Godwin Announces Retirement


Godwin Announces Retirement
Volume X, No. 4Copyright Murphy-Brown LLC - A Smithfield Foods Company
4th Quarter 2011
Murphy-Brown East Feed Operations
Achieve ISO 22000:2005 Registration
Effective July 31, 2012
Pen Gestation
Conversion over
30% complete
2011: The Year in
“Golden Circle”
Family Honored
Our Families Feed Your
Families . murphybrownllc.com LLC
“[Jerry’s] legacy of leadership and list of accomplishments will long be
remembered and will serve our company well into the future.” C. Larry Pope
Godwin announces his
plans to retire in July ‘12
Jerry Godwin
President & Chief Operating Officer
Murphy-Brown LLC
Jerry Godwin, president and chief operating officer of Murphy-Brown LLC, has
announced he plans to retire effective July
31, 2012.
“Jerry has been president and COO
of Murphy-Brown since its formation
in 2001 and has led the Hog Production
Group with exceptional vision, strength
and wisdom,” said C. Larry Pope in a
January 3 announcement to all Smithfield
employees. “While at Murphy-Brown, he
has distinguished himself by developing
an outstanding management team which
is leading the way for the U.S. pork industry on many fronts, including production
innovation and efficiency; conversion
of company sow farms from individual
stalls to group housing for pregnant sows;
environmental stewardship; sound animal
care; food safety; taking care of employees; and support for the communities
where we have business interests.”
“Under Jerry’s leadership, MurphyBrown has developed into a widely
respected industry leader. His legacy of
leadership and list of accomplishments
will long be remembered and will serve
our company well into the future.”
“Upon Jerry’s retirement, Robert “Bo”
Manly will take over the leadership of the
Hog Production Group. Bo has extensive
experience in both our meat processing and live production operations since
1986. Jerry will continue to run the dayto-day operations until his retirement, at
which time his direct reports will report
to Bo.”
“Taking into account Bo’s background
and the long-standing relationship between Bo and Jerry and his team, I expect
this to go smoothly. Bo is planning to
remain officed in Virginia and will retain
his basic responsibility as CFO. This
will enhance the strategic relationship
between Murphy-Brown and Smithfield
“Please give Jerry and Bo your continued support throughout the transition
Robert “Bo” Manly
Chief Financial Officer
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Despite all the challenges, Murphy-Brown has achieved
open pen gestation by the end of 2011. In fact, when st
proximately 31%. This is a tremendous accomplishment
is committed to phasing out individual gestation stalls fo
replacing them with group housing.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com All Murphy-Brown East Feed
Operations Achieve
ISO 22000:2005 Registration
The Murphy-Brown East Feed Operations
team has been working for the past year
to achieve ISO 22000:2005 registration.
ISO 22000:2005 is a standard developed
by the International Organization for
Standardization dealing with food safety.
It specifies the requirements for a food
safety management system that involves
interactive communication, system
management, prerequisite programs and
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Points (HACCP) principles. The registration includes the feed formulation, grain
and ingredient procurement, feed manufacturing and feed delivery operations.
A third party auditor, NSF, awarded
registration to Murphy-Brown East Feed
Operations on November 29th, 2011.
The ISO 22000:2005 standard specifies
requirements for a feed safety manage-
ment system where an organization in
the food chain wants to demonstrate its
ability to control feed safety hazards and
implement controls that consistently
provide safe feed products.
“Standardization of our practices and
the commitment to measure our performance to those standards is important to
producing quality feed for our animals
and a great place to work for our people,”
said Al Searles, Vice President of Feed
Manufacturing and Transportation. “The
ISO 22000:2005 registration provides the
vehicle to demonstrate our commitment
to feed safety and feed quality. Safe, high
quality feed improves live hog performance and results in further demonstration of a pork production system that is
committed to producing safe, high quality
pork for our customers.”
d its goal of having 30% of its sows on company farms in
tocking of these farms is complete, the total will be ap-
t and one the company is very proud of. Murphy-Brown
or pregnant sows at all company-owned sow farms and
Sow stall conversion
process update
I am very pleased to report that our
livestock production subsidiary MurphyBrown, LLC has made major progress
toward the conversion from individual
gestation stalls to group housing arrangements for pregnant sows on company
While the conversion slowed during the
recent recession due to significant operating losses, at our September 2010 shareholders meeting, Smithfield announced
that significant resources had again been
committed to the conversion. We also
resolved to announce our progress on a
regular basis. As of December 31, 2011,
we have completed conversions for 30%
of the sows on our farms, which was our
target for the year.
Smithfield was the first major producer
in our industry to publicly commit to
converting sow housing to group pens. We
will continue the conversion as planned
with the goal of completing conversion
for all sows on company farms by the
end of 2017, and today we are on course
to achieve that goal. While we initially
had concerns during the recession about
whether we could meet the 2017 goal, we
are now back on track and barring unforeseen circumstances beyond our control
we are confident that we will achieve our
stated goal.
Larry Pope, President & CEO
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 3
Congratulations to all Murphy-Brown associates
for an outstanding environmental achievement
urphy-Brown is pleased to announce that in 2011 the company received only one Notice of
Violation (NOV) from state or federal
environmental regulatory agencies.
The one NOV received was for a
minor air permitting omission at the
Nichols Grain buying facility in South
Carolina that occurred in 2007. There
were no Notices of Violations issued
with enforcement, and no discharges.
“The fact that Murphy-Brown was
able to achieve this level of compliance is a testament to our environmental management systems and,
more specifically, the dedication of
our management and employees to
these systems,” said Kraig Westerbeek,
vice president Environmental, Safety,
and Health Compliance. “There is no
way to diminish the significance of this
Premium Standard
Farms completes
installation of Next
Technology seven
months ahead of
accomplishment given the size and
scope of our operations. We maintain
well over 500 permits at our facilities
across the US and certainly receive
our share of attention from both the
regulators and public.”
“This is an amazing accomplishment
for our environmental management
team and I want to congratulate
each one of those who has primary
responsibility in that area,” said Jerry
Godwin, Murphy-Brown president and
chief operating officer. “But credit
for this achievement does not stop
there. Because our ISO 14001 certified
Environmental Management System
is woven into the fabric of our entire
operation, all of our employees share
in this success. Reaching this milestone would not have been possible
without our entire Murphy-Brown team
doing their part to help meet our goal
of 100% compliance. I am proud of
you all.”
Murphy-Brown’s facilities are routinely
inspected by regulators with enforcement discretion and company policies
ensure that all records and actions are
accurate and transparent to the regulatory community. “This achievement
is not a matter of smoke and mirrors, it
is reflective of a true commitment to
compliance by our management and
employees and I sincerely appreciate
all they do to help us maintain that
high level of compliance,” Kraig said.
“As we look at 2012, let’s all make it a
goal to not only maintain our level of
compliance, but to achieve a goal
that we haven’t achieved before –
zero NOVs.
Premium Standard Farms (PSF) has successfully completed installing Next Generation Barn
Scraper Technology at its farms in north Missouri - seven months ahead of schedule.
While PSF’s agreement with the state of Missouri set a final deadline of July 31, 2012 to
complete the installation of new barn scraper technology, the final installation took place on
December 29, 2011. In total, installation costs of the Next Generation barn scraper technology exceeded $7M.
“Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees, we’re proud to announce
completion of this ambitious project fully seven months early, well ahead of the original
schedule,” said Bill Homann, director of administration and compliance for Premium Standard Farms.
