Hoa Nghiêm Pháp Võng SPECIAL EDITION


Hoa Nghiêm Pháp Võng SPECIAL EDITION
Compassionate Service Society
March 2005
Volume 2, Issue 1
Hoa Nghiêm
Pháp Võng
Overview of Trip by Master Ce Hằng Trường
Dear friends in the dharma,
On January 24th , Compassionate Service Society sent us, Lan Huy, Judy and myself, to Sri Lanka to visit the destroyed sites
and make contact with the Weera Foundation which is responsible for constructing houses for survivors of the tsunami.
Together with our two Sri Lankan friends, Venerable Chandrasiri from Oregon, and Ayanka Edirisinghe from Paris, we went
back and forth along the Southern coastline, from Colombo to Kalutara, Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Matara, and Hambatota to
visit refugee camps and villages there. We had witnessed the devastating effects of the tsunami not only on the physical aspects but also on the emotional level as well. Along with flattened houses, collapsed walls and fences, scattered bricks and
debris, are the desperate souls, broken hearts and hopeless faces. A 10-month old baby lost both of her parents. ‘How would
she grow up normal?’, asked her grandmother who is also her present guardian. A married couple lost all three of their children and his house. A 88-year old man has to live in the dilapidated house where he witnessed the ocean swallowed his 2
sons, a daughter, and their grandchildren. Can you imagine how life would be, looking from the lenses of this old man?
Everywhere we saw, a sense of sadness engulfed the scene. And grief and tears are our response.
On January 30th , Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha invited us to attend the Ground Breaking Ceremony for a 100 houses to be
built for the tsunami survivors in Kalutara. About a hundred people, comprised of donors, visitors, and government officials
were there along with our group. This is the first solid and positive sign that we have seen so far: ‘yes, we are building lives’,
Venerable Sobitha said during the opening speech. For the survivors, these simple houses of 2 bedrooms, cost only $2,000
USD, are more than what they could dream of. We were so touched to see the 5 families who lost their houses became so joyful when they heard our promise to help them build their houses. We saw faces brightened up, hearts opened wide in the refugee camp in Matara when we distributed gifts, played, chanted, sang and danced with them. “Next time when you come, even
if you don’t bring us any gift, we still appreciate your coming. Please come to see us!”, a man held my hand tightly as I got on
the car leaving the camp. Holding back my tears, looking into his eyes, I suddenly understood his message: our mission is not
just building houses; we’re to bring them what no material value can: hope and love.
It is this mission of hope and love that I invite everyone to join me in this task of building them houses and building their lives.
Peace in your heart,
Ce Hang Truong
Pa g e 2
H oa Ng h iêm Phá p Võn g
Vol um e 2 , Issu e 1
About Weera Foundation & Community Rebuilding
Jatika Weera Padanama
(National Heroes Foundation) is a non-profit organization established in 1992 by
venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero, a highly respected monk whom many
considered as a Dalai Lama
of Sri Lanka. The organization is locally based in Kotte,
Sri Lanka and is operated by
a volunteer panel of directors, all whom had previously been involved in various respected professions:
Mr. Mano Alles, a former
senior deputy general manager of bank of Ceylon and
is currently the director of
Pan Asia Bank; Mr Kulatunge, a former senior civil
servant director general who
was also an adviser to various UN agencies; Mr. Navin
Gooneratne, chairman of
Sama International Trust, an
architect, who also served
as an technical advisor to
the president of Sri Lanka;
Major general Kamal Fernando, a retired army general of Sri Lanka, and there
are few other elite members
of the current Sri Lanka government. Together, these
people made a great commitment to serve the people
of Sri Lanka. Many of the
activities they have been
engaged in aim to promote
the social, economic growth,
and empowerment of the
people, with the primary focus in rebuilding communities to become self-reliant
communities. Since the devastated disaster occurred
last December, the Weera
