You`ve got a friend


You`ve got a friend
Page 1
AA now offers
car loans
The official Magazine of the AA
Volume 11 Issue 1
Spring 2007
AA March March 07_aw g4
Useful tips for
driving in France
Putting your
safety first
Get the Nokia 6230i for only $99* (RRP $278)
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To sign up for this great phone and car kit offer, just call into your local
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•AA - membership card
•ID - passport/driver licence
•Proof of address - recent bill/bank statement
For a full list of stores go to
Make the most of now
*This stated price of $99 is only available when you connect to Vodafone Perfect Fit 600. However, this offer is also available to both new and existing customers when you connect to Vodafone Perfect Fit 200 or higher
on the Vodafone network. Ask in store for price details. Existing customers must be eligible for an upgrade. This offer is available until 30th September 2007 or while stocks last, ask in store for terms and conditions.
P19248 VO AA 275x210 LK.indd 1
03/04/2007 17:16:02
AA March March 07_aw g4
WELCOME to the latest edition of AA
Motoring, our magazine for AA
Members. You will have noticed some
slight changes to the design and
layout. We hope that you enjoy the
new format and we look forward to
your feedback.
As we go to print there is evidence
that Ireland’s road safety strategies
are beginning to work. This is
particularly satisfying because the
main planks of the road safety
strategy – a Garda Traffic Corps, a
penalty points system, random breath
testing, reforms to driver training and
testing – were all policies that the AA
formulated in consultation with its
members and then lobbied to have
Road deaths seem to be coming
down. We are a long way from being
able to declare victory but the signs of
progress are very encouraging.
We are still further from victory
when it comes to climate change.
That mankind’s activities are
perturbing the planet’s delicate
balance is no longer in dispute. We
must reduce carbon usage and lessen
our environmental footprint.
Ireland’s rapid economic growth has
an environmental downside. Most
people know that we are far behind
our Kyoto targets because these were
based on 1990 as the base year.
Since 1990, the Irish economy has
doubled in size, GDP has more than
trebled, the population rose by 15%
and car ownership doubled.
Unsurprisingly, this has come with a
carbon cost and our levels are
currently far too high.
Alternative, non-oil based fuels will
be a key counter measure. Ford and
Saab currently have ethanol-fuelled
cars available in Ireland; soon Volvo
will as well. And motorists are very
willing to play their part. One
suggestion that came to us from an
AA member was that new service
stations should be obliged to stock
alternative fuels. That suggestion is
now firm policy with the NRA for
motorway rest areas and we hope
that Government will act on it as
While working on the broader
issues the AA is very committed to
continuing to provide value to
members. We have invested heavily in
new Rescue resources. We attended
to 160,000 members' cars last year
and 2007 is even busier. We are
recruiting new patrols and buying new
equipment to meet the growing
demand. We have also developed our
Home and Motor insurance offerings
to members and we can now offer
excellent deals on car finance.
If you have any comments or
questions, please contact or write
to Public Affairs Department,
AA Ireland, 56 Drury Street, Dublin 2.
Finally, let me give you our best
wishes for a safe and happy
Summer on the roads, wherever you
may be. ■
Pat Kiely, Managing Director, AA Ireland
Page 3
Renault Scenic 7
Driving in France
New Audi A4 has it all
All- new Mondeo reviewed
Leisure and Competition
Honda CR-V roadtested
Landrover goes freely
Climate Change 20
Safety first
Alternative fuels
Think Awareness
Driving Programme
Fiat Sedici adds up perfectly 38
Infrastructure 28
John Farrell Tel: 01 6179390.
Colm Burns 01 2600899.
Published by Goldstar Media,
7 Cranford Centre, Montrose, Dublin 4.
Tel: 01 2600899. Fax 01 2600911.
Views expressed in road test articles are
those of reviewers and not of AA Ireland.
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 4
Five star treatment as well as peace of mind.
For premium breakdown assistance when motoring abroad,
Five Star European Breakdown Cover from the AA is the only choice.
With 24 hour English speaking assistance, emergency repairs, towing and garage
repairs all covered, you really are never alone.
To arrange cover right now, call (01) 617 9988 or buy online at
You’ve got a friend
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 5
Competitive new car
loan offer from AA
With a variable rate of just 7.5%
AA IRELAND has now entered the financial
services market and their first offering is a
Car Loan with a variable interest rate as
low as 7.5% - depending on the amount of
the loan.
This is one of the lowest variable rates
available on the market and loans are
open to both members of the AA and to
non-members alike. The new service
offers customers a fast decision, approval
in advance, and no charge for early
use it to reduce the car loan. But fixed
rate loans do not allow this: fixed means a
fixed commitment.
An AA Finance loan is much more
flexible and the fast approval process
gives people the power of a cash buyer.
This year is shaping up to be another
very strong year for car sales and it
seems likely that 600,000 people will buy
a new or second-hand car. Consequently
there are a lot of car dealers competing
for business, so customers are in a
An AA Finance loan is much more flexible and
the fast approval process gives people the
power of a cash buyer
One of the most attractive features of
the loan is that it is a variable rather than
a fixed rate. The problem with fixed rate
offers is that they can be inflexible, and
the customer cannot pay the loan off early
or pay in extra money if and when they
have it.
Many people who take out a car loan
will find after a while that it suits them to
pay in extra money and pay the loan off
early. Perhaps as an SSIA matures or as
some extra monthly income becomes
available, it can make financial sense to
Variable Car Loans
Sample amount borrowed: €25,000
AA Finance
DATE AS 28/3/07
€ monthly
position to drive a hard bargain.
Secondhand cars are certainly an
attractive option, with a lot of good quality
models available this year. Having AA loan
approval in hand gives a customer a very
strong negotiating position.
AA Finance also includes a small bonus
in the form of a 20% reduction in the cost
of an AA Vehicle Inspection which is very
useful for second-hand buyers.
The AA strongly recommends that
motorists have a proper inspection of a
second hand car carried out before buying
it. No reputable dealer will object to this,
and the type of inspection carried out by
the AA will uncover all sorts of details
about the car which will make sure that
you are not buying someone else’s
Enquiries about AA Finance can be
made to 1890 794794 and on-line quotes
are available at ■
AA on the Cards
for Lady Golfers
sponsored the issuing of new
membership cards to 60,000
lady golfers as part of the
developing relationship with
the ILGU.
As the primary sponsor of
the ILGU, AA Insurance has
invested heavily in the
development of ladies’ golf in
Ireland and in widening the
opportunity for lady golfers to
compete at a national level.
The All-Ireland AA
Insurance Ladies’
Championships was a
resounding success last year,
attracting 15,000 participants
of all ages or one in four of
the 60,000 golfers who are
affiliated to the ILGU through
their clubs. The AA
Championships are now
established as the prime
event in the ladies golf
calendar and the new
sponsorship of the ILGU
membership card cements
the relationship further.
As part of the sponsorship
agreement, ILGU members
can enjoy the benefits of a
special package of car and
home insurance. This includes
free golf club cover up to the
value of €2,000 if golf clubs
are stolen, without affecting
the no claims bonus.
If calling AA Insurance for
any reason, ILGU members
should remember to say that
they are lady golfers. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
42641 NEW Monaco Range AA Mag FP1 1
Page 6
29/03/2007 15:32:25
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 7
IT’S NOT often that you get to spend time
with a living legend, but that’s very
definitely a title that sits easily on the
shoulders of Renault’s Scenic. The original
1996 Scenic did more than merely explore
new territory, it created an entirely new
segment of the market and changed
forever the way we buy cars.
When the second-generation Scenic
came along in 2003, it added sharper
looks both inside and out and the option of
seven seats to that ground-breaking
package. For the current model year,
Renault has updated the car, with revised
exterior styling consisting of new
headlights and reprofiled bumpers front
and rear, as well as faster-reacting LED tail
lights, and the now-standard fitment of a
panoramic glass roof on all models.
