By Anthony Faga, Expert Breeder of Cane Corso


By Anthony Faga, Expert Breeder of Cane Corso
By Anthony Faga, Expert Breeder of Cane Corso Mastiffs
Yes that’s right! When I bought my very first Cane Corso I got “cheated, ripped
off, deceived and flat out lied to". I didn't know what to look for in a good quality
Cane Corso puppy or dog.
Since that time I have learned and I've gone on to become one of the best
breeders and one of the best known breeders on the internet. I tell you in this
guide what to look for in a Cane Corso dog and what to look for and expect from
a reputable Cane Corso breeder whether you get a dog from me or not.
First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am of Italian ancestry and was born
and raised in the Philadelphia area. I currently own and live on an 88 acre ranch
in Ukiah, California with my wife, Andriea.
I was ultimately taught all about Cane Corsos (after I got cheated, deceived and
lied to by a disreputable breeder) by some of the first Cane Corso breeders in the
USA. I know the husband and wife team that imported the first Cane Corsos to
the USA. They also started the ICCF, now known as the CCAA (Cane Corso
Association of America).
I have whelped, shown, trained and even played with some of the best champion
Cane Corsos in the country, most of which go back to those first imports. I can
trace my existing dogs back for generations. Back to those dogs that were the
original imports from Italy. I can pretty much tell you where most of the dogs in
the USA come from in terms of heritage.
You might ask “why did you create this guide”. Of course I’m hoping that
you will get one of my dogs. However if you don’t that is OK. The most
important thing is that you get a dog that you are happy with. A dog that is well
suited to you and your family. I want your Cane Corso experience to be a good
one. This breed is the best, however there is such a thing as a quality dog and a
quality breeder. Bad Cane Corso breeders only hurt the breed and reputable
breeders like me by breeding and selling inferior dogs. Dogs that they know
have congenital defects, bad temperament and other issues. Every dog can not
be a champion but if a dog has known issues you should be told BEFORE you
buy it.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
In this guide I tell you 7 simple easy to remember rules to follow when evaluating
a breeder and when looking to select a Cane Corso dog. Follow these simple
rules and you won’t “get taken” like I did.
By deciding to read this guide you will be ahead of the game and will not make
the same silly mistakes that I made.
So let’s get started.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
When I bought my very first Cane Corso I got cheated, I was deceived and flat
out lied to in a major way.
The first thing that I did was I decided on what color dog I wanted. I'm here to tell
you that that was the very first mistake that I made.
Rule#1: Never select a Cane Corso strictly on coloring.
Cane Corsos come in a variety of colors. Some are red, some are formentino,
some are fawn, and some are black, black brindle, chestnut brindle, brown, grey,
blue grey, brindle grey, brindle blue and so on and so on. The colors really vary
from dog to dog. The fact of the matter is that Cane Corsos come in a lot of
beautiful colors.
Now I understand that you're going to be looking at this dog for a good many
years to come. You are going to want to get a dog that you will like looking at but
do NOT make color your primary criteria for selecting your Cane Corso. I get so
many people that call or email me and say “I only want a formentino” or “I only
want a blue dog”. As soon as I tell them that I have a brindle dog with great
temperament or a red dog with a beautiful muzzle they're not interested. They
don't wait to hear about pedigree, temperament, hip scores or anything else.
Select a dog strictly on coloring and you are probably going to be very
disappointed in the long run.
* However once you have found a reputable breeder there is nothing wrong with
asking for a specific color. Just be sure that selecting color is not your ONLY
criteria for selecting a breeder and a puppy. If the first or second question you
ask a breeder is “do you have a formentino puppy?” then you are asking the
wrong question.
Well as I said I decided on the color that I wanted. I wanted a blue Cane Corso
male. I wanted to start a breeding program and that’s what I wanted, a blue male
Cane Corso dog. I didn’t want black, grey, brindle or any other color. I only
wanted a blue Cane Corso. I did what I thought was the smart thing. I looked for
a dog breeder in Dog USA magazine.
Now back in 1999 there were not that many "breeders" of Cane Corsos at that
time. There were about 12 breeders in the magazine. Today there are too many
breeders of Cane Corsos to count. Some are good but most are not.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
In the event that you don’t decide to get a dog from me you might consider They are based in Pennsylvania. Many of
my dogs are descendants from Marty’s dogs. Marty taught me a lot about Cane
Corsos and is a friend of mine. He is one of the people who introduced me to the
founders of the ICCF/CCAA. He taught me a great deal. If you contact Roman
Cane Corso be sure to mention to Marty that you were referred to him by me,
Anthony Faga.
There are a few other good breeders out there but Marty at Roman is one of the
best and I recommend him.
