

Blue Beret/December 2010
It’s a great time of year. Most of the Unit Installation Rallies have been completed
and many are preparing for Holiday activities. Congratulations to our new Unit officers!
It’s a time for expressing appreciation to those who have served us last year, and for
celebrating, as newly elected officers move to leadership positions in the Club.
I’d like to highlight just a few responsibilities of our new Unit Presidents at Regional
and International gatherings:
• Carry the Unit flag – get a new one if yours is faded
• Attend leadership workshops and Board Meetings – benefit from some new ideas
• Participate in discussions – know your members’ suggestions and concerns
• Vote at the annual Delegates’ Meeting
“However you
choose to celebrate
this significant
season, we wish
you all good things
for the year to
I think an editorial could be written on each of these topics, but the common denominators are participate and represent your Unit. That’s your job as I see it.
So, Unit Presidents, I want to pass along an observation from Mary Ann Reed, the Unit
Bulletin Boards Committee Chairman at the International Convention/Rally at Gillette,
WY last year – only 84 of 128 units brought Unit bulletin boards. Hey – we can do much
better than that at Du Quoin, can’t we? Find an artist, sign painter, interior designer, or
whoever, and develop your bulletin board. And have some fun while you’re at it.
WBCCI has three business meetings each year. The first is on July 5, after the International Rally, when the new budget is approved and motions to amend Club Bylaws are
considered. The second is normally during January. All members are cordially invited
to attend the 2011 International Board of Trustees (IBT) Mid-Winter Meeting, which, in
recent years, has become another fun WBCCI rally. This year the Mid-Winter Meeting
will be in Robstown, Texas, which is about 20 miles west of Corpus Christi. Doug Wylie
and many willing Region 9 members have been working to treat us to some FUN, FELLOWSHIP and ADVENTURE, Texas-style. I hope that all y’all (translation: everyone)
travels to Robstown. Local attractions include the famous King Ranch, the Texas State
Aquarium and the USS Lexington of WW II fame. Retired military members may want
to visit NAS Corpus Christi. Reservations for camping at the newly expanded Shields
Park NAS Recreation Area may be made by calling 361-961-1293/1294. Come to the
Mid-Winter IBT Meeting if you can. We’ll conduct some Club business, we’ll take some
tours and eat Tex-Mex. Find the coupon elsewhere in this issue. It’ll be a productive
and good time.
Whether you stay at home this winter or join the flock of snowbirds, Linda and I hope
that you are with immediate family members or members of our extended WBCCI family.
Do both if you can. Happy Holidays to one and all. However you choose to celebrate
this significant season, we wish you all good things for the year to come.
BLUE BERET is the official publication of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International,
Inc. (WBCCI), the recreational vehicle club of Airstream owners. BLUE BERET welcomes contributions of articles, photographs, news items and advertising. However,
their publication in the BLUE BERET does not constitute endorsement. The opinions
of the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of either the
BLUE BERET or WBCCI. The products and claims of advertisers are their own and,
too, do not necessarily represent endorsement by either BLUE BERET or WBCCI.
BLUE BERET (USPS 669-270; ISSN 0744-5601) is published monthly except January
and July. Periodical mail postage paid at Jackson Center, OH and additional mailing
offices. Canada Publications Mail Agreement #41295545. Canada Post Returns:
7289 Torbram Road, Mississauga, ON L4T 1G8.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Notification of address change is the responsibility of the member or recipient and
should be received at least two months in advance to avoid delays in forwarding. Remailing of back issues is at recipient expense.
Address corrections, suggestions, stories, art, photos, advertising and paid mail subscriptions ($25/year, included in members’ dues) may be mailed to: BLUE BERET/WBCCI,
P.O. Box 612, 803 E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334, Phone 937/596-5211,
Fax 937-596-5542, email:
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: BLUE BERET/WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, 803
E. Pike Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334.
Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.
803 E. Pike Street • Jackson Center, OH 45334-0612
Phone 937-596-5211 • FAX 937-596-5542
Web address:
The magazine is also available at
President........................................................... Norm Beu
1st Vice President............................ Barry Heckenswiler
2nd Vice President............................................Don Clark
3rd Vice President..................................... John Boutwell
Recording Secretary............................. Sandy Perryman
Treasurer........................................................... Bob Moss
Past President................................................ Tom Collier
Region 1.......................................................Russ Melocik
Region 2...................................................Roy MacDonald
Region 3.............................................................. Rick Bell
Region 4.........................................................John Turner
Region 5....................................................Louise Humble
Region 6........................................................John Stumpf
Region 7............................................................ Joan Lahr
Region 8........................................................... June Ryan
Region 9.......................................................C.C. Gartman
Region 10...................................................... Adolf Knopp
Region 11................................................. Dan Neumarkel
Region 12.................................................Judy Bechthold
Parliamentarian............................................Dona Garner
Blue Beret...................................................... Anne Werth
Budget......................................................Ralph Forrester
Caravan..........................................................Chuck Kiple
Community Service.................................... Janet Kendig
Constitution & Bylaws................................... Don Shafer
Electronic Communications.............................................
Ethics & Grievance....................................Betty Sullivan
Family & Youth............................................. Linda Amme
Historian...................................................... Loretta Moss
Int’l. Relations............................................ Jim Elmlinger
Legislative...................................................Richard Jirus
Lifetime Membership........................................Don Clark
Marketing............................................... Fred Richardson
Membership............................................... Don McKelvay
National/Special Events...................... Carolyn Florence
Nominating..................................................... Tom Collier
Planning Guides & Merit Awards.............Jim Haddaway
Public Relations....................................Leonard Sullivan
RV Parks........................................................ Jean Helker
Rally Promotions..................................Leonard Sullivan
Safety............................................................. Herb Quade
Corporate Manager and Blue Beret Managing Editor
Blue Beret Copy Editor
Membership Director
Deb Mann.....................................
Member Services
Region 1.......................................................Russ Melocik
Region 2............................................. Bonnie MacDonald
Region 3.............................................................Carol Bell
Region 4......................................................... Nancy Brett
Region 5....................................................... Nancy Green
Region 6..................................................... Sandy Stumpf
Region 7............................................................ Joan Lahr
Region 8........................................... Paul and June Ryan
Region 9............... ...........................................Ken Sands
Region 10.............................................. Kathy Ciokiewicz
Region 11................................................ Barbara Vaughn
Region 12..................................................Sally Elmlinger
Copy Deadline for the February issue is December 15.
What’s Inside...
Vol. 46
December 2010 Issue No.10
Club News............................. 6
Welcome New Members.........................................6
Letters to the Editor.............................................10
Safety Note From Herb........................................ 11
Airstreamer’s Computing Guide .......................12
Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Rally ........15
Airstream Tech Help Group................................19
In Memoriam........................................................20
Welcome to the 38th Florida State Rally............21
Headquarters Notes..............................................21
Inspiration 101......................................................22
VINTAGE SPIRIT...............................................23
Gallup, Over the Rainbow...................................25
The China Caravans 25 Years Later...................26
Canadian Thanksgiving and Columbus Day
Special Event Rally - A Smashing Success.......28
International Rally.............. 31
Caravans............................. 35
N-40-E The Northern Experience Caravan ....35
WANDERING TO WYOMING..........................36
National Rallies................... 37
51st Annual Hobo Rally.......................................37
St. Augustine Easter Rally...................................38
The Spirit of Cleveland .......................................38
Special Event Rallies......... 39
Canton Arts/Crafts Rally.....................................39
30th Annual Rose Parade Rally .........................39
Region News....................... 39
Intraclubs............................ 45
Airstream 937-596-6111...... 46
Event Schedule................... 52
Classifieds.......................... 61
Coupons.............................. 61
on the cover...
Left side:
Exiting the ‘new’ 100 yr. old Red Bridge in Thessalon, Ontario, Canada. - submitted by Linda Smith, #9940
Trying to get out of St. Louis, MO, to go to the FL State Rally
-submitted by Richard Hunt, #4968
Right side photos:
Winter camping at Georgia Unit’s Top of Georgia Airstream park
- submitted by Claudia Litton, #7782
“AIRSTREAM” is a registered trademark used under license.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Blue Beret/December 2010
Blue Beret/December 2010
Blue Beret/December 2010
• The Most Knowledgeable Airstream
Sales Associates In The Industry
• The Most Comprehensive and User
Friendly Website - Updated Daily
• Nationwide and Overseas
Delivery Available
We Stock All Models Airstream
Has To Offer:
Sport, Flying Cloud, Victorinox,
International Signature, Serenity,
Classic Limited, Avenue, Interstate
• Our Certified Technicians are Expertly Trained In All
Airstream Services, Body Repair, Satellite and Solar Panel Installations
• Hitchwork Installations Including Hensley and Reese
• State-of-the-Art Service Facility
Blue Beret/December 2010
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor:
This is a general letter but in part responsive to Mr. Maxwell’s letter
about membership. (Editor’s note: Mr. Maxwell’s letter appeared in
the September Blue Beret.) I would like to offer a few comments and
suggestions as to how to increase membership and participation.
1. Membership should not just be focused on seniors and retirees but also younger people like myself with grade school, high
school and even college age kids.
2. Events seem to be scheduled during the school year when
people with kids simply cannot attend. Suggest adding local
events for weekends during July and August when younger folks
with kids can attend.
3. There is not much in the Northeast in terms of events, dealers,
etc. There is a lot of interest here but not much to participate in,
especially during the winter months. People with kids are not going to attend events in Florida during the winter.
4. We need to go after families upgrading from their entry level RV
Tent Trailer to maybe a Vintage Airstream. The vintage units are
COOL and teenage kids can help restore them. Why aren’t we
marketing to these people?
I have yet to be able to make any WBCCI events though I have
been a member for about 5 years. I cannot travel long distances or be
away from home for more than a weekend. I wish there were some
local New England events that were just for a weekend.
Comments, suggestions appreciated!
Liisa Niemi
WBCCI #7173
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone care to respond to Liisa’s concerns?
Blue Beret/December 2010
Please keep the Letters coming to
This is your opportunity to have your
voice heard. The Letters to the Editor
Committee will respond as needed.
Be sure to include your full name and
WBCCI number.
DISCLAIMER: The Letters to the Editor Committee reserves the right to edit
or withhold any letter received and will
only publish those that are considered
beneficial to the club as a whole and as
space is available. Letters may be addressed to and must
include writer’s full name and WBCCI
number to be considered noteworthy for
Club News
Safety Note From Herb
Herb Quade, WBCCI #3575
It is December and I would like to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you have been
good so Santa will grant your wishes. One of those wishes
should be to have a safe holiday season so think and act safely.
We had a “Take Pride In America” weekend – that was last
weekend the 15th & 16th of October. June and I worked with
the Northern Virginia Unit at Loft Mountain in the Shenandoah
National Park. We spent our time tramping through the woods
cutting invasive vines called Oriental Bittersweet, an imported
species that doesn’t belong there. Some of the vines were
five inches in diameter at the base. We had a great weekend
doing something that needed to be done and enjoying good
fellowship with our fellow Airstreamers – that’s what it’s all about.
Did you hear about the terrorist recruit whose first assignment was to blow up a police car? He burned his lips on the
exhaust pipe!
Let’s get down to the business of Safety – now is the time
to think of winter driving safety – here are a few tips to keep
in mind.
Check on road and weather conditions before you
plan your trip and begin driving.
Get in the habit of starting off slow and easy so as not
to spin the wheels.
Increase your following distance.
Look farther ahead in traffic or even if you’re not in
traffic to spot hazardous conditions sooner.
Expect the unexpected.
Steer with smooth and precise movements, jerky
steering can cause loss of control and skidding.
Watch mirrors and antenna for ice buildup.
Be alert for black ice.
Keep mirrors, windows and lights clean.
Drive with your lights on.
And before you set out – inspect your hitch platform,
ball mount, and tow bar. Make sure that your hitch ball
nut is tight. Look for cracks and loose bolts in all parts
of the hitch. If you have had work done on your wheels –
new tires, rotation, etc., check the torque on the lug nuts
now and about fifty miles down the road. Lubricate the
parts on the hitch that need lubrication and Do Not use
a light oil on the ball that may run down to the base and
allow it to rotate and become loose.
Don’t forget to check your tire pressures. Check the
pressures in the morning – every morning when you are
traveling - and inspect them at rest stops.
Speaking of rest stops – driving may seem like child’s play
from the standpoint of physical exertion. In reality, it drains
quite a bit of energy - more in winter driving or rainy weather.
Common sense dictates that driving stretches of two or three
hours be broken up by 15 to 30 minute stops. The driver
should walk around loosening up taut muscles and resting
strained eyes to improve alertness.
Night driving can be more perilous for fatigued drivers, especially those of us who are more seasoned. Retired people
should take advantage of the freedom that retirement brings
and set a slower pace. Confine your driving to daylight hours
when possible and limiting total driving distance to less than
300 miles for any 24 hour period.
How about a little “News of the Weird.” According to police
in Fort Pierce, Florida, a young woman grabbed a McDonald’s
employee by her shirt to emphasize her dissatisfaction with
service and demanded to the manager that she be fired. A
call was made to police and the young woman wandered
outside, climbed a tree, hung upside-down by her knees for
a while, then descended and lay down on the hood of her car
before re-entering the restaurant and asking if the employee
had been fired yet. She was arrested on several charges.
We’ll see you down the road – and buckle up! - Herb
Herb Quade WBCCI #3575, home phone (757) 583-1405
Cell phone (757) 535-1084.
The “Blue Beret” is available online at
Additionally, the printed magazine
will be mailed to each member as
in the past.
If you do not wish to receive
the printed magazine, please
notify headquarters. Contact Dot
Stengel at or
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Airstreamer’s Computing Guide
Wi-Fi Connection
by Michael Yeargin
It does not seem to matter where you are at while on the
road, getting that high speed connection is just always out
of reach – well, out of reach of your current PC, that is. You
would think that having setup hundreds of Wi-Fi for both business and home users that this would not be such an issue
for me, but it is if I am not prepared. After finishing a recent
redesign of a Wi-Fi system for a campground, I realized that
the issues that most users were having had nothing to do with
the availability of the signal but had more to do with how they
were trying to connect to the signal provided.
As avid Airstreamers we often sit inside on a wet cold day
wanting to get online for such things as weather reports and
e-mail without realizing we are sitting in an almost perfect isolation chamber for Wi-Fi signals. Even the use of cellular digital
packet data card (CDPD), also known as a cellular modem or
a Cell USB dongle, which is one of those things the cellular
company sells you to let your computer work on their service,
is often useless at your location due to no cellular antenna
nearby. From inside the campground, Wi-Fi and CDPD were
not able to be seen by
the internal cards on my
laptop as long as I was
sitting inside the trailer.
Getting service is not
just about what you use
to connect but also what
is available where you
are and what is needed
to get a connection at
that location. As CDPD
is dependent on cellular
location and we as
Figure 1 USB Wi-Fi Adapter
consumers have little say
as to where they should
be put, the rest of this
article will concentrate on Wi-Fi and its use as an Internet
The first task is to determine your level of Wi-Fi use. Will
you be using Wi-Fi a lot inside your RV or just on occasion?
If your answer is just on occasion then your solution may be
as simple as sitting close to an open window and using plastic
screening in the window and not aluminum screening material. If you answer a lot, then you need to consider a solution
that can be easily setup but removed for travel. This solution
is the one we will be considering in greater detail a little later.
While some of these suggestions have been shown to me by
other computer users, some of them are NOT supported by
the manufacturers of the devices and are not recommended
by me due to inherent dangers to users or equipment.
The first solution was shown to me by a full timer who worked
mostly outside his trailer but needed an option for those rainy
days. The solution was to use a six foot USB cable extension
Blue Beret/December 2010
and to purchase a
USB Wi-Fi adapter;
this could have been
just as easily one of
those CDPD adapters. He ran the six
foot cable from his
table next to the RV
refrigerator through the wall and out through the refrigerator
vent where he had attached the stand that came with the
USB Wi-Fi adapter to the vent at an angle using silicone to
help keep water out. At this point he would use compressed
air to get any water out of the connector, then plug the Wi-Fi
adapter into the cable and cover it with a freezer bag and zip
tie, then go plug the other end into the laptop. Unfortunately,
there are just a few issues with this. First, the USB port on
most computers is powered as part of the laptop’s main board
voltage and power source of 5 volts, so if you short it out, you
short the main board on PC. The second issue is that a USB
connection is not meant for OUTDOOR USE! When I mentioned this to him, he assured me that he had been using this
setup for about two years, so I wished him continued luck. If
you wanted to run a similar setup for an inside solution which
would allow you to move the USB adapter closer to a window,
then I would agree with this solution as long as it there is no
risk of getting the adapter or cable wet.
The next solution is one that is more practical, but a slight
bit more costly if you don’t consider the cost of the new PC
when it shorts out from misuse as in the first example, which is
Figure 2 Power Over Ethernet Power Injector
the use of a Client Access Point (CAP), also known as a Client
Bridge depending on its configuration. These are designed
in two types, indoor and outdoor, of which I prefer to use the
outdoor model. To avoid power issues I use the Power Over
Ethernet (POE) version (see Photo 2), which means I can safely
power the unit from inside the trailer and only need a single
wire run to the unit that provides both power and connectivity.
My suggestion
for mounting the
units would be
something as simple as using a zip
tie and putting it on
your awning pole
or using a portable
tripod such as the
ones made for satellite dishes, which
allows you to move
it around for the
best positioning.
You could mount
both on the same
tripod (see Figure
3) given enough
Figure 3 Tripod with Access Point
vertical pole space.
The second suggestion would be to use shielded twisted pair
instead of unshielded and use a grounding strap to ground
the shielding on the cable to an earth ground to prevent either
a short in your electrical system or other such issues doing
damage to the equipment.
As to the antenna type, I use a 170 degree directional but
many people use an omnidirectional antenna, so it does not
have to be aimed at the source, but note that these do sacrifice
signal strength. The diehard users may elect to use a directional
antenna, which must be pointed at the source, but it does
provide the greatest signal over a long distance. Each of these
should be options on the CAP you select. On average you can
expect to spend between $100 to $800 for your solution. The
one I use is made by EnGenius and can be found at http://
com/datacom/products/. Best of all, they
offer online video training for their product.
I don’t get discounts
from them, but they
have been the best
value for my dollar. I
also use other products such as Motorola
and Linksys for these
types of connectivity
issues, but consideration has to be given to
cost and features you
need to meet your reFigure 4 Indoor Access Point
quirements, so always
evaluate for your specific use. The last product I regularly
use for Wi-Fi installations is Cisco product, but these are for
more large business and industrial use, and performance and
dependability always come at a price.
The next question I often get asked about is the usage of a
repeater. It has been my experience that the use of a repeater
has several drawbacks such as their ability to create a broadcast storm, which is caused by sending the same packet of
information through multiple wireless devices and will cause
wireless to fail. The second rule for the use of a repeater is that
it should only be one “hop” from the AP being used; that is, you
should not have a repeater able to communicate to a second
repeater as this increases the potential for a broadcast storm.
If you are in a limited area and want to provide connectivity for
a group and extend the range of the AP, a repeater is a simple
solution and many of the advanced APs have a multi-mode
operation where they can be setup as an AP, CAP, or repeater.
These provide the best versatility based on the situation you
find yourself. The most notable of these is the CDPD repeaters being offered that allow a group to share a single CDPD
connection. These are often limited to five devices (a device is
any item that has an IP address) and have a limited range of
less than 15 feet from the sending device. Also keep in mind
these do require
the use of a cellular service that
is in range.
The final note
about wireless is
about security.
When you link to
a wireless, your
information can
be seen by others on the wireless if it is not
secure. When
you connect to
a wireless you
should use one
of the common
Figure 5 Indoor AP with Hi Gain
security encryption protocols such as WPA or the less secure WEP. While the
use of encryption does NOT guarantee true security unless you
control the access point and do not share the encryption key,
which is not likely while Airstreaming, you are going to have
to put some trust in the network owner. This is considered the
first layer of security. The second layer should be to never use
websites for personal transactions such as banking or other
financial transactions, online shopping, or even e-mail if the
site does not employ a two-part authentication process and
some type of encryption.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
The Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Rally
comes to an end after twenty-six years
by Lynette Dussault, #8153
The 2010 Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Rally saw the transported the rally participants from the rally site to the
end of a twenty-six year W.B.C.C.I. tradition. The popular Spe- campus and back was provided by the city and the banter was
cial Events Rally in Athens, Alabama, enjoyed great weather, similar to previous trips during previous rallies. But Wednesgreat activities and great camaraday night as the usual introduction
derie. The last group of twenty-two
of guests were to occur, Jim and
memberships was a mixture of firstKaren Elliott surprised Leon and
timers to the Dussaults who had
Jean by presenting them with a
been to all twenty-six rallies. There
plaque for their years of devotion
was a special bond between the
to the Fiddlers Rally. When Mayor
caravanners, because they knew
Dan Williams was introduced, he
that this was the last “Fiddlers Rally.”
said that the people of Athens
Leon and Jean Dussault (247),
always looked forward to seeing
who have been heading up the rally
the Airstreams on the High School
for the past few years, said that it
campus and presented them with a
was sad to finally end the rally, but
declaration that made them honornow is time to do it. Leon said that
ary residents of Athens. Richard
it was sort of funny that he has been
Molh, the Vice President from the
so involved with the Fiddlers Rally.
University, thanked the rally goers
When asked, Leon explained how
saying that the tickets that had
he was President of the North Alabeen bought over the years had
bama Unit (NAU) in 1984 when two
funded scholarships and part of the
couples from Athens approached Mayor Dan Williams and his wife with Leon and Jean
library. Thursday night’s dinner saw
him about putting on a rally tied to
a presentation to them from Region
the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention. John and Six’s President John Stumpf. Finishing up the rally on Sunday
Imogene Owsley and “Flick” and Alice Hargroder won Leon after the church service saw the last few items packed in the
over and so started the “Fiddlers Rally!” From 1984 through vehicles and hugs and well wishes all around.
2002 the rally was lead, worked and supported by the North
Leon and Jean said that they really appreciate all of the help
Alabama Unit. The goal was to provide a quality experience that they have received and friends that they have made over
at a good price in Southern Hospitality in an atmosphere of the years in Athens. They also are deeply touched by how rally
music where someone could participate just as much as they goers just pitched in and helped out. This is not a one person or
wanted. The city of Athens supported NAU by letting caravan- couple job – all of the people who came to the rally pitched in,
ners park on the grounds of Athens High School and using whether it was stringing the electric lines and parking or cooking
the city Recreation Center building. A standing tradition has breakfast or helping clean up the kitchen. Everyone just jumped
been the three big breakfasts, two dinners and the chance in and helped out. They will miss the rally, but will still come to
on winning a ham provided by a local restaurateur. Over the Athens for the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention
years, Fiddlers has had between fourteen and ninety-three to hear the music, stroll around the campus grounds and probrigs at a rally. The North Alabama Unit sponsored the rally ably see some
until 2002 when there was a loss. When Athens mayor, Dan other rally goers.
Williams heard about it, he helped with some options and the It was time to
rally was taken over by Region Six. Initially, it was planned and let the Fiddlers
worked by Leon and Jean and their friends Bill and Thelma Rally come to
Harp (formerly 13449). After Bill and Thelma had to quit due an end on a high
to health reasons, Leon and Jean continued on with the help note.
of other members of the Region. Recently, the parking area
has been reduced by the High School’s popular athletic pro
gram - this year the parking area was reduced by half.
This year felt a lot like the previous rallies – the Tuesday
night dinner at the Catfish restaurant, the great breakfasts,
the dulcimer lessons, tours of cotton fields, a cotton gin, an
apple orchard and an historic college campus where the FidKaren Elliott presenting Jean & Leon with plaque
dling Convention was held. Jam sessions occurred between
the trailers and in the building night and day. The bus that
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Airstream Women
Want to Know…
Unit 29, Pensacola FL Unit
December 2010
Christmas is here and that
special day is fast approaching.
Regardless of your family’s beliefs
we wish you all a Happy and Safe
Holiday Season.
Sue Atchley, #5167 or Memphis Unit 96alsosentin
an old family used for the Holidays. Enjoy this
Grandma Johnson’s
Scalloped Oysters
Christmas Decorating:
At home or on the Road
Oven 350°
This is a time to fill your home
or Airstream with free or easy
decorations which will make it shine. Using winter
fruits and nuts along with your own bowls, baskets,
wreaths, etc. along with yourown creativity you can
create beautiful Christmas displays and decorations.
The best part is none of it costs a lot of money!
Christmas napkins are great used as liners in
baskets, serving trays, food baskets, or as a
wrapping for a home baked gift.
Napkins and placemats can also be used hanging
over the edge of the mantle or shelf with the points
hanging down for a stunning holiday display. Use
greenery from outside or leftovers from Christmas
Don’t forget to look around
in and out of the house and see
what you already have that
could work as a display piece,
such as: wagons,
wheelbarrows, wire baskets
and wooden crates just to name a few. Fill them
with ornaments, ribbons, and Christmas flowers and
Dip small pine cones from your yard
in colored wax (from old crayons) and
use in displays. You can dip candies as
well. Another idea is to splatter small
limbs of cones with white paint to look
like snow.
Ribboned cinnamon sticks make a
beautiful scented addition in any
arrangement. The ribbon can also be
used to hang them from the Christmas
trees. Tie together with metallic garland to make it
Blue Beret/December 2010
1 pint Oysters
¼ c Oyster liquid
¾ c Half and Hal f
½ c melted butter
2 cups saltines, crushed Salt/Pepper
Drain oysters; reserve liquid.
Butter a
casserole dish. Mix melted butter with crushed
crackers. Mix oyster liquid with half and half.
Add ⅓ crackers, pepper to taste, add ½
oysters. Repeat this layer. Top with remaining
crackers. Pour liquid mixture over the layers.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Bake 40 minutes.
Serves 4.
Christmas Hints for our Family Pets
Holidays can create special
dangers for your pets. Each year
during the various holiday seasons,
thousands of pets are seriously
injured and/or become deathly ill.
It's a busy time and we sometimes forget about our
little four-legged members during the rush and
festivities. *Remember there are many hazards
waiting for their curiosity.
Chocolate is often fatal to animals, especially cats,
if consumed in a large quantity and/or over a period
of time. Watch containers of hot turkey and ham
gravy. Pets can easily scald or burns to themselves.
BONES ARE DANGEROUS! Please, please don't
feed them bones, especially poultry. Poultry bones
splinter easily causing pain and sometimes death.
In the New Year, may your right hand always be
stretched out in friendship, but never in want.
Club News
Our Club Friends Make The Difference!
We talk a lot about our Club motto of FUN, FELLOWSHIP AND ADVENTURE, but let’s stop for
a minute and really think about it. All those great activities are dependent on one thing ‘our Club
Friends’ - they are the most important part of this organization and is proven time after time by their
volunteering to help run activities, welcoming new members, caring for other members as well as
those members who are no longer able to travel and yet still remain members – WHY – because of
the wonderful, warm and caring extended family that they, and each of us, have in WBCCI.
