April 2010 - PPGBA Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay
April 2010 - PPGBA Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay
© Paul Tsang, 2010 April 2010 April 2010 The Bulletin Editor’s Message When the going gets tough, the tough diversify! If you asked me, I’d primarily identify myself as a wedding photographer… oh, and a portrait photographer… oh, and we can’t forget about corporate event photographer… and there was that time I did some commercial photography. Oh, also, can’t forget about my post-processing business… and that brings up my role as a mentor and educator… and then there is all that time I spend developing products to help photographers become more efficient in their processing and workflow…. Get my drift? Of course, you don’t want to be so diversified that you don’t know much about the different tracks you “specialize” in! If you are looking to build your numbers this year, and are wondering where to start, first dig in to your core specialty, and decide how to target that customer more effectively and get yourself hired for more gigs you want to do. Next, pick a couple of areas of your expertise, and make a list of how these skills might be helpful to someone, identify who that target customer is, and seek them out! Share your talent, and reap the rewards! In This Issue... March Meeting ......................................................... 6 - 7 New Members/Board Report ......................................... 10 February Meeting .................................................. 11 - 12 PPGBA Seminar .................................................... 13 - 14 March Meeting ....................................................... 15 - 17 Industry News ................................................................ 18 Calendar/Cover Story ..................................................... 22 The Bulletin is published by the Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area, Inc., (PPGBA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association. PPGBA is an affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America and the Professional Photographers of California. The Bulletin Staff Editor: Kimberly Sayre, Cr.Photog.,CPP 415/515-6370 Art Director: Lise Smith Advertising: Julie Olson goldengateschool@yahoo.com Articles and comments are invited; publication is subject to editorial approval. Editor reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for brevity and/or clarity of content. Articles are the opinion of the author and do not represent the position of PPGBA. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited contributions. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned unless they are accompanied by SASE. Deadline is the 20th of the month. Submissions may be shipped to PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402, or emailed to kim@millcottagebridal.com 2010 PPGBA Officers and Board President: Marc Benjamin, M.Photog. Cr., CPP First Vice President: Paul Tsang, M.Photog.Cr. Second Vice President: Mischa Purcell Treasurer: Michael Corsentino Secretary: Nano Visser Directors: Alexis Cuarezma (‘10); Jeanne dePolo, CPP (‘10); Kristy Hardy (‘11); Denise Olson (‘11); Paul Salcido (‘10); Lucie Silveira (’10) Past President: Joerg Lehmann, Cr. Photog., CPP Committees Audiovisual: Alexis Cuarezma Competition: Mischa Purcell Four Nights: Lucie Silveira Membership: Jeanne dePolo, Kristy Hardy, Denise Olson Photographer: John Spicer, Jr. Programs: Paul Tsang Webmaster: Marc Benjamin PPGBA Business Manager: Fred English PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 fredenglish@ppgba.org www.ppgba.org Golden Gate School Director: Julie Olson PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 goldengateschool@yahoo.com www.goldengateschool.org April 2010 The Bulletin of n o to i o t c h e P l l Se na e o i t s e s l e Comp Edge Prof g n i t t Cu ts e Prin ed Print s s e r P s, Card .. . s e c i Serv B s&M ark ookm ore ™ | raps W n i Th p& Softo More iclé ic & G ph ogra Phot ks oo BayB d e t Prin Press s lbum hic A p a r og Phot tes mpla l rope Bay P | e ner T Desig rk l cla ittl m o e.c Spor ts, S ls & choo ts Even Met & Gic al ion s s e f ro P e n ...O num s Print | ™ s t alPrin o Phot raps as W v n a lée C lumi on A Quality Service Innovation ab L o t Pho .com WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! President’s Message Spring is in the air! that there’s a noticeable increase old members coming back as well of “leads” coming in and the as some new faces that have joined. conversion rate is not bad. They are taking advantage of the Speaking of leads and conversion March 20th marks the “official” start of Spring in 2010, and when spring rolls in, photographers are generally getting busier with engagement sessions, weddings and general outdoor portraiture. It’s been a rough start with the economy woes of 2009-2010, but mid-late 2010 is looking pretty good. I’m excited about the new season and the opportunities that come with it. Reports from our fellow photographers at PPGBA say awesome educational programs and rates, PPGBA is gearing up to get more importantly the “networking our fellow members ready for the and fellowship” benefits of our busy season by booking speakers group. It’s always fun to see people who are committed to teach us who we recognize and it’s exciting about the photography business to talk to new people. Though our of today. From “converting” those work on increasing our membership leads into actual clients, to up- numbers is far from over, we could selling packages, to smart product always use more people at our bundling, our speakers for the next meetings. So readers out there, invite 3 months will have both new and all of your photography friends out solid teaching on the business side there to join, hang out and support of things. the local professional photography In other news, I’m glad to report that PPGBA’s general membership community. Till next time… outlook is looking good. We had a 10% increase in membership during the last two months. It’s looking like we are getting bigger and bigger --Marc Benjamin by the month. I see that a lot of our Mission Statement PPGBA exists to support and encourage the professional, artistic and educational growth of its members; to promote public awareness of the profession; and to provide a forum of fellowship and exchange of ideas in an open and friendly atmosphere. April 2010 The Bulletin This Month's Program This month’s speakers are David and Ally McKay who will help you, Get Fused! With “Success through Passion and Fusion Marketing.” David and Ally have a heart to inspire and teach those in the professional photography industry. They are both passionate about what they do and it is their desire to impart their passion and knowledge as to why they are so successful onto others. Our speakers this month are sponsored by D&M Imaging and GW Moulding. The McKay’s have radically shifted their business approach in the past two years with incredible success following. Understanding what was coming in the economy breakdown two years ago, David and Ally understood a shift was necessary to continue to not only bring clients in, but to continue to have the right clientele as well. This program focuses on their highly successful Fusion/Co-Op marketing techniques and their passion in creating the images that touch people’s lives. April 2010 All of this has radically changed the McKay business model and created success even in this economy. Passion is great, but in and of itself, it is not enough. Marketing without the passion also falls short. The McKay’s share in detail how to combine these elements and give practical knowledge on the tools and creative approach to marketing being used to continue to operate a high successful studio even in the difficult times. These marketing techniques have been an incredible success for the McKay’s and changed EVERYTHING about how they get clients in the door. Studios can either sit back and hope for the phone to ring, or they can get on it and go after it. David McKay M.Photog. Cr. CPP started his career in 1988 at the age of 18 years old when McKay Photography was first opened. Over the years, McKay Photography became a moderately successful, yet “typical” studio. In 2001, after years in this environment and being on the edge of burnout, McKay made the decision to change everything about the business and pursue the passion that was once held dear to him for his profession. The Bulletin In the past 8 years, McKay Photography has grown to new heights in the photographic industry. Establishing himself as a true artist, David has pursued his career with passion and skill. Specializing