There’s also a new engine, a top-of-therange 150bhp 2.0-litre diesel, but we’ve
tested what we reckon to be the pick of
the range, the 105bhp 1.5-litre dCi turbodiesel. It’s one of the best diesels on the
market, in any car, combining excellent
economy with very good performance, and
manages to return a fuel consumption
figure of 5.2-litres per 100km (that’s
54mpg) and a CO2 emissions figure of just
138g/km, data that should keep even the
most stringent of accountants or ecowarriors happy.
Inside, the cabin receives the same
upgraded materials that debuted on the
Megane hatchback in 2005, and it remains
an exceptionally stylish and comfortable
place to be. The seats in particular are
excellent, in the grand (tres grande?)
French tradition. The digital instruments
look classy and are easy to read and the
combination of finger-tip controls for the
stereo and a a well-positioned gearshift
mean that long journeys in the Scenic are
close to effortless.
You can now have the Scenic in three
different forms; standard length five-seater,
stretched seven-seater Grand Scenic and
now a stretched five-seat Grand Scenic
which loses the third row of seats but
compensates with an even bigger boot.
It may have been around for four years
now, but the changes keep the Scenic
feeling fresh, and especially when equipped
with the 1.5 diesel, it remains at the very
peak of the MPV tree. ■
Renault Scenic
Picture perfect
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 8
Driving in France
THIS summer will again see many
thousands of Irish drivers heading
across the water to France. Ever
popular with the Irish, La Belle France
remains a welcoming place but if you
haven’t been there in the last few years,
you should know that they are now
taking their traffic laws very seriously.
The French spent years treating their
relatively poor rate of road death with a
gallic shrug. That has changed.
President Chirac made ‘prevention
routiere’ a campaign priority when
successfully running for re-election in
2002. This has certainly been carried
through, and with broad public support
the French have begun policing their
excellent roads much more vigorously.
The results have been impressive,
with road deaths down by 35% since
2002. France is still behind the best
performing countries like the UK, the
Netherlands and the Scandinavians, but
they are catching up fast.
The French automatic
speed radar system has
This is all good, of course. Hefty
fines are being handed out to tourists
who are caught speeding, and heaven
help you if you are silly enough to take a
risk with drinking and driving.
France’s permitted blood alcohol
level is lower than ours at 50
milligrams, which means that even that
single glass of red wine could put you
over the limit. French law allows for
extraordinary powers, up to and
including the permanent confiscation of
the vehicle, for serious road traffic
For the compliant driver though, the
road network is marvellous. High quality
autoroutes link every part of the
country. There are toll charges (péage)
but there is always a good alternative
route available and they never make the
Irish mistake of putting a toll onto a bypass and forcing traffic to run through
the town.
The tolls are pricey, however. As a
general rule, using the autoroutes will
cost you about as much in tolls as it
does in petrol. For example, the run
from Le Havre to Paris is 195 km and
costs €16 in tolls.
French petrol is generally about 15%
more expensive than in Ireland, although
diesel is the same price. ■
When you take your car
abroad you must inform
your insurance company
or you will only have the
legal minimum level of
cover. You do not need
a Green Card nor should
you need to fill out any
documents. Your insurance
company should NOT
CHARGE for an extension
of cover to travel within
the EU. If they try to, then
call the AA.
The AA’s online route planner
is a fantastic tool for working
out your itinerary. It will give
detailed directions between
any two points in Europe (as
well as Ireland and the UK),
and you can use it to avoid
tolls or to take in points of
interest along the way.
It also gives estimated journey
times and distances. You’ll
find it at .
gone into overdrive in
the last few years,
trebling the amount of
cars detected
and pushing
revenue to a whopping
€349 million in 2006.
Le Havre - Paris
Paris – Bordeaux
Lyon – Montpellier
195km = €16
570km = €48.10
297km = €21.50
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 10
We all want a 4x4, don’t we?
After all, nothing is more in tune
with the modern Zeitgeist than
a tall, spacious, family-friendly
SUV that satisfies both the
demands of transporting
modern children and keeping
the driver’s fleeting MacGyver
fantasies alive.
OF COURSE there is a social and
environmental cost to SUVs, and the
growing public consciousness of
impending environmental doom is making
ownership of a full-size 4x4 an exercise
in avoiding abuse.
But thankfully, Audi has a solution for
those who don’t want people to think that
they’re wrecking the planet and yet can’t
bring themselves to give up the space,
versatility and all-weather, all-terrain grip
of a proper off-roader.
It’s called the A6 Allroad, and as you
might guess, it’s based on the A6 Avant
estate. For conversion to Allroad status,
the A6 gains Quattro four-wheel-drive, air
suspension that can adjust the ride
height from low-slung for on-road driving
and tip-toe-high for rock-climbing and
some chunky lower-body detailing to
differentiate it from regular A6 models.
And it all works amazingly well. We
drove the 233bhp 3.0-litre V6 TDI version
and, surprise, surprise, it drives much
like a ‘vanilla’ A6 Avant. There’s a little
more body-roll when cornering, and the
long-travel air suspension is markedly
better at dealing with rough, unkempt
tarmac than the regular A6’s but that
apart, all is familiar.
In spite of all the high-end technology
used to create the Allroad system (the
four-wheel-drive system is a permanent
50:50 split with a self-locking differential
for extra grip in really tricky conditions
and the air suspension can be
automatically controlled by a computer
which reads the road conditions) the real
star here, as it is with most Audis, is the
The sheer quality of the cabin takes
your breath away, and it’s one of the
nicest places we’ve ever whiled away a
traffic jam in. The combination of estate
space, saloon handling and ride and the
extra height and traction of a 4x4 is a
bewitching one, and a few hours in an
Allroad will have you phoning your bank
manager and rooting out your cheque
book as it’s hard to imagine a car better
suited to Irish road conditions. The only
real downside is the price tag, which
starts at €70,750. Better get saving… ■
Thinking of
changing your car?
We’ve got the key to
a special car loan rate from
just 7.5% APR variable*
Call us now on 1890 794 794 or
log onto to apply online
You’ve got a friend
Terms and conditions apply. Credit facilities are subject to repayment capacity and financial status and are not available to persons under
18 years of age. For a car finance facility, a facility documentation fee of €63.49 applies. Security may be required. A typical €10,000
5 year variable interest rate car loan will have monthly repayments of €202.60, 8.5% APR*. If the APR does not vary during the term of
the loan, the total cost of credit will be €12,219.49. A typical €30,000 5 year variable interest rate car loan will have monthly repayments
of €595.80, 7.5% APR*. If the APR does not vary during the term of the loan, the total cost of credit will be €35,811.49. Rates and
repayments are correct as at 1/1/2007.
* APR quoted will depend on the amount borrowed and the period of the loan
AA Finance is an alliance between AIB Finance Limited and AA Ireland Limited. AA Finance loans are underwritten by AIB Finance Limited.
AIB Finance Limited is regulated by the Financial Regulator. AA Ireland Limited is an authorised Credit Intermediary of AIB Finance Limited.
A4.indd 1
28/03/2007 22:37:54
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 12
The launch of the new Ford
Mondeo has a significance beyond
its importance to Ford's balance
sheet. Ford not only wants to sell
this car, but they also want it to
revive customer interest in the
mid-size saloon segment.
THE ALL-NEW Ford Mondeo has a Herculean task ahead of it, and
if it succeeds, then it will have re-established the role of the
conventional, mass-market family saloon, a type of car that Ford
practically invented with the Zephyr saloon of the 1950s.
For some time now, this market segment has been shrinking,
coming under attack from prestige manufacturers such as BMW
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 13
and Audi and more diverse ‘niche models’ such as SUVs and
MPVs including Ford’s very own S-Max.
The Mondeo’s task is not merely to sell well for Ford and its
dealers, but also to reinvigorate the public’s appetite for a
‘normal’ saloon car.
To do this, Ford has started with the styling, letting chief
Ford Mondeo
designer Martin Smith exercise his theory of
‘Kinetic Design’ to it’s fullest.
"We wanted to create an emotional connection
with the new Mondeo that would attract people
from an aesthetic point of view even before they
appreciate its technology," explains Smith. "Our
goal was to make people feel impressed when
they see the car, and ultimately want to own one."