I have the great privilege
of receiving each of the Units’
newsletters and in reading them
the ‘family and friends’ theme
comes through so clearly when
one reads the great activities the
Units have. We are overjoyed and
share the births of our children
and grandchildren, the birthdays
and anniversaries, which are so
special to each of us and care
about those who are ill or have
after a lifetime of Airstreaming
adventure have gone onto the
‘Campground in the heavens.’ We
share reports of our travels to the
four corners of this North American continent on Club caravans
be they Unit, Region, or National, where we meet a whole new
group of other members who in many cases become ‘lifelong
friends,’ and, of course, renewing friendships with those we
have travelled with before. The same applies to the excellent
times we experience at the many Unit rallies, and the Region
and International Rallies, and just
think, these are all organized and
run by volunteers! And all of this
is but a part of ‘the Airstream Life’
for all our new members who after
a short time, hopefully, feel just
at home as the rest of us.
The upcoming holiday season
is the so very special time for all of
us to simply reflect on and enjoy
our family of friends in WBCCI,
as well as our personal families
and friends. Without them our
lives would be pretty empty.
We should, as they say, ‘count
our blessings’ as I firmly believe
our WBCCI family enriches our
lives, keeps us going and when
we need help in repairing a piece
of equipment on our trailer, motorhome or tow vehicle, or need
‘moral support’ – our friends are there, willing to assist us
Don McKelvay
even offering courtesy parking
to complete strangers who soon
become friends. Where else
in this world do you find such a
fantastic group of friends? Here
are a few examples of how some
of our members feel about their
A brand new member and his
wife who had not even attended
a Unit activity yet were driving
with their trailer and noticed another Airstream following them.
After turning off the highway and
later stopping, the other WBCCI
member also pulled up and came
over to see them saying “I noticed
by your number you are a new
member of our Unit and just wanted to say hello and
welcome to our wonderful Unit.” The new member told
me he was so very impressed at this friendly gesture,
which proved what he had heard about the friendliness
of WBCCI members.
• (from a Unit newsletter)
“Thank you for your prayers,
cards, offers of assistance and
concern during this time. We
have certainly felt your warmth
and friendship.”
• (from a Unit newsletter) “I
truly believe that we love each
other as family members do.
Tommy and I speak often of all
of you and all the happy times
and memories that we are sharing together.”
‘Our circle of friends...
There’s no beginning or end.’
(author unknown)
I wish each and every one of
you a very Merry Christmas,
Happy Hanukkah, or any other
celebration that is special to you.
At this very special time of year –
Blue Beret/December 2010
Bill Thomas Camper Sales, Inc.
101 Thomas RV Way
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Interstate 70 Exit 208
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Blue Beret/December 2010
Airstream Tech Help Group
Howard Lefkowitz, #6077
Phil Broomall, #2654
Jim Cooper, #3056
Jamie King, #7018
This group has been established by WBCCI to help the membership with any of their technical RV problems. Examples
of questions that might be of interest to many members will be published in the Blue Beret. We will respond directly to you,
in response to your email or letter describing a problem you are having. We hope you will find this new service of value in
the care and feeding of your RV. You may contact us as follows: or by mail: Howard Lefkowitz, 11508
Colt Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Refrigerator Gas Problem
Question: I’m having a problem
with the refrigerator and would like your
input. The unit works fine when plugged
in, but it goes into a check condition after 45 seconds when going to gas. I’ve
cleaned the burner jet (soaked in alcohol),
blown out the burner tube and removed
the power module. I cleaned each
connector on the module and then put
dielectric grease on the board terminals
and reinstalled them. I also removed and
cleaned all of the ground connections on
the back of the unit and reinstalled with
dielectric grease. I have not cleaned the
flue baffle, it doesn’t seem to be dirty, but
the book says to run a brush through it.
Outside of running something down the
flue the only thing that makes sense is
replacing the power module board.
Do any of you have some thoughts
on what I should do next?
Answer: Good thorough job on
what you have done so far. Most of the
time a circuit board Molex plug connection or a clogged gas jet will be the culprit.
A better jet cleaning technique would be
to soak it overnight in vinegar. For a quick
fix you can get a round wood toothpick,
wet it and twirl it in the jet orifice. Since
you are lighting the burner and getting a
nice blue flame before it goes out then
the gas valve is probably not staying
open. Check the following:
1. The three fuses on the circuit board.
2. Good 12 volt supply to the board
3. Gas pressure of 11 inches of water. If you have a built in meter great.
Otherwise, (for a quick check) turn on
the furnace, hot water heater and the
cook top burners and see if the Fridge
still lights.
4. Check the thermocouple that is
adjacent to the burner and in the flame.
With the flame on, you should read about
30 millivolts on its terminals. This is used
to signal the electronics that the flame
is on and the gas valve should be kept
on to run the fridge. You disconnect the
thermocouple and clip test leads to it and
have someone start the fridge while you
read the meter.
5. Replace the board. These are quality parts and they don’t usually go bad,
however, they are almost always blamed
(incorrectly) as being the problem.
Good luck Howard
Follow-up: The fuses are good,
the meter I have says 11 inches of
water, the 12 volt supply is OK. I finally
purchased a digital voltmeter (which I
have needed for some time) and the
thermocouple was indeed bad. I now
have a spare board, which I had already
purchased, since I was sure that would
be the problem. I appreciate your help
on this one.
Motorhome Axles
Don’t neglect your drive (rear) axle!
Drive axles have feelings, too, and if they
start feeling ignored or neglected they
can provide very unpleasant surprises.
Consider our experience:
We park our rig on a concrete pad,
and we tend to get busy with other things,
so we don’t really notice much about it
until getting ready for the next trip. On
one such getting-ready occasion my
lovely wife commented that the concrete
pad was in need of cleaning (it had dark
smudges on it under the motorhome).
So an item was added to the honeydo
list, and we continued packing and getting ready.
About a week later, driving along
the Interstate, the engine suddenly accelerated and made a loud roar while
at the same time the coach went into
coasting mode, as if it were coming to a
stop. Quickly moving off the road onto
the shoulder before the complete stop,
I tried tapping the accelerator pedal the engine roared again but the coach
continued decelerating.
After coming to a complete stop on
the shoulder, we got out to investigate.
The driver’s side rear wheels were further out than normal, so that the tread
of the outside dual tire actually extended
a little beyond the coach side panel.
Other than that there was nothing that
seemed amiss.
Back in the coach I started the engine
again and touched the accelerator pedal.
Same result - roaring engine but no
movement. We had become the famous
immovable object!
Skip forward in time to the repair shop,
and we found that the right (driver’s) side
rear axle had actually slid out of its connection to the differential (that is a spline
connection). The wheel bearings on the
right side had completely disintegrated
and the cast iron housing of the rear axle
at the right side was distorted by heat to
the point that it was oval instead of round
in cross section. The repair consisted of
a complete replacement of the rear axle
at a cost of entirely too many thousands
of dollars.
Thinking back, those dark smudges
under the motorhome had to have been
indications of an oil seal leak at or very
near the right rear axle wheel bearing.
Investigation showed the seal itself to be
torn (it is a thin rubbery membrane-type
seal). That tear allowed the oil to slowly
ooze or leak while the coach was sitting
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Airstream Tech Help Group
still - a slow enough leak that it was hardly noticeable until the
stain on the concrete grew big enough to see.
But when rolling at highway speed, the hotter oil leaks much
faster, and the rear axle drained completely dry of lubricating
oil. Not a good thing!
The moral of the story is “Don’t neglect your rear (drive)
axle. Check its oil level regularly (or have your mechanic check
it). As part of your daily pre-driving inspection, look under
the rear axle particularly near the rear wheels for any signs
of oozing or leaking oil. This may not be the easiest or most
comfortable thing to do, but it can save you big problems, a
possible highway breakdown and significant expense.
Part of your get-ready-to-drive routine should be a quick
check for any fluid spots under the rig or tow vehicle. Spots
under the transmission could signal an upcoming failure, which
will definitely be less severe if caught before the fluid has
leaked out. You should do the check list every morning before
you depart for the days driving. You do have a list, right??
The other moral is to pay more attention to your lovely wife
when she notices something seemingly unimportant.
Jamie King
The season of giving is upon
us and I would like to ask that you
remember our season of giving in
June/July in DuQuoin, Illinois 2011.
Stuffed Animals, knit hats, gently
Janet Kendig
used children’s books, personal size
toiletries for the abused women’s
shelter and new mothers, yarn, to be taken by anyone who
can use it for a charitable project (the remainder to be given
to an organization in the community), CHECKS made out to
the “DU QUOIN FOOD PANTRY,” and CHECKS made to the
‘MINISTRIAL ALLIANCE of DU QUOIN” for a program called,
“Weekend Warriors.” The churches in the town prepare lunches
for the children to take home on Friday, so they will not miss
a meal on the weekends. The Wisconsin Unit again asks that
you contribute to the animal shelter with food or checks and
don’t forget to save your pennies and pull tabs. For all of your
giving you will receive many thanks in return.
Blue Beret/December 2010
In Memoriam
The officers and members of
Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.
express their sympathy to the families and friends
of these departed members.
Bell, Frederick F. (003-AZ)...........................#9353
PP Arizona Unit
Bell, Jane (003-AZ).......................................#9353
P First Lady Arizona Unit
Blackburn, Edward (109-VA)........................#3750
Boyd, Pat (044-FL)......................................#28553
Burch, Bill (050-LA)......................................#9254
Burks, Roy (001-AL).....................................#1304
P First Mate Alabama Unit
Carter, David E. (052-MI)............................#10071
PP Michigan Unit
Haeuser, Rose Ellen (133-LA)....................#28425
P First Lady Greater New Orleans LA Unit
Hatmaker, Sally (MAL-FL)............................#4728
Jones, Rena (165-TN)...................................#4200
Klimmer, Elmar (121-BC, Canada)..............#4704
Knezek, Harvey (168-TX)............................#13081
First Mate Texas Alamo Unit
Kuehn, Howard E. (025-FL)........................#30883
Lemaire, Raynold ( 167-CT)...........................#203
P Region President
Lanoue, Betty (176-IL)..................................#3931
Leonard, Anna Mary (151-AR).....................#9311
Lochrie, Marjorie Ann (028-FL)....................#8239
Marr, Ralph (099-TX)...................................#26492
McCormick, Diane (MAL-KY).......................#1490
Olejnik, Eugene (052-MI)..............................#9763
Pence, Janet (049-KY)..................................#1584
Peterson, Roy (039-IL).................................#4150
PP Southern IL Unit
Rasmussen, Donna (144-NC)......................#4819
Saunders, Don (002-NY)..............................#3043
PP New York Finger Lakes Unit
Woodard, Ruth (143-TX)...............................#6953
Club News
Welcome to the 38th Florida State Rally
Sarasota Fairgrounds
3000 Ringling Blvd.
Sarasota, Florida 34237-5395
February 15 - 20, 2011
Frank Carson, Rally Director
“Jingle bells, Jingle bells.” Can
you believe it is December already? My
Home Depot put out Christmas decorations for sale in September. That was just
too early, but it is not too early to get in
your registration and check for the Florida
State Rally. Remember, if you sign up by
December 31st, your name will be put in
a drawing for a free registration. That’s
right, if you win the drawing you get all
your registration fee back.
This year our theme is Roses and
Romance, and the colors are red and
white. Decorate the outside of your unit
to fit the theme. The judging will be done
on Saturday afternoon, so everyone can
be involved. A prize will be given to the
winner of this contest. The prize will be
awarded on Saturday night. Bring roses,
hearts and your sweetie to the rally.
Our rally fee is low. $185.00 based on
two people per Airstream and $135.00
for one person in an Airstream. We also
have weekend rates if you can only come
for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bring
your pets for the Saturday Pet Show. Last
year a parrot brought its human owner.
Bask in the sunny Florida weather for
five days. Sarasota is a romantic place
to spend time. It is the home of the world
famous Ringling Museum. There are
beautiful beaches and wonderful Amish
restaurants to visit. This year there will be
craft lessons, new seminars, the hobby
show, sewing seminars, a fashion show,
games and our wonderful flea market.
Evenings start with paid professional
entertainment, door prizes and ice cream.
You can also play bingo at night.
Be sure to attend the Vintage Airstream Open House on Saturday. The
owners of the units are very friendly.
They will share their ideas of the best
products to use and ways to restore an
older Airstream both inside and out.
Camping World will be at the rally
with their new Airstreams, the parts store
and their repairmen to fix any problem
you have. Other vendors will be selling
products Airstream owners might want as
well as doing seminars on their products.
Sunset Chevrolet Buick GMC will have
GM vehicles on display and will be doing
a seminar on towing.
Our charity beneficiary will be All
Faiths/Sarasota Food Bank. With the
economy the way it is, more people are
turning to food banks to provide for their
families. They really need your help.
We hope to see you in February at
the rally. We will not have snow to shovel
or icy sidewalks to fall on. We will have
fun, fun, fun!
Headquarters Notes
Cindy Reed, Corporate Manager
2011 International Rally Have you
registered for the International Rally? The
last day to register at a reduced fee is January 1st. Also, those registered by January
1st are eligible for the drawing of $2,000 in
awards provided by Airstream, Inc.
Seasons Greetings and best
wishes for the New Year.
WBCCI Headquarters Staff
Dot Stengel, Deb Mann,
Deb Sailor and Cindy Reed
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Inspiration 101
Dr. Harold Kingdon, WBCCI #14383
International Chaplain
Preachers sometimes joke that a sermon should consist
of “three points and a poem.” In that spirit I give you the following “three portraits and a punch line.”
Portrait Number One: It was very annoying! A colony of
yellow jacket wasps had settled comfortably in the cement
block foundation just under the threshold of the back door. It
was at the home of our youngest daughter, and her children
were stung more than once while playing in the back yard.
These winged creatures were a hazard. They were a nuisance.
All summer long our daughter and son-in-law tried in vain
to get rid of them. They attacked with wasp spray several
times. They injected an expandable foam substance in the
hole to plug it up. They attempted to block the entry by various other means. Nothing worked! The persistent pests kept
finding their way in and out. It became a battle, and the wasps
were winning.
That is, until finally, a call was made to a local pest control
service appropriately named, “The Birds and Bees.” I was there
when they came to the rescue. Imagine my surprise when
the technician calmly approached the war zone with a small,
hand held device which he inserted into the small opening and
simply squeezed off a couple of puffs of white powder directly
into the nest. Victory at last! The war was won.
Portrait Number Two: A plumber was called to fix a leak.
He looked at the pipe, gripped the hammer with both hands,
struck the pipe as hard as he could, and the leak stopped. He
presented the customer with a bill for $250.35. The owner was
furious: “This is outrageous; you were here only two minutes
and all you did was hit the pipe.” The plumber then itemized
his bill: “Wear and tear on the hammer -- 35 cents. Knowing
where to hit -- $250.00.”
Portrait Number Three: Morris the mechanic was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he
spotted a famous heart surgeon who was standing off to the
side, waiting for the service manager to come take a look at
his Mercedes. Morris shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc!
Is that you? Come on over here a minute.”
The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to
where Morris the mechanic was working on the car. Morris
straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag, and asked argumentatively, “So, Mr. Fancy Doctor, look at this here work. I
ALSO open hearts, take valves out, grind ‘em, put in new
parts; and when I finish, this baby will purr like a kitten. So
how come you get the big bucks, when you and I are doing
basically the same work?”
The surgeon leaned over and whispered to Morris the
mechanic, “Try doing it with the engine running.”
The Punch Line: What do these three portraits have in
common? Simply this: Only an expert with professional experience can handle those problems, which are beyond our
abilities to solve. Therefore, like King David of old, we need
to know when to call upon the Ultimate Professional and say:
“Yes, Lord, help us…for man’s help is useless. With God’s
help we shall do mighty things…” (Psalm 60:11-12).
•Plasticoating and Painting
•Drop Ship from Airstream
•Electrical Work
•Grey Tanks
9241 Sonrisa Street
•Metal Damage
Bellflower, CA 90706
•Carpet, Drapes, Upholstery
(562) 634-6286
•Factory Warranty Work
•Insurance Claim Specialists
•Previously Owned Airstreams
•Free Overnight Parking While
Your Airstream is Repaired
TOLL FREE (800) 662-3790
Blue Beret/December 2010
in the Valley
All Airstream owners and WBCCI members who winter or will be in the Rio Grande
Valley in Texas are invited to meet and greet
each other at our ThirdAnnual Get-Together.
WHERE: Ann’s Restaurant , 221 W.
Bus. Hwy. 83, San Juan, TX
WHEN: Gather at 11:30 am for lunch at
noon Friday, Feb. 11, 2011
WHAT: Lunch/fellowship and gabfest Order/pay for your own meal - either
“All You Can Eat Fried Fish” $6.99 +
tax + drink or order other specials
WHO: Please contact me by Feb. 1st,
so I will know you will be coming:
Don McKelvay #205
Lizard Stewardship
by Jim Cooper
Back in 02, I looked up from a slow fishing day on the
Big Thompson and saw an antique fire truck pulling a shiny
Airstream trailer with a teardrop trailer in tow. I gave up chasing trout and began to pursue the triple restoration, while
remembering the article Rhonda and I had seen in the paper
highlighting a get-together of old Airstreams in Estes Park,
Colorado. I found the Airstreams in time to watch the fire truck
back both trailers into a single space in one pass, a feat that
still intrigues me. The gathering of people encouraged me to
look around and insisted that I return the next afternoon for
an open house.
Saturday afternoon we found a dozen or so silver Twinkies
on the edge of a sea of white boxes, SOB’s (some other brand),
I later learned. A trailer with a turquoise interior had a partially
complete dinette with a folding table and lawn chair cushions.
There was one with no interior except for sleeping bags on the
wood floor. Of course, there were the fully restored Airstreams.
Which exuded more character, the trailers or their owners?
I don’t know, but we’ve come to know and love them both.
It took us eight months to locate a 24 foot Trade Wind
down in Houston. The trailer was 36 years old when the seller
delivered it. Over three months we made it road worthy and
patched the leaky plumbing. Out at the dog track parking lot
Seven below but warm inside!
the day before our first trip, we discovered that I had some
chance of parking it. That relieved our biggest concern before
heading for a rally in New Mexico. Neither of us had pulled
anything bigger than a utility trailer, and we didn’t know if the
Tundra would pull it over the passes, if the trailer would hang
together or if we would survive. They did and we did. We saw
more neat Airstreams at the rally and we began to recognize
the vintage Airstream bonus – the people. The vintage owners are interesting, engaging people who share a common
stewardship attitude about their aluminum trailers. They jokingly call it a disease. They drew us into their circle of activity
and infected us with their camaraderie. Several couples have
become our best friends. That’s a handsome bonus I’d say.
Thinking back over our own refurbishing efforts, stewardship
is inescapable. We’ve seen all degrees of restoration, but we’ve
never seen a vintage Airstream without character, personality,
and inspired owners. The trailers have lasted 25 to 60 years
and it’s hard to accept a repair or change that won’t last that
much longer. I feel like a guardian, not an owner, after all it’s
going to outlast me. It’s hard to feel less after you’ve named
it. Our Lizard is named after the mummified occupants found
behind the stove.
On the road in Utah.
WBCCI congratulates Miranda Lambert for her CMA
nominations and awards won.
Miranda is a member of the Texas Highland Lakes
Unit #172-Region 9.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
An Airstream Christmas...
Decorating for the Holidays
It's that time of the year when our Christmas spirit gets to us and we want to share the season
with our neighbors. Whether you are traveling by yourselves or in a caravan, at a camping rally,
it’s fun to get together and create a holiday wonderland. It can be as easy or involved as you want,
but try to use materials readily available. Look around you and see what nature has to offer.
Limbs, sprigs of leaves ivy, berries, and pine cones and needles, etc are free and fun to collect. Take
care and think - No poison ivy or sumac!
Select a theme or go random. When packing decorations, keep them small and easy to travel.
Family is dear, so bring along the stockings, ornaments and a Christmas throw to make it festive.
Keep lighting safe by using rope lights outside and artificial candles inside. Remember, decorate the
outside of your unit and around. It. Make it look good suring daylight and at night.
Making an event out of the decorations makes it special. Plan the tour after dark so they
show to their advantage. Invite other park visitors to come see If you are going in a group, plan to
sing carols as you stroll through the displays. (Do carry flashlights for safety) A decorating contest
is always fun and can be done to select both inside, outside, or both. You can award a first place,
runner up, and/or honorable mentions. Let everyone have a printed ballot for voting
When showing your unit make it an experience on all levels. Besides visual, Scented candles or
baked items stimulate the nose, and holiday goodies to fill the stomach. Create an atmosphere all
will enjoy.
Best Wishes for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season
From our Airstream to Yours
Herb and Sidra Spies, # 1861
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
Gallup, Over the Rainbow
By Cathy Miller, AZ Unit
Region 11 enjoyed Gallup’s uniqueness from October 6th thru 10th for our annual Region Rally. Thirty-nine rigs camped
at Red Rock State Park, New Mexico, many coming directly from the Albuquerque Balloon Rally. New Mexico is said to be
the Land of Enchantment. In New Mexico, beauty is all around in the red rock formations and the mountains and valleys. We
were even lucky enough to experience a beautiful rainbow. A quick rain shower before the rally started created a rainbow that
seemed to drop directly on the park as if to say “Come join us.” Red Rock State Park is on the Navajo Nation and we learned
the rainbow has significance for the Navajo people. It is included on their Navajo Nation flag as a symbol of their sovereignty.
During the rally there were numerous opportunities to learn about the region. A local Gallup historian entertained us with
her memories of Gallup’s colorful past as a coal mining town. A Navajo weaver and her mother, from Many Farms, on the
Navajo Nation, enthralled us with their weaving expertise and hand-made jewelry. These two Navajo ladies also demonstrated
the Navajo language by speaking a few phrases. Various WBCCI members gave seminars on using the Internet, mentoring,
rig maintenance, T-shirt design, lanyard making, and CPR. And another WBCCI member, whose family went on a long ago
caravan, told stories and showed original photos of a caravan from South Africa to Egypt. The hardships during that caravan
of several months awed us all. Several attendees took time to explore the area by hiking in the red rocks that surrounded
our Airstreams. Amongst all this, Region 11 had their board meeting and also Unit Presidents’ appreciation dinner with all
attendees enjoying the Lion’s Club hospitality.
As we pulled away from Red Rock State Park, many of us left with fine jewelry, pottery and rugs. Also many had photo
memories of this time spent together here at the Region 11 Rally, in the Land of Enchantment.
Pat and Babs Cahalan’s Airstream trailer centered under
the rainbow along with part of Red Rock State Park and
Convention Center.
Region 11 officers are: Dan Neumarkel, President, Richard Girard, 1st VP and
Roger Pruter, 2nd VP. Also included are the wives: Dan’s wife Emily, Richard’s wife Jan and Roger’s wife Jan.
Some of the trailers parked in Red Rock State Park, NM, for the Region 11 rally.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Club News
The China Caravans 25 Years Later
by Joe Peplinski, #5533
Vintage Airstream Club Historian
2010 marks the
25th anniversary of
the last great adventure involving
Airstream trailers
and the WBCCI: the
nine China caravans
held between 1985
and 1988. Other
than the Cape Town
to Cairo and Around
the World Caravans,
no other Airstream
caravan garnered
more publicity than
breaking down the
Communist barrier
to tour China. This
was big news in the
1980s and both the
Chinese and American press toured
with these caravans, leading to many
magazine articles and TV news reports.
Twenty-five years later, the China that
those caravans saw exists no more. The
world has become smaller as remote
areas are modernized. Today there are
no more places in the world that can be
toured by trailer for the first time, but
things were different in the 1980s when
China was a country of contrasts. The
roads were rough and the villages very
remote and primitive, yet the big cities
were already modernizing. China Cara-
Caravan America China at Lake Placid, NY
Blue Beret/December 2010
van participants saw people who had
never seen a travel trailer and rarely an
automobile, and yet these same caravanners also danced in Chinese discos.
Sometimes they saw both extremes in
the same day. The China Caravans were
as close as one could get in the 1980s
to the spirit of Wally’s 1959-60 African
This China adventure was originally
conceived as a series of eight caravans.
The idea for this series of caravans
as well as much of the planning and
organization has been attributed to
the imagination and drive of one man:
Frank Sargent, #1208.
Frank and his wife,
Vivian, joined WBCCI
in 1957, but leading
the first China Caravan was their greatest
adventure. Frank was
the founder of Thetford
Corporation and he was
WBCCI’s International
Relations Chairman
for several years in the
1980s. It is unfortunate
that Frank passed away
in December 2009 at the
age of 100, before he
could be interviewed for
this article.
The planning for the
China Caravans took
almost three years, although most WBCCI
members did not become
aware of them until a tiny
mention in the Blue Beret
in April 1984. A formal announcement was made in
the May 1984 issue and
the application form for
eight China Caravans to
be held in 1985 through
1987 was first published
in the June 1984 issue.
Applications were accepted until October 31,
1984. A $300 deposit was
required with the application form. Since interest
was high, all positions except those of
the leader and doctor for each caravan
were filled by lottery and a standby list
was created for those not chosen in the
lottery. Estimated costs were $12,000
per couple for the first China caravan,
tapering down to $10,000 for the fifth
through eighth China Caravans. This
price covered everything except food,
gas, and souvenirs.
Up to four people were allowed in
each Airstream for the China Caravans,
although it is currently not known how
many trailers had more than two participants. One trailer that did have four
participants was that of Oscar and Etta
Payne, who traveled with their daughter
and son-in-law. Oscar and Etta Payne
are well known caravanners who had
participated with Wally Byam on the
1959-60 Cape Town to Cairo Caravan,
and who pulled their Airstream around
the world in 1961 as advance scouts for
the 1963-64 Around the World Caravan.
Oscar was 91 when he participated on
the first China Caravan!
Airstream made eleven identical
“China Clipper” 21’ single axle trailers with
special floor plans that would be used and
reused for the series of China caravans.
The small size was better suited for Chi-
Club News
The WBCCI Directory currently lists
eleven members and couples that participated on one of the China Caravans.
It would be very interesting to talk with
those caravanners to learn about their
varying experiences in China. Much is
written about the first China Caravan
due to the significant media coverage it
received, but the experiences on the later
caravans are not so well documented.
Perhaps if we work together, some day
we will be able to tell a more detailed
story about each of the China Caravans.
nese roads and the special water filters
installed in the trailers allowed drinking
water to be obtained from “ditch water.”
although boiling was still recommended.
GMC made eleven identical Suburbans to
pull the Airstreams on the caravan. The
engines in these trucks were specially
tuned to run on the low octane Chinese
gas. At the end of the last caravan, the
trucks and trailers were donated to the
Chinese people and left behind.
