May 2010 - PPGBA Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay
© Paul Tsang, 2010 May 2010 of n o to i o t c h e P l l Se na e o i t s e s l e Comp Edge Prof g n i t t Cu ts e Prin ed Print s s e r P s, Card .. . s e c i Serv B s&M ark ookm ore ™ | raps W n i Th p& Softo More iclé ic & G ph ogra Phot ks oo BayB d e t Prin Press s lbum hic A p a r og Phot tes mpla l rope Bay P | e ner T Desig rk l cla ittl m o e.c Spor ts, S ls & choo ts Even Met & Gic al ion s s e f ro P e n ...O num s Print | ™ s t alPrin o Phot raps as W v n a lée C lumi on A Quality Service Innovation ab L o t Pho .com WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! Editor’s Message Getting lost in the shuffle… Whew! It’s been a whirlwind of workshops, weddings and non-disclosure agreements this past month! I am thrilled to be able to finally talk about some of the amazing stuff I have in the works… keeping secrets is not easy, though I am a reliable confidant, especially when I have signed paperwork agreeing to said gag rule! As of April 12, I can scream this: Photoshop CS5 LIVES!!! I have had the distinct pleasure of being on Adobe’s beta testing team, and I can tell you, I am so completely amazed by the new features being introduced in the upcoming version of Photoshop! One or two of the features are totally worth the upgrade price (which I still have to pay, by the way, so this review is completely unbiased…) and there are so many more cool things coming along for the ride. I think the best way to see the new features in action while you are waiting for the software to ship is to check out some of the learning channels available through NAPP and a few other places, and make a list of the features you will try out first! Content aware fill tops my list, but I have done many cool things with lens correction, some warping tools, and the new crop tool is awesome too! Of course this begs the discussion of how making stuff like this easier has lowered the bar for entry into the digital photography profession. It’s a tough call… this economy has forced a lot of changes in our industry. I am really glad to be a part of PPGBA because I know we have always stressed real education, not just sizzle and flashy tricks. In This Issue... May Meeting .............................................................. 6 - 7 New Members/Board Report ......................................... 10 April Meeting ................................................................. 11 April Print Competition ................................................. 12 Industry News ............................................................... 13 Buyer’s Guide ................................................................ 14 Calendar/Cover Story .................................................... 15 May 2010 The Bulletin The Bulletin is published by the Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area, Inc., (PPGBA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association. PPGBA is an affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America and the Professional Photographers of California. The Bulletin Staff Editor: Kimberly Sayre, Cr.Photog.,CPP 415/515-6370 Art Director: Lise Smith Advertising: Julie Olson Articles and comments are invited; publication is subject to editorial approval. Editor reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for brevity and/or clarity of content. Articles are the opinion of the author and do not represent the position of PPGBA. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited contributions. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned unless they are accompanied by SASE. Deadline is the 20th of the month. Submissions may be shipped to PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402, or emailed to 2010 PPGBA Officers and Board President: Marc Benjamin, M.Photog. Cr., CPP First Vice President: Paul Tsang, M.Photog.Cr. Second Vice President: Mischa Purcell Treasurer: Michael Corsentino Secretary: Nano Visser Directors: Alexis Cuarezma (‘10); Jeanne dePolo, CPP (‘10); Kristy Hardy (‘11); Denise Olson (‘11); Paul Salcido (‘10); Lucie Silveira (’10) Past President: Joerg Lehmann, Cr. Photog., CPP Committees Audiovisual: Alexis Cuarezma Competition: Mischa Purcell Four Nights: Lucie Silveira Membership: Jeanne dePolo, Kristy Hardy, Denise Olson Photographer: John Spicer, Jr. Programs: Paul Tsang Webmaster: Marc Benjamin PPGBA Business Manager: Fred English PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 Golden Gate School Director: Julie Olson PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 President’s Message One man’s Junk is another’s studio tools… till the cycle repeats a 12-foot motorized background from and Craigslist route but after some more itself! Ha! past PPGBA Prez Marie Cox. I remember thought I figured, why not pass it on to a I inherited it in 2003 when Marie was fellow PPGBA member. After all, while closing her studio in Millbrae. At the time, not all but most of the