TOWN TOPICS February 13, 2013 article - I
TOWN TOPICS February 13, 2013 article - I
Princ da+ ,f] t.l*""*-gUt ffi-"';tP i"? ffifr{l , e" There wilt be an opening public receptionon Satur"More Than a Rug" at the day, March 9, from 7 to 9 recePtion Trenton City Museumwill p.m., followinga only, artists members & for showcasea variety of works p.m. Trenton by four area artists, three from 6 to 7 Daof whom were born abroad, MuseumSocietytrustee givea gallery will Bosted vid textiles African as well as iland jewelry from the David talk on African textiles, display items on by lustrated SatBosted collection. from Sunurday,Marrdr2 throughFrklay, from his collection,on p.m. at 2 24, March day, April 19. The exhibition features The TrentonCity Museum work by Armando Sosa, I- at EllarslieMansionin CadTuesHsiung Ju, Ayami Aoyama, waladerPark is open: l1 through Saturday,. day and John McDevitt. 3 p.m.; SundayI to Mr. Sosahand weavesbril- 4 p.m.For moreinformation, liantly coloredtapestrieson contactthe TrentonMuseum looms he built himself. The Societyat (609)989-1191or tapestriesrcflect imagesand, or visit: iconsof his nativeGuatemala, somedating back to his Maheriyan and pre-Columbian tage and othersto memories of a Central American childhood. Thelatel-HsiungJu worked in the tradition of scroll paintings bordered in silk of his native China. Central to this tradition is the fusion of painting, philosophy, and poetry evidentin the contem. plative stance of the artist toward nature, including the flora, fauna, and landscapes of both China and America. The abstract modernity of the sculpturesof Ms.Aoyama and Mr.' McDevitt complements the figurative traditionalism of the tapestries and scroll paintings.Far from her nativeJapan,Ms. Aoyama carvesstoneto uncover the life waiting within, while American-bornMr. McDevitt welds shapedsteel into emblemsof self-transformation. Theirworkshavein common a spirituality arising from the skill and vision of the sculptor in transcendingresistant .materialsto createobjectsof sensuousbeauty. "Mor€Tharraktg" At Hhslie Marcion FEBRUARY13,2013 ' 14 TOWNT0PIGS,PRltlCET0N,l'|.J., WEDI'IESDAY' 11"i;..+++1.i Thisdetailfromthe painting"Win' PERSPEGIIUE: CHIIIESE artist Amefican ter in the tlouRtains"by the late Ghinese in Uirginia(n9t9 l-tlsiungJu is ol the BlueRidgeillountains ink Americinclothingon figutml.Madein 1989ol Chinese on a andc0l0rdyeSon rice papel,the paintingis mounled intheexhibition "More andwillbeincluded hanging silkscroll fiom$aturday,lt?!c_l! Thanahug':at thelrcntonCityMuseun chll (6091 2 throughFriday,Aptil19. Formoreinformation' 91orvisit 989-11