The first China Caravan was special
in that it included trailer travel within the
United States as well as in China. It began at Jackson Center on June 10, 1985,
when the first group drove off in the new
Suburbans pulling the their China Clipper Airstreams. This group meandered
to the 1985 International Rally in Lake
Placid, NY, where they arrived to much
fanfare and publicity. Participants of
the subsequent China Caravans were
invited to participate in the festivities at
the International Rally and tour the new
Airstreams that they would later use in
China. The first China Caravan group
then left Lake Placid on July 5, 1985,
bound for New York City, where on July
19th the trucks and trailers were put
aboard ship for transportation to China.
These caravanners were then on their
own until September 1, 1985, when they
were to meet in Seattle for their flight to
Hong Kong.
Once the trailers were shipped, each
of the China Caravans were similar, but
offered unique experiences. Each of the
China caravans actually had three parts.
First was 3 days of shopping and sightseeing in Hong Kong. Following that
was 4 weeks and approximately 1500
miles seeing the Chinese mainland in
the Airstream trailers. The first two
China Caravans were only permitted to
travel by trailer within the Fujian Province,
but later China Caravans were able to
visit other Provinces. Each of the China
Caravans followed a different route and
received a reception in a different city so
that every caravanner had a new and
unique adventure. In the third phase of
each caravan, the participants traveled
by air and rail to other locations within
China that could not be reached by
trailer. Sights seen during this phase
included the Great Wall of China near
Beijing and Terra Cotta Army in Xian,
In May 1986, it was announced that
eight more China Caravans had been
approved by the WBCCI Executive
Committee. Despite this approval, only
one additional China Caravan was run.
It occurred in 1988 and brought the
total to nine China Caravans of eleven
Airstreams each.
Frank and Vivian Sargent also
lead Host Caravan H-2 in 1987,
otherwise known as Caravan
Goodwill America-China. It was a
chance for ten American families
to host ten Chinese families during a four week long, 4000 mile
caravan from Fort Myers, FL to
the International Rally in Rapid
City, SD. And host they did, because the Chinese did not drive.
Each hosting couple both had
driving duties pulling their own
Airstreams as well as those to
be used by the Chinese families.
This time Airstream provided 25’
trailers for use by the Chinese
and GMC again provided the tow
vehicles. These trucks and trailers were sold to club members
at the International Rally at the
end of the caravan.
HERE’S THE LAYOUT of the specially designed Airstream “China Clipper” which
will be used on this pioneering travel adventure. Ruggedly built to handle even
the roughest roads that our Caravanners are expected to encounter, the 20 foot,
6 inch long trailer is 95.5 inches wide and weights 3,480 pounds.
Blue Beret/December 2010
The Third Annual Canadian Thanksgiving and Columbus Day
Special Event Rally - A Smashing Success
, if you can,
attending a
rally that offers you the opportunity with
well defined instructions to journey and
explore on your own, an environment
with a setting that set you in a world
apart, a world that will elevate your discoveries and experiences to new and
heady heights. Magnificent sand dunes,
seashores, sunrises and sunsets, windmills, colorful light houses, gray-shingled
cottages, whale watching, digging for
clams, flea markets, shopping in the
historic most northern town on Cape
Cod called Provincetown. These are
just a few examples of the delights of
the 3rd annual “Canadian Thanksgiving
and Columbus Day Rally” hosted by the
Cape Cod Unit.
Let me explain more clearly with a
few highlights what this part of Cape Cod
has to offer. Cape Cod extends 70 miles
into the Atlantic Ocean and is referred to
as “the bend and bared arm of Massachusetts” by Henry David Thoreau and
is still referred to it in this manner. This
very skinny arm host the most beautiful
National Seashores Park with incredibly
gorgeous dunes, great bike paths and
ranger guided tours. Parking your car by
a endless pristine beach and watching
the waves come in envelopes you in the
sheer beauty of your surroundings.
Provincetown or P-town as the locals
call it, was once a thriving whaling industry, in fact it was the third largest whaling
town in the U.S. Today it combines the
sophistication of a small city, with all the
charm of a small coastal town. The arts,
Blue Beret/December 2010
by Martha Clark, #3137
theater, fishing and alternative lifestyle
choices clearly defines this unique and
eclectic town. Even though the whaling industry has ceased, the town still
provides whale watching. If you like
shopping in original historical buildings,
Commercial Street is the place to be
and, if you like architecture, you won’t be
disappointed. Visiting the museum and
the local library with a big sailing ship
on the inside center of the building, and
watching the activity of fishing or sailing
boats in the harbor seems therapeutic
and relaxing — it is all part of the ambience of P-town and it is within walking
distance of the campground! Gary Coxe
presented a thorough explanation on the
history of P-town adding more depth for
visitors to appreciate this marvelously
historic town.
First Vice President Tye Mott and
Ron Chateauneuf, of the Cape Cod Unit,
hosted the rally. They clearly set the
tone and the atmosphere, resulting in a
happy and a relaxed fun filled experience
for everyone. Their youthful energy, enthusiasm and seemingly effortlessness
reflected the leadership of our younger
WBCCI members. Tye’s energy inadvertently created a wonderfully symbiotic
relationship between young and older
members expressed in supportive roles
and bantering back and forth with much
humor, giving this fellowship a happy,
light and an all embracing atmosphere.
Not only was this rally represented
by different ages or life style choices,
members also traveled from various
and distant places i.e., Prince Edward
Island, Canada; Toronto, Canada; Massachusetts, Maine, New York, Florida,
Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
At 7:30 AM before members left to
explore the area an absolutely delicious
and varied breakfast was served each
day such as egg casserole, bagels, yogurt with fruit, pancakes with sausages,
muffins, coffee, tea, and orange juice
sustained us until lunch in one of the
many fine restaurants in Provincetown.
Every day at four o’clock everyone
returned for “happy hour” sharing and
comparing the days experiences. Friday
night a potluck dinner was served and
as usual no potluck is ever a failure.
Saturday’s dinner was far beyond our
expectations. Imagine being treated to a
delicious hot bowl of clam chowder soup,
followed by all the steamed clams you
could possibly eat and finally a great big
succulent lobster with homemade potato
salad, ears of corn and yes, dessert. It
was all heavenly sinful. Tye Mott and
Ron Chateauneuf where assisted with
the food preparation and serving by Mary
Rosenbach of the Cape Cod MA Unit and
Pat Badgero, of the Columbus Ohio Unit.
Our thanks and appreciation. They made
it all seem so easy and flawless. Sunday
we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving by
singing the Canadian National Anthem,
eating Pumpkin Pie and sharing warm
fellowship as we began to wind down
this exceptional experience at Cape Cod.
First Vice President Tye Mott has good
reason to be proud of his rally program,
his and his Unit members’ hospitality to
continued on page 45
WBCCI Headquarters
803 E. Pike Street
Jackson Center, OH 45334
To join, contact Deb Mann,
Membership Director,
or go to
and join online!
Welcome to the Airstream RV Association
Affordable Adventure is now yours!
• Free Overnight Parking
(Courtesy parking with Airstream owners)
• Discounted Camp Sites
• Reduced Parking & Activity Fees
• Caravans •
(cost per day 50% less than commercial offerings)
• Rallies
(Local, Regional, and National)
J o i n To d a y !
• Ten Issues of the official WBCCI
• Annual Directory
(WBCCI members and related Airstream activities)
• Vintage and Classic Airstream
• Youth Activities
• RV Insurance Discounts
WBCCI offers you affordable
fun and exciting opportunities
to enjoy your Airstream and the
RV lifestyle. Whether you are
traveling with your children or
have retired to travel the world,
you can do it best in the oldest
and finest RV Association.
• SkyMed InsuranceDiscounts
2011 International Dues - $65.00 plus unit dues
Blue Beret/December 2010
Robstown,TX78380 2QueenSizeBeds$74
IBT Seminar: Tues-Wed, Jan. 25-26
IBT Meeting: Fri, Jan. 28
RALLYFEE: $65.00PerPersonX_____ $_________________
$10.00PerPersonX_____ $_________________
$20.00PerNightX_____ $_________________
Blue Beret/December 2010
International Convention/Rally
A Day Trip from Du Quoin
Dottie Steurer #4025
While you are at the International Convention/Rally in Du Quoin, Illinois, you will probably want to see the countryside,
the Mississippi River, and historical areas. On a nice day trip you could see the French town Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, Popeye’s home of Chester, Illinois, and visit two forts. There is history to see, shops to visit, restaurants to enjoy, and the river
to experience and cross. Look for six nicknames for the Mississippi River in this article.
1. Fort de Chartres:
France claimed the Illinois Country,
from Lakes Michigan and Superior to the
Ohio and Missouri Rivers, for more than
a century in the mid 1600s and 1700s.
Because the French wanted furs and
minerals in the area, they established
government with the army officials, mining engineers, and
workmen. Wooden Fort de
Chartres was built in 1720 on the
Mississippi to protect villages
from the Indians.
The Mississippi often flooded
the fort, so the army relocated
another wooden fort a few years
later. Well, the expected gold
was never discovered, the area
was a victim of bad management, and the fort fell into bad
French leaders still wanted
to maintain trade and defense.
Lead was found on the west
side of the river, and the bottomland produced wonderful
crops. Slowly a stone Fort de
Chartres was built and served
for 10 years. After the Seven
Years’ War, France surrendered
what was called Illinois to Great
Britain. The British didn’t have
much use for the Fort, it eroded
badly, and it was abandoned.
Much of it collapsed into the
river. Residents took what was
Today, part of the fort has
been rebuilt. There are bastions, musket
ports, and embrasures for cannon. There
is a guardhouse, storehouse, barracks,
and a museum.
2. Fort Kaskaskia:
The village of Kaskaskia was one of
the first French settlements in Illinois.
For more than a century it was the principal commercial center in the region.
For two years it was the first capital of
Illinois. The nearby fort was built on a
bluff in 1759. It was later destroyed, so
the British couldn’t gain control of it. By
1784 bandits occupied the area. Later
the U.S. renovated the fort. Eleven men
were chosen from Fort Kaskaskia to
participate in the Lewis and Clark expedition. Fort Kaskaskia was last used in
the War of 1812.
Today you can see the remains of the
fort, an early cemetery, and a beautiful
overlook of Old Man River. Enjoy a picnic
lunch. Panels depict the early history.
A footpath leads to the Pierre Menard
Home State Historic Site at the bottom
of the bluff. Pierre Menard was an early
French fur trapper and later a politician.
His home is a good example of Southern
French Colonial architecture. The home
can also be reached from Kaskaskia
Road in Ellis Grove.
3. Crossing the Mighty Mississippi:
Now that you have seen
the Mississippi from the
bluff at Kaskaskia, you
will want to cross over it
to the west. You have two
choices. The first is a ferry
from Modoc, Illinois, to Ste.
Genevieve, Missouri. The
Modoc Landing is accessible from Illinois Highway
3 and Illinois Highway 155.
You can ride the boat and
think Tom Sawyer and
Huckleberry Finn. You’ll
be riding across the Father
of Waters. It is $12.00 for
a car. Don’t forget to flash
your headlights for service.
Should you just want to be
a pedestrian, you can cross
for $2.00. The ferry runs
during daylight hours about
every 15 minutes.
You can also take the
truss bridge from Chester, Illinois to Perryville, Missouri.
This bridge was finished in
1942. However, a tornado
in 1944 caused two 670-foot
spans to collapse into the
Big Muddy Mississippi. By
1946 the bridge was reopened. It was in
the 1967 movie In the Heat of the Night.
4. Ste. Genevieve:
As with the forts, settlers built their
towns along the Mississippi only to find
the river lapping at the doorsteps. It
was the same with the French town of
Ste. Genevieve, which was built in the
1740s and is the oldest town in Missouri.
Townsfolk still talk about the great flood
Blue Beret/December 2010
International Convention/Rally
of 1785. Sections of the bank gave
way. Citizens scurried for higher ground.
Keelboats were seen tied up to chimneys.
There was an awful mess when the waters finally receded. People salvaged
what they could and moved the town to
a safer location.
There the people built wonderful
French-colonial style buildings and
houses. And much of the architecture
remains to this day. Typically the buildings were constructed of massive logs
set vertically to form the walls. Sturdy
trusses support roofs and porches. The
town itself once rivaled St. Louis in size
and importance.
With the Louisiana Purchase, French
Ste. Genevieve became part of the United
States. Americans came and left their
influence and style, too. German immigrants built brick homes and stores in
the community in the mid 1800s.
Today you can still see the 18th and
19 century houses in Ste. Genevieve’s
National Landmark Historic District. The
houses are restored, not reconstructed.
You can see and touch original posts,
trusses, and pegs.
Enjoy a walking tour; at least five
important houses, a church, and a museum are open to the public. Visit the
Saint Genevieve winery. And if you are
hungry, there is dining in the historic area
and, also, shopping. The accompanying picture shows the period garden at
Bolduc House.
5. Chester:
In the mid 1800s Chester was a big
trading post on the Great River. Wonderful crops grew in the rich soil along
the river. Farmers came to Chester in
wagons and ox carts to load their veggies and other products on boats for
shipment. A plank road was built to help
the farmers cross the low and swampy
areas; a covered bridge was built to cross
Mary’s River. It was used from 1854 to
1930. The bridge is 86 feet long and rests
on the original stone. There has been
renovation, but a lot of original timber
remains. St. Mary’s covered bridge is on
Illinois Highway 150 between Chester
and Bremen in a roadside park. It is
the only remaining covered bridge in
southern Illinois.
If you really like old bridges and want
to do a little hunting, look for Rock Bridge.
It is abandoned and overgrown with
weeds, but still standing. It is on Rock
Bridge Road in Chester, southeast of
the courthouse.
If you like to picnic, Chester has a small
park overlooking Big River. It is called
“Smith’s Landing” named for the founder
of Chester. The park has a flowerbed in
the shape of a boat, a brick walkway,
and benches and tables.
The historical 1855 Cohen Home is
located on Harrison Street and overlooks
the Mississippi. It has unusual blue storm
windows and is easy to spot from boats
on the river or from the Missouri side of
the Chester Bridge.
And speaking of unusual, Chester
has a six-foot bronze statue of Popeye
near the bridge. The creator of Popeye’s
characters based them on people he
knew in Chester. Other character statues are in various places in Chester. Of
course, there is an annual Popeye picnic
and parade.
Hopefully, on a nice Midwest day,
you will find a little adventure in some
of these locations.
Band Musicians Wanted
for the 2011 International Rally
Du Quoin, Illinois
Barbara Lambrecht, Director
Our Festival of Music Show will be
presented on Wednesday, June 29th,
featuring the WBCCI Concert Band. If you
read music and play a standard band
instrument, we want you to join with us
to share in the excitement of playing in a
great band and the reward of hard work
in a fun filled atmosphere. Each year our
members, spouses and friends make new
and lasting friendships. I also encourage
you to bring your grandchild if they are
currently involved in a school band program to participate with us in the WBCCI
band. The band instruments include
Woodwinds, Brasses and Percussion.
We are in need of Clarinets, Trumpets
and Drummer. Your equipment needs
are your instrument, music stand and
necessities for your instrumental needs.
A uniform consisting of a white short
sleeved shirt, red tie, black or navy trouser or skirt, black shoes and socks. You
need to purchase a Red Golf Shirt from
Blue Beret/December 2010
John Landry anytime during the 2 week
rehearsals. If you have never played in
the WBCCI band or not within the past few
years, please send your name, address,
phone number, instruments you play and
a summary of your music experience
to me at: 6776 Fiesta Dr., El Paso, TX
79912 or phone me at 915-433-6678 or
6/11 Early Workers parking
6/13 Authorized Early Band Parking
Orientation Meeting - MONDAY at 7:30
PM at my trailer #2882
6/14 TUESDAY - 8:30 AM Rehearsals
begin and continue daily
6/28 TUESDAY - First dance featuring
the WBCCI Dance Band
6/29 WEDNESDAY - Festival of Music
Concert by the WBCCI Concert Band
Now is the time to mail your volunteer
coupon to
Headquarters. In accordance with Rally Committee Policy to
be authorized for early parking, you must
be preregistered. To do this, complete
both the preregistration and the volunteer coupon from a current Blue Beret
and mail to Headquarters in Jackson
Center. To be listed on the band roster,
you must complete the information on
the volunteer coupon. PLEASE NOTE:
For those of you who have previously
preregistered, don’t forget to send in your
Volunteer Coupon. If you have not had
a reply from me within 6 weeks of mailing
your coupon to Headquarters, please
contact me. I will be home until May 30th.
Lets make this another outstanding and
memorable musical year of FUN, FELLOWSHIP AND ADVENTURE. Come
on and join THE FUN!
Convention/Rally Feesforregistrationsreceivedprior to January 1, 2011,willbe$475forcouples,$375forsingles,and$120
foreachadditionaladult. Convention/Rally fees for the first 1100 to register include 30 amp electricity and water. Pump trucks
will be used. (Please note that there is no 3 amp electricity or generator section available).
Rally Fees received after January 1, 2011,willbe$500.00forcouples,$400forsingles,and$130 foradditionaladults.
adrawingforup toatotalof$2,000.00 inawards. Theseawardsmayberedeemedatany Airstream DealershiporattheJackson
Center Service Centerforpartsandservice.
Free parking in the Bull Pen, with no services,ispermittedforonenightbeforeyourassignedparkingdateonly.Ifyouarrive
beforeyourparkingdateandareparkedwithservices,theparkingfeeis$25perday.Please use the marked gate on Route 14.
FEE REFUND POLICYAllconvention/rallyfeerefundrequestsmustbepostmarkedbyMay 15, 2011,andmustincludethe
Convention/Rally Parking Pass Receipts will be mailed beginning January 17, 2011.
Make checks payable to: WBCCI
Mail to: WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Canadian Checks must be stamped “US Funds” For registrars only: Amt:__________ Check #__________ Date:__________ Recd. by:________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54th International Convention/Rally
DuQuoin, Illinois
June 28 - July 4, 2011
LAST NAME ____________________________________________ FIRST__________________________________WBCCI #_____________
CITY__________________________________________________________ST/PROV ________________________ ZIP______________
Mark boxes that apply:
prior to Jan. 1
after Jan. 1
@ $475.00
@ $500.00 __________ � First International
�Airstream w/2 adults
�Airstream w/1 adult
@ $375.00
@ $400.00 __________
�Additional adult in Airstream
@ $120.00
@ $130.00 __________ � Staying Off Site
� _____ Youth (Ages 4 - 19)
@ $ 60.00
@ $ 60.00 __________ � Prefer to park in Dog Section
�Youth after two full youth payments:
_____Youth (Ages 4 - 19)
� Vintage Parking
�Not bringing Airstream DEDUCT $200.00 DEDUCT $200.00__________
�WBCCI Life Members DEDUCT $5.00
DEDUCT $5.00 __________ � Handicapped Parking
Application on file at Headquarters
$ __________
For registrars only: Amt:__________ Check #__________ FEE REFUND POLICY All rally fee refund requests must be postmarked by May 15,
Date:__________ Recd. by:________ 2011, and must include the complete pass receipt. All cancellations will be assessed a
$30.00 administrative fee. There will be no refunds if postmarked after May 15 except
as approved by the International Rally Committee.
Make checks payable to: WBCCI
Canadian checks must be stamped US FUNDS
Mail to: P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Blue Beret/December 2010
International Convention/Rally
In honor of our International First Lady,
Linda Beu, a new category
is being added to the two photo
contests at the Du Quoin International.
The new category will be
Yes the color YELLOW !
When you see YELLOW !
Shoot YELLOW !
If you enter the 4X6 “Snap Shot” contest.
If you enter the open photo contest
John Hice, Chairman, Photo Print Contest
Blue Beret/December 2010
Three Presidents - One Unit
The Iowa Unit is proud to have three WBCCI presidents
at the same time, as seen in the picture. From left to right,
they are: June Ryan (Region 8 President), Norman Beu (International President) and Nancy Helle (Iowa Unit President).
-submitted by Chuck Cabalka Jr., #6464
Iowa Unit 1st VP
The Northern Experience Caravan
July 8 to August 8, 2011
Leaders: Dave & Linda Andrzejewski #811
What’s on your “BUCKET LIST?” Is traveling to an unusual
destination, meeting new people, and experiencing different
cultures something that interests you? How about the possibility
of watching Polar Bears in the wild or viewing White Beluga
Whales as they swim in the Arctic? Then join us on the Northern Experience Caravan as it travels from Sioux Falls, South
Dakota to Thompson, Manitoba, Canada. We leave the RVs
behind and fly aboard a chartered flight to Churchill, Manitoba,
which lies on the
southern edge
of the Eastern
Churchill, known
as the Gateway
to the Arctic and
the Polar Bear
Capital of the
World, we’ll have
the opportunity
to take a comSwan River Park
tour of the
area including Fort Prince of Whales, a massive stone fortress
with 40-foot thick walls; the Eskimo Museum with its expansive
collection of Inuit artifacts, and the Hudson Bay Lowlands, a low
plain locked in permafrost known as the third largest Wetland
in the world. Beluga Whales are common in the Arctic coastal
waters in the summer months, so we’ll do two expeditions by
boat to view the beluga whales up close. They have an unusual
ability to turn their heads from side to side and are very
curious and social. You just might spot a polar bear or
two wandering along the coast because, like people, they
are interested in the whales but for different reasons, of
course. The tundra should be in full bloom when we do
a flora, fauna and birding tour of the tundra by Tundra
Rover, an experience in itself. Look for caribou, the arctic fox and
other wildlife as we
roam this
vast area.
On our fourth
day in Churchill,
we will tour the
Goose Creek
area up the
Churchill River where the
ecology and
Saskatoon Berry Picker
landscape is
vastly different than the
Hudson Bay
We will return to Thompson, MB by
private rail-car
for a different
perspective of
this unusual
territory. Our Two Beluga whales with babies
train journey
will take us through a variety of unique habitats as we travel
south from the Arctic Tundra through a dense boreal forest
to the vast open prairie. Our southward trip takes us through
the beauty of the Up North wilderness, and skirts along to
the west of Lake Winnipeg. The conclusion of the Northern
Experience is in Winnipeg, so you can continue to travel in
Canada or return in a short distance back to the USA.
This thirty-one day caravan will rendezvous in South Dakota
Saskatoon berries
Polar bear watching
Beluga whales
Tundra Buggy
Blue Beret/December 2010
Marion Pember, Chairman, WBCCI Caravan Promotions
There are many types of caravans, and ground near Custer, SD. There are deer Park is always a great experience and
you too can go on one. Often overlooked and elk to see around this campground. was another of the activities enjoyed by
are Regional caravans that are shorter It is located on the site that was used by the caravan. Who cannot be inspired by
than most National caravans, and provide General Custer in 1874 when he estab- those great faces carved in stone that
great opportunities for Airstreamers to lished it as his permanent campground. remind us of an important part of our
travel in a caravan.
From here he carried on his exploration heritage as Americans?
An example of such a caravan was of the Black Hills.
And then there is the lighter side of
the Wandering to Wyoming, a Region
There is more to a caravan than just activities provided by this caravan. A
1 caravan that traveled to Gillette, WY places to camp. Caravans also provide favorite of some was the Indianapolis
for the International Rally.
Speedway. To be able
Starting in Danbury, CT,
to tour the facilities, with
this caravan had 13 rigs
a firsthand view of the
and used 23 days to travel
race track and the workto Gillette. The caravan
ing of the raceway was
leaders were Rich and
awesome. Who would
Dottie Walbridge.
realize when watching
All caravanners enthe Indianapolis 500 all
joyed full hookups, and
that had gone before
three campgrounds prothe race and continued
vided these in such a way
during the race to make
as to gain special mention.
it happen. When there
One of the facilities that
is another Indianapolis
impressed caravanners
500 Rally, it makes one
was the Cross Creek
ready to sign up.
Resort, Delaware, OH. A
Why would you want
large swimming pool, easy
to go on a Regional
access to local attractions,
Caravans? You would
and Internet availability
most likely stay in difcertainly helped. They
ferent campgrounds
also have planned activi- The Wandering to Wyoming Region One Caravan just about to leave for the last
and be involved in dif60-mile ride to Gillette. This last stop was at the base of Devil’s Tower.
ties every weekend.
ferent activities, but the
-photo by Jerry Ingallinera, #18081 and submitted by Rich Walbridge, #3371
Another favorite place
fun of being with other
was the Penn Wood Airstream Park in opportunities to explore attractions and Airstreamers would be the same. And
PA. It’s just 4 miles off Interstate 80, learn new things. One important stop for if it happened to be another one led by
Exit 64, near Clarion, PA. It is also the this caravan was the Abraham Lincoln Rick and Dottie Walbridge, you would
headquarters of the Pennsylvania Unit Presidential Library and Museum in know it was being led by considerate
of WBCCI. If you haven’t stayed there Springfield, IL. Regardless of how much and caring leaders who go out of their
you are missing a real treat.
you may already know about Lincoln, way to assist all participants to enjoy the
If you want to spend some time in the visiting here will expand your knowledge caravan. Fun…fellowship…adventure,
Black Hills region, one of the caravanners about him.
it’s all right there on a Regional caravan.
recommended Custer’s Gulch CampSeeing Mount Rushmore National
(Information submitted by WBCCI
members on the caravan.)
The Northern Experience Caravan continued
following the 54th International Rally in
Illinois. Our northward itinerary will give
us plenty of time to enjoy the countryside
and particularly the ethnic communities
of southwest Manitoba. Dauphin, MB,
our first stop once crossing the border
into Canada at the International Peace
Gardens, has a rich history with many
cultures. Here we have the opportunity
to enjoy true Ukrainian hospitality with a
Blue Beret/December 2010
traditional dinner and an evening with the
colorful Zirka Dance Ensemble.
Our travels will take us through a
landscape that dramatically changes
from abundant fields of corn and canola,
to expansive wheat production, to the
cattle lands, the mountains, the forests,
the woodlands and finally the tundra.
Your experiences will be as varied as
the landscape. Have you ever tried
bannock or Saskatoon berries? Did you
ever wonder how paper is really made or
who makes those really big fire engines?
Join us on this adventure where we’ll
answer those questions and don’t forget
your camera, because you just might get
that picture of a lifetime.
National Rallies
51st Annual Hobo Rally
Blythe, California
Hosted by Region 12, WBCCI
January 31 - February 6, 2011
Joe ten Berge, Region 12
Hobo Chairman
Hobo Time Is Coming
When you send in your coupon for a reservation to the most
fun rally of the New Year – it will be the Hobo Rally in Blythe,
CA beginning on January 31, 2011. Let me tell you what you
can expect. Upon arriving you will be greeted by the friendliest people in the entire WBCCI and
then the parkers will see that you are
parked in a great area, mostly on nice
green grass with water and electricity
Don’t worry about cooking that night
of arrival, because dinner is furnished.