Foundation urgently carried
out its plan to help rebuid Sri
Lanka, and its immediate
goal is to provide housing for
the tsunami victims with the
initial objective of getting
1000 houses up and ready
as soon as possible. The
plan is to build the houses in
10 different areas, each as a
cluster of 100 houses, along
with a day care center, preschool, medical clinic, counseling center, and other facilities. They also aim on
using environmental friendly
technologies such as solar
cookers, bio-gas cookers
and other alternate sources
of energy. According to the
Weera foundation, the work
doesn’t stop there after the
houses are built but rather it
will be followed by a series
of programs to help
the people get back
on their feet at the
right pace. At the
heart of the community is the rehabilitation center which is
used to help the
victims to overcome
their trauma and
Skills and leadership training programs will be introduced to the people
to establish stability
and ensure that the
people co-exist together
harmoniously. They will also
be trained on how
to market their
products (e.g., fish,
fruits, etc.) to garner
income. The potential leaders will also
be trained in five
subject areas of
need: youth, women,
services (e.g., teaching) and cultural/
issues. This community leadership training program will be
self funded by Sama
Internation Trust and
They had this idea of
bringing education and selfempowerment to the communities well before the tsunami hit, but it never came
to fruition because the villagers were not interested.
However, now after the
tsunami, when the villagers have lost everything,
it is the best possible
time to implement this
training program since
the people now need
this more than ever to
survive and start anew.
With all these in place,
by Huy Nguyễn
Sri Lanka will soon see a lot
of changes, thanks to organizations like the Weera
foundation and the international communities.
H oa Ng h iêm Phá p Võn g
Vol um e 2 , Issu e 1
Pa g e 3
The 24 Families at Matara Refugee Camp
On the morning of Jan-28th05 we drove further south of
the coast towards Matara.
We stopped at a temple to
take pictures of a huge cement Buddha’s statue at
Thay’s request. During this
time our translator, Mrs.
Ayanka Cozian had spoken to
some local people and found
out that there is a small
camp just built for 24 families around the corner of the
We then headed there to visit
the camp, these 24 families
had just moved in a couple
days ago. Previously, they
were living at a temple
nearby. This campsite was
built by a Japanese group; it
is pretty well built and sturdy.
It is just a place to stay without any cooking supplies or
foods to eat. Our group visited each unit, talked to the
families, listened to their sad
stories and thoughts of the
tsunami and what they
needed at this point. We
wanted to show them that we
cared and that we were there
to give them emotional support, not just monetary donations. We had spoken to a
pregnant lady and she said
the Sri Lankan government
had no plans to help her with
the baby or her family. At
another unit, we spoke to an
85 year old woman who recounted her ordeal who told
us that because of the
muddy water her skin got
infected. There were a few
women with small infants.
They have no food or milk for
the infants. All the husbands
of the 24 families in the
camp are fishermen. After
the tsunami their boats were
destroyed and consequently
they are currently out of work
and have no monetary
means to support their wife
and kids. Some are out try-
ing to fix their boat and hoping to get back out to the sea
soon. Overall, they all said
that they wish to have a
house to live near the ocean,
a cooker to cook some food,
school supplies for their children, and a hope for a new
pictures, we left to go back to
the temple where we were
staying. But before we left
the children had yelled out
for “Pens!”, “Pens!”, “Pens!”
to our departing van. Upon
seeing their smiling and
happy faces, we felt such joy
for them.
During our visit, we had given
each family 1,000 rupees
($10.00 US). Families with
infants and other health issues were given 2,000-3,000
rupees depending on the size
of the family. We also gave
the children M&Ms and
Gummy Life Saver candies.
They were very happy to receive the treats and would
come back for more and
more time and again until
there was no more candy left.
