April Bell - MTSD District Website - Mequon


April Bell - MTSD District Website - Mequon
Dates To Note
April 2-9
April 15
VOICES Coffee Chat
Egelhoff Room @ 9:30 a.m.
April 16
4th Gr. PPI Fun Night
HHS from 7-9 p.m.
April 20
5th Gr. Band
All School Assembly
DB Gym @ 9:15 a.m.
April 21
P.E. Dance Program
DB Gym @ 9:00 & 9:30 a.m.
April 21
4th & 5th Gr. Orchestra
HHS @ 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
April 22
Market Day
DB Cafeteria @ 3:30-4:30 p.m.
April 26
Board of Education Meeting
HHS @ 7:30 p.m.
April 21
4th & 5th Gr. Orchestra
HHS @ 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
April 22
Market Day
DB Cafeteria 3:30-4:30 p.m.
May 3
Staff Appreciation Week
Issue - -2010
April Issue
Letter from the PTO Co-Presidents:
Welcome to Spring Everyone!
What better way to ring in Spring with a trip down the Yellow Brick Road!
Carnival was nothing short of fantastic this year. It appeared that fun
was had by all, and our records show that lots of kids and parents went
home happy with raffle prizes, silent auction items and teacher silent
auction one of a kind items. The Carnival Committee, headed by Susie
Auchter and Julia Birmingham did an outstanding job - please see inside
for applause. Wendy and I would like to thank everyone who helped, it
is such a big undertaking for just a few hours of fun, but it raises a lot of
money for the school, and I think the kids really enjoy it in the process.
Speaking of numbers, our preliminary numbers are in and it
looks as if Carnival has raised about $30K. WOW!!!!! There are
still some outstanding expenses so we will have final numbers for you at
our May PTO meeting. Keep in mind there is not an April PTO meeting
due to Spring Break - we will get together again on May 12th so mark
your calendars.
Can you believe we are already talking about May and June? We are
going to be extremely busy. We have two of our favorite school wide
activities in May. We have Staff Appreciation Week the week of May
3-7th. There will be lots of fun activities that we provide for the staff as
well as some fun ways for the kids to show their recognition. Please look
for notes in the Thursday folders once we are back from Spring Break.
On May 20th we will be having our annual TEAM and Field Day. This is
going to be a great day filled with Community Service Projects and Team
building activities out on the field. Look for information coming from
Libby Baranko, Jennifer Hadcock and Jane Westreich with regards to this
event. We will need lots of parent volunteers, but it is a really fun event
to help out with - the kids have SO much fun.
Just a couple more things... On return from Spring Break, MTEF will be
holding their second annual raffle. Please see inside for details. This is
another great opportunity to raise some funds for the foundation. We
will also be sending out the Committee Volunteer Handbook right after
Spring Break. This outlines the many volunteer opportunities for the PTO
next year. This is for Committee Chairs, there will also be plenty of
opportunities to volunteer to serve on a committee, but that sign up is
handed out at registration. If you have any questions regarding how
volunteering works, never hesitate to contact us.
We can’t thank you enough for all that you do! Enjoy a well deserved
Spring Break!
Wendy Gebhardt & Ashley McKeegan
PTO Co-Presidents
(gebbie1@aol.com & ashleymckeegan@me.com)
To all who helped make our carnival so successful, we
thank you for your efforts! A very SPECIAL thanks goes out
to Susie Auchter and Julia Birmingham for Co-Chairing the
event and their committee of hard working parents for
making the “Trip to OZ” such a huge success. Fun was had
by all!!
A HUGE thank you to our amazing Treasurer, Kristin
Deneen, who made sure all our cash boxes were full and
spent carnival evening counting money. We also thank her
helpers that night - Kate Fitzgerald, JoAnne Davidson and
Debbie Grant.
DBS families - thank you for showing up to show your
support of the PTO and their efforts to fund special projects
at our school.
One more round of applause for Marilyn Looker and Marie
Judd for Co-Chairing the first annual Art Night at Donges
Bay School.
It takes many hours to run Donges Bay PTO Committees.
Please be sure to thank those volunteers when you see them.
Wendy Gebhardt and Ashley Mckeegan
PTO Co-Presidents
Art Show 2010!
