PRINT ST RE AM USE RG RO UP PR I N T ST R E A M U SE R GR OU P Introduction Membership Information Member Benefits Access to Monthly EFI Training Admission to Semi-Annual Meeting Discount on Connect Registration Benefactor of the Escrow Agreement Member-Only Forum Voting on Non-Paid Enhancements How to Become a Member Member Opportunities and Responsibilities Registering for Connect Escrow Agreement Charter of the PSUG Contact Information PSUG Board PSUG Members 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 10 10 11 INTRODUCTION We are happy you have chosen to become a member of the PrintStream Users Group (PSUG)! PSUG has been active for approximately 14 years. The purpose of this group is to facilitate the exchange of information among the users of the system. In addition, we are responsible for guiding EFI/PrintStream on future development by managing and prioritizing enhancements based on the requirements of the members. As you know, in 2011 Streamline and PrintStream were purchased by EFI. Today the company is known as PrintStream/ EFI. This transition gave our group the opportunity to change and redefine our activities, roles and responsibilities to active members. Not only do we want to continue to deliver value, but also increase the knowledge and number of members going forward. Over the years we have attempted varied methods of communication, meeting formats and content. Things today look quite different than when PSUG was formed. We will continue to change in order to remain relevant and bring value to our membership. This year will see the addition of a technical board member to address our growing needs in this area. Also, a new website is being built to consolidate and make communicating easier and information more accessible. Finally, half your executive is changing. With change come new and better ideas for the future. Perhaps the biggest change is a re-evaluation and establishment of “who we are” under the EFI umbrella. The most significant change is the management of all non-paid enhancements by the users group. For those of you who are receiving this because you have recently become a new member we trust it will help you become familiar with how we operate as a users group. If you are already a member, this guide will help clarify the value of continuing to be a member. Our hope is that you are able to bring excellent value back to your organizations by being a part of the PSUG. This package will provide information, define value, give instruction and contact information. Again, thank you for your interest in PSUG. Remember, we are here to help one another succeed through sharing our experiences and group networking. Your Executive, Mike Fehr Sheri Contino 2 Don Koubsky Cecylia Cackowski M EM B ER SH I P I N FOR M A TI ON M e mber B e nefi ts A ccess to M onthl y EFI Tr a i ni ng EFI offers 1 free monthly training class to all paid members of PSUG. This is a $150 value each month. Each member company can save up to $1800 annually if they participate in each session. A dmi s si on to S e mi -A nnua l M e eti ng Each fall a (semi-annual meeting) will be held in conjunction with Graph Expo. As a member you have access to this meeting where the enhancements list is reviewed and EFI will provide a general update. Remember, PSUG is responsible for enhancements and your participation is needed. D i s count on C onnect R e gi s tr ati on When registering for Connect, members will receive a $100 discount. A discount code is provided by the PSUG executive in their initial conference emails. This applies for every participant from a member company. If a member company sends two participants to Connect, their annual member fees of only $250 are almost paid. B enefactor of the Es cr ow A gr eement Several years ago a two-party escrow agreement was established between Streamline Development, LLC and DSI Technology Escrow Services. If you are a paid member you become a benefactor of this agreement. This allows access to the source code under certain conditions such as the software no longer being supported, or the company no longer being in existence (see the agreement for details). M e mber -Onl y For um As part of the new PSUG website (, there is a member-only forum. As a member you can log in and collaborate with your fellow PrintStream users. By using the forum, you will receive the benefit of a knowledge pool, posting information, and helping others succeed by maximizing the power of the software. Voti ng on N on-Pa i d Enhancements Since EFI’s purchase of Printsteam, PSUG has become responsible for the management of all non-paid enhancements to the system. EFI has commited to allocated time development of the system and PSUG is responsible to collect, develop the scope and prioritize enhancement requests. As a member you have a voice in this by voting for your most important enhancements at our semi-annual meetings. 