After the visit, Venerable
Chandrasiri recited a prayer
for the families and then
Thay gave a short dharma
talk with Ayanka translating
in Sinhalese, the Sri Lankan
language. The families were
very appreciative of the
prayers and words of comfort
and encouragement they
heard. After this, we then got
into a group circle with each
of our hands held together as
a symbol of friendship and
bonding. Ayanka then led
the group to sing the Sri
Lankan national anthem,
which somehow seemed to
unite all of us together in one
way or another. After taking a
bunch of delightful group
The outcome and feeling we
had was so exhilarating for
us that we decided the next
morning to go out and buy
foods, school supplies, hair
pins for the girls, balls, racquets, small toys for the children and rattles and teething
rings for the infants. Venerable Sobhita, our host, gave
bagfuls of rice, crackers and
dry instant noodles for the
families. We arrived at the
camp the next day around 5
pm that evening Jan-29th. On
our drive there, it was raining
and getting dark soon. We
were worried that we couldn’t
give what we had bought for
the families due to the
weather condition, but I
guess the Buddha was
watching out for the families
and for us and it stopped
raining when we arrived.
When we got there we immediately gathered the adults in
a circle and handed out
foods and other supplies to
the families. In addition to
the foods we had given energy bars, baby formula,
baby’s bottle and toys for the
infant and mother. During
this time we also had gathered the children in
an outer circle to
draw pictures about
them for the drawing contest where
prizes would be
handed out later.
The kids did a wonderful job. The sad
thing is that the
majority of pictures
are tsunami re-
by Lan Bành
lated. One of the drawings
that really got our attention
was by a 7 year old girl who
drew a humongous wave with
dead bodies and houses are
underneath the wave. That
was a very first image come
into her mind when she think
of the tsunami. It was quite
heart wrenching to see that
the majority of all the drawings
had death depicted. After the
contest we got everyone in
circle again, gave out prizes to
the children and sang their
National Anthem and one of
the Sri Lankan popular songs.
Some even came out in the
middle and danced. The people were clapping hands,
laughing and enjoying this moment of fun together. At that
moment we saw the pure happiness and joy on everyone’s
Through Ayanka’s translation,
the families expressed their
gratitude towards us. They
said they felt love and care
was given to them for the first
time since the tsunami instead
of organizations just giving
them materials. They said they
welcome us back anytime
even if we don’t bring anything
to give them. The love and
care are the things they long
for beside the house to live in.
We took pictures of the whole
camp and said good-bye. They
walked with us to the van and
it took awhile to say good bye.
At the end, Thay had promised
to build the 24 homes for
them. They said they must
have good karma because the
Buddha brought Thay and CSS
to them at their time of need.
And to the wonderment of the
families, their wish came true
as the following day the Housing Project team from the
Weera Foundation came to
talk to them on behalf of Thay
and CSS regarding getting
them new homes.
Pa g e 4
H oa Ng h iêm Phá p Võn g
Vol um e 2 , Issu e 1
11:35 pm:
Thay & CSS
depart LAX for
Sri Lanka
5:15 pm: Arrive
in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. Ven.
meets us.
8:30 am: CSS
visits a local
boy's school in
Kotte; Thay
talks to the
Principal and
8:00 pm: Meeting with Weera Foundation president Ven. Sobhita &
Housing Project Manager Mr. Tissa
—Kotte, 01/26/05
11:00 am: Dana hosts ceremony;
prayer for tsunami victims —
Jananandaram Temple, Hikkaduwa,
2:00 pm:
that a traen. Hikkaduwa (r
ight of Th
clean ctor is neede
ay) states
the tractoup the rubble; CdS to help transport
ndaram Tdonates $1500afo
emple, 01
2:30 pm: Viist
damaged temple. Thay donates $2500 to
rebuild hardest
hit temple in Sri
Lanka —
1:00 pm: Visiting refugee camp
at Jananandaram Temple; Lan
reaching out to families
3:00 pm: Visit
destroyed areas
in Galle and
along coastline
12:00 pm: VIsit
Ven. Midigama
Uparatana with
school of young
monks. Thay
donates $1000
to help library —
H oa Ng h iêm Phá p Võn g
Vol um e 2 , Issu e 1
Pa g e 5
11:00 am: Met
with the UN
and his wife at
their home.
