Looking in from the comforts of home


Looking in from the comforts of home
Volume X, No. 1
Copyright Murphy-Brown LLC - A Smithfield Foods Company
1st Quarter 2011
Looking in from the comforts of home
new video series is now available to help demystify pork production
operations at Murphy-Brown. The video series, “Taking the Mystery
out of Pork Production” allows the public an in-depth view of the company’s operations and facilities -- all from the comforts of home.
The world has changed, and it keeps on
changing with each passing generation.
Pork production is not just about farming
anymore, it’s about meeting the demands
of customers and consumers. A few years
ago, a more health-conscious society began demanding leaner pork products for a
healthier diet. Through changes in feeding
and breeding techniques, pork producers responded to this demand. Today’s
pork has 16% less fat and 27 percent less
saturated fat than 15 years ago, along with
being an excellent source of Vitamin B6,
Potassium, Niacin, Thiamin and other essential nutrients.
Today consumers of pork are demanding even more. They want to know that
food animals are receiving the best possible care and that food safety and environmental measures are being implemented
throughout the industry in a way that is
sustainable over the long term.
Murphy-Brown also takes these
demands seriously. No one has more at
stake when it comes to sustaining their
operations through ethical and responsible
business practices. However, proving our
commitment to a skeptical public appears
to be even more challenging. Strict bio-se-
curity measures are implemented throughout the company to protect the animals;
therefore, farm visits are restricted. This
in itself has caused the public some skepticism. Some people say, “If you won’t let
us into your farms, you don’t really want
us to know what’s going on.”
How does Murphy-Brown enlighten its
customers and consumers without risking
the health of its animals? By launching a
new video series providing an in-depth,
behind-the-scenes look at pork production and sustainability practices at the
company’s hog farms. The video series
titled “Taking the Mystery out of Pork
Production” includes seven videos which
run from three to ten minutes each. Viewers will explore the daily procedures and
the different facilities used in pig production at Murphy-Brown, including the
feeding story and information on land and
nutrient management programs implemented to protect the environment.
“Our goal is to answer many of the
questions that people ask us,” said Don
Butler, director of government relations
and public affairs at Murphy-Brown.
“With this video series, we are inviting the
public onto our farms from the comfort of
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their homes to learn about how we raise
pigs and how our environmental, animal
handling and sustainability practices work
every day.”
Some activist groups have speculated
that the video series was the product of a
public relations firm. In fact, each scene
in the series was directed by in-house staff
at Murphy-Brown and filmed by a local
video production company at MurphyBrown facilities across the U.S. The video
series is the company’s effort to be more
transparent and let the public see what
goes on every day inside its operations.
The seven videos can be viewed on the
Murphy-Brown website, www.murphybrownllc.com, the Smithfield Foods
website, www.smithfieldfoods.com, on
YouTube, and on SchoolTube.
Sustainable & Accountable
N.C. wildlife project
demonstrates creative
land uses
A mixed-use, wildlifeagricultural project
located on a working
swine farm.
An elevated walkway leads visitors to
the impoundment site.
he partnership between the NC Foundation for Soil and Water
Conservation, Ducks Unlimited, the Sampson Soil and Water
Conservation District and Murphy-Brown LLC was designed
to improve a portion of wetland habitat and water quality by creating seasonal wetlands on an actively managed farm.
Murphy-Brown’s commitment to environmental stewardship doesn’t stop with
assertive practices to enhance water quality, promote soil conservation, prevent soil
erosion and protect rivers and waterways.
The company’s farms are also the site of
various efforts to protect wildlife habitat
for future generations to enjoy.
In February, the company hosted
the grand opening of a unique, mixeduse wildlife impoundment located on a
working swine farm in Sampson County,
North Carolina. The project utilizes ap-
proximately 80 acres of the 337 acre farm
complex to create a winter feeding and
resting area for a large variety of migratory
waterfowl, shorebirds, and other wildlife.
A dike was built around the 80 acres with
water control structures installed to let water in or out as needed. Crops are grown
on the land in the summer and the land is
flooded in the winter to provide the feeding and resting habitat for waterfowl and
other wildlife.
The project is designed to demonstrate
innovative soil and water conservation
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Benefits & Rewards
This project represents an innovative new management
practice which will complement the “Best Management
Practices” (BMPs) already
being implemented on the
farm. The company uses a
variety of BMPs to prevent
impacts to both surface and
Looking through a spotting
scope helps to identify incoming waterfowl.
practices and seasonal plantings in new
ways to attract wildlife and provide recreational and educational opportunities for
visitors. The site will be used in conjunction with the Wildlife Resources Commission to host duck hunts for kids and
handicapped youth.
