April 2011 - MTSD District Website


April 2011 - MTSD District Website
Dates to Note:
Market Day Pick-up
V.O.I.C.E.S Chat
PTO Meeting @ 6:30
April Issue - 2011
Letter from the PTO Co-Presidents...
Welcome Back!
We hope you enjoyed your spring break. It is hard to believe we only
have about 2 1/2 months left of the school year! We want to begin this
letter by looking back to a few weeks ago...the much loved Donges Bay
Carnival. Once again our carnival was a fantastic family event! The
carnival committee, led by Kathy Konik and Lynn Falender, did a
fantastic job! We want to thank all of the volunteers and families for
making it a great success. The decorations were fabulous, the raffle
prizes were outstanding, the silent auction items were impressive and
together we raised approximately $29K for our school! Congratulations!
We have a few events in April that we would like to remind you about.
Upon your return from spring break, MTEF will be holding their third
annual raffle. Remember, MTEF raises money for our school district and
who doesn’t like a raffle? If you have the winning ticket you could win up
to $1,000. Please remember to support your schools. You can’t win if
you don’t send it in!
On Tuesday, April 26th, our PTO will be hosting an evening PTO meeting
at 6:30 p.m. Special guest speaker will be Dr. Demond Means, MTSD
Superintendent. Our goal is to have as many parents, community
members and city officials attend as possible. We all must work
together to keep our school district vibrant and make Mequon a
community people want to be a part of. Please join us, it should be an
informative meeting. Bring a friend and/or neighbor and get informed.
We are looking forward to two great events in May...Staff Appreciation
week and TEAM Day. Staff Appreciation week is May 2 - 6. The PTO is
planning to make the week as special as possible. Please make sure
you thank the teachers and staff for all of their hard work. We are very
lucky to have them all!
May 19th is our annual Team and Field Day. This is a great day of
community service projects and team building activities. Look for
information in next months’ Bell on how you can help. It is a great event
that the children love.
Thank you again for all that you do. We are truly lucky to have such an
active group of parents!
Tracy Lappin & Sally Buchanan
PTO Co-Presidents
Donges Bay Carnival 2011
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our amazing Dr. Seuss Carnival
Committee including: Judith Wasserman, Jayne Miller-Berman, Jodi Sprinkmann, Whitney
Berger, Meg Vierling, Michelle Correa, Lisa Nelson, Diane Stegeman, Anne Krueger, Ann
Quale, Karen Kornreich, Liz Graumann, Robin Buzzell, Pat Wood, Sarah Foster, Mary Cyrier,
Sarah Shirley, Julie Soyka and Joanne Davidson.
Your hard work, enthusiasm and tireless energy helped make the night a HUGE success!
Everyone had a great time and we could never have pulled it off without each of you!
We’d also like to thank the many parents who helped with decorations, set-up and their
time the evening of Carnival. Every contribution is appreciated.
A very special thank you to the teachers and staff for their unwavering support. We are
lucky to have such a dedicated group of people to help ensure the success of Carnival!
Kathy Konik and Lynn Falender
Carnival Committee Co-Chairs
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in making the awesome Teacher Silent Auction
projects. We realize how much time and effort it takes to make these projects and we
appreciate your time and creativity! Most importantly, the auction raised a lot of money
for our school! Special thanks to:
Anna Bakalinsky
Karrie Adix
Jill Schlessinger
Vanessa Nerbun
Kristin Balistrieri
Karla Kluck
Mrs. Amling
Mrs. Perry
Nancy Desmond
Rachel Elliott
Kristin Wade
Sarah Foster
Janet Gebhardt
Karen Rader
Kara Brandenburg
Tina James
Heidi Marcus
Maya Oren-Dahn
Ava Ford
Laura Jensen
Marilyn Looker
Gayle Woodward
Tracy Ference
Thuy Barron
Mary Wong
Bridget Sandlow
Judith Wasserman
To the families who donated
wonderful items:
Baranko, Scalise, Vierling
Thank you for your words of wisdom,
Amy Hagerty and Amy Speich!
