connections - Archbishop O`Hara High School


connections - Archbishop O`Hara High School
Catholic education in the Lasallian tradition in Kansas City
Archbishop O’Hara High School
Celebrating faith, inspiring achievement, providing opportunities for every student
Who We Are….Not What We Have
Seventy-three members strong, Archbishop
O’Hara High School’s Class of 2012 is one
of the smallest in recent memory. Drawing
upon the strength of tradition and family,
however, this Senior class outperformed
the underclasses in collections for charity,
academic achievement and community
challenges such as the annual powder puff
football game. From the start of the year,
when the class voted to spend a day providing
service in tornado-ravaged Joplin, to
forgoing an informally-planned Senior “skip
day” because “teachers have planned classes
we don’t want to miss,” these young men and
women have made worthy choices.
The Presidential Service Award was
earned by twenty-two seniors this year.
This commitment to serving others was
evident in their Senior Project topics. Sam
Baird researched needs for Christ the King
Parish and organized food and clothing
drives. Ashley M. Jackson and Olivia Wright
planned activities and trained peer mentors
for O’Hara’s Options Program. Kaitlyn
Fennesy organized a dance-a-thon to raise
scholarship funds for families experiencing
sudden hardships while Kellie Bachkora and
Andrea Davis developed a fitness club for
girls to teach healthy body image to young
The members of this class, according to
Assistant Principal Jane Schaffer, “were truly
interested in other people. They listened to
one another, they really cared about each other
and other people in the world.” Principal
John O’Connor commented on their class
cohesiveness: “This class truly demonstrated
what is best about our Celtic community.”
He said, “Their enthusiastic support of each
other, commitment to academic excellence
and strong witness of faith showed all of us
what great young people they are!”
These sentiments were echoed by the
students themselves as they reflected upon
what they learned about discipleship of Jesus
as members of the Celtic community. “A
person is more precious for what he is than
for what he has,” means that value comes from
who you are, not what you own,” explained
Jason Jarquio. “If we are living for others, we
forge social relationships in hope that we can
grow in knowledge and love.” Putting that
love into action is important to Alex Stockard:
“Discipleship means to love in action, words,
and thoughts. I feel that a disciple should
change hearts by love in action.”
FALL 2012
2 Letter from the Principal
3 New Teachers & Staff
4 In Memoriam
5 7th Annual Dinner & Auction
Military Update
6 Lettermen’s Hall of Fame
8 Reunions & Class Notes
11 Golf Tournament
When they walked across the stage at John
Knox Pavilion on Sunday, May 20, more than
one-third of them followed family members
who have already earned an Archbishop
O’Hara High School diploma. Forty-seven
earned honor roll privileges with cumulative
grade point averages of 3.0 or higher while
47 earned Intensive Studies diplomas,
reflecting an exceptionally rigorous academic
curriculum. Thirty-five class members
earned advance college credit, either through
one of the nine Advanced Placement or the
four dual credit courses offered at AOHS.
Three earned Bright Flight status on the
ACT test and one was named a National
Achievement Scholar for the National Merit
program. Seventy-two of these graduates
were accepted to colleges and universities
where they will continue their education
in careers from medicine to education to
engineering to graphic arts and business.
Dear Celtic Family,
Now more than ever is the time
to celebrate the unique gifts and
talents God has provided each one
of us. As we look to the future and
the unique opportunities that lie
ahead, we need to reflect and thank
God for all our blessings. For the
47th year, Archbishop O’Hara High
School has opened its doors and beThe O’Connor Family: Kelly, Zoe, Emma and John.
gun another exciting school year full
of hope, wonder, curiosity, and the spirit to excel in all facets of the high school experience. We eagerly anticipate what is to come over the next few years.
It is time to celebrate who we are as graduates, parents, and supporters of O’Hara and to
remember what it means to be part of the Celtic family. Since my graduation in 1988, I
have been blessed with many extraordinary opportunities to use the gifts and talents that
God has provided me. I have been able to use the education I received at O’Hara, along
with the wisdom of my parents and my own gifts, and have hopefully been a true example
of service and love to all those I have met and with whom I have interacted over the years.