The total positive impact to the environment is much greater than just provid-
ground water.
ing a habitat for wildlife. About 630 acres
of surrounding property, including both
the upland areas of the farm as well as
areas downstream from the farm, will reap
the benefits of improved water quality.
The project was developed through
the combined efforts of Ducks Unlimited,
the North Carolina Foundation for Soil &
Water Conservation, the Sampson Soil &
Water Conservation District, and Murphy-Brown. The project was funded with
a portion of the $2 million Murphy-Brown
gives annually to environmental enhancement projects through an agreement with
the North Carolina Attorney General’s
Information about the project is available at a kiosk
Waiting for the ducks to arrive. Some visitors waited until
located at the entrance of the viewing platform. Visitors
dusk when the largest array of waterfowl were scheduled
to the site can check out the various waterfowl that have
to arrive. The viewing platform offers visitors a panoramic
been spotted at the impoundment.
view of the impoundment.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 3
Vendor Expo
nother successful event!
The 2011 Murphy-Brown Vendor Expo welcomed approximately 3,000
people through the doors of the Duplin Events Center in Kenansville, North Carolina again this
year. A host of over 150 vendors were there offering a glimpse of the wide range of equipment and
services available to livestock producers. It was also a great opportunity for those interested in seeing
and learning more about the latest technological advances in pork, beef and poultry production.
Murphy-Brown hosts the Vendor Expo, which is open to the public at no charge,
every other year. Not only do growers and employees of the industry benefit from this
exposure, residents of predominately agricultural communities, community leaders, state
and local government officials, and agricultural students come to network and observe
the latest developments.
Another perk to contract growers and employees attending the expo was an opportunity to earn 6 hours of Operator-In-Charge (OIC) training by attending the classes
offered from early morning until mid-afternoon. These training hours are required by
law in order for animal waste management operators to maintain their certification.
A barbecue cook-off pitted a number of
Murphy-Brown employees and their teams
against one another in an effort to claim
prizes and bragging rights. The contest
was held outside the arena where the air was filled with
the unmistakable aroma of pork barbecue and ribs.
Both a whole-hog cooking contest and a rib cooking
contest proved to be a challenge to the palates of the
judging panels. When the judging was complete, the
barbecue was chopped and served as a tasty lunch for
expo visitors and vendors.
Again, the success of this event was due to the hard work and effort
of Murphy-Brown personnel and the leadership of Mary Graham Devane and Neill Westerbeek
of the Murphy-Brown Grower Relations Department and John Phillips, Murphy-Brown’s Purchasing
For more information on the Murphy-Brown Vendor Expo and to view the slide show, visit the website at murphybrownvendorexpo.com.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Congratulations to the winners of the 2011 Murphy-Brown
Vendor Expo Pork Cook-off!!!
1st place winner - whole hog
Pork Fixers
2nd place winners
test (left)
Caribbean Cuisine - rib con
hole hog
Bearskin Pork Choppers -w
(in blue t-shirts)
3rd place winner - rib contest
Baby Back Stabbers
Smithfield’s “Helping Hungry Homes”
donates 3,000 servings of pork products to
rehabilitation center
Smithfield and Murphy-Brown
donated the Smithfield products
displayed at the Vendor Expo.
Left to right: David Chestnutt
with Open Door Ministries, and
Mary Graham DeVane and Neill
Westerbeek, both grower relations managers with MurphyBrown.
First place winner - rib contest
Smok’n Ribettes
le hog
3rd place winner - who
Murphy-Brown Sow
At the conclusion of the Murphy-Brown Vendor Expo, Smithfield donated
3,000 servings of pork products to benefit a local rehabilitation center, Open
Door Ministries of Sampson County, N.C A non-profit organization, Open
Door Ministries depends on the support of kindhearted companies, churches
and individuals to function in the community.
Smithfield’s donation is a continuation of its “Helping Hungry Homes”
initiative to help feed families who are food insecure. Smithfield and MurphyBrown are both independent operating companies (IOCs) of Smithfield Foods.
Smithfield Foods and its IOCs have a long history of stocking food banks, supporting after-school nutrition programs and providing food relief in the wake
of natural disasters.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 5
Murphy Brown employees at a farm in
Waverly, Virginia, work on the conversion
of a barn to group pens.
