Cajon Advocate 032007


Cajon Advocate 032007
Editor: Pasture Patti
Cajon Cowboy Monthly—March 2007
Congratulations Ben Cooper
First off a big “Well done
Cowboy” and congratulations for our
good friend and fellow Cajon Cowboy Ben Cooper who was last years
Legends of The West Honoree. Ben
was recently awarded the prestigious
Cowboy Spirit Award for 2007 at the
Festival of The West. Ben certainly
is most deserving of this award. We,
along with his family are mighty
proud of him. For certain, a wonderful choice to bestow this honor on.
Good Ride Cowboy!!
Don’t forget the Member
Survey we are conducting on-line or
you can get a copy at a shoot.. So far
about 85 folks have responded to the
Survey. So if you haven’t filled one
out, please do so. We are gonna run
the survey for another month before
we summarize the results and make
any decisions regarding changes.
The benefit shoot held last
weekend for Little Larry’s Family
very successful and raised
$6690.00 for the family. The family
was most appreciative and could not
over how compassionate the
cowboy folks are about their situation.
A big world of thanks goes to all that
made this shoot possible starting with
the set-up and tear down crew, Asphalt
Cowboy, Izzie Bored, Hanging Chad,
Lego Jim, Lukewarmwater and Bojack. A big thanks to Calamity Candy
and Pasture Patti and Nellie Belle
Pathfinder for the check-in and scoring. Thanks to Pasture Patti for cooking the food on Saturday and “Emrill”
Pathfinder for cooking on Sunday. A
massive thanks to Calamity Candy and
JJ Johnson for the donation of all the
neat awards. What a wonderful contribution to the shoot and we really ap-
When you see
them at a shoot,
thank them for
cause those awards
saved the shoot several thousand
dollars out of the proceeds.
Again thanks to all that helped
and came out to participate, I
knew I could count on the best
folks in the world, Cajon Cowboys.
To clear up a matter of
confusion at our shoots, a Clean
Shoot is defined as one that a
shooter has not incurred any
misses, procedurals or safety penalties during the match.
Again thanks to all for
just being Cajon Cowboys.
Regards, Bojack
2007 Cowboy Spirit Award
The 2007 Festival of the West has honored actors Ben Cooper and John Smith for their achievements as
Western Heroes. From adolescence on, Ben Cooper was an actor on both the stage and in radio. After attending Columbia University, he began his film career with 1950's Side Street. Cooper fluctuated between
heroes and villains, mostly in westerns, until retiring from films. He and his wife Pamela now have their
own business and both support Western events and festivals around the country. John Smith, who was the
catalyst for the creation of Festival of the West, began his film career as a member of the Bob Mitchell
Boys Choir making his film debut in Going My Way. He attended UCLA and began his serious acting career in 1954 when he appeared in the John Wayne classic, The High and the Mighty. Later he was cast along side George Montgomery in the TV show Cimarron City. John went on to star with Robert Fuller in the TV series Laramie. John Smith died in 1995 and
will be presented with the second posthumous Cowboy Spirit Award. Friend and fellow actor, James Drury
of The Virginian fame, will accept the award for John Smith.
Every year the Cowboy Spirit Award is presented to recognize those men and women who have set the example of Western heroes with the integrity, strength of spirit. and moral character depicted by the American
Cowboy. From its inception in 1992 when Dale Evans, "Queen of the West," and Patsy Montana,
"America's No. 1 Cowboy Sweetheart," received their bronzes, this star-studded presentation ceremony was
destined to become the high point of the National Festival of the West. Since that time, thousands of visitors have witnessed and become an integral part of the presentation ceremony. In 1993, Rusty Richard's, long
time member of the Sons of the Pioneers and song writer, received the award; in 1994, Gene
Autry, the quintessential all-American cowboy, was honored; in 1995, Roy Rogers, "King of the
Cowboys," received the bronze; in 1997, co-recipients Ben Johnson, World Champion Cowboy
and Academy Award winner, and Harry Carey, Jr. received their awards; in 1997, Denver Pyle
and Herb Drinkwater were brought to center stage; and in 1998, an unprecedented three bronze
saddles were awarded to Rex Allen, the "Last of the Silver Screen Cowboys", Buck Taylor, star
of Gunsmoke, and, the beautiful and multi-talented Christina Paine. In 1999 during a tribute to
the Black Cowboys, author Matt Braun and singer Herb Jeffries received their awards. In 2000
Lynn Anderson and Jane Russell were given their awards in a special presentation featuring Ms.