And thank you to everyone who
purchased raffle tickets!
Meg Vierling and Michelle Correa
Raffle Co-Chairs
Thank you to all of the Donors Who Made Carnival’s Silent Auction a Success!
We truly appreciate all of your support and overwhelming generosity.
A Special Thanks to Donges Bay Friends and Families who generously donated money and
items to the Silent Auction:
Baden, Bakalinsky, Baranko, Berridge, Birmingham, Buchanan, Buzzell, Callahan, Charles,
Correa, Dass, Dix, Donavan, Dooge, Ference, Frenkel/Fedotova, Gabriel, Gentges, Gerard,
Gold, Gorlinski, Griswold, Karegeannes, Kittleson, Konik, Kosobud, Lappin, Lookatch, Looft,
Lutz, Maxon, McLaughlin, Moertl, O’Brien, Pramenko, Rubin, Sadoff, Schlesinger, Severson,
Soyka, Stamm, Wasserman, Westreich, Wood.
Thank you to our Donges Bay Teachers for their thoughtful donations:
Megan Aswegan
Colleen Avila
Wanda Braun
Thank you to the following families and businesses
Mary Clark
who donated to the Cake Walk, Sweet Shop and
Cathy Karcher
Jane McCormick
Amland, Auchter, Avila, Benske, Benson, Berridge,
Charleen Perry
Birmingham, Case, Chavin, Mike Correa, Dooge,
Melissa Short
Frenkel/Fedotova, Gabriel, Gebhardt, Geurts, Giesen,
Laurel Strauss
Gold, Gonzalaz, Gonzalez, Gorlinski, Grant, Hagerty,
Stacy Sullivan
Haller, Jacobus, Johnson, Karegeannes, Kluck, Lappin,
Le, Levin, Lindsay, Looft, Lutz, Marcus Theaters,
Sarah Foster and Mary Cyrier
Marks, McLaughlin, Moertl, Nelson, Oberndorfer,
Silent Auction Co-Chairs
O’Leary, Piryani, Pramenko, Price, Scalise, Schuyler,
Slater, Strunets, Subway, Wasserman, Westreich, Yang.
Lisa Nelson
Sweet Shop Chair
Jodi Sprinkmann
Food Chair
Judith Wasserman and Jayne Miller-Berman
Cake Walk Co-Chairs
Donges Bay was transformed into the pages of
a Dr. Seuss book thanks to the hard work of:
Libby Baranko
Lisa Bodner
Please acknowledge these community donors with your personal thanks
Maggi Bonneau
and your business. Their support of our school is what makes this
Sally Buchanan
community great.
Robin Buzzell
Lynn Falender
American Girl
Polly Gabriel
Andrew's Chevrolet
Jackie Gold
Laura Jensen
Bartolotta Charitable Fund
Kathy Kornreich
Baskin Robbins
Best Western
Kathy Konik
Betty Brinn Children's Museum
Katie Maleki
Brown Deer Lanes
Shelley McGauren
Cheryl's Hallmark
Jill Schlesinger
Brew City Wellness, Inc.
Diane Stegeman
C.Adam's Bakery & Logan's Café
The school looked great!
Castle Fitnesswear
Ann Quale
Decorations Chair
Central Bark Doggy Daycare
Centennial Bar & Grille
Channel 12, WISN
Comedy Sportz
Community Bark Dog Wash
Comprehensive Dental Services Ltd.
Concious Bath Company
Craverie Chocolatier Café
Cynthia Musickant Design
Dan Wasserman and Associates
Donges Bay Clubhouse
E Street Clothing
Elliots Partyland
Family Farm
Fantasy Flowers
First Stage Children's Theater
Freedom Physical Therapy
More business donations on next page...
