Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains The Official Newsletter of the White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Volume 31, Issue 1 President’s Corner... What a terrific meeting we had in January, relaxing fun & doing something a little different. It was so good to hear many of you say that you had a great time with the projects. And, the new location was excellent! Anne Wifholm did a great job with the installation of officers and members of the board, bringing in the New Year for White Mountain. The lighting of the candles are such a neat way to express what our Chapter is about and, with the “lights” of all of you beaming and the sharing the love of painting; it is truly a pleasure. Going into the meeting there were 5 big jobs to fill and when I asked for “volunteers”, you came through! Jobs filled were Nominating Chair – Kris Lafayette, NET Country Store for WMDPG – Tricia Joiner, NET Country Store Chair – Sue Hodgkins and Melanie Knox to CoChair and NECC/NET Rep – Sue Hodgkins. What a terrific way to start the New Year, thank you all for your support. We have a great year of events ahead of us, be sure to register early to save your seat. We have 4 community service projects this year 1) The Memory Box program, 2) David’s House food & supplies donations 3) Painting wheel chair backs for a Nashua Medical Center and 4) Donate painting supplies, surfaces from your stash to the NH Women’s correctional institution. All 4 of these service projects help our community, shares our talent and they add to our Chapter Achievement Award accomplishments. February 2014 SDP Sail into Creativity Convention 2014 has asked that our chapter decorate one table for the banquet in this theme or any other theme. Items needed include: Centerpieces: 1 gallon-sized paint can. Source:, Lowe’s Home Depot, Ace Hardware or your local paint store. Charger Plates: 10 charger plates. Source: Hobby Lobby, Michaels, other decorating stores, or online. Table Favors: 10 small favors, one for each setting. Optional: Items to decorate and fill the paint can. If your imagination runs to filling the paint can, it cannot be more than eighteen inches (18" or 45.7cm) tall. If you would like to participate or chair this fun project, please let me know. There is a line item in the budget for the supplies we just need painters. Remember the NET Country Store for WMDPG needs painters, ideas, surfaces and or painted items to sell this year. Your Chapter receives 80% of all gross sales. Contact Tricia Joiner if you have some thoughts or are willing to help with this endeavor. Happy Painting!!! Elaine EGG SWAP Please bring an unwrapped, hand-painted signed Easter egg that will fit in a brown lunch bag to the March Meeting. Don’t forget one for David’s House as well. Can’t wait to see the creativity! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 1 Cindy’s Circus Part 1 Opportunity for Service Afternoon Programs!!!! The women at the NH State Prison for Women in Goffstown are gratefully accepting any and all donations of craft materials. The women would be especially appreciative of your unwanted fabric, yarn, painting supplies, etc. Many of them sew and do one stroke painting. These women are looking for meaningful ways to spend their time, and many of them cannot purchase their own supplies. Donations will also be used at Shea Farm, which is the women's halfway house in Concord. Bring your unwanted items to any meeting and Marj Kiley will collect them for distribution to her daughter in law who teaches at the Prison. The girls from the Prison were most appreciative of the items collected from the January meeting. They loved getting the wood to paint and really loved getting all the paints that Margo Wiggin donated. They have written a thank you note that will be shared at the March meeting. If you have any questions you can contact Marj Kiley 603-483-2949 or Officer DiPietro 603 -668-6137. You can also schedule a donation on your own by contacting Officer DiPietro. Thank you for your generosity! Are you sick of me yet! I am!!! Lol I can’t believe it’s time for another newsletter. Oh my! I hope you are well and staying warm. New England has sure lived up to its reputation, “those cold New England winters”. I have the heat up in the studio attempting to create new projects and finish up some old ones. I just have to say, January’s lunch was magnificent. A sincere “Thank You” to Jo-Anne Naugler for providing the Italian Wedding soup, Cheryl Barb for her infamous Corn Chowder, Larry Provencher for his delicious Chicken Noodle Soup, Debbie Fortin for her ‘to die for’ Kahlua Cake, Elaine McMahon for the Hermits, Nancy Schlis for the bean dip and ricotta squares, Sue Mangano and Shirley Cochis for the broccoli squares and veggie lasagna. I would also like to send out a HUGE ‘THANK YOU’ to Jo-Anne Naugler, Nancy Schlis and Elaine McMahon for a most enjoyable afternoon program. Please bring your finished boxes in for the ‘Palette Potpourri’ table. If not, take a picture and send it to me for the website. You are a pretty creative group. Marj Kiley Now, looking forward, one thing I’m really excited about is CLEANING out my studio. Thank Sue Hodgkins for encouraging us to purge & organize our ‘stuff’. In doing so, several of us have taken advantage of the March “Painter’s Attic Sale” opportunity. Donna Frost, Tricia Joiner, Kris Lafayette, and Nancy Schlis are just a few of the vendors to participate. In addition to the opportunity to purchase some new found treasures, we will be offering “hands -on information stations” that will educate and inspire. Giovanni’s will cater March’s lunch: Veggie Lasagna, Chicken Broccoli Penne with Alfredo Sauce, Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, pita and garlic bread and dessert. Cindy Harrison Vice President Goodie Bag Memo... Please note that there will NOT be a Goodie Bag Raffle at the March meeting but if you would like to bring in items, they will be donated to the NH Prison Crafts projects. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 2 Directions... We have a new home!!!! Country Inn & Suites So. River Road, Bedford From points North, take Rte 3 South/Everett Turnpike, take Bedford Exit which will bring you in front of Macy's. Take a right on Rte 3 and follow this south until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the hill on the right. From points South, take Rte 3 North/Everett Turnpike, get off at the Airport exit before the toll booth, Rte 3 Merrimack. Go North on old Rte 3 toward Bedford. The hotel is 2 miles on the left. Get into the left lane just after the set of lights (junction of Animal Hospital/Neurospine Center/Hampton Inn). From points East, take Rte 101 West/293, get off at the Bedford Exit bringing you to South River Road/Rte 3. Take a Right and follow that until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the right on the hill. 2014 Calendar of Events... January 12 January TBA January 24 February 15,16 February 9 March 9 March 21 March 23 April 12 April 26 May 2-3 May 4 May 12-17 June 14 July 25 August 3 August 11-16 August 23 September 13 September 14 September 26 October 8-12 October 18 November 8 November 8 November 9 November 21 December 7 General Meeting NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline NECC/NET & NET Selection Committee Board Meeting General Meeting Newsletter Deadline Kim Hogue Workshop Board Meeting NECC/NET Meeting Lynne Andrews Workshop General Meeting / Lynne Andrews SDP National Convention NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting HOOT– Ohio Convention NECC/NET Meeting Dotty Pullo Workshop General Meeting / Dotty Pullo Newsletter Deadline NET Marlboro Board Meeting NECC/NET Wrap Up Meeting Deanne Fortnam Workshop General Meeting / Deanne Fortnam Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting (Joint) 2014 WMDPG Officers & Board of Directors President 1st Vice President Newsletter Editor Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec Board Members Alternate Elaine McMahon Cindy Harrison Sue Hodgkins Tricia Joiner Jo-Anne Naugler Cheryl Barb Larry Provencher Nancy Schlis Dotty Pullo Kathy Tanguay Melanie Knox Sue Mangano 603-863-7863 603-429-3556 603-225-9074 603-203-8818 603-465-3405 603-424-2918 603-772-2522 603-926-1562 781-438-6907 978-458-1042 603-529-7129 603-437-3437 2014 Presidential Appointments... Centerpiece Egg & Ornament Fund Raiser Historian Hospitality Installation Coordinator Memory Box Program Mercantile NECC/NET Rep NET Country Store WMDPG NET Country Store Co-Chairs Nominating Committee Paint-Ins Parliamentarian Raffle Coordinator Special Events Co-Chairs Secret Pals Service Project/Charity Seminars Workshops Volunteer Award Chairs Website Chair Deb Courville Marj Kiley Jo-Anne Naugler Sue Mangano OPEN Leeanne Kelly Elaine McMahon Marilyn Moses Jackie Seastedt OPEN Sue Hodgkins Tricia Joiner Melanie Knox Sue Hodgkins Kris Lafayette SUSPENDED Donna Frost Sue Mangano SUSPENDED Debbie Fortin Leona Magnarelli Cindy Harrison Cindy Harrison Cindy Harrison Larry Provencher Cindy Harrison 603-880-3791 603-483-2949 603-465-3405 603-437-3437 603-689-8700 603-863-7863 603-382-5284 603-642-5156 603-225-9074 603-203-8818 603-529-7129 603-225-9074 978-667-5709 603-648-2386 603-437-3437 603-429-0429 603-927-4660 603-429-3556 603-429-3556 603-429-3556 603-772-2522 603-429-3556 2014New England Chapters Council NECC President NECC Vice President Secretary NECC/NET NECC Treasurer NECC Advisor NET Chair NET Asst Chair NET Treasurer NET Advisor Regina Brown Kris Beckman Mary Frambach Margo Wiggin Rocky Rockwell Julie Talarski Laura Peterson Sue Dowds Grace Markaukas The deadline for the next issue of Tole it to the Mountains is March 21 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 3 WMDPG General Meeting... Date: March 9, 2014 Place: Our New Home is the Country Inn & Suites, So. River Road, Bedford Directions: See page 2 9:00-10:00 TheTables: Palette Potpourri, Chapter Chatter, Coffee, Tea and Ice Water (Compliments of the Chapter) Boards (upcoming events) A Friend or Guest Something for the Palette Potpourri Your painted name tag Money for raffles & Fundraiser tickets Memory Boxes UNFINISHED/ FINISHED Item for David’s House Craft supplies you no longer need for the women’s prison. Your calendar and money in order to sign up for the workshops/seminars and other opportunities. Secret Pal gifts. 2 painted eggs, one to swap and one to donate to David’s House. 10:00-11:30 Business Meeting 11:30-12:30 Lunch—catered by Giovanni’s includes Veggie Lasagna, Chicken Broccoli Penne with Alfredo Sauce, Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, pita and garlic bread and dessert. 12:30-4:00 Things to Bring to the Meeting Painter’s Attic Sale—shop at the vendors tables and find new treasures to take home. Then check out the “hands-on information stations” for new ideas and techniques taught by some of our own talented teachers/painters. March 9, 2014 General Meeting Registration Form Name: Phone: Guest: Email: Please indicate the following: Yourself Guest Business Meeting Yes / No Yes / No Lunch Yes ($15)/ No Yes ($15)/ No Make checks payable to: WMDPG Total Enclosed: Note: If paying Membership Renewal dues, please send a separate check. Please do not include General Meeting fees in the same check. Thank you! Return this form ASAP if you are planning to Mail to: Cheryl Barb participate in the afternoon 6 Den Ave project. Merrimack, NH 03054 603-494-1959 Registration Deadline: March 2, 2014 Email: or __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 4 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Sunday, January 12, 2014 10:00 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance Welcome - President Elaine McMahon greeted our members and guests. She also expressed excitement over our first meeting in our beautiful new facility and the fabulous programs for the year ahead. She thanked board members, committee chairs and volunteers for their hard work in making all this possible, including Cindy Harrison’s son, Alex, for providing the PA system and background music. OLD BUSINESS Afternoon