Dale Evans. In 2001 the Cowboy Heroes of Today were honored, with Michael Martin Murphey
and Bruce Boxleitner receiving the award. With a special tribute to the Lawmen in 2002, the
award was presented to Clint Walker and Dennis Weaver. In 2003, in a special tribute to the Balladeers, The National Festival of the West proudly added Ernest Borgnine, Marty Robbins and
Johnny Western to the roster of recipients. 1n 2004 Jack Palance, Robert Fuller and the Westerns
Channel received the award. In 2005 the recipients were Mickey Rooney, Rick Schroder, Peter
Brown and Johnny Crawford. Robert Horton and Morgan Woodward received the award in
Series: Continued from last month
The journey from Virginia City to Salt Lake City
lasted five days and four nights. On the evening of the
second day we crossed a brook called Reese River , and
passed through a small town called Austin City . This
was the only place on the road worthy of the name of a
town, and it contained a few brick and stone houses. It
stands among the hills, and is purely a mining town,
some of the mines opening on to its street. A year or two
ago there was a rush to the Reese River district , but the
gold and silver mines have not quite answered the expectations formed of them. Prospecting parties are often
formed by speculators, and sent out to examine ledges or
ranges of hills which are not well known. These parties
often make valuable discoveries, and bring back rich
specimens of the precious metals, and accounts of districts where such specimens abound. On the strength of
their report companies are formed, and a rush to this particular spot takes place. Sometimes these reports are
false, the specimens having been procured elsewhere to
abet the fraud, but more often there is no deception in the
matter. Reese River is marked on most maps as a stream
of some importance. It rises from two or three springs to
the northward of Austin, flows some seventy or eighty
miles to the southward, and sinks nowhere in
particular. It is at best a mere ditch, probably in
no place above two feet deep; and yet it is drawn
on the map as a respectable well-conducted river,
and gives its name to a large district. I believe
that a bogus company was got up recently to run
steamers on the Reese River . But nobody made
any money out of it except the secretary, who has
not been heard of since. The road lay through
desert alkali plains, barren red hills and mountains, marshes, and sands. The winds traversing
these plains become impregnated with the alkali,
which causes a bad taste in the mouth, and dries
up the lips and the skin on the face and hands In
some places there are pretty views: some of the
hill tops and a few of the valleys were relieved
by pine and cedar scrub, but little can be said in
favour of the scenery. The ground was invariably
covered with dull grey sage-brush; the ranges of
hills and mountains run north and south, and between them are absolutely level plains, varying
from ten to twenty miles in breadth; but the hills
are seldom ascended. It is very remarkable that
in almost every instance there is a natural pass
through the hills on nearly the same level as the
plains. One of these, nearly four miles long, had
the regularity of a railroad cutting; it was in these
passes that two or three years ago the Indians
used to attack the stage.
On the morning of Friday the 14th , we
reached Fort Crittenden , about fifty miles from
Salt Lake City . Here we stopped to breakfast,
and I made acquaintance with the Mormon innkeeper. He had but two wives, the youngest of
whom I saw,
(Continued on page #4)
The Friendliest
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Action Shooter in the U.S.
APRIL 29, 2007.
(Call Walker ‘47 for details.)
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95 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801-1210
phone: 714-871-8171; fax: 714-871-8516; email:
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(Continued from page #2)
herself a mere child, with her baby at her breast.
Our mud-waggon from hence was rather better
than those we were accustomed to, and the horses
were finer and fatter. At a distance of twenty-five
miles from Salt Lake City we forded the river Jordan , the water being about four feet deep. It runs
in a northerly direction about forty miles, from the
fresh-water Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake .
These lakes lie at each end of a valley some fifteen
miles in breadth. At the north end, the Salt Lake
does not run across the whole breadth, but the
mountains sweep round to meet its eastern shore;
and on an elevated "bench" at their foot, sheltered
from the north and east, is situated the famous city
of the Latter Day Saints .
We entered the valley from the southward,
passing over a rising ground from which we could
see it stretching out. For twenty-five miles the road
ran due north, and at its termination the city was
before us, bearing the appearance of white specks
on a green ground - a striking contrast to the surrounding arid desert. On our right rose grand
mountains, six or seven thousand feet high, thrown
like a sheltering arm behind the City of the Saints;
and on our left stretched the broad Salt Lake, with
two mountainous islands standing out in bold relief, while the river Jordan , passing almost under
our feet, was seen winding its way to the Dead Sea.
The air of these regions is so pure, that distant objects are seen with a distinctness very deceiving.
The drive into the city passes between fields irrigated by streams descending from the eastern hills.
We changed horses every ten miles, and as we advanced, signs of prosperity were more numerous,
for we saw houses, gardens, and small farms.