7:00 pm: ReRe-visiting
Grameeya Hospital Camp
to give out food
and supplies.
4:00 pm: Visiting Grameeya Hospital
Refugee Camp of 24 families; Judy
passing out candy to the children.
12:30 pm: Thay gives a talk to Sunday school
students at Ven. Chandrasiri's temple. A wave of
goodbyes to the students. Galle—
10:00 pm: Met
with Dr. Hayma
mony of 100
Breaking Cereundation. Huy
8:30 am
built by Weera
into soil. Kal/3
homes to be
8:00 pm: Talk to Housing Project team
regarding plans for building 1000 homes.
3:00 pm: CSS promises to donate $10,000 to
build homes for these 5 families via Ven. Dr.
Talawe Sangharatana's temple
7:00 am: Depart Sri Lanka
for Los Angeles.
Ven. Sobhita,
Ven. Chandrasire & Ayanka
sees us off.
Pa g e 6
H o a N g h i ê m P h á p Võ n g
Vo l u me 2 , Is s u e 1
CSS Tsunami Housing Project Fund
Compassionate Service
Society would like to thank
the following organizations
and individuals who have
made a donation to CSSTsunami Housing Project as
of March 7, 2005. The total
donations to this date totals
Connie Nguyen
Hoa Thuy Nguyen
Kieu Tien Nguyen
Crystal Bui
Hoa Dang Ho
Kim Thu Nguyen
Dao Huyen
Hoang Ngoc Hang
Kim Ngan Pham
Dao Thi Nguyen
Hoang Quy Minh
Kim Quach
Dao. B Nguyen, MD
Hollandease Investment
Kim Anh Thi Nguyen
David R. Anne Morgan
Hong Phuong Thai
Kim Chi Pham
David Tran
Hsiang F Liang
Kim Chi Thi Pham
DBA Tam's Pharmacy
Hue Thuy Nguyen
Kim Uyen Thi Nguyen
DBA ThienTu Chan Nguyen
Hue Huynh
Kuo Jiang Mu
Dennis Robinson
Hughes Soone
Kuo Chi Fong
Diane Dinh
Hung Nguyen
Ky Khac Thai
Dich Quan
Hung Phuc Khuong
L.T. Investment
Diep Khac Vu
Hung T. Du
Labeh Yasamifar
Diep Ngoc Nguyen
Huong Hoang Cuc
Lam My Van
Dieu Duyen family
Huong La
Lam Ngoc Lien
Dieu Tinh /Ha
Huong My Le
Lam Soc Hen/Lee Lam
Ðinh Hoàng Anh
Huy X. Tran
Lan T.Nguyen
Dinh B. Pham
Huynh Thi Phan
Laura W. Krome
Do Angie
Hy Phan
Le Dieu
Do Loan
Interfaith Paths to Peace Inc.
Le Kim T.
Do Loann K
Jai-Hwa Kung Lai
Le My Hanh
Don Tran
James M. Kogawara
Le My Hue
Don Danhnrath
James J. McMillin
Le Thi Dieu Hoa
Du Chi-Lan
Janice Nelson
Le Tiffany
Duc Thien Vu
Jensen Seafood Packing Co.
Le M.Hai / Loan M. Le
Dung Nguyen
Jensen Tuna, Inc.
Leigh Anh Nguyen
Dung T Pham
Jin Le
Liang Inc.