“A great deal of perserverance and cooperation on the part of the state and our company
went into this project over the past ten years, and now that it’s complete we believe we are
setting the standard for environmental technology,” Homann said.
“In fact, our production employees and environmental staff experts are very happy with
how well the Next Generation Technology is working. The systems are exceeding our expectations and providing a very positive impact,” he added. “Perhaps most significantly, we’re
also very pleased that the combined efforts of the state, the advisory panel and PSF in implementing Next Generation Technology helped preserve hundreds of jobs in north Missouri.”
Premium Standard Farms estimates that it has spent more than $49 million to install
improved environmental technologies, including the previous installation of lagoon covers,
treatment facilities, and land application technologies, equipment and practices that are
among the most advanced in the United States.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Where Food
Comes From
Midwest growers have an opportunity to tell their story
Knowing where your food comes from
is the basis to knowing everything about
what you eat. Where was it grown or
raised? Who handled it? Where did it go
from there? All of these things are essential in understanding the food production
process and traceability.
So many consumers are making
critical decisions on what to feed their
families every day, yet know very little
about the food they consume. Because
of this, we are presented with a unique
opportunity to tell them more about their
food through the Where Food Comes
From® program.
Where Food Comes From ® started as
an initiative of IMI (Integrated Management Information) Global, Inc., a food
industry leader in providing third‐party
verification to consumers about various
food marketing or labeling claims. The
company has been offering verification
services to farmers and ranchers for more
than 15 years. The Where Food Comes
From® labeling program and consumer
education web site is a way to connect the
verification service with the people who
buy the food.
“Knowing the source of your food and
knowing that any claims made about how
it was raised or processed are accurate
and truthful is critical to understanding
the story behind your meal,” says Leann
Saunders, president of IMI Global, Inc.
“Our goal is to sort through the hype
that seems so prevalent when people talk
about food, and provide truthful, accurate information that can be verified.”
The company’s verification services are
approved and audited annually by
the U.S. Department of Agriculture and meet international standards for providing third‐party
verification. “For Heinen’s Fine
Foods, the ability to offer this
kind of information to our customers seems essential, however,
because of the complexity of
food production it’s not an easy
process,” says Tom Heinen,
marketing director for
Heinen’s Fine Food. “We depend on
families from farms and ranches in rural
America to raise our beef and pork to
exacting specifications, but because they
have to process those products through
a third party, getting back to the story of
the family farm can be challenging. The
Where Food Comes From® program offers the traceability and verification that
lets us provide that information to our customers.”
Early in September, two
Murphy-Brown contract
producers were given the
opportunity to tell their story
which is a result of a need
to assist retailers in building
greater confidence among
consumers through the web
page “Where Food Comes
Visit the Web Site at www.
wherefoodcomesfrom, click on “Meet the
Families” and hear Murphy-Brown growers
tell their stories.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com The Cole family from Central Iowa: Max
Cole was born the very same day his
parents moved onto their farm. He and his
wife, Deb, are very proud to raise their two
sons on the very same plot of land today.
Even though a lot has changed, one thing
remains the same - hard work, dedication,
and pride in producing the best quality
pork they can.
The Bice family from Boone County Iowa:
Golden Circle Pork LLC was the name chosen for the Bice farm in 1996. This name
was chosen because Rod and Missy Bice
always wanted the “Golden Circle” of sustainable food production to be front and
center in their thoughts and decisions.
Animal Health
Pfizer Animal Health announces winners of
the 10 under 40 Swine Veterinarian Award
Young veterinarians who are making significant contributions to animal health
Pfizer Animal Health recently showcased
the talented winners of their first “10
under 40” swine veterinarian award program. The biennial program is designed
to recognize 10 veterinarians under the
age of 40 who are making significant
contributions to animal health.
“Anything we can do at Pfizer Animal
Health to place the spotlight on deserving
animal care leaders is a goal we strive to
accomplish as part of our Commitment to
Veterinarians,” says Steve Somsen, DVM,
M.S., senior director, Pork Technical
Services at Pfizer Animal Health.
“The 10 under 40 program recognizes
these leaders who are doing their part to
help pave the way for the future of our
An independent panel of judges
selected 10 veterinarians out of nearly
60 nominees. The award was open to
members of the American Association
of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) who are
under 40 years of age, reside in the United
States, and are in practice, academic, or
consulting capacities. Nominees chosen
must devote a minimum of 60 percent of
their time to swine medicine.
Award winners received a trip to the
Allen D. Leman Swine Conference in St.
Paul Minnesota where they were honored
as animal health care leaders of tomorrow. Three of the 10 winners honored at
the conference are swine veterinarians
with Murphy-Brown.
based, ” he said. “They now have to act as
an economist, engineer and even politician.”
Jeremy received a Bachelor’s Degree
and Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine
(DVM) from North Carolina State University.
Jeremy Pittman
Jeremy is a staff veterinarian at MurphyBrown’s North Region in Waverly, Virginia. He is also an adjunct faculty member
at North Carolina State University, where
he conducts class lectures, has a medical
course and teaches a course for third-year
veterinary students to help bring a clinical
aspect to the veterinary students’ education.
“Students need not be afraid to make
a wrong decision and have confidence
in their own abilities. It is important to
understand about management and production as well as other aspects.” Jeremy
thinks the biggest challenge facing swine
practitioners is the new roles they Chris Rademacher
Chris Rademacher
Chris is the director of Production Improvement with Murphy-Brown’s Western
Operations in Ames, Iowa. He earned a
Bachelor’s Degree and DVM “Practitioners have such a leadership role with
their clients...they now have to act as an economist, engineer, and even politician.” -Jeremy Pittman
Jeremy Pittman
must play in the industry.
“Practitioners have such a leadership
role with their clients who are now asking
them for more information about things
like nutrient managment, engineering
and other things that aren’t veterinary
from the University of Minnesota. Chris
enjoys working with the production staff
at Murphy-Brown to solve problems creatively and is always looking “outside the
box” for solutions.
“I’ve realized it’s really about the
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com “It’s so important to understand how to work as
a part of a team and creatively problem-solve
with out-of-the-box thinking.”
-Chris Rademacher
people and communication,” he said. “It’s
so important to understand how to work
as part of a team and creatively problemsolve with out-of-the-box thinking to
come up with efficient, cost effective ways
to produce pork safely and efficiently.”
Marlin Hoogland
Marlin is the Midwest lead finishing
veterinarian at Murphy-Brown Western
Operations in Algona, Iowa. He currently serves on the Research & Development team at Murphy-Brown providing
production and technical input and
implementing research that has made a
significant impact on the company.
Marlin received his Bachelor’s Degree
from Dordt College and his DVM and
Master’s Degree in Veterinary Microbiology and Preventative Medicine from Iowa
State University. He is also a graduate
of the Executive Veterinary Program in
Swine Health Management.
Marlin Hoogland
As AASV’s 2011 “Young Veterinarian of the Year” award winner, Marlin
Hoogland drives new ideas and changes
to help improve standardized methodology for continued improvement in the
production system at Western Operations.
“I enjoy the continued challenges this
job brings,” Marlin said. “It challenges my
creativity, makes me be a forward thinker
in creating and implementing new ways
to improve health strategies and performance while reducing cost.”
Pfizer Animal Health, a business of
Pfizer, Inc., is a leader in discovering
and developing innovative animal care
products, investing an estimated $300
million annually in animal health product
research and development. For more
information about Pfizer Animal Health,
visit their website at PfizerAH.com.
