March - PPGBA Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area
March - PPGBA Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area
The PPGBA BULLETIN © Robert Ash 2015 March 2015 of n o to i o t c h e P l l Se na e o i t s e s l e Comp Edge Prof g n i t t Cu ts e Prin ed Print s s e r P s, Card .. . s e c i Serv B s&M ark ookm ore ™ | raps W n i Th p& Softo More iclé ic & G ph ogra Phot ks oo BayB d e t Prin Press s lbum hic A p a r og Phot tes mpla l rope Bay P | e ner T Desig rk l cla ittl m o e.c s vent ls & E Met & Gic al ion s s e f ro P e n O num s Print | ™ s t alPrin o Phot raps as W v n a lée C lumi on A ab L o t Pho ... oo h ts, Sc Spor Quality Service Innovation .com WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! Cover Story This month’s cover named ‘The Emerging’ created by Robert Ash was the November 2014 high scoring image from the Illustrative category. Robert tells us, “The Emerging is an image that represents my first photographic surrealism project. I wanted to create the sense of someone in another universe emerging into ours. I wrapped a mirror image of trees around a portrait of my wife and added astrophotography from the Hubble Space Telescope to create the impression of a different universe from which she is emerging. Refining the concept and identifying the right images were creatively challenging. The most challenging technical parts of the project were: 1. Managing the colors. There are many Photoshop layers involved, using layer styles plus several blending modes. Stacking blending modes had unexpected side effects I had to work through to get the colors I actually wanted. 2. Creating a believe-able 3D wrap-around effect. Displacement maps didn’t work for this project, I had to use manual techniques. I see ‘The Emerging’ as a success, but only as the first of such projects. In This Issue... Program This Month Image Comp Rules PPA News . . Model Palooza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 12 - 13 Image Comp/ Board Report . . . . . . . . . 14 PPA International Competition News . . . . . 15 Buyer’s Guide . . . . . . . . . 17 Calendar/Unclassifieds . . . . . . . . 18 March 2015 . . The Bulletin The Bulletin is published by the Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area, Inc., (PPGBA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association. PPGBA is an affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America. The Bulletin Staff Editor/Art Director: Lise Smith Advertising: Julie Olson Articles and comments are invited; publication is subject to editorial approval. Editor reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for brevity and/ or clarity of content. Articles are the opinion of the author and do not represent the position of PPGBA. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited contributions. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned unless they are accompanied by SASE. Deadline is the 25th of the month. Submissions may be emailed to 2015 PPGBA Officers and Board President: Paul Salcido 1st Vice President: Lily Dong Treasurer: Alex Tsang Secretary: Nano Visser Directors: Luis Espinosa (‘16);Wayne Miller, M.Photog.Cr.,CPP (‘15); Mischa Purcell (’16); Denny Weigand (‘15) Past President: Joe Valenzuela Committees Competition: Joanne Tan Membership: Denny Weigand Programs & Seminars: Paul Salcido Webmaster: Wayne Miller, M.Photog.Cr.,CPP PPGBA Business Manager: Fred English, M.Photog.Cr. PO Box 5583 San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650/367-1265 COO: Julie Olson M.Photog.MEI,Cr. Golden Gate School 3 March 2015 The Bulletin 4 President’s Message March 2015 Hi GBA members and fellow photographers, Rules or No Rules, Freedom or No Freedom First, before I get into the message. My last message in February was on “we’re only given today” and it’s ringing true again. I found out on the day of our February 20, 2015 one of our great friends and members Rudy Pollack has been hospitalized and is on a slow healing process for a few weeks. Please, if you know Rudy send him some good cheer through Joe Valenzuela our GBA past President. Thank you. Paolo, Now for our thoughts of the month, so we can move into a better understanding of how we can see better, as photographers. Rules or no rules, freedom or no freedom, ugly or pretty, bad and good; these are all some semblance of contrasts or opinions and choices we see for ourselves. Why am I touching on these contrasts? Well, this last Thursday Feb. 19th PPGBA had Timothy Archibald as our guest speaker, and as always, we so how can find a golden nugget or pearl within an unassuming topic of photography when young and old think that we’ve heard it all and