At a Circle Four Farms
facility near Milford,
Utah, pregnant sows
are housed in group
pens. Circle Four
Farms is a part of
Pregnant sows at a facility in North
Carolina. There are variations of open pen
Conversion to group sow housing
well under way
mithfield Foods and Murphy-
Total Murphy-Brown Sows Accommodated in Company-Owned Group Housing
Brown are committed to phasing
Percentage of Sows in Group Housing
29.6% (P)1
out individual gestation stalls for
pregnant sows on all company-owned
sow farms and replacing them with group
housing. Progress on the sow housing
conversion is gaining momentum. A projected increase in capital investments will
allow nearly 30% of Murphy-Brown’s sows
Projected numbers based on approved capital expenditures for 2011.
to be in group housing by the end of 2011.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Excellence
Western Operations pork producers capture
2010 Environmental Steward Award
From: Iowa Pork Producer
Boone County, Iowa farm couple
who are strongly committed
to protecting natural resources
in their pork production and farming
business, are the recipients of the 2010
Environmental Steward Award given by
the Iowa Pork Producers Association.
Rod and Missy Bice of Woodward were
recently honored for their exceptional
environmental efforts and given a plaque
and a $500 cash award at the 2011 Iowa
Pork Congress Banquet in Des Moines.
The Bice family owns and operates
Golden Circle Pork, a 3,300-head weanto-finish pork production enterprise
under contract with Murphy-Brown. In
addition to their work with the hogs, the
Bices farm 1,400 acres of row crops, manage 200 head of cattle and operate a small
cow-calf herd.
Neighbor relations and biosecurity were
critical factors for the Bice family when
the decision as to where to locate the barns
was made. A long lane sets this facility
in the middle of a square-mile section,
minimizing odor impact for surrounding
neighbors. Biosecurity also is heightened
with the use of incineration for any mortality on the farm.
Manure from Golden Circle is stored
in an outdoor storage basin and injected
eight to 10 inches deep on surrounding
farm land to reduce odor and maximize
nutrient utilization. Rod and Missy calcu-
late manure value from their facility at an
average of $40,000 annually.
A well-developed evergreen windbreak
reduced odor and particulate matter emitted from the site while adding to site aesthetics. NRCS-approved grass waterways,
terraces, a CRP filter strip and 20-foot
filter strips around all tile intakes protect
the Des Moines River from potential field
drainage and provide a home to wildlife.
The Bices are also conscientious of water
usage on the farm, utilizing built-in soakers for power washing.
Rod and Missy have four children and
the entire family plays a role in managing
this top-notch, Boone County Century
2010 Iowa Environmental Steward Golden Circle Pork, LLC
Rod & Missy Bice
Woodward, Boone County
• Owner-operator of 3,300-head wean-to-finish operation
• Evergreen windbreak to reduce odor and dust
• Utilize grass waterways, terraces and CRP filter strips to protect the Des Moines River and provide home for wildlife
• Completed “USDA Process Verification Program” to ensure food safety standards
• Inject manure to minimize run-off and maximize nutrient utilization
• Added insulation and technology to
maximize pig comfort and conserve
• Farm 1,400 acres of row-crops with
minimum tillage practices
• Century Farm
From: Iowa Pork Producer
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 7
Grower Partners
Annual NCPC Conference offers growers
a chance to network
A number of Murphy-Brown grower partners were
recognized and awarded at the North Carolina Pork
Council’s awards breakfast held during the pork
conference in February.
his year, the North Carolina Pork
Conference was again held in conjunction with the Southern Farm
Show on February 3-4 at the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, North Carolina. The
North Carolina Pork Conference offers
pork producers and allied industry representatives a chance to network and review
the latest industry information. The
event opened with lunch and educational
presentations on economics, regulatory
and political impacts on the pork industry,
followed by the NCPC’s annual fundraiser
social, The Bacon Bash.
The NCPC also hosted its annual
awards breakfast to recognize its 2011
award winners. Award winners included:
John M. Langdon (NC Environmental
Steward); Bo Stone (2011 Pork AllAmerican); and Waitus English (2011
Outstanding Pork Producer), all of whom
are grower partners with Murphy-Brown.
Tim Craig, 2010 President of the North
Carolina Pork Council, received the Past
President’s Award. Tim is also a MurphyBrown grower partner.
Closing out the event, the NCPC
provided participants the opportunity to
receive some Operator-in-Charge (OIC)
credits by participating in the afternoon
seminars available at the fair grounds.
(Below) The John Langdon farm was the recipient
of the NC Environmental Stewardship award. This
award recognizes one producer each year who
excels in on-farm environmental stewardship including manure management, soil conservation, water
conservation, wildlife habitat, air quality and public
relations. Left to right, Eileen and John Langdon with
Kraig Westerbeek, Vice President of Environmental,
Health & Safety for Murphy-Brown.
(Above) Waitus English (right) received the 2011 Outstanding Pork Producer award. This award is given
based on the producer’s contribution to the pork
industry through management and leadership ability
to the pork producer organization and to family and
community. Pictured with Waitus is Tim Craig, 2010
President of the NCPC.