After I decided on the breeder that I'd found in Dog USA magazine. I called the
breeder. He seemed like a nice enough guy on the phone. I set up an
appointment to visit his kennel. I always recommend that you visit the kennel (if
at all possible). If a breeder is reluctant to let you visit and will ONLY ship you a
dog then you should be very wary. I once had a customer come to me because
another breeder who he talked to prior to me would not let him come and pick up
a puppy, meaning that he could not visit. That customer was savvy to look
elsewhere. Even if you cannot visit let the breeder know that you want to visit
and see what kind of reaction you get.
Rule #2: Try and visit the kennel if you can. Even if you can’t tell the
breeder that you are planning to be in the area and would like to visit and
perhaps pick up the puppy in person. If they object then “GO SOMEWHERE
If you want to visit my ranch just let me know. You’re always welcome to visit
and see how I raise my dogs. Here’s my address but please contact me first if
you want to come by.
9705 hi way 20
Ukiah, CA 95482-9263
(Side note: One of the things that I am sometimes asked is “Is it OK to ship a puppy?”
Shipping a puppy is fine. The most important thing is to find a reputable breeder that
you are comfortable with. The dogs usually sleep through the entire flight and are not at
all negatively affected by the flight. Just be sure to find a good breeder.)
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
My first clue that all was not well was when I visited this breeder’s kennel. The
individual dog kennels were really small. His kennels were 8’ by 4’ which is really
too small for a dog the size of a Cane Corso. They we really more like cages to
be frank.
My kennels are all at least 12’ by 16’. This gives the dog plenty of room to move
around in.
His kennel was not really that well kept but he did have a blue male Cane Corso,
which was exactly what I’d wanted. At first glance the dog seemed to be OK. I
was excited. I asked him if I could see the parents and he said "yes".
I went and saw both the dam and the sire who were both in their pens. I asked if
I could pet them and he said that I could pet the male but not the female. He
said she had "aggression issues". Just to be clear "aggression issues" means
lack of stable temperament. He explained that she had “aggression issues”
because she just had puppies. However the puppies were already whelped. As
a matter of fact the puppies were not even kept with her anymore. Remember
these puppies were old enough to be placed in homes. She had “aggression
issues” but not because of her puppies.
The male dog or sire was another story. When he got out of his kennel he did
not even acknowledge me. He ran around in circles like a caged animal that had
just been set free. He acted like it was the first time he had ever been let out of
his kennel!!! I never did get to pet him or really see him up close. He was too
busy running around in crazy looking circles. If you come to our place our dogs
will come up to you and nudge you to give them attention and to pet them. They
definitely won’t ignore you like this dog did.
Rule #3: Always find out about the temperament of the parents. If the
breeder can not demonstrate the temperament of the parents, then “GO
The best way to determine temperament is through certified and verifiable
temperament testing. Any reputable breeders will temperament test his breeding
dogs. If the breeder says that a dog has been temperament tested ask to see
some proof. Certificates from a testing organization can confirm the
temperament of a dog.
Temperament is one of the most important things that you should look for when
selecting a dog. A bad temperament can be reduced with some professional
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
training. Some aggressiveness (or timidity) can be reduced but it is a heck of lot
easier to start with a dog that has a solid temperament in his or her pedigree.
You've probably heard this before but look for a puppy that is not too timid or who
shies away from you when you approach. Or that you should avoid a puppy that
is already overly aggressive. You should try to spend some time with your puppy
if at all possible to see how it reacts to unfamiliar noises and unfamiliar people.
However I realize that it is not always possible to visit with your puppy before you
buy him or her from a reputable breeder.
The very best thing that you can do is to find out about the temperament of the
parents. Like most things in life, you get what you out what you put in.
Temperament just like eye color, size, etc. can be passed from generation to
The other thing that should have been a "clue" for me was that the sire was only
8 months old at the time that the litter was produced. Now sperm is sperm but no
reputable breeder would breed a dog that was less than 1 year old for a male
and 2 years old for a female. A dog needs time to grow and develop properly to
then produce healthy, well bred puppies. An 8 month old dog is still a growing
Rule #4: Always find out how old the parents are. Males should be at least
a year old and females should at least be 2 years old. If they are not, then
The other thing that happened was that the breeder simply handed me a puppy
and said that all his dogs were show quality dogs.
If a breeder tells you that all his puppies are show quality, run like hell. No
breeder of any dog can guarantee that all of his or her puppies in every litter will
be show quality every time all the time.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Rule #5: If a breeder says “all my dogs are show quality” then “GO
Just like siblings in any family. Everyone is at least a little bit different just like
every puppy is just a little bit different than the next. Every puppy can not be
show quality.
OK, so getting back to my story about my blue Cane Corso.
I took the blue puppy home that the breeder "handed me". Almost immediately I
realized that this dog was not a dog that I could use as the foundation of
successful breeding program.