Duong My Nu
Jin Po Chung Mei Lee
Lien H. Thai
Joan Ngo
Lily Nguyen
E. Anne Alexandra
John D. Tran
Lily Phuong Nguyen
Edwin Trinh
Joseph Grant
Linda K. Weeter
Gai T. Bui
Joshua Paul Larocca
Linda L. Meyer
Giao Ngoc Tran
Joyce Ann Isasil
Lisa Cong Tran
Gisela Becerra
Judith Ann Kaiper
Lisa L. Jackson
Grant W. Uba, M.D
Judy Nguyen
Lisa A. Long
Gusti L. Newqui St
Julie Nguyen
LL & J Ice, Inc.
Hai Huynh
June Kwon
Loan Le
Hanh Truong
Kalei Engel
Loc Quang Le
Harbor Dendistry
Katie Yao
Loeschen Sharon
Ho Thu Thuy
Kathleen M. Graham
Loi My Nong
Hoa Ai Tran
Kengin Lee Lawrence
Loi D. Nguyen
Hoa Doan
Khoi V. Cat
Long Vinh
Hoa K. Dang
Kiem H. Nguyen
Hoa Khanh Tran
LP Tran
Amy Agzarian
Angie Mai Le
Anh Tien Tran
Ann Elizabeth Ferguson
Anne Nguyen
Annette Perea
Antee N. Dang
Ba Luong
Barbara Cooper
Barny Le
Belinda Flores
Binh Nguyen Vu
Biotal Technologies
Boi Hoan Ton
Brian G. Steele
Bui Thi Mai
C.A Graham
C.N. Vu
Cam Nguyen M.D
Can Dac Ho
Cao Thien Tim
Cao Thi Ngoc Huong
Carolyn H. Crawford
Catherine Tran
Celine Duong
Chaccphet Limsakaine
Chang Wei Lin
Charles M.Goh
Chi Luu Tan
Clarisse Quynh Huyen
H o a N g h i ê m P h á p Võ n g
Vo l u me 2 , Is s u e 1
Pa g e 7
CSS Tsunami Housing Project Fund
Lucy Mai Thanh Nguyen
Nguyen Tam
Tony Bui
Luu Truong
Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy
San Pham
Tracy Hoang Vu
Luyen Tuong Vi-Ta
Nguyen ThiThu Nguyet
Sandy Jaw-His Liang
Tran Bich Ryan
Nguyen Trang
Sean Evenson
Tran Huu Tat
Ly Thi Hue
Nguyen Trinh
Sherri Fairbanks
Tran Ky
Lynne L. Schmidt
Nguyen V. Ken
Shu Feng- Chen
Tran Minh
Mabel Lee
Nguyen Van Manh
Shu Y. Hsu
Tran Nu
Mai Anthony
Nguyen Van Tich
Shumin Yu
Tran Thi Ba
Mai Pham
Nguyet T. Nguyen
Stephen J. Seyler
Tran Thi Quy
Mai Phuong ThiDo
Nhi Nga Phan
Steven Nguyen
Tran Thi Thien Huong
Mai Tran Hải
Suong Nguyen, Dr.
Mai Vu
Nhu Doan Le
Susan L. Varga
Tran Thi Thu Nga
Mai Khanh Tuong Ta
Nhu Mai Thi Tran
Suzanne Hoover
Tran Bich Thuy
Mai Thi Pham-Duong
Ta Giang Huong
Trinh Nguyen
Margaret Desilva
Ocean Le Corp.