Dear Donges Bay Families:
Hopefully you had a chance to come to our Donges
Bay “Night at the Museum” on March 2, 2010.
The turnout was amazing! If you missed it, be sure
to come to school in the next few days and walk the
hallway to view some of the amazing art still up and
around the hallways! Congratulations to the following
"Art Smart" students for completing
the art activity/quiz at our Night at
the Museum art exhibit!
Nicholas Voslar Ellie Pramenko
Kate Pramenko
Emma Clare
Steven Yand
Michelle Dooge
Jessie Lappin
Marina Names
Julie Schneider
Allison Yang
Jamie Gebhardt
Tim Allen Cassidy Buffoni
Naomi Schwam
Maddie Ludwig
Jacob Yasonik
Holly Dooge
Megan Hagerty
Lauren Hagerty
Brandon Moore
Cameron Buzzell
Logan Kluck Connor Mason
Sam Judd Quinn Henneger
Alex Auchter
Isabelle Maleki
Jack Barron
Sam Barron
Elizabeth Liebau
Mikayla Borden
Maddie Westreich
Alexis Westreich
Tori Brandenburg
Claire Looker
Joey Jurack
Tyler Kittleson
Ben Kittleson
Thank you to our Art Enrichment Classroom
Volunteers, who make all the art work possible:
Heather Baden, Libby Baranko, Thuy Barron, Juli
Coburn, Karen Condon, Nancy Desmond, Rachael
Elliott, Lynn Falendar, Tracy Ference, Kevin Ford,
Sarah Foster, Polly Gabriel, Janet Gebhardt, Robyn
Hessling, Marie Judd, Connie Kittleson, Allison Laev,
Tricia Lewinsky, Marilyn Looker, Chris Marshall,
Maya Oren-Dahan, Sheri Price, Nirmal Raja, Mary
Beth Scalise, Karen Schuyler, Julie Soyka, Diane
Stegeman, Sarah Timmer, Pat Wood, Gayle
Woodward, and Kim Zaiss. Also thank you to Cheryl Guerts, Amy Hagerty, Gina
Pramenko, Sheri Price, Gayle Woodward, Maya
Oren-Dahan, Lynn Falendar, Paula Taebel, Vita
Marie Sullivan, Tracy Lappin, Tricia Lewinsky, Sarah
Timmer, Libby Baranko, Mary Beth Scalise, Heather
Baden, Julie Soyka, Tracy Ference, Polly Gabriel,
Sarah Shirley, Mandy Woods & Nirmal Raja for the
extra hours you put in matting and hanging
art! Thanks Lynn Falendar and Pat Wood for the
artists bios, and Sarah Foster and Libby Baranko for
the art activity, and Libby Baranko and Trisha
Lewinsky for supplying the refreshments!
And thank you to Bob Marine, Eric Drumm, Ashley
McKeegan, Wendy Gebhardt and Bob Dunning for
all your help!
Marie Judd & Marilyn Looker,
Co-chairs Art Enrichment
A sincere thank you to our 2010 Wizard of Oz Carnival Committee including:
Judith Wasserman, Jayne Miller-Berman, Sally Buchanan, Wendy Cayer, Sue
Birmingham, Amy Hagerty, Amy Speich, Lisa Nelson, Colleen Cowen, Gina
Pramenko, Kathy Erlandson, Rachel Elliott, Connie Read, Lindsey Franzen,
Robin Buzzell, Pat Wood, Connie Kittleson, Kim Zaiss, Sarah Shirley, and Leslie
The evening was a HUGE success and we could not have done it without you!
The new parents to the committee brought fresh ideas and our veteran
volunteers kept things running smoothly. The school looked fabulous and the
kids had a ball!
Also, thanks to the many parents who helped with decorations, set-up and their
time the evening of Carnival…it takes a village!
Last, but not least, a special thank you to the teachers and staff that put in a lot
of extra hours. Our kids look forward to seeing all of you in action!
~ Julia Birmingham and Susie Auchter
Carnival Committee Co-Chairs
A HUGE Thank You to all the parents that
volunteered A LOT of their time making such
great projects for the Teacher Silent Auction!
