sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
FREE 6OF 8 Tonight’s concert line-up Styx Brian Grilli Thursday Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis Rider Daily ® Thurs 8/6 Fri 8/7 Sat 8/8 What makes a daredevil? Doug Danger jumps 22 cars today! Don’t Miss Doug Danger’s Record-Setting Jump Page 1 Eagle 75 Performance Art Page 4 Throttle Girl Ride Page 4 Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show Page 10 Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Wolfman Jack Stage Tonight 7 pM ..................... Brian Grilli 8:30 PM ............................ Styx 10:30 PM ............The Guess Who Tomorrow 7 pM ..................Sweet Cyanide 8:30 PM ...................... Skid Row 10:30 PM ................Def Leppard I t’s a rare breed to be sure, the stuntman, the risk taker, the daredevil. They see things differently than most of us; why else would they risk their very lives doing things others consider crazy? Jumping a motorcycle—a comparatively heavy motorcycle—over a row of cars, buses, or trucks isn’t for everyone. But that’s exactly what Doug Senecal, a.k.a. Doug Danger, will be doing today in the Buffalo Chip amphitheater. Danger is attempting a jump over 22 cars, a feat Evel Knievel attempted but never completed, aboard Evel’s own XR 750 Harley, a bike loaned to Danger by Lathan McKay’s Evel Knievel Collection. “When I was growing up, EK was my hero, the kind of man every guy wanted to be,” said Doug. “He was fearless, a man of his word, and he often paid the price for it.” In August of 1974 the teenaged Doug tuned into ABC’s Wide World of Sports to watch Knievel jump over 13 Mack trucks in Toronto. Evel said a few words to the crowd, as he usually did, and the words resonated with Doug. “He said, ‘If you want to be anything in life you have to give 110%. The only thing that can stop you is drugs.’ I thought: here’s the coolest guy in the world and he says to stay away from drugs.” Consider too that Doug’s friend had Continued on Page 2 Daredevil Alert! Be there for Doug Danger’s record-breaking jump today! Danger will ride Knievel’s authentic XR-750 Harley in a 22-car attempt, a jump Knievel tried but never made. Be in the Buffalo Chip amphitheater this afternoon at 5:00 PM – and get there early; it’s gonna be a mob scene. Campground day passes for Thursday are at BuffaloChip. com or 605-347-9000. The Evel Knievel Thrill Show exhibit, comprised of genuine artifacts that belonged to the famed daredevil, is located at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads, July 31 – Aug. 9, admission is only $10. See the Sports Illustrated leathers, X-rays of Evel’s broken bones, his restored motorcycles and the SkyCycle. And you can’t miss Big Red, either, Evel’s Mack truck rig completely restored to its one-time glory! Page 2 Today’s Itinerary • 10:00 am – Check Out the Bikes: It’s the famous Rat’s Hole Bike Show. • 11:00 am - Register for the Freedom Celebration Ride: Get to Spearfish and get ‘er done! • 12:30 pm – Meet the 2015 Dignitaries: Then join the group photo and get ready to ride! • 2:00 pm –Create a Living Work of Art: The Eagle 75 human montage at the Field of Flags. Join in to make history. • 3:30 pm – Meet Patriots at the Freedom Celebration Reception: Celebrate freedom with those who make it possible! Staff pick • 5:00 PM Doug Danger’s Killer Jump On an average day, it’s the caffeine coursing through my veins that keeps me going. But No drug could produce the rush I’ll feel watching Doug Danger’s Killer Jump over 22 cars in the amphitheater on Evel Knievel’s XR 750. The odds are sure stacked against him, but if Doug pulls this off like he’s promised, we’re all gonna be jacked up on adrenaline till September. – Mary Panerio, Showcase Promotions Manager • 7:00 pm – Let Loose Your Inner Outlaw: You’re feeling inspired. Party on to Brian Grilli’s rockin’ outlaw country. • 8:30 pm – Come Sail Away with Styx: It’s not a Grand Illusion. • 10:00 pm – Guess what? The Guess Who are about to rock the main stage: Find an American Woman and get with her. If you are an American Woman, start Shakin’ All Over. • 10:00 pm – Rev Your Engines for the Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award Recipients: These are the people who truly make the party possible. Midnight – Epiphone