“I enjoy the continueing challenges this job
brings...it challenges
my creativity, makes
me be a forwardthinker in creating
and implementing new
ways to improve health
strategies and performance...”
-Marlin Hoogland
The Murphy-Brown Corporate
Social Responsibility report (CSR)
is now available, along with the
Smithfield Foods report and that
of its other independent operating companies, on Smithfield’s
newest website, www.smithfieldcommitments.com and will soon
be available on the MurphyBrown website. This report highlights Murphy-Brown’s progress
in environmental performance,
animal care, food safety and
quality, helping the communities where the company has a
business interest, and employee
relations—key topics for MurphyBrown, Smithfield Foods, and
its stakeholders. This report also
discusses the strengthened CSR
governance and management,
including a set of sustainability
goals and targets that all Smithfield Foods operations adopted
in 2010. To obtain a hard copy
of the 2010 Murphy-Brown CSR
report, contact the Public Affair
Department at 910-293-5324.
A positive negative for
the East’s West Region!
Congratulations to the West
Region of Murphy-Brown
East. As of December 2,
2011 all multiplications farms
are 100% PRRS negative
across the board. Great job!
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 5
Industry Review
Challenges and Successes
By Don Butler, Director
Government Relations & Public Affairs
ast year, 2011, was perhaps one of
the most challenging years in the
history of the U.S. pork industry with regard to proposed actions, or
in some cases inactions, by the federal
government. In addition to the overarching problems of the monumental national
debt/deficit situation and congressional
gridlock, the industry was faced with
a number of issues which posed severe
threats to its sustainability.
The blender’s tax credit of corn
ethanol expired at the end of 2011
and will not be extended.
Passage of the three FTAs will
result in an increase of at least $10
per market hog in the US, according to Dr. Dermot Hayes at Iowa
State University.
Our Challenges
1. The corn ethanol industry pushed
for a continuation of the blender’s tax
credit and import tariffs on imported
ethanol from other countries. The
ethanol lobby continues to push for
an increase in the Federal Renewable
Fuels Standard (RFS) mandate which
has already resulted in nearly half the
nation’s corn supply being burned
for fuel and a very small corn reserve
left over at the end of the year. Any
further increase in the RFS mandate
could result not only in much higher
corn prices but the very real possibility that there would not be enough
corn available for livestock producers
to feed their animals.
2. The Grain Inspections and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), a part
of the US Department of Agriculture
(USDA), proposed a new set of rules
which would radically change the
structure of the U.S. livestock industry and impose hundreds of millions
of dollars of added cost to the food
production system.
3. The failure of Congress to ratify the
free trade agreements with South
Korea, Panama and Columbia was
resulting in restrictive trade barriers being kept in place and putting
severe limitations on the amount of
pork US producers could export to
these markets.
4. The Environmental Protection
Agengy (EPA) adopted a position
that Confined Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFOs) would be the
number one target for regulatory enforcement action going forward. The
EPA also settled a lawsuit brought by
environmental groups. The settlement would impose many new and
expensive requirements on livestock
producers. The EPA also threatened
to establish Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) limitations for the
entire Mississippi River watershed,
similar to the action already taken
by the agency in the Chesapeake Bay
5. Activist groups pushed the Federal
Drug Administration (FDA) to impose a ban on antibiotic use in food
animal production.
Although this is not an all-inclusive list,
it contains what I consider to be some
of the most important issues facing the
industry. However, the National Pork
Producers Council, working with others
in the “barnyard coalition” was successful
in delivering wins on each of these five
major issues.
Our Successes
Ethanol: The blender’s tax credit for corn
ethanol expired at the end of 2011 and
will not be extended. Also, the existing import tariff on imported ethanol
expired at the end of the year and will not
be renewed. While these victories may
not significantly affect the existing corn
ethanol industry at least it will result in an
end to federal subsidization of the corn
ethanol industry. The battle over federally
mandated ethanol volume is ongoing.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com The pork industry has always faced legislative and regulatory
challenges and new challenges will continue to arise. We
must find ways to deal with them successfully.
GIPSA: Thanks to a massive effort
by the livestock production industry,
individual producers and allied industries, the proposed rule was essentially
defeated. The USDA has now scrapped
the originally proposed rule and replaced
it with a much more reasonable set of
minor changes to the existing GIPSA rule
which has been in place since 1985. The
NPPC led the change in Washington to
bring about this victory but more than
16,000 pork producers across the country
weighed in with comments about the
rule, made visits to Washington to talk
with their Congressional members, and
made thousands of phone calls to express
their opposition to the onerous proposed
rules. This is a HUGE victory for the
pork industry!
Free Trade Agreements: The South
Korea, Panama and Colombia Free Trade
Agreements (FTAs) have now been ratified by Congress and signed into law by
President Obama. After more than three
years of inaction by Congress, enough
pressure by a broad coalition of business
and industry groups, led by the US pork
industry, convinced Congress to act.
Labor unions were fiercely opposed to the
FTAs as was the textile industry and others who seem to believe that trade is not
important to the US economy. Passage of
the three FTAs will result in an increase
in value of at least $10 per market hog in
the US, according to Dr. Dermot Hayes at
Iowa State University.
EPA-CAFO Policy: The NPPC sued EPA
over the “sweetheart” settlement deal they
reached with environmental groups. A
deal that would have resulted in many
new and unreasonable requirements
being placed on pork producers across
the country. The NPPC lawsuit was successful. The Federal 5th Circuit Court
ruled that EPA could not go forward with
the proposed settlement and must re-do
their rulemaking process. In addition,
the NPPC asked the Court to force EPA
to pay NPPC’s legal expenses associated
with the lawsuit. The court forced EPA to
reimburse NPPC’s legal expenses of over
$20,000. The NPPC has been reimbursed
and producers’ money can now be used to
fight other battles.
Antibiotics Use: The FDA has been willing to sit down and listen to both sides
of the argument about antibiotics use
in food animals and has enacted some
reasonable measures which will result in
changed to the way some producers use
animal health products. The NPPC and
others were able to assure the FDA that
responsible use of antibiotics in livestock
production was essential to ensuring
animal health and well-being and that
healthy animals make safe food. In the
future, some animal health product manufacturers will be challenged to address
questions about their label claims for
growth promotions purposes. MurphyBrown does not use antibiotics for growth
promotion purposes. Also, the FDA will
require changes in the level of veterinary
oversight required to use antibiotics in
livestock. Overall, this is a good outcome
for the pork industry.
The good news is that our company and
our industry have been extremely successful to date at meeting the challenges
and living to fight another day. Thanks
to the NPPC, state pork associations, the
Smithfield Public Policy team and the
associates and contract grower partners
at Murphy-Brown who work so hard to
achieve these victories.
The NPPC and others were able to assure the FDA that responsible use of antibiotics in livestock production was essential to ensuring animal health and wellbeing and that healthy animals make safe food.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 9
Grower Partners
Boone County Iowa
family maintains
‘Golden Circle’ vision
of sustainability
2011 National Environmental Steward Award Winners
n 29 years of farming, Rod and Missy
Bice have always maintained a vision
of feeding families in a sustainable,
economic and environmentally conscious
manner. It’s why they selected “Golden
Circle Pork” as the name for their rural
Woodward century farm in 1996. The
Bices’ vision has earned them the Pork
Industry Environmental Steward Award
for 2011, as selected by the Pork Checkoff and award co-sponsor National Hog
Farmer magazine. Golden Circle Pork
was one of four hog farms around the
country to receive the award.
