Media Pack - North East Derbyshire District Council
Media Pack - North East Derbyshire District Council
Make this your space Advertising and sponsorship opportunities with Bolsover District Council and North East Derbyshire District Council Introduction Bolsover District is a thriving community with a diverse mix of cultures, heritages and traditions situated in the heart of the country. The District lies in a unique position in the north east corner of Derbyshire, bordering both North Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire and straddling the M1 network. The District of North East Derbyshire lies on the edge of the Peak District National Park, where the foothills of the Pennines meet the Midland plain. Covering 100 square miles, and with some of the most beautiful scenery in the country, the District is home to almost 100,000 people and is a popular place for tourists and businesses alike in helping to support the local economy. Whatever your advertising or sponsorship needs are, we can provide an effective and targeted opportunity that is right for you and your business, whilst at the same time giving something back to the local community. This will show your business is supporting local people and investing in the Districts. We can support you in reaching: Q Over 179,000 residents (79,000 BDC /100,000 NED) Q More than 80,000 households (35,000 BDC /45,000 NED) Q More than 7,600 local based businesses district wide (3,500 BDC/4,100 NED) Q An average of 5.4 million visitors per year to both districts Q Over 550 Council employees at each authority Our portfolio of advertising and sponsorship opportunities cover print, outdoor advertising, venue hire, events and digital platforms. We have adopted an Advertising and Sponsorship Policy and we have the right to refuse advertising or sponsorship that does not adhere to it. For a copy of the policy please visit: or advertising-and-sponsorship/ Print Media: intouch Newspaper The NEWS Magazine Waste and Recycling Calendar Other council publications and leaflets Bolsover’s intouch newspaper is the only publication in Bolsover District that is delivered to every household (35,000+) with the potential to reach nearly 79,000 residents. It’s a 16 page newspaper, produced three times a year that features a range of local news and information on our services and initiatives, we and our partners are involved in. With a choice of advert sizes or inserts to suit your requirements, by utilising one or both of these high impact publications your message can’t fail to reach its target audience. Advertising pricing: North East Derbyshire’s the NEWS magazine brings news, features and information to 45,000 households and is a fantastic opportunity to reach local residents (100,000+) in the District. Traditionally the magazine is A4 and consists of 32 pages. Both publications: Q Q are produced three times a year in full colour ur and are FREE feature effective, widespread distribution, targeted to specific postcodes, being delivered by Royal Mail and Direct Mail Q are user friendly publications offering plain English articles Q are available on both Council websites, social network sites, in council offices and g across both Districts communityy buildings Issue 34 July 2016 Q Full page £600 +VAT Q Back page £700 +VAT Q Half page £350 +VAT Q Quarter page £150 +VAT Q Business card size £50 +VAT the Issue No: 42 Summer 2015 E: enquiries@bols T: 01246 242424 r.go ove ols w.b ww W: B@Home with our new Council properties How to help your buisiness grow Get ready to Go!Active at Yo un c gsters e Ar Th PAGE 16 get into the swim with STAnley D L R O W D I A FIRST ! 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Chesterfield FC, nner District Council Q 4-page insert £1800 +VAT Q 2-page insert £900 +VAT Q 10% for charitable organisations Community news from North East Derbyshire District Coun cil Waste and Recycling Calendar Refuse & Recycling -15 Collections 2014Week 1 collection calendars Your black/green bin Green Bin Collection Black Bin Collection NO REFUSE COLLECTION Burgundy Bin Collection M 1 8 15 22 29 W T 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 If your normal collection day is a Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday M T 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Su S M T 3 1 10 17 1 24 2 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 Su u M T 1 8 15 22 29 Your black bin will be collected on Tuesday 23 December 2 9 16 23 30 Su 6 13 20 27 T 6 13 20 27 T 4 11 18 25 T 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 M T 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Saturday 3 January S F S 6 13 20 27 Th 7 14 21 28 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 April 2015 W Th 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 May 2015 W Th F 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 