Under that carefully honed skin, the Mondeo
uses the same component set as the S-Max and
Galaxy models, sharing engines and chassis with
those two cars. Considering that both of those
vehicles have been roundly praised for their
driving dynamics and high quality of construction,
the future bodes well for the new Mondeo.
The engine range will start with a 1.6-litre
petrol engine which comes with either 110bhp or
125bhp (equivalent to the current Mondeo's 1.8litre units). There is also a 2.0-litre 145bhp
petrol, a 2.3-litre 161bhp petrol fitted with a sixspeed automatic gearbox as standard and a
range-topping 2.5-litre 220bhp turbocharged fivecylinder engine, which is shared with the Focus
ST and the Volvo S40 T5. Diesel engines will be
the same 1.8 and 2.0-litre diesels as found in the
S-Max and Galaxy, with power outputs ranging
from 100bhp to 140bhp.
Inside, knowing that it’s the interior quality of
the ‘Premium’ brands that has been particularly
significant in tempting buyers away from the
current Mondeo, Ford has been hard at work to
combine high-quality materials with high
technology and a subtle ambience.
All Mondeos will get air conditioning and a
clever on-board computer which Ford calls HMI
(Human-Machine Interface). More expensive
versions will have a HMI system with a large colour
screen mounted between the speedometer and
rev-counter. Keyless entry and ignition will also be
available, and all new Mondeos will have Ford’s new
EasyFuel system, which dispenses with a
conventional filler cap and also makes it impossible
(claims Ford) to fill up with the wrong fuel.
Safety is, of course, very high on the agenda,
and all Mondeos will come with Electronic Stability
Control as standard, along with a full complement
of airbags including a drivers’ knee-bag.
At this point it certainly seems as if Ford has
ticked all the boxes necessary to make the new
Mondeo the success it needs to be. It looks
sharp and, if other current Fords are anything to
go by, should drive every bit as sharply. It comes
packed with high levels of technology and a
tempting range of engines. The task ahead is no
easy one, but from this point, the new Mondeo
looks ready. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 14
Looking for a used car?
Get peace of mind with
AA Vehicle Inspection.
There is only one sure way to find out what you’re really getting before you purchase a
used car. Vehicle Inspection from the AA. Receive a comprehensive report on the
condition of the vehicle as compiled by an experienced engineer. So you can make your
purchase with complete peace of mind.
To arrange your vehicle inspection, call (01) 617 9370 or visit
You’ve got a friend
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 15
Driving test
THE driving test system continues to
struggle to cope with demand and
deliver consistent results. The
average waiting time is now at 22
weeks, and while that figure has been
worse it is still a long way short of
where it should be.
Another ongoing problem is the
failure rate. This is actually two
problems. Firstly, the pass rate
overall is 53.6% which in effect
means that the 46.7% who fail go
back into the ever-worsening queue.
The AA recommended some years
ago that for pass rates to improve
(and hence the log-jam in the queue
to improve) we needed to have
compulsory lessons so that people
turn up for the test well prepared.
That in turn needs proper registration
of driving instructors so that their
standards can be monitored.
Secondly, the pass rates vary
from one centre to another. Do the
test in Buncrana, Birr or Tuam and
the likelihood of passing is over 65%.
Try your luck in Tipperary and it is
less than 45%; Wicklow is not much
better. Even within cities, 53.6% pass
in Cork while only 44.2% pass in
Rathgar, Dublin.
Given that it is supposed to be the
same test that everyone is attempting
there is clearly a problem with
consistency of standards.
The Road Safety Authority
inherited these problems when it took
over driver testing last September.
Instructor registration is to be part of
the new road safety strategy which is
very welcome. Other initiatives, such
as more outsourcing of testing, are
also on the way. The AA is confident
enough in the new measures to say
that we may at long last be at the
beginning of the end of the fiasco of
Ireland’s driving test woes. ■
Member savings in Kildare Village
AA members can avail of special offers in Ireland
and around the world through the Show your Card!
programme. Now members can get a VIP Day
Card, giving 10% off purchases at Value Retail's
first outlet shopping village in Ireland - Kildare
Village. Simply Show your Card at the
information centre in Kildare Village, pick up your
VIP Day Card and start shopping!
Located just off the M7 at exit 13, Kildare
Village offers last seasons' collections with up to
60% off, with an impressive range of international
brands on offer such as L.K. Bennett, Calvin Klein
and Molton Brown.
For more information on AA members'
offers, visit
To contact Kildare Village, call 045-520501 or
visit ■
Drink-Drive limit likely to be reduced
Ireland’s drink driving limit is likely to be
reduced down from 80 milligram (0.8 mg/ml)
and after 50 milligrams (0.5 mg/ml), which is
more normal across the EU. The proposal is
contained in the new road safety strategy put
forward by the Road Safety Authority. At the
moment ourselves, the UK, Luxembourg and
Cyprus (where the limit is 90 mg) are the only
countries who tolerate a level that high.
Ireland’s limit was last reduced from
1.0mg/ml down to 0.8mg/ml mg in 1994 in
what was then a very controversial change.
Given the sensitivities in some quarters the
government is likely to refer the RSA proposal
to their Advisory Panel (of which the AA is a
member) for assessment. ■
Clever people in VW do it again
VW Jetta TSI is a Jetta saloon with a fiendishly clever engine. By strapping both a
turbocharger AND a supercharger onto the familiar 1.4-litre petrol engine, VW has
created a car with 2.0-litre performance (140bhp) but 1.6-litre economy and
emissions (7.2-litres per 100km (39.2mpg) and 169g of CO2 per km).
What’s it like? Surprisingly normal, in spite of all that tech. Like any other Jetta, it’s
comfy, beautifully made and smooth to drive. It seems impossible that a 1.4-litre
engine could offer this breadth of performance, but the combination of power and a
slow moving fuel gauge are proof that it can.
How much? €27,240,
which seems pretty
reasonable when you
factor in standard-fit air
conditioning, a six-speed
gearbox and all that
technology into the
price. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 16
Up to...
• 25% discount off Motor
• 20% discount off Home
For instant cover at an
even better price,
call the AA Members Direct line today
(01) 617 9248
(Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm)
Home Insurance
Car Insurance
AA Ireland Limited trading as AA Insurance is regulated by the Financial Regulator
Terms and conditions apply
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 17
Cork has been a favoured holiday destination for generations,
offering a wide variety of interests and activities, from the
lively centre of Cork City to the rugged beauty of the country
side. The AA has a range of appointed accommodation
throughout the county – here is a selection of the excellent AA
Guesthouses on offer:
Kelly’s Rosslare scores
double for cuisine
AA Hotel of the year Kelly’s Resort Hotel and Spa has become the
first hotel in Ireland to be awarded Rosettes for both restaurants at
an AA appointed property. This demonstrates the serious
commitment to food, wine and hospitality, all areas in which Kelly’s
is renowned.
Beaches restaurant is situated next to a five-mile stretch of
sandy beach and here Chef Jim Aherne employs a classic approach
using the finest local produce, including locally grown vegetables
and fresh fish from Kilmore Quay.
La Marine offers a more relaxed dining experience with an
Open Wine Cellar and open fire. Head chef Eugene Callaghan’s offers
traditional French and European dishes.
Kelly's has also recently completed a new look for their leisure
centre "The Aqua Club", incorporating a sauna, steam room, Jacuzzi
outdoor Canadian Hot Tub and two superb pools.
Enjoy a 2 day mid week offer at Kelly’s resort hotel including Full
Board, Dinner on Arrival to Lunch on Departure this summer from
€308 p.p.s. To book log on to
Lancaster Lodge, Western Road, Cork
This newly refurbished AA 5 Diamond
guesthouse overlooks the River Lee in the
heart of Cork City centre. Bedrooms are
spacious and feature an excellent range of
facilites. A wide choice is offered for
breakfast. Free secure parking is provided.
AA MEMBERS OFFER: Enjoy a 3 night special room rate of
€115 per night for a Double Deluxe bedroom.