We know how much hard work went into all the
projects and it showed! We hope you all had
fun doing the projects with the kids. Many
thanks to:
A great big THANK YOU
to all those Donges Bay parents
(and Homestead students)
that volunteered for this year’s carnival. You helped make Carnival a fun and
magical night for all. Whether it was
setting up or manning the
Carnival stations or helping with parking,
your willingness to give your time is very much
Jackie Gold, Karla Kluck, Scott Kluck,
Ann Gorlinski, Chris Siegel,
Corina Wojnowski, Meg Vierling,
Jessica Johnson, Laura Kleiman, Julie Lutz,
Nancy Desmond, Joanna Gerard, Ava Ford,
Alejandra Siddalingaaich, Karen Schuyler,
Rachael Marks, Pat Wood, Lynn Falender,
Debbie Gonzalez, Natalia Goris, Sue Jurack,
Erin Balistreri, Sarah Timmer,
Kathryn (KT) Rush, Betsy Callahan, Ellen Benson,
Connie Kittleson, Ellen Leeney,
Kathy O'Leary, Marilyn Looker, Katie Maleki,
Janet Gebhardt, Lisa Haller,
Holly May, Kristin Kobylinski, Mary Cyrier,
Sarah Foster, Mary Raddatz, Kathy Tunney,
Cheryl Geurts, Sarah Neel, Erin Quinlevan,
Marilyn Looker, Liz Doering, Liz Graumann,
Diane Schneeberger, Emily Schneeberger,
Paula Taebel, Jennifer Hadcock,
Cheryl Moore, Demetra LaGalbo,
Cheryl Peddie, Karin Severson, and
Julie Soyka, Robyn Slater, Melissa Bleidom,
Chris Marshall.
Katie Maleki, Althea Thomas, Dana Ertl,
Rachael Marks, Liz Weir, Mike Kramer,
Sarah Timmer, Becky Konya,
Sue Chavin, Barry Chavin, Polly Gabriel,
Sarah Shirley and Lisa Nelson
Lisa Lindsay, Karen Kornreich, Sean Condon,
Teacher Silent Auction Co-Chairs
Karrie Adix, Candace Schwam, Marie Judd,
Todd Le, Lynn Albert, Peggy Tong,
Libby Baranko, Jen Kolsky, Baohung Sun,
Sigi Veitinger, Kathy McCann, Petra Sullivan,
Suzanne Freckmann, Ann Krueger,
John Yang, Liz Sehnert, Erika Spitz, Susan Giesen,
Christina Roldan, Maggie Sewart, John Marita,
Kristy Timme, Cheryl Duckler, Andy Schlesinger,
Dana Orozco, Tracy Lappin, Nilsa Cruz,
Daniel Rosler, Kathy Tunney, Mark Kleinerman,
Margo Crowley, Liz Graumann, Meg Vierling, Linda McPike, Jen Ward,
Susan Limbach, Kate Huskin, Natasha Lorman,
Tricia Lewinsky, Nirmal Raja, Frances Kulutbanis,
Penny Gentges, Mandy Woods, Michelle Bersell, Kristin
Wade, Dan Sedlet-White, Beth Milem, Jennifer Coyne,
Lisa Staudt, Cara Bern, Scott Bern, Sean Peddie
Gina Pramenko
Volunteer Coordinator
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Thank You to all of the Donors
Who Made Carnival’s Silent Auction a Success!!
We truly appreciate all of your support and amazing generosity.
Please acknowledge these community donors with your personal thanks and your
business. Their support of our school is what makes this community great.