Programs, Workshops and Seminars - 2014 - Cindy Harrison January Afternoon Program is a multiple project program led by Jo-Anne Naugler, Cindy Harrison, Nancy Schlis & Elaine McMahon. Lunch is a delicious pot luck spread provided by the generosity of several chapter members. March Afternoon Program - A Painter’s Attic Sale - Tables will be set up around the sides of our meeting room. The cost for a space (which includes the table) is $15.00 rented on a first come-first served basis. The sign up form is in the newsletter. Cindy said the idea was a brainstorm from last year’s trunk show. The purpose is for our members to put money back in their own pockets by cleaning out worthwhile items that they may never use but someone else might love to have. Ideas for what to sell - anything painting related - surfaces, packets, brushes, painted items, etc. We could have a make-it-take-it going on at the same time but we would need a volunteer to organize this. March Workshop - March 23 (Sunday) - Kim Hogue - The Workshop photographs are on display today. May Seminar - Lynne Andrews Seminar - May 2 & 3 (Friday and Saturday) The Friday project picture is not available yet. It will be on display at the March meeting. Lynne is working on the NH Santa piece so pictures and prices are also not yet available. If you cannot attend the kit will be available for purchase by preorder. May Afternoon Program (May 4, 2014) - Lynne Andrews project - God’s Plan September Workshop - September 13 (Saturday) - Dotty Pullo, CDA. The designs will be available for voting on at the March meeting September Afternoon Program -(September 14, 2014) - Dotty Pullo, CDA. Dotty will be teaching a gourd ornament. Our lunch will be pot luck. We need volunteers to provide food. Please let Susan Mangano know what you will be bringing. November Workshop - November 8 (Saturday) - Deanne Fortnam, MDA. The pictures for this “Still Life Workshop” will be on display at the March meeting. November Afternoon Program - November 9, 2014 (Sunday) - Deanne Fortnam, MDA The project will be stroke work on a photo frame mat. Pictures will be on display at the March meeting. The seminar and workshop registration forms are in the newsletter. Please fill them out and return them to Cindy Harrison. Secretary - Cindy Harrison - Minutes were published in the newsletter. The motion to accept as printed was made by Nancy Schlis and seconded by Anne Wifholm. It was passed without discussion and the minutes will be filed as published. Treasurer - Jo-Anne Naugler - The Treasurer’s report was published in the newsletter. The motion to accept as printed, made by Nancy Schlis and seconded by Marj Kiley, was passed without discussion. It will be filed as published. INSTALLATION Anne Wifholm, a former President of the WMDPG, officiated for the installation of the 2014 officers. The focus of the installation was on the service that each member should perform for the Chapter. Candles were lit to highlight each executive officer’s responsibility as she was introduced to the Chapter. The 2014 officers are: President Elaine McMahon (2nd term) Vice President/ President Elect Cindy Harrison Newsletter Editor Sue Hodgkins Membership Secretary Cheryl Barb Secretary Tricia Joiner Treasurer Jo-Anne Naugler Members of the Board Nancy Schlis, Larry Provencher, Dotty Pullo, Kathy Tanguay, Melanie Knox (not present) and Alternate - Sue Mangano On behalf of the chapter, the President thanked Anne for a nice ceremony. “We are here to share our talents, our love of painting and our friendships.” NEW BUSINESS Afternoon program teacher’s fee - At the April Board meeting, the Board voted to increase the AP teacher’s fee for which membership approval is needed. Kathy Tanguay made a motion to increase the AP teaching fee from $50.00 to $75.00. The motion was seconded by Larry Provencher and passed without discussion. 2014 Budget The budget was published in the newsletter. Treasurer Jo-Anne Naugler explained that with the approval of the raise in pay for the AP teachers, $125.00 will be added to the General Meeting disbursements (new figure – $3,500.00) causing the overall negative balance to be ($2,083.00). She reminded us that the balance is negative because we are not collecting membership fees this year. Debbie Fortin moved that the budget be accepted as modified. Nancy Schlis seconded the motion. The budget is accepted as amended. Newsletter - Sue Hodgkins - It was announced that the deadline for the next newsletter is January 26th. Please send pictures of what you have done to organize and clean up your painting area or studio. Also, if you have any clever tips & tricks, we would like to publish them. Membership - Cheryl Barb - New membership cards were passed out to the members that were present. We currently have 72 members. Thirtyfour members attended today’s meeting and 25 participated in the afternoon program. Cheryl reminded the membership that although their chap__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 5 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Continued ter dues are paid for 2014 (as long as their SDP membership is paid), she needs the renewal form filled out and turned in for record keeping purposes. If nothing has changed write in “SAME”. Seminars & Workshops - Cindy Harrison - The Kim Hogue Workshop - There are several pictures posted on the display board. Please put the correlating number of your favorite project in the cup. Votes will be counted at the end of lunch. Winner: Summer Breeze. Hospitality - Leeanne Kelly - Nothing new to report. Tole Gate - Leeanne Kelly - Collected $13.00 for David’s House. David’s House - Leona Magnarelli - Please bring her any new or additional donations. Her office has matched any donations contributed by our chapter. New Service Project - Marj Kiley - Marj’s daughter works in a NH women’s prison. The prison has started an arts and crafts program and is in need of materials. Anyone who has suitable items that they could donate, please contact Marj or bring them to the next meeting. Elaine reminded us that participating in this effort would also contribute towards WMDPG receiving the Chapter Achievement Award. Secret Pals - Debbie Fortin - We had great results last year. Please join! It’s lots of fun and a great way to get to know one of your fellow chapter members better. Let’s keep the party going. The form is in the newsletter and needs to be turned in to Debbie by January 26th when the Pals will be assigned. Memory Boxes - Jackie Seastedt & Marilyn Moses were unable to attend the meeting. Their written report was submitted and read. FUNdraiser/Annual Raffle 2014 - Jo-Anne Naugler & Sue Mangano - Ticket purchase form and pictures of projects are in the newsletter. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The tickets bought at a particular meeting also qualify you to enter the special project raffle at that meeting. The tickets will be rolled into the November Annual Raffle. This means it might be possible to win more than one wonderful prize. Margo Wiggin won Dotty Pullo’s beautiful Christmas painting. Today’s raffle raised $61.00. POSITIONS TO BE FILLED President Elaine McMahon reminded us that we are a volunteer organization and cannot operate without “volunteers.” She thanked those members that have already taken on one of the Presidential appointed positions and expressed hope that members would give their time to fill the remaining open positions. Mercantile - This position has been replaced by the bagged goodies raffle which is only held when members bring items to be donated to the meeting. Nominating Chair - Kris Lafayette NET Country Store for WMDPG - Tricia Joiner Our NET Country Store Sales in 2013 earned $492.60. NECC/NET Representative - Sue Hodgkins - This position requires attending 5 NET board meetings and reporting back to our chapter about the happenings. If you attend the convention your registration is returned to you. You are also responsible for 6 hours of helping at the convention. This can be your time or time given by other members of our chapter. NET Country Store Chair(s) - no volunteer yet - The store will not be moving this year from the hotel to the convention so the job will be much easier. The responsibilities include checking merchandise in and out, setting up the store and arranging for sales help to man the store. NET Registration Chair - Cheryl Barb - Cheryl has requested some volunteer assistance with Class Sales at the time of the convention. Please contact her if you have some time to donate. Our dividend return for participating in the 2012 NET convention was $1200.00 Palette Potpourri Drawing - Leeanne Kelly - Today’s winner was Dotty Pollo. Centerpiece Raffle - Thank you to Elaine McMahon, Jackie Spaulding and Martha Valois (deceased chapter member) for the clipboard centerpieces that were given away. Bag Raffle - Sue Mangano - Today’s raffled raised $57.00. Gift to President - A gift of thanks for serving as President in 2013 with a sunflower theme was presented to Elaine by Cindy Harrison. Adjourn - (11:30 a.m.) The motion to adjourn, made by Jo-Anne Naugler and seconded by Debbie Fortin, was passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Tricia Joiner WMDPG Secretary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 6 Treasurer’s Report as of December 31, 2013 1/1/20133/31/2013 2013 Budget INCOME Advertising NL Fundraiser Inc General Meeting Inc Interest Inc Membership Dues 2013 Mercantile Inc-Sales NECC/NET-Dividend 2010, 2011 NET Inc-Country Store Sales Paint-ins Raffle Inc Seminar Inc Tole Gate-Charity Workshop Inc TOTAL INCOME $ $ $ $ $ $ 175.00 250.00 2,080.00 10.00 1,900.00 250.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 500.00 450.00 380.00 400.00 4,100.00 65.00 $ 10,560.00 EXPENSES Awards $ 100.00 Charity $ 525.00 Dues SDP, NECC $ 300.00 Fundraiser $ 25.00 General Meeting $ 3,560.00 Hospitality $ 25.00 Insurance - SDP $ 200.00 Membership Exp $ 25.00 Mercantile $ Misc-moved to Money Mkt Acct NET Country Store $ 100.00 Newsletter $ 200.00 Office $ 50.00 Paint-ins Exp $ 500.00 Seminar Exp $ 4,100.00 VP to Nationals $ 750.00 Website-hosting $ 100.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 10,560.00 OVERALL TOTAL 4/1/20136/30/2013 7/1/20139/30/2013 10/1/201312/31/2013 OVERALL TOTAL $ $ 1,217.00 $ 0.20 $ 560.00 $ 101.00 $ $ $ $ $ 285.00 440.00 0.14 110.00 - $ $ $ $ $ 125.00 501.00 0.14 20.00 - $ $ $ $ $ 222.00 190.00 0.12 30.00 - $ $ $ $ $ 632.00 2,348.00 0.60 720.00 101.00 $ $ - $ - $ 492.60 $ 492.60 $ 74.00 $ 1,183.50 $ 16.00 $ $ 2,108.64 $ $ $ $ $ 111.00 274.00 17.00 1,048.14 $ 114.00 $ 75.00 $ 19.00 $ 75.00 $ 1,217.72 $ $ $ $ $ 299.00 2,542.50 80.00 75.00 7,290.70 - $ $ 1,010.00 $ 28.00 $ $ 2,916.20 65.94 $ - $ $ 50.00 $ $ $ 2,084.51 $ 641.33 $ 93.00 $ 20.00 $ $ 5,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 80.00 $ 624.09 $ 91.55 $ 490.00 $ 42.30 $ $ 388.70 $ 91.55 605.94 42.30 3,738.63 - $ - $ - $ - $ 93.00 $ - $ 186.00 20.00 - $ - $ - $ 5,000.00 11.50 $ 145.64 $ 6.11 $ 163.25 733.91 $ 2,180.30 $ 150.00 $ 3,144.21 $ 64.56 $ - $ - $ - $ 64.56 $ 7,408.01 $ 1,386.74 $ 3,000.03 $ 1,261.66 $ 13,056.44 $ (4,491.81) $ 721.90 $ (1,951.89) $ 579.83 $ (5,141.97) Balances Checking Acct Balance 1/1/13 Income $ 10,173.40 $ 7,290.70 $ Disbursements (13,056.44) Checking Acct Balance 12/31/13 $ 4,407.66 CD $ 8,015.95 Money Market Account $ 5,002.20 Net Worth $ 17,425.81 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 7 Approved Budget 2014 2014 Budget INCOME Advertising - NL Fundraising Inc General Meeting Inc Interest Inc Membership Dues 2014 Mercantile Inc-Sales NECC/NET-Dividend 2010, 2011 NET Inc-Country Store Sales Raffle Inc Seminar Inc Tolegate (Charity) Workshop Inc $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL INCOME $ 8,317.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 525.00 300.00 25.00 3,500.00 25.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 2,350.00 100.00 750.00 100.00 2,150.00 10,400.