Frenz Garden Center
Fresh Start Properties
Fromm Family Foods, LLC
Full Service Car Wash in Grafton
Gathering on the Green
Generations At Play
Get Centered
Godin's Piggly Wiggly
Golf Outlet
Grafton Ski & Cyclery
Grapes and Tastes
Green Bay Packers
Harvey's Central Grille
HHS Theater Department
HHS Varsity Hockey Team
Highland House
Interior Garden
Jean Wells Clay Studio
Jewish Community Center
Johnson's Levels and Tools
Holterman's Piano Studio
Just For Fun
Just Kidding
Knowledge Points
KOSS Sterophone
Lakeshore Middle School
Lemon Tree
Let's Get Organized
Libby's Montana
Linda Marcus Design
Love & Logic
Mark Niedfeldt, M.D.
Mary Kay
Massage Envy in Mequon
Mequon Country Club
Mequon Lawn & Garden
Merrill Hills Country Club
Tutor Doctors
Mila's Bakery
Milwaukee Admirals Hockey
University of Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletics
Milwaukee Ballet
USborne Books
Milwaukee Brewers
VIP Sports Marketing, INC
Milwaukee Electric Tools
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Milwaukee WAVE
Mirror Image Dance Academy, Inc.
Missing Links
MSA Fitness Consulting
MTSD Rec Department
Neroli Spa
North Shore Bistro
North Shore Chiropractic & Rehab
North Shore Country Club
North Shore Dance Studio
North Shore Pet Connection
Ozaukee Skateland
Ozaukee Sports Center
Papa Murphy's
Paragon Numismatics, Inc
Phone One
Random Balance
Rebel Green
Rince Nia Academy of Irish Dance
Roly Poly
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center
Sendik's Food Market
Soaring Adventures of America, Inc.
Sommer's Automotive
Soyka's Personalized Stationary
Sprecher Brewing Co., Inc
Stella & Dot
Sybaris Pool Suites
The Great Frame Up
The Wisconsin Athletic Club
Trees for Less
Tres Jolie Solace
all t for
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Please join us for an evening PTO meeting with Superintendent,
Dr. Means &
City Council Members
Tuesday, April 26th 6:30pm
Donges Bay Elementary School
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together parents, school
administrators, & city officials to discuss the future of our school
district and city.
All are welcome. Please spread the word.
Thank you Fundraising Task Force Committee for helping
determine attainable goals for next year! Sally Buchanan, Sue
Chavin, Joanne Davidson, Lynn Falender, Sarah Foster, Wendy
Gebhardt, Jennifer Hadcock, Connie Kittleson, Jen Kolsky, Kathy
Konik, Tracy Lappin, Barb Levin, Ashly McKeegan, Stacy Meyers,
Stacey Names, Anna Potter, Chris Siegel and Meg Vierling.
To hear about their findings, attend the May 11 9am PTO meeting.
---Susie Auchter and Sue Birmingham
We had fun and eventful school year! If you took pictures at school
events and activities please email them to
to be included in the Donges Bay yearbook. Picture submission
deadline is April 28th.
5th Annual MTEF 5K
Walk/Run Sunday May22
Registration 7:30 Walk/Run 9:00
Online registration is available at
One Hundred Dollars
That’s the equivalent amount of money the PTO spent last year on each Donges Bay student. The PTO also arranged
in-kind donations and zillions of hours of volunteer time. Thank you past and present PTO volunteers and
donors, you should be proud of what you have accomplished!
$47 Per Student
Did you know that during the 2009/2010 school year the PTO donated the equivalent of about $47/student to help
bridge the gap between what the teachers and staff wanted/needed and what the MTSD budget provided? Thanks
to last year’s fundraisers, the PTO was able to spend $23k on items like:
• SmartBoards and the projectors and computers to run them so that almost every classroom has one
• Thousands of books and reading materials for the library, classrooms and for children to take home
• Curriculum enhancement games and materials (i.e. a stock market game for 5th graders and electric circuit kits
for 4th graders to make flashlights), etc.