in Sepia Toned Fine Art Wall décor, McKay has carved a niche that combined with the right combination of marketing and sales skills, has propelled the business to an incredible level of success. Averaging consistent high dollar sales, McKay has not only found passion for his work again, but he has been financially rewarded for it. continued next page This Month's Program Ally McKay, M. Photog., first started her professional career in 1989. After many years as an apprentice to some of the best photographers in the area, Ally started her own business, Artistic Images, in 1996. Specializing in high-end wedding photography, Ally became a well known artist to wedding clients as well as the professional photography industry. In the past several years, Ally has continued to grow artistically and creatively. Her sense of beauty and romance is evident throughout her images. Starting to specialize in Infra red portrait photography is another new horizon for Ally and McKay photography. Creating another niche in Infra red alongside of the McKay’s already highly successful browned toned images is a way that Ally feels she can captivate the viewer with a unique portrait not commonly seen in today’s market. David and Ally embarked on a new journey together on October 22, 2006 as they were PPGBA Monthly married and combined not only their lives, but their businesses. Images that speak “into” peoples lives have transformed the meaning of David and Ally McKay as artists. “To touch people on an emotional and spiritual level through an image we create is an amazing thing. One that we have found to make our work have meaning and purpose” say the McKay’s. Together, the McKay’s have also earned numerous marketing awards including three AN-NE’s as well as their web site be voted one of the top 10 in the U.S by Shutterbug Magazine and the best web site in Northern California by the Dottie Association for web excellence. David and Ally McKay live in El Dorado Hills with their 4 children Lauren, Luke, Taylor and Ian. Meeting Thursday, 4/15 (third Thursday), at the Best Western/Grosvenor Hotel, 380‑S. Airport Blvd., S. San Francisco. For directions, please call the hotel at: (650) 873-3200. • Please wear your name badge. Meeting Reminders: • Competition entry deadline is 7:45 • Prints may be dropped off from 7:00 - 7:45 • Monthly print judging follows speaker/s presentation Please no phones/ beepers ringing or conversations during the speaker’s presentation. Please be courteous and step outside the meeting room. April 2010 The Bulletin The Fear of Image Competition Susan Michal, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI If you can get past the “winning” I can honestly say I would not aspect of competition and be the photographer I am today experiencing many things that could understand what it can do for you had I not competed. So take a risk! be life-changing. as an artist and businessperson, you Take advantage of local, state and will see it in a whole new light. regional competitions whenever secret: when it comes to image Competing can get you past the fear possible, for they can help prepare competition, no one is immune of selling. After all, if you can put you for a great, artistically fulfilling to the stomach-clenching feeling your images in front of a panel of career. you get when one of your images qualified, trained judges, selling to comes up to be judged. Many new your clients should be a piece of past your fears and give yourself competitors think that only they feel cake. a gift only you can give. Become Fear can keep you from Let me let you in on a little this way. Not true! Rest assured that From an artistic standpoint, even the most experienced, award- pushing yourself to compete can winning photographic competitor be critical to your business growth, feels just like you do. too. Taking that bold step to put What are you waiting for? Get confident in your work…and watch your business start growing! Get ready for the 2010 yourself on the line will teach you International Competition – deadline to this particular form of torture? to take bold steps in your art (and April 29, 2010 (more information For me, it is simple. Competition business). But it’s not always easy will be available soon at PPA. has made me a better photographer to allow your work to be critiqued. com’s Competitions page). Check