touchscreen te3 chocolate tempering/enrobing machine
touchscreen te3 chocolate tempering/enrobing machine
NOVACHOC Technology for the art of chocolate making. Together, achieve your goals & dreams. TE3 CHOCOLATE TEMPERING/ENROBING MACHINE TE3 TOUCHSCREEN UNIQUE FEATURES lAutomatic standby mode. lVolume control. lProgram save feature. lAdjustable belt and blower speed. lUnderhood temperature control. lAlternating stirrer operation during chocolate melting. lProgrammable startup feature. ENROBING BELT Length: 2 000 mm. TOUCHSCREEN FEATURES lOperates as a tempering or enrobing machine. lAutomatic tempering. lClosed circuit (no water mains connection or drain). lElectric power only. lRemotely controllable. lElectronic chocolate temperature control (PID controller with PT100 temperature sensor). lSmall footprint, removable conveyor. lMachine may be refilled with chocolate while running. lChocolate-flow stop pedal. lStainless steel construction. lTank capacity : 30 kg. lThree-phase refrigeration unit allows faster chocolate crystallisation. CRYSTALLISATION TIME : 25 T0̀ 40 MIN DEPENDING ON CONDITIONS OF USE AND AMBIENT TEMPERATURE. VIBRATING TABLE Dim. 94 x 37.5 cm. OPTION TRUFFLE ATTACHMENT OPTION Parc d’activité des Nations 10, rue de l’Europe - F 67230 BENFELD Tél. 33 (0)3 88 74 09 28 Fax. 33 (0)3 88 74 47 98 NOVACHOC FABRICATION FRANçAISE
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