

23 Visionary Women
Entrepreneurs Share
What they wish they would have
known when....
Every visionary woman has her own story.
One thing all women have in common is that ability to rise from the ashes, bring
her wisdom forward, and celebrate the new awareness and enlightenment.
Most women I’ve talked to can see past the orignal pain, and instead they focus
on the beautiful flower of creation that has come from that experience. Many women I spoke to said they wouldn’t have changed anything as there is a
divine thread of life flow at work and the real goal is to transform into greater
We are always learning and ideally Wise Women become mentors and share
their wisdom with others.
This ebook is just that, a compiling of Wild Wisdom from women who have
walked through their own fire and have become who they are now as a result.
I hope you enjoy their nuggets and if something really touches you, go to their
website, contact them and share. Also share on our Facebook page. Facebook.com/wiserandwilder
We are a group of Wild and Wise Women all supporting each other! Aho
© Kaya Singer 2016 kayaSinger.com
I wish I had listened to my own inner wise woman and
claimed her infinite gifts as my own, before I gave
money and power away to others I thought had the
answers. I see this now as the ‘detour’ I had to make to
fully claim the path that is mine and mine alone.
Kathleen Hanagan
I wish I'd known how much I would be asked to grow
-- spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. The mindset
and skills you need to succeed as an entrepreneur are
above and beyond what I'd developed in my career
(even in an upper management position). The key is to
surround yourself with people who can nourish and
support you in those areas. If you do, you'll be much
better situated to achieve your goals.
Téa Silvestre
I wish I had known to listen to and trust that still, small
voice within. There are many bright, shiny, seductive
objects that promise to be “the answer” to your
questions and challenges. But until you stop chasing
the proverbial magic pill, you will never be able to
create a successful business that YOU find most
Sonia Miller
I started seeing clients for healing and transformation in
1995. But I started my business in 2006! I wish I had
known at the beginning, when my mentor told me I was
ready to see clients that I was embarking on a business
venture as well. Then again, everything unfolds perfectly!
Now I know!
Nancy Swisher
A life lesson I am most grateful to have learned is to have
deep love and compassion for myself. Feeling
disappointed, betrayed or in despair? It’s just another
invitation to be even more patient, loving, and kind to
your own sweet self. From that place of unshakable love
and trust, your brilliance and unique essence cannot help
but shine through.
Carolyn Ellis
As women we try to be good at everything! My advice
is to figure out what your 3 superpowers are, what are
the 3 things you're better at than everyone else. If you
concentrate on those, and hire out the rest, you will be
happier, more productive and be able to live the life
you were meant to live!
Mona Das
I wish I would have known that ALL of my passions --art, movement, personal transformation, and creating
community --- would someday weave themselves
together into a unique offering. For many years, I kept
these interests separate, but when I realized they all
supported each other, I understood that being true to
my heart was truly my most powerful gift. Flora Bowley
I wish I'd known that my tendency to ignore or break
rules and insist on my own definitions of success was
not a liability in business, but a strength. I wish I'd
learned one simple truth very early on: you can have
what you want, even if you don't yet know you're going
to get there. Dreaming, designing and creating it into
being is always an option.
Sally Anne Giedrys
Don’t be afraid. Do it anyway. Even when the call feels
too big! Who am I to do this? A New Age forum
blasted my work. My mentor said you are doing good
work in the world when to get that much hate thrown
your way. Shine bright. Don’t dim your light for anyone.
Your weird is the new normal.
Michele Grace Lessirard
I wish I'd known my that business has a soul I can
partner with, listen to, and receive guidance from. It
would have saved me the pain of forcing the luminosity
of my calling into "proven" (for someone else) business
blueprints that were like a straitjacket. I could have
been thriving with the right business for me so much
Susanna Maida
I wish I had known that it not just OK to rest and
re-create, but essential to my personal and professional
well-being. Culturally we receive messages that pushing
– pushing –pushing is the way to success. At mid-life,
I’ve finally proven to myself that radical self-care,
recuperative rest, and joyful re-creation fulfill my Divine
purpose and make my business more profitable.
Dr. Lisa Van Allen
I wish I would have known the true value of a signature
system, your sacred template from which you can bring
your unique offerings into form. I had my own signature
system and didn’t even know it. If I’d built my business
from that sacred template, I would’ve had less
frustration and created money and success more easily.