• Jump ropes for recess, step stools for music glockenspiels, bats for gym class, prizes for reading contests, etc.
• Teachers are given the opportunity to be reimbursed about $200/classroom/year for books, learning games,
school supplies, etc.
$32 Per Student
The PTO Budget also pays for field trips for each child. This not only allows ALL kids to have the opportunity to go
on field trips regardless of costs; it saves parents, teachers and staff the time it takes to write, send, collect, keep
track and deposit individual checks for each field trip. Through field trips and the Art Enrichment and Junior
Achievement programs students’ curriculum is enhanced by the efforts of the PTO.
$21 Per Student
The remaining budget (along with many, many volunteer hours) was used to:
• thank teachers and staff (i.e. providing dinner when teachers work till 8pm for conferences, sending notes and gifts
to recognize things like awards earned, birth of babies and retirements, etc.)
• teach civic responsibility (i.e. paying for buses on TEAM morning for kids to clean up a Mequon park or sing to
nursing home residents)
• encourage self confidence, school pride and teamwork skills (i.e. kids from different grades learned to work as a
team to accomplish goals as part of Field afternoon and Night at the Museum gave young artists the ability to
• provide parent/guardian education opportunities (i.e. Mequon Mayor Curt Gielow, Superintendent Demond Means
and School Board President Suzette Urbashich have answered questions at PTO meetings and PTO
representatives have reported on MTEF, Inform, PPI, Voices and Project Pursuit so parents stay informed and know
where to go for parenting niche questions )
• maintain Donges Bay, keep it safe and running smoothly (i.e. the PTO spends $1k on landscaping and
recruits, trains and organizes room parent, lunchroom, playground, morning drop-off, vision, hearing, lice
screening, healthroom, library book, lost and found and a myriad of other important volunteers)
Looking Forward...
There are a few hurdles on our horizon. Our fundraising income is trending downward, we are potentially
facing declining enrollment (489 students this year vs. 442 registered for next year) and the much publicized
budget cuts and teacher impact are items on our radar. We need your help! Please consider taking on one
of the following roles. We’d be happy to answer questions about the positions or connect you with someone
who could. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Susie Auchter Susie.auchter@sbcglobal.net
Sue Birmingham suebirmingham@gmail.com
PS: A huge thank you to the many of you who have already said YES to chair something next year: Kay
Amland, Heather Baden, Libby Baranko, Sally Buchanan, Sue Chavin, Liz Doering, Cheryl Duckler, Lynn
Falender, Sarah Foster, Janet Gebhardt, Joanna Gerard, Jennifer Hadcock, Jen Karegeannes, Connie Kittleson,
Jen Kolsky, Kathy Konik, Tracy Lappin, Ellen Leeney, Katie Maleki, Stacy Meyers, Stacey Names, Maya
Oren-Dahan, Anna Potter, Sheri Price, Connie Read, Mary Beth Scalise, Karen Schuyler, Maggie Sewart, Sarah
Shirley, Chris Siegel, Julie Soyka, Robyn Slater, Lisa Staudt, Erika Spitz, Gale Taylor, Sarah Timmer, Meg
Vierling, Jane Westreich, Cari Doers, Tamy Dooge, Jayne Miller-Berman, Debbie Grant, Amy Kleinerman,
Susan Giesen, Lynn Moertl, Jill Schlesinger, Diane Stegeman and Corina Wojnowski.
Ambassadors (Team of 5)
Help potential Donges Bay families learn how great our school is by providing tours and answering
questions. This position is year-round.
Business Community Partnership Co-Chairs (2)
Help organize a team (Susie Auchter, Heather Baden, Sue Birmingham, Sally Buchanan, Sue Chavin,
Sarah Foster, Jennifer Hadcock, Ashley McKeegan, Sarah Shirley, Chris Siegel and Julie Soyka have
already signed-up) as we trailblaze a new chapter at Donges Bay by partnering with community
business leaders. We have the team and the vision, we need 2 project managers. This will be a fun
summer 2011 project with completion by November.