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,407.66 3,031.00 497.32 6,941.34 8,016.29 5,002.20 19,959.83 DISBURSEMENTS Awards Charity Dues SDP, NECC Fundraiser General Meeting Hospitality Insurance - SDP Membership Exp NET Country Store Newsletter Office Seminar Exp SDP Banquet Table Decoration VP to Nationals Website-hosting Workshops TOTAL EXPENSES Balances Checking Acct Balance 1/1/14 Income Disbursements Checking Acct Balance 1/16/13 CD Money Market Account Net Worth 175.00 475.00 2,000.00 10.00 102.00 500.00 460.00 300.00 2,250.00 80.00 1,965.00 1/1/2014- 1/16/2014 $ $ $ 30.00 118.00 480.00 $ 30.00 $ 1,200.00 $ $ $ 600.00 13.00 560.00 $ 3,031.00 $ 431.75 $ 65.57 $ 497.32 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 8 Happy Birthday Cindy’s Circus Part 3 2014 Seminar with Lynne Andrews… Thank you for the wonderful response, so far. We have 9 signed up for Friday and 12 signed up for Saturday. We need at a minimum 15 on each day to break even. If you have any family members, friends, neighbors or co-workers that showed interest in learning how to paint, Lynne’s techniques are a great introduction – no sideloading!!! Friday’s project is the Toile Stocking. Bring your own surface 7’ wide x 10” long (original was done on heavy weight cold pressed watercolor paper). Saturday’s project is the Granite State Santa. Cost of the surface will be $15.00. For those who are unable to attend this event, you may pre-order the NH Father Christmas Board and Pattern Packet for $25. Feb. - Marilyn Moses (23), Jackie Seastedt (22) Mar.-Shirley Cochis(8), Mary Frambach (8), Sue Hodgkins(22), Kristine Lafayette (5), Jo-Anne Naugler(29), Mae Snell(8) Apr.- Joy Keene(1), Melanie Knox(28), Jackie Murphy(30), Dotti Perotti(29), Nancy Stacy(9), May- Maureen Boyden(18), Suzi Franklin (19), Kathleen Jolly(19), Leona Magnarelli (21), Larry Provencher(30), Dorothy Pullo (31), Virginia Sargent(19), Nancy Schlis (16) If your birthday is not listed please contact Leeanne Kelly at All prep information with line drawings will be distributed at the March General Meeting. If you are unable to attend the March General Meeting, please make arrangement for pick of your materials with Cindy Harrison. Don’t wait any longer, sign up today! Meeting/Event Cancellation Policy Cancellations for any WMDPG Event/Meeting will be posted on our website: Ok, get ready for your Secret Pals. The deadline to apply was the 26th of January and a lot of you applied! Names will be drawn and you will hear from me shortly! The giving and surprises begin with the March meeting. If you can't attend, don't forget to give your gift to someone to bring for you, or at least contact your Secret Pal and let them know that you haven't forgotten them. Let the excitement begin! See you in March! no later than 8:30 am on the day of that activity. If you do not have access to the internet, please call a friend who does or call any Board Member. (See Page 2 for phone numbers.) Sister Chapter Happenings... Seastrokes is having: Nancy Scott, April 26-27, 2014 Paula Lawton, August 16, 2014 Debbie Fortin Contact: Seastrokes Chair, Moulin by email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 9 White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild presents Lynne Andrews WHEN: May 2 & 3, 2014 (Friday & Saturday) TIME: WHERE: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (each day) Country Inn & Suites 250 South River Road, Bedford, NH FEE: (Surface is NOT included) Members: $60 one day; $110 both Non-members: $70 one day; $130 both days Friday – Toile Stocking (bring your own surface) Saturday – Granite State Santa (Surface fee: $15) Granite State Santa Kits $25.00 A 50% non-refundable deposit on the class is required to guarantee a seat for this seminar. Lynne Andrews Seminar – May 2 & 3, 2014 Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Member: Friday / Saturday / Both (Please circle your choice) NonMember: Friday / Saturday / Both Total Class Fee $ 60 or 110 NH Father Christmas Board $15.00 _____ NH Father Christmas Bd & Pattern $25.00 _____ Total Class Fee $ 70 or 130 Total: $ ________ Deposit: $________ paid by CASH _____ CHECK___ #_________ (make checks payable to WMDPG) Mail completed form & deposit to Cindy Harrison, 18 Greatstone Dr, Merrimack, NH 03054 Any questions call 603-429-3556 or email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 10 Cindy’s Circus Part 2... Share-In’s! Workshops!!!! Hello again, we have several Workshops on our calendar this year. At the January meeting, we voted on the project for Kim Hogue’s March 23rd program: Summer Breeze. The surface is a 10” birch panel circle with a 2 ½” wide frame (overall size is 15”); cost is $18.99. The surface (with prep directions) will be available at the March meeting for all who sign up. If you are thinking about signing up, please do so by February 28th so that we can get the surfaces in time for the March Meeting. If you are not planning on attending the March meeting, please call/email Cindy to make other arrangements. If you have a surface you’d rather use, Kim says ‘it is okay’! This project features techniques such as dry brushing (scumbling), sanding (distressing) using sanding sticks (sanding discs), Kim’s floating technique, and a good use of a liner brush. Brushes, sanding sticks, and other supplies/ patterns will be for sale before and after the meeting. Share-Ins can be offered by a Teacher, a Shop, a Studio or a Host/Hostess. These programs are usually for a specific purpose such as to paint for NET Country Store, Memory Boxes, centerpieces or any other designated project. There are no fees paid to the teacher or any charges/costs for attendees/painters. Several painters/members get together to paint for a common project. This is a great way to share the love of painting and do something for the Chapter. Reminder... Have you renewed your SDP membership!! Look for the renewal form in this newsletter. ALSO REMEMBER… WMDPG is giving FREE 2014 renewals for all 2013 members, however, you must complete the White Mountain form stating that you want to be a member and that your personal information is the same. Dotty Pullo, CDA & Deanne Fortnam, MDA will have projects for us soon. We are hoping to have them for voting on at the March meeting. 