Bed & Breakfast included. Valid to end of July 2007
Aherne’s of Youghal in County Cork
Owned and run by the Fitzgibbon family since
1923, Ahernes, an AA Five Red Diamond
Guesthouse is located in the seaside
towntown of Youghal, only 30 miles east of
Cork City. The award winning restaurant is
well known for its daily-changing menu of the
freshest seafood specialities.
SPECIAL OFFER: Enjoy 2 nights luxury accommodation and
breakfast each morning PLUS 1 five course dinner in the World
Famous Seafood Restaurant. For just €240.00 per person
sharing in a deluxe double. For that added bit of luxury, it’s just
€270.00 per person in a Junior Suite.
To book visit All offers are subject to availability
COMPETITION: Win 2 nights accommodation and one evening meal
at the AA Four Red Star Killarney Park Hotel, Killarney, Co Kerry
The Killarney Park Hotel is the
perfect location to either explore
Question: In which county is
The Killarney Park Hotel located?
the beautiful environs of Killarney
A) Dublin B) Galway C) Kerry?
or relax in the hotel spa. There is
a choice of fine dining in the
award winning Park Restaurant,
where traditional recipes are
given a new twist or the more
casual ambience of the Garden
BarFor further details please visit
Text GOLD and your answer A, B or C to
53600. Or send your answer on a postcard to
AA Motoring Competition, 56 Drury Street,
Dublin 2.
Text message cost €0.60 incl. VAT (Operator charges
may apply). Terms & Conditions: No Cash alternative.
Offer subject to pre-booking and availability. Cannot be
used in conjunction with any other Killarney Park Hotel or
AA offer. Competition is not open to AA staff and their
20306 AA Autocheck 275x210
Page 1
Look for a used car
with confidence.
Look for the AA Autocheck.
Autocheck is a programme designed by the AA in order to quality-check
used cars.
Look out for the symbol and get the peace of mind of having an
independent assurance of quality – so you’ll know you’re buying a quality
For more information, visit or drop in to your local
Autocheck approved dealership.
You’ve got a friend
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 19
When size isn’t everything
What’s new? On the outside, not
much. New headlights and a
deeper, more sculpted front
bumper. But under the skin, it’s a
bit more serious. Quicker steering,
better quality and more power for
the 1.8 Kompressor engine,
bringing it to 184bhp.
What’s it like? Same as before,
but better. The familiar E-Class
pillow-y ride is still there, but the
steering feels meatier and the
improvements to the cabin quality
are very welcome. Looks great
inside at night, with subtle
instruments and soft downlighting.
How much? €54,510 and it’s on
sale now.
Bumper year for
sales and taxes
Irish car sales increased by 4.1%
in 2006 with 178,826 units sold.
Last year was also notable for the
big surge in imports of second
hand cars; an estimated 75,000 of
them. With all this going on it is
hardly surprising that VRT, that
most despised of all motoring
taxes, had a bumper year raising
€1.3 billion. The national fleet now
has some 2.2 million vehicles, of
which 1.8 million are private cars.
Small wonder that motor tax
collectors are also having a happy
time of it, raising €870 million in
SUVs are finding themselves at the receiving end of
something of a fashion backlash these days. While the
term came from the US to describe what are often
enormous vehicles by our standards, in Ireland many
are car-derived and not true off roaders. Nevertheless
they are coming under fire; not least because of the
sheer size of some of them on city streets.
Dublin City Council has caught the trend of a
populist (in some circles) demonisation of SUVs. There
was a proposal recently to double the cost of
resident’s parking discs in the city council area when
the engine size of the car is 2.0 litres or more. This
was proposed as a measure to discourage SUVs in the
interests of preserving space.
The AA argued successfully that engine size is the
wrong thing to measure. It is perfectly possible to have
an ultra low emission vehicle no larger than a standard
saloon but which has a 2.0 litre engine (the Saab 9-5
ethanol version, for example). The City Council agreed,
and is now proposing that the extra charge will only
apply when a vehicle exceeds 4.5 metres in length.
Assuming this passes through public consultation it is
likely to come into effect in the Autumn. ■
Think new
cars don’t
break down?
Think again… AA Ireland
attended to 11,616 cars with
06 registration numbers
during 2006, and 2007 has
begun in much the same
Owners of brand new cars
call on AA Rescue for all
sorts of reasons. Of course
being new does not stop a
car from getting a flat tyre or
collision damage, but a lot of
the trouble is mechanical and
especially electronic.
New cars these days are
highly advanced machines
that fairly bristle with
complex electronic gadgetry.
This is all very nice when it
all works, but it does not
take much to bring it to a
AA rescue vehicles carry
the AA’s ‘Vixen’ system,
whereby the Patrol can
connect a laptop to the
engine management system
and quickly diagnose
electronic faults and get
cars back on the road again.
Other new car problems
include locks and alarms,
ignition systems, poorly
connected leads and
hoses. ■
New Rules of the Road booklet
THERE is at long last a new version of the Rules of the Road available. Quite
scandalously it had not been updated in nearly 12 years, during which time both
the roads network and the country itself has changed out of all recognition.
When you consider the developments in the intervening time – motorways,
mobile phones, penalty points, metrification – the older version really had become
hopelessly out of date.
The updated version contains a lot more information and a
lot more detail. At just over 200 pages, it is three times as
long. It will become the new one-stop reference for all
matters to do with motoring and the law, and it is essential
reading for anyone who is learning how to drive.
The Road Safety Authority will be making arrangements to
have 1.7 million copies of the new book posted to every
address in the country, and it should become essential
reading for drivers of all ages and levels of experience.
The Rules of the Road can be downloaded from ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 20
Climate Change
The landmark UN report on climate change published in February essentially saw the
global scientific community speaking on the issue with one voice.
Climate change is happening and
humanity is causing it. We now need
to decide exactly what we should do
about it.
While there are improvements and
changes that we can make in every
aspect of our economy and our daily
lives, some commentators would have
you believe that the car is the major
culprit. The AA believes that motorists
are willing to play their part, but we also
want a sense of perspective maintained.
Transport is one sector that
generates greenhouse gases, producing
in the order of 18 per cent of Ireland’s
overall contribution. But other sectors
generate significantly more.
Over 65% of Ireland’s electricity is
generated by burning highly polluting
fossil fuels; coal, oil and peat. The much
cleaner (but still not renewable) natural
gas generates 28%. Only a tiny small
fraction comes from renewable sources.
The 7 million cattle in Ireland’s
national herd generate an enormous
quantity of methane through enteric
fermentation, and methane is far more
efficient as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
In industry, one of the major sources of
CO2 is cement production, and the
Celtic Tiger has a relentless appetite for
Nevertheless the problem with
transport is that it is the fastest growing
sector of all in terms of its CO2
emissions. There are now 2.2 million
vehicles in Ireland, 1.8 million of them
private cars. That figure is growing at
5% annually. It is worth noting that the
heavy vehicles generate far more CO2
than the cars. Also the ‘transport
sector’ includes all land and sea
transport, so trains and shipping are
counted as well.
Cars are making phenomenal strides
in terms of cleaning up their act. Since
the advent of catalytic converters and
unleaded fuel in the 1990s, the car of
today produces less than 5% of the
pollution of the equivalent model of 20
years ago. CO2 remains, and is
serious, but the car is making fantastic
progress here as well.
Of course, Bio-Fuels are a potential
short-term solution as they use alcohol
based fuels made from distilling crops
that have absorbed CO2 from the
atmosphere. Ford already sells its
popular Focus model with a 1.8-litre
125bhp engine capable of running on
E85 bio-fuel, regular unleaded or any
combination of the two. The driver
won't notice any difference (other than
slightly worse fuel consumption when
running on the faster-burning E85) and
the Focus, Focus estate and justintroduced C-Max Flexi Fuel models
all qualify for a 50% VRT rebate,
bringing their prices down to a starting
point of just over €20,000.