Community Donors
aloft Hotel
Aspen Medical Aesthetics & Laser Clinic
Best Western Quiet House (Ron Allen)
Betty Brinn Children’s Museum
Brew City Wellness
Brown Deer Lanes (Kim Starz-Nicholas)
Care-a-lotta (Bartolotta Restaurants)
Centennial Bar & Grille (Brian Ruelle)
Central Bark Doggy Day Care
(Nicole Cybela)
Channel 12 – WISN TV
Comprehensive Dental Services
Devon Seafood Grill
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Dips & Drizzles (Karrie Adix)
Donges Bay Clubhouse
Empty Nest Catering
(Bob & Charlene Perry)
Erin Teplin Photography
The Family Farm
Family Funland
Fantasy Flowers
First Stage Children’s Theater
Freedom Physical Therapy Services
Godin’s Piggly Wiggly
Green Bay Packers
Harry & Rose Samson Family
(Jewish Community Center)
Harvey’s Central Grille
Impressions (Kitty Tierney)
Interior Garden Art Studio (Carol Gengler)
Johnson Level and Tool
Kittleson Orthodontics
koco photography
Koss Stereophones
Ladies & Gentlemen’s Quarters Libby
Montana Bar & Grill (Libby Wick)
Madison Concourse Hotel
Marquette University
Mequon Ace Hardware
Milwaukee Admirals
Milwaukee Ballet Company
Milwaukee Bucks
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestera
Milwaukee Wave
Noah’s Ark
North Shore Doggy Daycare
Ozaukee Skateland (Chuck Laufer)
Ozaukee Sports Center (Ray Verespej)
Papa Murphy’s
Picardy Shoe Parlour (Mort Levin)
Quintessa Medical Spa
Rince Nia Academy of Irish Dance
Roly Poly
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center
(Friends of Schlitz)
Mr. Allan “Bud” Selig
Sendik’s Food Market
Shoot the Moon Photography
Sommer’s Automotive
SPORT Clinic Physical Therapy
Tartan Ball
Trendy Girlz
Wasserman & Associates (Dan Wasserman)
White Sage Spa (Susie Raymond)
Wisconsin Athletic Club
Worzella Photography
More Thanks to Silent Auction Donors
We especially want to thank the following Silent Auction Donors.
You are an inspiration to us all!
Friends, Family, and Staff Of Donges Bay Elementary
Mark Baden
Lorraine Bahr
The Baranko Family
Laurel Barth
The Mark Birmingham Family
The Sue Birmingham Family
The Buzzell Family
Mary Clark
Chris & Dan Contardi
The Coyne Family
Cari Doers
Tammy Dooge
The Elliott Family
Kerry Etter
The Falendar Family
Sarah Foster
The Gabriel Family
Lisa Gartzke
Jane Hokeness
Cathy Karcher
The Lookatch Family
Jane McCormick
The Murphy Family
The O’Leary Family
Charlene Perry
Elana Rubin
Julie Soyka
Stacy Sullivan
Jane Westreich
~ Connie Kittleson & Kim Zaiss
Pat Wood
Silent Auction Co-Chairs
Hello all 5th grade families and welcome to Lake Shore!
As we all start to look towards the end of the school year, why not start thinking
about next year! We have started to put all of our committees together and are
looking forward to getting to know our incoming 6th grade families.
Once you leave elementary school and begin your journey into middle school you’ll
see there are fewer opportunities to get involved. The best way to do this and get
to know the teachers and staff is by joining the PTO and working on a committee.
We still have plenty of availability; so, if you’d like to be involved please contact
Kelly Simonds at kelmsimonds@aol.com or Tammy Dooge at tdooge@wi.rr.com .
The meetings are held on Monday mornings at 9 a.m. in the IMC. We would love to
see you there and get any input you may have. Please feel free to visit the school
website and go to Lake Shores’ home page to find more information on the PTO
and how much we do for our school and most importantly, our kids.
Thanks for taking the time to consider involvement and we look forward to seeing
you all in the fall!
Kelly Simonds & Tammy Dooge
Co-Presidents Lake Shore Middle School PTO 2010/2011
School Paks will be available to be ordered for the 2010-2011
school year in May. We will be taking online orders only.
Questions? Call Colleen Cowen 241-5590
Vol. 2· No.7
How Can Parents
Help Curb -Junk Food
Parents and care givers can support the
shift in the messages kids receive about
food and help them learn about nutrition.
You can monitor what children watch on
TV and where they go on the Web. The
earlier the better is best for teaching a
child about food and nutrition, but it's
never too late to start.
What Can You Do?
• Like so many aspects of raising a child,
being a good role model is important.
Eat healthy yourself.
• Avoid battles over food.
• Carefully read food labels to check nutrients and ingredients.
• Involve your child in food shopping,
reading labels, and cooking.
• Help your child make healthy and fun
What Can You Say?