(Above) Tim Craig (with wife Wendy) was presented
the Past President’s Award at the 2011 NCPC Pork
Conference and passed the gavel to newly elected
president, Ben Outlaw.
(Above) Bo Stone was presented the 2011 Pork
All-American award during the awards breakfast.
This is one of the highest honors pork producers can
achieve, and is awarded annually to only one pork
producer per state. The award is earned through superior achievements in swine production, community
leadership, and industry involvement. Left to right,
Bo Stone and 2010 NCPC President Tim Craig.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Leadership
Dr. Marlin Hoogland named
Young Veterinarian of the Year
Dr. Marlin Hoogland
“Young Veterinarian of the Year”
In March, Dr. Marlin Hoogland was presented the “Young Veterinarian of the Year”
Award by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV). This award is
given annually to an AASV member five or less years post-graduation who has demonstrated the ideals of exemplary service and proficiency early in his or her career.
Dr. Hoogland is a graduate of Iowa State University where he received both his
DVM and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine in
2005. He is currently a practitioner with Murphy-Brown’s Western Operations in
Algona, IA, where he is an integral part of a production management team responsible
for producing 3 million market hogs per year. Dr. Hoogland also serves as a member
of the company’s in-house research team, providing production and techical support
into research project design, analyses, and implementation planning. He is also a
2009 graduate of the University of Illinois’ Executive Veterinary Program.
Dr. Hoogland presented at the 2008 AASV meeting in San Diego on “Managing
High Mortality” and again in 2010 on “Managing Respiratory Disease in Nursery and
Wean-to-Finish.” He currently serves on the AASV’s Advanced Techniques Conference Committee.
NPPC Honors Patty Goff For Efforts On GIPSA Rule
The National Pork Producers Council, at its recent business meeting
in Phoenix - the National Pork Industry Forum - honored Patty Goff of
Utah for her efforts on behalf of the U.S. pork industry.
Patty, who works for Circle Four Farms in Milford, Utah, the state’s
largest pork operation, received NPPC’s first-ever “LEADR of the Year”
award. This award was given to Patty for her efforts in educating employees, growers, and the community about the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s proposed regulation, known as the GIPSA rule. This rule
would have a negative impact on the buying and selling of livestock.
She urged them to contact their congressional lawmakers about the rule and to submit comments in opposition to it. NPPC has said the “GIPSA rule would be bad for farmers, bad for consumers and bad for
rural America if it is promulgated in its present form.”
“Patty obviously is passionate about the U.S. pork industry and the people who work in it,” said NPPC
President Doug Wolf, a producer from Lancaster, Wis. “Her efforts on the GIPSA rule were critical in slowing down that fast-moving regulation, and NPPC is extremely grateful to her. Patty is a stellar example of
the type of leadership our industry needs.”
NPPC’s Legislative Education Action Development Resource (LEADR) program helps the organization
build, maintain and coordinate an effective grassroots movement of trained and willing volunteers who
can be mobilized easily and rapidly to advance important pork industry issues or defend against bad
public policy.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 9
e on
Keith Miller, MB Vaccination Crew, received $1,000 from the Employee
Referral Incentive Program. Left to right: Keith Miller, Becky StraughnHR Manager, and Ronnie Miller, Vaccination Crew Supervisor.
Above, left to right: Ray Scott, farm
manager at Farm 5701 and Valente
Ruiz, breeding HOD. Valente is a
recipient of $1000 from the Employee Referral Incentive Program.
Below, Raymond Belcher, a herdsperson for Farm 8528, is also a
recipient of $1000 from the incentive program.
Win cash by referring employees
who maintain employment!
The Murphy-Brown Employee Referral Incentive Program offers employees $450 for referrals. These referrals are paid after the new employee
completes 26 weeks of continuous employment with the company.
Referrals must be given by active, full-time employees of Murphy-Brown.
There is no limit to the number of referral submitted per year. The more
successful referrals submitted, the higher the chances at winning $1,000
at year end. A signed referral card must accompany the application
when submitted to Human Resources. For more information about the
Employee Referral Incentive Program, ask your supervisor or contact the
Human Resources Department in your area.
(Right) Truck driver, Timothy
Jones (right) received $1000
from the Employee Referral
Incentive Program in 2010.
Presenting the check to Timothy is Kenneth Moore, driver
supervisor, and Rhonda Norris,
HR manager.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Community
Pooley named VP of Texas
Pork Producers Association
Jason Pooley of Miami, Texas, has been
elected to serve as the vice president
of the Texas Pork Producers Association
(TPPA). He was elected during a board of
directors meeting on December 11, 2010.
Jason is a general manager of
Smithfield Premium Genetics and has
been a pork producer for 15 years. He
has been a member of the Texas Pork
Producers Association for six years.