Climate Chair (1-2)
Help students focus on respect, responsibility and reliability through programs like “Make it a Good
Day or Not” and Principal’s Wall of Fame, etc. Member of School Excellence committee.
Communications Editor (1)
Help parents stay informed. Does your eye gravitate toward typos? Do you prefer to work from your
computer at your convenience? Organize the Bell and misc. other PTO documents for Heather Baden to
make beautiful.
Curriculum Enrichment Coordinators (6, one per grade--K, 3 & 5 still needed)
Help kids learn through additional enrichment by working with PTO treasurer and DB staff to coordinate
guest presenters and field trips.
Junior Achievement Chair (1)
Help kids understand that skills learned in school are vital to their future by working with JA to train
classroom volunteers. Timeframe: first semester
Memory Book (1 additional co-chair needed)
Help students take home a permanent keepsake representing their fun at Donges Bay by Co-Chairing this
project next year with Maya Oren-Dahan.
PPI / AODA Representatives (1 for k-3 needed)
Help promote healthy lifestyle strategies by attending PPI (Positive Parent Involvement) meetings and
working with Donges Bay’s guidance counselor during events like Red Ribbon Week.
Rummage Co-Chairs (2)
Help raise needed funds by coordinating a June 2012 school rummage sale. With lots of lead time these
Co-Chairs can find out how others do this best (i.e. Bayside requires parents to bring items in pre-tagged).
TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) Co-Chairs (2) for 2012
Help teach students about civic responsibility through hands-on community service (such as cleaning up a
Mequon park) by planning and implementing grade level community projects.
Theme, Diversity & Outreach Chair (1)
Help teach students about important cultural and civic topics by identifying an annual theme and
coordinating activities and projects around that theme and others that benefit people in need. Member of
School Excellence committee.
Hello Market Day families past and present,
Sadly, Donges Bay will not be continuing on with Market Day in the future. We have had a
wonderful relationship with Market Day and it has been a great fundraiser for us over the years.
However, due to decreasing profits, few customers and the time commitment, it is time for
Donges Bay to move on and look into other fundraising possibilities.
You will have two more chances to order from Market Days through Donges Bay, April and May.
Please note Donges Bay will not have any summer sales.
(See next page for the April specials)
We recommend the following school's monthly Market Day grocery programs to you:
Account Number: 5421
Sale Date: 2nd week Wednesday
Pick up times: 3:00-4:00 pm
Address: 11300 N. St. James Ln.
Account Number: 5911
Sale Date: 1st week Thursday
Pickup times: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Address: 7600 N. Pt. Washington Rd.
Fox Point
Account Number: 5679
Sale Date: 2nd week Saturday
Pick up times: 8:15 am - 9:30 am
Address: W67 N622 Evergreen Blvd.
If you have any questions regarding these locations or Market Day in general, feel free to call
June who is Donges Bay's Representative.
June Rubner
Market Day Account Representative
414-964-7050 (home)
414-232-8431 (cell)
A big thank you to all the families for supporting Market Day over the years! Please let me
know if you have any questions.
Wendy Gebhardt
April is dessert BONUS DAYS month and our last bonus day for this school year -spread the good word to everyone to plan ahead for Easter, Mother's Day, graduation
or birthday celebrations and order one of our delicious pies this month! So many to choose from: Cherry Streusel, Berry Medley, Triple Berry Supreme, Mint Brownie Blast, Apple Deep Dish, Turtle Cheesecake, Chocolate Pecan Caramel Supreme, Lemon Supreme +
individually sized New York Cheesecakes & Black Forest Cheesecakes! Did you know . . . if Donges Bay buys 100 desserts this month, we go from receiving
15% profit up to 30% profit? DOUBLE THE PROFIT!!!!! Internet Orders Due: 4/18 by 11 PM
Pick-up: 4/21 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Extra forms are available in the office or contact Wendy Gebhardt (240-0668).