Guitar Giveaway: Who’s gonna win? Sturgis Rider Daredevil Continued from Page 1 OD’d around that time so Evel’s words had extra impact. “Evel changed my life right then,” said Doug. Since Doug’s jumping career began in 1979 he’s broken both records and bones jumping hundreds of times at venues all over the country. He held the world record for ramp-to-ramp jumps for nine years and fought back after a crash in 1992 that left him in a month-long coma and Daily obliterated his memory. Taking on a different sort of challenge in 2012, he weathered the effects of radiation and chemo battling stage-4 cancer. That was when he learned of McKay’s effort to assemble a world-class collection of Evel Knievel artifacts and knew he had to be part of it. “Doing this jump on Evel’s bike is such an honor,” Danger said. But this distinction doesn’t mean Doug underestimates the feat ahead of him. “I’m a realist. When I get on the bike I’ll know what my odds Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 are and I’ll know that I may have to pay. There’s no reward for me without landing that bike just right.” The experience of living life in the real world seldom produces angels and few would say Evel Knievel was perfect. But our flaws confirm our humanity – they’re the parts we recognize in each other because they’re authentic. We all fail. We all stumble. But the bold ones among us aren’t afraid to try in spite of that possibility. Like Evel Knievel. And Doug Danger. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis Rider What is Air Sex? If you have to ask ... Think air guitar—with a twist! Chris Trew’s Air Sex Show has appeared in venues large and small coast to coast and has garnered a counterculture following. Shows take place each day at Bikini Beach and the Crossroads’ Jägermeister stage. Check daily schedules in this paper or online at www.buffalochip. com then come out to join in the hilarity. Said Trew, “The show doesn’t exist without the people from the crowd. We need people to say, ‘I want to be in the show,’ so we can book them.” Daily Page 3 Sturgis Page 4 Rider Daily Join Throttle Girl’s Twist on Charity Rides Lakota Heritage Ride benefits Pine Ridge Rally with Throttle Girl and the Lakota Nation at the 75th and get a window on the power of participation. Throttle Girl’s Lakota Heritage Ride & Celebration on Friday benefits the Lakota children of Pine Ridge Reservation and One Spirit food programs. Throttle Girl brings this cultural ride and celebration to Sturgis in true Lakota Pow Wow fashion. Starting and ending at the Buffalo Chip, the event includes a guided, 100-mile round-trip journey with the One Spirit Lakota Motorcycle Club from Pine Ridge to the landmark park and geographic center of the United States, Belle Fourche What better way to experience Black Hills country than with those who have been riding it for generations? Riders return to the Buffalo Chip’s Russ Brown Event Center for a catered barbecue, live music, entertainment and the first ever Lakota Heritage Village built in Sturgis, complete with Lakota art, vendors and traditional drum and dance groups. Raffle prizes are provided by Legend Suspension, Kuryakyn and more. Registration fee is $80. This effort, raising money to end hunger and feed Lakota Children on Pine Ridge, is sorely needed. The site of several tragic episodes between the Sioux and the US government, Pine Ridge encompasses parts of three counties that are among the poorest in the country. Conditions are described as “third world” with staggering poverty, unemployment and shocking teen suicide rates only some of the issues. The Heritage Ride happens Friday, August 7th, kickstands up at 10:30 AM. The celebration back at the Chip lasts from 2:00 to 6:00 PM. Pre-register at Keep the party rolling by rocking with Throttle Girl and other celebrities to Def Leppard on the Chip’s main stage. The Fan VIP experience requires a separate ticket, available at Fly like an eagle Yes, it’s worth the time Don’t say we didn’t tell you because you’ll kick yourself if you miss this chance to be part of an historic event at the Sturgis 75th today. A gargantuan human montage formed entirely of people and motorcycles assembles today by the Field of Flags at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads. Performance artist John Quigley designs and orchestrates this oneoff happening, as he’s done all over the world to promote various causes. Here in Sturgis we’re honoring veterans and protecting clean water by constructing a soaring eagle taking flight over the Black Hills. Meet at the CrossRoads starting at 1 PM for set up. Once the Freedom Riders arrive from Spearfish to finish off the image, Quigley will go airborne to photograph the final shape. Trust us: this is one time you’ll definitely want to be able to say: “I WAS THERE!” Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 DAILY LEGAL TIP By Chuck Koro Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys WHOSE FAULT IS IT ANYWAY? One motorcyclist thought he was at fault because he broadsided another vehicle, breaking his arm in the process. He apologized to the other driver at the scene and offered to pay for her property damage. Fortunately, he sought legal advice and learned the other party was fully responsible. Both drivers entered the intersection simultaneously from opposite directions and the offending driver turned left directly in front of the motorcyclist causing the broadside collision. Another driver, trying later to exonerate herself, claimed the headlight on the motorcycle was out and that the rider was carrying a pizza. The motorcyclist had been riding for over 20 years. Not only was the headlight clearly working, but this rider wouldn’t operate without a light in the daytime in the middle of the desert, let alone at night on city streets. As for the pizza, it was tied down to the back of the bike until the accident turned it into bird feed. Don’t jump to conclusions about fault issues until you learn how the law applies to your specific circumstances. Before you throw in the towel or take an unjustified stance, contact an experienced motorcycle lawyer for free legal advice. Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys 1-800-4-BIKERS or visit This article provides general information only and is not meant to be legal advice. Laws vary from state to state and can change. This article should not be relied upon as determinative of the actual law or legal ramifications of the reader’s actions or inaction. Independent counsel in the proper venue should be consulted to ensure your rights are protected. Illustration by Anne Mitchell. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis Rider Daily Chipster of the Day Page 5 WHAT'S IT LIKE TO RUN AN S&S® T-SERIES ENGINE DOWN THE TRACK? Here’s your chance to find out in a safe, controlled setting! Come out to the Sturgis Dragway and feel the power. S&S® Demo Day Thurs., August 6th – 10:00am - 2:00pm 20523 Hwy 79 • Sturgis, South Dakota S&S powered motorcycles available ailable for f demo: 1999 Harley-Davidson® Dyna® Powered by an S&S T124 Engine 131.9 HP / 133.5 TQ Is this you? Watch this space each day in the Sturgis Rider Daily. If you see yourself, head to the Rally Info Center/Buffalo Chip Chamber of Commerce at the Crossroads and the nice people there will reward you with cool rally merch! 2015 Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® Powered by an S&S T143 Engine 162.1 HP / 151.6 TQ For more details, visit S&S Demo Days is open to licensed drivers 21 years of age or older. Riders must have their own safety equipment – helmets, jackets, boots, gloves, and eye protection. Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to participate. S&S reserves the right to deny access to anyone in the interest of safety. Riders will be required to sign a liability waiver. cle Sturgis Page 6 Rider Seattle cossacks Daily No gimmicks, just entertainment Everyone’s making a fuss over the Sturgis Rally turning 75 and that’s appropriate. But there’s another motorcycle entity that’s even more longlived and they’re performing during the Rally at the CrossRoads. Witness amazing stunt riding by The Seattle Cossacks, a precision stunt and drill team that performs on pre-1950 Harley-Davidsons. Their heritage traces back to 1938 and riders in the group represent several generations of performers. The group was named after Russia’s famed cavalry riders who were known for their masterful control, but these stunt riders mount iron horses Sturgis Co-Publishers Sturgis Buffalo Chip Rapid City Journal instead of the four-legged ones. They