Just bring your favorite drink and maybe
a snack to the club house and join everyone else for a very special happy
hour where you will greet old friends
and make new ones. We will also have a special welcome
for ‘first timers’ so even if you’ve never been here before, you
will get familiar with what will be taking place.
Each morning you can enjoy coffee and P, B, and J and
maybe even more. Two mornings there will be a special
breakfast served. Toscano RV furnishes a hot dog-chili lunch
several days and on Saturday our top chefs prepare that
wonderful Hobo Stew. Bring your peelers and join in the fun
with the ‘strippers.’
For those who like to keep busy, a couple of tours are planned
and games galore! Bridge, Holey Board, Joker, Rummy Cube,
Pinochle, Cribbage and for the really athletic types the Poker
Walk and bring your bicycle for the Bicycle Rodeo.
The Craft and Hobby Show is always a winner and the
Flea Market is the time to unload your old stuff and buy some
new stuff.
Evenings are filled with the music from the Hobo Band (bring
your instrument) and professional entertainment two nights.
Some local entertainment will thrill you, but no bell ringing
this year. The Bingo caller is geared up to call the numbers
(on the computer) and some good movies will entertain you
an evening or two also.
Bring your pull tabs that the youth collect at the International
Rally and we will take them for you if you don’t plan on going. Another thing, please have your Membership Numbers
displayed on your RV. It is a must in case of an emergency
or if you need to be found.
The biggie, of course, happens on Saturday – the Hobo
Parade, the selection of the Hobo King and Queen and the
crowning of them. The men who started growing that facial
hair on January 1, 2011, will be judged to see who is the
“prettiest!” That stew that was mentioned earlier is also the
highlight of Saturday evening.
Plan on joining in the fun – get your Hobo duds ready, so you
can enter the Saturday afternoon parade and selection of the
CA JANUARY 31, 2011.
Al Buchanan, Viking Trail Caravan Leader,
is befriended at the Newfoundland Insectarium.
-submitted by Cam Murray, #3580
Blue Beret/December 2010
National Rallies
St. Augustine Easter Rally
St. Johns County Fairgrounds
Elkton, Florida
April 19 – 25, 2011
Limit: 50 Airstreams
Vic Smith
The Florida Unit
is proud to present the 15th annual
WBCCI National St.
Augustine Easter
The rally is held at
the St. Johns County Fairgrounds with
30 amps electric,
water, modern restrooms with showers,
dump station, and
a school house that
seats 120 people
where we will meet,
eat and be entertained.
The Rally Fee is $225 per Airstream with two people and
for that you get:
Six nights of parking (a $210 value or more at a local RV Park)
So for the additional $15.00 you get:
Refreshments every night
Red Train tickets to tour St. Augustine, good for Wednesday through Saturday.
But wait, there’s more for that $15.00!
Tuesday: Is the arrival day with an afternoon social hour,
opening ceremonies, and professional live entertainment.
Wednesday: A Pancake Breakfast, a tour of St. Augustine on the Red Train and in the evening professional live
You say you want more for that magical $15.00! How
Thursday: A boat cruise on the Matanzas River, free time
to sightsee, followed by professional live entertainment in
the evening.
Not enough yet? Then how about this!
Friday: A tour of the Fountain of Youth followed by free
time to relax, ride the Red Train and see more of the City.
(Caution: don’t drink too much from the Fountain of
Youth. You may become too young to drive home.)
The evening ends back at the fairgrounds with more professional live entertainment.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Saturday: Enjoy our delicious Breakfast Special; Omelet
in a Bag. Then the famous Earl Leggett Zany Olympic
Games, ending the evening with a presentation by actor and
historian Robert Gill.
Finally, and we’ve saved the best for last!
Easter Sunday: You can attend the Sunrise Service on
the Castillo de San Marcos Grounds, or at a venue of your
choice. Then back to the fairgrounds for an Easter Egg Hunt
(with money in the eggs). Next, on to the Easter Parade in
downtown St. Augustine, then back to the fairgrounds for
the catered Easter Dinner at the school house followed by
the Closing Ceremonies.
There are no extra-cost items at this rally. You get it
all for $225.00 or just $15.00 over the normal 6 night fee
at a regular RV park. What a great bargain!!!
Time is getting SHORT and space is LIMITED! Make
plans NOW to join the fun. Only the first 50 applicants get
to attend.
There is fun for all with games, tours, prizes, food, entertainment and great camaraderie.
See the coupon at the back of the Blue Beret. If you have
additional questions: Contact Frank Carson, Email: fc23343@
The Spirit of Cleveland
National Rally
Cleveland, Ohio
June 8 - 12, 2011
Bill “JJ” Johnjulio, Co-Chairman
Come join us at the Cleveland Unit’s first Urban Rally to be
held at the beautiful Burke Lakefront Airport located on banks
of Lake Erie, June 8-12, 2011. For those of you traveling from
the North, East, or South, please consider joining us for a fun
filled 4 days on your way to the International to be held in Du
Quoin, Illinois.
The rally fee will be $100.00 for two in a trailer and only
$75.00 for singles. Three breakfasts, three catered dinners,(one
will be a dinner cruise on the Goodtime II) and parking for 4
nights will be included in the rally fee!
There will be tours of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, The
Cleveland Browns Stadium, The Science Center, Lolly the
Trolley City of Cleveland Tour and many other exciting places
in downtown Cleveland.
There will be other activities for folks to do on their own
during the day ie: fishing, helicopter rides, Fixed Wing Tours,
boating, and many others. There will be 24/7 security in a
gated parking area.
We will limit the Rally to the first 100 RVs, so make reservations ASAP by contacting: Tom Christopher or Bill (JJ) Johnjulio
Co-Chairman, at (Tom) 440-953-9559 or (Bill) 216-533-1752
or watch for the coupon in the Blue Beret. Don’t hesitate to
make your reservation now, as we can only accept 100 RVs
this first year. We promise you a fun filled Rally.
Special Event Rallies
Canton Arts/Crafts Rally
Multipurpose Complex
Canton, Mississippi
May 9 - 14, 2011
Evelyn Hitt
This is a must-see-to-believe
rally. Artisans participate by invitation and the products must
be hand-crafted and of superior quality. The prime sites are
located on the historic courthouse square and extend to outlying streets, all within walking distance. The historic Trolio hotel
on the square provides a comfortable place for resting and
storing purchases. Transportation to and from the market is
provided at regular intervals. The rally site has full hookups
with concrete pads.
In route to Canton, consider traveling the historic Natchez
Trace Parkway (no commercial traffic); take Hwy. 16 to Canton.
Many optional tours will be offered, which may include the
Nissan plant, the Governor’s Mansion (on the National Historic
Register), the agriculture museum showcasing many things
related to agriculture and life on the farm, Wildlife museum with
every animal and fish in Mississippi on display, movie museum
with props from movies “Oh Brother Where Art Thou” and “My
Dog Skip,” which were filmed in Canton, Mississippi, Coffee
Company where coffee beans are roasted and packaged,
and others. Also, in the area is the National Battleground in
Vicksburg, a petrified forest and botanical gardens.
Included in the rally fee are two (2) catered meals and one
breakfast. There will be entertainment on one or two evenings.
For more information contact: Harriette Warren, 109 Cottonwood Court, Madison, MS 39110, Phone: 601-856-7549
or Evelyn Hitt, 427 Bradford Dr., Brandon, MS 39047, Phone:
30th Annual Rose Parade Rally
Pasadena, California
December 28, 2010 January 1, 2011
Judy Bechthold
Region 12 will be hosting the Rose
Parade Special Event Rally in Pasadena,
CA only a couple of blocks from Colorado
Blvd., the site of the 122nd Tournament of
Roses Parade on New Year’s Day.
The fee includes 4 nights of dry camping in a fenced area,
morning breakfasts, two dinners, tours and curbside viewing
of the fantastic Rose Parade from your own chair. Pasadena
is loaded with things to do and great shopping is just across
the street. Check out
The rally is limited to 25 rigs so be sure to sign up early.
See this edition of the Blue Beret for a coupon or go to www. For questions contact Judy at 530-9080400 or email her at
Region News
Region 1
Cynthia Melocik
Christmas is coming and we’re looking for a spot where
we can celebrate. Let’s see...
Before we can have Christmas, we need a tree. How
about cutting down your own...maybe one just the size for
your rig? Massachusetts has Christmas Tree Farms, as do
the other NE states.
How about Christmas sleigh rides? In CT you can choose
from Loon Meadow Farm in Norfolk, Wood Acre Farm in Terryville or maybe Allegra Farm Sleigh Rides in East Haddam.
In MA, try Krochmal Farms in Tewksbury, McCray’s Farm in
South Hadley, or Roy E MacGregor Jr. in Groton. NH suggests Point of View Farm in Deerfield, Silver Ranch in Jaffrey
or The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel in Dixville Notch. In ME
visit High View Farms in Harrison, Rockin’ Horse Stables in
Kennebunkport or maybe Smiling Hill Farm in Westbrook.
In VT you can choose from Hawk Inn & Resort in Plymouth,
Mountain Valley Farm in Waitsfield, or the Adams Farm in
Wilmington. As for RI, maybe Chepachet Farms & Carriage
Works in Chepachet, Field of Screams in West Greenwich, or
maybe Llama rides! They’re at The Llama Farm in Cumberland.
If we’re in Canada we might want to try: Raftin Matawin in
Rivière-Matawin, QC or Traineaux A Chiens Richard Lapointe
in Sainte Adele, QC; or even Old Port of Montréal Jacques
Carter entrance, Montreal, QC. And this is just a few of the
Now, where to camp? It is winter and it could snow or
freeze, but there are possibilities. Some facilities are limited
during winter but it is possible to make reservations for yearround camping. Check the Internet for more information.
Some listings indicating year-round camping are Danforth Bay
Camping Resort in Freedom NH, Big Rock Campground in
Lincoln; Campton Campground in Campton. In ME, DLC in
Durham, Windsong Campground in Parsonfield, Nadeau’s
Nest in Lebanon. In VT Merck Forest & Farmland Center,
Rupert, Green Valley Campground, East Montpelier, Lake
Dunmore Kampersville, Salisbury. In CT Strawberry Park in
Preston, Aces High RV Park in East Lyme, Mystic KOA in
North Stonington. If you know of others, spread the word.
Merry Christmas
Region 2
Bonnie MacDonald, Contributing Editor
As I write this article President Roy is still on his 6 week
“tow about” of Region 2. It is also our Thanksgiving Day and
our family back in Ontario is struggling with the turkey dinner
without the main cook. We hope everyone south of the border
had a great Thanksgiving and are now in the excitement of
the preparations for Christmas.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Region News
Our visits to the Region 2 Units have been a wonderful way
to spend the fall. We have so many tales to tell and pictures
to show of the great group of members we have in our area.
It didn’t matter which rally we were attending; we were made
to feel so welcome and treated as a member of the group.
At one time I thought we could rate the rallies according to
the food that they had presented but decided that this would
not work because all would be winners. Maybe the types of
activities would be a better rating tool – wrong again! We had
wonderful relaxing days in many picturesque spots of this
region. We toured many interesting areas and were again
awed by all we saw. But most importantly, we met so many
amazing people that we are privileged to now call our friends.
Thanks to all of our Units for being such hard workers in this
Don McKelvay, Membership Chairman, will be pleased to
know that Region 2 is working hard to get new members. We
heard tales about new members who were approached to join
WBCCI when they were just trying out an Airstream for the first
time. This first contact was followed up and we met these new
members at one of the rallies. We heard how some members
were MAL’s and after being included in activities, decided to
join Units. We met some new members who were so pleased
with all that they were learning by being at the rally, and know
that these new members will be good advertisements for our
club. These are just three of the ways that we can increase
our membership in Region 2!
As you are planning your traveling activities, check the
rallies that the Units are working on so you can include some
of these in your plans. I am sure that you will be welcomed
with open arms and get many new ideas to take back to your
Unit. If you have not yet made the decision to join a Unit, attend a variety of Unit rallies and see how much fun you have.
Maybe this will help you decide.
Our Region 2 Rally at the South Mountain Fairgrounds just
outside of Gettysburg, PA next May 26 – 30, 2011, is starting
to come together. This is a very historic area with many things
to visit. Along with the various seminars and meetings and
workshops, this will be a great way to start your new camping
season in the spring.
As we prepare for our holiday time of the year, please
remember all of our members who are fighting many health
issues. A card, note or email to someone who is suffering
at this blessed time would certainly lift their spirits and be a
worthwhile gift to give.
To our members who are traveling this winter, be safe and
enjoy yourselves. We hope to see many of you at the Winter
IBT in Texas in January. Although this is a business meeting
there always seems to be a festive atmosphere with lots of
things to do so “you’ll come on down to Texas.”
Roy, Kathy, Pat, Bill and the rest of the Region 2 team wish
all of our members many blessings this holiday season. We
hope to see you down the road!
Blue Beret/December 2010
Region 3
Carol Bell, Contributing Editor
Here we are again, “another year older and deeper in
debt,” so the song says. While some of this is true, I believe
we have had another year of fun, fellowship, and adventure.
Where did you go this year, what did you do, and who are
some of the folks whose company you enjoyed? I bet if you
take the time to think about it, you will find you have had a
great year. Some of us have lost friends whether they are
gone from us forever or perhaps they are no longer able to
travel with us. We are sad about these occurrences, but we
are thankful for what we had with them when they were with
us. We have been blessed in so many ways and one of the
most awesome is being able to be a part of this lifestyle we
call WBCCI membership.
A new year is approaching and many new experiences
await us if we are willing to embrace them and take advantage of opportunities as they come our way. Do not take your
membership in WBCCI for granted. Step up and become an
active member, go to rallies, volunteer to help out, and get to
know your fellow Airstreamers. This is the ONLY way you will
truly feel and understand what this means to you and others.
By this time most if not all of our Units have new officers.
Welcome and we wish you a good year as you lead your Unit
in 2011. Your Region President, Rick Bell, encourages as
many of you as possible to attend the Mid-Winter IBT, January
24-28, 2011, in Texas. If you are really interested in knowing
what is going on in WBCCI, this is the place to learn all about
it. You can also have some fun while you learn.
We would love to see you at the Florida State Rally in
Sarasota, Florida, February 15-20, 2011. A Region board
meeting will be held during this rally, so we encourage Unit
presidents and others to attend.
Rick and all the Region Staff wish you a very MERRY
See you down the road.
Region 4
Nancy Brett, Contributing Editor
Greetings from Region 4! The end of 2010 is fast approaching – will you be ready for 2011? Where will you find
adventure? Add these rallies to your calendar for a year filled
with fun, fellowship and adventure.
The Computer Rally will be in Van Wert, Ohio, May 9-13,
2011. This is a great way to brush up on your computer skills.
Contact George and Rosa Lee Greenway for more information -
The 34th Annual Region 4 Rally - “Flags, 50’s and Fun” will
also be in Van Wert from May 17-22, 2011. Watch the February Blue Beret for reservation information.
The 54th International Rally/Convention – “Adventure Is
Region News
Where You Find It”- will be held June 28 though July 4, 2011,
in Du Quoin, IL. This International is close enough to Region
4 to plan a caravan and attend with your Unit. Please contact
Region 4 Caravan Chairman Norm Hewer
for caravan information.
The Michigan State Rally - “In the Good Ole Summer Time”
will be in Kalamazoo, MI from August 17-21. Contact Ken and
Anita Briggs 517-543-0636 for more information.
The 49th Swiss Festival National Rally (hosted by the
Land-O-Lakes Unit) will be held September 24-October 1,
2011 - Plan to attend
Wally Byam Caravan Club’s longest, continuously operated
National Rally.
Don’t forget about January. The 2011 Texas Hold’em MidWinter IBT will be held in Robstown, Texas, January 24-28,
2011. The coupon is in the back the Blue Beret, on the web at, then IBT; or call Jerry Larson 972-467-0049.
Our newest Region 4 Unit - NOVA has invited Airstream
owners and friends to join them on Saturday, January 8, 2011,
to tour the largest indoor RV show in the country – www. in Cleveland, Ohio. Courtesy parking will
be available nearby for those who bring their Airstream. For
more information and courtesy parking reservations email Dan
Bihary, NOVA President at or 440-453-9782.
Be sure to check the Event Schedule for Region 4 Activities in the Blue Beret and Consider attending a neighboring Unit rally or luncheon - it’s a great way to
make new friends. Also, please email your schedules and
newsletters to or mail to Nancy Brett,
40 Edgewater Drive, Poland, Ohio 44514.
“Adventure Is Where You Find It” – Your Region 4 Officers
and Staff wish you a blessed Christmas and peace and good
health in the New Year.
Safe travels – see you down the road!
5 membership total at the end of fiscal 2010 was 321. Bob
Moyers is taking resumes for 2nd Vice President of the Region.
Region Chaplain David Leeper has announced that the
Prayer Warriors started last year is continuing and looking for
new members. Prayer Warriors is an email prayer chain that
passes along information about members of Region 5 family
who need to be remembered in prayers. If you would like to
become a member contact Leeper at
Enjoy all the things that go along with this month, yummy
treats, exhausting shopping, friends and family gatherings,
worship services and many others. We wish a Happy New
Year and special blessings in 2011.
Region 5
25th Louisiana Pelican State Rally
“Louisiana The Festival State”
Rayne Civic Center Ballroom
Rayne, Louisiana
March 24 – 27, 2011
Nancy Green, Contributing Editor
Season’s greetings!! Region President Louise Humble
and First Mate Jerry as well as the staff wish you all the best
during this joyful time. Remember all those good times of
fun, fellowship and adventure when writing to your Airstream
friends, a true blessing to us all. Drop a note to those you
haven’t seen at a Unit event and tell them that they are missed.
Next month, there will be no issue of the Blue Beret, so
take time to explore your membership book that will be arriving.
Renew your enthusiasm for the ideals of our club by reading
the creed and code of ethics. Mark your new calendars with
those WBCCI dates and plan to attend many events. The next
Region function will be dinner at Sarasota during Florida State
Rally on Feb. 17, 2011, at 5 pm at Trinity United Methodist
Church, 4150 South Shade Ave.
Focus on membership in 2011 and find at least one new
member. Region 5 is showing significant improvement in membership. The past year it had a net loss of only 13 members.
This compares to a loss of 27 in 2009 and 54 in 2008. Region
Region 6
Sandy Stumpf, Contributing Editor
Mark your calendars now for the 2011 Mid-Winter IBT Rally
that is fast approaching. It is scheduled for January 24-28 at
the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds at 1213 Terry
Shamsie Blvd., Robstown, Texas (birthplace of Texas Hold’em).
The rally fee includes a reception, two dinners, one breakfast, social hour, and three nights of entertainment. There
is an optional banquet. The rally sites have 50 and 30 amp
electrical and water.
If you have never attended a Mid-Winter IBT and you have
the time, this would be a good time to visit South-Eastern
Texas. There is always plenty of sight-seeing opportunities
and good food in Texas. As a good Airstreamer friend once
told us “that’s why Airstreams have wheels - to expand your
horizons, see the countryside, and find new adventures!”
Friends, fun, and fellowship are what Airstreaming is all about!
See you down the road.
Nettie Simoneaux
Louisiana is truly a great place to visit. The year of festivals
begins after January 6th – the traditional Feast of Epiphany.
This is followed by many celebrations in preparation for Mardi
Gras. These begin in earnest in March with the National Mardi
Gras Rally in New Orleans March 2-9, 2011, the two Cajun
Caravans March 8-21, and March 28- April 11, 2011, and the
25th Pelican State Rally, March 24-27, 2011.
Rayne, Louisiana, in the heart of Acadiana is the site of the
Pelican State Rally. You will be in the middle of Cajun Country
with great food and great places to see. Several tours have
been planned. The Rayne Civic Center has excellent facilities
for parking. Travel I-10 to exit 87, turn south to the first traffic light, turn right on Oak Street to Gossen Memorial Drive
and right to the rally site. Meetings will be held in the Rayne
Blue Beret/December 2010
Region News
Civic Center Ballroom. Excellent tours and seminars will be
available. There will be two catered evening meals and two
catered breakfasts and evening entertainment.
The rally fee is $175 for two people per unit, $130 for one
person per unit and $55 for guest. This includes three nights of
parking with full hookups. Early parking is available Tuesday,
March 22nd and Wednesday, March 23rd at $15 per night. A
full refund will be given for those that pre register and need
to cancel by March 15, 2011. Opening ceremonies will be at
10:00 A.M,Thursday, March 24th. Registration will begin on
Wednesday, March 23rd at 10 A.M.
Stay on to enjoy the many festivals coming up.
Region 7
Joan Lahr, Region President
Region 7 Rally
Wings, Rails, and End Zones
De Pere, Wisconsin
July 24 - 29, 2011
All aboard for a great experience in Wisconsin at the Region
7 Rally. Featured events are a day at the world’s largest fly-in
convention, Oshkosh’s AirVenture 2011, a tour of the Green
Bay Packer’s Hall of Fame and the legendary Lambeau Field,
and a visit to our nation’s National Railroad Museum. The
rally site, Apple Creek Campground, is located in De Pere,
just north of Oshkosh and south of Green Bay.
The countdown has already started for EAA AirVenture
Oshkosh 2011 with plans underway for the 59th annual edition
of “The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration.” Highlighted
activities include the Centennial of Naval Aviation. AirVenture
has already been named as one of the U.S. Navy’s top tier
events for support throughout the service’s year long recognition of 100 years of naval aviation. In addition, the centennial
of air mail service is being recognized in 2011, and events
at Oshkosh will include that notable anniversary. A number
of other top-level attractions and programs will also be on
the program. Thousands of aircraft will be on display on the
grounds. Nearly 100 full-size airplanes and model airplanes
and their designers are highlighted in the newest exhibit, “Little
Wings, Big Dreams,” in the AirVenture Museum.
Welcome to Titletown! The Green Bay Packers are the
only community-owned team in the National Football League
and Green Bay is the smallest market to host an NFL team.
But it’s big on football! Lambeau Field Stadium tours allow
fans to experience the Packers’ history-rich facility first-hand
and see several behind the scenes areas. Guided tours trek
through the Lambeau Field Atrium, up to the exclusive Club
Level for a look at the Legends Club. From there, it’s down
and through the players’ tunnel to learn all about the incredible history of the Green Bay Packers. Feel the indomitable
spirit and impassioned energy that makes the Packers and
Lambeau Field so endearing. Outstanding photo opportuni-
Blue Beret/December 2010
ties avail themselves throughout each tour. GO PACK GO!
Relive the most exciting moments in the Packers 90-year
history at the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame. Pure Packers
adrenaline fills this 25,000 square foot area where fans can
see, touch and feel nearly 80 exhibits including three Super
Bowl trophies, a re-creation of Vince Lombardi’s office, and
current and past player locker rooms.
Green Bay’s fame is legendary as a football town, but
standing just out of the limelight of the Packers are lots of
other attractions, including the National Railroad Museum.
Explore the icons of American railroading at the 26,000
square foot National Railroad Museum. From the newest
exhibit, Pullman Porters: from Service to Civil Rights, to the
world’s largest steam locomotive, the Union Pacific Big Boy,
experience the industry that built the nation. Sit in the cab of
the Big Boy. Examine Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s World
War II command train. Ponder the futuristic Aerotrain from the
1950s. As one of the oldest railroad museums in the country,
the National Railroad Museum exhibits a large collection of
locomotives and railcars spanning more than a century of railroading. The Museum will take you on a journey through the
historical and technical development of the railroad industry.
Ride a full size train. Savor a delicious, authentic Spanferkel
(pig roast), which will be served inside this beautiful Museum.
Region 7 Officers wish you all a very Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year!
Region 8
Paul & June Ryan, Contributing Editors
MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year
Camping season has been put to rest for the winter in Region 8. Most of the Units do have luncheons to attend if you
are staying home. However, we do have options to continue
using our RVs all winter. Travel out of the Midwest and go to
the warmer states where you can visit the Units in Regions
who have most of their rallies in the winter months.
Arizona, Florida and Texas are the winter destinations for
several of our members. Anyone going south can attend the
WBCCI Mid Winter IBT in Robstown, TX in January and you
are all invited to attend. Region 9 will be hosting the Rally and
would like your reservations soon.
The IOWA UNIT has monthly luncheons In Arizona on
the first Thursday of each month at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Mesa. If you are in the area anytime from Oct thru
April check the Blue Beret for the contact. In fact it is not only
Iowa but several members from the Region attend regularly.
NEBRASKA UNIT has several members that come to enjoy
the luncheon. They have listed the luncheon in their schedule to encourage more of their members to join the group.
KANSAS CITY also has several members living in the area
that attend. If you live in the East Valley like Mesa, Apache
Jct., Tempe, Scottsdale, or any place in the Phoenix area just
call and they will give you more information. We even have
Region News
a member of the ST. LOUIS MISSOURI UNIT who will drive
across the valley from Sun City West to have lunch with the
Airstreamers. We also have a member from Ohio who lives in
Superstition Resort, formerly an Airstream Park that attends
regularly. So, if you are visiting the Phoenix area, please let
someone know you have time and would like to come to the
luncheon. Former members and guest are invited to attend
while they are in the valley for the winter and, of course, any
WBCCI member is invited to attend any monthly luncheon.
The winter months will pass fast, so keep in mind we are
going to the Amana Colonies for the Region 8 Rally in April.
Have a good holiday season whether you are staying at
home or traveling. Be safe, be happy and enjoy.
Region 9
Ken Sands, Region 1st Vice President
Seasons Greetings to all of the Region 9 Airstreamers. I
know some of you are finished with all of your shopping and
some have not started. This diverse approach to shopping
makes our lives and seasonal events very exciting. Please
put the IBT in Robstown, Texas, on your shopping and gift
giving list. The dates for the IBT are January 24-28, 2011.
The cost for the rally is $65 per person and parking is $20
per night. Your rally fee covers a reception, 2 dinners, a
breakfast, social hour and 3 nights of entertainment. Doug
and Sheryl Wylie are the host/planners for this rally, and we
need to support their efforts.
The IBT seminar is scheduled to take place on January
25 and 26. The seminar is most important to all members,
because each and every member can express his or her views
on each and every amendment brought forward to the IBT.
This is your opportunity to have input on the future of WBCCI.
Hope to see and hear you there.
The installation of new Unit officers is almost complete.
Now is an opportune time for the new officers to review their
Unit’s web page to determine if your postings are current and if
the web page is attractive to your web visitors. Your web page
can be a powerful recruiting tool, or it can be the opposite.
Also, this is the best time to post your 2011 rally schedule as
we start penciling in places we want to go for next year.
On a personal note, I am resigning from the 1st VP position
in Region 9. My resignation will be effective December 15.
You have honored me in allowing me to represent you on
the Regional and International levels. Jim Schwerdfeger will
become your 1st VP and the 2nd VP position will be vacant.