Ta Mai Khanh
Truc Ly T. Dang
Maria Nguyen
Ocean Chen Corp. DBA
Ta Xuan Huong
Tuan Minh Tran
Mark Amos
Parnaz Mehdizadeg
Ta Quynh Van
Tuan Trang Tran
Mark D. Pruitt
Patricia K. Chase
Tai N. Nguyen
Tuyet Anh Nguyen
Martha M. Frisch
Paul Ngo
Tam Khai
Tuyet Mai Ngo
Mary G. Brosky
Paul A. Stone
Tam Thi Nguyen
Unzu Lee
Maryann E. Conway
Peter Kral
Tara Y. Edwards
Ut Van Cao
Mei Chen
Pham Hanh Le
Thach Kim Hoang
Melida S. Johnson
Pham Kim Chi
Thach Kim Lien
Van Phuc Nguyen
Michael Luann Davis
Pham N. Hong
Than Hue
Veronica Can Tu
Michelle Diệp
Pham Thi Huong Giang
Thang Phi Ngoc
Veronica Martinez
Michelle Nhu Mai Huyen
Pham Le LinhSan Thi
Thang Phi Ngoc
Victor Lee
Ming Lien
Phan Tony
Thanh Thuy Thi Le
Victor S. Trione
Minh Quang T. Du
Phuc Dang Nguyen
Thao Bui
Victor S. Trione
Minh Thanh Thi Truong
Phung T. Khanh
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
Viet Phan
Nakarma Troy
Phung Xuan
The Lighthouse Wellness Center
Virginia Ky Nam Thai
Nam Nguyen
Phuong Van T Vo
Thi Bui
Vo Huong
Nancy Le Huynh
Pinei Tsai
Thiet Tan Nguyen
Vo Quynh Uyen
Nancye A. Browning
Quach Kim
Thimy Le D.M.D
Vu Minh Chau
Natalie San Roman
Que Bui Dang
Thu Bui
Vuong Tu Lien
Ngac T. Tran, M.D
Qui Thi Ngoc Bui
Thu M. Vu
Wanda D. Meyer
Nghia Trung Mai
Quoc Nghiem Ngoc Hoang
Thuy M. Phan
Wen Wah Chew
Nguyen Bach Hue
Quy Pham
Thuy Thao Tran
Xuan Tailoring
Nguyen Cam Van
Thuy Tien Pham
Yen B. Tran
Nguyen Diep
Ray E Torres
Tich Van Nguyen
Nguyen Hoa Thuy
Rev.C.J Wright
Tich Van Nguyen
Zen Investment
Nguyen Lan Huong
Rick Goodman
To Quang Pham
Nguyen Lien Huong, D.D.S
Robert A Kustich
Tom Hall
Nguyen Sandy
Robert Harrett
Ton Ngoc Tran
Nguyen T. Tuyet Mai
Robin S. Horrell
Tong Hoang
Overview of Trip by Thầy Ce Hằng Trường
Các bạn thân mến,
Ngày 24 tháng Giêng vừa qua tôi, Lan, Huy và Judy đã đi Sri Lanka để thăm xét tình hình, công việc xây dựng nhà cửa
cho nạn nhân trận hải chấn tsunami cũng như ủy lạo những nạn nhân ấy.
Tụi tôi đã thấy tận mắt sự đau khổ vô vàn của họ: một em bé mới 10 tháng mà đã mồ cô bơ vơ vì cha và mẹ cũng như
thân quyến đã bị cuốn trôi. Một bác khoảng 50 tuổi, mặt mày mất cả thần hồn, khi được chúng tôi hỏi bác có ý nguyện
gì, cần tụi tôi giúp, đã nói như vầy: “Tôi chỉ muốn được chết thay cho chồng và 3 đứa con của tôi. Họ đã chìm vào lòng
biển! Giờ đây cuộc sống đối với tôi còn ý nghĩa gì?” Bác ta cứ bị ám ảnh mãi bởi hình ảnh đứa con nhỏ nhất khỏi tay
mình, bị sóng cuốn đi.
Vô số những kinh nghiệm sống đau thương tương tự như thế đối với những nạn nhân khác. Tôi nghe mà lòng cực kỳ
xúc động, đau buồn cho sự mất mát vừa vật chất vừa tinh thần của họ. Các bạn ơi, các bạn sÌ nói gì và làm gì để làm
vơi dịu nËi khổ, đem tới họ niÊm vui và hy vọng?