We need to take care of each other and use the gifts God has given us to make this world a
better and brighter place for our future Celtic graduates and all the children of the world.
I am truly blessed to be back home, starting my second year as Archbishop O’Hara High
School’s principal. I am ready to celebrate with this school community and our alumni the
rich tradition of excellence, service, caring and commitment to the poor that has been at
the forefront of O’Hara’s mission for the past 47 years. I am proud to call myself a graduate of O’Hara, a Celtic through and through. Now is the time to “brag”! Now is the time
to celebrate who we are and what we have become! Now is the time to show the “Celtic
Pride” that lies inside each one of us. We are the “Mighty Celtics” and where we go people
should always know who we are and what we stand for.
Please pray for our students as they begin this new school year and the journey to find their
unique gifts and talents.They are committed, they are strong, they are passionate, and they
are “O’Hara Celtics”!
Live Jesus in our hearts. . .Forever!
John O’Connor
Principal & 1988 alumnus
Valedictorian Kellie Bachkora will pursue a psychology degree at Benedictine College. Kellie
gave her address during Commencement Exercises May 20 at John Knox Pavilion, saying:
O’Hara High School has always held a special place
in my heart. I’ve been around this school, this family
since I was four years old. I grew up here. . . I went to just about every Celtic
football, basketball, baseball and softball game until it was finally my turn
to become a student here. By the time I was a freshman, this place felt like
home: a home that provides a Lasallian education with an emphasis on
faith, service, learning and community. . .We have grown up and we have
grown together.We have laughed, cried, played, performed together, cheered
each other on, learned to respect and love each other. Today we celebrate
together. . .if there is one thing that you take away from these four years together, let it be that no matter where you go, what you do. . .this place, these
people will always be your family.Your O’Hara family will be here forever.
O’Hara Connections
Editor: Carrie Mayle
Copy Editor: Jane Schaffer
Designer: Abby Ziu
Contributing Writers:
John O’Connor ’88
Carrie Mayle
Mary Pat Storms
Laura Eagle ’80
Mary Pat Storms
Chris Wilborn ’70 & Associates
Editors Note:
We hope that you enjoy reading Connections. You may also read Connections on
our Website under the Alumni/Advancement Page. Please send us your thoughts
and comments.
If you no longer wish to be on the Archbishop
O’Hara High School mailing list, please contact Carrie Mayle at or
816.763.4800, ext. 211.
Become our fan on Facebook. Search
for Archbishop O’Hara High School’s
Official Page.
Tell us about you,
to share your story.
Salutatorian Jacob Duerr will attend UMKC
School of Engineering to study mechanical engineering. In his comments following the Baccalaureate Mass May 18 at St. Regis Church, Jacob
recalled some memories of the Class of 2012
years at AOHS:
. . .from our freshman year I remember Jedis craziness and the sadness when
Demo’s dad died. During sophomore year, I remember best the mothership AP
Euro study guide, In junior year, several of us had an English teacher who was
always happy and whose last name is really,“Happy.” Senior year is remembered
for how we are all so comfortable at school and feel so accepted. I know we’ll
all go our separate ways, but we will never forget one another and our memories
here. As we travel through life, new experiences will arise to complement what
we have experienced here. The further we go, the more we learn. The more we
learn, the better we can serve our community and someday come back. . .We will
always be graduates of Archbishop O’Hara High School.
Nancy McCoy - I am so pleased to be
joining the Archbishop O’Hara High School
Family because of the positive influence
O’Hara has been on our two youngest children that are now young adults and doing
so well in life and faith. I bring to O’Hara
thirty-four years of experience meeting the
needs of exceptional education students,
eighteen years in a cross-categorical classroom and eighteen years as a coordinator. Steve and I are the parents
of five amazing children and grandparents to three precious grandchildren. After school I enjoy spending time with our family, spoiling
my two pet Yorkies and exercising whenever possible.