perform to promote a positive image of motorcycling while also delivering a message of safe riding. Their performances often benefit charitable causes, providing support to dozens, even hundreds of entities over the years. Both riders and bikes are decked out in matching livery that lends a professional profile to their precise and carefully crafted stunts. They make it look easy—so you can be certain it’s not! See them at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads several times per day and don’t miss their Wall of Fire routine at 7:00 PM each evening. Rider Editor Marilyn Stemp Advertising Sales Rapid City Journal Paul Mitchell, Sturgis Buffalo Chip Daily Design and Production Rapid City Journal Contributors Chris Yushta, Jordan Axtman, Christine Paige Diers, Paul Mitchell, Aaron Packard, Jessica Nelson, Brad Schneck, Manny Pandya, Mary Panerio, Kurt Shaw, Jeff Smith, Marilyn Stemp, Max O’Connell, Deb Holland, Nathan Ellenbecker, Sean Ryan. Other material contributed by staff of the Rapid City Journal. Circulation The Sturgis Rider® Daily is published eight consecutive days during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. 9500 copies are distributed each day at 70 locations in the Black Hills and to campers at the Buffalo Chip. Disclaimer The Sturgis Rider® Daily neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers, advertisers, editors, contributors, or their agents. Sturgis Rider® is a registered trademark owned by Rod Woodruff. Reproduction or transmission of content herein, in whole or part, without expressed written consent is not permitted. PRINTED IN USA Where’s Woody? The Buffalo Chip’s ubiquitous Rod “Woody” Woodruff loves to meet campers. He roams far and wide at the Chip, so keep your eyes peeled for his smiling face and say hello. And if you want to win classic Chip merch, also look for Woody in the pages of the Sturgis Rider Daily. Each day there’s a different Woody caricature hidden in a photo of an event or location he especially recommends. The first three campers or visitors who report their find to the Chamber of Commerce/Rally Info Center at the Chip Crossroads win a prize. And don’t forget to take note of where Woody is hiding out, because that’s definitely the place to be. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Panty Party falls short Rider Daily Page 7 Okay then, maybe getting more than 2,200 people to strut around in the skivvies was a crazy idea! But “crazy” often flies fine at the Buffalo Chip. That said, the super fun and fearless people who turned out to attempt the Guinness world record at the CrossRoads yesterday morning lacked nothing in enthusiasm, even if their number was undie the current record. Still, the group raised some money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and had a helluva good time. We don’t have to tell you that, though. Just look at the pictures. But briefly creates a buzz Art of the Lakota & More Within our historical building you’ll find the finest collection of Plains Indian Arts, Crafts and Jewelry, plus Pine Art and Prints, Glassware, Pottery, Toys, an incredible selection of Native American and Pioneer Books, Tapes, CDs, Videos, Out-of-Print Collector Books and unique Craft Supplies. Prairie edge 605-342-3086 • 606 Main Street, Rapid City • Open 7 Days a Week Page 8 Sturgis l o o c g n i p e Ke Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis s e s i r y r u c r e m e h t n e h w r E Strategies fo veryone knows that weather during the Sturgis Rally is unpredictable—literally. Some years are hot, some wet, some humid and some just perfect! Something you can count on for at least several days each Rally week are sunny summer days that remind you: you’re on vacation! So take some time to chill out and relax. Grab a cold one, kick your feet up and park the bike for the day. For campers at the Buffalo Chip, Bikini Beach is a favorite place to recharge after a night of top-notch concerts and purposeful partying. Join the rope swing contest, try on a frozen T-shirt or float around while you enjoy an icy cold adult beverage. Whatever your preference, there’s no wrong choice when you’re at The Best Party Anywhere™. Rider Daily Page 9 Sturgis Page 10 Rat’s Hole Show Today Rider Be there or be square It’s the most prestigious, the