3 M E M B E R S H I P I N F OR M A TI ON H o w t o B ec ome a Me mbe r & S t a y in g C onne c te d to othe r M ember s There are several ways you can let us know you are interested. The most direct way is to contact our Treasurer, Sheri Contino. Her email address is, may also reach her by phone at 724-371-3268. We have a members-only group on LinkedIn. Search for “EFI PrintStream User Group” and request membership. Once you have signed up and paid your annual membership dues, we can give you access. PSUG has a website located at You can also request membership here. Once you become a member, you will be able to post within the members-only forum. You will also be able to submit enhancement requests to be considered for sponsorship by the group. Once you are a member, and have paid your annual dues of $250.00, you will receive access to all communication. The PrintStream User Group is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c) (6) corporation, registered in the state of Delaware. Should your company require a US IRS W-9 form in order to process payment, please contact Sheri Contino. Checks should be made out to “PrintStream Users Group” along with a completed membership form to: Sheri Contino MSP 155 Commerce Drive Freedom, PA 15042 You can also pay your annual dues using a company credit card. Please contact Sheri Contino at 724-371-3268 to arrange secure payment. Remember, you must remain current with your annual dues in order to continue receiving the benefits of membership! 4 M EM B ER SH I P I N FOR M A TI ON M e mber Oppor tuni ti es & R esponsi bi lities PSUG members have a unique opportunity to connect and communicate with other members, as well as the developers and management of EFI/PrintStream. However, we are not a part of EFI/PrintStream, so we require volunteers from our membership in order to conduct the organization’s business and operations. Some of the ways in which you can get involved with PSUG: • • • • • • Become an active forum participant Volunteer to be in a Focus Group or define an Enhancement Request List Participate in monthly webinars Advocate PSUG within your company – invite other colleagues to participate in Forums, webinars, and enhancement requests Attend CONNECT and / or Graph Expo. CONNECT is the annual EFI conference taking place in the spring, and also one of the two in-person PSUG meetings we have yearly. The other will take place at Graph Expo, held in the fall. Present a case study during the “Innovative Uses of PrintStream” session during the Connect conference Your primary responsibility as a member of the PrintStream User Group is to be actively involved – and to pay your membership dues. Without your support, we cannot continue to offer the benefits of membership. R egi s ter i ng for C onne ct EFI Connect will be held April 10-13, 2012, in Las Vegas. The Connect conference is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of industry processes with special sessions focusing on PrintStream. The PSUG sessions will also give you an opportunity to learn how other businesses are dealing with many of the same challenges you face on a daily basis. As a PSUG member, you’ll have an opportunity to provide input on the future enhancements for the EFI tools we use. To register for Connect, visit If you are a currently paid up member of PSUG, you will receive a $100 discount off your registration fees. Contact Sheri Contino at for details and your registration discount code. 5 ES C R OW A GR EE MEN T In May of 2002 a two-party Escrow Agreement was put in place between Streamline Development and DSI Technology (Iron Mountain). The purpose of the agreement was to create a way users would be able to continue functioning and using the software should Streamline no longer exist or not be able to support the software. The solution was an Escrow Agreement, with paid up members being the beneficiaries. On a regular basis, the latest copy of the source code is deposited into the Escrow. This is held in escrow and only released under certain conditions which include: • • EFI asking for it to be released to a specific or all beneficiaries System is no longer supported You membership fees helped develop and support this valuable Escrow Agreement. Remember that in order to be considered a beneficiary, your annual membership must be current. This is an insurance policy that enables companies to develop a new long term strategy for their businesses. 