With help from their four children
(Jacoby, Savannah, Delaney, and Brylee
Jo), Rod and Missy own and operate a
3,300-head wean-to-finish pork production enterprise under contract with
Murphy-Brown. They have 1,400 acres
of corn and soybeans, feed 200 cattle and
operate a small cow-calf herd.
The Bices rely solely on the hog manure from their three barns to fertilize
their crop ground. This practice saves
them almost $40,000 a year. Rod is a
certified custom manure applicator and
he applies each spring and fall from the
outdoor storage basin. Manure application is carefully monitored by special flow
control meters and auto-steer technology
to virgually elminiate overlap. Manure is
injected 8 to 10 inches deep to eliminate
run-off. Missy collects samples during
each application to calculate the nutrient
and financial value of the manure. Daily
rainfall amounts are recorded at the farm
to help predict manure values and volume
for the coming application season.
“Our vision was to use the nutrient
by-products from our hog operation
to produce the corn to feed the pigs to
feed the people,” said Rod. “We are able
to balance and maximize the natural
nuritents throughout our ‘Golden Circle’
Water conservation is a big part of
Golden Circle Pork. The wean-to-finish
system requires less power washing and
the use of built-in soakers further reduce
water usage, which is monitored and recorded in each hog barn to ensure just the
right amount of water is used to achieve
enhanced herd health.
NRCS-approved grass waterways, ter-
races, a CRP filter strip and 20-foot filter
strips around all tile intakes to protect
the Des Moines River from potential field
drainage and provide a home to wildlife. The Bices also have about 500 acres
enrolled in an Environmental Quality
Incentives Program-funded nutrient
management program.
Golden Circle Pork’s barns are remotely located in the middle of a section
and are protected with a well-developed
windbreak, reducing odor and particulate
matter emitted from the site while adding
to site aesthetics. Additionally, a 250 foot
by 10 foot strip of Austrees wraps around
the outdoor manure storage basin. The
barns are naturally ventilated, reducing
energy dependence.
“We recognized early on that in order
to thrive in today’s agricultural world, we
would need to be efficient, cost-conscious
and strive for economic and environmental excellence,” Rod said. “Innovative
management, preservation of natural
resources and working together as a family is what will keep this farm in the Bice
family for another 100 years.”
Rod and Missy qualified for the
national award by being named the 2010
IPPA Environmental Stewards. The Bices
will be honored at the 2010 National Pork
Industry Forum in Denver, Colorado in
March 2012.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Opportunity
SMITHFIELD LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE: In 2010, Smithfield Foods adopted a new set of goals and sustainability targets that are above and beyond all regulatory guidelines and or previous reduction goals for its independent operating companies (IOCs), including Murphy-Brown. The five pillars of its sustainability program
focus on the company’s commitment to environmental performance, animal care, food safety and quality, helping communities, and employee relations. To learn more
about these commitments, take a look at the new website launched by Smithfield at www.smithfieldcommitments.com.
Blue Zone Communities:
Algona encourages healthy lifestyle
Iowa insurance company, Wellmark, and healthcare consulting company, Healthways, have partnered to create
the Blue Zones Project, an initiative to offer 10 Iowa cities the opportunity to become a “demonstration site”.
These ten communities must demonstrate the greatest passion, interest and ability to bring their community
together. In return, the community will receive direct support from national experts to transform into a Blue
Zones Community. A Blue Zones Community is a model for transforming communities so that the people who
live in them can more easily adopt behaviors that help them live longer, better lives.
Rather than asking people to increase their will power, the Blue Zones Community model works to improve
environments. Little changes to home, work, school, social, physical, and policy environments can make healthy
choices the easy choices so that well-being improves naturally.
The Blue Zones Community model coordinates strong existing programs, brings in experts to inspire, train
and provide innovative best practices, and ultimately organizes programs to provide greater options for physical, emotional, and social health.
In November, 2011, Algona received word that its Statement of Interest was approved and it would be in the
running as one of the ten cities. Murphy-Brown has been a key business leader and supporter to make this
possible. Through its own Wellness Program, the company has reached out to other businesses and community leaders to encourage and support wellness efforts. Murphy-Brown is seeking to promote better health,
improved productivity, increased economic vitality and lower health care costs, both for its employees and the
citizens of Algona.
In October 2011, Murphy-Brown employees in Algona (pictured below) participated in the Governor’s “Start
Somewhere Walk”. More than 290,000 Iowans took part as a kickoff to a healthier Iowa.
East Central Region hosts
clean up efforts at local
community park
Among the commitments of
Smithfield’s sustainability effort
is that each of its IOCs work to
enhance the communities where
the company has a business
presence. Each facility is asked
to sponsor one local cleanup
event each year in their communities. Associates from the East
Central Region in Kenansville,
N.C. volunteered to clean, repair
and spruce-up the weather-worn
playgound equipment at Kenansville Park one weekend this
past November. It was a great
opportunity to show their pride in
the community while enjoying a
beautiful fall day. Cleanup efforts must be sanctioned and can
involve all kinds of public spaces
including parks, riverbanks,
schoolyards, roadways, public
gardens, just to name a few.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 11
A giving heart,
one size fits all...
rightly colored Christmas trees with
beautiful decorations, delicious holiday goodies to share with friends and
family, Christmas parties and presents
galore. They are all a wonderful part
of Christmas. But the true meaning of
the holiday was evident this past season
throughout the entire Murphy-Brown
community in the many acts of giving,
sharing, and kindness to those in need.
As in times past, Murphy-Brown
associates volunteered and donated to
local food banks and toy drives. They
contributed their time and money to
help families in need, foster families, and
the charities that serve our communities and neighbors. These associates are
working people who may have had to
tighten their belts themselves in these
tough economic times, but were still
more than willing to do what they could
to help others less fortunate. Each year,
they do their good deeds with little to
no fanfare, despite the hugh impact they
have on others and they keep their focus
on what is most important...finding joy
in being together, caring for one another,
and sharing with others.
1. The Land and Nutirent Management (LNM) Department in Warsaw,
NC adopted a 17-year-old female quadriplegic and her 8-year-old
sister through Home Health in Sampson County.
2. LNM associates in the North Region (Waverly, VA) collected donations during their Christmas luncheon to help a local family in need.
3. Associates at the Warsaw headquarters, the Rose Hill office, the
Kenansville office and throughout MB East assisted with needy foster
children and their families through the Duplin County Department of
Social Services. Associates adopted 25 children through DSS.
4. LNM associates in Warsaw wrapped the gifts they collected for their
adopted children during the Christmas luncheon.
5. Clothes and toys were purchased for two young boys and food for
the family was provided with employee donations in Waverly, VA.
6. The LNM Department in Laurinburg collected funds to purchase bikes for families in the area.
7. William Daughtry and family shop
for their adopted Christmas family.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com shop
Christmas Comes Early for U Care
Murphy-Brown presented a check for $5000 to U Care
in Sampson County, NC to be used for the domestic
abuse shelter. The funds will be used to pay bills and
purchase training material for counselors to help them
better assist their clients. “We have many employees
and contract grower partners who call Sampson County
home,” said Don Butler, Director of Government Relations & Public Affairs for Murphy-Brown. “We are part of
the community and we are glad to be able to step up and
provide some support. We challenge others to reach out
and help in their communities wherever they can.”