The vice president of the TPPA assists the president in leading the
Texas Pork Producers Association’s committees throughout the year.
Proudly supporting the
communities where we
live, work and raise our
Fire Depa
The National Pork Producers Council is offering SIP investors free admissions tickets to
the 23rd Annual World Pork Expo, June 8-10 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.
For more information, contact Michele at eatonm@nppc.org or call 515-864-7985.
Our Mission:
To lead the industry by
producing a predictable amount of low-cost,
high- quality meat; to
operate as a responsible
business, creating sustainable success for our
customers, employees,
contract growers and
Spring Hill
Fire Depar
This newsletter is published quarterly
by Murphy-Brown LLC. Its purpose is to provide information to employees, producer families and industry affiliates.
n Cance
r Society
Comments and suggestions may be sent to:
Rhonda Campbell
Department of Government Relations
& Public Affairs
Phone: 910-293-5324
Fax: 910-293-6957
Translation: Luis Torres
Spring Hill Fire De
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 11
Eliminando el Misterio de la Producción Porcina
Mirando hacia adentro desde la
confortabilidad del hogar
Una nueva serie de videos está disponible para ayudar a la desmitificación de
las operaciones de producción de cerdo en Murphy-Brown. La serie de videos,
“Eliminando el Misterio de la Producción Porcina” brinda al público una vista a
profundidad sobre las operaciones e instalaciones de la compañía – todo desde
la comodidad del hogar.
l mundo ha cambiado, y continúa cambiando con el paso de cada generación.
La producción porcina ya no es solo
acerca de la operación de granjas, sino que se
trata de cubrir las demandas de los clientes y
consumidores. Hace algunos años, una sociedad más consciente sobre la salud comenzó
a demandar productos de cerdo más magros
para una dieta más saludable. A través de
cambios en la alimentación y técnicas de cruzamiento, los productores de cerdo respondieron
a esta demanda. Hoy en día el cerdo tiene
16% menos grasa y 27 por ciento menos grasa
saturada que hace 15 años, además de ser una
excelente fuente de Vitamina B6, Potasio, Niacina, Tiamina y otros nutrientes esenciales.
Hoy, los consumidores de cerdo demandan
aún más. Ellos quieren saber que los animales
que consumimos reciben el mejor cuidado
posible y que la seguridad de alimentos y las
medidas ambientalistas están siendo implementadas a lo largo de la industria en una
forma que es sostenible a largo plazo.
Murphy-Brown toma muy en serio estas
demandas. Nadie tiene más en riesgo cuando
se trata de sostener sus operaciones a través de
prácticas de negocios éticas y responsables.
Sin embargo, probar nuestro compromiso a
un público escéptico parece ser un reto aún
mayor. Medidas estrictas de bioseguridad son
implementadas a través de la compañía para
proteger a los animales; por lo tanto, las visitas
a granjas son restringidas. Esto en sí mismo ha
causado cierto escepticismo público. Alguna
gente dice, “si no nos dejan entrar en sus granjas, en realidad no quieren que sepamos lo que
pasa dentro.”
¿Cómo puede Murphy-Brown educar a sus
clientes y consumidores sin arriesgar la salud
de sus animales? Mediante el lanzamiento
de una nueva serie de videos que provea un
vistazo a fondo tras bambalinas en las prácticas
de producción y sustentabilidad en las granjas
de cerdo de la compañía. La serie de videos
titulada “Eliminando el Misterio de la Producción Porcina” incluye siete videos que duran de
tres a diez minutos cada uno. Los espectadores
explorarán los procedimientos diarios y las
diferentes instalaciones usadas en la producción de cerdos en Murphy-Brown, incluyendo
la historia de alimentación e información
sobre programas de conservación del terreno
y manejo de nutrientes implementados para
proteger el medio ambiente.
“Nuestra meta es dar respuesta a muchas de
las preguntas que la gente nos hace,” dijo Don
Butler, director de relaciones gubernamentales
y relaciones públicas de Murphy-Brown. “Con
Un proyecto de aumento en
inversiones de capital permitirá
que cerca de un 30% de las
cerdas de Murphy-Brown estén
en alojamiento por grupo para
finales del 2011.
esta serie de videos, estamos invitando al público a visitar nuestras granjas desde la comodidad de sus hogares para que aprendan más
sobre cómo criamos cerdos y cómo funcionan
nuestras prácticas ambientalistas, de manejo de
animales y sustentabilidad diariamente.
