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Collingwood College
News & Views
24 June 2015
Up ...
Wednesday 17 June saw Years 7,
8 and 9 once again competing for
Gold, Silver and Bronze at the
annual Collingwood College
Sports Day at Bracknell Athletics
Track. A very composed team of
Year 10 GCSE PE students
comfortably officiated all events
and demonstrated the skills they
have developed in their GCSE PE
Practical lessons.
10 Weeks
until Collingwood goes
Thursday 25 June
Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly and
Friday 26 June
The event was blessed with good
weather and an impressive
turnout from parents further added
to the atmosphere. Entry numbers from Years 7, 8 and 9 were highly
impressive and their performances equally as commendable.
Year 13 Leavers’ Day and Prom
Monday 29 June
INSET Day, College closed to
Well done to Giles Rhoden 7J who broke the 100 m record and equalled the
800 m record for his year group and to Eden Hogston 7B who broke the
Year 7 Girls’ 800 m record that hasn’t been broken for 4 years and the
200 m record that hasn’t been broken for 15 years! A very special mention
goes to Max Mercadal 8C who smashed the Year 8 Boys’ 35 year Javelin
record with a distance of 29.74 m (and his mum
Read more from Sports
Day by clicking here ...
assures me he can throw further!).
Tuesday 30 June - Wednesday
1 July
New Year 7 Induction Days
Wednesday 1 July
New Year 7 Parents’ Evening,
7.00pm until 8.00pm, Kingston
On Friday 5 June 30 Gifted and Talented students in Year 9
visited Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Club. The visit began with a
tour of the grounds which included looking at the roll of
honour, various courts, the famous hill where many a match
is watched, the show courts, players’ areas and the media
centre where players give interviews after matches.
The students learned a great deal about the history of the
game and how it came about. They particularly enjoyed
learning about how the women’s outfits changed over time.
Students had the opportunity to ask lots of questions
including how the grass is maintained over the year,
information about the new retractable roof on Centre Court
and sponsorship and prize money. They enjoyed taking
photos in several places that are out of bounds to the public.
The day ended with a visit to the museum; we saw how the
equipment and technology in tennis had changed over time.
It was particularly interesting to see the development of the
racket. The students saw the actual trophies that are presented to the winning players and they also got to experience
a short 3-D film which gave the feeling of being at a Wimbledon final!
Miss Sethi - PE Department
Collingwood College  Kingston Road  Camberley Surrey GU15 4AE 01276 457600
After College on Tuesday 16 June, Collingwood College, Kings
International College and Gordon’s School took part in a Carnegie
Quiz, based here in the Library at Collingwood. We have all been
taking part in the national Carnegie awards reading the shortlisted titles
and the quiz included questions on these titles.
”Collingwood students performed
very well and were only defeated by
an extremely knowledgeable Kings
side. It was a really enjoyable
competition and a welcome
addition to the Carnegie activities
undertaken by the Reading Club.”
Mr Woolford
I was very
impressed with how
much the students
could remember
from the books that
they have read over
the last few weeks
and the results were very close.
Many congratulations go to Kings International College for coming
top with a total of 72.5 points. Collingwood came a close second
with 69 points and Gordon’s came third with 64 points.
The Collingwood team members were Sarah Kavanagh-Gibbs (8I),
Ineka Fountain-Vessey (8I), Jiranun Allen (8I), Caitlin Ransom (8H)
and Millicent Brodie Cooper (8H).
I was really proud of our team.
Not only were they younger than many of the other
students but our team had fewer members than teams from
Kings and Gordon’s and we came a very close 2nd.
“It was fun
interacting with
other schools.”
Caitlin Ransom
It was a really enjoyable evening and one that we will be keen to repeat next
Mrs Reid - Library Manager and Mr Woolford – IAG Co-ordinator
On Sunday 14 June I went to my
mum’s friend’s house and got
my hair cut off for The Little
Princess Trust. The Little
Princess Trust is a charity that
provides real hair wigs to boys
and girls across the UK and
Ireland that have sadly lost their
own hair through cancer
My mum and I were looking on facebook on Friday 12 June and came across a photo of a little boy with long hair
and then a photo of the same boy holding some ponytails. He had been bullied about his long hair but he was
growing it to donate to The Little Princess Trust.
I wanted to donate my hair as so many children are suffering with cancer and with the side effects that
chemotherapy brings, including loss of hair. I wanted my hair to make someone smile when they looked in the
mirror, having lost their own hair as a result of chemotherapy treatment. I feel amazing now that my hair has been
donated as I know it is going to a good cause and it will make someone happy which is why I did it. As well as
donating my hair to be made into a wig I also raised £310 for The Little Princess Trust (each wig costs £350).
If you would like to find out more about The Little Princess Trust or would like to get involved go to
Katie Winstanley (8A)
Follow us on twitter @CollingwoodCamb
Continued from Page 1
Congratulations to Thomas Handley who destroyed the Year 8 Boys’ 200 m 32 year standing record
and to Luke Mann 8C who broke a 19 year standing record in the Year 8 Boys’ Long Jump.
Congratulations to all participants.
To view a list of this year’s
winners, please click here ...