• Encourage your child to make responsible choices about food-the same way
you talk with him/her about other choices, like doing homework and not using
• Have a family discussion about how to
replace junk food with more nutritious
By introducing, practicing, and encouraging healthy eating habits, you can help
your child have a healthier future. You'll
also be helping yourself and every member of the family.
· Figuring Out Fiber
Listed on food labels under total carbohydrates,
dietary fiber is found in plant foods like fruits,
vegetables, and grains. Some of the best sources
• whole-grain breads and cereals
• apples
• oranges
• bananas
• berries
• prunes
• pears
• green peas
• legumes (dried beans, split peas, lentils, etc.)
• artichokes
• almonds
A high-fiber food has 5 grams or more of fiber
per serving and a good source of fiber is one that
provides 2.5 to 4.9 grams per serving.
A simple way to determine how many grams of
fiber a child older than 2 years should eat each
day is to add 5 to the child's age in years (Le., a
5-year-old should get about 10 grams of fiber). After the age of 15, teens and adult women should
get about 20-25 grams of fiber per day. Adult men
should get 30-38 grams of fiber a day.
• © 1995-2010. The Nemours FoundationlKid:
sHealth®. Reprinted with permission. For full
article, http://kidshealth.orglparentlnutrition_fitl
nutritionlfiber. html
Source: http://familysamhsa.govl
"" .
ed COr'fidentlal and Proprietary
Corporatoon May be used only with ARAMARK s wntten consent
Dear Parents/Guardians:
With current national attention being focused on children’s health and wellness issues, MequonThiensville School District’s Food Service Department is excited to provide parents a convenient, easy
and secure online prepayment service to deposit money into your child’s school meal account at any
time. This service also provides parents the ability to view or print your child’s account balance through a
web site called MyNutrikids.com. By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria,
we find the lunch lines move along much faster so your child has more time to eat and be with friends.
Access to setup accounts and begin depositing online becomes available on Thursday, March 25, 2010.
To access these services:
1. Simply go to the district web site at www.mtsd.k12.wi.us
2. In the “Parents Quick Links” box at the right, Click on Food Services link
3. Click on the MyNutrikids.com link. From this site you will create your account and add money to
your child’s school meal account. All you need is your child’s name, student ID number (same
number your child has been using) and school ZIP code. The instructions listed on the next
page will guide you through the easy online account set up process.
Things to know:
 If you have more than one child in the District you can handle all online prepayments from the
same online account.
 Payments may be made through an existing PayPal account or with a major credit or debit card.
 In order to use the online prepayment service, a small convenience fee for each transaction will be
assessed to cover the bank fees. The convenience fee is $1.75 per deposit transaction. Parents
placing money into multiple meal accounts will only be assessed the $1.75 fee once per deposit
transaction. Mequon-Thiensville School District will not profit from the use of this site.
We are very excited to offer these new services which are in direct alignment with the District’s Strategic
Plan/Safe and Healthy Environments priority, and are confident this new system will benefit you, your
child and our District. However, if you choose not to take advantage of the online prepayment service you
may continue to make advance payments via check, made payable to the school your child attends,
along with having the student ID located on the memo line of your check. In order for a deposit to be
credited to the child’s account same day, deposits must be dropped off in the school’s office, food service
basket by the time school starts for the day. Cafeteria managers pick up after school begins and will post
and deposit to the child’s account same day. Please write your child’s full name(s) and Student ID(s)
on the memo line of the check. In an effort to reduce paper cost, envelopes will only be used for when a
cash deposit is necessary. If cash is being deposited, please write on the front of the envelope, the child’s
full name(s) and Student ID(s) in order to receive accurate credit to your account.
If you have any questions about these new services, please feel free to contact my office at
Best Regards,
Melissa Pementel
Food Service Director
presented by
Voices Offering Inspiration for all Children’s Educational Support
Network and learn from each other! Learn what’s out there in our community!
Thursday, April 15 at 9:30-11:00 AM
at Homestead High School Egelhoff Conference Room
(adjacent to the M-T School District Offices)
Discussion Topic: ”Bullying and Being Bullied”
-A look at both perspectives and how to handle the situation.
Guest Speaker: Bob Blazich.