largest, and the longest-running, bike show in motorcycling— the world renowned Rat’s Hole. And the only way to take home one of the 75th anniversary commemorative award trophies is to turn up and enter your bike. Bikes must be in place by 10:00 AM this morning and there are 16 classes including the Bagger Showdown. As a 75th Rally bonus, everyone who enters the Rat’s Hole show at Sturgis this year gets a chance to win Alice Cooper’s Nightmare Bike. If you’re not sure how to classify your bike, see the handy guide at Judging lasts until 5:00 PM and awards are at 5:45 at the free access Buffalo Chip Crossroads. Daily Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 TORC: DAY 2 Thunder at the Chip continues The second and final day of TORC racing wrapped up yesterday at the Buffalo Chip Powersports Complex (PSC). If you didn’t witness the gnarly, snarling mega-tough trucks in this series, you missed some of the rawest, ravaging machines ever to take a race track. TORC came to the Chip in 2014, bringing a new face of racing to gearhead fans. Learn more about the sanction, schedule, drivers, standings and more at Both days of racing can be found at TORC’s YouTube channel at Race Results PRO 4WD 1. CJ Greaves 2. Chad Hord 3. Mike Jenkins SUMMER BBQ LOVERS Welcome Bikers!! Summer BBQ at Available July 28th - August 30th 2111 N LaCrosse St . Rapid City, SD . 605-394-9505 . PRO 2WD 1. Keegan Kincaid 2. Marty Hart 3. Doug Mittag PRO Light 1. Doug Mittag 2. Kyle Hart 3. Cam Reimers Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis 5 Minutes with Rider Daily Page 11 Roland Sands USE PROMO CODE CHIP15 FOR $4 OFF TICKETS At OCTOBER 17-18, 2015 ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER ORLANDO, FL SRD: You spent quite some time racing, right? Do you miss it?’ Roland Sands: Sometimes, but I still get chances to scare myself and that’s what it’s all about. SRD: Does your racing background affect the way you design parts and bikes? If so, how? RS: Of course. I know what it feels like to crash and have your bike run you over, so I take that into account when we design. S**t has to be safe as well as awesome. SRD: Where’s your favorite place to ride and what’s your bike of choice? RS: I prefer to ride off-road. Less police and I like to do wheelies. On the dirt you are your own police and the penalty is pain when you disobey gravity. I can deal with that. SRD: What do you think of baggers with 30” front wheels? RS: I don’t. SRD: I love the practicality of refurbishing used rental bikes like Dynas into road worthy bobbers. What’s cool about that to you? RS: They’re fun and inexpensive to build, that’s why we do it for our friends. SRD: Your work feels so fresh. What other motorcycle builders or designers do you reference as mentors? RS: My dad is a big mentor for his work ethic and business ethics. Arlen Ness for how he built a business around custom bikes and Terry Vance as a straight up businessman. SRD: What are your design influences outside of motorcycling? Are there certain types of art, music or architecture that inform your design sense? RS: Life is my influence. You just have to open your eyes to be influenced. It’s more about what you allow not to influence you. SRD: What do you consider first: form or function? RS: One cannot live without the other, they are equals. That said I consider the form of function very beautiful so I go with that. SRD: What’s your definition of craftsmanship? RS: It’s spending the time to get it right. The better you get at doing that the less time you spend doing it. When you can do an amazing job in the same time it takes the unskilled to do a sh**ty job you are a craftsman. SRD: In your opinion, what’s more important: formal schooling or hands-on training? RS: Hands on. No doubt about it. But a little of the right schooling goes a hell of a long way. SRD: What’s the most beautiful motorcycle you’ve ever seen? What do you like about it? RS: Nearly impossible to answer. But the last bike that really stopped me was the 2015 Ducati Moto GP bike. True function and beauty combined. Ducati is really good at that. Photo: Chad Martel As a former racer and current risk-taker, the influence of Roland Sands in today’s custom bike scene is hard and clear. What makes him tick? MEET GARAGE PARTY AMBASSADOR AND