The totals are iN!
was raised for your school through the
Congrats to Mr. Roeker’s class for winning the PJ, Movie
and Popcorn Party and for coming in 1st place.
Congrats to Mrs. Paschke’s class for coming in 2nd place
and winning Root Beer Floats
Congrats to Mr. Kashian’s class for coming in 3rd Place
and winning a extra recess.
Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Vita Marie Ferrara and Jackie Gold
PTO Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Meeting called to order by Tracy Lappin at 9:05 am. Minutes from February meeting: motion to approve by
Sarah Shirley and seconded by Robin Buzzell . Vote taken, minutes approved.
Bob Dunning is retiring. Demond Means is coming to speak about the replacement process and PTO
will put together some type of event to honor him. If anyone has ideas, please let Tracy/Sally know.
Bucks game: 116 tickets sold ($580 kick-back). Successful and fun!
Night at the Museum was a great event. Thank you to Mary Beth, Marie and Marilyn for everything!
Bob Dunning's "Andy Warhol" will be framed and given to Bob at end of year.
If you have an event coming up, the school board and Demond would like to know about it and come if
possible. Call Dr. Means assistant and let her know.
Area Council:
School Board election is on April 5th. Two seats are up. Two incumbents and one new candidate are
running. We want to make sure everyone gets an absentee ballot if you’ll be out of town for Spring
Break. After March 18th, you can take absentee ballot in to City Hall and vote.
Important dates have been listed in Thursday Folder. Keep an eye out for those important dates.
School Board:
School time will change to 9-4 next year.
School Excellence:
One mini-grant: Maps books for 3rd grade team. $396. Part of curriculum. Stacey Names motioned
and Sarah Shirley seconded. Vote taken and mini-grant approved.
Treasurer : $8108 in checking and $1063 in money market.
Bob Dunning:
Fun at Bucks game on Friday night.
K-1 vocal music program coming up.
In-service on Friday. Teachers will be going to Nature Preserve and talking about interventions.
Professional Learning communities also discussed.
Irish dance program on March 17th. Some students from our school will be participating.
Excited for Carnival. Teachers will be doing cakewalk. Try to get parking plowed.
See important meeting dates below. April 2nd, first day of Spring Break.
Staff Report: Karcher:
End of quarter is end of March.
Positive feedback on art show. Kids really enjoyed during the day as well as night!
All set for cakewalk and kids are excited.
Second grade busy with Pioneer projects.
We could not do without the PTO support. Appreciate it. Kids are looking forward to break and think
they are ready.
Half-day on Friday. Going to do RTI training-better track kids and individualize needs from kid to kid
year to year. Good system to develop continuity so that no one falls through the cracks.
Voices: March 18th meeting at noon at Egelhoff. Assistive technology tools to help students learn. April
15th at Fiddleheads at 9:30 on childhood nutrition and body image.
PPI: Great PPI breakfast last week. Paula Taebel will give an update later.
Carnival: March 18th. Decorations are up and are looking really good. Volunteers are in good shape. Buy
raffle tickets!If you come to the silent auction, you get to enter to win a prize. Teacher silent auction in IMC
again and tv will be on in IMC for NCAA tournament. Wrist bands and raffle tickets will be sold in lobby
Monday through Friday morning before school and after school Monday through Thursday.
MTEF: Judith Wasserman: Spring Raffle. Hoping to raise $10,000 this year. Will put in general fund.
Use for one-time projects. Tickest will come home on April 14th and you will have until 25th to return the
money to school. If you choose not to participate, please return the tickets to school. Can buy them at
school too. 10 tickets for $20. Also selling them at high school. There will be a $1000 prize and $500 prize,
and then $250 at each school. Dr. means has donated his parking space for the whole year next year-separate
raffle from the money prizes.