stuff that I was I had plans to open up a second location ready to part with did come from previous and planned to install the background at PPGBA members. One particular piece of equipment was the new place but it never did happen and I many of you may know, moving isn’t fun. So after making a few calls, word eventually forgot that I had the background spread about my little “project” and system. I ended up passing on the stuff to Another nostalgic piece was a small I’m moving to a new home and as At first I thought I was gonna try EBay PPGBA’ers who I know (more like hope refrigerator that I stored film in around really) are going to use the stuff. All I ask 10 years ago. That fridge came from a in return is that hopefully when it’s their local photo lab where I first learned about turn to pass photography equipment, they PPGBA. The last time I plugged that fridge first try to pass it on to a fellow PPGBA in was in 2006 and it still works well. member. I also hope that after reading this I would actually take a trip to the dentist All nostalgia aside, I now find myself and public speaking first before moving. looking to pass this stuff on. Aside from yourself, how about passing on that stuff to I really don’t like moving! Especially, the the background system and the fridge, I a new person at the association and helping part when you have to decide on which was trying to part with other items like each other out. items to take and which to dispose of or an Epson 7600, Super Boom, track lights, recycle. a full size texturizing machine, a million Anyways, last week while I was trying to “sort” out which is which; I came across and you were doing a little downsizing frames, a gazillion rolls of background paper and other things. I thought to myself, man, all of these PS: I wrote this month’s prez letter with a the years from other photographers who things I know I picked up from someone laptop while sitting in the cab of a 28ft U- back then where moving themselves. Man, (like Marie) who was getting rid of them Haul. I HATE MOVING! what a trip down memory lane. For each and now I’m in the same situation. I item I remember who I got it from and suppose that this was bound to happen and how far along my photography career and is just part of the cycle. many items that I had acquired throughout skill was. Editor’s note: Good luck in the new digs Marc, and thanks for the tip to share stuff we don’t need with others who may look at it in a whole new light! Mission Statement PPGBA exists to support and encourage the professional, artistic and educational growth of its members; to promote public awareness of the profession; and to provide a forum of fellowship and exchange of ideas in an open and friendly atmosphere. May 2010 The Bulletin May 2010 The Bulletin This Month's Program How to Identify Clients, Bring in New Business and Never be Rejected Topics include: identifying Maria your direction and updating your has been an art/photo rep for marketing message, reducing 25 years. She writes magazine rejection when calling clients, articles for industry publications speaker is the dealing better with voice mail, “no- such as Shutterbug Magazine and well-respected fail” selling scripts and planning Communication Arts. Maria is a photo business different presentations to get your member of Society of Photographers and marketing work in the door and using new and Artist’s Reps and teaches classes expert Maria follow-up techniques to give you for creative professionals at local a competitive edge. Learn how colleges as well as national and be based on Maria’s book, The to use pricing scripts and role- international industry associations Photographer’s Guide to Marketing play techniques to convince your and conferences. She is the author & Self-Promotion, but updated for clients that you’re the best (not the of Graphic Designer’s and today’s new client. You probably cheapest) person for the job. Find Illustrator’s Guide to Marketing have found they are harder to find out how to tell a client what it would and Promotion and the 3rd edition cost them to pay less. of Photographer’s Guide to This month’s Piscopo from Costa Mesa. The program will and more difficult to keep! Maria’s new marketplace “overview” will give you the information you Whether you are making Marketing and Self- Promotion need to find and keep clients. Her a transition to a new area of - both published by Allworth Press, techniques are specific, efficient photography or improving the level and cost-effective for every area of of assignments you want to get, photography. this step-by-step program will get This month’s program is sponsored by one of our newest sustaining members, you there. This workshop will give you an unbeatable edge over your competition. Even experienced professionals will get new ideas! continued next page May 2010 The Bulletin This Month's Program TESTIMONIALS FOR MARIA’S a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Ron Gould. ASMP/Chicago PROGRAMS: Thank you again, it was a pleasure Midwest Jonathan Orfanos, Past President working with you and getting to PPSV, member AfWPI. Thank know you. This was Maria’s third time in five years to give a marketing presentation to the ASMP Chicago/ you for your lively and informative presentation. Usually photographers American Society of Media Midwest chapter. As always her are reluctant to sit through a Photographers/Portland, Oregon grasp of the industry as it is, and business oriented presentation, I’ve read her book, but seeing Maria where it’s going is insightful. She but the comments I have received live was incredibly valuable. The captures the future in ways we can have been enthusiastically positive. next day I put her techniques and use today to anticipate and plan for More members enjoyed your scripts to work right away, and tomorrow. workshop than any other business put together one of the best bids workshop we have had in the past. I’ve ever done. Cheers, Andy Batt Most agreed that your extensive - Photographer, Owner and Therese knowledge of your subject matter Gietler - Studio Manager, Owner and lively personality made for PPGBA Monthly Meeting Thursday, 5/20 (third Thursday), at the Best Western/Grosvenor Hotel, 380‑S. Airport Blvd., S. San Francisco. For directions, please call the hotel at: (650) 873-3200. • Please wear your name badge. Meeting Reminders: • Competition entry deadline is 7:45 • Prints may be dropped off from 7:00 - 7:45 • Monthly print judging follows speaker/s presentation Please no phones/ beepers ringing or conversations during the speaker’s presentation. Please be courteous and step outside the meeting room. May 2010 The Bulletin GGS Scholarships Offered Several scholarships are available to help you to attend one of PPGBA/ Golden Gate School’s one-day workshops this year. (The next one is on Family Portraiture on July 16, see for more info.) To apply, e-mail to goldengateschool@yahoo. com and specify which application you are requesting. Founders Scholarship: APPLY BY 6/10 PPGBA honors and recognizes the founders of this association, one of the largest local chapters of the Professional Photographers of America. We remember our founders for giving so much to our industry and emphasizing the importance of education and the pursuit of photographic excellence. This scholarship will help the recipient stay current with new styles and trends in photography. Any photographer may apply for the scholarship. The scholarship is awarded based the applicant’s record of service to the photographic profession as demonstrated by active participation in local and state associations, and the submission of a short statement as to why the recipient should receive the scholarship. May 2010 Mauracher Scholarship: APPLY BY 6/10 A scholarship is offered in memory of beloved photographer and teacher Heidi Mauracher that is funded from the proceeds of her Software Cinema CD, and administered by the Professional Photographers of California. PPGBA and PPC wish to honor and recognize Heidi for giving so much to our industry and emphasizing the importance of education and the pursuit of photographic excellence. (visit heidi.html) Any photographer who is a current member of the PPC may apply for the scholarship. PPA New Member Scholarship in Memory of Robin Perry: APPLY BY 6/10 In addition, PPGBA awarded three scholarships at the February awards banquet. 1) The “Random” Scholarship drawing consists of one chance for every current member (except sustainers, board members and GGS trustees) plus one additional chance for each competition print they entered throughout the past year. 2) One scholarship is given to a non-Board, non-Trustee member who has given service to the organization. This scholarship is the Ted Gurney Memorial Service Scholarship. 3) One scholarship is selected from among new members who joined during the last year. This new member scholarship will also be awarded in the memory of John Peterson, Jr. for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. You must be a PPA member, and for 3 years or less. The PPA affiliated school scholarship program (a joint effort by PPA and the Affiliate School Network) was created to help new photographers get needed education and to support and help PPA affiliated schools bring quality education to more photographers. The Bulletin PPGBA & Golden Gate School of Professional Photography present Family Portraiture Seminar Bert & Cindy Behnke Friday July 16, 10 am – 4 pm SF Peninsula Bert & Cindy live life by doing what they love, every day. Their program will motivate, excite, enlighten and probably surprise many of you. Their philosophy is all about creating your lifestyle, then designing your business around it. “A Family Circle” is a full day of almost everything today’s photographer needs to run a business and life. There will be live photographic sessions, marketing ideas, studio design ideas, equipment discussions, audiovisual shows, projection selling demonstrations, do-it-yourself