The PE Department would like to thank Mrs Bocutt for her administrative
support, Mrs Goggin for supporting the event with First Aid arrangements and
all colleagues who gave up their evening to
Mr Beer - Head of PE Department
support the students.
Find us on Facebook: College, Camberley, Surrey
On Thursday 18 June the Art Department held its annual A Level Art and
Photography Show.
A number of parents, family and friends came to view the work on display in the Sports Hall
mezzanine. College staff and the Art Department also enjoyed the evening as it was a great
opportunity to showcase some highly original fine art and photography.
The photography show involved individual displays, where each student demonstrated not
only excellent technical skills with the camera but also the ability to respond creatively to the
themes posed by the examination board. This year the students continued to demonstrate
high levels of technical competence using photography and image manipulation to present
some stunning outcomes. The students pushed the creative boundaries using photography
and film including the addition of wire in Stephanie Bates’ ‘Tension’ photograph, Charlotte
Blight’s postcard sculpture and Joshua Henwick’s films, combining stop motion animation
and film work.
The AS fine artists showed
highly personal responses to
Jenny Benson
the theme of structures and
really unusual series’ of prints.
They also worked in mixed-media, in original and
exciting ways in order to complete attractive pieces of
coursework. Jenny Benson’s painting based on inter
-locking forms and Estelle Rice’s figurative triptych
caught the attention of viewers. Other eye-catching
pieces included work by Jemima Stafford and
Florence Makin
Rianna Meme
Florence Makin who both used paint in dramatic
ways to express their ideas. The most popular exam question this year was ‘Postcard’ but Rianna Meme selected
the theme of ‘Passage’ and used this year’s celebration of ‘Alice In Wonderland’ to create a 3-D model of the book
with an illustrated passage.
The group of A Level students also
succeeded in presenting outstanding shows.
Harvey Kohout captured a series of
impressive family portraits, both in paint and
using an iPad.
Two students decided to create installations
with contrasting themes. Jess Pass made a
clay wall based on trees to celebrate nature
whilst Chris Burt made us all think about
consumerism and its consequences.
Harvey Kohout
Jess Pass
Chris Burt
The most popular exam question for this group was ‘Angels’ with
highly attractive outcomes from Alexandra Francis and Stephanie
The evening was a huge success and all students are to be
congratulated on their achievements.
Mrs Witt - Head of Art Department
Stephanie Holmes
Alexandra Francis
On Thursday 18 June, a
group of Year 10 students
travelled to Brooklands
Museum to take part in
an event where they each
led a team of Year 4
pupils, mentoring, guiding and
supporting them through various
activities, from designing a parachute, to
a maths trail and then finally launching
the parachutes.
I enjoyed
testing the
It was a great day and our
students were a credit to
I enjoyed helping the
children work together
in order to complete the
Mrs Trapnell - Maths Department
We very much hope that you are looking forward to the Year 11 Prom on
Thursday 25 June, which will be held at The Lord Roberts' Centre, Bisley,
GU24 0NP. Full directions to the centre can be found on
the website,
We would, of course, like to welcome you all to come and see the students
arriving for this really special occasion which we are sure all will enjoy. I just have
a few requests which will hopefully ensure that the evening runs smoothly:
As there are so many students attending it may get rather congested,
therefore we would request your co-operation in using car parking in the
allocated parking area, which you will be directed to on your arrival.
There will be an area for you to stand and hopefully get a good view of the students arriving.
Please could you be considerate to all other parents when you have seen the student you are
particularly there to see, and let all take a turn towards the front.
We have been asked by the Centre management to request that the strict 'No Smoking' policy
on the grounds is adhered to. Again we would request your support in this.
This year we are delighted that Mr Proctor will be our photographer for the night. He will be
taking photos on request of singles, couples or groups. Payment must be made by CASH at
the time of ordering, during the evening. Cost will be £10 per A4 print in a mount.
Should you have any queries before the night please contact me by telephoning the College (01276
See you there!
Mrs Green - Year Manager (Year 11)
Follow us on twitter @CollingwoodCamb
We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and students for their continued
support and the noticeable improvement in complying with our uniform requirements that
has been achieved so far.
Last September we made it compulsory for Year 7
students to wear the new College trousers and
skirts with the embroidered shadow logo. We
would like to remind parents and students that from
the start of the new academic year in September
2015, all students will be expected to wear the
regulation trousers and skirts with the logo. These
can only be purchased from Brenda’s
Available from Brenda’s Schoolwear
Schoolwear on the Frimley Road, Camberley.
We will continue to enforce the wearing of leather or
‘leather like’ standard black shoes. This is not a change
Available from Brenda’s Schoolwear
in our uniform rules but rather a focus on its
application as we were aware that various canvas, trainer type footwear were becoming
increasingly common. Please bear this in mind when replacing existing shoes for the next
academic year.
As a result of listening to parental feedback, an agreement has been made with Brenda’s to
sell the whole College uniform over this summer holiday period. This will allow parents to
get all of the uniform they need from one place and at more convenient times.