Project Pursuit:
Art Enrichment:
Movin & Munchin: April 18th-May 14th
INFORM: Colleen Cowen: InformMT.org is up and running. Had first event last night. School board
candidates forum was last night. Another one coming up and everyone needs to go to it. Now is the time to
figure out what is going on in the district. Very simple to contact your alderpeople, school board, city
council etc. Challenge is trying to get the word out to everyone in the community and not just school district
families. Very frustrating because the majority of people in school district don’t get involved. Get involved!
Dr. Demond Means
Update on process of trying to replace Bob Dunning. How do you replace someone who’s had 40
years in the district? Thank you for your service to the children of Mequon, Bob! Want to make sure
we have a smooth transition and involve as many people as can. Position is already posted. March
17th the posting closes. Screening will take place through the 21st. Interview date is March 29th. If
you are interested in interview process, submit your name to Tracy/Sally. Have space for 5-10
parents to be part of the selection process. Three principals will be leading the interview teams.
Candidates will submit a writing sample and then meet with three teams for an hour each. Each team
will give top 2 or 3 candidates. Then we will bring in the finalists for a final interview. Once that
happens and reference checks done, we will make an announcement through a press release on
website and will let Tracy know. We have about 5 candidates right now. Most people turn in the
applications the day before the deadline. Question from audience: Can we check the vibe from the
community from which they are coming? Answer: Yes, we will look into that, but please don’t
shake the communities down for information on those candidates. Bob will then get together with
new candidate and help transition. Placement for classes for next year will be done before Bob
leaves. That will be done by end of May. Question from audience: Do you get many applicants
from this district? Answer: In Dr. Means opinion, we need a veteran principal in this school. Had to
put a salary range on job description and range will be $90,000-95,000 capped. That’s about
average. That will be a challenge that they will face and limit some of the people that we are looking
for. Question from audience: Will there be an overlap with lake shore’s principal search? Answer:
There will be two separate searches. Had one candidate that applied for both, but we would rather
have someone who knows where they want to be. If you are interested in being on the front end of
the selection process, please let us know. Will go back to the selection process if we don’t come up
with the right candidate the first round. Personnel is very important so we have to make sure we are
spending money in the right place. There will be teachers participating in the interview process. If
you have friends who have been Donges Bay parents and who are now at Lakeshore or Homestead,
please let them know so they can participate if they want to.
Busing situation for next year. Question: In order to save $140,000 we are lengthening the route,
not combining schools? Answer: Number of routes will be reduced for each school. Question: Do
parents have to make arrangements for child care to account for time change? Answer: We are
anticipating the same pick-up times for the morning, but later drop off times in the afternoon.
Question: How do you get kids to after school activities? Answer: Hoping that community
Budget repair bill…how does that affect our school district? Our actual budget shortfall is $2.9M
(from $1M) because of 2011-2013 state budget. Second year will be $1.4M shortfall, but with
budget repair bill we will use the tools we are able to balance. Impact on staff will be huge. Now
we have to negotiate with teachers any changes in compensation/benefits. By implementation of
budget repair bill, we will be able to make changes. It’s not ideal; we don’t want to do that to
people, but to balance the budget we have to. We had Plan A and Plan B, and with BRB we don’t
have to think about Plan B. Question: Do you forsee any job loss? Answer: No, we don’t if we
implement the changes. It makes us unpopular. But, we would rather do that than cut jobs and
programs. We have to measure this with how attractive of a school district you want to be. Teachers
may want to go to other districts because they have to pay less in insurance. We want to remain
attractive as an employer. We are in trouble if the budget repair bill doesn’t pass by April 15th
because we’d have to lay off teachers and give notices. Situation is very frustrating. Next thing you
should watch for is Walker laying off people, then that is a sign that we will have to do the same.