911 - I would really like to NOT monopolize the microphone at the meetings. Is there any one who would be willing to help me out by taking on the Workshops? I really need a break. Please call me, email me, or approach me at a meeting and I will tell you all about the responsibilities (which are not much). It is a great way to meet your fellow painting family members and some really awesome teachers. Computer skills are a big help BUT NOT required. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 11 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 12 Cindy’s Circus Part 4 2015 Proposed Retreat… The Board would like to have a small committee to discuss the possibilities of holding a Retreat in 2015. We are very excited about our new home at the Country Inn & Suites and think it would be a wonderful place to hold it. If you are interested in being on this committee, please notify me as soon as possible. We need to get the ball rolling! If you cannot be on the committee, you can help in other ways! 1) You could teach a new technique or design? 2) You could donate surfaces for a class; 10 or more of the same or similar in size and shape, would be preferred. 3) You could organize the Friday night Reception or the Saturday night dinner. There are so many things to be done, we can not have a successful Retreat without YOU!!!! Tips ‘N Tricks.… How are we doing on cleaning out and getting organized? I’ve managed to organized my bottled paints but still have a long way to go with the rest of the room. I found this great idea, to the right, for hanging paint storage, using wire shelves. I know that I threw out some of these a couple of years ago!! Unfortunately I don’t have the wall space to do this myself but maybe some of you can. I love the painted flower pots to store pencils, brushes, scissors etc. What you can’t see from this picture are the beans they put in the pots to hold the pencils upright. I wouldn’t use beans (fear of mice or other little creatures) but decorative marbles or rock chips would be great. I have a stash of flower pots that I’m thinking of doing this to. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone. Use up some of my unfinished goodies while organizing at the same time. Come to think of it, I’m sure I have a couple of bags of rock chips left over from my daughters wedding…. Happy organizing and painting, Sue Hodgkins Coming to New Hampshire Carol Spohn Batik & Watercolor June 7&8, 2014 Kelly Hoernig July 25-27, 2014 Colored Pencils & Mixed Media If you are interested, please contact Cindy at __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 13 News from SDP... Society of Decorative Painter News Last May or June, some of you may have made a donation to the International Museum of the Society of Decorative Painters thru Razoo to help fund a project to document and video the collection of decorative painting in Wichita. Photography and documentation took longer than expected but the extra work spent cleaning and documenting is important in maintaining a special collection. The first pieces are expected to go on-line for viewing in February. The on-line tour of the collection will help promote decorative painting and explain what it is. It will also be very educational for our members who have not be able to see it in person. Jay Staten, SDP Staff Editor and Publications Director, and Miho Halsey, Museum Coordinator have updated the forms used to document artwork. This includes An Artist Statement. Some of you may want to start keeping statements about your special pieces. Here is part of the explanation from the SDP form: What is an Artist Statement? It is a short piece written by the artist—the creative mind behind the work—to accompany a particular painting or group of paintings. It is an explanation of your work to people viewing the piece, whether they are potential buyers, exhibition curators, critics, fellow artists, or casual viewers. It allows the viewer to be enticed by your work, learn more about its creation, learn more about the artist, as well as to understand the tone of the piece. How do I start? Your artist statement should be short, no more than one page. Think about how you would explain the artwork to someone specific in your life. You will want to convey your thought process, and obstacles/concerns that were important to you as you worked. Avoid being pompous—speak from your heart. Describe the actual process that you used. Talk about what you used and when you became inspired, or when, and about your best painting time. Answer the “why” you painted the piece. Describe what motivated you, the rewards you get when producing art, the investment of time, energy, emotion, and even money. Issue No. 1/2014 is at the printers and will be shipping February 1. This issue will include your new membership card. Don’t lose it! There will also be an absentee ballot so you can vote for the candidates. Your vote counts! Only a small percentage of members vote at conference so it’s the absentee ballots that determine the winners. Also in this issue is information about nominating deserving members for the 2014 awards: Silver Palette, Priscilla Hauser Award for Business and Industry, Dedicated Service Award, and Outstanding Chapter Service Award. Anyone can nominate someone and surely you know someone who deserves one of these awards. Stay tuned for an announcement that videos explaining the Certification Judging Process are up on YouTube. Actual boards are shown being judged. Even if you don’t plan on submitting, you will learn something from these videos. This is a Quest for Excellence that helps you grow as an artist. Last but not least, we are thrilled to announce that the Society of Decorative Painters nominated Priscilla Hauser MDA to be inducted into the Craft and Hobby Association Hall of Fame. The CHA judges agreed with us and Priscilla was honored at the recent CHA show in Anaheim, CA. Donna Frost, President Society of Decorative Painters Important Workshop Info! KIM HOGUE WORKSHOP & LYNNE ANDREWS SEMINAR: Surfaces (with prep directions) will be available at the March meeting for all who sign up. FULL payment is due at the time of pickup. If you are thinking about signing up, please do so by February 28th so that we can get the surfaces in time for the March meeting. If you are not planning on attending the March meeting, please call/email Cindy Harrison, Phone (603)429-3556, Email to make other arrangements. If you are ordering Lynne Andrews “Granite State Santa Surface and Santa Kit” - they will not be available until after the Seminar. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 14 A PAINTER'S ATTIC SALE Here's YOUR opportunity to clear out some of your unwanted paint-related items, such as: finished and/or unfinished surfaces, pattern packets, books, and unused brushes to name a few. This event will take place at the March General Meeting. There will be tables set up along the walls of our NEW HOME, "The Country Inn & Suites" in Bedford, NH. The cost for a space (includes table) is $15. There will be a limited number of tables available, so... "first come – first served"!!! Send in your $$ early to guarantee your table. Send a check for $15 (made payable to WMDPG) to Cindy Harrison, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Cindy by email at or phone 603-429-3556. More details will be provided after payment is received. NO Sales are to take place during the Business Meeting. The Board reserves the right to request the seller to cease any sales of items unrelated to painting. ----------------------------------------A PAINTER'S ATTIC SALE March 9, 2014 Name _________________________________ Email __________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________ _____Sign me up for a table space. I've enclosed a check for $15 (made payable to WMDPG). Complete and mail this form with payment to: C. Harrison, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054 DecoArt Pre-Order your New DecoArt colors HERE! Contact Cindy (603) 429-3556 or Classes available: Wednesdays 10 am – 12:30 or 6:30 – 9:00 pm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 15 2014 WMDPG Raffle… Child’s rocker painted by Joanne Naugler. Noodle board painted by Melanie Knox. Southwest style pastel house on sanded pastel paper inspired by a pastel artist name Liz Hayward Sullivan and painted by Sue Mangano March Meeting Two-fer Thanks to Leanne Kelly, the beautiful painting to the right is our “Twofer” for the March meeting. Make sure to fill out the raffle tickets on the next page and turn them and your money in at the March meeting. You don’t want to miss the chance to win this “Two-fer”! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 16 Please! Print as many as you like, then print some more! Sell them to your friends and families. Teachers, bring them to your studios and sell to your students. Fundraising Chairs: Jo-Anne Naugler, 603-465-3405, Sue Mangano, 603-437-3437, paintatheart@yahoo. To print from the newsletter: Open the newsletter to this page. From the File menu, select Print. If you do not see the File menu, press the ALT key. In the print menu, select Current Page. Drawing is November 9, 2014 Drawing is November 9, 2014 ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 Thank You! WMDPG 2014 ENTER TO WIN! Address: _______________________ Thank You! WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 Name: _________________________ Thank You! WMDPG 2014 Drawing is November 9, 2014 WMDPG 2014 Thank You! WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Drawing is November 9, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 17 2014 WHITE MOUNTAIN DECORATIVE PAINTERS GUILD Newsletter Advertiser Contract An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Please take a moment to begin or renew your annual advertising contract and indicate which issues you would like to advertise in and the size of ad you desire. Remember: Two advertising options are available: by issue or by year (5 issues). Advertisers who are White Mountain Decorative Painting Guild members get a discount, and to advertisers who commit to 5 issues. (If you commit to a year of advertising there is a 10% discount.) Ad copy and checks should be sent to: Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Rates Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth Street Concord, NH 03301 Member *Reflects a 10% discount for prepaid commitment of one full year (5issues) of advertising space. Different copy and/or artwork may be submitted for each issue. Advertisers will be notified prior to each Newsletter deadline. Any Questions? or 603-225-9074 When possible, please email your ad to me. 1 Issue Non-Member 5 Issues* 1 Issue 5 Issues* Full Page $ 30.00 $135.00 $ 40.00 $180.0 0 1/2 Page $ 15.00 $ 67.50 $ 20.00 $ 90.00 1/4 Page $ 7.50 $ 33.75 $ 10.00 $ 45.00 Business Card (3.5 x2) $ 5.00 $ 22.50 $ 7.50 $ 33.75 N/A N/A N/A Little Notices Bulletin Board $ 1.00 Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Contract Agreement between and the White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild for Size: ad(s) in the following issues of Tole It To the Mountains. Issue Number Deadline Date Volume 31, No. 1 January 26 Volume 31, No. 2 March 24 Volume 31, No. 3 July 28 Volume 31, No. 4 September 28 Volume 31, No. 5 November 22 Amount Enclosed: Discount for WMDPG Members Yes, I offer a % discount. (Make check payable to WMDPG) Return this contract with payment. A confirmation will be mailed back to you. E-mail: Name: Phone: Address: City/State/Zip: Agreed by Advertiser:__________________________________ (Valid with original signature only) For office use only: Contract received____________ Payment received____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 18 David’s House Wish List ... Paper towels Tissues Paper plates & bowls Plastic utensils Paper cups - 5 oz. only Laundry detergent - powder Kitchen sponges Dishwashing liquid Liquid hand soap Dryer Sheets Stain Removers Juice boxes, Concentrated juices Cookies and crackers Cereal Bars Cereal - single serving and regular