Steve McCoy - I am very excited to
be joining the O’Hara family as I begin my
thirty-fifth year in education. My previous
experience was in the Hickman Mills School
District at Ruskin High School and finishing my career at the Middle School. Besides
teaching in Special Education, I have also
coached football and basketball at both the
high school and middle school level. This
year I will be co-teaching with my wife of 29 years. We have five
children and three grandchildren. Our two youngest are graduates
of the 2006 class of O’Hara. My interests are cooking, college basketball and getting out on my bike whenever I can.
Sister Barbara Schrader, SCL
Elizabeth Franey -
Hello! I am Elizabeth Franey, the new
guidance counselor at O’Hara High
School. I have come to you from St.
Louis, Missouri where I completed my
Master’s degree in counseling at Missouri
Baptist University. I received my undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri-Columbia with degrees in psychology and sociology. I am
thrilled to be here and look forward to an exciting year.
Kyle Sellnow - Hello, my name is Kyle
We welcome 1982 alumnus Sister Schrader
to O’Hara. Sr. Schrader will teach Theology
and will also work on grant writing for the
school. On Sr. Schrader’s blog, she states:
One of the most profound events in my journey
was Prayer Class during my senior year at AOHS. In this my 30th anniversary of graduation I am
given the gift from God to assist other students
in the amazing discovery of the mystery of God, the presence of God in all
times, places and spaces and the opportunity to answer God’s call as we risk
in faith. Congratulations, Sr. Schrader on your 25th anniversary on
August 14th as a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth!
Sellnow. I was born in Long Prairie, Minnesota. In high school, I made certain important
decisions that have framed all of the major life
choices I’ve made in my life since then. This
is especially true in terms of my faith. Falling
in love with God and the Church I decided I
would study theology more deeply and eventually sought a Master’s degree in the field.
After my Master’s I am now stationed far from my hometown. However, it is a similar to the place that my life was forever changed, and
I look forward to seeing students making choices within the walls of
O’Hara High that will affect the rest of their lives.
Meghan LeRoux - Hello O’Hara Family! My name is Meghan LeRoux. I will teach
Freshmen Civics and Freshmen Geography,
as well as, Choir. I also direct O’Hara’s Liturgy Choir, help with the Spring Musical,
and hopefully will be starting a History Club.
I have my BA in History-Secondary Education from the Univ. of No. CO and my MA
in Curriculum & Instruction from UMKC.
I love teaching in the Catholic schools because of the family-like atmosphere and the education surrounded by faith. I look forward to
meeting as many of the families and students as possible!
Patrick Nielsen - Originally from
Omaha, NE, I have been in Kansas City
for 4 years and I have been married to
my wife Julie for almost two years. I have
a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the
University of Nebraska at Omaha and I
received my teacher certification through
Avila University where I am finishing my
Master’s in Education. I am very excited to
be at O’Hara where I will be teaching AP American Government,
American Government, and World History as well as taking on the
Head Coaching position with the Boys Soccer Team.
God Made Me Good
and Gifted!
Archbishop O’Hara High School
Celtic prayer
of Remembrance
Honoring and remembering alumni who have died
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
at 6:30 p.m.
Archbishop O’Hara High School Commons
Reception following
Please extend our invitation to
family members and friends
RSVP by Wednesday, October 31 to Carrie Mayle
816-763-4800 ext. 211 ••
In Memoriam
Robert John Smith ’72
3/25/1954 – 6/23/2005
Louis Barbosa Jr. ’72 1/5/1954 – 5/7/2012
Frank Benedict Rollheiser ’72 9/20/1954 – 5/29/2012
Carlos Edward Aquino ’76 2/11/1958 – 6/2/2012
David Anthony Kiefer ’73
4/26/1955 – 6/23/2012
Charles Thomas Bradley ’69 2/3/1951 – 6/30/2012
Robert Douglas Scott ’88 2/26/1970 – 8/17/2012
Our spiritual theme for this
school year is, “God made
me good and gifted!” We
ask our students and faculty to recognize God’s gifts
in everyone; to celebrate
these wonderful gifts from
God; and to joyfully share
their gifts with others.