BIKERS CHOICE COVER MODEL LETICIA CLINE TOLL FREE 1-855-MCSHOWS (627-4697) For more information call Bob Kay: 817-312-0380 #AIMExpo MOTORCYCLE GROUP Sturgis Page 12 Rider Daily Cycle Source Chopper Show Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Chop till you drop T here’s nothing like a chopper show to bring out badass bikes and that’s exactly what rolled into the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads yesterday for the Cycle Source Magazine Annual Chopper Show. A fine selection of bobbers, diggers, and, yes, choppers were on hand to represent certified cool on two wheels. Now in its eighth year, the show is becoming a Sturgis tradition that harkens back to grassroots rally days when gatherings were free-form and joining in was free. There’s never been a fee to enter the Cycle Source Chopper Show but that doesn’t mean they come up short on recognitions. Solid industry support from sponsors insures that. This year’s top prize was a Faith Forgotten frame, girder and set of Invader Mags. And it went to Irish Rich of Shamrock Fabrication in Broomfield, CO, for his stunning, sanitary old-school chop. Far out! You’ve still got it, girl! Sassy & classy Model Search That could be said of every woman on the Jägermeister stage at the Crossroads yesterday during the Sassy & Classy Over 35 Model Search. Not a single one of these stunning ladies had a thing to apologize for. The contest’s finalists were preselected after they entered online. Finalists were then invited to participate in the live competition during the Sturgis Rally. Once onsite they were judged based on personality, poise, interview, appearance and audience response. Posing in biker wear, Buffalo Chip wear and swimsuits, provided plenty of time for the audience and the judges to make their selection for the top model and ultimately Debbie McCullough was crowned the winner. In case you didn’t make it, we’ll show you what you missed here. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 America’s Mighty Warriors Sturgis Rider Daily Showcase stages Wednesday 8/5 Staying strong P arents who bear the devastation of losing a child form a club none of us want to join. Debbie Lee is in that club due to the passing of her son, Petty Officer Marc Lee. Marc was the first Navy SEAL killed in action in Iraq in 2006 and his mother shared his story on the main stage at the Buffalo Chip last Sunday, the ninth anniversary of Marc’s death. Debbie’s personal pain drove her to a mission in the form of America’s Mighty Warriors, a 501 Page 13 (c)3 charitable organization she formed to honor Marc and reach out to other military families. The organization, “honors the sacrifices of our troops, the fallen and their families by providing programs that improve quality of life, resiliency, and recovery.” Some people might react to such a loss by diversion or denial but Debbie went the other direction, immersing herself in the military community even more so. “God doesn’t waste pain,” she said. “When you suffer a great loss it’s not natural to stay surrounded by things that remind you of it all the time. But I think God wired me that way.” Debbie was the recipient last year of a Bob Hansen Distinguished Service Award at the Chip and she is on hand at the CrossRoads during Rally this year along with several other military groups to pump up awareness and contributions of U.S. military personnel, a topic that many bikers are sensitive to. America’s Mighty Warriors join with the Patriot Guard, Warrior Dog Foundation, Wounded Wear and the Combat Wounded Coalition. The Chip’s Field of Flags, backed up by the American Veterans Traveling Tribute wall is nearby, too, forming a community of resources and appreciation for the people who defend America and preserve our freedom. That community was present in the Chip amphitheater Sunday night when Debbie commemorated Marc’s passing on the main stage. The entire crowd gathered there participated in a Navy Seal tradition, cheering a loud “Hooyah!” matched with the Chip’s own tradition of revving engines for a compelling tribute. Debbie was gratified and also moved to tears. “I’ve shared Marc’s story over and over again but it never gets rote. It’s painful, it’s emotional but I’m so proud of that kid and the sacrifices he made for the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.” None among us would question that Marc is pretty darn proud of Debbie, too. Bikini Beach Noon..................................Bikini Beach Party 1 P.M.................................................. Karaoke 3 P.M...............................Rope Swing Contest 3:30 P.M......................Beers & Burps Contest 4 P.M............................Frozen T-Shirt Contest 4:30 P.M.....................Air Sex Championships 5:30 P.M.................Homemade Bikini Contest 7 P.M............................................... The Mods Midnight........................................ Mothership Budweiser Roadhouse 6:30 & 8 P.M........................ The Living Deads Kinison Stage 4 P.M...........................................Captain Jack 5 P.M..............................Pickle Lickin’ Contest 6 P.M...............................................Swampfox 8 P.M.....................................Sovereign Dame 10 P.M............. Sturgis Rider Rhythm Rockers Midnight..................... Illumination Fire Troupe 12:15 A.M................................................ Mms Hoyt Axton Stage 1:30 P.M..................................... Biker Games 2:30 P.M....................... Charlie Brechtel Band 4 P.M.......................................... Biker Games 5 P.M.................................. Reformed Whores 5:30 P.M.....................................Biker Contest 6:30 P.M................................. Jimmy Bratcher Midnight..................Midnight Endurance Ride Midnight..........................................Lovebettie Schedules are subject to change. Doug Danger’s Epic Jump is Today! In the risk-taking spirit of the wild west, Doug Danger attempts a record 22-car jump aboard Evel Knievel’s own XR750. Be there, in the Buffalo Chip amphitheater today, to witness motorcycle history in the making. Page 14 Sturgis Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 A small western town taken over by bikers in August? Yeah, that sounds familiar but we’re not talking about Sturgis, South Dakota; no sir. This is Hulett, Wyoming, and for decades it’s been the location of the Ham & Jam, the unofficial mid-rally-week party during the Sturgis Rally. Wild west biker fun knows few limits here so it’s a wide-open experience. Some riders make the loop to Sundance next where burnout competitions insure that the merry-making continues without restriction. No rules, just fun! A motorcyclist who gave his name as Ronnie Redneck, from New York, N.Y., looks down at his bike during the burnout competition Wednesday afternoon as part of Wyoming Wednesday in Sundance, Wyo., during the 75th Sturgis motorcycle rally. Wyoming towns welcome bikers Kenneth Butler, center, and Audie Adkisson, right, both from Oklahoma, stand in coffins for their picture to be taken Wednesday afternoon during the Ham ‘N’ Jam. Bikers drive along U.S. Highway 14 as James Ish, left, and Robert Jurcevich, both of Hicksville, Ohio, stop along the highway to photograph Devils Tower National Monument Wednesday afternoon after leaving the Ham ‘N’ Jam event in Hulett, Wyo. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Sturgis Rider Daily Raw Power of Hill Climb! At the Chip’s Powersports Complex Hill climb racing pits man vs. machine on a vertical battlefield in a gravity-defying challenge. You might say it’s the original extreme motorsport! The North American Hill climbers Association prides itself on hosting its competitions on super rugged, un-groomed courses, adding to the already intense challenge. You can witness intrepid riders taking on just such a course as they battle their stalwart competitors, their own motorcycles, and a course that cuts no slack in the Nitro National Pro Hill climbs. Racing takes place at the Buffalo Chip Powersports Complex today and Friday, August 6 and 7 starting at 4:30 PM. Thursday’s schedule includes qualifying and one main event. Friday has two mains. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at or at the gate. This event has drawn national attention, having been featured on CMT Bike Week. Thousands of dollars in prize money is at stake and the fierce riders will be pushing it to the limit to claim the purse. Their purpose-built machines tackle the course in a take-no-prisoners clash: you either get up the hill or you don’t. Roll over to the PSC and give these riders their due. The event promises non-stop racing action for two straight days. All this on the backdrop of the Sturgis 75th? It doesn’t get any bigger! Respect & Remembrance Pick up your copies at Rapid City Journal 507 Main Street, Rapid City Black Hills Harley Davidson There’s a strong connection between the U.S. military and bikers. In fact, many who currently serve are riders, as are many veterans. It’s often said that solders from World War II, some of whom had ridden Indians and Harleys during war time, were responsible for the growth of the domestic motorcycle market by buying bikes when they returned stateside. Being in the wind cleared the head of difficult memories and restored balance. This is the 24th year that the Buffalo Chip has remembered the sacrifices of U.S. military personnel and their families. The particulars have changed over the years but the spirit remain the same. This year’s event begins with the Freedom Celebration Ride and there’s still time to get to Spearfish to join. Scheduled events continue all day long back at the Chip, including the Human Eagle Montage, ride reception, Doug Danger’s death-defying jump, and the Bob Hansen Distinguished Service Awards. It’s all happening today. 2820 Harley Dr, Rapid City, SD 57702 Sturgis - 1022 Main Street Have your books shipped by ordering online at Page 15 Sturgis Page 16 Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 Last Night’s Concert Requested by Chipsters for over a decade, Social Distortion made their Buffalo Chip debut last night on the Wolfman Jack stage. The band’s own hardships are reflected in their blues infused rockabilly sound and they connected solidly with fans. Following Social Distortion, the Chip thumped with the driving beat of Americana roots rock from the one and only John Fogerty, at left. The founding member and songwriter of Credence Clearwater Revival revived a host of hits from his heyday, bring fresh perspective to the spirit of rebel rock protest music. Right on! StUrGIS rEAl EStAtE AUctIoNS Date: thurs., Aug. 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM SolD IN 2 trActS Tract 1: 915 Main Street: 1,800 sq. ft. building w/41+ ft. of Main Street Frontage! Lot includes RV parking and unique tri-fold doors, prefect for annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally vending! SHoWING DAtES: July 31st from 10 AM – 12 PM and Aug 4th from 3 – 5 PM Auction held at 915 Main St., Sturgis Tract 2: 901 Main Street: 12,600 sq. ft. corner lot w/84+ ft. of Main Street frontage! Excellent Location rAPoSA EStAtE AUctIoN 3001 laZelle St., Sturgis Date: tues., Aug 18, 2015 at 10:30 AM Auction held at the Sturgis community center, 1401 laZelle St. West edge of Sturgis on Hwy. 14A toward Lead and Deadwood, 30-unit mobile home park, 5.076 Acres, including 757 ft. of Hwy. frontage! Included, a 2,888 sq. ft., 4BR/2BA ranch-style home, ready to live in! A detached garage, lot storage sheds and other miscellaneous buildings complete this sale! SHoWING DAtES: Aug 5th from 1 – 3 PM and Aug 13th from 11 AM – 1 PM 990 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 MAIN 605-347-7579 — cell — 605-490-9959 DAvE WIlSoN owner/Broker/ Auctioneer ~36 Furnished Cabins ~186 Concrete RV Sites ~Grocery, Liquor & Gift Shop ~Shower & Laundry Facilities~Cafe ~Event Center~Free Wifi & Cable Elkhorn Ridge RV Resort 20189 US Hwy 85, Spearfish, SD 605-722-1800
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STURGIS RIDER DAILY - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
like an eagle in flight and made up of motorcycles and people. This is no rowdy crowd squeezing together on Main Street for another annual
picture – it’s bigger, way bigger, in every way.
Inspired ...
sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
General Wesley Clark leads the list of heroes and guests
There’s a large and impressive slate of special guests for the Freedom Celebration this year.
It includes five individual recipients of the ...
sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
the trip and brings you back to I-90.
The Lakota Sioux call this area “Mako Sica” which
literally means bad land. Sixty-four thousand acres of
the 244,000 acre Badlands is designated as wilderness....