Pop tarts Fruit snacks Applesauce Pudding Snack cups Microwave Popcorn Single serving microwave meals Soups (small size) Beef stew (small size) Coffee creamer (powder) Spaghettios/Ravioli (reg. size) Sanitary napkins Tampons Panty shields Nursing pads (disposable) New DVD's (family appropriate) Xbox 360 (teen rated or lower) Wii Games (teen rated or lower) -don’t worry about duplicates! Gift Cards are always appreciated: Lebanon Co-Op Wal-Mart BJ's Shaw's Supermarket Best Buy Home Depot K-Mart Hannaford's Supermarket Irving New Items Only Please Postage Stamps Phone Cards __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 19 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 20 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 21 2015 Convention Artist New England Chapters Council invites all NECC Chapter members to submit entries for the 2015 New England Traditions Convention Artist. Qualifications will include a willingness to work closely with the 2015 NET board and committees for the duration of the convention preparations. Attendance at the NET planning meetings is required. You will have the opportunity to sell your artwork at the Country Store You will be invited to submit a special event to the Special Event Selection Committee You will have the opportunity to have a full-page ad in the Catalog at half price. Please send a 9 x 12 original painting on heavyweight paper, board, or canvas (without signature) relating to the 2015 themes. “Symphony of Color” Please show us your ideas! What do you envision when you think of the theme ‘Symphony of Color? These paintings need not be in final stage. Lettering suggestions should be included. Multiple entries are encouraged. Also, if you are too intimidated to do this on your own, consider having a buddy or team, this does not need to be a single person adventure. A full job description is available upon request. For more information and submission contact: Regina Brown NECC 2014 President 3 Galileo Way Latham, NY 12110 518.785.1117 Submissions must arrive before May 31, 2014 for voting at the June meeting! Have fun with it! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 22 CSDP’s Annual Seminar Presents Painter Nancy Scott, CDA Date: March 29 & 30, 2014 At Coventry Community Center, 120 Lake St., Coventry, CT 06238 (1/2 mile off Rt. 31). Time: 9:00 – 5 pm. Class Fee: $50 per Day – seating is assigned by date payment received. Mail payment & registration to: Nancy Mullen , 114 Zeya Drive, Coventry, CT 06238. Deadline for ordering surfaces 03/04/14. Saturday : Acrylic Autumn Mill Size: 9” x 12” Oval Tray EARLY REGISTRATION GUARANTEES GOOD SEAT Sunday: Acrylic Favorite Things Size: 12” x 12” Birch insert with frame CSDP Annual Seminar – 2014 with Nancy Scott, CDA – Date: March 29 & 30, 2014. Complete the form below & send with your check to : Nancy Mullen, 114 Zeya Dr., Coventry, CT 06238. Deadline for Surfaces is 03/04/14. Paints are provided. NAME: ___________________________________________________PHONE NO. ( ______)____________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________EMAIL__________________________________ Please make checks payable to: CSDP Fill in Proper amount Sat - Acrylic Sunday - Acrylic CLASS FEE PD: $50.00 $50.00 SURFACE: $5.00 $10.00 Office Use: Date Rcvd:__________ Amt Rec ____________ TOTAL DUE: $ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 23 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 24 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 25 2014 Membership Application — Society of Decorative Painters Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________State____________9 Digit Zip Code_________________________________ Phone ( ) _________________________________ □ Check box if this is a new address New □ Renewal □ Membership#_______________ Chapter Affiliations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address________________________________Website:______________________________________________________________ □ INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: $50 (renewals $55 if mailed after 12/1) □ INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS ASSOCIATE: $80 □ HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP $30(For immediate family member sharing same address) Check Enclosed (payable to SDP) or CHARGE my: □ Visa □ MC Card No.:_____________________________Exp. Date:___________________ Total $_________ Date:________________Signature:___________________________________ Mail form and payment directly to: SDP 393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203 or: Join online at: 2014 Membership Application — White Mountain Decorative Painters' Guild You must be a current member of the SDP to be a member of WMDPG. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________ State______ 9 Digit Zip Code __________________ Check box if this is a new address: □ Phone ( ) __________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________________ SDP Membership # ___________ New Member □ Renewal □ As a THANK YOU for being a member in 2013, your WMDPG membership is FREE in 2014. Please complete this form for our records. □ Newsletter Hardcopy add $10/year (optional) □ I do not have a computer! Mail for Free! □ Do not list email / phone to Membership Let Us Wish You Happy Birthday: MM ______ DD ______ Shop Owner □ Teacher □ Student □ Would you be a teacher at a meeting or a workshop? Yes___ No___ Medium Taught__________________ Would you be willing to be contacted for rides? Yes___ No___ Today's Date: _________________________ Referred By: ______________________ Questions? Call Cheryl Barb 603-424-2918 or email at: New members: dues is $20.00. Please send form and payment (check made payable to WMDPG), to: Cheryl Barb 6 Den Ave Merrimack, NH 03054 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 26 Tole It To the Mountains Newsletter of the White Mountains Decorative Painters’ Guild Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth St. Concord, NH 03301
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