Two days after I got the dog I took him to the vet, which was a good thing to do. I
always recommend that you visit the vet after you get a new puppy or dog. My
vet started to examine the puppy. Guess what happened? While the vet was
examining the puppy and checking his bite (teeth alignment) the puppy bit the
vet! I was floored and shocked! I could not believe what I had just witnessed. I
knew immediately that I had a dog with real temperament problems. The vet also
told me that the dog had a terrible bite, and again I mean teeth alignment.
He had a significant under bite where his lower teeth were in front of his upper
teeth. If he were a pug that would be fine but this was not a pug. This was a
Cane Corso.
After my experience at the vet I called the breeder. I told him everything that had
happened. He told me that the puppy was probably just nervous about being at
the veterinarian and that the alignment thing was just something that the puppy
would grow out of. Being the trusting person that I am, I bought everything that
he told me, hook, line and sinker. He was a really smooth talker. He was good.
I know now that I was just being gullible and naïve and that I got “ripped off”.
You know how it is sometimes when you know that you’ve made a huge mistake
but you don’t want to face it? That’s kind of where I was. I wanted to believe
that the dog would grow out these issues and not have to face the fact that I
made a mistake and that I was cheated, deceived and flat out lied to.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
According to the Cane Corso breed standards (you can review the breed
standards on my site by clicking here) the bite problem (not to mention his
temperament) was and is a serious and disqualifying fault.
Certainly the dog should not be bred. I never had the opportunity to pet or even
see the parents up close. If I had I might have seen this defect in the parents.
Maybe they had it or maybe they didn't. I really do not know. In any event I was
crushed because I knew that this dog was not of the kind of dog that I could
breed let alone be the basis of a credible breeding program.
One of the things that are sometimes a problem in larger dogs is Hip Dysplasia.
Hip Dysplasia is a crippling and painful disease of hip joint.
Hip Dysplasia is defined as the abnormal formation of the hip joint in which the
ball at the top of the thighbone (the femoral head) is not stable within the socket
(the acetabulum). The ligaments of the hip joint may also be loose and stretched.
Eventually the Hip Dysplasia gets so bad that the dog eventually becomes
crippled at which time it must be put to sleep.
As a result any reputable breeder will Penn Hip score their dogs. Each hip is
measured and a score is given to determine the soundness of the hips. The
lower the score, the better it is. A great score is anything less than .50. Any thing
over .70 is unacceptable and the dog should not be bred.
The median for the breed is .63. This means that .63 is right in the middle for
breed. This means that .40 is a fantastic score and that .80 is bad news. You
also want to breed with or get a dog from the median (50% mark) score or better.
I have had all my adult dogs Penn Hip scored to determine their suitability for
breeding. Any reputable breeder will also do this and will make the Penn Hip
score available to potential buyers. Avoid any breeder who does not provide you
with Penn Hip scores. As I said watching you dog slowly go crippled is gut
wrenching. You don’t want to go through it.
It is also important as your puppy is growing that he or she does not do any
heavy pulling, high jumping, running up steep slopes, etc. Anything that puts
increased stresses on their growing joints and bones must be avoided.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Rule# 6: If a breeder does not have verifiable Penn Hip scores for his
breeding dogs then “GO SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
Needless to say the breeder who bred my blue Cane Corso did not have Penn
Hip scores for the parents. He never mentioned hip scoring, Penn Hips or Hip
Dysplasia. These are things that he should have told me. Any good breeder
would have talked about this, even “bragged” about how good their dog’s hip
scores are. However he didn’t.
What was even more troubling was that this breeder knew that I wanted a dog
that could be the foundation of a breeding program. He was willing to sell me a
dog that he knew might be bred that had no hip scoring history. More importantly
he was breeding dogs that didn’t have hip scores of their own.
Once I discovered all these issues with the dog it was too late to go back to the
breeder and return the dog. I had become attached to the dog. He was attached
to me too so I really couldn't give him back. Besides all that, the breeder did not
give me a contract or a guarantee.
Rule# 7: Always get a written contract with a replacement guarantee in it. If
the Breeder will not give you a contract then “GO SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
I give a guarantee with all my dogs. It is a 2 year guarantee against hereditary
defects including hip dysplasia. You can see a copy of my contract by clicking
If a breeder will not give you a written contract then go somewhere else and save
yourself some grief.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Well, I'm coming to the end of my guide on “How to Buy a Cane Corso without
Getting Cheated, Deceived and Flat Out Lied to Like I Was” which is my account
of my very first Cane Corso.
The title of my guide uses the words “Cheated, Deceived and Flat Out Lied to”
because I WAS in fact Cheated, Deceived and Flat Out Lied to.
You see I paid $2000 for my Blue Cane Corso. I paid $2000 for the male pick of
the litter. I found out some months later, by accident that someone else actually
got the pick male, another Blue Cane Corso.
I got almost nothing for that money. I got an inferior dog, certainly not the pick of
the litter. I got no advice or help from the breeder during or after the dog was
sold. I was not told about temperament, hip scoring, Penn Hip scores or
anything. I basically got handed a dog as I handed over a check.