Left: Associates from the Murphy-Brown Transportation Department volunteered to help clean, repair
and restore the Thompson Gym facilities in Warsaw,
NC during the Warsaw Wellness & Recreation Center’s
community day. The community clean up event was
held in conjunction with a fundraiser, which MurphyBrown sponsored. The Center raised money to make
the much needed repairs to the facility and make it a
safer and more welcoming environment for community
sports leagues and other events.
Right: Community clean up events are held on a regular basis throughout Murphy-Brown . Associates from
the Laurinburg, NC office have adopted a section of
highway through their community’s “Adopt-A-Spot” program. Once a quarter, these associates remove trash
and debris from their designated “spot”. Community
clean up events are one of the community-orientedsustainability initiatives that Smithfield Foods requests of
their independent operating companies.
Fighting Hunger Together
Murphy-Brown East Central Region associates volunteered their time in November
to assist with the “Stop Hunger Now” meal
packaging program. The program provides
meals to support school feeding programs in
schools and orphanages around the world.
A team of approximately 40 volunteers
packaged 10,000 meals in just two hours.
The “Stop Hunger Now” meals are highly
nutritious and each package provides a
reasonable serving for six. Meal packaging
events are conducted by volunteer groups
of all ages from churches, schools and other
community organizations.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 13
Godwin Anuncia Planes de
su Retiro en Julio, 2012
Jerry Godwin
President & Chief Operating Officer
Murphy-Brown LLC
Jerry Godwin, presidente y oficial operativo en jefe de Murphy-Brown LLC, ha
anunciado que planea retirarse el 31 de
julio del 2012.
“Jerry ha sido presidente y COO de
Murphy-Brown desde su formación en
el2001 y ha guiado al Grupo de Producción de Cerdos con una excepcional
visión, fuerza y sabiduría,” dijo C. Larry
Pope en su anuncio del 3 de enero a los
trabajadores de Smitfhield. “En su paso
por Murphy-Brown, se ha distinguido
por desarrollar un sobresaliente equipo
administrativo que ha guiado el paso de
la industria porcícola de Estados Unidos
en muchos frentes, incluyendo eficiencia
e innovación de la producción; conversión de las granjas de reproducción
de la compañía de jaulas individuales a
alojamiento en grupo para cerdas gestantes; manejo ambiental; sólido cuidado
animal; seguridad de alimentos; atención
a empleados; y apoyo a las comunidades
donde tenemos intereses de negocio.”
“Con el liderazgo de Jerry, MurphyBrown se ha convertido en una empresa
ampliamente respetada y líder de la
industria porcícola. Su legado de liderazgo y larga lista de logros serán siempre
recordados y servirán a nuestra compañía
en el futuro.”
“Al retirarse Jerry, Robert “Bo” Manly
tomará su lugar en el Grupo de Producción de Cerdos. Bo tiene amplia experiencia tanto en nuestro proceso de cárnicos
como en las operaciones de producción
de ganado porcino desde 1986. Jerry continuará dirigiendo las operaciones diarias
hasta su retiro, en cuyo momento quienes
le reportan directamente empezarán a
reportar a Bo.”
“Tomando en cuenta los antecedentes
de Bo y su buena relación con Jerry y su
grupo, espero que la transición suceda
fácilmente. Bo planea mantener su oficina
en Virginia y retendrá su responsabilidad
básica como
CFO. Esto mejorará la relación estratégica entre Murphy-Brown y Smithfield
“Brinden por favor su continuo apoyo a
Jerry y Bo a través del proceso de transición.”
Robert “Bo” Manly
Chief Financial Officer
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
A pesar de los retos, Murphy-Brown ha logrado su meta de
jadas en corrales abiertos de gestación para fin del año 20
granjas se complete, el total será de aproximadamente 31
gullosa. Murphy-Brown está comprometido a eliminar por f
las granjas de reproducción propiedad de la compañía y r
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Las Operaciones de Producción de
Alimento de Murphy-Brown Este
Logran su Registro ISO 22000:2005
El equipo a cargo de las Operaciones de
Producción de Alimento de MurphyBrown Este ha estado trabajando por
un año en el logro del registro ISO
22000:2005, el cual es un estándar desarrollado por la Organización Internacional de Estandarización respecto a la
seguridad de alimentos. Especifica los
requisitos para un sistema administrativo
de seguridad de alimentos que envuelve
comunicación interactiva, administración
del sistema, programas pre-requisitos
y principios de Análisis de Peligros y
Control de Puntos Críticos (HACCP). El
registro incluye la formulación de alimentos, procuración de granos e ingredientes,
fabricación de alimento y operaciones de
reparto de alimento. Un auditor externo,
NSF, otorgó la registración a las Operaciones de Producción de Alimento de
Murphy-Brown Este el 29 de noviembre
del 2011.
Los estándares del ISO 22000:2005
especifican los requisitos para un sistema
de manejo de seguridad de alimentos
donde una organización en la cadena
alimentaria quiere demostrar su habilidad
para controlar los peligros de seguridad
de alimento e implementar controles que
provean consistentemente productos
alimenticios seguros.
“Este es un objetivo clave para las Operaciones de Producción de Alimento de
Murphy-Brown Este, dijo Greg McLean,
director de Operaciones de Producción
de Alimento. El registro ISO22000:2005
provee un vehículo para demostrar
nuestro compromiso de producir alimentos seguros y de alta calidad, alimentos
con estas características mejoran el
desempeño del ganado porcino y resultan
ser una muestra más de un sistema de
producción de cerdo comprometido a
producir cerdo seguro y de alta calidad
para nuestros clientes.”
e tener 30% de sus cerdas en granjas de la compañía alo011. De hecho cuando la distribución de animales a estas
1%. Esto es un gran logro del cual la compañía está muy orfases las jaulas de gestación para cerdas preñadas en todas
reemplazarlas con alojamiento por grupos.
Actualización de
Proceso de
Conversión de
Alojamiento de Cerdas
Me complace reportar que nuestra subsidiaria productora de Ganado porcino
Murphy-Brown, LLC ha realizado un
gran avance hacia la conversión de jaulas
individuales de gestación a alojamiento en
grupo de cerdas preñadas en las granjas de
nuestra compañía.
Aunque la conversión fue más lenta
durante la reciente recesión debido a
significantes pérdidas en las operaciones,
en nuestra reunión de accionistas del
2010, Smithfield anunció que recursos
significantes han sido comprometidos
nuevamente para la conversión. También
se decidió anunciar el nivel de progreso en
forma regular. A partir de Diciembre 31
del 2011, hemos completado en un 30% la
conversión en nuestras granjas, lo cual fue
nuestra meta anual.
Smithfield fue el primer mayor productor
de nuestra industria en comprometerse
públicamente a la conversión de alojamiento de cerdas a corrales para grupo.
Continuaremos la conversión según el
plan con la meta de completarla en todas
las granjas de reproducción de la compañía a finales del 2017, y hoy en día estamos
en buen curso para cumplir nuestra meta.
Aunque en un principio durante la recesión, nos preocupó se podríamos alcanzar
la meta para el 2017, estamos ahora de
nuevo en camino y a menos que encontremos circunstancias imprevistas fuera de
nuestro control, estamos confiados que
lograremos la meta establecida.