have nothing else to learn. Wrong!! Timothy began his talk on introducing the audience to his personal project of March 2015 several years, which he had hoped would bring some attention to his works, while undergoing some hardships during the last recession. Well, Timothy was quite transparent and stated it brought the wrong kind of attention that offended his targeted potential clients and a lot of criticism. But, what Timothy found under all the negative backlash is a golden nugget that led to another personal project on autistic children and portrayed his own children in his portfolio. Watching his own children brought a fresh new passion into his work and as a result, success followed. Gallery shows, editorial and advertising jobs, along with a new perspective of how to create new works that people are interested in seeing and purchasing. “WHO”, in their right mind, wouldn’t want that kind of successes! All this says, when looking at Timothy’s new outlook on what negative results can bring to a photographer’s way of seeing will ultimately spark creativity. Tim’s rules of photographing are in place in the background of his mind, but he gave himself permission to step outside of the boundaries knowing how to find good light. His education in composition, lighting, and color design allowed him to shoot more freely and relate with his subject matter. He learned that knowing your subject and their particular habits and desires moved his work into a personal discovery on how to relate and capture a child or family in a meaningful work which tells a story and nature in the human environment. We have strong opinions, tastes, likes and dislikes. We see and feel bad or good. Our world has boundaries, rules and moral codes to follow in a culture. Without those rules or foundations, we have chaos. As The Bulletin a person of faith, we choose to follow or break rules and see good or bad. But, without the foundations in our human culture and as in photography, we have nowhere to plant our feet except in the air. That’s why photography education is a foundation that is so critical to our board and membership. Thus, we can avoid the chaos we might see in our own photographs. PPGBA wishes to give a good foundation to our members and create fellowship within the photography community. We try to pass on the knowledge of many years in the photographic sciences, art and color design, so then you can improve and create better art in the photographic realm. Yes, we can learn from an internet class on how to shoot or do better in our workflow, then be able to review at our leisure, in which, there’s nothing wrong with that type of education. But, when you deal with people, kids or families in front of your camera and then someone, such as Timothy Archibald, draws you into another world of relating and really getting to know your subjects lives more intimately, it becomes art! Know your foundations (rules), choices, the contrasts and passions that drive you to photograph and interact with people. Get to know them and what they like or do in their live. Enjoy, being a photographer. It’s a rare privilege and a gift! Truly, Paolo Salcido President PPGBA 5 Monthly Meeting From Camera to Client- Winning Workflow for Success Adobe Digital Imaging Evangelist Julieanne Kost will show you the newest tips and techniques in Lightroom 5 and Photoshop CC to help you master your tools, increase your productivity, and make it easier than ever to deliver images your clients will love. Learn how to best manage your files, make enhancements to images to define your personal style and take advantage of presets, templates and batch processing to expedite your workflow. Plus, Julieanne will reveal more precise methods for removing distracting items in images and demonstrate March 2015 advanced masking and layering techniques - shortening the distance between your idea and the sharing of your final photograph. From novice to advanced, both you and your clients, will benefit from the skills you learn in this session. The Bulletin 6 Monthly MonthlyMeeting Meeting Bio: Julieanne Kost is Principal Evangelist for Photoshop and Lightroom at Adobe Systems, founder of, publisher of the Daily Photoshop and Lightroom Tip (, host of “The Complete Picture” a bimonthly instructional training program featuring Lightroom and Photoshop on AdobeTV, and the producer of the “Lightroom 5 Getting Started” as well as “What’s New in Lightroom” series for Adobe. She is also the author of “Window Seat – The Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking”, creator of Photoshop CC Essential Training, Introduction to Photo Compositing, and the Art of Compositing with as well as “Revitalize your Workflow with Lightroom 5” on CreativeLive. March 2015 The Bulletin 7 Monthly Meeting Meeting INFO Thurs., March 19 7:00 P.M. – Networking 7:30 P.M. – Speaker 9:15 pm Image Competition (See page 11) • Non-members – $25 at the door. Online pre-registration $20 • PPGBA members – no charge • APA-SF, ASMP-Norcal members – $15 at the door • Students – $15 at the door (must show current college/university I.D.) •(non-member difference may be applied towards PPGBA dues if redeemed within 90 days – therefore the meeting will be FREE to you if you join PPGBA…please save your meeting receipt for documentation of payment Meeting Location Best Western Plus Grosvenor Hotel, 380 S. Airport Blvd., S. San Francisco. • For directions, please call the hotel at 650/873-3200 or click on this link. PPGBA members and guests may use the Grosvenor’s shuttle bus from BART at SFO (International Terminal location) to get to and from the hotel. For shuttle bus schedule info, contact the hotel at 650/873-3200. March 2015 The Bulletin 8 NEW Image Competition Entry Rules Effective March 2015 Beginning in March, online submissions will still be $5 each (cash only please) for a maximum of three (3) images. DEADLINE for online entries will be 2 days, on the Tuesday before the meeting, by midnight. Images are to be sent as attachments (not imbedded) to with the image’s author in the subject line and the image title and category in the body of the email. Note: Digital album and video submission rules are coming soon. Please do NOT send video or digital album submissions to Images submitted at the night of the meeting will be $10 each (cash only please) for a maximum of 3 images. The Competition Chair will send a confirmation of received emails. Entrants must be in line at the print registration table no later than 7:30 p.m., no exceptions. For more PPGBA image competition information go to: Competitors must be present at the judging in order for their entries to be judged. If you submit online and miss the meeting your images will not be scored and will be rolled over to the next competition only. Without payment images will be not shown and judged. All PPGBA competition entrants agree to give permission and license for PPGBA to use their entries on the website or for other PPGBA promotions such as The Bulletin, email broadcasts and social media. Next Image Competition March 19 Your digital submission should be formatted as follows: • It is not the responsibility of the Competition Committee to make sure your submissions comply with the rules. • As a .JPEG • Adobe RGB 1998 • Longest dimension at 4000 pixels • Resolution of 200 ppi • There is no need to include any kind of matting or border as the system will include one if needed • The submission should be named the title of the image • If submissions are emailed, please use a separate email for EACH image, (SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN ABOVE ARTICLE) OR you can bring them to the competition table on a USB drive no later than 7:30 pm on the day of the meeting. • By entering an image in competition, the maker agrees to release to PPGBA the rights to use that image anywhere to promote the maker and PPGBA - including social media, the Bulletin, the website, or anywhere else deemed appropriate, without prior notification but with full credit to the image maker. PPGBA’s image competitions are held at most monthly general meetings. • Please make sure you are submitting your FINAL EDIT Any questions? Contact 2015 Competition Chairman Joanne Tan ppgbacomp@yahoo. com for additional information. • Even if you email your image beforehand you must still be present at the judging and pay your entry fee/s at the competition table for your images to be scored. March 2015 The Bulletin 9 Western WesternPhotographic PhotographicCompetition CompetitionOpen For Submissions Open For Submissions By Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Judging will be streamed live March 26-29 “The live stream was hugely successful at the International Photographic Competition in August so The Western District competition is now open! It’s we’re taking it to all of PPA’s district competitions,” the perfect excuse to spend a day inside and avoid said McNeilly. “This helps debunk some myths about the cold. Or if it’s nice and warm where you are: A.) the judging process and shows photographers how Jealous! and B). Get your images ready anyway! much they can learn by attending or ordering their Image submissions will be accepted until March 18. critiques.” Your entered works will be judged March 26-28 in Vancouver, Washington. The best of the best images will enter the prestigious Loan Collection and