If you are interested in becoming a Regional Officer, please
talk with one of the current Regional Officers or Doug Wylie,
Chairman, Nomination Committee.
Thanks for the ride!
Region 10
Kathy Ciokiewicz, Contributing Editor
Two events occurred close together in September. The first
was my volunteering to act as Membership Chairperson for
the Washington Unit. The second was an opportunity to read
the September Blue Beret with its picture of Frank & Joan Carson on the cover. Frank is a proud recipient of the Founders
Award, WBCCI’s most prestigious membership award. Frank’s
story on page 10 of that issue relates his experience as an
Airstreamer who has made membership recruitment a way
of life. Not all of us are super salesman, as Frank appears to
be, but we are Airstreamers, dedicated to our way of life. Even
the most timid of us are able to approach a “baldy,” introduce
ourselves and offer to share our experiences as Airstream
owners and WBCCI members. History has proven that the
best method to attract new members is by personal contact.
The reason I am bringing this up at this time is that many of
us are either on the road for winter or are getting ready to leave.
While making a list of what to take be sure to add Membership Packets for prospective members. Having a Membership
Packet in our rigs as we travel is an easy way to make that initial
contact when we meet non-members on the open road. You
can obtain Membership Packages from your Unit Membership
Chairperson or from Deb Mann at club headquarters. Al and
I keep old copies of our Blue Beret in the truck to offer as examples of activities and caravans that we take part in throughout
the year. We love to share these with prospective members.
For more information on how to approach and aid an interested
Airstreamer, read International Membership Chair, Don McKelvay’s article on page 17 of the September Blue Beret. Let’s
make increasing membership a goal for Region 10 in 2011.
Whether you are going to be on the road in warmer climates
this winter or sitting at home looking for something exciting
to do, look for the Mid-Winter IBT Rally registration form in
this issue. President Norm Beu writes that the fairgrounds
at Robstown, Texas, has a brand new campground and is
close to a long list of attractions as well as Corpus Christi and
the Gulf of Mexico. Held from January 24 – 28th, there will
be great food and entertainment. Even though this is a club
business rally, it has become a winter destination for many
club members making it a fun rally. A registration form can
be found in this issue.
Enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season!
Region 11
Barbara Vaughn, Contributing Editor
December is a month of celebration! The holiday season is
here with Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa and as we bring
2010 to a close and welcome 2011 we celebrate the New Year.
This is a time for families to gather and celebrate, this includes
our Airstream Family as well. Throughout the Region the Units
have scheduled banquets, luncheons and parties to bring us
Blue Beret/December 2010
Region News
together during this special month. Join in and celebrate the
Season and the common bond of Airstreaming that has given
us so many good friends and wonderful adventures.
January brings our Vacation Land USA into full swing in the
lower elevations of our Region. The Units in the higher elevations are now enjoying a winter wonder land with the snow
covered mountains and frozen streams and lakes, bringing a
beautiful change to the landscape. A change in which many
are not comfortable with continuing their Airstream adventures.
However, our southern Units are welcoming the change from
the hot summer sun to the warm winter sunshine. For those
who want to continue a full schedule of Airstreaming, take
a winter vacation to the warmer climes or perhaps winterize
your home, pack up your Airstream and join the Arizona, New
Mexico and Four Corners Units for a full schedule of fun and
adventure. One very special celebration everyone is invited
to is the Arizona Unit’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary
this January in Yuma, Arizona. Not only will you have the
opportunity to celebrate with
the Arizona Unit, but to visit
Help us Celebrate our
Yuma. A visit to Yuma will
50th Anniversary
take you a step back into
Our Unit is
a rough and colorful page
of U.S. history as well as a
50 Years Old!
glimpse into today’s large
1961 to 2011
scale produce farming inArizona Unit #003
dustry. Check the Arizona
Unit website: arizona.wbcci.
We are starting off 2011
net for a coupon for this
with a Rally at the Yuma
County Fairgrounds in
Airstreaming is at its best
Yuma, Arizona, January
December and January
12-17, 2011. We have a
the southwest. As
bus trip planned, meals
your way to
(including a prime rib
dinner with all the fixAnniversary
ings) and great evening
entertainment as well as
a power point presentaGrande National Monument,
tion of our last 50 years.
Coolidge, AZ is an interesting
Relax and have fun - enplace to start. Here you will
joy the Arizona Sunshine
get the chance to tour the
and fellowship with your
“Great House” and see how
fellow Airstreamers. If
the Ancient Sonoran Desert
anyone has any pictures
People lived and farmed. As
or information you would
you continue your trip on tolike to share, we would
wards Yuma you will find nice
be happy to hear from
camping facilities in Organ
you. Rally fee is $50 per
Pipe National Monument, a
person(bus trip included)
short trip south of Interstate
plus camping is $10 per
8. This side trip will take you
night for water and electric
through the towns of Ajo and
hookup. For information
Why as you travel south to
call 520-876-2806 Nancy
the park. A stop here will
Fisher or Jill Shuck Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
give you the opportunity to take in the clean desert air and
the beauty of the Sonoran Desert at its best. If you stop in
Ajo, once a company mining town, and take a walk around
town you won’t want to miss getting an ice cream cone at
the corner drug store. These are just two of the adventures
awaiting you in the desert southwest.
Adventure is always more fun when shared with friends.
Plan a mini caravan and invite a fellow Airstreamer to join
you. This is a great time to include those new to WBCCI.
There is no better way to get acquainted and introduce them
to the wonderful world of Airstreaming than a mini caravan.
Live the Airstream dream and share it while you keep those
wheels rolling!
For happenings around our Region in December and
January, check the Region Event Schedule in the back of this
issue. Get out and have some fun!
Region 12
Sally Elmlinger, Contributing Editor
Can you believe that another year has gone by? Did you
complete all of your New Year’s resolutions that you made?
Did you go to Unit rallies and to the International Rally?
Well now is the time to make that resolution list for next
year. Lets all try and talk to at least one person in 2011 who
owns an Airstream and doesn’t belong to WBCCI and tell
them what a wonderful club we have.
Region 12 will be finishing out 2010 with the Rose Parade
Rally in Pasadena. Check for more
information on this rally.
A reminder to all Region 12 members that the Mid-winter
IBT meeting is open to any WBCCI member. The 2011
meeting will be held in Robstown, TX, Jan. 24-28, 2011.
There will be 2 dinners, 1 breakfast, social hour, 3 nights of
entertainment and an optional banquet. There is 30 and 50
amp hookups at a great fairground location. Robstown is
located very near Corpus Christi, TX a lovely area on the Gulf
Coast. Check for further information
and an application.
In 2011 Region 12 will be sponsoring the 51st Hobo Rally
in Blythe, CA, Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2011. This is a lovely time of
year in the Blythe area to pull up a chair and sit outside and
enjoy the warm weather.
Region 12 1st V.P. Joe ten Berge has put together a great
rally with some new ideas and something for everyone.
Go to for further information. You
can contact Joe ten Berge, Rally Chairman, at joe.tenberge@ or call him at 209-652-2747.
Remember, Region 12 is the place for fun, fun, fun!
Classic Airstream Club
Free Wheelers Club
Jack Glouner, President
Intra Club For Single Member of WBCCI
In just a few weeks the New Year shall begin. It seems like
only a short time ago we were worried about the ending of the
20th century and the beginning of the new millennium. Now
its ten years later and we are starting another decade. The
Classic Airstream Club has several activities planned for this
upcoming year. First after the Florida State Rally in Sarasota,
Florida, we will have a Rally¸ February 20-23, 2011, at Busch
Gardens in Tampa, Florida. There will be three nights of dry
camping on a Busch Garden parking lot, a two day ticket to
the Theme Park and a buffet luncheon served in the Park.
All this for only $190.00 for two persons in an Airstream RV.
One person in an Airstream RV is $117.00 and an extra person is $73.00. A rally coupon can be found on our website
at or contact Jack Glouner
by e-mail at or telephone 239-598-4325.
Early reservations are recommended since space is limited.
Secondly, on March 16, 2011, the CAC will have a caravan
which rendezvous in Beaumont, Texas, then on to Port Arthur
and continuing to Louisiana visiting Lake Charles. We shall
travel on the Creole Nature Trail ending on March 25, 2011.
We plan to do a lot of sightseeing, eating, fishing or crabbing,
visiting museums, go to casinos plus meet and get acquainted
with new friends. If you wish to join us the cost will be $325.00.
A $50 deposit is due by January 31st. Make checks payable
to Ben Corder and mail to: 1002 SW Allendale Blvd., Lee’s
Summit, MO 64081. A more detailed flyer will be published
in the January CAC Newsletter. Questions should be sent to
Ben Corder by telephone 660-287-3423 or 816-524-5240.
Another caravan is planned to start in July immediately after
the 2011 International Rally at Du Quoin, Illinois. This caravan
will be six or seven stops over 8-10 days visiting many sites
throughout the state of Illinois relating to President Lincoln.
Details and cost will be in a future issue of the CAC Newsletter
and on our website:
This year our annual business meeting will be a luncheon
on June 29, 2011, during the International Rally at Du Quoin,
IL. Details shall be available in the CAC January Newsletter.
If you are not a member of the Classic Airstream Club sign
up today using the membership application available on our
website and join us at our 2011 activities.
Barbara Carney, President
Hard to believe it’s time to say “Merry Christmas” again so
soon. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded
by friends and family and are looking forward to the same at
Our Free Wheeler Club is busy planning our June 2011
Pre-Rally in and around southern Illinois’s beautiful Shawnee
National Forest. Our wish is to start it on June 8th, so that
early workers can be with us before they report to Du Quoin.
After early workers leave us, the rest could enjoy a circuitous
caravan toward Cape Girardeau and St. Louis before returning to Du Quoin.
I would appreciate a call or email from those interested in
coming to our Pre-Rally. I need to know if you would support a
pre-rally and caravan beginning on June 8, 2011, in Metropolis,
IL. After I get a consensus, I can proceed with campground
reservations, etc. This hasn’t been done before and I want
to be sure the club will get behind it.
On my return from Seattle last month, I visited the St. Louis
area and southern Illinois and feel we could have a great rally
there. The only problem would be having enough time to fit
everything into our schedule.
The best way to survey a club our size is to have Region
reps contact their people. Unfortunately, five out of our twelve
Regions have no volunteer Region reps. If you feel your club
isn’t active enough to suit you, there are two main reasons:
(1) We are all spread out from coast to coast; (2) you don’t
have a Region rep in your Region, reaching out to members
with local opportunities to get acquainted.
The fact that you’ve joined Free Wheelers indicates to me
that you’d like to meet people. So why not take the next step
in helping make it happen. To have an active club, you must
have active members.
Vintage Airstream Club
Bob Herman #8556, Contributing Editor
The Third Annual Canadian Thanksgiving continued
guests was a welcome gesture. Through him we have learned
and saw so much of the unique topography that defines
northern Cape Cod. The experience enriched our memories
and our lives. If you would like to experience the Wally Byam
tradition of a true adventure in a beautiful location with less
formality, a great camping experience with a diverse group of
people plan to attend the rally next year—you will not regret it!
NOTE: Some of the leadership present who added to the
overall enjoyment and success of the rally were: Current Cape
Cod MA President John Tavares and his wife Past President,
Rose Tavares. International 1st VP Barry Heckenswiler and
his wife, Lesley. Daniel Dureiko Region one 1st VP and his
partner, Bob Butler, and Immediate Past Presidents of the
Cape Cod MA Unit Trevor and Gale Lake.
VINTAGE RALLY, May 12-16, 2011, Tres
Rio RV Resort Glen Rose, Texas.
member, Ray Hoxie, will collect aluminum cans, minus the pop
top tabs, for recycling for the All Faiths Food Bank in Sarasota.
Yellow collection receptacles will be placed around the rally
area. Please place your cans in these collection units.
Bob Herman 352-584-1503, Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Airstream • 937-596-6111
Dave Schumann, General Manager
Customer Relations Group
Welcome to December! It is hard to believe that the year is coming to a close and we are in the midst of
getting everything organized for the Holidays. The fun part is that all the RV shows are just around the corner
with the many different products Airstream has to offer. Enjoy the Season!
This and That
Have you been to Airstream’s website recently? It is the one stop shop for everything
Airstream; product information, items to purchase for the Holidays and the answers to questions regarding
vintage Airstreams (
Check it out, there is something for you. Airstream,earns green certification!
Here is a sample of
the new label that will
be installed on the
trailers when released.
T.R.Arnold Inc. of Elkhart, Ind., has awarded Airstream an overall “Gold” rating to Airstream’s travel trailers
and has designated the Jackson Center, Ohio, based company as a “Certified Green Capable Manufacturer” after
evaluating its production facility.
Airstream’s signature ‘silver bullet’ has always had a hint of green. The identifying aluminum exterior is
unique and stunning. Yet, it is also made of recycled aluminum. All of Airstream’s RVs utilize LED exterior
lighting. Both the carpeting and hard flooring used are environmentally friendly. They even use a flat screen TV
that is Energy Star rated! The production facility also recycles water for the water test booth and all cardboard
from shipping packaging. These are just a few of the things that helped Airstream earn Green Certification.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Did you know?
WD-40 is great for removing the adhesive left from stickers or tape residue. It even will assist in removing
road tar from your vehicle in addition to lubricating squeaky hinges.
WD-40 has an official list of over 2000 official uses and even has a Fan Club.WD-40 was
developed in 1953 by a company called Rocket Chemical Company, they were working on
creating products for rust prevention and solvents for the Aero Space Industry. It took them 40
attempts to get the water displacing formula worked out. The same secret formula is still used
today. The name WD-40 stands for Water Displacement perfected on the 40th try. It is a great
product to have in your traveling tool box.
Customer Questions
How can I protect the tires on my Airstream over the winter months? I do not have inside storage?
Good question. In a perfect world you would store your Airstream in side a building with a concrete floor. Not
everyone has that luxury, so here are my thoughts: separate tires from the ground by pulling your Airstream
up on wooden planks or blocks. Clean tires and wheels; then coat the wheels or hub caps with a wax and a use
protectant for the tires (inside and outside). Then inflate tires to maximum tire pressure to help support the tire
during storage. Once those items are completed cover the tires to reduce the exposure to UV rays by using tire
covers or wrap with a tarp.
External mounting of spare tire on 1970 Airstream 23’
Does anyone know if the original configuration for this model included a way of mounting the spare tire on
the exterior? I don’t see any place on the shell for doing this. Also, I don’t see a place underneath the chassis
that this would be possible. In the several Airstream photos I have looked at, I don’t see an externally mounted
spare tire in any of them.
Starting in 1969 the frames came with mounting nuts for installing a below floor spare tire carrier behind the
“A” frame. You would cut the underbelly aluminum out along the “A” frame rails back to first cross member.
The aluminum you cut out can now be attached to the bottom of the plywood floor along with the insulation;
once attached to floor, caulk around the edges. Then attach your spare tire bracket to frame rail nuts and locate
front mounting bracket on “A” frame and then mount your spare.
What size tire replaces my 7.00 x 15 ?
• ST 225-75 R15 LRD
What is the bolt pattern spacing of my 15” 6 bolt rim?
• 5.5” on center Bad puns
Shotgun wedding –a matter of wife or death.
A hang over is the wrath of grapes.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
When two egotists meet, it’s an I for an I.
Have a great month and we will see you on down the road!
Blue Beret/December 2010
Some of the services we offer include:
Damage Repair
Metal replacements
Fiberglass Repair
Vintage Services
Don’t miss out…
Take Advantage of the Season!
Come see us at the
Airstream Factory Service Center
In Jackson Center, Ohio
For The Amazing Winter Special…
Be Ready for Spring!
10% Discount on Parts and
10% Discount on Labor
*All invoices must be paid within 30 days
after completion of work performed
*All units must be picked up no later than
April 15, 2011
Call Now…Limited
Call now to schedule your appointment
(937) 596-6111
Stone Shields
Rock Guards
Strip and Recoats
Air Conditioners
Tambour Door Replacements
Disc Brakes
Electric Brakes
Tank Replacement
27 Point Inspection
Generator Service
Oil Change
……and much more!
Chris Burch ext. 7413 or
Rick March ext. 7416
Offer valid on appointments made for:
December 2010, January 2011
and February 2011
(Appointments must be made by
Jan.15, 2011)
Blue Beret/December 2010
Tours are offered Weekdays 2:00 p.m. EST
(Subject to change during Holiday Season)
Please call in advance 937-596-6111
Blue Beret/December 2010
Alumapalooza 2011
Held at the Airstream Factory from May 31 to June 5 2011!
Sign up for 3, 4, or 5 days of fun in Jackson Center, Ohio!
Complete the registration form below and return it with payment to:
3959 Van Dyke Road #295
Register on line
Lutz, FL 33558
Trailer with one adult (3 nights)
$185.00 _____________ First attendee name
3 Nights (Arrival on June 2, 2010 or later)
Additional adult in same trailer $60.00
_____________ Second attendee name ___________________________
Kids under 15 years old (FREE) # of Kids_____
Walk in attendance, per person
Kids Names _____________________________________
(seminars dinner and entertainment only)
Pick one of these optional
items for extra nights!
4 Nights (arrival on June 1) $30.00 ______________
5 Nights (arrival on May 31) $60.00 ______________
Alumapalooza T-Shirt
S M L XL $19.95 ______________ Want more than one? Just note it here and do the math!
You can pay by check payable to ALUMAPALOOZA, or Credit Card
Cardholder Name ______________________________________ Card Number ___________________________________
Expiration Date ________________
Security Code __________
If Billing address is different that below, please note it here:
Address______________________________________________ City/State/ZIP __________________________________
Home Phone _________________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________________
Email Address________________________________________
Trailer or Motorhome Model _______________________
Vegetarian meal? YES
Generator Section? YES
Alumapalooza is a production of R&B Events LLC. There are restrictions on refunds and our liability. Please go to for details.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Overseas RV Camping Caravans
Jim & Sally Elmlinger, Caravan Travel Consultants
1135 N. Fairview St., Burbank, CA 91505-2328
Phone / Fax (818) 845-2263 / Cellular (818) 515-2263 [ONLY while traveling in USA]
Caravanning doesnʼt get any better than this!
This itinerary may be changed or modified at any time without advance notice at the will of the caravan travel consultants. This itinerary is the
exclusive property of Overseas RV Camping Caravans. Although the consultants have made every effort to provide accurate, up-to-date
information they accept no responsibility for loss, injury or inconvenience from unplanned sightseeing occurring to any person as the result of
© Jim & Sally Elmlinger 2010
using this information.
Blue Beret/December 2010
Event Schedule
Jan 24-28
Jun 28-Jul 4
2011 Mid Winter IBT Rally, Richard M.
Borchard Regional FG, Robstown, TX
2011 International Convention/Rally
Du Quoin, IL
Jan 31-Feb 6
Mar 2-9
Apr 19-25
May 12-16
Jun 8-12
Aug 3-7
Sep 12-18
Sep 23-27
Sep 24-Oct 1
Hobo Rally, Blythe, CA
Mardi Gras, New Orleans, LA
St. Augustine Easter Rally, Elkton, FL
TX Vintage Rally, Glen Rose, TX
Spirit of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
Potlatch & Salmon, Lacey, WA
Pendleton Roundup, Pendleton, OR
Antelope Hunt, Medicine Bow, WY
Swiss Festival, Sugarcreek, OH
Dec 28Jan 1, 2011
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
May 9-14
Aug 8-13
Aug 18-23
Sep 8-11
Sep 22-25
Oct 6-10
Canton Arts/Crafts Flea Market, Canton, MS
Galax Fiddlers Convention, Galax, VA
Santa Fe Experience, Santa Fe, NM
Old Threshers Rally, Yuma, CO
Autumn Leaf, Leavenworth, WA
Storytelling Festival Rally, Gray, TN
No Rally in 2011 will be back in 2012, Cincinnati,
OH & Brookville, IN
Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM
Columbus Day Rally, Provincetown, MA
No Rally in 2011 - Victorian Days, Cape May, NJ
Sun Valley Jazz Festival, Ketchum, ID
Oct 6-12
Oct 11-16
Dec 28, 2011Jan 1, 2012 Rose Parade Rally, Pasadena, CA
Feb 8-Mar 29
Mar 8-Apr 7
Mar 8-21
Mar 28-Apr 11 N-40-D2
Apr 23-Jun 7 N-40-H
May 5-27
May 24-Jun 7 N-40-M
Jul 8-Aug 8
Jul 7-31
N-40-O Jul 8-Aug 30 N-40-F
Jul 8-Sep 4
Aug 31-Oct 9 N-40-N
Oct 4-Nov 12 N-40-A
Florida Fantasy - Leader: Buchanan Ph. 321-243-2789
The American Civil War, Part 1 - Leader: Jones Ph. 703-780-6597
Louisiana Cajun Heritage - Leader: Solera Ph. 504-450-6486
Louisiana Cajun Heritage - Leader: Solera Ph. 504-450-6486
American Adventure Southwest - Leaders:
Thompson Ph. 850-766-0036 & Montague Ph. 850-491-7444
Taste of Carolina-Heartland - Leader: King Ph. 252-670-8440
Fly Drive Alaska - Leader: Guy Ph. 704-560-
The Northern Experience - Leader: Andrzejewski Ph. 603-770-1609
Discover Ontario Caravan - Leader: Morson Ph. 905-459-2008
Nor’ x Nor’ East - Leader: Levinson Ph. 845-
The Viking Trail - Leaders: Buchanan Ph. 321-243-2789 & Pember Ph. 913-226-4313
Watch It Made In The USA - Leader: George Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928 or 352-430-5834
Southeast Coast Spectacular - Leader: Carnein Ph. 623-974-4762
Blue Beret/December 2010
National Landmarks West - Leader: Glassey 206-6052986
The Great River Road - Leader: Andrzejewski Ph. 603-7701609
The Yellowhead and More - Leader: Paulk Ph. 925-8641683
The American Civil War - Part 2 - Leader: Jones Ph. 703780-6597
The Wilder West - Leader: Paulk Ph. 925-864-1683
American Adventure Southwest - Leaders: Thompson Ph.
850-766-0036 / Montague Ph. 850-491-7444
Southeast Coast Spectacular - Leader: Carnein Ph. 623974-4762
Taste of the Blue Ridge - Leaders: King Ph. 252-670-8440/
Bennett 919-467-3681
N-41-J1 & J2 Louisiana Cajun Heritage - Leader: Solera Ph. 504-4506486
Alyeska, The Great Land - Leader: Johnjulio Ph. 216-5331752
The Ghosts on the East Coast - Leader: Hilton Ph. 352205-9928
Gone to Texas - Leader: Snow Ph. 281-251-7566
Springtime in Kentucky - Leader: Wilson Ph. 270-792-3814
Region 1 Activities
Region 1 Website:
Jan 13
Region 1 FL East Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden
Corral, 880 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay, FL 321-722-4142,
Palm Bay Rd. is CR 516, from I-95, take Exit 176, go E,
Golden Corral short way down on R, Russ Melocik 352874-7213
Event Schedule
Feb 8
Jun 29
Aug 4-8
Oct 7-11
Region 1 West Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Buffet City,
13235 Cortez Blvd. (Rt. 50), Brooksville, FL, Buffet City is
in the Bed-Bath-Beyond Plaza just across Cortez from WalMart/Sam’s Club, Dan Dureiko / Bob Butler 860-917-2345
Region 1 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Du Quoin, IL, International
Convention/Rally, there will be a signup table at Du Quoin,
Dan Dureiko / Bob Butler 860-917-2345
Region 1 “First Nations” Rally, Camping de la Municipalite
de Riviere-Rouge, Quebec, Canada, Camping Municipal
Sainte-Veronique, 320 Tour Lac Tiberiade-Riviere-Rouge,
Quebec, Canada J0T 1T0, approx. 110 mi. NW of Montreal,
Clemence Lemay, Email: CLELEMAY@GMAIL.COM, 819430-2557
Columbus Day & Canadian Thanksgiving Special Event
Rally, hosted by Cape Cod MA Unit, Coastal Acres, 76R
Bayberry Ave., Provincetown, MA 02657, Rt. 6 L turn at
Herring Cove Beach Rt. 6-A, Continue on 6-A to Bradford
St., watch for signs, Tye Mott, Email:
Canadian Atlantic Unit -
Jan 13
Feb 12
Region 1 FL East Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden
Corral, 880 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay, FL, Russ Meloick
352-874-7213, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon 11:30 AM, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Greg
Gammon 902-469-2847, Email: gammon1@ns.sympatico.
Cape Cod Massachusetts Unit -
Jan 13
Feb 8
Feb 13
FL Region 1 E Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral
Buffet & Grill, 880 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay, FL, Russ
Melocik 352-874-7213, Email:
FL W Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Buffet City, 13235 Cortez
Blvd., Brooksville, FL, Dan Dureiko 860-823-9544 & Bob
Butler 860-917-2345, Email:
Valentine’s Day Luncheon 1 PM, Fireside Grill, 30 Bedford
St., Middleboro, MA, Joe Donahue 781-545-6172, Email:
Charter Oak Connecticut Unit -
Dec 5
Feb 6
Christmas Party, Dakota Steakhouse, 1489 Silas Dean
Hwy., Rocky Hill, CT, Lois Price 860-529-9393
Dinner TBA, Jean Landry 860-742-8069, Email:
New England Unit -
Dec 5
Jan 13
Feb 8
Feb 19
Feb 26
Holiday Party Noon, Register to receive directions, Mary
Hickman 508-420-5596, Email:
FL Region 1 E Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral
Buffet & Grill, 880 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay, FL, 321722-4142, Palm Bay Rd. is CR 516, from I-95, take 176,
head E, Russ Melocik 352-874-7213, Email: MCMLXII@
FL W Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Buffet City, 13235 Cortez
Blvd., Brooksville, FL, across Cortez from Wal-Mart/Sam’s
Club, Dan Dureiko 860-823-9544 & Bob Butler 860-9172345, Email:
Holiday Party North Noon, 67 Bedford Rd., New Boston,
NH, N on SR 13, in New Boston, turn R on Meethinghouse
Hill Rd., L on Bedford Rd., Michelle Plunkett 603-457-3815,
Holiday Party South Noon, 274 Liberty Hwy., Putnam, CT,
take I-395S to Exit 96, go E on Heritage Rd., N on Hwy.