At length it became dark, and it was not
until 9.30 P.M. that our long, long drive terminated
as we drew up in front of the Salt Lake House . I
was too much knocked up for sight-seeing on the
first day after my arrival. Without feeling actually
tired, I found myself continually dropping off to
sleep, but the excitement of the journey gradually
wore off. The first piece of news we heard by telegraph that morning was that a stage-coach, which
runs three times a-week between Virginia City in
the Idaho territory and Salt Lake City , had been
attacked and robbed by highwaymen. The driver
and four passengers out of five were shot dead; the
fifth fell down severely wounded in the bottom of
the coach, and was only saved by the bodies of his
companions falling on him. The murderers escaped with a booty of seventy thousand dollars, or
fourteen thousand pounds, in gold dust. Last summer this same stage was robbed, and the passengers murdered; some of the robbers were caught
and hung, while others escaped.
The general impression given by Salt Lake
City is an agreeable one. The streets divide the
town into ten-acre blocks: they are all 128 feet
broad, and at right angles to each other. On each
side is a stream of living water, and rows of cotton-wood and locust trees border the side walks.
There is but one main street, in which the houses
are built close to each other; everywhere else each
house stands in its own garden or orchard. Some
of them are large, two or three stories high, built
of burnt bricks, red sandstone, or granite, but most
are of white sun dried bricks. They look clean and
cheerful: the door-posts, window-sills, &c., are of
wood, painted bright green, or of rich red sandstone, and creepers adorn the walls. The gardens
are well and tastefully kept, and fruit-trees are particularly successful. The streets chiefly used are
gravelled; and as the plateau on which the town
stands slopes gently to the southward, there is
good drainage. Altogether, few towns have been
so judiciously designed and so perfectly built; few
enjoy so great natural advantages, which have
been cleverly made the most of. The barren country we passed through would have prepared us to
appreciate any place where there might be a spare
blade of grass, but Salt Lake City would be considered beautiful anywhere. When it is remembered that seventeen years ago, this end of the valley was a desert, like the other, one is astonished
at the enterprise and perseverance of the Mormon
leaders. The city is 4000 feet above the level of
the sea, so the climate has greater extremes than
that of England . In summer it is hot and dry, and
rain rarely falls at any season; in winter there are
heavy snows, which caused great suffering to the
Mormons on their first arrival. The Wahsatch
Mountains , on the east side of the valley, are a
spur of the Rocky Mountains , and much higher
than the hills on the west side. From the east flow
all the streams used for irrigation, fed by the evermelting snows.
On the morning of Sunday, July 9th , I
(Continued on Pg. 5)
attended Divine Service, which is held in the
rooms of a Young Men's Literary Association
lately formed. The service was conducted by a
Congregationalist clergyman, a Scotchman, the
Rev. Norman M'Leod . Chaplain to the Forces stationed here. He is a gallant determined fellow, of
considerable force of character. I believe he will
do a great work here. I think the days of Mormonism are numbered: and its fall will be brought
about by such agencies as Mr. M'Leod's ministry,
by immigration, and by education, but not
by persecution. In the afternoon I attended the
Mormon service. I was prepared to hear something
of Mormon doctrines, or perhaps some gospel
truths with which I could myself agree, but was
utterly disappointed. During his address, the Mormon marshal twice stopped - once to bless the
bread, and once to bless the water. These were
handed round: the Sacrament being administered
in that way every Sunday. Water is used instead of
wine, until the Mormons shall be able to obtain the
pure juice of the grape. The people were assembled in a large booth in the Temple Block . It is
one of the squares, which has been walled in, and
on which the temple is being built. When the first
address was concluded, a second was given by a
cadaverous-looking man. He urged that great weight
his opinion of Mormonism ought to have with his audience, because, he said, he had tried all other religions
and found them to be false. He said he was educated as
a Baptist , but that religion did not satisfy him: he felt
he wanted more, so he tried Presbyterianism ; but that
did not satisfy him, so he tried the Church of England
and various sects, till at last he had found a home
among the Mormons, and was happy. This climax was
received with a sensation approximating to applause.
At the conclusion, a hymn was sweetly sung by a large
choir, most of whom were Brigham Young "s sons and
daughters. The congregation did not join in this the
only devotional part of the service, which otherwise,
neither in the subject-matter of the addresses nor in the
behaviour of the people, had in it any appearance of
reverence or devotion. It is difficult to believe, that
there can be any elevated sentiment among a people
who allow themselves to led by such palpable ignorance and folly.
Continued next month.