be on display at the PPA urges members to enter photographic International Photographic Exhibit during Imaging competition to push yourselves to be more. You’ll USA 2016 in Atlanta. They will also be in a coffee improve your craft and confidence in the process. table book published by Marathon Press. For “Once photographers get over the initial fear inspiration, PPA produced a video featuring 2014’s of competition, most keep entering year after year Loan Collection images to show what the best look and become better photographers in the process,” like. said Randy McNeilly, PPA’s photographic exhibition PPA’s District Competitions and the International committee chairman. “Even if they don’t earn a Photographic Competition are open to the public. merit right away, there’s so much they can learn. PPA photographers and non-members alike are also Plus, it’s a huge confidence boost, not only for the encouraged to attend the judging. Photographers photographer, but also the client who commissions who belong to PPA are each assigned to districts their work--especially once they start to win awards.” based on their studio’s geographic location. For At the district level, images either earn a “merit” full district competition information, visit PPA. or “does not merit” score. Merit images are sealed com/Competitions. To learn more about PPA’s and move on to the International Photographic membership benefits or to join, visit Competition (IPC), held each August. Non-merit images may be worked on and re-entered into the IPC that same year. Critiques from a PPA judge can be ordered to give entrants personalized feedback on the reason for the score. Entrants and non-entrants alike can watch the judging live online in January. March 2015 The Bulletin 10 March 2015 The Bulletin 11 PPGBA Model Palooza Saturday April 18, 2015 10am-4pm -Lunch on your own, snacks and water provided. So. San Francisco (near Grand Ave.) Directions will be sent with your seminar confirmation. Early Bird Special signups open March 5 and close April 1st. go to and click the paypal button Limited to 18 students. March 2015 Cost: PPGBA members $79 Non-PPGBA Members $99 ($20 may be applied towards PPGBA membership if redeemed within 30 days) Cost after April 1st goes up $25 if space available. No refunds after 4-1-2015. Refunds before 4-1-2015 are subject to a $20 service fee The Bulletin 12 Theme Shoots with 3-4 sets and 3 or more models We will have complete sets with backgrounds, lighting, props, models, and wardrobe. You will need your camera and lens and PPGBA will supply an instructor at each set to help you get some great images for building a portfolio. A non-commercial model release will be provided to students who supply models with 5 images within 10-days (the release will be emailed to you). (depending upon enrollment) Set 1- Steampunk Set 2 - Vintage 1800’s Set 3 - Surrealism Set 4- Boudoir (if over 12 students) This workshop is a hands on and you will learn how to use lighting and tips on how to pose models. Each student will have ample opportunity to photograph each model in each of the themed sets. Each set will have a small group of photographers and each person will have time for a one on one shoot. Only one photographer is allowed to shoot so no paparazzi style here. Rotation to a different model and set each hour. March 2015 Instructors: Wayne Miller – Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman Paolo Salcido - Commercial Photographer The Bulletin 13 Image Competition Report February 19, 2015 Judges: Wayne Miller, Denny Weigand and Paolo Salcido Print of the month: “Pier under the Red Sun” by Serena Hartoog, from the Illustrative Category Illustrative ~ Entries ~ Wedding Gold Ribbon “Pier Under the Red Sun” by Serena Hartoog Blue Ribbon Portrait “Edith and Mark” by Luis Espinosa “Love is to Be With You” by Luis Espinosa “You’re Mine Now” by Luis Espinosa Gold Ribbon “Doe-eyed Damsel” by Serena Hartoog Board Report PPGBA’s January 15, 2015 Board of Directors meeting was held in South San Francisco Lily Dong has been appointed to the position of First Vice President and Program Chair. A “Model Palooza” workshop will be held on April 18, likely on the Peninsula. Joanne Tan was appointed our Competition Chair. A motion was made and passed to email all PayPal transaction reports to the President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Treasurer, and Membership Chair. A wedding-themed workshop was discussed, possibly for June. A motion was made and passed to add a video category to competition, to be held three times yearly. Serena Hartoog has resigned from the board. A motion was made and passed to allow both digital and physical