Recognizing the many gifts that you have received, please consider giving back so that
current Celtics can receive the same wonderful experiences you have had. You can
help us in three ways:
• Your donation to the iCeltic Initiative will create new opportunities for learning by providing each student with a leased iPad.
•Your donation to Mission Moment will make sure O’Hara students who want a Celtic education can receive it even when their families are dealing with loss of employment, deaths or other extreme circumstances.
• Your donation to the Lasallian Education Fund will provide support wherever your gift is most needed to continue the Celtic tradition.
Again, many thanks for your contributions,
your prayers and best wishes.
Questions? Please contact:
Carrie D. Mayle, Development Director
816.763.4800, ext. 211
You can also donate online to continue the
Celtic Tradition.
Go to
Honor Roll of Donors for
Archbishop O’Hara High School
Archbishop O’Hara High School gratefully
acknowledges the contributions of our loyal
alumni and friends from July 1, 2011 to
June 30, 2012.
We wish to thank the over 1,400 donors
who have supported Archbishop O’Hara
High School this past fiscal year. Keeping
in line with our stewardship responsibilities
and continuing our ways in being green, our
Honor Roll of Donors can be seen on the
O’Hara website, If you
wish a hard copy, please contact the Advancement Office at 816.763.4800, ext. 211.
Celtic Parents Club Proudly Presents …
7th Annual Celtic Parents’ Club
Dinner & Auction
benefiting Archbishop O’Hara High School
Honoring Margaret Heringer
Dear Celtic Family,
Mark your calendars for the 7th annual Celtic Parents’ Club Dinner & Auction.
March 2, 2013 is the spring date for the event. Last year’s auction raised more
than $74,000 for O’Hara! The money raised provided iPads for our students,
“cloud” technology and scholarships for needy families. The Parents’ Club hopes
to surpass the amount raised last year so that technology and scholarships can
continue to thrive at Archbishop O’Hara High School.
We will celebrate All That We Are. We will revisit our past, relish in the present
and look forward to the future. We will also honor long-time Celtic educator,
most loved and respected, Mrs. Margaret Heringer. Mrs. Heringer taught at
O’Hara since 1966. Even though Mrs. Heringer retired this past year, we are
blessed to see her every so often substituting or volunteering at the school.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
O’Hara Commons
Featuring a Silent and Live
Auction with Dinner/
Refreshments and Music
To view updated information on the
auction, including featured auction
items, go to, click
on the “parents” tab
Archbishop O’Hara High School
9001 James A. Reed Rd.
Kansas City, MO • 64138
The auction committee is taking donations now for new items and services. We
are especially in need of sponsorships. If you are able to help with the auction
or have contact information for sponsorship or donations, please contact us at
816.763.4800. ext. 225 or
Thanks for your support,
Susie Franklin Auction Co-Chair
Tina Verhulst
Auction Co-Chair
Military Update
One of the last things that Br. Douglas did before he retired to the Brothers’ House in St. Paul, Minnesota, was to compile the
military update of our alumni. Br. Douglas made the time to visit and update information on many O’Hara alumni, especially
our men and women who serve our country. Here is Br. Douglas’ military update as of February 2012.Thank you, Br. Douglas!
Michael Aldaya ’06
John Berg ’00
Brandon Bishop ’91
Krystle Stinson Brown ’03
Nick Canino ’08
Joe DiFidi ’91
Daniel Ernstmann ’05
Daniel Farrell ’89
Michael Gimmarro ’06
Donald Guthrie ’04
Patrick Hix ’06
Joe Holecek ’99
Jim Hurd ’05
Matt Hurd ’03
Christopher Inlow ’02
David Jeffcoat ’00
Daniel Joyce ’73
Chris Liston ’96
Sean Mahoney ’09
Michael Montalto ’02
Brent Morrison ’06
Megan Nickell ’04
Kevin Oswald ’08
John Parker ’93
Anthony Pricer ’99
John Roder ’98
Ross Routledge ’07
Peter Skidmore ’86
Aaron Stockard ’01
Josh Taylor ’06
Anthony Walker ’08
Please keep these men and women and their families in your prayers.
If you are in the military and attended O’Hara but your name is not on this list,
please contact Carrie Mayle, or 816.763.4800, ext. 211.