But for the moment, the bio-fuel
infrastructure is limited, and growing
enough crops to create enough bio-fuel
for all vehicles on the road simply isn't
The EU has ordered car makers to
reduce the CO2 emissions figure for
cars to below 130 grammes per
kilometre by 2012. That ‘grammes per
kilometre’ measure has become the
standard for describing CO2 vehicle
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 21
Irish Concern on
Climate Change
Highest in Europe
IRISH people are more concerned
about many aspects of climate
change than people in other EU
countries, according to a
Eurobarometer study carried out
emissions and is likely to become as
familiar as ‘miles per gallon’ was in the
past. Ireland is to introduce compulsory
emissions labelling for cars next year,
enabling consumers to make an informed
choice when buying a new car.
It seems also as if government has
been listening to AA representations, at
least partly. The Department of the
Environment is studying ways to charge
annual car tax on the basis of emissions
instead of engine size, perhaps as early
as next year.
Unfortunately, they cannot seem to
shake themselves free of the ‘need’ to
take our money and think with a little
more imagination. In asking for opinions
on how such a system should work, the
Department stressed the importance of
the revenue raised and that any
rebalancing must be ‘revenue neutral’.
This brings us up against the Catch 22
of eco-taxes. The more effective a taxincentive system is at moving people
away from polluting behaviour the less
revenue it generates.
It we are to make genuine progress in
making transport sustainable without
damaging our economy, then both
government and eco-commentators will
have to show more vision than to simply
target car users. ■
The survey covered all 27
Member States of the European
Union on a randomly selected
sample of over 25,800 individuals of
at least 15 years of age who were
interviewed by telephone. The results
showed that Europeans collectively
view climate change as very serious
and want their governments,
nationally and at EU level, to do
something about it.
of Irish people feel that
they will have to change
their own personal consumption
habits; the highest figure in Europe.
of Irish people want their
government to specify a
minimum share for the amount of
energy generated from renewable
sources, again the highest in Europe.
Stricter standards and subsidies for
efficiency were also supported.
of all Europeans feel
that EU measures are
more likely to be successful than
national measures when it comes to
improving energy efficiency.
Europeans also wanted to reduce the
share of nuclear energy; a view the
Irish agreed with.
of Europeans want the
EU to impose common
standards of safety for nuclear
installations rather than leaving it to
national governments.
of Irish people agreed
with this point; the
highest out of all 27 countries
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 22
What is it that Irish motorists
love about the Suzuki Swift?
Just one look at its stylish exterior and you’ll see why so many Irish
motorists love the Suzuki Swift. But there’s much more to this car than just
beauty. Whether you choose the 1.3 litre, the 1.5 litre Automatic or the 1.6
Sports, you’ll find the combination of power and comfort make the Swift a
real pleasure to drive. What’s more, the starting price is a very attractive
€14,295 (excluding delivery and related charges). Take a test drive in the
car voted Irish Car of the Year 2006 by the Irish Motoring Writers, the Swift.
Suzuki Ireland
57 Broomhill Drive, Tallaght Ind Est, Dublin 24.
Tel: (01) 414 55 55
Fuel consumption: 1.3 GL; Urban L/100km – 8.0, Extra Urban L/100km – 5.1, Combined L/100km – 6.2, CO2 g/km - 148. 1.5
Automatic; Urban L/100km - 9.3, Extra Urban L/100km - 5.6, Combined L/100km - 6.9, CO2 g/km - 170. 1.6 Sports; Urban
L/100km - 9.0, Extra Urban L/100km - 6.2, Combined L/100km - 7.2, CO2 g/km - 175.
Way of Life!
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 23
AA Five Star
New N4/M50 interchange
M50 gates to go
but toll remains
THE AA has welcomed the Government’s
decision to get rid of the toll barriers on
the M50, but has warned that the
proposed new barrier-free system will still
cost the motorist money.
AA Members have for many years
expressed their frustration with the
barriers, which were often directly at fault
for traffic delays.
There is no doubt that the upgrade
project which is now underway will be a
significant improvement in what has been
a long and tortuous history of the
development of the M50.
The third lane installation project on
the M50 is due to be finished in August of
next year. This, together with the
completion of free-flowing junctions at the
N4 interchange and at Red Cow, will
certainly help. These developments are
critical given that traffic volumes on the
road have trebled in the last ten years.
It is also important that Minister Cullen
has made the government’s position very
clear in terms of extending the tolls to
cover the rest of the M50. He declared,
rightly, that this cannot be done in the
foreseeable future because the city does
not have public transport alternatives to
offer commuters.
The AA remains concerned at the use
of tolls in general on the growing new Irish
road network, especially on urban roads
and by-passes.
People in towns like Drogheda, Fermoy
and Kinnegad will agree that previous AA
predictions are being borne out by events.
Those towns remain congested with traffic
because cars and especially trucks are
avoiding the toll charges. This will still be a
problem with the new West Link toll even if
the charges are collected electronically.
Given how busy the road is and is likely
to become, there is little doubt that major
traffic problems will persist long after the
barriers are gone.
The AA is also concerned about the
likely cost motorists of paying the new toll
on an ongoing basis. The NTR toll went up
year on year, no matter how busy the
bridge was or how bad the service was.
Motorists are entitled to know how this
new State toll will be managed. How will
electronic tolls work? How will the system
cope with out-of-State registration
numbers? And most importantly, will the
motorist be protected against constant
increases in the toll charge?
More clarity from government on
these issues would go a long way towards
alleviating the scepticism of motorists
who have seen and heard a lot of
promises about the M50 over the
years. ■
If you are taking your car
abroad this summer, it is very
important to have breakdown
cover in case you have a
motoring emergency. It is
stressful enough to have car
trouble in Ireland. Transpose it
onto a French autoroute or a
Spanish mountain road, add in
a car full of tired kids and
suddenly the minor problem
becomes a major headache.
For many years the AA has
been providing 5 Star travel
insurance. It’s a bit like taking
the AA with you when you go.
There’s a 24-hour emergency
call centre, based in Lyon,
where your call will be
answered in English and help
will be quickly arranged.
If the car cannot be fixed then
Five Star provides for a
replacement car,
accommodation for the
travelling party and a range of
other services. Free despatch
of spare parts and even the
recovery of the car all the way
back to your driveway in
Ireland are all included.
AA Members pay reduced
rates, which vary for the
cover, which varies in price
depending on how long your
trip is. A two week holiday
with a couple of days’ journey
time added in will cost
€119.00. There is an extra
charge for cars over 8 years
old and for caravans.
You can get more details and
buy online at
or call (01) 6179988.
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 24
FOR HONDA, the CR-V represents its slow
and subtle transformation from a maker of
mass-market family cars to a genuine
premium market contender, able to
compete toe-to-toe with the lauded
German marques. In a broader sense, the
CR-V shows the rest of the world that a
4x4 SUV can be as good to drive, and
as ecologically clean as a medium-sized
saloon car.
Indeed, Honda compares the CR-V
directly to its own Accord
executive saloon, and the
comparison is apt. When
fitted with the 2.0-litre
iVTEC petrol engine,
the CR-V’s carbon
emissions are only
3grammes per km
higher than those of
the Accord saloon
with the same
responsibility can do
nothing but add to the
CR-V’s already powerful
lustre. It comes to the market during a
great period of creativity and success for
Honda (Irish Car Of The Year award for
the daring Civic, burgeoning Formula One
success) and its combination of sharp
(and very distinctive) looks and Honda’s
reputation for peerless reliability and build
quality ensure that the CR-V was much
anticipated long before we knew of its
green credentials.
And in spite of distinctly un-SUV-like
consumption and emission figures, the
CR-V still has all that is good about the
breed. It uses a sophisticated torque-split
4WD system that sends the engine’s
power to the front wheels most of the
time, diverting it to the rears when
slippage is detected. It works so smoothly
that you’ll never notice.
The high driving position that so many
people like about SUVs is present and
correct, even though this model of CR-V is
lower-slung than before, to the benefit of
ride and handling. ■
20306 AA Frequent Travel 275x210
Page 1
AA Frequent Travel Insurance.
Peace of mind all year.
To arrange cover call (01) 617 9988 or buy online at
Members receive a 20% discount on standard rates.
Plus save an extra €20 if you take out cover by
May 31st 2007.