Algunos grupos activistas han especulado
que la serie de videos fue producida por una
firma de relaciones públicas. De hecho, cada
escena de la serie fue dirigida por personal de
Murphy-Brown y filmada por una compañía
local de producción de video en instalaciones
de Murphy-Brown a lo largo de los EE.UU. La
serie de videos es un esfuerzo de la compañía para ser más transparentes y dejar que el
público vea lo que pasa diariamente dentro de
nuestras operaciones.
Los siete videos pueden ser vistos en los
sitios de internet de Murphy-Brown, www.
murphybrownllc.com, de Smithfield Foods,
www.smithfieldfoods.com, en YouTube y en
Conversión a alojamiento en grupo
va bastante avanzada
Smithfield Foods y Murphy-Brown están comprometidos a la eliminación por fases de las jaulas de gestación para cerdas preñadas en todas las granjas de reproducción propiedad de la compañía y remplazarlas con alojamiento en grupo. El progreso en la
conversión de alojamiento de cerdas está ganando momento.
Un proyecto de aumento en inversiones de capital permitirá que
cerca de un 30% de las cerdas de Murphy-Brown estén en alojamiento por grupo para finales del 2011.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Impacto Positivo
Esperando la llegada de los
patos. Algunos visitantes esperaron hasta el anochecer para
observar la llegada de la mayor
cantidad de aves silvestres
estaban programadas para
llegar al reservorio. El mirador
ofrece a los visitantes una vista
panorámica del reservorio.
Proyecto de Vida Silvestre en NC
demuestra usos creativos del suelo
Photo: Ducks Unlimited
na sociedad entre la Fundación
para la Conservación de Suelo
y Agua de Carolina del Norte,
el club “Ducks Unlimited”, el Distrito
de Conservación de Suelo y Agua del
Condado Sampson y Murphy-Brown LLC
fue formada para mejorar una porción de
hábitats humedales y calidad de agua mediante la creación de humedales de temporada en terrenos una granja activamente
El compromiso de Murphy-Brown hacia
la conservación ambiental no se limita a
prácticas asertivas para mejorar la calidad
del agua, promover la conservación del
suelo, prevenir erosión y proteger ríos y
arroyos. Las granjas de la compañía también son escenario de variados esfuerzos
para proteger el hábitat de la vida silvestre
para beneficio de futuras generaciones.
En febrero, la compañía fue anfitrión
de la inauguración de un reservorio de
vida silvestre para uso mixto localizado
en una granja porcina en operación en el
Condado Sampson, Carolina del Norte. El
Este proyecto representa una nueva e innovadora práctica
administrativa que complementará las “Mejores Prácticas
de Manejo” (BMPs) ya implementadas en la granja. La compañía usa una variedad de BMPs para prevenir impactos tanto en el agua superficial como la subterránea.
proyecto utiliza aproximadamente 80 de
los 337 acres del complejo agrícola para
crear un área de alimentación y descanso
para una amplia variedad de aves acuáticas y migratorias así como otras especies
de vida silvestre. Se construyó un dique
alrededor de 80 acres con estructuras de
control de agua instaladas para permitir la
entrada y salida de agua según sea necesario. Las cosechas son plantadas en la
tierra en el verano y el terreno es inundado en el invierno para proveer un hábitat
de alimentación y descanso para aves
acuáticas y otros tipos de vida silvestre.
El proyecto está diseñado para demostrar prácticas innovadoras de conservación de suelo y agua, así como plantación
por temporada en nuevas formas para
atraer vida silvestre y proveer oportunidades recreativas y educativas para los
visitantes. El sitio será usado en conjunto
con la Comisión de Recursos de Vida
Silvestre para realizar cacería de pato para
niños y jóvenes discapacitados.
El impacto positivo total al medio am-
biente es mucho mayor que sólo proveer
hábitat para la vida silvestre. Cerca de 630
acres de propiedad contigua, incluyendo
tanto el terreno elevado de la granja como
sus áreas bajas, se verán beneficiados por
el mejoramiento en la calidad del agua.
El proyecto fue desarrollado a través
de esfuerzos combinados del club “Ducks
Unlimited” la Fundación de Carolina
del Norte para la Conservación de Agua
y Suelo, el Distrito de Conservación de
Agua y Suelo del Condado Sampson y
Murphy-Brown. El proyecto fue financiado con una porción de los $2 millones
que Murphy-Brown otorga anualmente
a proyectos de mejoramiento ambiental
a través de un acuerdo con la Oficina de
Fiscalía General de Carolina del Norte.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 13
Expo 2011
Expo 2011 de Proveedores
de Murphy-Brown
¡Otro evento exitoso!
La Expo de Proveedores de MurphyBrown dio la bienvenida una vez más este
año a aproximadamente 3,000 asistentes al
Centro de Eventos del Condado Duplin en
Kenansville, Carolina del Norte.