The O’Ha ra Letterm en’s
The 2012 Fall and 2013 Winter Induct
The O’Hara Lettermen’s Club is dedicated to promoting, preserving, and
who have competed in varsity extracurricular
Please join us for the Fall induction ceremony on Friday, September 21, 2012 at halftime
of the O’Hara vs. Clinton football game which begins at 7 PM at Paul Monteil Stadium. This
game also marks the first Archbishop O’Hara High School Alumni Night.
Dennis Roehl
Dennis Roehl is being inducted in the Special Recognition category. He
is a long time football statistician who has spent countless hours compiling the results of every football game for the coaching staff. These statistics have become a valuable resource for the football coaches as well
as a recruiting tool for the players. Dennis has been part of the football
program for 30 years and is being honored for his dedication to O’Hara
athletics and exemplary service to the Lasallian traditions.
Matt Patterson ’02
Being inducted in the Student category is Matthew
Patterson ’02. In 4 years of varsity football, Matt
rewrote every rushing record in O’Hara football
history. He is the career rushing record holder with
5,396 yards averaging an unbelievable 9.8 yards per
carry. He is the career leader in all-purpose yards
with 6,114 and he is second in career scoring with
346 points. He helped lead the Celtics to 3 consecutive West Central Conference championship
titles and District championships and was named
to the 1st team All-State and All-Metro teams his
junior and senior years. Matt also excelled in the
classroom and was a member of the academic honor roll for 4 years. A leader both on and off the
field, Matt Patterson spent his college football career with the Kansas Jayhawks.
Celebra te with us a s we hon or our
in ductees an d cheer on our Celtics.
Ebony and Matt Patterson,‘02
Club proudly an n oun ces
tions to the Lettermen’s Hall of Fame
d protecting the accomplishments and memories of the men and women
activities for Archbishop O’Hara High School .
Please join us for the Winter induction ceremony on Friday, January 18, 2013 between the
Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball Games. O’Hara will play Lee’s Summit Community Christian
School beginning with the girls’ game at 5:30 pm at O’Hara.
Ken Kerwin
Ken Kerwin is being inducted in the Coaching category. Ken was
the Varsity Girls’ Basketball coach for 12 years from 1980-1992
compiling a record of 251-109. Known for being a disciplined
coach, he taught fundamentals, defense, and established the winning traditions that the girls’ basketball program now maintains.
His teams finished 3rd in the State on two occasions and those
teams are also being honored in the Team category. He is currently the 5th most winningest coach in the state of Missouri.
Ken is now retired from coaching and currently teaches at Park
Hill South High School.
The Kerwin Fa
mily: Danny,
Ken, Kris &
Being inducted in the Team category are two of the most successful girls’ basketball teams to ever take the court, the
1986-87 and 1988-89 teams. Both had successful seasons and brought home 3rd place plaques for the trophy case.
Coached by newly inducted Hall of Famer, Ken Kerwin, the teams overcame many obstacles to get into the state tournament. With only 3 seniors, the 1986-87 team set a school record for most wins in a season finishing with a 25-6 record.
Led by 9 seniors, the 1988-89 team was often the underdog in its march to state and finished with a 21-10 record losing
to a very talented and undefeated Marshfield team in the semifinal game. These teams were the first 2 teams in girls’
basketball to play in the state finals and to bring home 3rd place plaques.
Class Reunions
was fantastic. And a special thanks to Toni Forte Fletcher ’78
who allowed us to come and basically take over her restaurant
and bar for the evening. We can’t wait to do it again in 5 years.
Class of 1972 – 40th Reunion, Saturday, June 16
Debbie Dyer Hutchison ’72 reports: On June 16th, the
Class of 1972 met at Fiorella’s Jack’s Stack for our 40th Class
Reunion. We had a great turnout of 80 or so with 66 classmates
in attendance, some joining us from as far away as Oregon, California, Colorado, Georgia and Virginia. It was a wonderful evening reminiscing about the past and catching up with each other
and renewing old friendships. There was a lot of interest in getting together again for the 45th! If you missed this one, we hope
you’ll plan to join us in 2017!
