Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains The Official Newsletter of the White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Volume 31, Issue 5 October 2014 President’s Corner... Cindy’s Circus Hello Everyone and happy fall, this is such a beautiful time of the year, when mother nature gives us such a gorgeous display of color not to mention the yummy goodies that are made this time of year. I just love it! Although; I didn’t expect to be flat on my back looking out the window. Autumn is most definitely here! I love this season for the smells of apple pie, pumpkin bread, and soon Turkey and stuffing! From what I hear, the September meeting was quite intense and many were involved in the discussion regarding the Chapter showing appreciation for those members that volunteer their time to NET. Thank you Cindy for taking over and making things work out within the Chapter. And I hope there are plenty of members running for office or for the Board. White Mountain Decorating Painters’ Guild needs YOU! Elaine I can’t believe NET has come and gone already! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been painted, please bring it for the Palette Potpourri table Thank you for all that you have done for the Chapter! I want to also give a “Thank you” to those who volunteered to help out at NET. We are nothing without our volunteers. YOU ROCK! The September Meeting was wonderful and a big THANK YOU to Dotty Pullo, CDA for sharing with us her adorable snowman ornaments. I believe most everyone finished them, and how cute they all were. Our November Meeting will be taught by Deanne Fortnam, MDA. She will be showing us how to do Strokework on a mat board. The cost is $18.00 and will include the surface, pattern, and paint. Our meal is going to be POT LUCK – See the sign-up in this newsletter to bring something. If you have any questions, please contact Sue Mangano. The afternoon project for the Hope you can join us for the November meeting! November 9, 2014 meeting is with Cindy Harrison Vice President 2014 WMDPG Deanne Fortnam, MDA… You don’t want to miss this one!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 1 Directions... Directions to Country Inn & Suites So. River Road, Bedford From points North, take Rte 3 South/Everett Turnpike, take Bedford Exit which will bring you in front of Macy's. Take a right on Rte 3 and follow this south until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the hill on the right. From points South, take Rte 3 North/Everett Turnpike, get off at the Airport exit before the toll booth, Rte 3 Merrimack. Go North on old Rte 3 toward Bedford. The hotel is 2 miles on the left. Get into the left lane just after the set of lights (junction of Animal Hospital/Neurospine Center/Hampton Inn). From points East, take Rte 101 West/293, get off at the Bedford Exit bringing you to South River Road/Rte 3. Take a Right and follow that until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the right on the hill. 2014 Calendar of Events... January 12 January TBA January 24 February 15,16 February 9 March 9 March 21 March 23 March 29 April 26 May 2-3 May 4 May 12-17 June 14 July 25 July 20 August 11-16 August 23 September 13 September 14 September 26 October 8-12 October 18 November 8 November 8 November 9 November 21 December 7 General Meeting NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline NECC/NET & NET Selection Committee Board Meeting General Meeting Newsletter Deadline Kim Hogue Workshop Board Meeting NECC/NET Meeting Lynne Andrews Workshop General Meeting / Lynne Andrews SDP National Convention NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting HOOT– Ohio Convention NECC/NET Meeting Dotty Pullo Workshop General Meeting / Dotty Pullo Newsletter Deadline NET Marlboro Board Meeting NECC/NET Wrap Up Meeting Deanne Fortnam Workshop General Meeting / Deanne Fortnam Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting (Joint) 2014 WMDPG Officers & Board of Directors President 1st Vice President Newsletter Editor Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec Board Members Alternate Elaine McMahon Cindy Harrison Sue Hodgkins Tricia Joiner Jo-Anne Naugler Cheryl Barb Larry Provencher Nancy Schlis Dotty Pullo Kathy Tanguay Melanie Knox Sue Mangano 603-863-7863 603-429-3556 603-225-9074 603-203-8818 603-465-3405 603-424-2918 603-772-2522 603-926-1562 781-438-6907 978-458-1042 603-529-7129 603-437-3437 2014 Presidential Appointments... Centerpiece Egg & Ornament Annual Raffle Historian