Larry Pope, Presidente y CEO
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 3
Felicitaciones a todos los asociados de Murphy-Brown
por un sobresaliente logro ambiental
Murphy-Brown se complace en anunciar
operaciones. Mantenemos más de 500
cumplimiento del 100%. Estoy orgulloso de
que en el 2011 la compañía recibió sólo
permisos en nuestras instalaciones a lo
todos ustedes.”
un Aviso de Violación (NOV) de parte de
largo de los EU y ciertamente recibimos
agencias regulatorias estatales o fede-
escrutinio por parte de agencias regulato-
Las instalaciones de Murphy-Brown son
rales. La única NOV recibida fue por una
rias y el público en general.”
inspeccionadas rutinariamente por
omisión menor de aire en la instalación de
reguladores con discreción para aplicar
compra de granos “Nichols” en Carolina
“Esto es un impresionante logro para
los reglamentos y los reglamentos de la
del Sur que ocurrió en el 2007. No hubo
nuestro equipo de manejo ambiental y
compañía aseguran que todos los récords
Avisos de Violación emitidas con apli-
quiero felicitar a cada uno de quienes
y acciones sean exactos y transparentes
cación y no descargas.
tienen responsabilidades primarias en
para la comunidad regulatoria. “Este logro
esa área,” dijo Jerry Godwin, presidente
no es cuestión de trucos sino que refleja un
“El hecho de que Murphy-Brown fue capaz
y oficial operativo en jefe de Murphy-
verdadero compromiso al cumplimiento
de lograr este nivel de cumplimiento es
Brown. “Pero el crédito de este logro no
por parte de nuestros administradores y
testimonio de la eficiencia de nuestro
se detiene ahí, porque nuestro Sistema de
empleados y yo aprecio sinceramente
sistema de manejo ambiental y especí-
Manejo Ambiental Certificado ISO 14001
todo lo que hacen para ayudarnos a
ficamente de la dedicación de nuestra
está tejido en la tela de nuestra oper-
mantener ese alto nivel de cumplimiento,”
administración y empleados para con
ación entera, todos nuestros empleados
dijo Kraig.
estos sistemas,” dijo Kraig Westerbeek,
comparten este éxito. Alcanzar este hito
“De cara al 2012, hagamos nuestra
vicepresidente de Cumplimiento Ambien-
no hubiera sido posible sin el equipo en-
meta no solo mantener nuestro nivel de
tal y de Seguridad y Salud. “No hay forma
tero de Murphy-Brown haciendo su parte
cumplimiento, sino el lograr una meta que
de minimizar el significado de este logro
para ayudar a lograr nuestra meta de un
no hemos cumplido antes –Cero NOV´s”
dados el tamaño y alcance de nuestras
Las Granjas Premium Standard completan la
instalación de Nueva Generación de Tecnología
siete meses antes de lo programado
Las Granjas Premium Standard (PSF)
han completado exitosamente la instalación del Raspador de Galeras Nueva
Generación de Tecnología en sus granjas
del norte de Missouri – siete meses antes
de lo programado.
Aunque el acuerdo de PSF con el
estado de Missouri fijó la fecha del 31 de
julio del 2012 para completar la instalación de nueva tecnología de raspado
de galeras, la instalación final se cumplió
el 29 de diciembre del 2011. En total,
el costo de la instalación de raspadores
Nueva Generación de Tecnología excedió
los $7M.
“Gracias al trabajo duro y dedicación
de nuestros empleados, estamos orgullosos de anunciar la terminación de este
ambicioso proyecto siete meses antes de
lo predicho, mucho antes del programa
original,” dijo Bill Homann, director de
administración y cumplimiento de las
Granjas Premium Standard.
“Gran perseverancia y cooperación por
parte del estado y nuestra compañía se
puso en este proyecto en los pasados 10
años, y ahora que está completo creemos
que estamos estableciendo el estándar
para la tecnología ambiental” dijo Homman.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com “De hecho, nuestros empleados de
producción y expertos ambientales están
muy contentos con la forma en que la
Nueva Generación de Tecnología está trabajando. Los sistemas están excediendo
nuestras expectativas y proveyendo un
impacto muy positivo,” agregó. “Tal vez
lo más significante es que nos complace
mucho que los esfuerzos combinados del
estado, el panel de consejeros y PSF para
implementar la Nueva Generación de
Tecnología ayudó a preservar cientos de
empleos en el norte de Missouri.”
Las Granjas Premium Standard
estiman que han gastado más de $49
millones en la instalación de tecnología
ambiental mejorada, incluyendo la instalación previa de cubiertas para las lagunas, instalaciones de tratamiento de agua
y tecnologías de aplicación de nutrientes;
equipo y prácticas que están entre los más
desarrollados en los Estados Unidos.
De Donde Viene
la Comida®
Saber de dónde viene su comida es la
base para saber todo acerca de lo que
come. ¿Dónde fue cosechada o criada?
¿Quién la manipuló? ¿A dónde fue de
ahí? Todas estas cosas son esenciales para
el entendimiento del proceso de producción de comida y su trazabilidad.
Muchos consumidores están tomando
decisiones críticas sobre qué alimentar a
sus familias cada día, sin embargo, conocen muy poco acerca de la comida que
consumen. Debido a esto, se nos presenta
una oportunidad única para decirles más
acerca de sus alimentos a través del programa De Donde Viene la Comida®.
El programa De Donde Viene la Comida® comenzó como una iniciativa de
IMI (Manejo Integrado de Información)
Global Inc., un líder en la industria
de comida que provee verificación de
externa a consumidores acerca variados
asuntos de mercadotecnia y etiquetado.
La compañía ha ofrecido servicios de
verificación a granjeros y rancheros por
más de 15 años. El programa de etiquetado de De Donde Viene la Comida® y
su sitio en internet de educación a consumidores son una forma de conectar el
servicio de verificación con la gente que
compra la comida.
“Conocer la fuente de su comida
y saber que todo lo que se dice sobre
cómo fue criada o procesada es exacto y
verdadero es crítico para entender la historia detrás de su alimento,” dice Leann
Saunders, presidente de IMI Global,
Inc. Nuestra meta es poner en orden a la
excitación que parece prevalecer cuando
la gente habla sobre comida, y proveer información verdadera y precisa que pueda
ser verificada.”
Los servicios de verificación de la
compañía están aprobados y auditados anualmente por el Departamento de Agricultura de EU y cumplen
con los estándares internacionales
para proveer verificación externa.
“Para Heinen´s Fine Foods, la
habilidad de ofrecer esta clase de
información a nuestros clientes
parece ser esencial, sin embargo,
debido a la complejidad de la producción de comida, no resulta un
proceso fácil,” dice Tom Heinen,
director de mercadotecnia de Heinen´s
Fine Foods. “Dependemos de familias
de granjas y ranchos en la América rural
para criar nuestros bovinos y cerdos
con las especificaciones exactas, pero
debido a que ellos tienen que procesar
esos productos a través de terceras partes,
obtener la historia de la granja familiar
puede ser un reto. El programa De Donde
Viene la Comida® ofrece la trazabilidad y
verificación que nos permite
proveer esa información a
nuestros clientes.”
Ahora lo que usted ha
estado esperando; a principios de septiembre, dos
productores por contrato de
Murphy-Brown, LLC recibieron la oportunidad de contar su historia, lo cual resultó
de la necesidad de asistir a
los minoristas a construir una
confianza más grande entre
los consumidores a través de la página de
internet “De Donde Viene la Comida.”