I hope that you've learned what to look for in a Cane Corso so that you don’t get
"ripped off" and "jacked” like I did.
You're probably wondering what happened to my Blue Cane Corso. Well I named
him Alphonso.
One afternoon after work I went out to my backyard like I always did after work
and expected to see him running up to me wagging his tail, excited to see me. I
looked all over my yard and finally found him. He was dead, dead at 10 months
I contacted the breeder and explained what had happened. He was totally
unsympathetic. When I realized that he wasn’t going to help I asked him if he
would give me a discount on a second dog. He said “no”. Can you believe that?
After all I had gone through with him and this dog I was still considering getting
another dog from him and he said no to a discount! I must have been crazy. I
don’t know why I thought the breeder would help me. After all he hadn’t really
helped me, ever.
It was never determined exactly why and how he died. It could have been heart
problems or something. He could have been poisoned. I really don't know.
Deep down in my gut though I felt that if I'd known what to look for in a Cane
Corso, I would never have had to lose a dog that I had grown to love.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
I've had many Cane Corsos since then and I've never lost any of them in the way
that I lost Alphonso. Mysteriously, without warning, like the way that I lost my
first Cane Corso, but I've had the benefit of that first experience and avoided
making those same mistakes again. Now having read this guide you too can
avoid those mistakes.
You might notice that I never mentioned the name of the breeder or their kennel
in my guide. That’s because THEY ARE STILL AROUND, selling dogs to
unsuspecting people. As a person with a professional outlook I would rather not
mention who they are. It would only cause me a lot of grief. However, having
read this guide you now know what to look for and what to ask if you happen to
run into them or other folks like them.
That’s why I wrote this guide.
Encourage your friends to come to my web site and to get their own copy of this
guide, especially if they are considering getting a Corso of their own.
Finally, I am always willing to talk to anyone about Cane Corsos. I’m passionate
about them. Give me a call or email me. You can get my contact information by
clicking here.
Regardless of what you decide to do and where you get your Cane Corso from I
wish you the best. Good luck in your search for your own very special Cane
This breed is the best.
Sincerely, Anthony and Andriea Faga -
Be sure to read my Bonus Section at the end of this Guide on Cane Corso
Pricing. You need to know what to pay for a quality Cane Corso whether you buy
a dog from me or not.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
7 Rules to Remember
When Selecting a Cane Corso
Rule#1: Never select a Cane Corso strictly on coloring.
Rule #2: Try and visit the kennel if you can. Even if you can’t tell the
breeder that you are planning to be in the area and would like to pick up the
puppy in person. If they object then “GO SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
Rule #3: Always find out about the temperament of the parents. If the
breeder can not demonstrate the temperament of the parents, then “GO
Rule #4: Always find out how old the parents are. Males should be at least
a year old and females should at least be 2 years old. If they are not, then
Rule #5: If a breeder says “all my dogs are show quality” then “GO
Rule# 6: If a breeder does not have verifiable Penn Hip scores for his
breeding dogs then “GO SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
Rule# 7: Always get a written contract with a replacement guarantee in it. If
the Breeder will not give you a contract then “GO SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Ron Meier
"She is awesome. We are completely hooked!"
View Entire Testimonial
Lisa Hall
"He's a great addition to our family!"
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Cheryl Lucich
“Thanks so much, money well spent, we’re thrilled with her!"
View Entire Testimonial
Laura Cloutier
"Pesha is doing really well. She is over 50 pounds..."
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Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Wil Berube
"what a great dog "
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Shawn O'Donnell
"We are so glad to have Luca...."
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Mark Schundler
"I look forward to buying a female from you..."
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Click here for more Testimonials
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
What should I pay for a Cane Corso?
If you’re like most people your dog is or will become an important member of
your family. You will share many, hopefully pleasant memories with your pet.
That’s why your addition to the family should be done in a responsible way from
a responsible, ethical breeder. This brings me to a discussion of pricing. “What
should I expect to pay for a Cane Corso?”
Along with color one of the most common questions that people ask is “How
much are your puppies?” or “How much should I expect to pay for a Cane Corso
puppy?” They also ask about temperament or shipping but most of the time they
want to know “how much?” It’s a reasonable question to ask and I welcome it.
The Cane Corso is an expensive dog to buy, to raise and to breed. Corsos are
large dogs. They eat a lot and require a larger than normal amount of space to
grow and to live in. As very athletic larger dogs they also need training so that
they are able to be handled and managed when they grow into large 100lb plus
dogs. No one wants an out of control 100lb plus dog.
I’m going to tell you straight up, no nonsense, prices for a Cane Corso can range
from $1,000 to $5,000. ($1000 is low quality and $5000 is best quality). Some
Cane Corsos can even cost $5,000 to $10,000! If these numbers scare you then
this is probably not the dog for you. Don’t even think about trying to buy one of
these dogs “on the cheap”. It’s a bad idea and I will tell you why a bit later.