Th F S S June 2015 W 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 July 2015 W F 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 1 Aug August 2015 W Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 W S 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 October 2015 Th 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 T F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 W 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 Refuse Collection Please help us to help you • Ensure wheelie bins are presented at the kerbside or an agreed collection point on the day of collection by no later than 6.00am. • Please ensure the lid is closed (Flat Lid) • SIDE WASTE IS NOT TAKEN AT ANY TIME with your black or green bins. • Please don’t overload your bin. • Large card packaging may be presented with burgundy bins. • Recycle as much of your waste as possible, using your burgundy bin. • Household bulky waste can be disposed of free of charge at the Household Waste Recycling Centre s at 6WRQHJUDYHOV6KHIÀHOG5R DG&KHVWHUÀHOGDQGDOVR at Buttermilk Lane (betwe en Long Duckmanton and Bolsover). • We provide a bulk collect ion service. A small charge is made. Please call 01246 242424. What can I put in my green bin? Yes please: ✓ *UDVVFXWWLQJVÁRZHUVDQG weeds ✓ Leaves, hedge and plant ✓ Left over fruit, salad, vegetable waste, e, egg shel shells ✓ Pet bedding from om small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs and hamste rs ✓ Cooked ffood left overs – brea bread, pastries, pasta, PHD HDWÀVKUDZDQGFRRNH G – iincluding bones) plate scrapings, tea bags and coffee grounds (Food can be placed in PAPER bags manufactured to the British standard EN13432 ONLY) During green bin suspe suspension weeks, please place food waste in your black bin. No thanks: Cardboard boxes and cardd packaging - these go in your burgu undy bin (see overleaf) paper F 3 10 17 24 W November 2015 M Wallpaper and wrapping Th 2 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 29 clippings, prunings Th 1 8 15 22 29 Su 3 10 17 24 31 September 2015 M ber Su Wednesday 24 Decem Friday 2 January Th W 7 14 21 28 M 3 10 17 24 31 F 2 9 16 23 30 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 M Su s over the 2 Your black bin collection New Year period week Christmas and will be as follows: 1 8 15 22 29 W T Su 5 12 19 26 Th 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 31 5 12 19 26 Su W *Green bin collections re-start this month M 2 9 16 23 30 31 M May 7 14 4 21 1 28 8 n information. for burgundy bin collectio * Please see overleaf 7 14 21 28 T 3 10 17 24 March 2015 n Act Environmental Protectio under section 46 of the This constitutes notice their waste for collection of requirements to present 1990 notifying residents Su M Su January 2015 February 2015 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 29 for future reference Please keep this leaflet December 2014 T 6 13 20 27 1 8 15 22 N BIN THERE WILL BE NO GREE 21 NOVEMBER 2014 COLLECTIONS AFTER ME WEEK RESU WILL NS ECTIO COLL H 2015 COMMENCING 10 MARC White Dates Burgundy Dates M 5 12 19 26 Su This leaflet contains vital setting information to residents collections from out waste and recycling ber 2015 for black, December 2014 to Novem ie bins. Please refer green and burgundy wheel (black and green bins) to both calendars - refuse bin), and note changed and recycling (burgundy suspension of green Bin to due dates tion collec collections. Green Dates Black Dates Su 4 11 18 25 Waxed packaging – such uch as juice cartons. Stone, rubble, soil oil or turf, tu stones Dog and cat waste te Disposable nappies Dispos Plastic of any sort – these Plasti go o iin your burgundy bin AAll TYPES of bin liners, carrier bags, packaging, foil or polystyrene Bottles, cans and papers Bo the hese go in your burgun dy bi bin Timber or plywood Ashes Please do not contam inate your green bin with unsuitable waste as we will be unable to collect it. Further advice and guidan ce is also available via our website: www.b ENQUIRIES & QUERIES PLEASE CALL Both authorities produce an annual waste and recycling calendar which is distributed to every household (35,000+ at Bolsover and 45,000 at NED) during November. It is an important reference tool for residents as it provides important information about their collection days. This weather proof calendar has a year long shelf life, bringing your company to the forefront of our residents’ minds all year round. A sponsorship banner on the front and back of the calendar will cost £1,500 +VAT for a year (less than £29 per week) and can help you communicate to a potential 179,000 people. 01246 242424 Other council publications and leaflets We also have a number of other council publications and leaflets that are available to our residents and the wider community. These include leisure facility brochures, tenants’ magazines and customer information booklets. Summer Holiday S PROGRAMME Get active in Bolsover District this summer! 