Bob Blazich is a social worker from Mequon Clinical Associates. He has worked with Fox
Point, Bayside & Elmbrook School Districts and USM. Recommended book on this topic:
The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander by Barbara Coloroso.
Next up: May 20, 2010 at Senior Sol Mexican Restaurant at 6:30 PM
“Love & Logic” Top 10 with guest speaker: Colleen Ivy (teacher at Donges Bay).
RSVP appreciated!
Every student struggles from time to time. Some children face significant ongoing
challenges socially, emotionally, and/or academically. VOICES is a group of parents
and staff working together to support families in the M-T School District.
Our Parent Chat Meetings are held monthly and are intended to help parents network,
share ideas and learn about resources in our community to assist our children.
Questions? Wendy Cayer (wwcayer@hotmail.com)
or Stacey Murray (stacey.murray@sbcglobal.net)
“Nominate a Staff Member who has made
a difference in your student’s life.”
The Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation is currently soliciting nominations for Excellence in
Teaching Awards.
The Range Line School Excellence in Teaching Award was established in 2005 through the
generosity of Range Line parents prior to the school closing and is given to an Elementary School
staff member who demonstrates exemplary conduct in the preparation of elementary school
students for middle and high school.
The Middle School Excellence in Teaching Award is made possible by the generous donation of a
district family. It will be awarded to a member of the Middle School staff who demonstrates
exemplary conduct in the preparation of students for high school.
The Homestead High School Excellence in Teaching Award is made possible by the generous
donation of a district family. It will be awarded to a member of the Homestead High School staff who
demonstrates exemplary conduct in the preparation of students for post-secondary education.
The winners of each of these awards will receive a check in the amount of $1,000 to be distributed
in June 2010.
Parents, students and teachers are encouraged to nominate a staff member who has a
positive impact on students, particularly in the promotion of academic excellence and
The Teacher Awards Committee, a committee of the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation, will
review all nominations and recommend the award recipient to the full Foundation Board.
Additional information regarding eligibility and selection criteria along with the nomination form can
be found at www.mtef.org. Nomination forms are also available at each school.
Nominations should be postmarked by April 19, 2010 and submitted to:
Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 514
Mequon, WI 53092.
Contact Susan Malmquist, MTEF Executive Director at 238-5697 or info@mtef.org.
Did you hear about the
M-T Education
Spring Raffle
You could win a Visa Gift Card
worth $250, $500, or even
When: April 15th – April 23rd
(winners picked Monday, 4/26)
School Board Election
Absentee Ballots April 6, 2010
If you are going to be out of town over spring break, you can complete an absentee
ballot as a registered voter. This is done at Mequon City Hall or Thiensville Village
Hall. The offices are open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. The ballot must
be completed in person and you will need to show proof of identification. First, complete an absentee voting form. They have copies at the City/Village Hall or
print from the link below. Once you provide the completed form to the Clerk, you will
receive a actual election ballot. The ballot is then returned to the Clerk.
It is that easy. So, make sure that you exercise your right to vote even if you will be
out of town during the actual election. Thank you for taking the time to be involved
in your schools!
Please send your digital photos to Cheryl Peddie @
or on a disk and mail to her at
339 W. Woodlyn Drive, Mequon
Photos due by Friday, April 16th.
Please indicate the name & grade your child/photo belongs to.
Donges Bay PTO Meeting Minutes – March 2010
Meeting called to order by Ashley McKeegan, PTO co-President, at 9:05 A.M.
Minutes from Feb meeting: Motion to approve by Sarah Timmer. Seconded by Robin Buzzell. Vote taken.
Minutes approved.
Crossing Guard Program (Michelle Lauenstein): Michelle presented background and information
about our Crossing Guard Program. Michelle is our current coordinator and this program will need a new PTO
coordinator in the next school year. Program started 5 years ago. Now part of AAA National Crossing Guard
Program. 30 students in 5th grade in program. Teachers and Mr. Dunning select the students using the specific
criteria set by AAA. Training of the crossing guards is easy as AAA provides videos and training materials.