Now I know that there are some breeders who are selling Cane Corsos for less
than $1500. If you come across one of the breeders I personally recommend
that you “go somewhere else.” Why? Because! What may seem like a deal at
first is very likely to become a very expensive proposition down the road. If
you’ve followed my 7 rules, most if not all of these breeders, will not make the cut
They will not have hip scored their adult dogs. You won’t be able to visit their
kennels and you will not get a guarantee or a contract (that is enforceable) no
matter what they may say. When you consider all the things that go into
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Breeding healthy, good quality Cane Corsos it is impossible, in my opinion, to get
a quality, healthy Cane Corso puppy or dog for less than $1500.*
* (I’m not including a rescue dog from a reputable rescue organization,
which is a good alternative. Most rescue organizations will ask for a
modest and affordable adoption fee. Provided that you can find a rescue
Cane Corso that has not been abused in some way or that have some
other kinds of issues it can be a good way to get an acceptable Cane
My adult dogs (so do my puppies except for the training) get all the following:
All their shots
Plenty of room to live and play in
Regular exercise
The highest quality dog food
Nursing dogs (and puppies) get a high nutrient food formulation made
especially for them.
X-rays for hips and elbows (not for puppies)
Tail cropping
Prenatal care, including ultra sound tests
Ear cropping (optional)
Regularly scheduled vet care and vet visits
Time spent socializing with people
Registration fees and Certifications fees
o Therapy training
o Dog shows
o Good Canine Citizen Training
Any ethical breeder of quality Cane Corsos will do the same kinds of things for
their dogs. These things do add up.
By the way my dogs start at $1500 and up. If you are serious about
owning a Cane Corso then give me a call 1888 99CORSO or visit I’ll work with you
but only if you’re serious and willing to provide a good home to my dogs.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
For a quality Cane Corso you should expect to pay between $1,500 and
At $1,500 a Cane Corso should at least be a pet quality Cane Corso with a 2
year guarantee on hips and also on any hereditary defects.
At $5000 you should expect to a get a certified and proven championship quality
Cane Corso in addition to the above. Any Cane Corso that is priced at less than
$1,500 should be avoided, especially if the breeder can not “satisfy” the 7
rules that I’ve given you in the guide. Just go somewhere else.
One thing I must mention is that you should not overpay for a Cane Corso. If
you’ve followed my 7 rules then the likelihood that you will overpay goes way,
way, way down.
Unscrupulous breeders will not be able to satisfy the 7 rules and as a result
it will allow you to eliminate them from consideration.
They scrimp on the things that need to be done to produce quality dogs in order
to make as much money as possible and will spend the bare minimum to keep
the dogs producing. There are certain things that go into producing quality dogs.
If the price is too low then that probably means that the breeder is not spending
the money on producing quality dogs. They are probably feeding their dogs food
with low nutritional value. The dogs are probably not getting enough exercise and
they are most likely housing dogs in small crowded kennels. Forget about health
care and health screening.
When I got Alfonso, my first Cane Corso I did not have the benefit of the
information in my guide "How to Buy a Cane Corso without Getting Cheated,
Deceived and Lied to Like I Was” that you now have. As a result I overpaid to
the tune of $2500.00!
So you see it is entirely possible to pay too much for an inferior quality Cane
Corso but highly unlikely to pay too little (less than $1500) for a quality Cane
Corso. So be sure to use the 7 rules in my guide regardless of what you do.
I can tell you that I know people who have bought a Cane Corso for less than
$1500. However what seems like a great deal quickly turns into a financial
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
disaster when they have to spend thousands of dollars in vet bills because their
dog was poorly cared for or poorly bred just to make a quick buck.
It’s a really bad idea to buy a “cheap dog”. You will pay a heck of a lot more
down the road.
I’m the only breeder that I know of who is talking openly about pricing. You might
be asking yourself the question, “Why?” Because I know that an educated
consumer is a good consumer. I’d also like to make it as difficult as possible for
those unscrupulous breeders out there to be successful at ruining this beautiful
Save yourself and your family the time, aggravation and anguish of having to
watch your pet suffer by buying from an ethical reputable breeder who breeds
quality Cane Corsos.
The bottom line is if the price is too cheap then there is a reason why. If
the price seems right or little on the high side then just make sure that you
are getting what you’re paying for by following my 7 rules.
Very Best Regards,
Anthony and Andriea Faga -
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
- EXTRAS Horror Stories
I’ve included this section not to scare you but to save yourself and your family the
time, aggravation and anguish of having to go through what I went through.