2015 outdoor activity centre r Summe 57th Annual Holiday Programme Brass Bandl at Sharley Park Leisure Centre Festiva Tuesday 27 July to Friday 4 September 2015 e Dronfield Sports Centr 2015 Saturday 26 September Starts at 7.30pm Doors open at 6.30pm Admission £4.50 Senior Citizens £3.50 FEATURING: • The Matlock Band ) Band • Dronfield (Genquip Welfare • Shirebrook Miners (Unison) Band • Dennis Eagle Fitness • WM Lee Ltd s Section SPONSORS ARE: Pulse acing) Ltd • NEDDC Park • Gary Fletcher (Surf 217003 Shacklady on (01246) tickets contact: Claire For further details and 68 217277 E CENTRE Tel: 01246 SHARLEY PARK LEISUR Free S45 9LX Market Street, Clay Cross, WiFi e /leisur : s m r o f t la P l a t i g i D ners Ban Intranet ion TVs t p e c e R Council Intranet Banners Advertising on either of the staff intranets, ERIC (Employee Resource and Information Centre) at Bolsover or Nedi (North East Derbyshire Information) at NED, will showcase your company to over 500+ staff, one of the largest groups of employed people at both Districts. Our staff are passionate about their District and the surrounding communities and are always keen to hear about events, new businesses and special offers in the region. The intranet is a one stop shop for staff, so get added impact to your advert or staff promotion with a direct link to your website. Your advert would consist of a full colour banner (660 x 60 pxl) and link to your website and would cost just £100 +VAT per month per authority. Council Reception TVs The television screens at Bolsover District Council and North East Derbyshire District Council’s main reception areas display a mixture of Council services and activities and business advertisements. Thousands of visitors and customers visit the offices and our leisure facilities each month and over 400 staff pass the screen on a daily basis. Your advert would be displayed as part of a continuously looping presentation on display 24 hours a day (approx. 15-20 slides in the presentation) each slide would show for approximately 20 seconds. The cost to place an advert is just £1 per day +VAT (including design of your advert). Outdoor Advertising: Roundabout and Flowerbeds Sponsorship Council Vehicles Roundabouts and Flowerbeds We have a number of roundabouts and flowerbeds where sponsor signs are permitted, offering your business presence and brand awareness 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Signs are offered on a minimum 12-month contract, giving you maximum exposure to thousands of vehicle and other travel movements each week. Roundabouts and flowerbeds are landscaped and planted with shrubs, bushes, flowers, etc and are maintained by our Street Scene team on a regular basis. Sponsoring a roundabout or flowerbed will bring your business the following benefits: Q Q Increased awareness of your company name, highlighting your presence within the local community Better brand awareness to Q Q thousands of drivers and their passengers every week Drive people to your website to find out further details by including your web address on the signage Much better rates compared with other media Roundabout Sponsorship Rate Card Prices vary depending upon the size of the roundabout, but start from £1,400 per annum inclusive of sign + VAT. Sign size The size of the traffic island will determine the size of signage permitted ranging from 0.15m2 to 0.30m2. Content We will provide suitable designs for you to approve which will be in full colour, highlighting your name, logo, web address and telephone number. We will also include our logo on the sign as standard. Installation Signage production and installation is included within the sponsorship fee. Please note that the sign remains the property of the Council. Maintenance The roundabout and signage is maintained by the Council to a high standard Exclusivity Roundabouts will only carry one sponsor at any given time and the current sponsor is given first refusal on sponsorship for the following 12-months. Flowerbeds Sponsorship Rate Card Prices vary depending upon the size of the flowerbed, but start from £800 per annum inclusive of sign + VAT. Sign size The size of the sign is 800mm x 350mm. Content We will provide suitable designs for you to approve which will be in full colour, highlighting your name, logo, web address and telephone number. We will also include our logo on the sign as standard. Installation Signage production and installation is included within the sponsorship fee. Please note that the sign remains the property of the Council. Maintenance The flowerbed and signage is maintained by the Council to a high standard Exclusivity Flowerbeds will only carry one sponsor at any given time and the current sponsor is given first refusal on sponsorship for the following 12-months. Vehicle