There is a $2.9M shortfall for next year. If we have the tools, we can balance, if not, we will have
extreme measures. If BRB passes there is no more collective bargaining. Part of that says that if
you are 55 years, with 20 years or more of service in the district you get nice severance package.
That will change with BRB, so we are seeing some seasoned teachers retiring to avoid the changes.
Teachers have until next Monday to notify us of retirement. Have 17 notices in district. It’s
bittersweet because they love working with your kids. Dr. Means feels bad about that. How can we
help the teachers with morale? Please keep saying “thank you.” What’s depressing for staff is their
profession is being depicted as something less in value than they are. If you can appreciate them
with lunches and coffees, please continue to do that. It’s very appreciated by the staff.
Next meeting will be on April 26th at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:19 am.
• School Board Candidate Forum: INFORM March 8th, 7pm in Egelhoff at HHS
• School Board Meeting : March 21st, 7pm in Egelhoff at HHS
• School Board Candidate Forum: Area Council, March 24th, 7-8:30 in IMC at HHS
• WEAC Forum (WI Educ. Assoc. Council), March 31st, 6pm in Egelhoff at HHS
• School Board Election, April 5th (during Spring Break) PLEASE VOTE
• Evening PTO Meeting, April 26th at Donges Bay, 6:30 pm with Dr. Means
Present: Gale Taylor, Sarah Shirley, Karen Schuyler, Katie Maleki, Jennifer Stamm, Anna Potter, Gina
Pramenko, Mary Edwards, Judith Wasserman, Lynn Moertl, Katie Kosobud, Kathy Konik, Kristin
Schroedeine, Althea Thomas, Janet Gebhardt, Robin Buzzell, Tracy Lappin, Susie Auchter, Sue
Birmingham, Dr. Means, Bob Dunning
Remember to attend the
evening PTO meeting on
Tuesday, April 26th
at 6:30 with Dr. Means.
Jen Kolsky
Marie Judd, Marilyn Looker &
Mary Beth Scalise
Kate Fitzgerald & Irina Johnson
Connie Kittleson, Ashley
McKeegan, Stacy Meyers &
Sarah Shirley
Kathy Konik & Lynn Falender
Sally Buchanan &
Tracy Lappin
Susie Auchter &
Sue Birmingham
Karen Schuyler &
Stacey Names
Cheryl Duckler
Colleen Jacobus
Kay Amland
Liz Graumann
Wendy Gebhardt
Joanne Davidson
K-3 Grade: Jen Kolsky
4th Grade: Debbie Grant
Amy Kleinerman
5th Grade: Paula Taebel
Stacey Names
Sue Birmingham &
Michelle Schwertfeger
Colleen Cowen & Susan Giesen
Colleen Cowen
Heather Baden
Maya Oren-Dahan
Ellen Leeney & Chris Siegel
Liz Graumann
Katie Maleki, Lynn Moertl Jane
Westreich, Gale Taylor &
Jill Schlesinger
Lisa Staudt
Anna Potter
Marilyn Looker, Paula Taebel &
Sarah Timmer
Mary Beth Duggan , Melissa
Gebhardt, Maggie Sewart
Erika Spitz
Sue Chavin, Chris Siegel &
Meg Vierling
Vita Marie Ferrara &
Jackie Gold
Vita Marie Ferrara
Meg Vierling
Sarah Timmer
Kindergarten: Stacey Names
1ST Grade: Erika Spitz
2ND Grade: Karen Schulyer
3RD Grade: Ann Gorlinski
4TH Grade: OPEN
5TH Grade: Meg Vierling
Kindergarten: Julie Soyka
1st Grade: Anne Krueger
2nd Grade: Sarah Timmer
3rd Grade: Jen Kolsky &
Karen Schuyler
4th Grade: Robin Buzzell &
Mary Beth Scalise
5thGrade: Janet Gebhardt
Jane Westreich & Gale Taylor
Libby Baranko &
Jennifer Hadcock (TEAM)
Ann Gorlinski & Jen
Janet Gebhardt &