much faster than I could have That’s why you have to learn to take with your affiliate association for believed. It is one of the most a step back from your images and upcoming image competition entry economical and quickest ways to get look at competing as the learning deadlines and rules. Send questions educated. More importantly, though, experience it can be. It may help about regional or international competing has really helped in my you accomplish things you never competitions to Jim Dingwell business. thought possible. (jdingwell@ppa.com). Why do we subject ourselves April 2010 The Bulletin PPGBA & Golden Gate School of Professional Photography present Family Portraiture Seminar Bert & Cindy Behnke Friday July 16, 10 am – 4 pm SF Peninsula Bert & Cindy live life by doing what they love, every day. Their program will motivate, excite, enlighten and probably surprise many of you. Their philosophy is all about creating your lifestyle, then designing your business around it. “A Family Circle” is a full day of almost everything today’s photographer needs to run a business and life. There will be live photographic sessions, marketing ideas, studio design ideas, equipment discussions, audiovisual shows, projection selling demonstrations, do-it-yourself projects, money-making ideas and maybe even some dancing! sponsored by The program will show how the family portrait business is critical not only to their business, but to the survival of so many photographers everywhere. Whether you specialize in weddings, seniors, children or families, this program is designed to show how they all relate to the family photographer and the success of the photography studio. See: www.behnkephoto.com. visit http://www.ppgba.org/calendar/family-portraits/ for more information register and pay online at: http://www.ppgba.org/calendar/july-16-registration/ members $79 by 6/1, $109 after 6/1 non-members $109 by 6/1, $139 after 6/1 Register by Phone: 650/367-1265, or mail to: PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402 Family Portraiture Seminar 7/16/10 name (last) (first) address daytime phone # $100 o yes Total enclosed ___________ credit card security code Please mark here zip o no o Visa o Master Card o Amex o Discover credit card # April 2010 ___________ or paid by check (#) state – – e-mail address note: if paying by credit card, please use your credit card billing address above I want to join/rejoin PPGBA to receive the lowest price Seminar registration fee city credit card expiration date signature o if you require special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Bulletin New Members Frances Chisick Student Livermore 925/980-5502 fchisick@gmail.com Darryl Henick Active Port/Wed Darryl Henick Photography Santa Rosa tennisdude12000@yahoo.com www.drhphotos.com Arnildo Magtira Active Port/Wed Arnell’s Photography Salinas 408/803-0508 arnellsimplytimeless@gmail.com Lisa R. Scott Active Port/Wed Ramey Studios Antioch 925/595-5195 rameystudios@sbcglobal.net Debi McFerren Active Port/Wed Reflections of the Heart Oakland 510/325-6618 info@reflectionsoftheheart.org www.reflectionsoftheheart.org Annie Tao Active Portrait Annie Tao Photography Dublin 415/297-5222 annie@annietaophotography.com www.annietaophotography.com Board Report The PPGBA January Board of Directors was held in South San Francisco on January 21. A motion was made and passed to approve the 2010 budget. J. de Polo was appointed to fill the board position vacated by Paul Tedrick. Motions were made and passed to award annual scholarships and awards. (Winners to be announced at the 2/21 dinner.) April 2010 The Bulletin The 2/26 Divas seminar will be held at Mills College in Oakland. The annual strategic planning meeting was scheduled for January 31 in South San Francisco. 