Class of 1982 – 30th Class Reunion, August 3 & 4
Message from Terry King ’82 & Eileen Lintz Fratzke ’82:
The Class of 1982 gathered Friday night, August 3, 2012 at
Stewy McBrews in downtown Lee’s Summit and livened up the
place getting reacquainted with friendly faces from the past.
Our reunion celebration continued Saturday evening with Mass
at St. Regis followed by wine tasting, dining and dancing in the
O’Hara Commons. Memories of our Celtic days were especially poignant as classmates learned of Archbishop O’Hara’s future
merge. Approximately 70 classmates participated in the weekend’s events and we remembered our seven classmates who are
no longer with us; may they rest in peace. Apparently we have
experienced our first of many “senior” moments; we forgot to
take a class picture! Party pictures are posted on http://www. Thanks to all who were with
us in person and in spirit and as they say - “A good time was had
by all”. AND…good news….if you missed it, we are planning
a birthday party as we will all be turning 50 very soon. Join our
class Facebook page: AOHS Class of 1982.
Class of 1987 – Upcoming 25th Reunion – September 28 & 29th
The 28th will be family friendly night at the O’Hara football game
and the 29th will be at The Well in Waldo from 7:00-11:30 (adults
only). Contact: Kevin Crawford at
Class of 1977 – 35th Reunion, August 4
Mary Jo Post Sandberg ’77 reports: The Class of 1977 held
their 35th Reunion on Saturday, August 4th at The Westside Grill
& Bar in Lee’s Summit. It was attended by 54 graduates and
many more from other classes at O’Hara who came to help us
celebrate. We had the entire country represented as classmates
came from Washington, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Washington
D.C. It was an amazing night and no one left disappointed. A
big thanks to the organizing committee as this was our first reunion without sending a formal notice by mail and the turnout
Class of 1992 – 20th Reunion – August 3rd & August 4th
Eric Geschwind, ‘92 reports: The Class of ‘92 held their 20year reunion on August 3rd at the Brew Top and August 4th at the
Brooksider. Nearly 50 alumni made it to celebrate and the class
had a fun time catching up and sharing old stories. With class-
mates making the trek from distances as far as L.A., Denver and
Chicago to join us, it was great to see everyone and we are looking
forward to even bigger participation for the 25th in 2017.
Class of 1997 – 15th Reunion – June 23
St. Mary’s, to be located in Lee’s Summit. This new school is set to
open in 2015. Let’s get together to visit, listen to music, and see our
beloved old Theatre for one last time before the old school is closed.
On June 22, 2013, we will have a reunion at OHS with a catered
dinner and a lot of wonderful alumni from all years of O’Hara High
School coming from all parts of the country to reconnect. If you
are on Facebook, please join the group at https://www.facebook.
com/groups/339553919471767 and see the official event page at If you
are not on Facebook, please email to
remain in the loop. This event is intended to include alumni of Actors Factory, Fall Plays, Spring Musicals, Winter Dinner Theater,
O’Hara Community Theater, and Forensics. Our hope is to reach
as many of our alumni as possible, so please invite everyone who
loves our old Theatre.
Class Notes
Message from Katie Brown ’97: On June 23 the OHS class of
1997 celebrated their 15 year reunion. We caught up and reminisced over food and drinks in the O’Hara commons. We were very
excited to see Chris Lockett come all the way from New York, Julie Brown Underwood from Colorado, and Jenny McColpin from
Portland! Thanks to all of those who attended, especially to Angela
Arnold Jordan and Kelly Henrich Spiller who helped me plan, set
up and clean up. An extra special thanks to Chris Hernandez, who
was unable to make it, but generously contributed to the cost of the
reunion. Look forward to seeing you all in 5 years!
Class of 2007 – 5th Reunion – August 11
Natalie Martinez '07 reports: The reunion was fantastic. We
had a great turn out and the Class of 2007 enjoyed getting time
to catch up, rekindle old friendships, and have fun in the process! Apparently, it was too much fun, because people are asking
for a 6 year reunion. Maybe we can make that happen!