You’ve got a friend
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 26
Top Award for
Sandhouse Hotel
AA Inspectors have bestowed their prestigious
3 Red Star Status on the renowned Sandhouse Hotel,
Rossnowlagh, Co Donegal. Sandhouse Hotel is a
converted mid 19th-century fishing lodge located
literally on the beach with breathtaking views of the
Atlantic Ocean.
The Seashell Restaurant in the Sandhouse Hotel
provides AA Rosette award winning cuisine using local
Donegal produce. The AA Inspectors’ Choice Awards
are announced annually and recognise the very best
hotels in Ireland. To achieve this award, a hotel must
offer consistently outstanding levels of service.
Sandhouse Hotel is amongst the top five percent of
Irish hotels to achieve this top classification.
Sandhouse Hotel is part of the Manor House Hotels
of Ireland Group, made up of an exclusive selection of
30 charming luxury Country & Manor House Hotels
along with luxury boutique hotel accommodation.
Enjoy 2 nights at
Sandhouse Hotel or any
Manor House Hotel of
Ireland this Summer for
€145 per person
midweek and €165 per
person weekend.
Sandhouse will include a complimentary
balneobath treatment for all stays
during the months of April, May
and June.
For reservations and details of special
inclusions at other Manor House Hotels
Lo call 0818 281281 or visit
All offers are subject to availability.
A whole lot of
Room inside
The Skoda Roomster is actually a little
shocking on first acquaintance, because it
looks so distinctive that it’s hard to know
how to pigeonhole it. The theory behind
such bold styling move is that a car works
best when it’s divided into two distinct
sections. In front, everything should wrap
around the driver and make them feel
secure and cocooned. In the rear though,
passengers like to have space all
around.All three of the rear seats can be
individually folded and reclined, and the
centre seat can be removed altogether,
creating a ‘Club Class’ two seat layout.
The 1.2-litre entry level petrol engine is
game for anything, developing 70bhp from
its three cylinders but feeling brisker than
the figures suggests, and very smooth
too. It even sounds quite sporty.
Needless to say, this being a Skoda,
prices have been kept to a comfortably
affordable level. Prices start at €16,825
for the 1.2-litre entry model, and our
Comfort-spec car cost €19,490. While the
Roomster’s styling may divide opinion, you
can consider us thoroughly conquered by
its charm and usefulness. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 27
Land Rover Freelander
WITH the new Freelander, Land Rover has completed
its recent transformation from a brand that began
life as the farmer’s friend, to a genuinely premium
marque that can stand comparison with the
Mercedes, BMWs and Audis of this world.
It also marks the final separation of Land Rover
from what was Rover, as the new Freelander is
entirely Ford-based, sharing components with various
Fords, Volvos and Mazdas. You could never mistake
it for anything other than a Land Rover though. The
styling, wisely, doesn’t deviate far from the hugelysuccessful 1997 original’s, but enough cues have
been taken from the Range Rover and Discovery to
ensure that the Freelander looks both contemporary
and classy.
Inside, the story is much the same. The shapes
and switches are all clearly influenced by Land
Rover’s bigger models, and the downsizing
necessary to fit them into the smaller Freelander
hasn’t hurt them one bit. The cabin is well executed
in design, spacious and very comfortable.
But where the Freelander really scores is on the
road. Thanks to having been subject to the
attentions of Mike Cross, Jaguar’s near-legendary
handling expert, the Freelander sets new standards
for SUVs in its on-road deportment. There is body
roll in corners, but it never rolls as far as you think it
will, and the steering is incisive and full of
information about what the front tyres are up to.
The Freelander settles into a rhythm on a twisting
road that would simply have been unthinkable in a
4x4 a decade, even five years ago.
Practicality hasn’t been forgotten in the pursuit
of dynamic excellence though. The Freelander has
a large, 755-litre boot, and space in the rear seats
is good enough for two six-footers to sit behind
one another.
The primary engine on offer in Ireland is a new
2.2-litre 160bhp turbo-diesel, running through a
standard-fit six-speed manual transmission. An
automatic gearbox will be available later in the year.
It’s an excellent engine, with enough performance
for the Freelander to stand comparison with an
executive saloon, and refinement is also good once
the engine has warmed up. Fuel consumption of
7.5-litres per 100km (37mpg) and CO2 emissions
of 194g/km are bang on the class average.
But there’s nothing average about the Freelander.
Although it certainly picks up where the old model
left off, it’s far classier and more befitting a luxury
marque. Just imagine what those farmers who
bought the original Land Rover in 1948 would make
of it. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 28
The re-aligned N18 opens early
Castleblayney bypass
Road improvements
way ahead of target
Two schemes have
opened ahead of
schedule since our
last issue, a growing
trend in new road
openings in recent
The Ennis bypass opened in December
2006, 4 months early and on budget.
The road takes through traffic away from
the busy Clare town and forms part of
the Government's "Atlantic Corridor" plan,
upgrading road links from Letterkenny
south through Connacht and Munster to
Cork and Waterford. It's estimated that
the 14km bypass removes a massive
14,000 cars from the town every day.
Another early opening was the N6
dual-carriageway from Kinnegad to
Tyrrellspass. This road forms part of the
new Dublin-Galway route and its early
opening allows traffic to get from the
capital to Tyrrellspass without passing
intention to provide massive investment
in Northern Ireland's roads. A sign of
things to come will soon be seen by
motorists on the M1, where the final link
in the Republic, the Dundalk to Newry
link, will open in the third quarter of the
year. This road takes motorists across
the border and replaces the current,
congested route and means that
motorists can travel from just north of
the Port Tunnel entrance in Dublin across
the border to Newry, where there are
plans to upgrade the existing dualcarriageway route to Belfast.
Castleblayney in Co. Monaghan will
soon see Leinster's first 2+1 road.
The 14km Ennis bypass removes a massive
14,000 cars from the town every day.
through a single town. The stretch
will link to the existing Athlone bypass
by end 2008. The project will then be
ready for the final phase through
Co. Roscommon towards Galway, which
is in planning as a two-stage project –
Athlone to Ballinasloe and Ballinasloe to
The 2007-2013 National Development
Plan announced the government’s
Ennis bypass
This type of road will alternate a twolane/one-lane system every 2km, to allow
traffic to overtake safely while costing
less to build than a full dual-carriageway.
The Castleblayney, Annyalla and
Clontibret bypass opens in the 3rd
quarter of this year, leaving just two
towns not bypassed on the N2; Ardee
(whose bypass is in the planning stage)
and Slane. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 29
Volvo C30
City-sleek compact
makes an impact
The compact,
hatchback market is
one of the fastestgrowing segments of
the car market, and
it’s a darned profitable
one too.
VOLVO has expanded far beyond its
classic-estate car roots in recent years and
has become both profitable and more than
a little fashionable. I bet you can see
where this is going…
Yes, Volvo has joined with BMW,
Mercedes, VW, Audi and Alfa Romeo in
offering a compact, sexily-styled hatchback
for the trendy person about town. It’s
called the C30 and bears close
mechanical links to not only Volvo’s S40
saloon and V50 estate, but also to the
Ford Focus, Mazda 3 and even Land Rover
Freelander, such is the breadth of Ford’s
platform-sharing system.
At the front, the C30 looks identical to
the S40/V50 with which it shares engines
etc, but it’s around the back that things
start to get interesting. There you’ll find an
all-glass tailgate and thick-cut tail-lamps
that give the C30 a very definite character,
drawing links to previous Volvo coupes,
such as the short-lived 480 of the early
nineties, and the wonderful P1800 ES of
the sixties.
Inside, it’s identical to the S40, which
which means it has a well-laid out,
beautifully-made and fantasticallycomfortable interior. Space in the back is
rather tight, but then the C30 and its
rivals are aimed at singles and couples,
not growing families.
Under the bonnet, you get a range of
engines that is broad and impressive. It
starts with a 100bhp 1.6 petrol, moves
on to a 125bhp 1.8 petrol, a 145bhp 2.0
petrol and a rnage-topping 225bhp 2.5litre turbocharged five-cylinder petrol.