10 February Meeting Photos by: John Spicer Jr. The Diva Panel Discussion April 2010 The Bulletin 11 Feb Print Competition Report February 25, 2010 Judges were Kim Sayre, Shannon Stellmacher and Stephanie Herzer Print Handlers were Alexis Cuarezma and Brianne Krilanovich Print of the month goes to Paul Tsang for his print titled “The Bird Watcher” with a score of 84 Commercial: Gold Ribbon: “Fluid Motion” by Randy Wong Blue Ribbon: “Calendar Cover Photo” by Eliot Khuner “The Root Canal” by Nano Visser Environmental Portrait: Blue Ribbon: “The Wait” by Karen Clerici “Sierra Color Lab” by Bob Fletcher “Fashion in the Metro” by Brad Siu Illustrative: Gold Ribbon: “The Bird Watcher” by Paul Tsang “At the Ready” by Joe Ercoli Blue Ribbon: “Great Egret: Launch Trail” by Bob Fletcher “Peek a boo over Bryce” by Mike Collings “1 hour from Paris” by Steve Kane Studio Portrait: Blue Ribbon: “Jacob” by Joerg Lehmann Wedding: Gold Ribbon: “When the party’s over” by Alexis Cuarezma April 2010 The Bulletin 12 A Day with the DivAs Photos by: Alexis Cuarezma, and a few by Joerg Lehmann Continued next page April 2010 The Bulletin 13 A Day with the DivAs April 2010 The Bulletin 14 Photos by John Spicer, Jr. March Meeting~Bill McIntosh April 2010 The Bulletin 15 Photos by John Spicer, Jr. 2009 Award Winners First Place Illustrative, Kim Messmer Commercial Photographer of the Year, Randy Wong April 2010 The Bulletin 16 March Print Competition Report March 18, 2010 Album Judges were Zee Bezabeh, Paul Tsang and Mischa Purcell Best Album goes to Lucie Silveira for her album “Tanya & Dustin” with a score of 82. Print Judges were Joerg Lehmann, Bill McIntosh and Dennis Urbiztondo Alternate was Zee Bezabeh Print Handlers were Alexis Cuarezma and Randy Wong Print of the month goes to Paul Tsang for his print titled “Battle Field” with a score of 88. Album: Gold Ribbon: “Tanya & Dustin” by Lucie Silveira “Serena & Tim” by Alexis Cuarezma Blue Ribbon: “Bhoomi & Nehal” by Maqsood Hakim “Untitled” by Karen Clerici Studio Portrait: Blue Ribbon: “Portrait” by Arnell Magtira Wedding: Gold Ribbon: “Alone in the Crowd” by Robert Ash Blue Ribbon: “Three’s a Crowd” by Alexis Cuarezma “Here Comes the Bride” by Brianne Krilanovich Environmental Portrait: Gold Ribbon: “Reflecting on Argentina” by Lori Mcintosh “A Peek at History” by Karen Clerici “Structural Beauty” by Brad Siu Illustrative: Gold Ribbon: “Battlefield” by Paul Tsang “Asleep with the Light On” by Joe Ercoli “Hermitage Castle” by Mischa Purcell Blue Ribbon: “Parisian Promeneur” by Karen Frock “Sunset in Carmel Valley” by Stephen Kane Commercial: Gold Ribbon: “Nature’s Beauty” by Randy Wong “Modern Marvel” by Alexandre Reginster “Hot Guys Calendar, May 2010” by Eliot Khuner April 2010 The Bulletin 17 Industry News Member Awards On Thursday, March 4, history competition. The ADDY® Awards represent the true spirit of creative Tamron’s Newest Lenses Tamron Announces the Development of was made at the AAF-Silicon Valley excellence by recognizing all forms of its 60th Anniversary Model - the Ad Club, ADDY® awards when local advertising from media of all types, Superior Performance SP 70-300mm F/4- photographer (and new PPGBA member) creative by all sizes and entrants of all 5.6 Di VC USD Full-Size Premium Tele Mel Lindstrom of Lindstrom Photography, levels from anywhere in the world. The Zoom. This Extra Low Dispersion (XLD) not only won a Bronze, Silver, and Gold American Advertising Federation (AAF), a lens, made from high-grade materials, award, but also took home a coveted not-for-profit industry association conducts delivers best in class resolution. Tamron’s ADDY, and ...the prestigious Best of the ADDY® Awards through its 200 own Ultrasonic Silent Drive (USD) and Show Award. According to officials and member advertising clubs and 15 districts. Vibration Compensation (VC) make the attendees at the event, no photographer (or It is the only creative awards program lens fast, quiet and easy to use. any entity other than an ad agency/ design administered by the advertising industry Tamron President and CEO Morio Ono of firm) has ever won Best of Show at the for the industry. To learn more about the optical equipment manufacturer Tamron AAF-SV ADDY’s. AAF or ADDY awards: http://www.aaf. Co., Ltd., announced another advance org/ in Tamron’s pursuit of high resolution When Mel was asked about his reaction to this distinct recognition, he said “I Mel Lindstrom, a professional images in the telephoto lens category with was grateful of course, at first I was in photographer for more than 20 years, has the development of a 70-300mm F/4- disbelief. To win Best of Show at an been the recipient of countless awards. 