projects, money-making ideas and maybe even some dancing! sponsored by: The program will show how the family portrait business is critical not only to their business, but to the survival of so many photographers everywhere. Whether you specialize in weddings, seniors, children or families, this program is designed to show how they all relate to the family photographer and the success of the photography studio. See: visit for more information register and pay online at: members $79 by 6/1, $109 after 6/1 non-members $109 by 6/1, $139 after 6/1 Register by Phone: 650/367-1265, or mail to: PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402 Family Portraiture Seminar 7/16/10 name (last) (first) address daytime phone # $100 o yes Total enclosed ___________ credit card security code Please mark here zip o no o Visa o Master Card o Amex o Discover credit card # May 2010 ___________ or paid by check (#) state – – e-mail address note: if paying by credit card, please use your credit card billing address above I want to join/rejoin PPGBA to receive the lowest price Seminar registration fee city credit card expiration date signature o if you require special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Bulletin Board Report The PPGBA February Board of A motion was made and passed The board is currently reviewing Directors was held in South San to reserve a display booth at the PPC the strategic planning summary for Francisco on February 25. Northern CA Expo in August. discussion at the next Board meeting. A motion was made and passed to A motion was made and passed to approve the appropriate disposal of purchase a base unit for the PPGBA two slide projectors. membership banner. New Members Dottie Marie Jaramillo Additional Active Reflections of the Heart San Leandro 510/325-6618 Ken Lee Sustaining pixido Fairfax, VA 703/626-8521 Amanda Tung Active Port/Wed Blueberry Photography El Cerrito 510/717-3519 May 2010 The Bulletin 10 April Meeting May 2010 The Bulletin 11 April Print Competition Report Print Comp Report - April 15, 2010 Judges were: David McKay, Ally McKay and Kip Cothran Print Handlers were Tony Yau and Bradley Siu Print of the month goes to Mischa Purcell for his print titled “New Horizon” with a score of 83 Commercial: Gold Ribbon: “Sunset at Maui” by Tony Yau “Ready, Set, Gone” by Randy Wong Blue Ribbon: “Hot Guy, Baby Animal 2011 Calendar Photo” by Eliot Khuner Environmental Portrait: Studio Portrait: Wedding: Blue Ribbon: Gold Ribbon: Gold Ribbon: “We are ready for our lesson” by Lori “Ike Coldblood” by Mel Lindstrom “New Horizon” by Mischa Purcell Nordstrom “Vogue” by Fima Gelman “City Hall” by Brianne Krilanovich “A dog and his boys” by Doug Fairbairm Blue Ribbon: “Shadow of love” by Alexis Cuarezma “I’m one, and these are my parents” by Bradley “Hissy fit” by Karen Clerici “Wedding Breeze” by Rhonda Giedt Siu “Nesting” by Joel Carrico Illustrative: “Kavita” by Robert Ash Gold Ribbon: “They Grow up so Fast” by Joe Ercoli “House in Fire” by Paul Tsang “Above the rest” by Kim Messmer May 2010 The Bulletin 12 Industry News Adobe Announces Lightroom 3 beta 2 You’ll learn invaluable tips and is one of the most passionate shooters and techniques for everything from Portrait teachers you’ll ever enjoy learning from! Retouching to Passionate Painting to Check out www.Two Shots of You can now heck out the latest Expressive Enhancing - using all versions for more info and for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 beta of Photoshop (and Lightroom!) - but registration. online at http://www.labs.adobe. especially with the incredible life-savers com/technologies/lightroom3/ It’s an available throughout the NEW Photoshop intuitive digital darkroom and efficient CS5! From the retouching miracles of assistant that helps both professional Content-Aware Fill and Puppet Warp, photographers easily manage, edit, to the life-changing photo optimizing and showcase their images - before its and enhancing speed of the new Adobe official release. Camera Raw (and Lightroom!), to the The Lightroom 3 beta 2 includes profitable painting possibilities of the new some of the new features that will be Mixer Brush - this double-shot, topic- released with the upcoming version and packed seminar by Jack & Jane will have gives you a chance to provide feedback. you up to speed, slashing deadlines and If you have already downloaded the adding to your bottom line in no time! Lightroom 3 beta, the current version Jane Conner-ziser has over 30 years of will expire on April 30, 2010. Please experience as a professional photographer download from http://www.labs.adobe. and retouching artist. The techniques com/technologies/lightroom3/ the she developed for facial retouching, updated version to continue enjoying the enhancement and portrait painting are beta product. widely emulated by photographers and artists worldwide and her fun and easy Photoshop Program 5/19 Marathon Press announces a solutionpacked evening seminar on May 