Crossing guard pizza party. This program has been very important for the safety of our kids and for the
leadership skills of our 5th graders. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Michelle
Staff Report: (Jane McCormick): Jane introduced 4th grade student Sydney Weise who just won the Alpha
Kappa Gamma Literary Award of Ozaukee County for her story “Wish Upon a Rock.” Congratulations,
Sydney! / Teachers are getting ready for carnival too with “teacher silent auction” projects and staffing the
Officer’s Reports
Presidents: (Ashley McKeegan): Thank you to Leslie Murphy & Kate Fitzgerald for the Olympic program
at Donges Bay! Thank you to Marilyn Looker and Marie Judd for the amazing Night at the Museum Event to
showcase students’ Art Enrichment projects! / No PTO Meeting in April! / Be part of the Nominating
Committee to help select a slate of PTO officers for the 2010-2011 school year! 5 people are needed. Positions
to slate are Recording Secretary & Co-Vice Presidents! Sign up sheet sent around. Vote on slate at May meeting
and install at June meeting. Contact Ashley or Wendy if you are interested in these positions
(ashleymckeegan@me.com & gebbie1@aol.com) / School Board Elections scheduled during our school spring
vacation- reminder to vote and to obtain absentee ballots if necessary! // TEAM Day (May 20th) update: Jane
Westreich looking for feedback and ideas about Field Day games (janewestreich@me.com) First half of TEAM
day students will have community volunteer activities & second half will be Field games at Donges Bay. 4th &
5th grade coordinators still needed! Contact Jane (janewestreich@me.com), Libby Baranko
(ebaranko@wi.rr.com), Jennifer Hadcock (jhadcock@wi.rr.com) / Jump Rope for Heart program raised $2900
for American Heart Assoc with 79 students participating this year! / Market Day scheduled for March 18th
Vice Presidents: (Sally Buchanan): One Mini Grant request this month from 4th grade teachers for 10
textbooks about Wisconsin. Cost of 10 books = $495. Books will complete a set so there are enough for an
entire classroom. Books to be shared by all 4th grade classes. Discussion about remaining funds for mini grants
(aprox $1200 remaining in fund for rest of year) Motion to approve by Leslie Murphy. Seconded by Sarah
Shirley. Vote taken and mini grant approved. / Thank you note from Mrs. Spark.
Treasurer: (Kristin Deneen): Treasurer busy with Carnival expenses & donations … all going well.
Donges Bay / District News
Principal’s Report: (Bob Dunning): Night at the Museum was very successful- thank you to all that
helped with the art projects and set up! / Movin’ N Munch’n program kick off held on Feb 25th with program at
HHS where student heard from 2 past Olympians, / K-1 Concert March 4th / March 15th school board meeting
will have discussion about possible 4K option for 2012 / Carnival on March 19th! / Spring Break April 2-11!
Donges Bay PTO Meeting Minutes – Continued...
Area Council: (Ashley McKeegan for Tammy Dooge): Listening sessions about 4K option scheduled at all
of the elementary schools- here at Donges Bay on April 13th at 7:00 / Superintendent Means to propose
elimination of Class Rank at the high school- current research suggests that class rank system hindering college
acceptance of some students / Check out MTSD Website for information on School Board Candidates & get your
absentee ballots to vote in School Board Election scheduled for April 6th during our spring break! / School Board
to start a business advisory board – contact a school board member if you have interest in this group
Carnival: (Susie Auchter & Julia Birmingham): Carnival to be held on Friday, March 19th! Thank you for all
the donations so far! Decorations look great and getting kids excited about Wizard of Oz Theme! Ticket sales
before and after school everyday March 15-19. New this year: Teacher Silent Auction items will be in library
with Silent Auction, & Raffle drawing to be held on stage in gym! Please try to pay for auction items with cash or
credit card as DB gets charged for each credit card transaction. Volunteers are needed- contact Gina Pramenko
(efgpramenko@wi.rr.com) Questions? Carnival Co-Chairs Julia and Susie (jhbirmingham@wi.rr.com
MTEF: (Paula Taebel): Spring Raffle to be held after Spring Vacation. Packs of raffle tickets will be sent home
to every student and can be purchased or not. Proceeds to support STEM initiative (science, technology,
engineering & math). Purchased tickets to be sent in by April 23rd with drawings beginning on April 26th. Watch
for more info coming soon!!!