These are actual emails (I can assure you that they are absolutely true and
factual as sent to my web site) that I’ve received over the years from real people
about their experiences with bad breeders. I’ve had to remove any specific
references to any specific breeders. I the recent past I have had breeders
threaten to sue me. Although that in itself does not scare me to be frank it is not
worth my time to get tied up with some unscrupulous breeder who is only
interested in perpetuating bad breeding practices.
Instead I wrote this guide to help you to protect yourself.
All you need to do is follow the guidelines in this guide and you will be fine.
Please do not contact me and ask me about a specific breeder other than the
ones mentioned in this guide. I cannot recommend other breeders for a number
of reasons. I would not want to recommend a breeder that you ask me about and
have it turn out badly. You would blame me right! So please don’t ask. Here
you go:
Absolutely SUCKED. Have you had any dealings with him?
@ that time, he lied to my friend and myself about the health of the dog, stating
that the dog was healthy, no known hip or health problems, parents were in great
health condition, etc.
I get home, the first visit to the vet he notices something is wrong with the
movement of the hip. The dog is just over 2 months old @ this point. X-ray
reveals hip dysplasia on both hips.
I called NAMED REMOVED, says, "oh sure, send up the x-rays, I'll have my guy
look @ them and we can work something out"
Called, left messages, sent the x-rays. Never returned a call. Got to the point
where he unplugged the answering machine, then the number was disconnected.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
I considered legal action, but @ that time, I had no funds for it, much less hip
replacement operations.
The only shining star out of the whole escapade was my dog. By far, the most
obedient, alert, patient, considerate, loving, almost human dog I or anyone
associated with me could know or describe. Anyone that met her fell in love with
her, especially if I gave them the opportunity to watch her for a day or weekend.
That guy may be one of the first people to have brought the breed to the country,
have champion dogs, etc, but he totally let me down. His credibility and ethics
are zero with me. I watched him shoot his dogs with a pellet gun to quiet them
down when we went to pick her up. One dog had something wrong with an eye,
like a pellet hole maybe... A**hole to the tenth degree.
Not that I'm an extreme animal rights activist or anything, but he knowingly lied
to my face, and totally did not follow through with anything, ever. He called me
once after I purchased the dog, before the vet visit, and that was it.
Granted, pet quality dog, no guarantees, all that noise, but that guy will never live
this down in my mind. From: Name withheld.
She was shipped to us and on picking her up from two days of
traveling, she had no feeding instructions on the cage.. that’s
nothing compared to her actual condition. She had a bad case of
mange we are still trying to control.. She has a hereditary
condition that makes her feet red and sore. Have to treat with
vinegar but can’t heal it. She bit the first person she came
into contact with and tries to bite everyone she encounters. Has
bitten my husband already about 6 times. Though he is very
patient and loves her in spite of it.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
I purchased a Cane Corso from a "breeder" named NAME REMOVED
"**** ****** kennel" in **. I purchased the dog after hearing him
tell me that you were not a reputable breeder and his dogs were
"top notch" however I received the "mutt" without any papers and
his temperament is one which can only be handled by a dog
trainer. I was wondering if all breeders can put out the
information on this guy I have names and numbers if you need
them. Oh by the way I am an American fighting soldier currently
stationed at Ft Stewart Ga. This guy hoodwinked me into believing
I was getting a...upon further review I was had and I would not
want anyone else going thru the same thing!
SFC Jones
I had something similar happen to me in regards to purchasing a
Cane Corso pup. Sadly, he passed away on Christmas at only 14
months old.
I was under the impression that this was a highly reputable
breeder. He even shows his dogs, does hip scores, etc... I
understand your reason for not mentioning their name in your
guide, but I would like to know if you'd disclose it to me.
Rhonda, Mason City Iowa
Hello I was researching the behavior of Cane Corso's, I owned one
for the first time 8 months ago I had to put her down she was 18
months old. I am very sad about this and still morn for her, but
we think there was something wrong with her mental or physical
that we could not see she had a head tilt as if one side of her
neck was strained... she was given to me as the "runt" of the
litter and when I brought her home she had several injuries on
her scraps and scars from maybe nips and bites of the litter.. we
loved her and fed her well and maintained her health with a vet,
had her spade... the vet was a bit nervous of how she came out of
her anesthesia that it was "abnormal" she was put down because
she was NOT good with the children we had to always watch her and
she was even aggressive to me and my husband at times. When we
had her in puppy school she even bit one of the employees. We
walked her and worked with her as much as we could I became a
huge fan of Cesar Malan and took much of his advice to no avail.
We truly believe she just wasn’t "right" I love this breed and
feel devoted to it and want another so much but I am afraid. I
suppose I’m looking for some advice as to whether I should move
on to another breed ... which I don’t think Ill be 100% happy
with. Sorry for the long note hope you can respond soon.