There are three diesel engines, a 110bhp
1.6-litre, a 130bhp 2.0-litre and a 180bhp
2.5-litre. The average CO2 emission level
for the entire range is 201g/km with the
1.6 diesel having the lowest figure, a
Of the range, we reckon that the 1.8litre petrol offers the best balance
between performance and economy. The
C30, despite being compact, is hardly
lightweight and the 1.6 petrol and diesel
models can occasionally feel a little
underpowered. The C30 is a delight to
drive though, with linear, well-weighted
steering, a surprisingly smooth ride quality
and exceptional refinement for a car in
this class. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 30
Council’s capital plan
Dublin City Council is
considering a traffic plan
that is rather drastic.
The proposals were
drafted by the Dublin
Transportation Office in
COLLECTIVELY called the ‘City Centre
Plan 2012’, the proposals are quite
visionary. They include a ban on general
traffic from Dame Street to College
Street and Westmoreland Street and a
ban on general traffic on O’Connell
Street south of Abbey Street. These are
major traffic arteries in the city centre
which will effectively become zones for
pedestrians and public transport only.
The plan also includes new bus lanes
Depot, which is clearly necessary, is
also planned.
Between them these proposals will
dramatically change the character of
south central Dublin. Some aspects of
the plan, including the closures to
traffic of those main thoroughfares, are
subject to public consultation and
modelling; so a lot could change yet.
However it is quite exciting in setting
out a vision of what the city could look
co-operation with the
City Council in order to
improve the environment
for pedestrians, cyclists
and public transport in
The pedestrianisation of Grafton Street
was radical when proposed and yet we
can't imagine the city without it now
the city centre.
on the north and south quays (feasible
now that the Dublin Port Tunnel is
open), a new bus lane on Clanbrassil
Street and Patrick Street and a new
bridge across the Liffey at Macken
Included too are substantial
improvements to the Quality Bus
Corridors on the Malahide, Swords and
Merrion Road routes. Alongside the
physical improvements there will also
be enhanced technology allowing buses
to communicate with and receive
priority from traffic lights.
It is also highly likely that the Luas
extension connecting the Red and
Green lines from St. Stephen’s Green
will be routed through College Green
and Westmoreland Street. An extension
from Connolly Station to the Point
like in the future.
The AA applies a general principle to
these types of proposals. If it is felt
that genuine alternatives are being
provided then motorists can be
supportive of the measures.
It is in everyone’s interest to have a
vibrant capital city. However it is not
fair if motorists are just being bumped
sideways without the necessary
improvements in public transport.
When transport plans are good
everyone wins. The pedestrianisation of
Grafton Street was radical when it was
proposed and yet we can’t imagine the
city without it now.
The key to the success of this vision
is providing the public transport, and
that is where efforts should be
concentrated. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 31
Rating safety
EuroNCAP, the European
New Car Assessment
Programme, recently tested
the new Fiat Bravo. The fact
that this car, which isn't on
sale until the summer, has
already been submitted for
testing shows just how
important to manufacturers
the Euro NCAP test has
Bravo scores top marks
THE new Bravo, which replaces the Stilo
which in turn replaced the old Bravo,
continues to match the high standard of
passenger safety Fiat have aspired
towards over the past number of years
and scored a maximum 100% score in
the side impact test.
One of Ireland's most popular cars,
the Toyota Corolla, has been tested for
the first time. The test on the latest
model gave it the maximum 5 stars. The
first small saloon to achieve such a rating
and lines up well against the best in its
class in terms of safety. The new 2007
Corolla is built in Turkey for the European
market and while its sales in mainland
Europe are usually quite modest, its Irish
sales are huge.
Unfortunately not all manufacturers
have endeavoured to satisfy Euro NCAP's
high standard of car safety. Chrysler's
Voyager MPV caused an upset recently
when it failed to beat its previous low
Euro NCAP score.
In its last test in 2000, the Voyager
scored just 2 stars. This time, the lefthand-drive (LHD) model sold in
mainland Europe was tested and was
set to score a respectable 4 star
rating. However, it became known that
the right-hand-drive (RHD) models are
not fitted with a driver's knee airbag so
this was also tested. The result of this
test, which awarded the Chrysler
Voyager two stars with one struck
through, contrasted badly against the
LHD model's test.
Chrysler has said that all of their
models are tested at speeds required
by European legislation, which is lower
than those used by Euro NCAP. AA
Ireland has written to Euro NCAP to
ask for routine testing of RHD models
at the same time as LHD cars to
expose any anomalies like this.
Manufacturers like Renault and Fiat
have spent millions developing safer
cars and their Euro NCAP results show
this. Renault’s efforts, in particular,
have led to a major refocusing of the
company’s energies towards safety,
and every model they’ve introduced
since 2001 has received the highest
rating – meaning today, the entire
range has five stars.
Finally, while safety pioneers Volvo
have strayed away from the saloons
and estates towards coupés,
convertibles and even turbocharged
hardtop convertibles, they haven't
forgotten their roots. Their new C30
hatchback, based on the solid
architecture of the S40 saloon (itself
based on the five-star Ford Focus),
received the coveted 5 star rating in a
recent test. No surprises there - but
thanks to organisations like Euro NCAP
raising the bar for car safety, Volvo are
no longer alone in prioritising
passenger welfare. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 32
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 33
AA Shop returns
to South Mall
New Motor & Home
Insurance Quotations
1890 600 700
Cork: Other Services
021 4252411
Members’ Rescue Line /
Roadside Assistance
1800 66 77 88
AA Finance
1890 794 794
THE AA has opened new offices in the
heart of Cork city. Located at 24/25
South Mall (directly opposite AIB), the
office is now open for Motor, Home &
Travel Insurance together with AA
Membership, International Driving Permits
and other AA services.
Older members may remember that AA
were in the South Mall many years ago
before moving to Bridge Street and then
to Emmet Place for the last 18 years. The
new premises have been fully refurbished
with state of the art modern facilities and
technology to cater for the rapidly
growing number of AA customers in the
city and in the Munster region.
“AA Insurance offers customers an
exclusive branded service for Motor,
Home and Travel Insurance from our
offices here in Cork.” Says Team Manager
Bernard McCarthy. “The office can also
deal with all Membership enquiries.
Membership is growing strongly in the
Munster region, with more and more
people using Rescue and other services.”
The AA offers members preferential
discounts and benefits for Motor Home
Michael King in our South Mall office
and Travel Insurance and welcomes
business from non-members as well.
“All in all we have a great range of
products and services to offer to our
customers, and we have the people and
the facilities to deliver them
AA Motor Insurance Policies include AA
Lifetime No Claim Discount protection for
Fire, Theft & Windscreen claims. AA Home
Insurance offers customers very
competitive premiums with full Accidental
Damage cover as standard on both
Buildings and Contents for owner occupier
Customers with any queries on AA
Services can contact AA Cork in the usual
ways, or please feel free to drop into us
on the South Mall and we would be happy
to talk to you there.
The telephone contact numbers have
not changed. So there is no need for
customers to change any details that they
have. You can also contact
the AA on the internet on www. and by email on ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 34
Some time ago AA Member Fergal O’Byrne
sent in an email suggesting that all new
service stations should be obliged to devote
at least one pump to providing alternative
fuels as a condition of their planning
permission. (see AA Motoring Winter
These biofuels have the major
advantage of being carbon
neutral. Only the carbon
absorbed during growth is
released when they are burnt.
THIS seemed like a very clever and simple idea. The
AA researched it and began lobbying for it to be
acted upon. There are two main types of alternative
fuel that are reckoned internationally to have the most
promise. These are E85, a blend of 85% alcohol to
15% unleaded petrol; and Biodiesel, which is similar
in most respects to ordinary diesel but is made from
plant material.
These biofuels have the major advantage of being
carbon neutral. Only the carbon absorbed during
growth is released when they are burnt. When you
burn traditional fuels the carbon released is ‘new’
to the atmosphere having been fixed into
the oil for millions of years.