6 C H A R TER OF TH E PSUG I) Mission A) The PrintStream User’s Group exists for the purpose of exchanging mutually beneficial PrintStream information and experiences, and to serve as an influential customer-based voice to Streamline Solutions. II) Objectives A) Exchange information, (ideas, problems, reports, system faults, experiences, resources, and questions) related to the use of PrintStream products. B) Influence the developmental direction of Streamline Solutions existing modules and proposed additional software products. C) Share experiences and ideas with peers and with Streamline Solutions. D) Receive advance product design and information notification from the developer. E) Benefit from PrintStream educational services, training and conferences. III) Functions A) Conduct meetings, discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, and other similar programs concerned with the development and exchange of research and technical data related to Streamline Solutions products. B) Establish procedures for the communication of information to members. C) Afford opportunities to all members to make known their suggestions for modifications and enhancements. D) Provide Streamline Solutions management an organized opinion relative to recommended enhancements, policy changes, extensions, or new software. IV) Bylaws A) Executive Committee 1) President (a) Presides at scheduled meetings. (b) Assists all officers in the performance of their responsibilities. (c) Provides leadership and direction. 2) Vice President (a) Plans meetings, topics, featured speakers. (b) Responsible for processing all requested charter modifications. (c) Responsible for any elections required. (d) Prepares the nomination slate for future officers. (e) Help PrintStream coordinate meeting arrangements and setup. (f) Serves as chairperson in the absence of the president. 3) Secretary (a) Responsible for current membership list. (b) Processes new applications. (c) Handles all association correspondence. (d) Responsible for all material published by the organization. (e) Responsible for minutes of each user group meeting and the timely dissemination thereof to the membership. (f) Maintains the historical records for the Group. (g) Responsible for counting and reporting of votes on any issue or election. 7 C H A R T ER OF T H E PSU G 4) Treasurer (a) Creates invoices and collects annual dues and conference fees when applicable. (b) Administers the user group accounts. (c) Reports the current status of all accounts and related income and expenditures at each meeting. (d) Prepares and files all necessary regulatory information and tax returns. B) Information on Positions 1) Length of term for all offices will be two years. The vice-president will move to the position of president at the end of his/her term subject to confirmation by the membership. 2) The president and vice president can serve no more than three consecutive terms, subject to the confirmation of the membership at the expiration of each term. 3) Officers are elected as individuals and no individual can concurrently hold more than one office. 4) Special elections will be conducted at the meeting following any officer’s resignation, or at a special meeting called by a quorum of the membership. 5) Special elections may be held electronically without the need for a physical meeting. Votes shall be cast electronically addressed to an officer designated by the Executive Committee. In the absence of a Secretary, the most senior remaining officer shall be responsible for the counting and reporting of the votes to the membership. 6) The term for an officer elected through a special election will coincide with the term of the officer being replaced. 7) There shall be no more than one elected officer from any member company. 8) The election of officers will take place at the annual conference 9) For normal and special elections, an officer’s term will begin immediately following the election meeting. V) Membership A) Overview 1) The requirement for membership shall be any individual employed or contracted by a member company that is a licensed user of PrintStream. 2) Membership in the organization is not required in order to attend meetings. However, non-members must either be accompanied by a member or have contacted and received written approval of one of the officers prior to the meeting. An additional fee may be assessed to such non-members to cover the cost of services provided by the Group. B) Membership Application 1) A prospective member company shall complete a membership application in order to become a regular member. 2) Such application shall be reviewed by the Secretary for completeness, verification of PrintStream license and receipt of membership dues. 3) Upon approval by the Secretary, the new member company shall be notified of its status and the general membership notified of the new member company. C) Voting 1) Application issues & enhancements and meeting topics & matters (a) All voting shall be done informally by a show of hands to be counted and recorded by the Secretary. A simple majority of the votes cast by the member companies in attendance at a meeting will decide an issue. (b) A member company must be present to vote. (c) One attendee from each member company shall cast the vote for said company. (d) Issues presented to Streamline will be prioritized at the meeting based on the voting outcome. 