21, Eric Gustavson 860-928-4346, Email: skidapowda@
Quebec Canada Unit -
White Mountains New Hampshire Unit
Dec 4
Jan 13
Holiday Gathering 1 PM, 249 Partridge Hill Rd., Randolph,
VT, Lori Peirce 802-728-3386, Email:
FL Region 1 E Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral
Buffet & Grill, 880 Palm Bay Rd., Palm Bay, FL, Russ
Melocik 352-874-7213, Email:
Feb 8
FL W Coast Luncheon 11:30 AM, Buffet City, 13235 Cortez
Blvd., Brooksville, FL, across from Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club,
Dan Dureiko 860-823-9544 & Bob Butler 860-917-2345,
Region 2 Activities
Region 2 Website:
May 20-23
May 26-30
Sep 7-11
Sep 15-18
Ontario Canada Provincial Rally, Blyth FG, Blyth, ON
Region 2 Rally, South Mountain FG, Arendtsville, PA
PA State Rally, Lebanon FG, Lebanon, PA
NJ State Rally, Jersey Shore Haven, S Seaville, NJ
NY State Rally TBA
None in 2011 Victorian Days, Cape May, NJ
Al-Mon-O Pennsylvania Unit
Jan 8
Feb 5
Christmas Luncheon, Tom Manley 724-776-8243
Luncheon 11:30 AM Meet Lunch Noon, Ponderosa
Steakhouse, 120 Sara Way, Rostraver Square, Belle
Vernon, I-0, Exit 42 or 43 depending on direction of travel,
Dean Lloyd 814-539-4197
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Hofbrauhaus, Southside Works, 2705
S. Water St., Pittsburg, PA, Exit 3A, S of the Parkway to
Hot Medal Bridge, Nancy Trice 412-241-2724
Berkshire New York Unit
Central Maryland Unit
Christmas Dinner TBA, Lee Baltzell 410-848-2466
Luncheon, Candlelight Inn, 1835 Frederick Rd., Catonsville,
MD, Shirley Bishop 410-442-1134, Email: sgb1025@
Central Pennsylvania Unit
Dec 4
Christmas Luncheon 1 PM, Park City Diner 1 PM, 884
Plaza Blvd., Lancaster, PA, in Park City Complex across
from Penney’s Dept. Store at Strip Mall, Audrey Landvater
717-653-2653, Email:
Dinner TBA by email, Audrey Landvater 717-653-2653,
Dinner TBA by email, Audrey Landvater 717-653-2653,
Delaware Valley New Jersey Unit
Jan 9
Installation Dinner, Bruce Sommons
Dessert Party, Ron & Linda Amme
Valentine’s Luncheon TBA, Guy Eberl
Delmarva Unit -
Dec 4
Jan 15
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Trevi Ristorante, 53 E
Glenwood Ave., Smyrna, DE, Fay Cruchley 302-834-7101,
Luncheon TBA, Chuck Helwig 302-730-1206, Email: or Malcolm Comstock 302-6976476, Email:
Travelers Rest (Flamingo Fling) TBA, Frank Laughlin 302545-2260, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon, Tom Littel 302-633-4559, Email:
Hudson-Mohawk New York Unit -
Dec 5
Christmas Luncheon 12:30 PM, Pegasus Rest., Coxsackie,
NY, exit 21 off NYS thruway S. on 9W, Geoff Whittle 518783-1606, Email:
Keystone Pennsylvania Unit -
Dec 4
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon TBA, Vaughn Brayton 610-678-6751,
Casserole Roundup, Alan’s home, Alan Kenney 610-8231215, Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Event Schedule
Metropolitan New York Unit -
Feb 11-13
Dec 31-Jan 2 New Year’s Eve Rally, Indian Island CG, Riverhead, NY,
Gary Minnick 631-208-1195, Email:
Mid Atlantic Unit -
Jan 15
Jan 15
Feb 12
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon TBA, Johnathan & Alex Jacobs 410647-2197, Email:
Luncheon, Annie’s Paramount Steakhouse, Kent Island,
MD, Dee Blom 410-643-8550
Snowbird Potluck, Paradise Park, Punta Gorda, FL, Carol
Baker 703-508-8744
Valentine’s Luncheon in MD, Eva Shankman 301-774-0655
Valentine’s Luncheon, Punta Gorda Elks Club, FL, Ralph
Forrester 301-580-1216
New Jersey Unit -
Carolinas Unit of North Carolina
Dec 4
Jan 15
Feb 15-20
Feb 19
Christmas Party/Luncheon Noon, Indian Chief Rest.,
Salvation Army Toy Drive/Fundraiser, Jack Brownell 609291-9994, Email:
TBA, Norma Hackos 732-928-1297
FL State Rally, Sarasota Cty FG, Sarasota, FL, Unit get
together, check notice board in meeting hall for date & time,
Charlie Petrillo 732-533-9713, Email: MCCCCJ.AOL.COM
TBA Noon, Vira Stavely 856-227-1575
New York Finger Lakes Unit -
Ontario Canada Unit -
Jan 29
Dinner 5 PM, Wayside Dining Lounge, Talbotville, ON,
following Can-Am Open House, Michael Lambert 519-6337442, Email:
Penn Lehigh Unit
3rd Fri ea mo Luncheon 1 PM, Coopersburg Diner, Rt. 309, Coopersburg,
PA, Al Hart 610-797-5672, Email:
Dec 4
Jan 15
Feb 12
Holiday Luncheon Noon, TBA, Joyce Stoddard 570-2426172
Soup-a-thon, Rohrbach’s home, Hazleton, PA, Keith
Rohrbach 570-455-0969
Youth Center, Muncy, PA, George Collister 570-546-8589,
Pennsylvania Unit -
Washington DC Unit -
Watchung New Jersey Unit -
Dec 4
Jan 8
Feb 6
Installation Luncheon Noon, Zeris Inn, Rt. 46E, Mountain
Lakes, NJ, Ed Brunner 908-362-6097
Luncheon/Business Meeting 11 AM, Kirsten’s Italian Grill,
US Rt. 22 W, Lebanon, NJ, Steve Nehlig 908-735-9546,
Brunch 11 AM, Ruppert’s Rest., US Rt. 23, Riverdale,
NJ, Bill Wooding 908-684-5239, Email: Wwooding250@
Region 3 Activities
Region 3 Website:
Feb 15-20
FL State Rally, FG, Sarasota, FL
No Region 3 Rally in 2011 will be back in 2012
Apr 19-25
St. Augustine Easter Rally, Elkton, FL
Aug 8-13
Galax Fiddlers Convention, Galax, VA
Big Bend Florida Unit -
Dec 11
Christmas Dinner 5:30-9 PM, Tallahassee Elks Lodge,
276 N. Magnolia Dr., Sheila Skipper 850-877-1729, Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Installation Luncheon Noon, Bethania Moravian Church,
Bethania, NC, George Lamb 336-766-7744, Email:
Coastal Georgia -
Eastern North Carolina Unit -
Dec 11
Dec 11
Rally, Suwannee River Hideaway, 1218 SE Hwy. 346, Old
Town, FL, Don Wood 850-671-2179, Email: dsw7158@ or Winston Montague 850-878-1281,
Installation Luncheon 12:30 PM, Bonefish Grill,
Wilmington, NC, Mac Cassell 919-658-3966, Email:
Everglades Florida Unit
Dec 11
Jan 7-10
Feb 15-20
Christmas Dinner 5 PM, Spring Run Country Club, Rt.
41 Coconut Rd., Estero, FL, Dick Bassett 239-649-1242,
Rally, Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, FL, Roy
Dalrymple 239-481-0093, Email:
FL State Rally, FG, Sarasota, FL
Florida Unit
Dec 1-6
Jan 13-17
Feb 15-20
Feb 17
Cracker Christmas Volunteer/Installation Rally, Ft.
Christmas Historical Park, Christmas, FL, FL-50 to Ft.
Christmas Rd., N 3 mi. to park, Frank Carson 352-4679530, Email:
Rally, Life Enrichment Center, Fruitland Park, FL, US 27/
US 441 S of Fruitland Park, turn E on Picciola Rd./C466-A, e.1 mi. to camp entrance 4991 Picciola Rd., Phil
Drugge 352-751-5906, Email:
FL State Rally, FG, Sarasota, FL, I-75 to Fruitville Rd.
Exit, W, Willard Pickrel 352-637-3867, Email: seahawk@
Unit Luncheon Noon, FG, Sarasota, FL, I-75 to Fruitville
Rd. Exit, W to FG, Willard Pickrel 352-637-3867, Email:
Florida Springs Unit -
Dec 9-12
Jan 13-16
Feb 15-20
Southern Palms, Eustes, FL, Rosalie Stone 352-486-1822,
Rally, Blueberry Hills, Rosalie Stone 352-486-1822, Email:
FL State Rally, Sarasota, FL, Rosalie Stone 352-486-1822,
Florida Suncoast Unit -
Florida Treasure Coast Unit -
J­ an 24-28
Feb 15-20
Feb 16
IBT Rally, Robstown, TX
FL State Rally, Sarasota, FL
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Papa Nick’s Italian Rest., 4940
Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL, Mary Ann McLaughlin 772485-7617, Email:
FL State Rally Potluck Dinner TBA
Georgia Unit -
Dec 10-12
Dec 11
Christmas Rally, Pine Lake CG, Midland, GA, Matt
Hackney 706-860-8690, Email:
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Pine Lake CG, Midland, GA,
Matt Hackney 706-860-8690, Email:
Northern Virginia Unit -
Dec 4
Holiday Dinner 6 PM, Knights of Columbus, 5115 Little
Falls Rd., Arlington, VA, I-66 E to Lee Hwy. Exit, L onto Lee
Hwy., 2 mi. turn L onto Harrison St. 0.5 mi., turn R onto
Little Falls Rd., proceed through next light at Yorktown Rd.,
Knights of Columbus top of hill on L, Tom Carmichael 804245-1710 cell, Email:
Event Schedule
Jan 16
Feb 6
Kennedy Center 2 PM, 202-467-4600, Chamber Player
Play, Beethoven, Schumann & Mendelssohn, 2700 F St.
NW, Washington, DC, call or go online for tickets, Tom
Carmichael 804-245-1710, Email: tom@sportsimageing.
Super Bowl Party 4 PM, Jack Carmichael, Exit off 64,
Rt.99 to Colonial Williamsburg Kingsmill Community, on
L at Guard Gate, Jack Carmichael 757-220-4262, Email:
Palmetto State South Carolina Unit
Dec 11
Jan 15
Feb 12
Christmas Brunch TBA
New Member Luncheon 11 AM, P. Simpson’s Rest., 111
N. Main St., Simpsonville, SC, Ann Miller 864-576-4282,
Anniversary Luncheon to honor past members 11 AM,
Silver Bay Rest., Simpsonville, SC, Michael Cesmat 864877-8612
Piedmont North Carolina Unit -
Dec 4
Jan 15
Feb 12
Christmas Party TBA, Chuck Porter 910-439-1871
Luncheon Noon, Golden Corral, Cary, NC, Robert “Scotty”
Stewart 919-846-2370, Email:
Luncheon Noon, Robert “Scotty” Stewart 919-846-2370,
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Unit
Dec 4 Christmas Luncheon 1 PM, South River Grill, Waynesboro,
VA, I-64 Exit 194 (across from Cracker Barrel), Phil Geisel
540-946-2199, Email:
Region 4 Activities
Region 4 Website:
May 9-14
May 17-22
Region 4 Computer Rally, Van Wert, OH
Region 4 Rally, Van Wert, OH
Region 4 Luncheon, International Convention/Rally, Du
Quoin, IL
Aug 17-20
All MI State Rally, Kalamazoo, MI
Sep 24-Oct 1 Swiss Festival National Rally, Sugarcreek, OH
Akron Ohio Unit -
Dec 11
Jan 8
Feb 12
Appalachian Unit of West Virginia
Dec 5
Jan 9
Feb 13
Jan 7-9
Feb 11-13
Rally, Ocean Lakes CG, 6001 S. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach,
SC, see website, Sue Hartnett 843-884-4307
Football Rally, Colleton State Park, Hwy. 15 N, Canadys,
SC, reservations 1-866-345-7275, Kathy Narowski 843553-4947, Email:
Valentine’s Rally, Barnyard CG, US 1, Columbia, SC,
reservations 803-957-1238, Kathy Narowski 843-553-4947,
Tampa Bay Florida Unit
Feb 15-20
Christmas Luncheon Noon TBA
FL State Rally, FG, Furnal Wallen 352-751-2370, Email:
Tidewater Virginia Unit -
Dinner TBA, June Quade 757-583-1405 or 757-581-9617
Virginia Unit -
Dec 4
Jan 22
Christmas Luncheon 11 AM, Shakers Rest. 3401 Candlers
Mtn. Rd., Lynchburg, VA, adjacent to River Ridge Mall
Shopping Center, take Exit 8B from Lynchburg Expy. (Hwy.
29/501 E) to Danville/Buena Vista, take the ramp onto
Candlers Mtn. Rd., on R, Doug Doberer 540-631-6322,
Luncheon Noon, Just Kay’s, in VA, from I-64 Exit 55 go
N on US Hwy. 11, 500’, make L onto Hwy. 39 follow to
Rockbridge Baths approx. 10 mi. or I-81 Exit 205 for
VA 606/Raphine Rd., 5 mi. to L at VA 252/Brownsburg
Turnpike 7 mi., turn R to VA 39, W/Maury River Rd. for 3
mi., Nancy Whiteley 540-460-0126, Email: nswhiteley@
Christmas, Princeton Historical Society, Don Pruett 304487-6034
Luncheon, 1500 Callie Rd., Carmel Porter 304-550-6336
Valentine’s Luncheon TBA, Martha Moorefield 304-4884844
Auglaize Valley Ohio Unit
Jan 29
South Carolina Coastal Unit -
Dec 3-5
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Hometown Buffet, 4758 Everhard Rd.,
NW, Canton, OH, Roger Vanaman 330-923-3535, Email:
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Frontier Rest., 418 E. Maple St., Rt.
619, Hartville, OH, 330-877-3423, Vern Johnson 330-8542848
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Ketterer’s home, 1321 Buena Vista
St., NE, Canton, OH, Jack Ketterer 330-494-2415, Email:
Brunch 11 AM, Black Horse Rest., 4136 N. Main St.,
Findlay, OH, Exit 161 (Twp. Rd. 99), E to Main St., L to rest.
on L, Kirk Taylor 419-235-2972, Email: dkirkt2001@yahoo.
Cincinnati Ohio Unit
Dec 12
Christmas Dinner Party 12:30 PM, Manor House, Rt. 4 S.
of Kemper, Springdale, OH, Al Fluegeman 513-948-1992
Cleveland Ohio Unit -
Dec 5
Jan 8
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Quail Hollow Resort,
Painesville, OH, Tom Standing 440-423-7949, Email:
Luncheon 1 PM & Super RV Show, Bucci’s/IX Center,
Berea, OH, Tom Christopher, Email: tchristopher@tcgco.
Columbus Ohio Unit
Dec 18
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon, Friendshil Village, Silvaraires, Mary
Ellen Banks
Valentine’s Luncheon, Berwick Party House, Jim 614-8774714
Land-O-Lakes of Ohio Unit
Dec 7
Feb 16
Christmas Luncheon 12:30 PM, Golden Corral, Memorial
Dr., Lancaster, OH, Business 33 just N of 22 next to Lowes
& across from River Valley Mall, Gary Olinger 740-7531311, Email:
Luncheon in FL 11:30 AM, Buddy Freddy’s, 134 Gornto
Lake Rd. (corner of Rt. 60), Bandon, FL, from I-75 E on
Rt. 60, just pass the mall, R on Gornto Lake Rd., Rest. on
R, Joann Cubbison 352-588-2772, Email: jocubbison@ or Nelson Caley 330-323-7868, Email: w8ear@
Mahoning Valley Ohio Unit -
Western North Carolina Unit -
Dec 4
Dec 4
Jan 16
Christmas Luncheon, The Cedars, Hendersonville, NC,
Dale Jehnzen
Luncheon 1 PM, China Buffet, 2077 Elm Rd. NE, Warren,
OH, Bretts 330-757-8751, Email:
Luncheon 2 PM, Hometown Buffet, 555 YoungstownWarren Rd. (US-422), Niles, OH, take State Rt. 11 to
Tibbett’s-Wick Exit, go W to US 422, turn R (North) onto
US 422 (Youngstown-Warren Rd.), go 2.8 mi., turn R
into Eastwood Mall, Nancy Brett 330-757-8751, Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Event Schedule
Feb 20
Luncheon 2 PM, Olive Garden Rest., 5740 YoungstownWarren Rd. (US 422), Niles, OH, State Rt. 11 S to State Rt.
82, turn W & go 1.6 mi., turn L onto State Rt. 46 S (NilesCortland Rd. SE) for 1.7 mi., turn R to US 422 go 1/4 mi.,
Nancy Brett 330-757-8751, Email:
Central Indiana Unit -
Illinois Lincolnland Unit -
Feb 13
Metro Detroit Michigan Unit
Jan 8
TBA, Buck Fredrickson 248-529-3189
Luncheon 1 PM, Polonus Rest., Wyandotte, MI, 1744
Jefferson Ave., 2 blks. N of N Wyandotte Rd. (Ford Rd.),
Jim McDaniels 734-595-7647, Email: jimire271@yahoo.
Luncheon TBA, Don Bates 313-538-0755, Email: don.
Miami Valley Unit of Ohio
1st Wed
ea mo
Dec 18
Feb 12
Breakfast 9:00 AM, Roush’s Rest., 405 W Main St.,
Fairborn, OH, Ed Mueller 937-748-8272, Email:
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Hometown Buffet, 745 Lyons
Rd. (Dayton Mall area) 1 mi E. of I-75 on Rt. 725, Ed
Mueller 937-748-8272, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon 12:30 PM, Collier’s Rest., Rt. 41
near Upper Valley Mall, Springfield, OH, Maryann McOwen
1st Mon
after FL State Luncheon Noon, North Port, FL, Donna Eidemiller, cell
937-735-2525, Email:
Michigan Unit
Last Tue
ea mo
1st Thur
ea mo
ea Tue
Mid-Eastern Michigan Unit
Feb 27
Indiana Unit
1st Mon ea mo
except Dec Dinner 5:00 PM, Ryan’s Rest., Anderson, IN, 6315
Scatterfield Rd., Jct. of I-69 at Exit 26, S, Rest. on W side
of Scatterfield Rd., Bob Green 765-644-5289
1st Thur ea mo
except Dec Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral, 4747 Lima Rd., Ft.
Wayne, IN, Exit I-69 at Exit 111A onto Lima Rd., go SE a
short distance on R, Fred Bennett 260-244-4507
Dec 11
1st Tues
ea mo
Dec 4
Dec 4
Dinner TBA, Earl’s home, 121 Quinn St., Caro, MI, Sam
Earl 989-673-4572
Christmas Luncheon 11:30 AM, The Weithmans, 935
Downing Place, Galion, OH, Marty Weithman 419-9685004, Email:
Jan 26
Feb 12
Northern Ohio Virtual Airstream
Circumnavigation of Lake Erie Caravan, Dan Bihary 440453-9782, Email:
Region 5 Activities
Region 5 Website:
Feb 17
Jun 29
Sep 11-13
Sep 14-18
Region 5 Florida State Rally Dinner 5 PM, Trinity United
Methodist Church 4150 S Shade Ave., Sarasota, FL
Region 5 Luncheon Noon, Second Heat Bldg., Du Quoin
FG, Du Quoin, IL
Region 5 Computer Rally, Hendricks Cty 4-H FG, Danville,
Region 5 Rally “On the Road Again,” Hendricks Cty 4-H
FG, Danville, IN
Blue Beret/December 2010
Christmas Luncheon 11 AM-3 PM, Stockholm Inn, 2420
Charles St., Rockford, IL, I-90 W to Rockford, take I-39
S Exit & follow around, this is US 20, stay on US 20 W
toward Freeport & get off at Alpine Rd. Exit, go N on Alpine
some distance to Charles St. (Business 20) turn L (West),
Terry Chesnut 815-874-3307, Email: tschesnut@yahoo.
Unit FL Luncheon, Hobby House, Dade City, FL, Ruelene
Aarup 708-207-2165
Valentine’s Luncheon, Old Country Buffet, Spring Hill
Mall, Dundee, IL, Terry Chesnut 815-874-3307, Email:
Southern Illinois Unit -
Dec 12
Jan 9
Feb 6
Christmas Dinner Party 2 PM, The Holiday, Olney, IL, US
50 & IL 130 on the NE corner of the intersection, Erika
Schaette 618-393-2955, Email: Erika@khsbicycleparts.
Luncheon 1:30 PM, Grandma’s Rest., Mt. Vernon Outland
Airport, 100 Aviation Dr., IL-15, one mi. E of Mt. Vernon
Main Terminal,,
Danny Nugteren 618-531-6698, Email: Nugteren7091@
Luncheon 1:30 PM, Grandma’s Rest., Mt. Vernon Outland
Airport, 100 Aviation Dr., IL-15, one mi. E of Mt. Vernon
Main Terminal,,
Danny Nugteren 618-531-6698, Email: Nugteren7091@
Southern Indiana Unit -
1st Thur
ea mo
Dec 9
Luncheon/Dinner, TBA see newsletter, Richard Lewis 502452-6507, Email:
Christmas Luncheon 12:30 PM, Claudia Sanders Dinner
House, 3202 Shelbyville Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065, From
Louisville, E on I-64 pass the Gene Snyder Freeway, take
Exit 28 (Simpsonville/Veechdale), top of ramp turn L onto
Veechdale Rd., go approx. 1 mi. to US 60, turn R on US
60 & travel approx. 3.6 mi. to Rest., From Lexington, go
W on I-64 to Exit 32 (Shelbyville), top of ramp turn R onto
Taylorsville Rd. (55), go approx. 1 mi. to US 60, turn L onto
US 60 & go approx. 3/4 mi. to Rest., Tommy Phipps 606743-4349, Email:
Northern Illinois Unit -
Mohican Valley Ohio Unit
Dec 2
Christmas Party Luncheon Noon, Masonic Lodge, 210
Home Ave., Churubusco, IN, from Ft. Wayne, 33 NW to
Churubusco go past McDonald’s & BP Station, go L on
Pleasant Ave. 1 blk go L on Home Ave., on R from Rt. 205
go E on Pleasant to Home go R, it’s on R, Fred Bennett
cell 260-437-9386 or 260-244-4507
Kentucky Unit -
Dinner 6 PM, Cottage Cafe at Days Inn, 420 Munson Ave.
(US 131), Traverse City, MI, Sharon Webster 231-8393249
Luncheon 1:15 PM, Old Country Buffet, 5220 West Main
St., Kalamazoo, MI, Alice Taylor 269-344-4888
Luncheon Noon, Call for location, Geraldine Craig 517321-3468 or Pat Hatfield 517-589-9190
Dinner 2 PM, Busy Corner Rest., 302 S. Eureka St.,
Goodfield, IL, I-74 Exit 112, order from menu, RSVP, VP
Val Johnson 309-364-3160
Dinner 5:30 PM, Sirloin Stockade, Evansville, IN, Shirley
Clodfelter 812-626-0696
Luncheon Noon, Schnitzelbank Rest., 393 3rd
Ave., Jasper, IN, Bill Schrader 812-275-1955, Email:
Event Schedule
Region 6 Activities
Mar 2-9
Mar 23-27
Apr 14-17
May 9-14
Oct 6-10
Oct 26-29
National Mardi Gras Rally, New Orleans, LA
Pelican State Rally, Rayne, LA
TN State Rally, TN Cumberland Plateau CG, Crossville, TN
Special Event Rally, Canton Arts & Crafts Festival, Canton,
Storytelling Special Event Rally, Gray, TN
Region 6 Rally, Lee Cty Agri-Center, Tupelo, MS
Jan 15
Feb 12
Alabama Unit
2nd Sat
ea mo
2nd Mon
ea mo
Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Ruth Hollingsworth 205-3456077
Dinner 6 PM, TBA, Montgomery, AL, call for directions,
Paul Aehnlich 334-277-9647, Email:
Arkansas Razorback Unit
1st Thur
Starting Feb-Luncheon 11:30 AM, David Gulley 501-8516668
East Tennessee Unit
Dec 11
Jan 22
Feb 5
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Doubletree Hotel on Illinois
Ave., Oak Ridge, TN, Bob Rascoll 865-463-0368, Email:
Luncheon Noon, Stan’s BBQ, Hwy. 11E, 2620 E. Andrew
Johnson Hwy., Greeneville, TN, website: www.stansbbq.
com, Jack Curlett 423-272-8499
Luncheon Noon, O’Charley’s, 364 Fountainview
Circle, Alcoa, TN, Ralph Jenkins 865-982-0830, Email:
Greater New Orleans Louisiana Unit
Dec 2-5
Dec 18
Jan 6-9
Jan 8
Feb 5
Christmas Rally, Bellingrath Gardens & Mobile Christmas
Parade, Paynes RV Park, Theodore, AL, Stanley
Clemmons 251-988-8139, Email: Jclemmons2@circlek.
Christmas Luncheon Noon, Copelands Cheesecake Bistro,
4517 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA, Charles
Bourgeois 225-665-6460, Email:
Battle of New Orleans Rally, St. Bernard State Park,
Chalmette, LA, Hwy. 39, Selma Evans 504-682-3002,
Luncheon/tour of the Battle of New Orleans Battlefield
Noon, Chalmette, LA, Selma Evans 504-682-3002, Email:
Luncheon Noon, TBA, Charles Bourgeois 225-664-6460,
Louisiana Unit
1st Sat
ea mo Dec 10-12
Luncheon Noon, alternates between Covington and
Denham Springs, call for location & directions, Dale
Spillman 225-753-9546, Email:
Christmas Rally, NW Community Center, 501 Samuel Dr.,
Eunice, LA, Gerry Peltier 504-737-2610, Email:
Mississippi Unit
1st Tue
ea mo
Dec 6-8
Dec 4
Jan 15
Feb 19
Dec 9-12
Tennessee Unit
Dec 11
Christmas Luncheon Noon, TBA, Cathy Vest 662-6675683 or 901-550-7928, Email: Cathy.Vest.ifwq@statefarm.
Luncheon TBA, FL State Rally, Sarasota, FL
Region 7 Activities
Region 7 Website:
Jul 24-29
Memphis Tennessee Unit
Christmas Rally, Mystic Springs Cove Park, 30 mi. N of
Pensacola on Hwy. 29, McDavid, FL, Park Host 850-2563280, Email:
Dec 30, 2010Jan 2, 2011 Annual Work Rally, Mystic Springs Cove Park, 30 mi. N of
Pensacola on Hwy. 29, McDavid, FL, Park Host 850-2563280, Email:
Jan 20-23
Rally, Mystic Springs Cove Park, 591 Mystic Springs Rd.,
McDavid, FL, GPS Cooridinates for the Park, 30 degrees
51.141 N, 87 degrees 18.784 W, Park Host 850-256-3280,
Feb 10-13
Sweetheart Rally, Mystic Springs Cove Park, 591 Mystic
Springs Rd., McDavid, FL, GPS Cooridinates for the Park,
30 degrees 51.141 N, 87 degrees 18.784 W, Park Host
850-256-3280, Email:
Jun 30
Feb 10-13
Christmas Party Noon, Golden Corral, Hermitage, TN, Bob
Agee 615-443-4135
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Larriviere’s on the Square, 102 S.
