st one at 4 pm; the 2nd one
at 6 pm both at St Patrick Church Stayner.
There will be an Honor Guard for 7th grade Confirmation at St Mary’s church
Collingwood Sunday June 5, 2016 at 2 pm.
We are invited to join in with JJ Murphy Assembly 2020 as an Honor Guard on
June 22nd 7pm St Mary’s Barrie.
Each year we as SIR Knights join in the Rosary Sunday event, September 11, at
2:30 pm, Honor Guard should be dressed and ready at no later than 2pm we line
up above the Papal alter. Please if you can’t for whatever reason take part in this
join in with us as we recite the living rosary. If you have not seen this before it can
be an inspirational time for you and your family.
We will have Honor Guard practice starting at 7 pm each night prior to our
general meeting.
Many people will be hitting the road for travel plans today and OPP will be out in full
force looking for distracted or impaired drivers, speeding, as well as seatbelt safety.
OPP Constable Lauren Ball says the warmer weather usually has people driving a little
faster than normal.
“We do find that when there is nice weather and sunshine people tend to drive faster.
Unfortunately when people are involved in collisions at great speeds it leads to serious
injuries so we want people to obey the speed limit when traffic isn’t heavy.”
Ball adds the Victoria Day long weekend tends to be a deadly one.
“For the province over the last 5 year, 18 people have lost their lives on OPP patrolled
roadways this particular weekend. Make sure you watch your speed, take your time
getting where you need to go, and pay attention to the road.”
As of September 1, 2015 the fines and penalties for distracted driving increased to $490
and three demerit points.
OPP says where will be an increase in RIDE check programs around our region as well
this weekend.
Please remember these Brothers and their families in your prayers:
Under Good of the Order: Brothers Roy Adams, John McMillan, Paul McGinty,
George Stewart, Bruno Jacka, Rick Ducharme, FDD Bob Griffin, Tom Phillips,
May Featherstone, Nicolina Mirabella, Bro. Adam’s uncle Art, Jean Van Bethem,
Gerry O’Brian,Rev Father Bill Scanlon,the family of Mary Thompson,Sharon
Weatherall,Harry and Rolly Richardson,Denis Farley,Marilyn Frendo-Cumbo,
Lorne Winkler,Demetris Remeko,Brian McDonell, Fred McDonell brother of Sir
Knight Brian who has passed away and all of our Brothers who may be ill.
Please remember these Brothers and their families in your prayers:
Please remember these Brothers and their families in your prayers:
Under Good of the Order: Brothers Roy Adams, John McMillan, Paul McGinty,
George Stewart, Bruno Jacka, Rick Ducharme, Norm Duhamel who has passed
away and his family, FDD Bob Griffin, Tom Phillips, May Featherstone, Nicolina
Mirabella, Bro. Adam’s uncle Art, Jean Van Bethem, Gerry O’Brian,Rev Father
Bill Scanlon,the family of Mary Thompson,Sharon Weatherall,Harry and Rolly
Richardson,Denis Farley,Marilyn Frendo-Cumbo, Lorne Winkler,Demetris
Remeko,Brian McDonell, Fred McDonell brother of Sir Knight Brian who has
passed away and all of our Brothers who may be ill.
Birthday Corner:
Happy Birthday to the following for May:
Nena Villa
Lorne Winkler
Michael Bullis
Joe Frendo-Cumbo
Lorne Winkler
May Anniversary,s
Best wishes to the following couples:
Edwin & Nena Villa
If you have a request for prayers for a Brother Knight or fa
mily member send it to
If anyone has any submissions feel free to send them in.
Newsletter-Sir Knight Frank Bondi (