Murphy-Brown organiza la Expo,
la cual está abierta de forma gratuita al
público cada dos años. No sólo los productores y empleados de la industria se
benefician de esta exposición, los residentes de comunidades predominantemente
agrícolas, líderes comunitarios,
oficiales de gobierno local y estatal
y estudiantes de agricultura vienen
a interactuar y observar los últimos
avances agropecuarios.
Otro beneficio para los productores por contrato y empleados que asisten a la expo
fue la oportunidad de ganar 6 horas
de entrenamiento de Operador a Cargo
(OIC) al asistir a las clases ofrecidas desde
temprano por la mañana hasta la media
tarde. Estas horas de entrenamiento son
requisito legal para que los operadores de
equipos de manejo de desechos puedan
conservar su certificación.
Un concurso de cocina de barbacoa
enfrentó a un número de empleados
de Murphy-Brown y sus equipos en un
esfuerzo por ganar premios y derechos de
presumir. El concurso se realizó afuera
de la arena donde el aire se llenó con
el inconfundible aroma de la barbacoa
y costillas de cerdo. Los concursos de
cocinado de un cerdo entero y de costillas
probaron ser un reto para los paladares de
los miembros del jurado. Cuando se concluyeron las deliberaciones, la barbacoa
fue picada y servida como almuerzo a los
visitantes y proveedores.
Una vez más, el éxito del evento se
debió al arduo trabajo y esfuerzo del
personal de Murphy-Brown y el liderazgo
de Mary Graham Devane y Neill Westerbeek del Departamento de Relaciones con
Productores y John Phillips, Gerente de
Compras de Murphy-Brown.
Para más información sobre la Expo
de Proveedores de Murphy-Brown y para
ver fotografías del evento, visite el sitio de
internet murphybrownvendorexpo.com
¡Nos vemos en el 2013!
La NPPC Honra a Patty Goff por sus Esfuerzos sobre GIPSA
El Consejo Nacional de Productores de Cerdo, en su reciente reunión de negocios en Phoenix –el Foro de
La Industria Nacional del Cerdo – honró a Patty Goff de Utah por sus esfuerzos a favor de la industria de
cerdo de EE.UU.
”Patty, quien trabaja para las Granjas Círculo Cuatro en Milord, Utah, la operación porcina más grande
del estado, recibió el primero de los premios “Líder del Año” del NPPC. Este premio fue otorgado a Patty
por sus esfuerzos en la educación de empleados, productores y la comunidad acerca de la propuesta de
regulación presentada por el Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. conocida como GIPSA. Este regulación hubiera tenido un impacto negativo en la compra y venta de ganado. Ella los urgió a contactar a sus
legisladores congresistas sobre esta regla y enviar sus comentarios de oposición a su implementación.
La NPPC ha dicho que “el reglamento GIPSA sería malo para los granjeros, malo para los consumidores y
malo para la América rural si es promulgada en su forma actual.”
“Obviamente Patty es apasionada de la industria porcina de Estados Unidos y la gente que trabaja en ella,” dijo el Presidente de la NPPC Dough Wolf, un productor de Lancaster, Wis. “Sus esfuerzos en el reglamento GIPSA fueron críticos en la desaceleración de esta rápida regulación y la NPPC está extremadamente
agradecida con ella. Patty es un ejemplo estelar del tipo de liderazgo que nuestra industria necesita.”
El programa Recurso de Educación Legislativa para Desarrollo de Acción (LEADR) de la NPPC ayuda a la organización a construir, mantener y coordinar un
movimiento efectivo de base con voluntarios entrenados y dispuestos que pueden ser movilizados fácil y rápidamente para avanzar asuntos importantes para la
industria porcina o defenderla de mala política pública.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Operaciones productoras de cerdo
en el Oeste capturan el Premio al
Compromiso Ambiental 2010
Una pareja de agricultores del Condado
Boone en Iowa, fuertemente comprometidos con la protección de recursos naturales en su negocio de producción de cerdo
y agricultura, fueron galardonados con el
Premio al Compromiso Ambiental 2010
otorgado por la Asociación de productores
de Cerdo de Iowa.
Rod y Missy Bice de Woodward, Iowa
fueron honrados recientemente por sus esfuerzos excepcionales en favor del medio
ambiente con una placa y una recompensa
de $500 en efectivo durante el Banquete
del Congreso del Cerdo de Iowa realizado
en Des Moines.