Hospitality Installation Coordinator Memory Box Program Mercantile NECC/NET Rep NET Country Store WMDPG NET Country Store Co-Chairs Nominating Committee Paint-Ins Parliamentarian Bag Raffle Coordinator Special Events Co-Chairs Secret Pals Service Project/Charity Seminars Workshops Volunteer Award Chairs Website Chair Deb Courville Marj Kiley Jo-Anne Naugler Sue Mangano OPEN Leeanne Kelly Elaine McMahon Marilyn Moses Jackie Seastedt OPEN Sue Hodgkins Tricia Joiner Melanie Knox Sue Hodgkins Kris Lafayette SUSPENDED Donna Frost Sue Mangano SUSPENDED Debbie Fortin Leona Magnarelli Cindy Harrison Cindy Harrison Cheryl Barb Leona Magnarelli Cindy Harrison 603-880-3791 603-483-2949 603-465-3405 603-437-3437 603-689-8700 603-863-7863 603-382-5284 603-642-5156 603-225-9074 603-203-8818 603-529-7129 603-225-9074 978-667-5709 603-648-2386 603-437-3437 603-429-0429 603-927-4660 603-429-3556 603-429-3556 603-424-2918 603-927-4660 603-429-3556 2014New England Chapters Council NECC President NECC Vice President Secretary NECC/NET NECC Treasurer NECC Advisor NET Chair NET Asst Chair NET Treasurer NET Advisor Regina Brown Kris Beckman Mary Frambach Margo Wiggin Rocky Rockwell Julie Talarski Laura Peterson Sue Dowds Grace Markaukas The deadline for the next issue of Tole it to the Mountains is November 21, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 2 WMDPG General Meeting... Date: November 9, 2014 Place: Country Inn & Suites, So. River Road, Bedford Directions: See page 5 9:00-10:00 TheTables: Palette Potpourri, Chapter Chatter, Coffee, Tea and Ice Water (Compliments of the Chapter) Boards (upcoming events), Goodie Bag Raffle Things to Bring to the Meeting A Friend or Guest Something for the Palette Potpourri Your painted name tag Money for raffles & Fundraiser tickets Memory Boxes UNFINISHED/FINISHED Item for David’s House Brown Bag Goodies for the raffle Craft supplies you no longer need for the women’s prison. Your calendar and money for the workshops / seminars and other opportunities. Secret Pal gifts. Your usual painting supplies Ornament for Swap plus extra one for David’s House 10:00-11:30 Business Meeting 11:30-12:30 Potluck lunch 12:30-4:00 Afternoon Program with Deanne Fortnam, MDA General Meeting Registration Form Name: Phone: Guest: Email: Please indicate the following: Yourself Guest Business Meeting Yes / No Yes / No Afternoon Project Yes $18 / No Yes $18 / No Potluck Lunch (will bring dish?) Yes $5.00/No Yes $5.00/No If Yes, will bring _________________ Make checks payable to: WMDPG Mail to: Total Enclosed: Return this form ASAP if you are planning to participate in the afternoon project. Cheryl Barb 6 Den Ave Merrimack, NH 03054 603-494-1959 Registration Deadline: November 1, 2014 Email: or __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 3 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Sunday, September 14, 2014 10:02 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance Welcome - Vice President Cindy Harrison greeted our members and guests. She explained that Elaine was undergoing surgery and could not be present. Therefore, she was acting on her behalf. Cindy asked the membership to please sign the “get well” card. OLD BUSINESS Secretary - Tricia Joiner - The Minutes were published in the newsletter. There were no corrections or changes. The motion to accept as printed was made by Nancy Schlis and seconded by Jeni Bognore. It was passed without discussion and the minutes will be filed as published. Treasurer - Jo-Anne Naugler - Due to her illness and her husband’s hospital stay, Jo-Anne was absent. The motion to accept her report as printed was made by Kathy Tanguay, seconded by Debbie Fortin and was passed without discussion. It will be filed as published. Vice President - Cindy Harrison - Afternoon Programs, Workshops and Seminars Cindy explained that today’s program will be painting two gourd snowmen, taught by Dotty Pullo, CDA. Lunch for the day will be a cold cut sandwich platter. The November afternoon program will be painting stroke work on a mat, taught by Deanne Fortnam, MDA. Lunch for the meeting will be a Pot Luck organized by Sue Mangano. More information about Deanne’s program will be posted in the next newsletter before the November General Meeting. NEW BUSINESS Newsletter - Sue Hodgkins - The deadline for the next newsletter is November 21st. Sue reminded us to please send pictures of what you have done to organize and clean up your painting area or studio. Also, if you have any clever tips & tricks, we would like to publish them. Membership - Cheryl Barb - We now have 76 chapter members, including Harry Joiner who joined today. 