Brenda MacIntyre
I wish I would have known that building a business isn't
about knowing the right way to do every piece of it learning all the tactics that others have used to be
successful. It's about who you ARE, and letting the
world see that. Just like great artists are those that go
beyond what everyone else sees to create an experience,
great businesses are great because they create a unique
experience for their customers. That experience begins
with YOU.
Laura Pedro
I wish I had known to achieve skills at an earlier stage
in handling the financials. "I'm best at being creative," I
thought. "Numbers just aren’t my thing.” But numbers
have their own power and beauty. Creative people
need to give as much TLC to their hard stuff as they do
to crafting beautiful sentences and mixing gorgeous
Lindey Dawson
I wish I would have known that I did not have to meet
all the needs of my customers. I could rely on a trusted
circle of peers, collaborators and community members
who would fill in the gaps when I was stumped with a
question. When we build a strong community to
support our clients, we all win.
Pamela Slim
My old wise woman dearly wishes that as a young
woman she had known to trust herself, get into therapy
earlier, live large outside of fixed social restraints, and
have more sober fun. She did well and did good, and
she could have been so much more at ease with herself
if she had done the aforementioned work much earlier
in her life. That said, all of it counts and all of it was a
character building ride of several lifetimes!
Deborah Ford
I wish I knew that building a stable business around my
comfort and retirement desire was not the end of the
story I have clung to after each impotent attempt to
will its growth. It was a platform from which to expand
and enliven MYSELF first. My business has patiently
waited for me to grow into my vision for it!
Aine Dee
I wish I had known this: That letting your personality
shine though with clients is not unprofessional; as
corporate culture might lead us to believe. Quite the
opposite: It is the key to success. When you stand in
your truth, quirks and all, you are memorable and
attract like minded clients. The result is a thriving
business and a content owner.
Jocelyn Mozak
I wish I had learned earlier to love and honor money.
What a difference it made when I become
conscious of my money story! I have discovered that
I have to actively tend my money, like a garden.
Sometimes I m planting, other times I'm weeding or
harvesting. It’s all important. There is beauty
inherent in the process of learning to love and grow
money. Luna Jaffe
Following your inner guidance and learning to trust
that guidance even in the face of the uncertainty and
the unknown is more valuable than trying to fashion
your sacred business after some one else. And it will
take longer than you think so do what it takes to stay in
inspired action.
Rebecca Skeele
In the ‘70s’, like many young women entrepreneurs in
an economy that was often harsh to women, I walked
my creative passion and did not worry much about
fiscal ups and downs. I wish now that I’d known more
about the reality of money and the importance of
creating savings and financial security for my later
Isha Lerner
My well-being would have been better served if I had
listened to the wisdom of my body earlier in life. I
ignored stress-related aches and pains that were often
directional clues; e.g., which opportunities to politely
decline, or when It was time to end with a client who
loved me but would have been better served by a
conscious completion.
Sallena Pool
When I was 25 and still a maiden, beginning my first
business, I wish I had faced my self-worth issues,
invested in myself, and made the commitment to get
the best help from someone who understood me.
Now that I am a 68 year old Crone I can see it all so
clearly and I know it is never too late.
Kaya Singer
Wise and Wild Contributors
Kathleen Hanagan, TurnOnYourLight.com
Brenda MacIntyre, SuccessShaman.com
Téa Silvestre, StoryBistro.com
Laura Pedro, ThinkAndGrowCEO.com
Sonia Miller, SuccessfortheSoul.com
Lindsey Dawson, LindseyDawson.com
Nancy Swisher, NancySwisher.com
Pamela Slim, PamelaSlim.com
Carolyn Ellis, BrillianceMastery.com
Deborah Ford, bakerkinglee@sbcglobal.net
Mona Das, Facebook.com/MoxyMoney
Aine Dee, wealthreimagined.com
Flora Bowley, FloraBowley.com
Jocelyn Mozak, MozakDesign.com
Sally Anne Giedrys, WholeLifeStrategies.com
Luna Jaffe, LunaJaffe.com
Michele Grace Lessirard, SharedJourneys.org
Rebecca Skeele, RebeccaESkeele.com
Susanna Maida, ReWeavingTheWorld.com
Dr. Lisa Van Allen, DrLisaVanAllen.com
Isha Lerner, IshaLerner.com
Sallena Pool, SallenaPool.com