Exhibition Panels 2013
Exhibition Panels 2013
COALITE REGENERATION Welcome Thank you for visiting the public exhibition today. The purpose of the exhibition is to provide you with the opportunity to view our initial proposals to regenerate the former Coalite Works site, and to ask any questions you may have about the proposals. Site Location The site is located 1.5 miles north west of Bolsover town centre on either side of Buttermilk Lane. The site is under 5 minutes travel time to junction 29A of the M1 Motorway and sits within North East The boards provide details on; • The site location and background • The development team • Planning context • The challenge of cleaning the site up • Development considerations including ecology, landscape and visuals and transport • The Masterplan • How the project will be phased • New homes and community facilities • Jobs and commercial opportunities • Further information and contact details Derbyshire Council and Bolsover District Council boundaries. The site spans an area of 140 acres. Site Background In 1936, The Low Temperature Carbonisation Company (later The Coalite Chemical Company) established a manufacturing plant on land at Buttermilk Lane, Bolsover, Derbyshire to manufacture Coalite, a brand of low-temperature coke used as a smokeless fuel. The manufacturing plant at Bolsover produced other byproducts including fuel for the RAF. The site closed in 2004 and is heavily contaminated with chlorinated phenols and other noxious compounds. It will cost millions £’s to clean up the site. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION The Team In November 2012 the former Coalite Works site was acquired by Bolsover Land Ltd, a joint venture between Marcol Industrial and DSM Group. Marcol Industrial Marcol Industrial is a member of Marcol Group an international private real estate company with interests in the UK and mainland Europe. www.marcol.com DSM Group DSM Group is a specialist environmental company with in-depth knowledge of dealing with difficult and complex contaminated sites. Together, DSM Group and Marcol Industrial are committed to a programme of remediation and investment to clean-up and regenerate the Coalite site after years of stalled development. www.dsmdemolitiongroup.co.uk The developer has appointed a professional The developer has appointed a professional project team project team to take the proposals forward; to take the proposals forward; Architects & masterplanners Planning consultants Ecology Visual impact ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE SOLUTIONS LIMITED Highways and flood risk Noise consultants Community consultation www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Cheste rfield R d Useful Background To Clowne & Worksop O ld Bo Bolsover lso ve rC P Railway line Markham Vale Chesterfield NE Derbyshire To New Bolsover M1 To M1 & Chesterfield Planning Context The former Coalite Works site spans two local authorities; If residents wish to make their own representations to Bolsover District Councils and North East Derbyshire Bolsover District Council’s Local Plan they can do this by District Councils. Both are responsible for determining writing to Mr J Arnold, Assistant Director of Planning, planning applications within their boundary and setting Bolsover District Council, The Arc, High Street, Clowne, out development requirements (e.g. the number of S43 4JY houses to be built) and allocations in their respective Local Plans. Both Councils are currently working on their Local Plans and considering these issues. Before 14th June 2013 (5pm). Or fill out their feedback online on the Council’s website. www.bolsover.gov.uk/local-plan-strategy.html Land in Bolsover District Council Boundaries The land within Bolsover is currently allocated for Land in North East Derbyshire District Council Boundaries employment use in the Local Plan (2000). The land that lies within North East Derbyshire comprises The Council is currently consulting on its Local Plan of both brownfield and greenfield land. Within the Local Strategy Proposed Submission (May 2013), and once Plan (2005) the brownfield land is identified as part of adopted this will replace the current Local Plan and set Coalite Works and the greenfield land is not allocated for the strategic policies and allocations for growth for the any specific use. The North East Derbyshire Local Plan next 15- 20 years. 2011 - 2031 will replace the 2005 plan and be in two parts Bolsover District Council’s draft Local Plan which is currently out to consultation has not identified the former Coalite Works as a strategic site for development. It ignores the environmental legacy that exists and comprising of Part 1 Strategic Policies, and Part 2 Allocations and Development Management Policies. The site has not been identified by North East Derbyshire as a strategic site for development. appears to overlook the potential of the site to enhance Bolsover Land Ltd have made representations to North the economic benefit of regeneration. The site presents East Derbyshire Council to request the site be included in an opportunity to deliver wider regeneration and the Council’s Local Plan to help meet their housing stimulate significant investment in the area if looked at targets without needing to release Green Belt land in comprehensively across the borders of Bolsover and NE other parts of the Council’s jurisdiction. Derbyshire. The proposed masterplan for the former Coalite Works site is entirely consistent with national and local planning policy; it aims to redevelop a derelict brownfield site and provide housing and employment opportunities within a sustainable location. Any future planning application(s) will be prepared with this objective in mind. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION The Challenge Extent of Contamination There is a legacy of contamination on the site due to its former use. It is in a semi-derelict condition and there are a large number of remnant barrels containing a range of chemicals. The northern site area contains a number of large storage tanks, the majority of which have been cut open and these contain a range of hydrocarbon wastes that include coal oil, crude tyre oil, tar acid and phenolic wastes. There is significant contamination of the soils and groundwater system at the site that represents a significant risk to human health and the aquatic environment. The site soils are contaminated with a range of complex hydrocarbons that include chlorinated phenols and phenolic compounds, fuels and oils, coal tars and pitch and locally dioxins. Some of the phenolic compounds emit strong vapours and odours that can be detected at great distances from the site. There is potential risk of contamination migrating into the River Doe Lea where it flows through the site and this could have a detrimental effect on aquatic life within the river. Remediation Methodology The extent and risks associated with the soil and groundwater contaminants at the site will be assessed through a comprehensive sequence of additional ground investigation and risk assessments. The results of a trial remediation program at the site indicate that a remediation treatment train based upon the following procedures will be necessary: • Selected excavation of known areas of contamination; • Sorting of materials into physical and chemical groups; • Classification of those materials and stockpiling for processing; • Selected treatment of organic contaminants of concern within soils • Selected treatment of inorganic contaminants using soil washing • Limited off-site disposal of persistent contaminants unable to be economically treated on-site by the above processes The Developer will work closely with the local authorities and other agencies to ensure the remediation is carried out under strict environmental controls to limit the escape or generation of odours and vapours, and to minimise the potential effects of the works on the water environment and human health. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Development Considerations Ecology In spite of its past use and contamination, in some areas the site supports a range of protected species including grass snake, water vole, bats as well as a range of interesting plants, invertebrates and mammals. The proposed development offers an excellent opportunity to secure a better future for these groups on the site as well as enhancing the site's role as part of the wider area's network of developing habitat. Ecological survey works is currently being undertaken and the results of which will be submitted together with the outline planning applications. Landscape and Visuals The landscape design aims to create safe, secure and welcoming residential and business environments whilst integrating the development within the existing landscape fabric, transport infrastructure and the surrounding built form whilst protecting and enhancing views from the historic Bolsover Castle. Transport The Developer will be working with the local highways authority and Highways Agency to assess any material effect of traffic related to the development upon the highway network, including the M1, and to specify, design and agree any required improvement works. Flood Risk The Developer will also be undertaking flood risk assessment and drainage design work to ensure that the development has suitable and considered drainage outfalls and that any effect upon the hydrology of the area is fully considered to ensure the development does not cause any material changes. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION The Masterplan PHASE 3 PHASE 1a PHASE 1b PHASE 1b Phase 1a PHASE 1a • Primary infrastructure and environmental clean up • Flood plain modelling and landscaping • Creation of energy centre zone • Creation of transport hub zone Phase 1b • Creation of industrial development zones PHASE 2 Phase 2 • Creation of initial residential zone PHASE 4 Phase 3 • Creation of open storage and small industrial unit zones Phase 4 • Creation of stage 2 residential zone and community facilities Implementation The regeneration of the site will not happen overnight. As described in ‘The Challenge’ board the site is heavily Following important survey works and consultation with contaminated and would have to be cleaned up first. the local community and local authorities outline Key infrastructure and access points would then follow planning applications will be submitted to Bolsover prior to the commencement of housing and commercial District Council and North East Derbyshire Council. development phases. The development is however likely to come forward in The masterplan includes space for a few local shops carefully planned phases which will be subject to further typically found in any housing development of this scale. detailed planning applications and consultation for We fully expect the residential development to support each phase. existing businesses and cultural activities in and around The development would evolve over a number of years with separate areas of the site being brought forward Bolsover town centre through increased trade and footfall in the area. depending on the phasing plan agreed with the local The images on the following two panels set out indicative authorities and of course, market demand. phasing plans and how the development could be implemented. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Phasing Plans Phase 1a • Decontamination and remediation of site to construct primary road infrastructure. • Creation of wildlife corridors/ ecological habitats and sustainable drainage solutions. • Enabling and establishment of Transport Hub and Energy Centre sites. Phase 1b • Remediation of central commercial site on a plot by plot basis. • Design and development of individual B1/B2 & B8 industrial facilities on a demand led basis. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Phase 2 • Establishment of primary highway, footway and cycleway infrastructure together with landscape corridor on Chesterfield Road. • Residential plots to be developed sequentially in sub plot phases from the new access. Phase 3 • Conduct remediation measures for creation of open storage. • Enable access, boundary landscaping and general site preparation for development. • Construct Visitor Centre and Museum of Coalite and Mining in the Area. • Design and development of small scale Incubator B1/B2 & B8 facilities on a demand led basis. Phase 4 • Establishment of Local Neighbourhood Centre with full connectivity to remainder of development. • Residential plots to be developed sequentially in sub plot phases from the new access. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION New Homes and Community Facilities New Homes The proposed housing mix will meet local housing need and reduce pressure on greenbelt development elsewhere in North East Derbyshire. The development could accommodate up to 800 new homes. As stated in the previous board there would be a phased approach to development over a number of years, with parcels of land coming forward for development and subject to further consultation and separate detailed planning applications. Discussions with North East Derbyshire Council are at an early stage, but it is likely that the site will deliver some of the following: • A variety of private family housing • Assisted Living/Extra Care for the elderly • Affordable housing • A variety of house types, including bungalows, terraced, semi-detached and detached properties. Community Facilities In addition to new homes, the developer is proposing to landscape over 20 acres of publicly accessible quality green space including a network of footpaths and cycle ways throughout the residential area of the development as well as areas for recreation and play. Subject to demand, it is also proposed to include local community retail space for local district shops and GP surgery, dental facilities. The Developer is also interested to hear ideas from the local community for additional community facilities that could be included in the development, subject to viability. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Jobs and Commercial Opportunities The proposed masterplan includes a mix of uses to provide sustainable uses appropriate to the site. Commercial and Industrial Space Areas of land to the north and east of the development would primarily be used for industrial and distribution uses taking account of the levels of contaminant present onsite and the poor suitability for alternative uses. The commercial and industrial space would be developed to complement the neighbouring Markham Vale development. In addition to the industrial site uses, a transport hub and energy centre is also proposed and there is the potential to deliver a rail passenger station and hub providing links to the wider area in the future (although this is not included in the current masterplan sufficient land could be preserved to accommodate the future development of these facilities). Energy Centre The energy centre would provide electricity and the potential for secondary “green” heat to be used elsewhere in the development. The Developer is currently considering Anaerobic Digestion, Biomass and Advanced Thermo Process Technologies. The energy centre would be housed in a contemporary building creating a clean, odour free and noise free operational environment. Transport Hub The transport hub would provide a stop off point for trucks and help prevent the nuisance of large commercial transport vehicles parking in lay-bys in roads and lanes around Bolsover and this area of North East Derbyshire. www.coalite-regeneration.com COALITE REGENERATION Thank you Thank you for attending the public exhibition today. Please take a moment to fill out a feedback form to let us know your views. Once we have considered your feedback we will be submitting outline planning applications to the local authorities later this year. You can keep up to date with the plans by visiting our consultation website: www.coalite-regeneration.com If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Alun Hayes who is handling the consultation on the details below; E-mail: alun@uk-nlp.co.uk Telephone: 01704 551653 or write to: Freepost Plus RTAY-AYHU-XEUT UK Networks 5 Crescent Road SOUTHPORT PR8 4SR Thank you again for visiting us today. www.coalite-regeneration.com
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