19 style of teaching make her one of the most popular instructors in the industry. Jack Davis is one of the world’s from two of the industry’s most dynamic leading experts on Photoshop, with over inspirers – Jane Conner-ziser and Jack a million award-winning “Wow” and Davis - who will show you just how fast, “How to Wow” books in print, in over flexible and creative your workflow can a dozen languages. Jack was one of the be - from capture to print! first inductees into the Photoshop Hall of MicroFlip Flash Bracket The Hullett Practical Marketing Group announces the launch of their new MicroFlip Flash Bracket. Designed and manufactured in the USA by Novacon Products, The MicroFlip was invented by Conrad Sloop, former owner and designer of Stroboframe® Flash Brackets. The Micro-Flip employs several new and patented innovations including a “flush-mount” stainless steel upright arm that is so thin it “disappears” into the DSLR’s grip yet maintains the rigidity necessary to support large flashes. This disappearing upright arm design makes the MicroFlip the smallest, most compact design of any fully rotating vertical to horizontal flash rotating system on the market today without the cumbersome feel of a flash bracket. Another innovation is cable slots cut into the flash arm that allow you to elegantly mount your offcamera cord in an unobtrusive manner. Fame, has an MFA in Digital Imagery and May 2010 The Bulletin 13 Buyer’s Guide Albums, Frames & Mats Equipment & Supplies J. Orr Moulding & Chop 510/483-1848 Keeble & Shuchat 650/327-8515 Leather Craftsmen West 800/366-2828 Philip Mauer PhotoMount 800/321-3686 Pixido 703/626-8521 Miller’s Professional Imaging 800/835-0603 Ray Color Lab 650/921-0165 Photo Sales West 415/420-5278 Printing, Cards Internet Services Minted, LLC 415/399-1100 x 108 Digi-Labs 866/344-4522 Workshops Photo Labs Reprint Mint/Lamiframe 510/352-1400 Digital Printers & Supplies Clarity Graphics 415/824-0433 Golden Gate School of Professional Photography 650/367-1265 Bay Photo Lab 800/435-6686 Burrell Colour Imaging 800/348-8732 408/625-7903 Please favor our sustaining members and major advertisers with your business. They have shown their support for PPGBA! PPGBA does not recommend or warranty the products/services of any vendor, supplier, or manufacturer. Action Zone Looking for photography events and educational opportunities in the Bay Area and beyond? Here are some links to our fellow organizations with programs and seminars all over the area. May 2010 San Francisco San Francisco Santa Clara Sacramento North Bay East Bay The Bulletin ASMP APA PPSCV PPSV PPRE NCPP 14 Calendar of Events May PPGBA Meeting June PPGBA Meeting July PPGBA Meeting Portraiture Seminar Thursday, 5/20 - Maria Piscopo, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco Thursday, 6/17, Mike Fulton, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco Thursday, 7/15 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco Thursday, 7/16 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Location TBA STUFF YOU NEED! • Corel Painter 10 software full version - $95 • Contact: or Martha at 415/822-7581 BEAUTIFUL BACKGROUNDS These are lovely David Maheu muslin backgrounds, great for both location and studio photography. Significant discount!. Mint condition, used very lightly at Golden Gate School . (See for color/design.) Cover This month’s cover was print of the month for March, by Paul Tsang. Paul tells us, “During a photo session, my client asked me if I would take some action shots for his polo team; I said of course. At that time I really didn’t know anything about the game, other than it involves horses and it is a very fast action game. To better educate myself, I did some research via the Internet and spent a couple nights in the bookstore to help me get to know the game. I arrived to the field at game day, staring at the open area I realized I still had no idea what to do. I looked around and saw a guy with a big lens who seems UnClassified Ads like he knows what he is doing, so I approached him and asked him what is the best way to take pictures of the game. His answer was to chase one player at a time. After 300 shots or so, I think I got something useful. At the studio I reviewed the images. They were great, perfect lighting with a lot of action, but none of them really excited me. Then I remembered the shot where my client was chasing the ball and a lot of players were trying to catch up with him and at that moment I could feel the excitement of the game. So I played around with Photoshop to enhance the image and excitement of the game.” 10x10 Topaz - $299 10x10 Softmaster Blue -$299 10x20 Spring Pastel - $179 10x20 Grey Pastel - $299 Contact: or 650/548-0889 HELP WANTED Talented Photographers to shoot events and portraits. You set compensation. We offer you a great way to fill in empty dates. Please call Scott at Photo International at: 415/978-5485. May 2010 The Bulletin 15
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