Sincerely Ronda
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
- EXTRAS Success Stories
Just to end on a positive note here are some success stories from some
folks. Some which DID NOT get a dog from me but followed the rules in
this guide. Here you go:
Hi Tony:
I have read most of your article, especially finding a reputable breeder. I'm happy
to say that it helped us in finding a breeder, and we now have a beautiful blue
female cane corso. So a great big thanks to you.
Chuck South Bend, In.
Hi Anthony,
Hugo Boss (the pup) is doing so good. He is already pretty much house trained. He goes
to the door now when he has to go potty. He is so smart. I am so impressed. He only had
one accident in the house. Luckily it was on the hard wood and easily cleaned up. It was
my fault though, I was not paying attention.
He is also doing really good with crate training at night.. HE goes in his crate all by
himself now and he stays in there all night without even making a noise..
He is so awesome.. We are starting puppy school on April 5th and I am very excited
about that. I think he will do really good. He is a bit lazy at times and unmotivated but
other than that. He is awesome.. He met my dad’s dogs today and my Chow and he did
very well around the other dogs... Seems to like them and played with them really good.
Ok Thanks again I will drop that check in the mail for the crate on Monday. I had a crazy
week here too.
Take Care and I will send pics. Ben
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Hi Anthony,
Pesha is doing really well. She is over 50 pound in a little body so needless to say, BIG
bones! We are still keeping eyes out for a fawn female also but haven’t found one yet.
Our ultimate goal is to have Romi, Pesha, A fawn girl and a black male or visa-versa.
Then we can have 2 litters a year with all colors at some point. Peshas shots are all
done and healthy as a horse! She already scared off an intruder so she is very protective
yet submissive to everyone if we are around. GOOD news as far as temperament. The
ears are coming around. They still turn inward a bit, but are starting to straighten out as
her head grows. EVERYONE loves her everywhere we go. They say she is the prettiest
dog they have ever seen. Her name FITS! Vero’s princess of Letambo and of course
Pesha, Sicilian for Princess.
Hey Anthony! Sorry I've forgotten to call, been busy doing the
night shift thing! Yes, 12/22/05 is the date on the papers. We
named her Lilah and she's doing wonderful. She blended in quite
well with the other dogs (yellow lab 6mths, redbone hound13wks)...she definitely sticks up for herself! Thanks so much,
money well spent..we're thrilled with her!
Take care—Cheryl
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Hi Anthony,
Thanks for the "tips", they are great.
Check out Cod liver oil, I add it to Bruno's food as recommended by a homeopathic vet,
also I added a mineral substitute because Bruno was eating a lot of rocks, I don't know if
this did the trick but he eats less rocks, a lot less.
I am feeding Innova Giant breed puppy and add Halshan premium raw food, turkey necks
and heart, carrots peas and broccoli also recommended by the same vet. 888-766-9725
this is the number for the raw food, no e mail.
Thanks again, Bruno is growing into a fantastic adolescent, with your tips he will grow up
to be the healthiest and happiest dog ever.
Hey what’s up, I was just emailing you to let you know how Kaine is doing (the
blue pup from Bella's litter). Well, he's doing great!!!! I love him to death, and he
is starting to get more protective of my house and my yard. He definitely lets his
presence known when people show up. He also has one heck of a bark for not
even being 6 months old. He gets along great with other dogs, especially our
Shepherd, and my buddies Rottweiler, its funny they make a real intimidating
pair. I am going to send you a pic real soon, he is awesome looking!! Everyone,
seriously, everyone complements about how good looking of a dog he is!!! I love
his colors. Anyways, I have a question for you to?? He is growing huge, right
now (at less then 6 months) he was 95 lbs last week probably 100 now, is that
average, or is he bigger than normal for his age????? I can't believe how quick he
grows, its awesome, the little guy has a huge appetite. Anyways, let me know
what you think, and I will be sure to get you some pictures real soon, I want you
to see how much more his brindle is showing now that he is getting HUGE!!
Thanks again for an awesome dog!!!
Hi Anthony,
Thank you so much for your help & your guide. It is very tough being a "rookie"
on a specific breed. I have owned/trained German Shepherds for years and know
very well a good Shepherd breeder from a bad one, as well as the pedigrees,
bloodlines, etc. I've never bred my dogs, but I like to make certain that I have
dogs worth breeding in case I ever decided to breed them. I'm an animal control
officer in Colorado, and I have NO desire to support a backyard breeder as I am
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
very disappointed & disgusted in how they operate. I have invested a great deal
of my money and time to my dogs and expect a good breeder to do the same. So I
do appreciate your website and guide as they are both extremely helpful!!
I have been in touch with a few breeders, but I'm still so undecided about what I
want. I have working dogs and I really think that I want more of a "house dog"
with this breed. I have studied them for about two years, and I think that I'm
familiar with their temperaments. But I still have NO idea about pedigrees, and
that is driving me crazy!! It is important to me to get a dog with a good, sound
pedigree. I really don't have a time frame in which I'm looking to get a dog. If I
find a good one available that has the temperament and looks that I want, then that
will be the dog for me. I do know that I want a female, and that I would prefer a
blue or formentino. Do you currently have any dogs/puppies available or any
litters that you have planned for the next year? If so, just keep me in mind.