The College uniform shop will remain open until the end of term 17 July 2015. At that time we will suspend
access to the shop on Parent Pay. All uniform will therefore be sold from Brenda’s this summer until further
notice. Further changes will be announced in September.
Full details of our uniform requirements can be found within the letter dated today on the Parent Portal.
The Online Data Collection Wizard which allows
you to enter updated information about your child/
children is available via the Parent Portal.
We would be very
grateful if you could take
the time to log in to the
Parent Portal using your
Username and
Password, click on ‘My
Child’ , then under ‘My
Children Links’ (at bottom
of the screen) click on ‘Data Collection Sheet’ (as
shown in the screenshot here) and check that the
details we hold on record for your child/children
are correct, making any necessary changes.
Many thanks.
Mrs Sawers - Data Admin Dept
Find us on Facebook: College, Camberley, Surrey
On Thursday 18 June four teams of students from Years 7, 8
and 9 participated in a SHAPE Inter-school Geography quiz at
Kings International College in Camberley.
Our students were a little apprehensive upon seeing the number of
Kings students taking part, but the cookies on offer soon made them
feel at ease.
Year 9 Team: ‘GTC’ (Third Place)
The first round was ‘General
Knowledge’ with questions like
‘what is the second largest
country in the world?’ and
‘which is warmer, the North or
South pole?’ All four teams
felt confident in this round and
up for the challenge. The
following three rounds; ‘Which
Country Am I In?’, ‘OS Map
Symbols’ and ‘It’s a Numbers
Thing’ threw up some
challenging questions but our
teams took them in their stride.
Year 7 Team: ‘Jonathan & Co’ (Second Place)
The last round ‘Guess the Geographical Feature’ included the use of a joker and with 10 points on
offer for each of the five questions this was going to be the deciding round. The Sydney Opera House
and Victoria Falls stumped our students but the Channel Tunnel and Snowdon were answered with
With prizes on offer for first, second and third place in each
age group, our teams were feeling hopeful, even though
there were 17 teams competing in total. Our two Year 8
teams, ‘The Team’ and ‘I’m Only Here for the Cookies’ did
not take home a prize, after ‘I’m Only Here for the Cookies’
narrowly losing the tie-breaker question for third place. The
Year 9 team ‘GTC’ came third in their age group and our
youngest quiz group ‘Jonathan & Co’ came second in the
Year 7 category.
Year 8 Team: ‘I’m Only Here for the Cookies’
All our students really enjoyed the event (not just the
cookies and prizes) and were a credit to the College.
Team members: Lily, Jonathan and Fletcher (Year 7s);
Ella, Darci, Khadeejah, Callum and Tristan(Year 8s)
and Charlotte, Tate and Calam (Year 9s).
Year 8 Team: ‘The Team’
We look forward to holding the next round at
Collingwood in the Autumn term. Look out for
notices from the Geography Department if you
would like to take part.
Mrs Jackson - Geography Department
Dinner Money
ParentPay is the safest method of paying for your son or daughter’s school meals. The
system allows you to not only monitor the remaining balances on the account but also view the
items purchased.
If you would like to limit the amount that your child can spend a day in the College’s canteen,
please contact the Finance Office (
providing your child’s name, form group and daily limit amount.
Mrs Jackson - Bursar
Follow us on twitter @CollingwoodCamb
On Sunday 14 June the Status team embarked on its
first race of the season: Goodwood. This race was
especially important to the new team members as it
would not only be the first of the season but the first
including the new members. However, each member
had a small sacrifice to make; a 5.15am start on a
Sunday morning.
Luckily that didn’t sway most members and was only a
small obstacle in the midst of a brilliant day. We arrived
at the famous gates of Goodwood and gathered our
Re-attaching the back of the MK2 car after Race 1.
members. We then made our way to the paddock area
where we began to check and prepare the cars. We arranged
driving times, practice times and took off to the scrutineers where
we passed every check. The practice went smoothly apart from
a minor problem which we quickly fixed and were ready to go.
Lining up to the grid before Race 1.
Finally, the time came for the races. The drivers donned their
overalls, proceeded to the grid and one by one the lines of cars
sped off round the first bend. Each race is 90 minutes long, with
the aim of travelling the greatest distance on just one pair of
The races went well and we achieved 15th place with
the MK2 and 22nd place with the MK1, mounting up a
total of 135 miles over the day! This confirmed that all
our hard work had paid off and was worth it! On the
day, we also had the honour of being awarded the IET
Best Engineered Car for our MK2 car, beating over 50
cars at the event.
Matt Godfrey driving the MK1 car along the
We would like to thank all team members, parents and
Goodwood straight.
sponsors for making the day possible. A big thanks to
Kelly Van Hire (Camberley) for hiring us the van to transport the cars and equipment at a
discounted rate, and finally to Mr Winter for the hard
work and dedication he has given and continues to
give to the project.
Our next race is at Rockingham Motor
Speedway on Wednesday 1 July. We will
keep you posted throughout the day on our
Facebook page: .
Dan Martin and Harry Carlson
Status Racing at the end of the day with both cars. Thanks
to Kelly Van Hire for the discounted hire of the van!
Find us on Facebook: College, Camberley, Surrey
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