This month we’ll
word for the
and it is good timing for Easter.
That word is the Resurrection, and it means that
Jesus of Nazareth, fully human and at the same time
fully God, brutally crucified and killed by Roman
and Jewish politicians, stone cold dead in his tomb,
was raised to life after three days by the power of
God. Jesus arose in his physical body, the same
Jesus as before he died. All the history of human
beings has circled around this point of miracle. Because Jesus died and rose again, death was defeated,
and the barn door of life was opened for all of us
who believe and receive this free gift. Death now
has no claim on us, and once these old bodies of
ours quit ticking we too shall be raised, never to die
again. That, pardners, is what is meant by the Good
News or the Gospel. Isn’t that a daisy? It’s a daisy
alright, yet far, far too many hombres cannot accept
such a miracle as happening at all. “Sin Killer,
dead is dead, as dead as a can of corned beef!
Nothin’ and nobody that’s died has ever come back
to life again.” T’aint necessarily so. Right now in
Heaven there’s plenty of folks that would put the lie
to that because they took that free gift from Jesus’
hand and are alive today. Because we can’t see
them until the day, by the grace of God, we arrive
there doesn’t make those citizens of heaven any less
real. “You think I’d take the word of a sin killer
whose thinker is plumb puny when there’s plenty of
college educated fancy-pants preachers who say different?” you say. Well, you’re right about preachers
who think Jesus is deader than a doornail, but such
as them (they’re called liberals, by the way) should
be taken out back and buggywhipped. I’ve had
schoolin’ too, and I could give you page after page
of evidence and reasons you should believe in the
Resurrection, but until you read the Good Book for
yourself and believe what God wrote there and feel
your heart stirred to faith, my words would just be
breath and tongue oil. Here’s my advice for a really
long life: read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John this
Easter season; then drop all bullcrap, get real quiet,
and ask Jesus that if he’s alive right now to come
into your heart and let you know. Jesus will not fail
to answer, not ever. Jesus is more anxious for you to
know the truth of the Resurrection than you are, and
he’ll wear out horses riding into your heart and
mind. And, pard, because of the Resurrection you
will indeed live a really long life, life without end,
life over which death has no more power. Now believe, and go careful.
Cajon Cowboys Shooting
Association, Inc. Club Contacts
Our very own Sin Killer can use our help ! ! You
say how ? Well, let me tell you. Every second and fourth
Bojack 760 956-5044
Cell 760 900-6166
Sunday of the month St. Paul’s, (Sin Killers Church in Anaheim), holds “Mission El Dorado”. This is a hotel ministry
that helps the down but not out. Sin Killer not only preaches
to them but they bless the residents with gifts of the necessities of life. Some of the items they need are as follows:
Vice President
Luke Warmwater 909 987-7017
Cell 909 345-1898
Pasture Patti 760 956-5044
Cell 760 900-5199
SASS Territorial Governor
Asphalt Cowboy 951 679-8662
Cell 951 679-8662
Calamity Candy 951-688-9854
Hygiene & Living
Hand & Body Soap
Band Aids / Tylenol
Diapers / Pull Ups
Feminine Hygiene
Paper Supplies
Napkins and Towels
Cup of Soups
Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Meat
Instant Oatmeal
Canned Juices
Dry Cereal
Nutrition Bars
Kid’s Gifts
Color Books
Children’s Books
(Bible Stories)
Children’s Bibles
The Trading Post
Advertise Free—Your add will run for 3
months—contact Pasture Patti to renew ad.
760 956-5044
For Sale
Ithaca MAG-10 Semi Automatic
Shotgun—10 ga—3 1/2 in. Magnum
Vent-NIB Full Choke
Heck Know 760 2495568 05/06
For Sale
700, in 7mm REM MAG
w/variable BUSHNELL Hunting/
Target SCOPE (6x – 18x X 50mm)
forend/pistol grip, BEAUTIFUL wood
recoil pad, MIRROR bore and
Customized bolt !!! ONLY $725.00
DEAD-ON JOHN at 951 + 791-0966
For Sale
Rinco 99 Shotgun, near new condition,
worked on by Texas Jack including removal
of cross bolt safety, hammers cock together
with one thumb. $200.
Solomon Star
(310) 832-7445
12 or 20 gauge shotgun for bird hunting
Heck Know 760 249-5568
For Sale
2002 Rexhall Airbus Class A Motorhome 32”
dbl slide outs many extras and upgrades 8000
miles $80,000.
1987 Jeep Grand Wagoneer, Mechanical new
body and paint fair to good, upholstery fair
$2500 obo
Izzie Bored 909 695-3630
For Sale
Stainless Rossi Winchester '92, .45 Colt.