Visite el Sitio en la Red: www.wherefoodcomesfrom Haga clic en “Meet the
Families” y escuche a productores de
Murphy-Brown contar sus historias.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com La familia Cole de Iowa Central: Max Cole
nació el mismo día que sus padres se mudaron a su granja. El y su esposa Deb están
muy orgullosos de criar a sus dos hijos en el
mismo terruño hoy en día. Aunque mucho
ha cambiado, una cosa permanece igual
–trabajo duro, dedicación y orgullo en la
producción del cerdo de mejor calidad
que son capaces.
La familia Bice del Condado Boone
en Iowa: Golden Circle Pork LLC fue el
nombre que escogieron para su granja
en 1996. Este nombre fue elegido porque
Rod y Missy Bice siempre quisieron que el
“Círculo Dorado” de producción sustentable de comida estuviese al centro y al
frente de sus pensamientos y de su toma
de decisiones -
Animal Health
Salud Animal Pfizer anuncia los ganadores de los
premios para Veterinarios Porcícolas “10 menores de 40”
Salud Animal Pfizer recientemente mostró a los talentosos ganadores de su primer
programa de premiación “10
menores de 40” para veterinarios
porcícolas. El programa bianual
está diseñado para reconocer a
10 veterinarios menores de 40
años que están haciendo significativas contribuciones a la salud
“Todo lo que podamos hacer
en Salud Animal Pfizer para promover a los líderes en el cuidado
animal es una meta a la que
aspiramos cumplir como parte
de nuestro Compromiso con los
Veterinarios,” dice Steve Somsen,
DVM, MS., director de Servicios
Técnicos a productores de Cerdo
de Pfizer Cuidado Animal.
“El programa 10 menores de
40 reconoce a estos líderes que
están haciendo su parte para
ayudar a preparar el camino para
el futuro de nuestra industria.”
Un panel independiente de
jueces seleccionó 10 veterinarios
de entre cerca de 60 nominados. La premiación fue abierta
para miembros de la Asociación
Americana de Veterinarios
Porcícolas (AASV) quienes son
menores de 40 años de edad,
residen en los Estados Unidos y
en capacidades de práctica, academia o consulta. Los nominados escogidos deben dedicar un
Jeremy Pittman
mínimo de 60 por ciento de su
tiempo a la medicina porcícola.
Los galardonados recibieron un viaje a la Conferencia
Porcícola Allen D. Leman en San
Pablo, Minnesota donde fueron
honrados como líderes para el
mañana del cuidado animal. Tres
de los 10 ganadores honrados en
la conferencia son veterinarios
de Murphy-Brown.
Jeremy Pittman
Jeremy es un veterinario que
trabaja en la Región Norte de
Murphy-Brown en Waverly,
Virginia. También es un profesor
adjunto en la Universidad Estatal
de Carolina del Norte, donde
imparte clases, tiene un curso
de medicina y enseña un curso
para estudiantes de tercer año de
veterinaria para ayudar a aportar
al aspecto clínico de la educación
“Los estudiantes necesitan no
tener miedo de tomar la decisión
equivocada y confiar en sus propias habilidades. Es importante
entender sobre la administración
y producción así como otros
aspectos.” Jeremy piensa que el
reto más grande que enfrentan
los practicantes de medicina
veterinaria en cerdos lo son los
nuevos papeles que deben jugar
en la industria.
“Los veterinarios practicantes deben tener gran capacidad
de liderazgo con sus clientes
que ahora piden de ellos más
información acerca de temas
como el manejo de la nutrición,
ingeniería y otras cosas que
no son basadas en la medicina
veterinaria.” Dice.
“Ellos ahora deben actuar como
economistas, ingenieros y aún
Jeremy recibió una Licenciatura y Doctorado en Medicina Veterinaria (DVM) de la
Universidad Estatal de Carolina
del Norte.
Chris Rademacher
Chris es el director de Mejoramiento de Producción en
las Operaciones del Oeste de
Murphy-Brown en Ames, Iowa.
Obtuvo su Licenciatura y DMV
en la Universidad de Minnesota.
Chris disfruta trabajando con
el personal de producción de
Murphy-Brown para solucionar
problemas de forma creativa y
siempre busca soluciones “fuera
de la caja”.
“Me he dado cuenta que se
trata de la gente y la comunicación,” dice. “Es sumamente
importante entender cómo
trabajar como parte del equipo
y con creatividad y pensando
fuera de la caja producir formas
costeables para producir cerdo
segura y eficientemente.”
Marlin Hoogland
Es el veterinario a cargo en las
engordas del Medio Oeste de
las operaciones Occidentales de
Murphy-Brown en Algona, Iowa.
Actualmente sirve en el equipo
de Investigación y Desarrollo
de Murphy-Brown proveyendo
información sobre producción y
apoyo técnico e implementando
investigación que ha tenido
un impacto significativo en la
Marlin recibió su grado de
licenciatura en el Colegio Dordt
y su DMV y Maestría en Microbiología Veterinaria y Medicina
Preventiva de la Universidad
de Iowa. También es graduado
del Programa de Veterinaria
Ejecutiva en Administración de
la Salud.
Como ganador del premio al
“Joven Veterinario del Año” 2011
de la AASV, Marlin Hoogland
guía nuevas ideas y cambios
para ayudar a mejorar los la
metodología estandarizada para
el mejoramiento continuo en
el sistema de producción en las
Chris Rademacher
Operaciones del Oeste.
“Disfruto los continuos retos
que brinda este trabajo,” Dijo
Marlin. “Ponen a prueba mi creatividad, me hacen pensar más a
futuro creando e implementando
nuevas formas de mejorar las
estrategias de salud y desempeño
mientras se reducen los costos.”
Salud Animal Pfizer, un negocio de Pfizer, Inc., es un líder
en el descubrimiento y desarrollo innovador de productos
de cuidado animal, invirtiendo
un estimado de $300 millones
anuales en la investigación de
productos de salud animal y desarrollo. Para más información
acerca de Salud Animal Pfizer,
visite su página de internet:
Marlin Hoogland
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com Revisión del Año. Retos y Éxitos
By Don Butler, Director
Government Relations & Public Affairs
El año pasado, 2011, fue tal vez uno de
los más retadores años en la historia
de la industria porcícola de EU en lo que
se refiere a acciones propuestas, o en
algunos casos inacciones, por parte
del gobierno federal. En adición a los
graves problemas de la monumental
situación de endeudamiento y déficit
y la traba del congreso, la industria
enfrentó una cantidad de asuntos que
presentaron severas amenazas a su
Nuestros Retos
1. La industria de etanol de maíz
empujó por una continuación del
crédito impositivo a mezcladores
de etanol y tarifas de importación
en etanol importado de otros
países. Los grupos de impulso al
etanol continúan empujando por
un incremento al mandato Federal
de Estándares de Combustibles
Renovables (RFS) el cual ha resultado ya en que cerca de la mitad
del abasto nacional de maíz sea
quemada para hacer combustible
y ha dejado una muy pequeña
reserva sobrante al final del año.
Cualquier futuro incremento en el
mandato del RFS podría resultar
no sólo en más altos precios de
maíz sino también existe la muy
real posibilidad de que no hubiera
suficiente maíz disponible para
que los productores de ganado
alimenten a sus animales.
2. La Administración de Inspección
de Granos y Almacenes (GIPSA),
una parte del Departamento
de Agricultura de EU (USDA),
propuso un nuevo grupo de reglas
que cambiarían radicalmente
la estructura ganadera de EU e
impondrían cientos de millones
de dólares de costo adicional al
sistema de producción de comida.