entries in the album category. A motion was made and passed to add a sponsor clause on the bottom of our online application. The next board meeting is scheduled for March 19, 4 pm at the Grosvenor Hotel. A motion was made and passed to charge a staggered fee for competition entries, more expensive if the entry/ies are not submitted 2 days or earlier prior to the judging. March 2015 The Bulletin 14 PPA International Competition News 3 Reasons to Compete in Photographic Competitions The Professional Photographers of Washington (PPW) will host the PPA Western District Affiliate Judging in Vancouver, Washington at the Red Lion on the Quay. Are you ready to be more creative? Judging will be held March 26, 27 & 28th. Entries Entering into photographic competitions is the way to getting your PPA Degree, but it also gets you some great benefits—here are the three biggies: open: February 16, 2015 Entries close: March 18, 2015 The judging (if you wish to attend and watch) is open with no conference registration needed. Click 2 You’ll get more camaraderie than you can imagine. here cfm?ItemNumber=1541&utm_source=click_thru&utm_ medium=email&utm_campaign=ipc15#western for entry rules and other details on the competition. 1 Competitions make you grow as an artist. 3 Doing well gets you one step closer to earning a PPA degree! membership/content.cfm?ItemNumber=1595&utm_ source=click_thru&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=ipc15#content If you’re wondering what goes on in those judges’ heads while they’re looking at your images, watch some of the past image critiques at: from last year’s International Photographic Competition. You’ll learn exactly what they’re looking for and common mistakes to avoid. Take on this personal challenge; be more in 2015! PPW will be starting its conference programming on Friday, March 27 with a program by Jill Davidson CPP. The list of contracted speakers continues with Ernst Ulrich-Schaffer, Bruce Berg, Mark Bryant, Michael and Tina Timmons, and Lora Yeater, the winner of the PPA Grand Imaging Award in 2014. Good company, great education, an Hawaiian themed scholarship night, and lots of fun await in Vancouver. Please check for more details or contact Marie Martineau-Sandberg at March 2015 The Bulletin 15 March 2015 The Bulletin 16 Buyer’s Guide Keeble & Shuchat Albums, Frames & Mats Philip Mauer PhotoMount 800/321-3686 Workshops 650/327-8515 Golden Gate School of Professional Photography 650/367-1265 Photo Labs Equipment & Supplies Bay Photo Lab Alan Epstein Sales 415/420-5278 800/435-6686 ImageTech LLC 510/238-8905 Please favor our corporate members and major advertisers with your business. They have shown their support for PPGBA! PPGBA does not recommend or warranty the products/services of any vendor, supplier, or manufacturer. Action Zone Looking for photography events and educational opportunities in the Bay Area and beyond? Here are some links to our fellow organizations with programs and seminars all over the area. March 2015 San Francisco ASMP San Francisco APA Santa Clara PPSCV Sacramento PPSV The Bulletin 17 Calendar UnClassifieds March PPGBA Meeting Bay Area wedding photography Thurs., March 19, 7:00 pm Speaker Julieanne Kost studio looking at Grosvenor Best Western Plus Hotel, S. San Francisco experienced photographer who for an can shoot in both documentary and formal/posed styles. Must have a working knowledge of off-camera lighting and April PPGBA Meeting Thurs., April 23, 7:00 pm Speaker TBA at Grosvenor Best Western Plus Hotel, S. San Francisco posing techniques. Work is as needed. Please see galleries and sneak peeks pages at w w w. Ly n d s P h o t o. c o m for examples of what we do. Model Paloosa Sat., April 18, 10 am - 4 pm Instructors Wayne Miller and Paulo Salcido Submit resume and portfolio S. San Francisco, near Grand to More info pgs. 12 - 13 To Place an UnClassified Ad in the Bulletin Unclassified ads are $20 for up to 40 words for members, $30 for up to 40 Sometimes PPGBA’s meeting hotel, words for non-members. Each additional 40 words for $10. The Grosvenor, holds multiple events Payment by Mastercard/Visa is due before simultaneously. This situation is beyond name. PPGBA’s control. If you should ever have difficulty finding a parking space, please visit the front desk at the hotel and they can direct you to available parking. publication. All ads MUST contain your Help wanted or position wanted classified ads are FREE. Editor may re-write these ads for space considerations. Deadline is the 20th of the month. To place an ad, send an email to: PPGBA’s Business Manager Fred English at March 2015 The Bulletin 18
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