Both can be used
interchangeably with the
traditional fuels once a car
has been designed or
modified to do so. In fact
a little bit of biofuel can
be added to ordinary
fuel without any
modification, and every
little helps in carbon
terms. Ford, Saab and
soon Volvo all have E85
models on sale in
Ireland. But the problem,
as Fergal points out, is
On 24th January the AA
wrote to both Environment
Minister Dick Roche and the NRA to
press for service stations to be compelled
to devote one pump to each of these fuels. The NRA
are currently looking for private companies to provide
12 new service stations on the motorway network.
We are told that the Department are taking the
proposal under active consideration, and even more
positively the NRA has agreed to make the provision
of alternative fuels a requirement in all service
stations on Irish motorways.
All of which adds up to a clear victory for Fergal,
the AA and the planet. ■
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 35
www .
For all your motoring needs
38941 AA Mag Sedici
Page 1
The fuel efficient, low emission 4x4 for everyday life.
Introducing the robust yet compact Sedici - an intelligent solution to everyday 4x4 driving. Designed
by the legendary Giorgetto Giugiaro, the Sedici provides class leading fuel economy and CO2 emissions
in both petrol and diesel versions, while delivering 4x4 On-Demand driving at the touch of a button.
And with its raised seating improving all round visibility, driver, passenger and front side airbags as
well as ABS + EBD and Isofix child seat attachments, the Sedici protects its occupants as well as it does
the environment. And, as with all Fiat cars, Sedici comes with a 4 year manufacturer’s warranty and
4 year AA membership as standard.
Prices from €22,400*. For more information click on or visit your local dealer.
*Prices exclude delivery and related charges. 1.9 Multijet diesel €26,400. Sedici combined fuel consumption (l/100): 6.6-7.1. CO2 emissions (g/km): 173-174.
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 37
The Rosemary
Smith Driving
Academy has
been actively
working over the past ten
years to improve road-user
knowledge and good driving
practice among transition
year students throughout
the country.
Driving Programme has been specifically
tailored to teach practical driving skills in a
safe environment to students before they
reach the age for driving on public roads.
This approach has proven to be a very
effective way of giving the students an
appreciation of the dangers and
practicalities of driving. It also gives the
student a grasp of the rules that affect
them even as pedestrians and cyclists who
account for almost half of those maimed
or seriously injured in road accidents.
The course gives the participants an
introduction to what is a very important life
skill that may one day help them save
somebody’s life.
A large number of secondary and
community schools participate in the
course, and this year over 1,100 students
will attend. The programme consists of a
one-day course for multiples of six
students aged around 15 to 18, in groups
of 18 to 30. The students need not have
any previous driving experience, in fact it’s
preferable that they don’t.
For schools in the Leinster region the
students are taught in extensive facilities at
Goffs on the Naas Road. Further afield
the same programme can be
provided where suitable
private grounds are available to drive
around. The campaign is supported by
Ford Ireland and many of the pupils are
trained in new dual-control Ford Fiesta
models. All of the instructors have been
specifically trained and have many years
experience in teaching pre-driving age
teens as well as older novice drivers.
The day is divided into morning and
afternoon driving sessions, each student
spending about an hour behind the wheel.
In the cars they learn best practice in
driving, the rudiments of car dynamics,
proper control, cockpit drills, and courtesy.
In a classroom setting they are instructed
in driver awareness, attitude to driving,
road safety, and practical information on
the theory test, licensing, insurance, and
rules of the road.
Rosemary Smith, former rally champion,
devised the Think Awareness school
following the success of similar
programmes in America. “I had observed
the driver education which my nephews
and nieces were receiving in the US,”
recalls Rosemary. “It convinced me that
driver teaching should be part and parcel
of a school curriculum. Programmes in
Britain bore this out - there is a clear
correlation between education and the
reduction in tragic driving accidents.” ■
Interested schools or youth groups
should contact: The Rosemary Smith
Driving Academy at 01 2956570
AA March March 07_aw g4
Page 38
Fiat Sedici
4 x 4's are becoming ever more
popular, but with growing
concern over their
environmental impact,
perhaps it's time to
down size.
Take for example, the case
of a family living in a rural area.
Not farmers, but certainly not
townies, they regularly use roads
which, in the grand Irish tradition are
poorly surfaced, strewn with mud and
would tax the suspension compliance and
traction of a conventional car to their
limits. A 4x4 would seem necessary.
But 4x4s are generally large, expensive
to buy and expensive to put fuel in. Fiat,
however, has a solution and it’s called the
Sedici. Sedici is Italian for 16 and, of
course, 16 is four times four. 4x4. You
see where they’re going with this?
The Sedici is a compact family
hatchback, sized roughly between the
Punto and the forthcoming Bravo
hatchback. It uses either a 1.6-litre petrol
engine or Fiat’s familiar 1.9-litre
turbodiesel, and it’s a five-door car with
seats for five. So far, so conventional, but
what sets the Sedici apart from other
hatchbacks is the fact that it has the
ground clearance and all-wheel-drive of a
proper 4x4.
Now, don’t go thinking that the Sedici
is a full-on off-roader and that you could
cross the Kalahari on your way to the
shops; that’s not the idea. The idea is that
you have a family car that is easy to park,
has light fuel consumption (7.1l/100km
for the petrol, 6.6ll/100km for the diesel )
and low emissions of CO2 (173g/km for
the petrol and 174g/km for the diesel),
but that has sufficient traction and
ruggedness to make dealing with bad
roads a doddle.
And so it proves. The Sedici drives like
an entirely conventional car, with sharp,
well-weighted steering, a comfortable ride
quality and good road holding. Where it
really comes into its own is on twisty, tight
backroads. The roads where mud is a
constant companion, surfaces are broken
and heaving and oncoming traffic forces
you to pull into the ditch. Here, the Sedici
is supreme, using its tight dimensions and
all-wheel grip to duck, dive and dodge its
way along. It feels supremely confident in
even the worst conditions and yet, in town,
will never be subject to the withering
stares of those disapproving of big 4x4s.
So, in a world where poor surfaces
and 4x4 fashionability are paramount, but
anti-SUV sentiment continues, the Fiat
Sedici could be the answer to our
prayers. ■
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Page 1
Please drive responsibly on and off-road.
Model featured is for illustrative purposes only.
Available to test drive now at your Land Rover dealership
Official fuel consumption figures for Freelander 2 range L/100km (mpg): combined 7.5 (37.7) – 11.2 (25.2), urban 9.2 (30.6) – 15.8 (17.9), extra urban 6.2 (45.5) – 8.6 (33.0). CO2 emissions: 194 – 265g/km.
Clare: Liam Cleary Car Sales, Kilrush Road, Ennis. Ph: 065 684 0939. Cork: Johnson & Perrott Land Rover, Mahonpoint Retail Park, Cork. Ph: 021 461 5240. Drive Motor Group, Blarney Business
Park, Mallow Road, Cork. Tel: 021 438 8020. Donegal: McGinley Motors Ltd, Pearse Road, Letterkenny. Ph: 074 912 5666. Dublin: HB Dennis Airside, Airside Motor Park, Swords. Ph: 01 870 1404.
Spirit Motor Group, Arena Road, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin 18. Ph: 01 489 3760. Stuarts Garages Ltd, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24. Ph: 01 462 4100. Galway: Bradley Land Rover,
Dublin Road, Galway. Ph: 091 770909. Kerry: McElligotts Tralee Ltd, Listowel Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ph: 066 718 1911. Kildare: Chapmans of Kildare, Dublin Road, Kildare, Ph: 045 521 203.
Kilkenny: Young’s Land Rover, Waterford Road, Kilkenny, Ph: 056 775 2599. Limerick: Singland Motors, Dublin Road, Limerick, Ph: 061 331 933. Meath: Newgate Land Rover, Newgate, Navan, Co.
Meath. Ph: 046 902 7777. Waterford: Auto Boland Ltd, Butlerstown Roundabout, Cork Road, Waterford. Ph: 051 337 900. Westmeath: Autoworld Casey, Athlone Business Park, Dublin Road,
Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Ph: 090 6486666. Wexford: Trinity Motors, Trinity Street, Wexford. Ph: 053 9122500. Wicklow: Sean Behan Ltd, Dublin Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ph: 0402 32647.