Water St., Gallatin, TN, Sam Massey 615-452-8460
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Fontanel Mansion-Farm House Rest.,
take Exit 40 off I-24 W & follow signs, 4225 Whites Creek
Pike, White Creek, TN, Fred Lieb 615-876-5927
Pensacola Florida Unit
Dec 2-5
Jan 18
Luncheon 11:30 AM, will be notified by email or phone,
Evelyn Hitt 601-992-1405, Email: hittman1955@bellsouth.
net - North MS members TBA, contact: Ethel Grisham 662837-3320
Christmas Rally, Central Hills Baptist Retreat, Kosciusko,
MS, 8 mi. NW of Kosciusko, MS, on CR 4227 off Hwy. 19,
Ethel Grisham 662-837-3320, Email:
Nashville Music City Tennessee Unit
Louisiana Acadiana Unit
Christmas Rally, A & M CG, Lyons Point, LA, take I-10
Exit 82, S on Hwy. 1111, then S on Hwy. 90 - into Crowley,
take LA 13 S towards Kaplan, traveling to 1st blacktop
road (Henry Rd.) past LA 1115, R on Henry Rd., then L on
gravel road to CG, Lena Saltzman 337-536-6631
Luncheon 11 AM, Fezzu’s Rest., (Pelican State Steering
Committee Meeting), I-10 Lafayette Exit #97, S to Service
Rd., L 1000 feet to Rest., Nettie Simoneaux 337-896-6661,
Mardi Gras Rally, Lagneaux’s “Bingo Ranch” CG, take
I-10 Exit 97 at KOA go S on LA 93 (doglegs to R 3/4 mi. at
caution light L (S) on LA 724 (Fieldspan Rd.) 4 mi. sign on
L, Curt Fontenot 337-364-2615
New Year’s Luncheon Noon, Coletta’s Italian Rest., 2850
Appling Rd., Memphis, TN, (Memphis) I-40 E to Exit 12C
toward Nashville, take Exit 15B, North Appling Rd., go 1.2
mi., rest. on R, Jessie Vest 662-667-5683, Email: jcvest@
Valentine’s Luncheon Noon, Cafe Piazza Rest., 139 S.
Rowlett St., Collierville, TN, 901-861-1999, in Memphis
take I-240 to Exit 16 (Bill Morris Pkwy/TN 385) go 12.5 mi.,
take Byhalia Rd. Exit to R then slight L to the North Byhalia
Rd. ramp, turn L onto S. Byhalia Rd./TN 175 go .9 mi., turn
R onto W Poplar Ave./US 72/TN 57 & continue to follow W.
Poplar Ave./TN 175 for 1.4 mi., turn R on N Main St., R on
S Rowlett St., Cafe on L, Jessie Vest 662-667-5683, Email:
Region 7 Luncheon 11:30 AM, Tuscany Grill, 1664 South
Washington, Du Quoin, IL
Region 7 Rally “Wings, Rails & End Zones,” Apple Creek
CG, De Pere, WI
Minnesota Unit -
Christmas Party TBA, Linda Agre 320-295-1117, Email: or Ray Nickel
Valentine’s Luncheon TBA, Jim Costello
Wisconsin Unit -
Dec 11
Holiday Luncheon 11:30 AM, Hi-Way Harry’s Rest., 710
Glover Lane, Hwy. 26 & I-94, across from Outlet Mall,
Johnson Creek, WI, RSVP by Dec 5th, Bob Manak 262544-6151 or Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Event Schedule
Feb 12
Valentine’s Luncheon, Spring Garden Rest., 225 S. Century
Ave., Waunakee, WI, on Century Ave., just S of State Rd.
19/113, Neil King 608-849-8093, Email:
North Iowa Unit
Dec 4
Feb 26
Region 8 Activities
Region 8 Website:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 8 Rally “Springtime in Amana, Amana RV Park,
Amana, IA, June Ryan, Email:
Jun 29
Region 8 Breakfast 7:30 AM, Illinois State FG, Heat 2
dining room, Du Quoin, IL, Fred Steurer, Email: steurerf@
Greater St. Louis Missouri Unit -
Jan 14-16
Jan 21-24
Feb 19
St. Louis Convention Center, Bill Thomas Camper
Sales Booth/WBCCI Info Booth, downtown St. Louis, on
Washington Ave., Mary Ann Braden-coordinator 618-4650031, Email: warmb2.1@JUNO.COM
CANCELLED Buddy Rally, Bureau of Land Camping,
Quartzsite, AZ, Ed Knernschield for directions, 573-4805441, Email: EHK9559@AOL.COM
Valentine’s Luncheon 11:30 AM, Mimi’s Cafe, 17240
Chesterfield Airport Rd., Chesterfield Commons,
Chesterfield, MO, Pat Stabler 636-227-1698, Email:
Greater Wichita Kansas Unit
Iowa Unit -
1st Thurs
ea mo
Dec 11
Feb 12
Luncheon - Meet at 11:45 AM Eat at Noon, Golden Corral,
1868 North Power Rd., Mesa, AZ, Doris Jean Cabalka 480216-8096
Luncheon Noon, Old Country Buffet, Coralville, IA, N side
of Coral Ridge Mall, I-80 Interchange No. 240, Sharon
Urich 319-466-1122
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Country Kitchen Rest., Des Moines,
IA, W side of E 14th St., approx. 0.1 mi. N from I-80
Interchange No. 136, Keith Bowman 515-279-8142
Kansas City Missouri Unit -
Dec 4
Jan 8
Feb 5
Luncheon TBA, Warren Shreve 816-868-1654, Email:
Luncheon 11 AM, TBA, Neil Crain 816-761-6290, Email:
Luncheon 11 AM, Martin Hughey 913-441-2849, Email:
Region 9 Activities
Region 9 Website:
Feb 27-Mar 4 Region 9 Computer Rally, North Texas Airstream
Community, Hillsboro, TX
Mar 28-Apr 2 Region 9 Rally, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, TX
May 12-16
National TX Vintage Rally, Tres Rios River Ranch, Glen
Rose, TX
East Texas Lakes Unit
Dec 4
starting Jan
ea mo
Dec 4
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon 11 AM, Golden Corral Rest.,
Springfield, MO, Richard Keith 918-786-8579, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon 11 AM, Golden Corral, Springfield,
MO, 2734 N. Kansas Expwy. I-44, Larry Perkins 417-6687736, Email:
Nebraska Unit -
2nd Mon
ea mo
1st Thur
ea mo
Luncheon Noon, Old Country Buffet, 144th & West Center
Rd., Omaha, NE, Dwight Olson 402-332-5384, Email:
Blue Beret/December 2010
Luncheon Noon, call for location, Alonzo Sosa 956-7933151, Email:
Monthly Activities TBA, please visit our website
North Texas Unit -
2nd Sat
ea mo
Dec 2-5
Feb 18-20
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Spring Creek BBQ, 3608 S. Cooper
St., Arlington, TX, 1 mi. N of I-20 W side of Cooper, June
Gravley 817-493-0943, Email:
Christmas Lights Caravan to Fredricksburg, TX, leaving,
NTAC, Hillsboro, TX - Dec 2 at 9 AM, Walter Adams 817282-1134, Email:
Rally, North TX Airstream Community, Hillsboro, TX, Larry
Schultze 508-243-6209, Email:, Norma
Martins 254-266-2857
Oklahoma Unit
Dec 4
Feb 12
Christmas Luncheon 11 AM, Catfish Roundup, Seminole,
OK, from I-40 Exit 200, James Driscoll 405-872-5441
Valentine’s Luncheon 11:15 AM, Hometown Buffet, 3900
NW 63rd St., Oklahoma City, OK, from I-44 Exit go W on
NW Expressway (63rd St.), James Joy 405-785-2473,
Texas Unit
1st Thur
ea mo
Luncheon 11 AM, location TBA, Kerrville, TX, Frank Murray
830-367-2360, Email: (reservations are
not necessary)
Texas Alamo Unit -
1st Sat
ea mo
Jan 24-28
Feb 17-20
Dinner 5 PM, Las Carrelas Rest., 3975 Perrin Central, San
Antonio, TX, Paul Zappe 210-260-8081, Email: zappiii@
IBT Rally, Richard M. Borchard Regional FG, 1213 Terry
Shamsie Blvd., Robstown, TX, Linda Knezek 361-571-3140
Trade Days Rally, Peach Country RV Park, 14781 US Hwy.
290 E, Stonewall, TX, from Jct US 290 E, Stonewall, TX,
from Jct. US 290 & FM-1623, N 0.2 mi. on L, Linda Knezek
Texas Coastal Plains Unit -
Dec 2-5
Luncheon 11:45 AM, Golden Corral, 1868 N Power
Rd., Mesa, AZ, Bert Sherwin 402-639-3337, Email:
Christmas Luncheon, Cotton Gin, 1500 E. Hwy. 175,
Crandall, TX 972-427-3883, Paula Boyd 972-287-5690
Heart of Texas Camping Unit -
Missouri Greater Ozark Unit
Holiday Luncheon 11:30 AM, Golden Corral Rest., 1312 S.
Story St., Boone, IA, Ron Eide 641-582-2067, Email: Eide.
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Chef’s Kitchen, 2510 5th Ave.
S, Ft. Dodge, IA, John Wyman 515-573-6026, Email:
Christmas/Installation Rally, Lake Conroe KOA,
Montgomery, TX, from Jct. I-45 & Hwy. 105 (Exit 86), go W
13 mi. on Hwy. 105 to park, Chuck Banker 281-881-5564
Dec 30, 2010Jan 2, 2011 New Year’s Rally, Coushatte Recreation Ranch, 2812
Nelius Rd., Bellville, TX, Email:
Jan 15
Luncheon, Buca di Beppo, Houston, TX (Buffalo Sp.),
Event Schedule
Feb 24-27
Cajun/Valentine’s Rally, Country Place RV Park, 3043
Waukeegan Rd., Cut-n-Shoot, TX, Email: will3023@yahoo.
Texas Gulf Coast Unit -
Dec 10-12
Jan 13-16
Feb 10-13
Installation Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, located 5 mi NE
of Zavalla, TX on Hwy 147, Paula Largent 936-635-9295,
Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, located 5 mi NE of Zavalla,
TX on Hwy 147, Phil Lanasa 940-642-6418, Email:
Rally, Texas Airstream Harbor, located 5 mi NE of Zavalla,
TX on Hwy 147, Phil Lanasa 940-642-6418, Email:
Texas Highland Lakes Unit
1 Tue ea mo Luncheon 12:45 PM, Luby’s Café., 13817 Hwy. 183 N, (S
of TX 620), Harvey Craig 512-633-0380, Email: eharv@
Dec 9-12
Christmas Rally, Fredericksburg RV Park, Fredericksburg,
TX, 305 E. Hwy. St., Jean Beebe 512-444-7509, Email:
Dec 30, 2010Jan 1, 2011 New Year’s Gala Rally, Buckhorn Lake Resort, Kerrville,
TX, IH 10, Exit 501, Harvey Craig 512-633-0380, Email:
Jan 24-28
Mid Winter IBT Rally, Richard Borchard FG, Robstown, TX,
1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd., Harvey Craig 512-633-0380,
Feb 18-20
Rally, McKinney Falls State Park, Austin, TX, 5808
McKinney Falls Pkwy., Austin, TX, Harvey Craig 512-6330380, Email:
Texas Hill Country Unit - h
­ ttp://
Feb 16-20
Rally, Schulenburg RV Park, Schulenburg, Andrea M.
#4834, Ph. 512-695-8223, Email:
Alberta-Saskatchewan Unit
Jan 22
British Columbia Unit -
Dec 11
Jan 8
Feb 12
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Lubbock, TX, James Durham 806745-9564, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon 11:30 AM, Lubbock Women’s Club,
2020 Broadway, Lubbock, TX, Ellene Osburn 806-8292165, Email: or Joyce Davis 806829-2232, Email:
Christmas Party 5 PM, Delta Town & Country Inn, Delta,
BC, Canada, David Richardson 604-943-0917, Email:
Idaho Unit -
2nd Sat
ea mo
Breakfast 8:00 AM, Golden Corral, 8460 W. Emerald St.,
Boise, ID, Bill Grange 208-327-1238
Caravan, Death Valley, Earl Brace 208-376-0305, Email:
Montana Unit -
Dec 18
Jan 22
Luncheon TBA, Avis Stapleton 406-652-5469, Email:
North Cascade Washington Unit
Dec 4
Jan 8
Feb 5
Texas Plains Unit
except May, Aug & Dec
1st Sat ea mo Luncheon 11:30 AM, Furr’s Family Dining, 6001 Slide
Rd., Lubbock, TX, James Durham 806-745-9564, Email:
ea Thur
Balloon Volleyball Games 1 PM, (meal follows at various
locations) 2001 19th St., Lubbock, TX, Sam Spence 806785-7785
except Thanksgiving
& Christmas
ea Thur
Dinner 5 PM, Home Plate Diner, 5600 S. Bell, Amarillo, TX,
Don Goforth 806-356-0077, Email:
Dec 10
Christmas Banquet/Installation 11:30 AM, Lubbock
Women’s Club, 2020 Broadway, James Durham 806-7869901
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Dalton’s Rest., Greenwood Inn,
Calgary, 3525-26th St. NE, Calgary, AB, Jane Goudie 403337-1959, Email:
Christmas Luncheon 1:30-4 PM, Denny’s Rest., Arlington,
I-5, Exit 208, go E, then first R after North bound off ramp,
Jerry Gilliam 360-384-4562, Email:
New Year’s Luncheon 1:30-4 PM, Denny’s Rest., Arlington,
I-5, Exit 208, go E, then first R after North bound off ramp,
Jerry Gilliam 360-384-4562, Email:
Valentine’s Day Luncheon 1:30-4 PM, Denny’s Rest.,
Arlington, I-5, Exit 208, go E, then first R after North bound
off ramp, Jerry Gilliam 360-384-4562, Email: jkgilliam@
Oregon Unit -
Luncheon TBA
Washington Unit
Dec 2
Dec 3-5
Jan 15
Feb 12
West Texas Unit -
1st Tue ea mo
Jul & Dec
Dinner 5:30 PM, Cattleman’s Steakhouse, 3300 N. Big
Spring, Midland, TX, Ashley Coco 432-413-6601
Board of Trustees Meeting 7 PM, WA Land Yacht Harbor,
9101 Steilacoom Rd., Olympia, WA, Jerry Patten 360-6653060, Email:
Christmas Rally, WA Land Yacht Harbor, 9101 Steilacoom
Rd. SE, Olympia, WA, Exit 111 from I-5, head S approx. 2
mi., turn L on Steilacoom Rd. SE, travel approx. 1 mi. to
park, turn R, Jerry Patten 360-665-3060, Email: jam9616@
Luncheon 11:45 AM, Mary McCrank’s Rest., Chehalis,
WA 2923 Jackson Hwy., Exit 72 off I-5, N on Rush Rd., L
on Jackson Hwy. to Logan Hill Rd., rest. on corner, Julia
Jowders 360-459-3726, Email:
Valentine’s Event, WA Land Yacht Harbor, 9101 Steilacoom
Rd. SE, Olympia, WA, Exit 111 from I-5, head S approx. 2
mi., turn L on Steilacoom Rd. SE, travel approx. 1 mi. to
park, turn R, Bev Fox 360-491-2105
Region 11 Activities
Region 11 Website:
Region 10 Activities
Region 10 Website:
No Region 10 Rally in 2011 will be back in 2012
Region 11 Annual Board Meeting TBA, International Rally,
Du Quoin, IL
Aug 18-23
Santa Fe Experience Special Event Rally, Santa Fe, NM
Sep 23-27
47th National Antelope Rally, Heward Ranch, Medicine
Bow, WY
No Region 11 Rally in 2011 will be back in 2012
Arizona Unit -
Dec 4
Holiday Installation Luncheon TBA
Blue Beret/December 2010
Event Schedule
Jan 12-17
50th Anniversary Rally, FG, Yuma, AZ, 2520 E. 32nd St.,
Ken & Jim Shuck 928-859-3462, Email: jill@airstreamers.
net or Charles Vaughn
Jan 31-Feb 6 Hobo Rally, Blythe, CA, see details in Blue Beret
Monterey Bay California Unit
Dec 9-13
Colorado West Unit
Denver Colorado Unit -
Dec 4
Holiday/Installation Luncheon 11 AM, Briarwood Inn, 1630
8th St., Golden, CO, Chris Hildenbrand 303-403-1441,
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Evergreen, CO, Al Himmelman 303674-8547, Email:
Valentine’s Luncheon 11:30 AM, Loveland, CO, Jim Cooper
970-669-3701, Email:
Jan 15
Feb 12
Four Corners Unit of New Mexico
New Mexico Unit -
Jan 15
Luncheon/Business Meeting Noon, TBA, John Elliot 505296-8967
Unit Potluck Noon, home of Ted & Georgia Pearson, 1417
W. Meadowlark Lane, Corrales, NM, Ted Pearson 505-7922762
Feb 20
Utah Unit -
Wyoming Unit -
Region 12 Activities
Region 12 Website:
Dec 28, 2010
Jan 1, 2011
Jan 31-Feb 6
Oct 13-17
Dec 28, 2011
Jan 1, 2012
Rose Parade Special Event Rally, Pasadena, CA
Hobo Rally, Blythe, CA
Region 12 Rally, Jackson, CA
Rose Parade Special Event Rally, Pasadena, CA
Central Coast California Unit
Dec 3-5
Rally, Far West RV Park, Santa Paula, CA, David Neel
805-647-6191, Email:
Dec 30-Jan 3 New Year’s Holiday Rally, Indio/Palm Springs, Shadow
Hills RV Resort, Roxanne Gross 805-531-1042, Email:
Feb 4-6
Rally/Eagloe Nesting Cruise, Paso Robles, Lake San
Antonio, Roxanne Gross 805-531-1042, Email: roxygross@
El Camino Real California Unit -
Dec 1-5
Jan 26-30
Installation Rally, Indio, CA, Jim Foster 916-217-3147,
Rally, Quartzsite, AZ, Jeannie Waldo 530-587-9112
Golden West California Unit -
Past Presidents’ Rally, Coyote Valley Resort, Morgan Hill,
CA, Cheryl Denzler 408-761-6818, Email: cjvanclark@aol.
Nevada Unit -
1st Sat ea mo Breakfast 9 AM, Marie Callender’s Rest., 4800 Eastern
Ave., Las Vegas, NV, NE corner of Eastern Ave. &
Tropicana Ave., Myrna Austin 702-870-0037
Dec 11
Installation/Potluck 6 PM, Dave & Lin Stahlhut’s house,
Las Vegas, NV, David Stahlhut 702-838-4838, Email:
Jan 31-Feb 6 National Hobo Rally, Colorado River FG, Blythe, CA
Northern California Unit -
Dec 8-12
Christmas/Installation Rally, Plymouth, John Lopez &
Shirley Bollinger 209-304-3815, Email: moondog@gotsky.
Jan 10-28
Sun Seeker’s Unit Caravan, Tom Smithson 916-961-7214,
Jan 19-Feb 6 Tag Along Unit Caravan to FL Fantasy Caravan, John
White 916-485-3359, Email:
San Diego California Unit -
Jan 14-16
Joint Rally w/San Fernando CA Unit, Golden Shore RV
Resort, 101 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA, Bill Wright
760-828-2042, Email:
Jan 31-Feb 6 Hobo Rally, FG, Blythe, CA, 11995 Olive Lake Blvd., Bill
Wright 760-828-2042, Email:
San Fernando Valley California Unit -
Dec 4
Installation Luncheon - San Marino Room, Hilton Hotel,
Pasadena, CA, 168 South Los Robles Ave., Pasadena,
CA, Bobbi Kingsland 714-434-9878, Email: vbwkngslnd@
Jan 14-16
Rally, Golden Shore RV Park, Long Beach, CA, Bobbi
Kingsland 714-434-9878, Email:
Jan 31-Feb 6 National Hobo Rally, Blythe, CA
San Joaquin California Unit -
Christmas Luncheon, Fresno, CA, David Putnam 559-4393630
Jan 6-10
Rally, Betabel RV Park, San Juan Bautista, CA, Betabel
Rd. Exit from US 101 between San Juan Bautista & Gilroy,
Ed Dodge, Email:
Jan 31-Feb 6 National Hobo Rally, FG, Blythe, CA, Intake Blvd. Exit from
I-10, Joe ten Berge Email:
Santa Clara California Unit -
Jan 7-11
Joint Rally w/Golden West CA & San Joaquin CA Units,
Betabel RV Park, 9664 Betabel Rd., San Juan Bautista, Ed
Dodge 831-324-4140, Email:
Jan 31-Feb 6 Hobo Rally, Colorado River FG, Blythe, CA
Sierra Nevada Unit -
Dec 18
Jan 22
Luncheon 11:30 AM, J.T.’s Basque Rest., on Hwy. 395 S
of downtown Gardnerville, Diane Leipper, 775-972-5011,
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Bavarian World near downtown Reno
off I-80, Reno, NV, Diane Leipper, 775-972-5011, Email:
Luncheon 11:30 AM, El Charro, Carson City, NV, S Carson
St., S of downtown Carson City, Diane Leipper, 775-9725011, Email:
Jan 7-11
Rally, Betabel RV Park, 9664 Betabel Rd., San Juan
Bautista, CA, Ed Dodge
Jan 31-Feb 6 Hobo Rally, Colorado River FG, Blythe, CA, Bob Stansbury
Feb 26
Long Beach California Unit -
South Coast California Unit -
Dec 5
Jan 20-24
Jan 7-9
Christmas/Installation Luncheon Noon, TBA
Rally, Venture Ranch KOA, Santa Paula, CA, JR Howard
Jan 31-Feb 6 National Hobo Rally, Blythe, CA, Joe ten Berge 209-6522747
Blue Beret/December 2010
Dec 5
Feb 4-6
Installation 1 PM, Cypress Shores, San Clemente, CA,
Lydia Terhorst 949-725-3222, Email:
Rally, Del Mar Beach, Camp Pendleton, CA, Oceanside,
CA, Robert Smith 714-639-8596, Email:
Rally, Escondido RV Park, Escondido, CA, Robert Smith
714-639-8596, Email:
Airstream Parks
Texas Airstream Community can meet all your
needs. We are located on I-35 exit 368A, in the heart
of the Dallas/Ft. Worth/Waco triangle in historic
Hillsboro, Texas. Stay “For a Night or a Lifetime.”
Our clubhouse seats 200 for dinner, new laundry
facilities, free WiFi, mail forwarding service. 100%
Airstream community. Call 254-582-5566 or visit
located in NE Texas on beautiful Lake Sam Rayburn is known for Bass fishing. A haven for bird
watchers. Daily $10. Come visit or stay with us.
5 miles NE Zavalla on Hwy. 147. Contact: TAHI,
714 Angelina, Zavalla, TX 75980, Ph. 936-8978014.
thru western Pennsylvania or looking for a quiet,
all Airstream, summer home for a few weeks or
all season? We’re the perfect stop! Full hookups
with cable TV & WI-FI. Reasonable rates, area
attractions and site of Autumn Leaf National Rally.
Near Clarion, PA - four miles south of I-80, Exit 64
on SR 66; Ph. 814-764-8963;
Open 5/1 to 10/15.
MYSTIC SPRINGS COVE is an Airstream only
park located 25 mi. N of Pensacola, FL, on US
29, between I-10 and I-65 on the banks of the
Escambia River. Just 30 minutes to white sand
beaches, shopping, museums and a casino.
Owned and operated by Unit 29. Open all year
with full hookups at $15 per day 30 amp/$18 per
day 50 amp. Pets welcome and washer/dryer are
available. Host opportunities. Ph. 850-256-3280.
LAND YACHT HARBOR: Florida’s Best Kept
Secret!!! Located off I-95 between Exits 183 &
180, miles to Disney 65, beach 10, Cape 30, leases
available to Airstreams, overnight rentals available.
Visit us at or
phone 321-254-6398. NO PETS.
TOP OF GEORGIA, 7 miles north of Helen, GA on
State Road 75 in beautiful North Georgia mountains. Full hookups, cable TV. Free Limited Wi-Fi.
$7.00/night, $180.00 monthly. During Rally weeks
Rally fees will be an additional charge. Open year
around. No reservations. WBCCI members only.
No dry camping. Ph. 706-878-3590. http://home.
All WBCCI members and guests welcome. Ideal
for rallies/caravans. 163 FHU sites. Large meeting hall with kitchen. Free WiFi. Reservations
accepted. Visit Seattle, Pacific Ocean, 4 National
Parks, Canada, Alaska. Residential mobile homes
for sale to WBCCI members. 9101 Steilacoom Rd.
SE, Olympia (Lacey), Washington 98513; phone
Visiting the jersey shore area? For
the most reasonable rates in the area stay at Jersey Shore Haven. JSH is a quiet Airstream park
located mid-way between the dazzling casinos of
Atlantic City and the Victorian charm of Cape May.
This seashore area features lots of things to do
and see. Jersey Shore Haven allows you to relax
with 4-point hookups on wooded sites but be close
to the action of the busy seashore area. Jersey
Shore Haven, 728 Dennisville Rd., P.O. Box 99,
S. Seaville, NJ 08246. Ph. 609-861-2293. website:
For Sale Trailers/
1992 - AIRSTREAM B-190 VAN, all window and
door screens, awnings on both sides, front hitch
for bicycle rack, rear towing hitch, roof solar panel,
price is $8,900. Call 609-291-9994 for further
information. Great vehicle for trip to Alaska or
Newfoundland. (Columbus, New Jersey).
1999 - 34' EXCELLA 1000 WIDE BODY
TRAILER, New tires, batteries. Fantastic fans,
microwave, upgrades Ceramic toilet, 2 skylights,
day/night shades & curtains, queen bed, stone
guards, all-around awnings, nonsmokers, extra
storage tube. Asking $31,500. OBO. Email: or call 386-956-8119. 2005
mi., also available. Excellent towing vehicle.
(Deland, Florida).
2000 - LAND YACHT 35XC CAT turbo diesel
300HP - 6spd Allison Transmission, Freightliner
Chassis, 7.5 Onan Diesel Generator, 2000watt
inverter/converter, 2 A/C, galley slide, washer/dryer,
convection/microwave, solar panels, Active Air
installed. 67,000 mi., $46,500. For more information Email:, (Mission, Texas).
2005 - 30' LAND YACHT, 25,000 mi., new motor
with 300 mi., new refrigerator, excellent condition.
Ph. 701-570-0381, Email:
(Capital RV in Bismarck, North Dakota).