Advertising We have been promoting our recycling messages on the side of our refuse vehicles for a number of years now and seen a dramatic increase in the amount of waste recycled proving it does work. So we want to give you the opportunity to promote your business or organisation. We have 11 refuse vehicles at each district which visit every household and street on a weekly basis. Advertising on these vehicles creates a moving canvas and is the ideal way to promote your business to residents and the local community. Vehicle Advertising Rate Card Prices are £250 per month inclusive of sign + VAT. Banner Size The size of the vehicle will determine the size of banner that can be used. Content Full colour, flexible content including your logo, web address and factual detail. Installation Signage production and installation is included within the advertising fee. All banners will be fitted by trained professional craftspeople. Maintenance There is no maintenance required as all panels are guaranteed for the duration of the agreement. Exclusivity Vehicles will carry a recycling message from the Council on the near side and the company banner will be on the off side. Event Sponsorship Bolsover er District Diisttrict Festival Su ummer School Brass Band Summer Festivall of Brass Bra B ass Adventure ture Fest Fe est School Choir Cho oir Contest Contest Sport Relieff Mile Mile e Brass Band Concert Co oncert Sports Awards Awa ardss Both authorities are proud to deliver a range of major events, from festivals and exhibitions to top class sporting events, all with exciting sponsorship opportunities. We offer your company the chance to promote your organisation extensively across our Districts and beyond. In return for sponsorship we can offer irresistible packages that can include press and media recognition, branding opportunities across a range of platforms, employee engagement and promotional space at events. Bolsover District Festival of Brass Bolsover District Adventure Fest The UK’s biggest and best brass band entertainment contest, featuring over 2,000 musicians and held over two days and broadcast live worldwide. A free event for people to come and try more adventurous activities such as canoeing, climbing, slacklining and archery. Brass Band Concert Charity Brass band concert attracting over 500 people and features local bands who compete for the coverted T.H. Hallworth Challenge Trophy. District Sports Awards Bolsover District School Choir Contest An annual ceremony to celebrate the achievements and dedication of the District’s sporting volunteers, athletes and clubs. One of the biggest school choir competitions in the East Midlands featuring over 1,400 children from nearly 30 schools from across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. District Council Offices Our council Offices in Wingerworth are the ideal location to hold your conference, event or meeting with a wide range of facilities available. Meeting Room Capacity IT Cost £25 per hour Single Council Chamber 35 seated Smart Board £55 half day £90 full day £50 per hour Full Council Chamber 70 seated Smart Board £105 half day £190 full day Venue Hire The Arc (BDC) The Tangent Business Hub District Council Offices (NEDDC) Coney Green Business Centre The Arc Council Offices Our council offices at The Arc in Clowne are the ideal location to hold your conference, event or meeting with a wide range of facilities available. For more information on hiring this venue please telephone 01246 242529 Meeting Room Capacity IT Full Council Chamber Approx. 65 seated Projector and two large screens Cost £50 per hour £105 half day £190 full day Coney Green Business Centre Quality, contemporary spaces for meeting, learning and making a great impression. Whether you’re planning a client meeting, team training, important presentation or corporate conference, at Coney Green we’ve got the perfect setting. With three attractive, well-equipped meeting and conference rooms, our very own learning suite, and a team of friendly, professional reception staff, we can help your guests feel welcome and your event run smoothly. The Tangent The Tangent is an inspiring new local business hub in Shirebrook, giving small and medium sized businesses the opportunity to work in a vibrant, professional business environment. With its great central location just off the M1 corridor, The Tangent makes an impressive meeting and conference venue. We have three meeting rooms that are available to hire and prices start from just £50 a day for the meeting rooms and £80 a day for our conference room. We’re making it easy to make a great impression. If you are interested in any of these advertising and sponsorship opportunities, or would like to discuss a package in more detail, then please contact us on 01246 217022, email or visit
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