Application form
Application form
Application form Applications open Friday 20 February to Sunday 15 March 2015 About AmpFest AmpFest is a live music program open to original, unsigned bands, duos, DJs and solo artists aged 12 to 25 (inclusive). AmpFest was established in 2003 as a Local Government Youth Advisory Council initiative and is an opportunity for young WA musicians to gain industry experience. AmpFest offers a chance for bands to play to a live audience as well as opportunities for skills development and industry networking. Past winners of AmpFest have included Mink Mussel Creek (who evolved into Pond), Goodnight Tiger, Dead Owls, Sisters Doll and Indigo. Tame Impala were runners up in 2005 when playing as The Dee Dee Dums. AmpFest 2015 AmpFest 2015 consists of a band call out (this application form). Four bands will be then be selected to play at the AmpFest all-ages show held in Subiaco. AmpFest 2015 is free to enter. Selected acts will • Perform live on stage at AmpFest • Receive a payment of $500 • Be given the opportunity for a free rehearsal session • Be given the opportunity to take part in a band development workshop • Receive an annual membership to WAM Eligibility You are invited to apply for AmpFest if you: • Are ages 12 to 25 (or at least one band member is) • Make original music (any genre) • Are based in Western Australia • Haven’t performed in the final of AmpFest in previous years • Are unsigned 2 Application form Details Act name _____________________________________________________________ Number of members _____________ Names and ages of band members Age _______________________________________ ________ Age _________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________ ________ _________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________ ________ _________________________________________ ________ _______________________________________ ________ _________________________________________ ________ Act website_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Band contact Name ____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Age______________________________________________ Postal address___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Online link to music Please provide us with a web address to download or stream your music* ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Password (if applicable) __________________________________________________________________________________ *the tracks will not be shared with any third parties without your permission If you want to deliver a hard copy to the City of Subiaco, please do so between 8.30 am to 5 pm weekdays at 241 Rokeby Road, Subiaco. Please put your application form, biography, photo and music (CD or USB flash drive) in an envelope marked attention Community Development and submit it at the front counter of the Administration Centre. Photo Please attach a photo upon submission of the application form Checklist Application form Link to music Biography Photo I have read and agree to accept these terms and conditions (page 5) Applications close Sunday 15 March 2015 For further information please contact 9237 9216 or 3 Biography Please include your one page biography. Terms and conditions Eligibility AmpFest is open to all Western Australian original unsigned bands, duos, DJs and solo artists. Solo artists must be aged between 12 to 25 years (inclusive) and duos and bands must have at least one member aged between 12 to 25 (inclusive). Are any of your band members under the age of 18? If so we will email a permission form which we require to be signed and returned. Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian name:____________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian email:_____________________________________________________________________________ Any acts that have participated in the final of AmpFest in previous years are ineligible to enter the competition in 2015. All other acts are welcome to enter again. Application items Acts must include the following with their application: • Completed application form. • Biography (1 page maximum). Please give us a brief history and tell us who is in your band. Please include your music genres and performance history of your band. • Photo. • At least one song. The music you submit must be original. * The recording and photograph submitted do not need to be of professional quality. Performance rules • • • • • All performers will be required to play for 30 minutes. All songs must be original material. Offensive language/lyrics (including drug references) will not be permitted. All performers must have the same members as originally nominated on the application form. Throughout AmpFest all acts selected to be involved must use their band name as originally nominated on the application form (including follow up and publicity). Equipment All acts performing in the final must have all electrical items checked over and tagged by a certified electrician before their performance. The AmpFest organisers will take no responsibility for damaged or faulty equipment. Documentation and media The AmpFest organisers will have the right to use any audio/visual footage of acts taken at AmpFest for documentation/promotional purposes. Event requirements AmpFest events are strictly smoke, alcohol and drug free events. Band selection The selection of the AmpFest performers will be done by a panel consisting of professionals working within the music industry and members of the Youth Advisory Councils of City of Subiaco and Town of Mosman Park. The judges’ decisions are final in all matters relating to selecting places or awards and no correspondence or debate will be entered into. Notification All acts playing at the AmpFest all-ages show will be contacted by email or phone during the week commencing Monday 23 March. Further conditions may apply. 5