YACHT, Workhorse 8.1L Vortec engine (gas) V-8
P-32 Chassis, no slides, no pets, and no smoking,
26,800 mi., 2 A/Cs, generator, awnings all the way
around. Also, 2006 Saturn tow car with tow bars
attached, 29,800 mi., price $59,000. Ph. 321-7258767, #31185, (Palm Bay, Florida).
Burke Lakefront Airport
Cleveland, Ohio
June 8 - 12, 2011
(Limited to 100 RVs)
WBCCI # _ _________________ Unit___________________________
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Phone_________________ E-mail____________________________
Rally Fee:
Airstream w/2 adults
Airstream w/1 adult
$ 75.00
Children under 10
The rally will include 3 breakfasts, 3 catered dinners (one will be a dinner
cruise on the Goodtime II) and parking for 4 nights. There are many tours
planned. Plan on arriving 6 PM - 9 PM on Wednesday, June 8th.
Make check payable to: WBCCI - Cleveland Ohio Unit
Mail to: Paula Christopher, Treasurer
4230 State Rt. 306 - Suite 200
Willoughby, OH 44094
Ph. 440-953-9559
Blue Beret/December 2010
(please type or print clearly - every blank must be filled in)
Caravan #__________________ Caravan Name__________________________________________________________________________ Last Name_ ______________________ First______________________Spouse_____________________WBCCI#____________________ Summer Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ Phone # _______________________________EMail___________________________________________
Winter Address:
From:___________________________ To:_ _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #________________________________EMail_____________________________________________________________________
# of Adults__________Children_________Pets_________Ham #___________________MH/T_________ft. Handicapped?
Amount Enclosed: (US$)_ _____________________Check #________________
Make checks payable to:
WBCCI National Caravan
Mail to: Caravan Leader
“Two for the Price of One”
Payment for a classified ad in the “Blue Beret” includes an ad on the WBCCI website
FOR INFORMATION, CALL 937/596-5211 or email
Rates for Classified Advertising are $50 up to 35 words, $60 for 36-65 words. Payment in full must be received with the ad copy.
BLUE BERET reserves the right to reject advertising not suitable for inclusion. The publisher reserves the right of approval of all advertising.
BLUE BERET is not responsible for advertiser’s representations or performance. For more information on display ad costs, contact WBCCI.
For your convenience, you may use the coupon below. Please type ad. Count words and determine cost as indicated above.
Make check payable to “WBCCI” and mail with completed coupon to: WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334.
Name_ __________________________________________________Address ______________________________________________________
Classified Ad: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Location of trailer/motorhome:____________________________________________________________________________________________
Deadline: Classified Ads for February must be received with payment no later than January 1.
NOTICE: Advertisement should be typewritten. The Blue Beret is not responsible for the accuracy of handwritten submissions.
Refund Policy: No refund after the 7th of month prior to publication.
Blue Beret/December 2010
2011 WBCCI National Caravans
Start: Rehoboth Beach, DE Stop: Jekyll Island, GA
If you love seafood and want to explore the historic southeast coast of the
United States, this is the caravan for you. We will visit an historic US Lifesaving Service Station (predecessor to the Coast Guard) in Delaware, eat
seafood, spend a day at the Chincoteague Oyster Festival in Virginia, visit
countless museums, lighthouses and beaches, eat seafood, and see the
sights in the historic southeast. Did we mention that we are going to eat
seafood? We will also attend graduation ceremonies at the US Marine
Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. The caravan will travel about six
weeks starting at the Delaware Seashore State Park (south of Rehoboth
Beach) and traveling (eating) through coastal Maryland, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and ending at the Georgia sea islands. The
kitty fee includes campgrounds with full hookups, many meals, boat, carriage and bus tours, museum admissions and much more! Leaders: Ron
& Cyndi Carnein WBCCI #9424, Phone: 623-974-4762, Email: car9@, Address: 3700 S Westport Ave., Souix Falls, SD 57106,
Kitty Fee w/2 $3,500.00 est.; Kitty Fee w/1 $2,900.00 est.; Guest: TBD;
Deposit: $250.00; Cancellation: $50 before 4/1/2011, Leaders discretion
after, Max RVs - 20
Start: St. Andrew by the Sea, NBStop: N Sydney, NS
The 2011 “Viking Trail Caravan” will travel quickly through New Brunswick
and Nova Scotia to Newfoundland/Labrador spending 53 of 59 days in the
Province of Newfoundland/Labrador. This caravan highlights the history
of the Province and provides an opportunity to meet and experience the
warm hospitality of the wonderful people who live on Newfoundland. We
will spend overnight at the Woody Island Resort, so bring an overnight
grip. Here we will experience the way of living in Newfoundland prior to
1960 when the Canadian government transported all Newfoundlanders
to the mainland, so they could provide medical and educational service.
While visiting Newfoundland/Labrador we will enjoy many activities, such
as whale watching in the north sea, attending a playhouse in Stephenville, visit Saint Johns the oldest city in North America (bus tour), and
travel throughout the many peninsulas of Newfoundland. Included in the
kitty fee are more than 30 paid activities, more campsites with electric
(caravanners request) than ever before, boat tours, bus tours, cookouts,
dinners, entertainment and all ferry cost to and from Newfoundland. Leaders: Al & Gracie Buchanan WBCCI #800, Phone: 321-728-2789 Cell
321-243-2789, Email:, Address: 766 Floyd
Bennett Dr., Melbourne, FL 32901 and Leaders: Marion & Carol Pember
WBCCI #4634, Kitty Fee w/2 $4,900.00; Kitty Fee w/1 $3,900.00; Guest:
TBD; Deposit: $250.00; Cancellation: $50 before 4/15/2011, Leaders
discretion after, Max RVs - 30
N-40-D2 3/28-4/11/2011
Start: Gonzales, LA
Stop: Lafayette, LA
Come and go with us to Louisiana and take a boat ride into a bayou
swamp, tour a real oil drilling rig, see the State Capitol and old plantation homes. We will go into the Cajun Country and experience the sound
of a unique music and language, taste Cajun food, and listen to Cajun
accordion music. Tour rice and sugar cane farms and learn how they
harvest crawfish. See live alligators, eagles, blue heron and more. Come
and learn all about the Cajun Culture. Some of the tours are walking
tours. On the oil rig there are some stairs to climb. Leaders: Rick &
Marilyn Solera WBCCI #252, Phone: 504-733-1582 Cell 504-450-6486,
Email:, Address: 725 Newman Ave., Jefferson, LA 70121-1234, Total Nights: 14, Kitty Fee w/2 $795.00; Kitty Fee
w/1 $580.00; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $200.00; Cancellation: $50 before
11/1/2010, Leaders discretion after, Max RVs - 26
Start: Sioux Falls, SD Stop: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Rendezvous in South Dakota and travel North above the 53rd parallel in
Manitoba to enjoy Up North in the summer blooming season. See and
hear Beluga Whales with calves in their summer range of the Churchill
River at Hudson Bay in Churchill, MB. The Beluga Whales, often called
the “White Whale” or the “Sea Canary,” are part of the bountiful Western
Hudson Bay population, which are both healthy and approachable. Your
visit Up North will give you the opportunity to experience the tundra in
full spring bloom, view several unique species of birds and who knows,
we may also see a polar bear. The entire journey from rendezvous to
Churchill permits us to transition from midsummer back to spring and then
to very early spring Up North shortly after the ice leaves the lakes and
Hudson Bay. Join us to enjoy the Up North culture above the 53rd parallel
for a Northern Experience. Leaders: Dave & Linda Andrzejewski WBCCI
#811, Phone: 603-770-1609, Email:, Address: 196
Rainbow Drive #9616, Livingston, TX 77399-1096, Total Nights: 31, Kitty
Fee w/2 TBD; Kitty Fee w/1 TBD; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $500.00; Cancellation: $100 plus Non-Refundable deposits before 11/15/2010, Leaders
discretion after, Max RVs - 20
Start: Wa Cty. Fg, Richmond, RI Stop: Cornwall, PEI, can
Come travel with us as we spend 54 days exploring the beauty of New
England and the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Stops are scheduled in
Rhode Island, Cape Cod, and the Boston area. Then it is on to Boothbay and Ellsworth, Maine near Acadia National Park. We then cross into
Canada. The first stop is Campobello Island, summer home of President
Roosevelt. We will then travel to St. John, NB, home of the 40 ft. tides.
Experience Moncton, NB’s tidal bore and the Flower Pots. While in Windsor, NS, you will have an opportunity to visit Kentville and Hall’s Harbour.
We will visit the Digby, NS, area - famous for their scallops. Other destinations include Lunenburg, Halifax, Antigonish, Louisbourg, Baddeck, and
Cape Breton, where you will have an opportunity to drive the Cabot Trail.
Lastly, it is on to Prince Edward Island, home of Anne of Green Gables,
and the Anne of Green Gables musical. This trip offers many “Kodak
moments” and several great golfing opportunities. Kitty fee includes
camping, many tours, meals, ice cream socials, and a final banquet. Most
stops are in campgrounds or fairgrounds with hookups, but there are two
stops with limited electricity. Leader: David Levinson WBCCI #802, Phone:
845-562-0091 Cell 914-213-5333, Email:, Address: 35
Stony Run Rd., Newburgh, NY 12550, Co-Leader: Gary Levinson, Total
Nights: 54, Number of Stops: 16, Kitty Fee w/2 Est. $3975.00; Kitty Fee
w/1 Est. $3125.00; Guest: Est. $900.00; Deposit: $200.00; Cancellation:
$50 before 4/1/2011, Leaders discretion after, Min RVs - 16; Max RVs - 25
Start: Salisbury, NC
Stop: reidsville, NC
The central “Piedmont” sections of North Carolina is rich in history, loaded
with culture, busy with business, and has lots of great food. Join us as we
time-travel from the early settlers to the first American gold rush to the era
of steam railroads to the opulence of the early 1900s to today’s NASCAR.
There will be a wine festival, an historic Moravian Village, a major railroad
yard and transportation museum, a visit to Mayberry, a major NASCAR
track, and lots of other things in between. Leaders: Jamie & Susan King
WBCCI #7018, Address: PO Box 268, Oriental, NC 28571, Phone: 252249-1549 Cell 252-670-8440 and/or 252-514-7497, Email:,
Total Nights: 20, Number of Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2 Est $1800.00; Kitty
Fee w/1 TBD; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $250 with registration, Cancellation:
$200 before 2/1/2011, Leaders discretion after, Max RVs - 20
Start: Carrizozo, NM
Stop: Moab, UT
Join us for an adventure into the Great Southwest as we explore regions
of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado. We travel from the site
where the Atomic bomb was developed in Los Alamos to the ancient ruins
of Mesa Verde. Navajo guides help us to understand their reservation,
while others perform ancient ritual dances. We will visit Indian pueblos,
festivals, cultural centers, and museums. There will be time to explore
Albuquerque and Santa Fe as well. A half-day boat trip on Lake Powell
takes us to the Rainbow Bridge while a narrow gauge railroad delivers
us from Durango to Silverton. In Arizona we will ride through Canyon De
Chelly, then stroll through Antelope Canyon. There are opportunities for
photography everywhere we go. We will tour through Monument Valley,
raft down the Colorado River, and then proceed to the North Rim of the
Grand Canyon. Come prepared for all kinds of weather as we travel
Blue Beret/December 2010
2011 WBCCI National Caravans
at high and lower altitudes - cold to warmer temperatures. America the
Beautiful passes - formerly called the Golden Age Pass will save you
money for entrances into the many parks we explore including Zion, Bryce
Canyon, Capital Reef, Canyonlands, and Arches National Parks in Utah.
We will wind up in Moab for our final banquet. Come prepared to have fun
with your fellow caravanners and leaders. Leaders: Jay & Elna Thompson
WBCCI #7293, Phone: 850-766-0036, Email: Address: 9163 McDonald Ct., Tallahassee, FL 32512 and Leaders: Winston
& Carol Montague WBCCI #5274, Total Nights: 46, Number of Stops: 14,
Kitty Fee w/2 $3,850.00; Kitty Fee w/1 $2,600.00; Guest: $1,200.00;
Deposit: $200.00; Balance Due: 2/1/2010 (50%), 2/1/2011 (50%); Cancellation: $50 before 3/1/2011, Leaders discretion after, Min. RVs - 25; Max
RVs - 30
N-40-I The American CIVIL WAR, Part 1 3/8-4/7/2011
Start: dover, tn
Stop: biloxi, ms
The Civil War, The War Between the States, The War of Northern Aggression, The Lost Cause, The War of Rebellion, The Great Unpleasantness, The Uncivil War. Call it what you may, this war which pitted brother
against brother is a gripping chapter in US history and one that continues
to command interest despite the passage of time. Part I follows the
western campaign during the lovely springtime along the lower Mississippi River. We will stop in Dover and Savannah, TN with day trips to
Corinth and Brice’s Crossroads; Greenwood, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf and
Natchez in MS with a side trip to Jackson; and Baton Rouge, LA with visits
to Jackson and St. Francisville. Our last stop is Biloxi, MS where we tour
Jefferson Davis’ final home which has recently been lovingly restored.
Along the way park rangers will guide us through Donelson, Shiloh National Military Park, Vicksburg National Battlefield, and Port Hudson and
we’ll see fascinating museums, an old state capitol, restored and working
plantations, beautiful antebellum homes and grounds, and a historic pageant, experience life on an 1850 homestead, take a Mississippi River ride
at sunset, and enjoy many other activities and local points of interest both
planned and on your own. Of course, first, last and in-between we’ll savor
good southern cooking and hospitality. Special presentations on civil war
photography and medical procedures as well as musket and cannon firing
demonstrations are planned. We would love for you to join us in stepping back in time to an era which has ‘gone with the wind’ but will never
be forgotten during its sesquicentennial year of remembrance. Space will
be limited, so sign up early. Leaders: Ed & Beth Jones WBCCI #1515,
Address: 4200 Ferry Landing Rd., Alexandria, VA 22309. Phone: 703-7806597, Email: Total Nights: 30. Kitty Fee w/2
$1975; Kitty Fee w/1 $1650; Guest $360; Deposit: $350. Cancellation:
Full Refund before 9/1/10; $50 until 1/1/2011, Leaders discretion after.
Max RVs - 25
Start: Tallahassee, FL
stop: Mile 39, on the Keys-Sunshine Key Resort
Join the Buchanan’s for 50 days in Florida the “Sunshine State.” We will
be starting at the Capital City of Tallahassee. We will visit Alachua, Sarasota - where we attend the Florida State Rally, Tampa - Busch Gardens,
Titusville and a visit to the Kennedy Space Center, “Epcot” at Walt Disney
World while we are staying at the Great Outdoors Resort. We will travel to
St. Augustine, Stuart, visit the Everglades National Park and yes, we will
see alligators. The caravan will end in the Keys. We have many exciting
activities planned for this caravan. So, please join us for a Wonderful
Winter in 2011. A 7 night Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean is included in
the Kitty Fee. Note: The cruise portion of the caravan (Not a WBCCI
Sponsored event.), is also open to all WBCCI members, their families
and their friends - for the cruise portion only, we can take any number of
people. Leaders: Al & Gracie Buchanan WBCCI #800, Address: 766 Floyd
Bennett Dr., Melbourne, FL 32901, Phone: 321-728-2789 Cell 321-2432789, Email:, Total Nights: 50, Kitty Fee
w/2 $4,895.00; Kitty Fee w/1 TBD; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $400.00, Cancellation: $50 before 1/15/2011, Leaders discretion after, Max RVs - 25
Blue Beret/December 2010
N-40-M FLY DRIVE ALASKA Start: Anchorage, AK 5/24-6/7/2011
Stop: Anchorage, AK
You will fly to Anchorage AK, rent a class C Motorhome, tour for 14 days,
then fly home. We will go to Seward, Homer, Palmer, Denali Park, Talkeetna, and back to Anchorage. Your kitty fee will include campsites, boat
trip, musk ox farm, Iditarod headquarters, dinner theatre, bus ride into Denali park, several meals, plus our final banquet at the beautiful Talkeetna
Alaskan Lodge. Note: We will also make arrangements if you want to
come two days early and tour Anchorage. You will be on your own and it is
not part of the Caravan. There is a lot to see and do in Anchorage. KITTY
FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE AIR FARE OR MOTORHOME RENTAL. Leaders: John & Thelda Guy WBCCI #24905, Address: 565 Bonum Rd., Clover,
SC 29710, Phone: 803-831-1276 Cell 704-560-3075, Email:, Total Nights: 14, Number of Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2 $1,500.00;
Kitty Fee w/1 $1,000.00; Guest: $700.00; Deposit: $200.00, Balance Due:
1/15/2011, Cancellation: $50 before 1/15/2011, Leaders discretion after,
Min RVs - 15, Max RVs - 18
N-40-N WATCH IT MADE IN THE USA est 8/31-10/9/2011
Start: Wapakoneta, Oh
Stop: Milwaukee, Wi
The “Watch It Made In The U.S.A.” caravan is the start of a journey that
gives tribute to the hard working men and women who have engineered
and manufactured many of the products we use every day. We invite you
to travel along with us in the heartland of our country to satisfy a common
curiosity of how products are made. America is a great country with hard
working folks that engineer, design, and manufacture many of the world’s
greatest products. Other countries often just copy what these fine Americans do. We will tour factories to watch such things made as Airstream
Travel Trailers, John Deere Farm Tractors, Caterpillar Bull Dozers, Harley
Davidson Motorcycles, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, Miller Beer, Eli’s Cheesecake, Spangler Candy, and many more. We will also visit factory historical
sites and museums such as the National Truck and Auto Museum, AuburnCord-Dusenberg Museum, and McDonald’s 1st Restaurant. The rendezvous point will be just a stone’s throw from where our beloved Airstreams
are manufactured. Then we will proceed for 40 days and 850 miles to Milwaukee, WI. Along the route we will enjoy 10 different campgrounds with
full hookups and we will move approximately every 4 days for an average
of 85 miles per move. The final banquet will be a dinner celebration cruise
along the historic Milwaukee River. Each following year this caravan will be
a unique tour with a new route to different factories and factory museums.
There is limited space so sign up to reserve your place. Leaders: George
& Sharon Hilton WBCCI #7009, Address: 1452 San Clemente Ct., Lady
Lake, FL 32159, Phone: G 352-205-9928 or S 352-430-5834, E-Mail:, Total Nights: 40, Number of Stops: 10, Kitty Fee
w/2 $3,900.00; Kitty Fee w/1 TBD; Guest: TBD; Deposit: $500.00, Cancellation: $50.00 before May 1, 2011, Leaders discretion after, Max
RVs: 25
Come along with us, see what Ontario has to offer for a fun filled time of
meeting new friends experience the magic of Shakespeare at the Stratford
Theatre Festival, the thrill of sailing up the Niagara River to the Falls,
dining in North America’s tallest free standing structure, sailing among
the 30,000 islands, cruising on the Trent Canal and being lifted 65 feet on
the world’s highest hydraulic lift lock in Peterborogh. Enjoy a meal 1840’s
style at Old Fort Henry. Kingston, visit the RCMP Musical Ride Facilities on Ottawa, the Parliament Buildings and enjoy our final banquet at
the stately Chateau Laurier. Leaders: Gordon & Elaine Morson WBCCI
#3620, 22 Wilton Drive, Brampton, ON L6W 3A1, Phone: 905-459-2008,
Email:, Kitty Fee: w/2: $2495.00; Kitty Fee w/1:
$1900.00; Deposit $250.00, Cancellation: $50. before 4/1/2011.
PLEASE NOTE: Address on file 12/1 will be printed in Directory.
Address change as of______________ (date) WBCCI#____________
$9.50 per set, includes front and back; $10.25 for Ohio residents.
Make check payable to: WBCCI
WBCCI#_ __________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Check if officer
State/Prov._ _________________________________Zip___________
Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
E-Mail: Deb Sailor, Member Services,
State/Prov._ ______________________ Zip_ ____________________
WBCCI#_ ________________________
I Need a: five year additional set  or complete replacement set
Address_ ________________________________________________
I Joined in _______(year). Life Member?_____
Enclosed is an addressed envelope for stars only.
State/Prov._ _________________________________Zip___________
Enclose $20.00 for one year. Make check payable to: WBCCI
Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
MS Movie Capital, Canton, Mississippi
May 9-14, 2011
MAIL TO: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
E-MAIL: Deb Sailor, Member Services,
“Louisiana the Festival State”
Rayne Civic Center Ballroom
Rayne, Louisiana
March 24 - 27, 2011
WBCCI # _ _________________ Unit___________________________
WBCCI # _ _________________ Unit___________________________
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Phone_________________ E-mail____________________________
Rally Fee:
Airstream w/2 Adults
$100.00 $__________
Airstream w/1 Adult
$ 50.00 $__________
Parking Fee
$12.00/night Full hookup x ____ $__________
$10.00/W & E
This is one of the largest markets in the south--over 1000 vendors-invitation only--everything must be hand crafted--must see to believe.
Transportation provided to and from site--a place for resting and leaving
packages provided. Many tours offered. 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, and 1 dinner included. From I-55, take exit 119, go W on Hwy. 22 about 1/2 mi. to
Multipurpose Complex, sign on left, turn L & go straight to CG. PREREGISTRATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. EARLY PARKING
AVAILABLE. For receipt, send self addressed stamped envelope.
Make checks payable to: MS Unit, WBCCI
Mail to: Harriette Warren, 109 Cottonwood Ct.,
Madison, MS 39110
Contact: 601-856-7549 or 601-992-1405
Phone___________________ Cell Ph._________________________
Hdcp? Yes______No______Emergency Ph.________________
Rally Fee:
Airstream w/2 adults
$175.00 $__________
Airstream w/1 adult
$130.00 $__________
$ 55.00 $__________
Early parking $ 15.00 $__________
Rally fee includes two evening meals and two breakfasts. Full hookups.
Early Parking is Tuesday, March 22. Opening ceremonies will be Thursday, March 24 at 10 AM. I-10 E or W, Exit 87, go S to first light, turn R.
Make Checks payable to: Pelican State Rally XXV
Mail to: Marilyn Keef, 826 Bourque Rd.,
Lafayette, LA 70506
Blue Beret/December 2010
St. John’s County Fairgrounds
Elkton, Florida
April 19 - 25, 2011
Sarasota County Fairgrounds
3000 Ringling Blvd.
Sarasota, Florida
February 15 - 20, 2011
WBCCI # _________________Unit __________________________
WBCCI #_______________Unit_ _____________________________
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
Phone ____________________Unit & Length________________
Will you be entering a pet in the Pet Show: Yes____No__________
Handicap (State ID required)_____________________________
Hdcp?______________(State ID Placard required)
Email: ____________________________ Pet: Yes____ No_____
Region Officer______________ International Officer_____________
Region Officer______________ International Officer_____________
Airstream w/2 adults
Airstream w/1 adult
Rally Fee:
Airstream w/2 adults
Airstream w/1 adult (Guest $50 ea.)
Wkend w/2 adults Fri--Sun
$ 90.00
Wkend w/1 adult (Guest $32 ea.)
$ 58.00
$225.00 $_________
$165.00 $_________
$ 60.00 $_________
(US Funds)
$ _________
The price is an all inclusive price. There are no extra charges. The price
includes six nights parking with 30 amp electric and water, (dump station on grounds). Tours include unlimited use of the Red Train for four
days, a cruise on the Scenic Cruise Line, 2 breakfasts, 1 catered dinner
on Easter Sunday, tour of the Fountain of Youth, door prizes, nightly
entertainment, desserts and a rally plaque. Enclose a self-addressed
stamped envelope. No receipts will be mailed without a SASE. Recommended equipment: Extra water line and extra 25’ extension cord,
10 gauge. Cancellation fee: $10.00 till March 31, 2011. After that
cancellation fee will be $20.00 per person.
Make checks payable to: St. Augustine Easter Rally
Mail to: Vic Smith
1186 Port Malabar Blvd. NE
Palm Bay, FL 32905
No reservations accepted after February 5, 2011. Payment will be accepted at gate upon entry.
Cancellation fee before January 1, 2011, $5.00; after January 1, 2011,
$20.00, after February 1 refunds will be at the discretion of the Rally Director.
Registrations received before January 1 will be eligible to be placed in a
drawing for their rally fee returned.
Include the coupon and a SASE (Self Addressed, Stamped LARGE 4x9
Envelope) for receipt.
Make checks payable to: WBCCI Florida State Rally
Mail to: Randy Godfrey, Registrar
2148 Auburn Lakes Dr.
Viera, FL 32955-6764
Colorado River Fairgrounds
Blythe, California
January 31 - February 6, 2011
WBCCI # _ _________________ Unit___________________________
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Address_ ________________________________________________
I am bringing my band instrument, it is__________________________
Rally Fee:
Airstream w/2 adults
Airstream w/1 adult
Guest (15+ years) # _____x $ 50
Phone___________________ Adults_______Children____________
First Timer?__________Vintage?__________Classic?___________
Length of RV:_________ Slide Outs? R_______ L______ B_______
Hdcp Parking?____________
Blue Beret/December 2010
Payment prior to January 1 - Deduct $5.00 per person.
Make checks payable to: Region 12 Hobo Rally
Mail to: Kathy Hampel, Hobo Rally Registrar
794 Grace St., Livermore, CA 94550
If you have pictures depicting WBCCI caravans and rallies, please share them with us. Pictures may be used for promotional material, the Membership
Directory, “Blue Beret” cover, or published in “Club Scenes.” Photos should be of rally/caravan activities. Please include a description of the picture,
member names, specific rally/caravan, dates, etc. and send to or WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334.
NOTE: File formats in .jpg are preferred or send original photos.
Southern IL Unit Rally at the Monroe County Fairground in Waterloo,
IL. -submitted by Doris Meier, #2710
The Southwest Adventure Caravan at the Valley of Fires near Carrizozo, NM. - submitted by Harold Higgins, #1874
The El Camino Real CA Unit Rally at Borrego Springs, CA. Pictured
are 9 of the unit’s Past Presidents and the current President.
-submitted by Bill Westbrook, #6044
Participants of the Ontario Canada Unit caravan to the Big Bend
National Park in Texas.
-submitted by Kerry Mattila, #5417
Summit Mountain, Yukon, Canada on the Alaska Highway
-submitted by Dick Smolk, #9116
La Acadiana Unit Mardi Gras Rally King Kajun and Queen Byon
(Harold & Bernice Smith, #31154)
-submitted by Patty Fontenot, #7557
Blue Beret/December 2010
(Mailer Area - 2” high)
F AIRSTREAMAuthorizedRepairFacility
F MoreRVDA/RVIAMasterCertifedTechnicians
F HugeSelectionWithNationwideDeliveryAvailable
F WeServiceAllMakesAndModels
F MobileServiceAvailable
F BodyRepairsForAllAirstreamMakesAndYears
F FactoryAuthorizedForMostManufactures
F NightDropOffsAccepted
F WeServiceAllCustomersRegardless
An Accredited
Member of the BBB
Blue Beret/December 2010