8 C H A R TER OF TH E PSUG 2) User Group business and Officer elections (a) A quorum of at least 50% of the member companies shall be required on all votes. A simple majority of the votes cast by the member companies will decide an issue. (b) A company need not be present at a meeting to vote. If a company is not present at a meeting, it shall be permitted to vote either by telephone conference call during the meeting, by overnight mail or U.S. mail or electronic mail within five (5) business days of said meeting. (c) Matters raised by the Executive Committee, which require a vote outside of a normally scheduled meeting, shall be done electronically and decided by a simple majority vote of those responding within 5 business days of the request for vote. VI) Dues and Group Expenses A) Membership dues shall be $250.00 per year per Member-Company. In addition, member companies will pay an attendee fee for each employee/consultant attending each meeting. Attendee fees will be established prior to each meeting. B) Non-payment of annual dues within 60 days of the date of assessment will automatically result in membership termination. C) Membership dues may be increased or decreased at any regular meeting of the group by an amount agreed upon by a vote of the membership. D) Upon a majority approval of the member companies attending any meeting, the group may assess a special or one-time fee to provide funds for a specific and unusual purpose. E) The member companies attending each meeting shall be responsible for incidental and direct expenses incurred for each meeting. Examples would be: (a) Meeting rooms. (b) General refreshments for meetings, not to include meals. (c) Out-of-pocket costs incurred by host companies. F) Member companies will be responsible for any and all administrative costs of the group G) All members shall be responsible for their own costs of transportation, meals, and lodging. H) The Treasurer and one other elected officer shall approve all costs incurred by the group. I) All host companies shall operate within a pre-approved budget as set by the Executive Committee. Any costs in excess of the budget shall be pre-approved by two members of said committee. VII) Meetings A) Meetings will be held annually or more often if the majority of the membership agrees. B) Notification of meetings will be by email and will include meeting date, time, location, agenda and other pertinent information. 9 C O NT A C T I N F OR MATI ON PS U G B o a r d Pr e s id e n t Mike Fehr Friesens Corporation One Printers Way Altona, MB CAN R0G 0B0 204.319.8126 Vic e Pr e s i de nt Don Koubsky World Marketing, Inc. 10918 Emiline Street Omaha, NE 68128-5747 402.408.1453 Treasurer Sheri Contino MSP, Inc. 155 Commerce Drive Freedom, PA 15042 724.774.3244 x1229 Se c r e t a r y Cecylia Cackowski Diamond Marketing Solutions 280 Madsen Dr. Bloomingdale, IL 60108 630.523.5383 10 PSU G M EM B ERS COMPANY C O N TA C T PH ON E EM A I L ABR Services Janet Dalby (703) 490-5559 Advanced Digital Printing Elazar Wadler (718) 649-1500 x212 Alaniz LLC (Direct Mail Holding ) Karen Kofoed (319) 201-6107 Business Ink Co. Pete Hausman (512) 949-2215 CJK Print Possibilities John Krehbiel Jr. (513) 561-6209 Consolidated Graphics Group Inc. Rick Spector (216) 426-5328 Darwill Press David Vander Meulen Gus Gutierrez (708) 236-4990 (708) 236-4931 Design Distributors Barbara Gudzik (631) 242-4442 Diamond Marketing Solutions Cecylia Cackowski (630) 523-5383 Elanders Seiz Inc. Mark Angeli (678) 232-0681 EU Services Paul Nicholson Art Simpson Bill Grover (301) 795-6310 Foster Printing Brooke Kubath (219) 879-8366 Focus Direct Inc. Kerry Tippens (800) 299-9185 Friesens Corporation Mike Fehr Charles Loewen (204) 319-8126 (204) 324-6401 Gabriel Group Dana Watson Carla Girardies (314) 743-5740 (314) 743-5700 GLS Companies Jeremy Gilbert (763) 535-7277 Lloyd Schuh Company Amy Schuh (501) 374-2332 Mail America Communications Robert Smith (434) 534-8028 Marketplace Direct Inc. Jim Kaufman Debbie Clingenpeel Antonio Spagnoli Doug Dawson Mike Dresang (412) 771-6650 Mossberg & Company Inc. Chris Roberts Gary C Belting (514) 289-9253 (574) 289-9253 MSP Sheri Contino (724) 774-3244 x1229 Northwest Mailing Service Inc. Donna Joss Roxanne Rozman (773) 237-2264 (773) 745-7968 11 PS U G MEMB E R S COMPANY C O N TA C T PH ON E EM A I L Pareto Gabe Mazzarolo Richard Dunstall (416) 918-6722 (905) 482-3536 Presort Services Inc. George Adam (616) 293-7434 (253) 813-9900 Rotary Offset Press Sheridan Books Inc. Barb Satterthwaite (434) 358-1511 Specialty Print Communications Cissy Petlenon Adam LeFebvre Rehan Razeak Ann Miller (847) 588-2580 Standard Offset Printing (The Standard Group) Suzanne Nye Jeff Wampler Joan Chappelle (630) 375-6174 SuttleStraus Inc. Ted Straus Jim Tweig (608) 850-2975 TC Delivers Eric Freeman Gerald Hall (904) 281-2604 (904) 224-1198 The Field Companies Fulfillment Center Inc. Kevin McDonald (617) 926-5550 Towne Inc. Deborah Griffith (714) 708-4030 (314) 776-5555 (402) 408-1453 Wilkes Group World Marketing Inc 12 Don Koubsky Chad Kalisch