Class of 1982
Congratulations to Sr. Barbara Schrader, SCL on her 25th jubilee year as a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth – August 14, 1987
to August 14, 2012. An open house at the Schrader homestead
with a picnic lunch was held in honor of Sr. Barbara on June 9th.
Class of 1991
Dr. Timothy Schmitt is director of transplantation/surgeon at
the University of Kansas Hospital. He is also an associate professor of medicine in the University of Kansas Medical Center’s Department of Transplantation. Tim specializes in liver transplantation, hepatobiliary surgery and minimally invasive liver surgery.
Kelly McCambridge Parker ’92, Rachel Sexton King ’92
& Kelley Burmeister Gilmore ’97
Upcoming All Years Actors Factory Reunion - June 22, 2013!
Linda Heggestad Wilson ’92 wrote: OHS will be closing its
doors. Plans are underway for a new school combining OHS and
Class of 1992
Kelly McCambridge Parker sent us an email: Attached is a
photo of myself and two other O’Hara alums. We volunteer for
a project to benefit CASA, which helps abused and neglected
kids have a voice in court. I know that my passion for volunteering and social justice comes from my time at O’Hara.
Class of 1995
The May 16, 2012 Christian Brothers Conference reported
that Emily Vogel, a faculty member at De La Salle Institute in
Chicago, IL was a representative for the USA-Toronto Region
at the Institute’s first-ever International Women’s Symposium
on April 29 through May 3. Emily said, “I’m excited to share
this with our staff and students as a way to further promote the
special spirit that women bring to this world. Also, being able
to share the stories of our other schools around the world will
help students/staff to understand that our school in Chicago is
part of a worldwide family.”
Katie Gilchrist thoroughly enjoys the vibrant and flourishing
Kansas City artistic community, whether it’s acting, singing,
or producing. Now working or having worked with nearly every major theatre in town, Katie continues to appear in stage
roles, musical performances and ensembles, and even as a cofounder of Bee’s Knees Burlesque where she performs and
produces collaboration and community-focused shows. Katie
hopes these wonderful opportunities and artistic experiences
continue for many years. Check out Katie’s website: www.
Class of 2003
Adam Haake emails us: Thanks, O’Hara for keeping me
in your thoughts and prayers these past years! I have made it
through my formation and was ordained a priest this past May.
God is Good! Also, did you know that Carl Baker (also from
OHS class ‘03) is thinking about the priesthood? He is currently a Benedictine Monk in Atchison. Keep him in your prayers!
Now if we just had a nun or three come from O’Hara... Hey,
please pray that I may be a good and humble priest for the
people of St. John Francis Regis! Come to visit at St. Regis if
you are in the area! Let us always remember we are in the Presence of God! Peace, Fr. Adam Haake.
Class of 2009
Congratulation to Patrice Jackson ’09 (former All-State
player at O’Hara) who plays softball at San Diego State University. She was selected to the Mountain West 2012 All
Conference team. Patrice had a .322 batting average with 11
homeruns and 39 RBIs.
Faculty News
Fond Farewells
We bid a fond farewell to Br. Douglas Hawkins FSC, Terri
McLain, Mike Martin, Joe Schramp and Mary Pat Storms. We
wish them much success in their future endeavors and hope
they will visit us from time to time.
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on
your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow
of his hand. O’Hara Teacher Reaches 27 Gallon Mark
It started in Minnesota in 1956. And on June 26, 2012, Br.
Richard Geimer FSC made his 216th blood donation to attain
the 27 gallon mark. Every time he donated, he gave whole
blood which requires eight or more weeks between sessions.
Of his total, he donated 135 pints in Missouri and 69 times in
Tennessee, but he also gave in Illinois, New Mexico, Indiana,
and Minnesota.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Friday, January 18, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Alumni Night & 2012 Hall of Fame Induction - 7 PM
O’Hara Celtics vs. Clinton Cardinals Football Game at Paul Monteil Stadium
Celtic Stride – Donate online to help us reach our $60,000 goal!