5.6 telephoto zoom lens featuring image event for Advertising Agencies is a real He gives back to the photographic stabilization VC (Vibration Compensation) honor. The entire show demonstrated community through talks at organization and an ultrasonic auto-focus drive USD that good creative continues to come out events and teaching at various colleges and (Ultrasonic Silent Drive). The SP AF70- of the San Francisco Bay Area and that universities such as The Academy of Art 300mm the advertising community still respects and SJSU. F4-5.6 Di VC USD (Model A005) high- the quality and purpose of original For more information about Lindstrom, resolution DSLR telephoto zoom lens has photography” and to see his award winning images, visit been produced first for the Nikon mount, the web site for Lindstrom Photography at with the development of compatible www.melphoto.com mounts for Canon and Sony. This local presentation is part of the worldwide annual ADDY competition. With over 60,000 entries annually, the ADDY® Awards are the world’s largest and arguably toughest advertising April 2010 The Bulletin 18 Buyer’s Guide Albums, Frames & Mats Equipment & Supplies J. Orr Moulding & Chop 510/483-1848 www.orrmoulding.com Keeble & Shuchat 650/327-8515 www.kspphoto.com Leather Craftsmen West 800/366-2828 www.leathercraftsmen.com Philip Mauer PhotoMount 800/321-3686 www.philipmauer.com Reprint Mint/Lamiframe 510/352-1400 www.reprintmint.com www.lamiframe.com Imagecapsule.com 408/625-7903 www.imagecapsule.com Miller’s Professional Imaging 800/835-0603 www.millerslab.com Photo Sales West 415/420-5278 aepsw@att.net Ray Color Lab 650/921-0165 www.raycolorlab.com Internet Services Digi-Labs 866/344-4522 www.digilabs.biz Printing, Cards Minted, LLC 415/399-1100 x 108 www.minted.com Photo Labs Digital Printers & Supplies Clarity Graphics 415/824-0433 www.inkjetdiscounts.com Bay Photo Lab 800/435-6686 www.bayphoto.com Workshops Burrell Colour Imaging 800/348-8732 www.burrellcolourimaging.com Golden Gate School of Professional Photography 650/367-1265 www.goldengateschool.org Please favor our sustaining members and major advertisers with your business. They have shown their support for PPGBA! PPGBA does not recommend or warranty the products/services of any vendor, supplier, or manufacturer. Action Zone Looking for photography events and educational opportunities in the Bay Area and beyond? Here are some links to our fellow organizations with programs and seminars all over the area. April 2010 San Francisco San Francisco Santa Clara Sacramento North Bay East Bay The Bulletin ASMP APA PPSCV PPSV PPRE NCPP www.asmpnorcal.org www.apasf.com www.ppscv.com ppsvonline.homestead.com www.pprepro.com www.ncpponline.com 19 Calendar of Events April PPGBA Meeting May PPGBA Meeting June PPGBA Meeting July PPGBA Meeting Portraiture Seminar Thursday, 4/15 - David & Ally McKay, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco http://www.ppgba.org/calendar/april-15-mckay/ Thursday, 5/20 - Maria Piscopo, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco http://www.ppgba.org/calendar/may-20-piscopo/ Thursday, 7/17, Mike Fulton, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco www.ppgba.org Thursday, 7/15 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco www.ppgba.org Thursday, 7/16 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Location TBA UnClassified Ads STUFF YOU NEED! • Corel Painter 10 software full version - $95 • Contact: goldengateschool@yahoo.com or Martha at 415/822-7581 BEAUTIFUL BACKGROUNDS These are lovely David Maheu muslin backgrounds, great for both location and studio photography. Significant discount!. Mint condition, used very lightly at Golden Gate School . (See www.backgroundsbymaheu.com for color/design.) 10x10 Topaz - $299 10x10 Softmaster Blue -$299 10x20 Spring Pastel - $179 Cover This month’s cover was the birds that dared to encroach into Print of the Month for February, her territory. On this occasion, by Paul Tsang. I had my camera ready and was Paul tells us, “This print was able to capture her anticipative inspired by my neighbor’s cat, expression at just the right Chelsea. I have often observed her moment, creating this memorable expression while scheming on the print.” 10x20 Grey Pastel - $299 Contact: goldengateschool@yahoo.com or 650/548-0889 HELP WANTED Talented Photographers to shoot events and portraits. You set compensation. We offer you a great way to fill in empty dates. Please call Scott at Photo International at: 415/978-5485. April 2010 The Bulletin 20
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