Only 2000 of these made. $350.00
Stainless Ruger Redhawk, 5 1/2 inch barrel,
.44 Magnum. $450.00 or trade for
solid frame '97.
Prof. Bullspit, 760-868-4383
For Sale
Singer Trendle Sewing Machine Delux cab.
With all attachments—exc. cond. $500.
Dakota Sioux 909 594-3672
TOP GUNS ~ March 2007
Classic Cowboy ~ Chekahsah Joe
Duelist ~ Durde Dugan
Elder Statesman ~ Choctaw
Frontier Cartridge ~ Kid Iowa
Frontier Cart. Duelist ~ Roan Henry
Granddame ~ Fan Chula
Gunfighter ~ Red Lamar
Junior Boy ~ Cool Hand Bardner
Junior Girl ~ Miss Trail
Ladies 49er ~ Calamity Candy
Ladies B Western ~ Lady Reb
Ladies Gunfighter ~ Ella Watson
Ladies Senior ~ Running Bare
Ladies Traditional ~ Dixie Bell
Modern ~ Cobalt Blue
Men’s 49er ~ Pack Rat
Men’s B Western ~ Lago Jim
Pike ~ Rico
Senior ~ Dr. George
Senior Duelist ~ Noah Regrets
Silver Senior ~ Baja Bandit
Traditional ~ Honest Henry
Cell Phone 760 900-6166
Phone & FAX 760 956-5044
Welcome New Members
Have Gun Will Travel
Is It Bissett
Kiwi Kid
Georgia Reb
Rebel Maggie Red
Missouri Reb
Lady Reb
12 ga. Shot Shell Holder
Special $ 27.95
January 13th –Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics
January 27th-Open Shoot-Cowboy Swap Meet
February10th-Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics
February 24th-Open Shoot
March 10 -Practice Shoot-R.O. I Class-Shooters ClinicsPot Luck Lunch
March 24th-Open Shoot
March 30, 31 & April 1 ~ “little Larry” Memorial Shoot
April 14th-Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics
April 28th- Open Shoot
May 12th-Practice Shoot-RO II Class-Shooters Clinics
May 26th-Open Shoot-Sin Killers Cowboy Church
June 9th-Practice Shoot-Swap Meet-Shooters Clinics
June 23rd-Open Shoot
Calamity Candy
Chekahsah Joe
Dead Eye Maverick
Dixie Bell
Doc Valentine
Durde Dugan
M.C. Ryder
M.T. Banks
Medicine Woman Wiki
Running Bare
July 14th-Practice Shoot-RO I Class-Shooters Clinics
July 28th-Open Shoot
August 11th-Practice Shoot-Shooters ClinicsAugust 25th-Open Shoot
September 8th-Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics
September 22nd- Side Match Extravaganza –AwardsBrown Bag Lunch
September 28th-30th-Annual Shoot-Legends Of The West
October 13th-Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics-Pot Luck
October 27th-Open Shoot –Cowboy Swap Meet
November 10th-Practice Shoot-ROII Class-Shooters Clinics
November 24th-Open Shoot-Sin Killers Cowboy Church
December 8th-Practice Shoot-Shooters Clinics
December 15th-Christmas Member Appreciation Open
Shoot-Free Lunch to all Shooters
December 29th-8 Stage New Years Shoot-Brown Bag
All Practice Shoots are 6 Stages-Snacks and Drinks
available for Purchase, No Lunches.
All Open Shoots are 8 Stages-Lunch and Drinks available for purchase except where designated as a Brown
Bag or Pot Luck Lunch.
Shoot Note:
A clean shoot is defined
as a shoot with no misses as
well as no procedurals, safety
penalties or stage DQ’s
Snacks will be available for
purchase as the shoot held on
the 2nd Saturday.
Owen Muny
This is a full time gunsmith company specializing in, but not limited to, all
of the guns used in Cowboy Action Shooting. I will furnish you with the
slick, accurate, and reliable equipment you need to take the game as far as
you want to. I use only the finest quality replacement parts available, and
manufacture everything else in-house. Every firearm is range tested for
proper operation prior to delivery.
“ ‘Your fault, my fault, nobodies fault…’ all my workmanship is guaranteed
for life. That means until I die.”
Hooper Manufacturing
9385 Appleton Street Phelan, California 92371
P.O. Box 294074 Phelan, California 92329-4074
(760) 949-5959
Web– E-mail–
Cajon Cowboys
P.O. Box 293948
Phelan, CA 92329-3948
Two Time California State Champion
Spendy Muny