Homecoming - 7 PM
O’Hara Celtics vs. St. Pius X Warriors at Paul Monteil Stadium
O’Hara Open House – Archbishop O’Hara High School - 11 AM
Celtic Prayer of Remembrance - 6:30 PM – O’Hara Commons
2013 Winter Hall of Fame Induction - 5:30 PM
O’Hara Celtics vs. Lee’s Summit Community Christian School, O’Hara Gym
All That We Are
7th Annual Celtic Parents’ Club Dinner & Auction
Honoring Margaret Heringer, O’Hara Commons
AOHS 29th Annual Golf Tournament Results
Thank you to all golfers, volunteers and sponsors for making the 29th annual Golf Tournament a wonderful success. We could
not have done it without your support.
The tournament was held on June 15th at beautiful Drumm Farm Golf Club in Independence, Mo. We are happy to report that
we had 116 golfers and we netted almost $16,000! Due to your support, we are able to do the following:
• provide four $500 Alumni Association scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year;
• donate approximately $14,000 to the Lasallian Education Fund to provide a quality education to our students.
Thank you again for continuing the CelticTradition. Next year’s tournament will be on Friday, June 7, 2013 at Drumm Farm Golf Club! First Place A Team: Andy Vohs, Amy Russell Hiesberger ’91,
Jon Hiesberger ’87, Mike L. Hiesberger
Second Place A Team: Neil Parker, Bill Foley ’70,
Jack Foley ’70, Eric Foley
Celtic Sponsors
Dr. Bernard & Joyce Abrams
Allied Concrete Products Co.
Cosentino’s Price Choppers
County Beverage
Engineers Consortium, Inc.
Jerry’s Sport Shop
Kansas City Ice Cream Co., Inc.
Midwest Shredding Service
Paul Monteil Family
Sioux Chief Manufacturing Co.
Chris Sweeny ’85
Gold Sponsors
Avila University
Corless Mechanical, Inc.
Metcalf Bank
Green Sponsors
Advanced Eyecare, P.C.
Dean’s Trophies
Frontier Bag, Inc.
HMH Auto Sport Inc.
Rusty Jandl ’73
Kansas City Parochial League
Our Lady of the
Presentation Parish
Santa Fe Service & Sales
SERC Physical Therapy
Rev. James Taranto, St. Mark’s Catholic Church
Janet & John O’Connor
Service Printing & Graphics
St. Margaret of Scotland
Catholic Church
Sutherlin Optical
The Vardakis Family
The Walker Family
Cart Sponsors
County Beverage
Dean’s Trophies
Kansas City Ice Cream Co., Inc.
Stuart Bintner
Borgmeyer Rental
The Cretcher Family
Feuerborn ’80
Jerry & Mo Haake
Intec Construction Co.
Knights of Columbus
Council 4962
The Mayle Family
Thomas G. McNamara Sr.
Gifts in Kind
Andrea Bogert
John Cosentino ’84
Laura Bachkora
Jim Egender
Jack Foley ’70
Mary Goforth
Check out for more golf pictures and updates!
Alan Hull
Gina Hunter
Ann Julich
Carrie Mayle
William Mayle ’99
Lisa McNamara ’70
John Mitchell ’82
Kristen Mitchell ’83
Eileen Monteil
Jim Naudet ’81
John O’Connor ’88
Dr. Dan Peters
Mike Pizzichino ’90
Monica Rieger
Mary Rohan
Allison Seck, ’11
John Seck, ’90
Bernie Stegmaier
Mark Wernsman ’93
Ann Wright
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Archbishop O’Hara High School
Catholic Education in the Lasallian tradition
9001 James A. Reed Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64138
Kansas City, MO
Permit No. 1650
Mike Martin, teacher, counselor, musician & coach
Good luck in Texas!
2012 Conference & District Champions - Girls’ Soccer Team
Coach Mary Haggerty '95 - All-Kansas City Private Coach of the Year!
Cydnee Reese sets discus school record at 142’
& is 2012 State Champion in Discus!
We will miss the walk-abouts with Br. Doug
Happy Retirement, Br. Doug!
The Spring school musical, 9 to 5!