Be Water Wise Challenge 2015 – Submission Form


Be Water Wise Challenge 2015 – Submission Form
Submission Form
Water is one of the most important resources on Earth. There is a limited amount of water on Earth, so
it is our job to protect and conserve it. Every drop counts and there are things you and your family can
do to help save water.
The contest:
Create a Water Wise Family Plan for your family and make the pledge to reduce water usage and
prevent water pollution in your household.
Winners will receive a Free Annual Family Membership ($85 value) to the San Diego Children’s
Discovery Museum.
To enter:
1) Complete Step 1: Preliminary Survey detailing the current water wise initiatives you have in your
2) Complete Step 2: Water Wise Family Plan detailing your pledge to reduce water usage
3) Complete Step 3: Submit this completed form with proof of implementation via email, mail, or in
person at the front desk. Document your changes with photographs, drawings, or a copy of your last
few water and/or electric bills.
4) Complete Step 4: Submissions due by April 30th.
Let’s Be Water Wise!
Child’s Name:
Child’s Age:
Adult’s Name:
Mailing Address:
Membership ID #:
Step 1: Preliminary Water Wise Survey
How Water Wise are you?
What are ways that you and your family are currently being water wise? Please check the
Turning on the dish washer only when you
have a full load
Doing laundry only when you have a full
Drinking all the water that you poured
Disposing of clean water in the ground
Take shorter showers (5 minutes)
Collect water while the shower water warms
Turn off shower while lathering with soap
and washing hair
Turn off faucet while brushing teeth
Check for leaking faucets and pipes
Use a drip system to water plants
Water plants during cool hours
Plants are water wise (California natives,
succulents, cactus)
Replace grass with water wise alternatives
– mulch, stone, artificial grass, food plants
Have water saving sprinklers and use a
rain sensor
Use a broom and not a hose to clean
your driveway
Collect rainwater
Use greywater
Have water efficient appliances (ex. low
flow toilet, shower head, faucet, etc.)
Reduce energy use
Use energy efficient light bulbs
Have energy efficient appliances
Only turn on lights when in the room
Do not leave electronics plugged into
the wall or power strip (reduce
standby/vampire power)
Check out our website and our Facebook page to learn some helpful tips to get started on your
Water Wise Family Plan!
Step 2: Water Wise Family Plan
Please use additional paper if necessary.
What is water conservation? What are things that you pledge to do in order to become more
water wise?
I pledge….
Think about the different areas in your house and how you can become more water wise. Don’t
forget the water/energy connection. Using energy = using water.
Fill out your Water Wise Family Plan by areas below:
I will….
I will….
Living Room:
I will….
I will….
Outside / Landscaping:
I will….
I will….
Step 3: Submit your Form & Proof to Enter
Submit the Be Water Wise Challenge Submission Form along with proof of implementation such as
photographs, drawings, or a copy of your last few water and/or electric bills.
Submissions may be sent via:
Snail Mail:
Attn: Be Water Wise Challenge
San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum
320 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025
In Person:
Drop off submissions to the Front Desk.
* Submission due by April 30th.
Water Saving Tasks:
Taking a 5 minute instead of a 10 minute shower
Filling up the bathtub ½ way instead of full
Turning off water when brushing teeth
Don’t use the toilet as a trashcan
Only wash full loads of laundry
Only run the dishwasher when full
Water outdoor landscaping only during cool hours
of morning and evening
Water Saved
25 gallons
12 gallons
6 gallons
5 gallons per flush
16 gallons per load
8 gallons per load
25 gallons each time you
Place mulch around plants to reduce evaporation
25 gallons each time you
Source: What’s Growin’ On? Let’s Look at Water, California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
Water Use It Wisely – For Kids – Water Saving Tips
EPA – Water Education – Kid Stuff – What You Can Do
San Diego County Water Authority - Kids Water Conservation Corner - Water Saving Tips
EcoKids – Water Conservation Around the House
Water Saving Video
Water Smart Tips
eGuide to a Water Smart Lifestyle
California Friendly Landscape Training Classes
Water Smart Programs and Incentives