Thanks again, and I appreciate your time!!
Thanks your guide has been of great help, I have been looking in to buying a
Cane Corso for over four years, I have learned a few things about the breed, but
your guide was the tool I needed in order to go ahead and get my first Cane Corso
without getting screwed, which that was what I was worried about, I have been
looking at a few breeders, and have seen different things that you point out on
your guide to stay away from, I am currently deployed so is difficult to make
phone calls, I have had my wife try to get in touch with you to see if you have any
puppies available, I am looking for a male, blue, black, chestnut brindle, dark
brown brindle, with ears cropped, to be a companion and family dog for me and
my family, especially for my family since I am gone quite a bit, It will be and
inside dog, but I do have a nice yard with pool and small pond, I will have the
puppy obedience trained, my problem is that if I buy a puppy, I wouldn’t be able
to receive him until July when I redeploy, I would also like to know how much
would it be, I would want a big boy with ears cropped and delivery to Fayetteville
Thanks for your time
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
Well God Bless ya !!!!!!
I was on several of the breeder sites that have testimonials and
I am very interested in this breed.
I want a Large dog, One that’s trainable, Not a big drooler,
excessive shedder, good with other dogs and good natured ,good
watch dog and lovable & Playful. I was interested in Rotties for
years and the more I learned about them the less I wanted one.
The Cane Corso seems to be the idea dog.
The only down fall I see if their life span of 10-12 years. Thats
pretty standard for large breeds. I've thought of getting a
rescue dog but they seem to guess on the breed and many of the
mastiff breeds are not good spirited trainable dogs.
(Pressa's Tibetan’s ) so, I’m hesitant on doing that. I’d like
to help save a dog but on the other hand I don’t want to get
attached to a dog as you were and have it die or turn nasty or
something. I was on the Roman Cane Corso site and it too was very
helpful. You should post the name of the site that stiffed you to
maybe warn other Corso fans. Report them to somebody. I’m sorry
for your experience and I’m grateful that you aim to be a better
person. You will be rewarded for the good karma and many
blessings to you, your family and all your fur kids :o). Let me
know what else I should do to get a good puppy. I've had good
success on training my two small dogs. They know many tricks and
listen very well. I've helped train my friend’s full size poodle
but I've never had training my self.
Dogs just seem to listen to me and know what I’m saying.
WOOF.... Okay Sorry for babbling. Have a great night and a
blessed weekend. Bobby
Hi Anthony, My sister Michele has "Bruno" from 1/18/07 litter, he
is AWESOME!!! and is in advanced obedience training to become an
assistant therapy dog! :) I have questions as we are thinking
about another puppy/playmate for Bruno. Since he is 14 months
old, is this a good time for another? Is a male or female a
better companion? Bruno is happy, healthy, and athletic, gets
bored if home alone for more than 4 hours though, even with
walks, walks, walks....Do you have any puppies now or coming
soon? Would like to stick with your line! Thanks, Cathy Macklin
Loved it!! I totally agree with everything you said with maybe the exception of one item.
But I understand why you put it out there. I personally want to thank you for writing this
guide and talking so openly about your experience and I also hope it helps everyone who
is interested in this breed. I want to also thank you for you, it is folks like you that pave
the way for us slow comers, but don't hate, just because we are slow to get to the front
of such a magnificent breed. They are my passion and I do have other breeds and I love
them madly, but when they leave me and head off to Rainbow bridge, I will NEVER own
anything but CC's!!
Copyright © 2003 - 2008
I too am currently having an experience with a Kennel I will not name, and I wish I knew
exactly what to do about it, I guess for now, I'll keep my mouth shut and do the wait
see, and hopefully it will work out!!
Thanks again Anthony.
Warmest Regards,
~Deborah Dahl~
**** **** Cane Corso
North Carolina
I think the guide is great because it definitely aids me in my research on the Cane
Corso which I am surely interested in, I am a United States Marine so I am doing
my homework first and awaiting the time when I have minimum deployments
because I am a firm believer you have to spend time to train any pet. I will keep
up with your site and updates and before I purchase one I will very
knowledgeable on the Cane Corso. Thank you for taking your time to provide
people with this valuable information.
Derek Lee
Hi Anthony, I really appreciated your guide. It will be a great tool for people who
want to be informed consumers. I'm going to follow all the points you
highlighted. Thank you very much for taking the time and energy to make your
guide available. I'm sure that it will save me a lot of time, energy and money.
Most importantly it can only help to ensure that honest & reliable breeders will
stay in business & the irresponsible to dwindle to nothing, ensuring the high
quality of this wonderful breed. Ross
Copyright © 2003 - 2008