La familia Bice posee y opera “Golden
Circle Pork”, una granja de producción de
credos de destete a engorda bajo contrato
con Murphy-Brown. En adición a su
trabajo con cerdos, los Bice cultivan 1,400
acres de terreno, manejan 200 cabezas de
ganado y operan un pequeño rebaño de
Relaciones con vecinos y bioseguridad
fueron factores críticos para la familia
Bice cuando decidieron dónde colocar las
galeras de cerdo. Una amplia franja de terreno coloca esta instalación en medio de
un sector de una milla cuadrada, minimizando el impacto del olor a sus vecinos.
La bioseguridad también es elevada con el
uso de incineradores para el desecho de la
mortalidad de la granja.
El estiércol producido por la granja es
almacenado en una cuenca de almacenaje
exterior e inyectado entre 8 y 10 pulgadas
de profundidad en el terreno que rodea
a la granja para reducir el olor y maximizar la utilización de nutrientes. Rod y
Missy calculan el valor del estiércol de sus
instalaciones en unos $40,000 anuales.
Un rompe vientos de árboles bien
desarrollado redujo el olor y las partículas
de material emitidas en el sitio agregando
al mismo tiempo valor estético. Cursos
de agua aprobados por la NRCS, terrazas,
una franja de filtrado CRP y franjas de fil-
trado de 20 pies alrededor de los ingresos
de agua protegen al Río Des Moines de un
potencial drenado del campo y proveen un
hogar para la vida silvestre. Los Bice también son conscientes del uso de agua en
la granja, utilizando rociadores de remojo
para el lavado a presión.
Rod y Missy tienen cuatro hijos y la
familia entera juega un papel importante
en el manejo de esta excelente granja del
Condado Boone.
Dr. Marlin Hoogland nombrado Joven Veterinario del Año
En marzo, el Dr. Marlin Hoogland fue galardonado
con el Premio al “Joven Veterinario del Año” otorgado por la Asociación Americana de Veterinarios
Porcinos (AASV). Este premio es entregado anualmente a un miembro de la AASV a cinco años o menos después de su graduación que ha demostrado
ideales de servicio ejemplar y eficiente temprano en su carrera.
El Dr. Hoogland se graduó de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa donde
recibió su Doctorado en Veterinaria y Maestría en Microbiología Veterinaria y Medicina Preventiva en el 2005. El actualmente practica con
Murphy-Brown en las Operaciones del Oeste en Algona, IA, donde es
parte integral de un equipo de manejo de producción responsable
por la producción de 3 millones de cerdos finalizados por año. El Dr.
Hoogland también es miembro del equipo interno de investigación de la
compañía, proveyendo apoyo técnico y de producción al diseño, análisis y planeamiento de implementación del proyecto de investigación. El
también se graduó del Programa Veterinario Ejecutivo de la Universidad
de Illinois.
El Dr. Hoogland hizo una presentación acerca del “Manejo de la Alta
Mortalidad” en la reunión de la AASV en el 2008 en San Diego y luego
en el 2010 sobre “Manejo de Enfermedades Respiratorias en la Crianza y
Destete-Engorda.” Actualmente él sirve en el Comité de la Conferencia
de Técnicas Avanzadas de la AASV.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 15
Murphy-Brown LLC
Wilmington, NC
Permit #42
P.O. Box 856
Warsaw, North Carolina 28398
Smithfield Foods announces sale of
Texhoma production
In January, Smithfield Foods announced
that it had completed the sale of its hog
production operations located in Texhoma, Oklahoma to Prestage Farms, Inc.
The Texhoma operations house 20,000
sows and contain 71,000 nursery and
172,000 finishing spaces.
“Although vertical integration
continues to be a key point of difference for Smithfield, these farms do
not supply any of the company’s pork
processing plants,” said C. Larry Pope,
president and chief executive officer of
Smithfield Foods.
“The sale of these operations
demonstrates our continuing commitment to shed non-core businesses with
a greater focus on return on invested
capital. This divestiture is another
example of how we have altered our
strategy to deliver better returns to
our shareholders,” he concluded.
¡Gane efectivo refiriendo empleados que permanezcan
con la compañía!
El Programa Incentivo por Referencia de Empleados de Murphy-Brown ofrece
a los empleados $450 por referencias. Estas referencias son pagadas después
de que el nuevo empleado complete 26 semanas de trabajo continuo con la
compañía. Las referencias deben ser hechas por empleados activos de tiempo
completo de Murphy-Brown. No hay límite al número de referencias sometidas
por año. Entre más referencias exitosas envíe mayor es la posibilidad de ganar
$1,000 al final del año. Una tarjeta de referencia firmada debe acompañar a la
solicitud de empleo cuando se presente al departamento de Recursos Humanos. Para más información acerca del Programa Incentivo por Referencia de
Empleados consulte a su supervisor o contacte al Departamento de Recursos
Humanos de su área.
Our Families Feed Your Families •murphybrownllc.com 

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