Tụi tôi tiếp xúc với ngài Maduluwawe Sobitha là một vị tăng rất có thành tÉch vÊ công viêc từ thiện ngài đã làm trong
nhiÊu năm qua. Ngài giới thiệu dự án xây cất 1000 căn nhà cho nạn nhân hải chấn, và kêu gọi sự giúp đÈ của chúng ta.
Hôm 28 tháng Giêng thì tụi tôi đi dự lÇ đặt viên đá đầu tiên xây dựng 100 căn nhà ở địa hạt Kalutara. Æến đó tôi mới
thấy nét lạc quan, đầy hy vọng của mọi người: Ét ra đây là cách giúp đÈ hữu hiệu làm vơi bớt nËi khổ đau mất mát. Các
bạn biết chăng, cả trăm ngàn người hiện đang sống trong lÊu, hoặc dưới những mái tôn tạm xây, vì nhà của họ đã bị
tàn phá tan tành.
Ngài Sobitha nói với tụi tôi rÅng: “Hiện nay ở vÄng phÉa Nam này, đồ ăn uống, áo quần đã tạm đủ, họ chỉ thiếu nhà cửa
và việc làm mà thôi.” Như thế, hiển nhiên là dự án xây cất nhà cửa thì thiết thực và khÃn cấp vô cÄng.
Tôi cứ nghĩ mình đi giúp họ, ngờ đâu, Â ngược lại Â
Hôm đó tụi tôi tới thăm một làng tÁ nạn nọ, gồm có 24 gia
đình. Lúc đầu họ tỏ vÀ xa lạ và ngÈ ngàng vì đã hơn cả
tháng nay, chưa bao giờ có nhóm người ngoại quốc nào tới
thăm họ. Æến lúc sắp rời làng, thái độ của họ v¿n còn xa lạ
lắm. Tụi tôi quyết định mời họ ngồi thành vòng tròn lắng nghe
lời tụng kinh của thầy Chandrasiri, là vị thầy TÉch Lan trong
đoàn mình. Họ lập tức thành tâm chắp tay lắng nghe. Tụi tôi
lại nảy ý kiến mời hết bà con đứng dậy thành vòng tròn, nắm
tay nhau, hát một bài tập thể trước khi chia tay. Thế là mọi
người lớn bé, già trÀ trong làng đÊu ra cả. Æột nhiên không
khÉ thay đổi hoàn toàn: mọi người nối vòng tay lớn, cÄng
nhau hát bài quốc ca và những bài đồng ca dÇ thương vô
cÄng. Tôi thấy mọi người vành môi hiện nở nụ cười. Ai nấy như gắn bó lại, tình người khai mở. Bà con vui nhảy, bắt tay
cám ơn, thân thiết vô cÄng. Æến lúc tụi tôi lên xe ra vÊ, một người đàn ông đột nhiên bước tới nắm tay tôi, nói rÅng: “Lần
sau, nếu các vị có tới, dÄ các vị không có đem phÃm vật trao tặng, tụi tôi cũng hết sức cảm kÉch. Chỉ tấm lòng của các vị
là đủ.” Tình thương và hy vọng. Tôi cảm động trước lời anh ấy quá.
Lú đó tôi mới biết: mình đâu phải là người đi cứu trợ! ChÉnh họ là những người đã cứu trợ tôi, đã mở tâm tôi. Họ đã làm
cho tôi cảm thấu thế nào là tình thương. Tấm lòng của họ đã xóa mất biên giới tự-tha, mà bản ngã ta ngăn chia, để
khiến tình thương tràn lan vô ngại.
Tôi hy vọng các bạn sÌ cÄng với tôi thăm viếng những người bạn TÉch Lan dÇ thương ấy trong tương lai gần. Trước
mắt, mình hãy cÄng nhau đóng góp, giúp họ xây nhà để họ có nơi ăn chốn ở vững vàng trước đã.
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Compassionate Service Society
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Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Email: paramitadana@gmail.com
Web: www.hoanghiemphapvong.org