3. El fracaso del Congreso para
ratificar acuerdos de libre comercio con Corea del Sur, Panamá
y Colombia estaba resultando en
el sostenimiento de barreras restrictivas de comercio y poniendo
severas limitaciones a la cantidad
de cerdo que los productores
Estadounidenses podían exportar
a esos mercados.
La Agencia de Protección
Ambiental (EPA) adoptó una
posición de que las Operaciones
de Alimentación de Animales en
Confinamiento (CAFO) sería la
meta principal para la aplicación
de las regulaciones en el futuro.
La EPA también emitió resolución
en una demanda iniciada por
los grupos ambientalistas. La
resolución impondría muchos
nuevos y costosos requisitos a
productores de ganado. La EPA
también amenazó con establecer
un Máximo de Carga Total Diaria
(TMDL) como limitaciones para
todo el Río Mississippi, similar a la
acción ya tomada por la agencia
en la Bahía Chesapeake.
Grupos activistas empujaron a la
Administración Federal de Drogas
(FDA) para que impusiera una
prohibición en el uso de antibióticos en producción de animales
destinados a la alimentación.
Aunque esta lista no incluye a todos
los retos, sí contiene lo que considero
son los asuntos más importantes que
enfrenta la industria. Sin embargo,
El Consejo Nacional de Productores
de Cerdo, trabajando con otros en la
“coalición corral” tuvo éxito en obtener
triunfos en cada uno de estos asuntos
Nuestros Éxitos
Etanol: El crédito impositivo para los
productores de etanol de maíz expiró
al finalizar el 2011 y no será extendida. También la existente tarifa de
importación de etanol expiro al final del
año y no será renovada. Aunque estas
victorias pueden no afectar significativamente a la industria de etanol de
maíz existente, al menos no resultará
en un fin al subsidio de la industria
del etanol de maíz. La batalla sobre el
mandato federal del volumen de etanol
GIPSA: Gracias a un esfuerzo masivo
de la industria de producción de Ganado, productores independientes e
industrias aliadas, la regla propuesta
fue esencialmente derrotada. La USDA
ahora ha descartado la propuesta
original y la remplazó con un grupo
de cambios menores mucho más razonables a la actual regla GIPSA que ha
estado vigente desde 1985. El NPPC
encabezó el cambio en Washington
para lograr esta victoria pero más de
16,000 productores de cerdo a lo largo
del país se unieron con comentarios
acerca de la regla, hicieron visitas a
Washington para hablar con miembros
del Congreso e hicieron miles de
llamadas telefónicas para expresar su
oposición a las onerosas reglas propuestas. ¡Esto es una ENORME victoria
para la industria porcícola!
Acuerdos de Libre Comercio: Los
Tratados de Libre Comercio con Corea
del Sur, Panamá y Colombia (FTA) han
sido ratificados por el Congreso y
firmados en leyes por el Presidente
Obama. Después de más de tres años
de inacción del Congreso, presión suficiente puesta por una amplia coalición
de negocios y grupos industriales,
liderados por la industria porcícola
de EU, convencieron al Congreso para
que actuara. Sindicatos laborales se
opusieron ferozmente a los FTA al igual
que la industria textil y otros quienes
parecen creer que el intercambio
comercial no es importante para la
economía de EU. La aprobación de los
tres FTA resultará en un incremento en
el valor de al menos $10 por cerdo comercializado en los EU, de acuerdo con
el Dr. Dermot Hayes de la Universidad
Estatal de Iowa.
Política EPA-CAFO: El NPPC demandó
a la EPA por el arreglo de “noviazgo”
alcanzado con los grupos ambientalistas. Un trato que hubiese resultado
en muchos e irrazonables requisitos
impuestos a los productores de cerdos
a lo largo del país. La demanda de la
NPPC fue exitosa. La Corte Federal del
Quinto Circuito determinó que la EPA
no podía continuar con la propuesta de
acuerdo y debe rehacer el proceso de
producción de reglamento. In adición,
el NPPC pidió a la Corte forzar a la EPA
a pagar los gastos legales del NPPC
asociados con la demanda. La corte
forzó a la EPA a reembolsar al NPPC
gastos legales por más de $20,000. El
NPPC ha sido reembolsado y el dinero
de los productores puede ser ahora
usado en pelear otras batallas.
Uso de Antibióticos: La FDA ha estado
dispuesta a sentarse y escuchar ambos
lados del argumento sobre el uso
de antibióticos en animales para
consumo humano y ha tomado algunas
medidas razonables que resultarán
cambios a la forma en que algunos
productores utilizan productos de
salud animal. El NPPC y otros fueron
capaces de asegurar a la FDA que el
uso responsable de antibióticos en la
producción de ganado era esencial
para asegurar la salud y bienestar de
los animales y que animales saludables
hacen comida segura. En el futuro,
algunos fabricantes de productos para
la salud y bienestar animal tendrán el
reto de contestar preguntas acerca de
lo que proclaman sus etiquetas para
propósito de promoción de crecimiento.
Murphy-Brown no usa antibióticos para
propósitos de crecimiento. También la
FDA requerirá cambios en el nivel de
supervisión veterinaria requerido para
el uso de antibióticos en ganado. En
general, esto es un buen resultado para
la industria porcícola.
Las buenas noticias es que nuestra
compañía y nuestra industria han sido
extremadamente exitosas hasta la
fecha en el cumplimiento de los retos
y vivir para pelear otro día. Gracias
al NPPC, las asociaciones estatales
de producción de cerdo, el equipo de
Política Pública de Smithfield y los
asociados y productores por contrato
de Murphy-Brown que han trabajado
tan duro para lograr estas victorias.
Our Families Feed Your Families • murphybrownllc.com 19
Murphy-Brown LLC
P.O. Box 856
Warsaw, North Carolina 28398
Smithfield Foods Partners with
Richard Petty Motorsports
Smithfield Foods, Inc. and Richard Petty Motorsports have
entered into a multiyear, integrated partnership with the
legendary Richard Petty Motorsports NASCAR team starting
The No. 43 Smithfield Foods
Ford Racing Fusion.
in 2012.
As part of its agreement with Richard Petty Motorsports,
Smithfield will be utilizing a number of its core brands as well
as unique and engaging promotional initiatives throughout
the racing season to communicate with existing customers
and introduce others to the company’s many fine products. In addition, NASCAR fans will see a variety of Smithfield brands adorning the legendary No. 43 Ford Fusion as
primary sponsor in fifteen NASCAR Sprint Cup Series events
in 2012, including the first event of the season, February’s
Daytona 500.
Smithfield and Helping Hungry Homes will be Smithfield’s
featured brands for the Daytona 500. Helping Hungry
Homes is Smithfield’s initiative focused on alleviating hunger
across America.
“This partnering with Smithfield Foods is part of the beginning of a new chapter for the No. 43 team,” commented
Petty. “We appreciate that they saw something special in
the Petty family and in Richard Petty Motorsports as a whole
and made the decision to take the partnership to a higher
level right out of the box than originally planned.” The
folks at Smithfield have a solid plan in place to utilize their
sponsorship in some very exciting ways and we’re looking
forward to working with them in 2012 and beyond.”
Driver Aric Almirola and Smithfield Foods
President and CEO, Larry Pope, take a
look at the new decals on the No. 43 car.
Our Families Feed Your Families •murphybrownllc.com 

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