PPI: (Michelle Lewis): Principal for a Day Fundraiser brought in over $400 at Donges Bay for PPI! Family
Fun Nights coming up! 4th Grade = April 16th. 5th Grade Fun Night = March 26th (see permission slip and
volunteer sheet in Thursday Folders) Shows students that fun can be had when making smart choices! Contact
Michelle with questions (mlewis6@wi.rr.com
Lake Shore PTO Positions: (Ashley McKeegan for Tammy Dooge): Please contact Tammy Dooge
(tdooge@wi.rr.com) if you are interested in learning more about PTO positions at Lake Shore Middle School!!
VOICES: (Wendy Cayer): All are welcome at upcoming VOICES Parent Chat meeting on Thursday, March 18th
at 9:30 am at Homestead High School Egelhoff Conference Room- Guest Speaker will be Nick Hanford from
Adaptive Technology Resources – learn about technology to help students who struggle! April 15th **9:30
a.m. ”Bullying and Being Bullied” -A look at both perspectives and how to handle the situation.
Speaker – Bob Blazich @HHS District Conference room May 20,2010 **6:30p.m. “ Love and Logic” Top
ten practices for children who struggle. Speaker – Colleen Ivy @ Senor Sol restaurant Contact Wendy
(wwcayer@hotmail.com) for more info!
Minutes Submitted 03/15/2010 by Wendy Cayer, Recording Secretary
Next PTO Meeting:
Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:00 AM in Donges Bay IMC
In Attendance: Ashley McKeegan, Wendy Gebhardt, Sally Buchanan, Tracy Lappin, Joanne Davidson,
Wendy Cayer, Sarah Shirley, Susie Auchter, Julia Birmingham, , Paula Taebel, , Leslie Murphy, Lisa Nelson, Ann
Gorlinski, Robin Buzzell, Sheri Price, Myron Bodnar, Katie Kosobud, Jane Westreich, Gina Parminko, Karen
Korneich, Stacey Names, Barb Levin, Katie Kosobud, Jane McCormick, Bob Dunning,
Don’t forget...
you can always get updated school
information on the
Mequon-Theinsville School District
Donges Bay Parents:
Please consider chairing a PTO position in 2010-2011. Look for a booklet available in April with descriptions of the
many PTO chair opportunities!
Kristin Deneen
Wendy Gebhardt &
Sally Buchanan &
Ashley McKeegan
Tracy Lappin
Joanne Davidson
Marie Judd & Marilyn Looker
Demetra LaGalbo
Tammy Dooge
Colleen Jacobus
Ann Gorlinski, Gwen Karaba,
Sarah Shirley & Cynthia Weise
Kay Amland
Susie Auchter &
Julia Birmingham
Sheri Price
Liz Graumann
Mandy Woods
Heather Baden
Cheryl Peddie &
Mindy Wichman
Ellen Leeney & Chris Siegel
Liz Graumann
Erika Spitz
Paula Taebel
Sue Chavin & Chris Siegel
Tricia Lewinsky &
Chris Marshall-Bowen
Vita Marie Sullivan
Liz Weir & Joanne Davidson
Michele Lauenstein
Sarah Timmer
K-3rd Grade: Libby Baranko
4th Grade: Jennifer Hadcock
5th Grade: Jen Kolsky &
Michelle Lewis
Leslie Murphy
Sue Birmingham
Colleen Cowen
Sheri Price
Colleen Cowen
Susie Auchter,
Julia Birmingham,
Sarah Shirley, Julie Soyka
Wendy Cayer,
Gayle Woodward
Mary Beth Duggan , Melissa
Gebhardt, Maggie Sewart
Wendy Cayer
Kindergarten: Ellen Leeney
1ST Grade: OPEN
2ND Grade: Sue Chavin
3RD Grade: Julie Griswold
4TH Grade: Cheryl Peddie
5TH Grade: OPEN
Kindergarten: OPEN
1st Grade: Robin Buzzell
2nd Grade: Jen Kolsky
3rd Grade: Mary Beth Scalise
4th Grade: OPEN
5thGrade: OPEN
Jane Westreich (FIELD)
Libby Baranko &
Jennifer Hadcock (TEAM)
Kate Fitzgerald & Leslie Murphy
Janet Gebhardt &
Marilyn Looker