29 of our members have registered to attend NET Hospitality - Leeanne Kelly - absent. No report Tole Gate - Leeanne Kelly - absent. Deb Courville collected for her. David’s House - Leona Magnarelli - Don’t forget to bring a painted ornament for David’s house in November! Memory Boxs - Jackie Seastedt & Marilyn Moses - Some new painted boxes were brought in today. Please take more boxes to paint. Secret Pals - Debbie Fortin - Remember the BIG REVEAL is at the November General Meeting. Please paint and sign something special for your secret pal. Vote on By-law Changes - The planned vote for changes in the by-laws could not take place because the changes had not been published in writing to the membership two weeks prior to the meeting. The by-law changes vote must take place before the election because the changes will effect the election. Therefore, both the by-law changes and the election will be voted on at the November General Meeting. 2015 Workshops - Cindy Harrison - Dotty Pullo will be taking over the responsibilities of arrangements for workshops. Maryse Roy, a WMDPG member who lives in Maine, and Carol Howard projects will be on display and voted on at the November meeting for 2015 workshops. 2015 Ballot - Kris Lafayette - A tentative list of the nominees for the 2015 officers was presented. President Cindy Harrison, Vice President - Dotty Pullo, Newsletter Editor - Sue Hodgkins, Secretary - Tricia Joiner, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 4 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Continued Treasurer - Carol Beers-Witherall, Membership Sec. - Debbie Fortin, Board Members - Cheryl Barb, Donna Frost, Jo-Anne Naugler, Nancy Schlis, Melanie Knox and Ann Wifholm. It has been suggested that we reduce the number of Board Members At Large from 5 + 1 to 3 + 1 because of the large decrease in our membership. This is a by-law change and will be posted in the newsletter and voted on at the November meeting before the election. It has also been suggested that we waive the years able to serve in office for the Newsletter Editor so that Sue Hodgkins can continue to do this job for another year. Seminar/Retreat - Dotty Pullo & Tricia Joiner - It has already been decided that an appreciation seminar, taught by Mary Svenson, would be held on April 18th and 19th using part of the NET dividends. The contract has been signed. We will not cancel the Seminar. For the attending members, only Mary’s class fee will be covered by the NET dividends. Surfaces and lunches will not be included. At the last Board Meeting the following motion was passed: The Motion states that (an “in good faith” fee of $20.00 would be paid at the time of registration. This fee will be refunded at the time of the seminar when/if the member attends.) It had also previously been decided to hold a retreat in the spring of 2015. Since the chapter has such a busy schedule, concern was expressed that we had too much going on. Thus, the Board voted to put the two events together. Dotty and Tricia both said they were willing to do the work necessary to make the Retreat happen but only if at least 18 chapter members (the number necessary to break even on expenses) wanted to attend. A show of hands was asked for. More than enough members said they wanted to come. They were asked to be prepared to pay deposits at the November meeting so that we could go forward with plans. Proposed tentative seminar schedule: Friday - Check in, meet and greet, and light dinner Friday evening - choice of 2 two or three hour classes Saturday - choice of Mary’s seminar or Tricia’s class Saturday evening - Dutch treat restaurant dinner, vendor tables, entertainment Sunday - choice of Mary’s seminar (same project as Saturday) or other shorter classes (two, three or four hour classes - depending on what is submitted and chosen). Any members interested in teaching at the retreat should bring their projects to the November meeting. List the time required, the complete materials costs for what goes home, what is borrowed, and the medium used for each submission. A vote on the projects to be offered at the retreat will be held during the November meeting. A motion was made by Kris Lafayette and seconded by Nancy Schlis that the 2015 budget include $1900 for the Appreciation Seminar to cover function room, teacher’s fee, and teacher’s hotel room/food/mileage expenses. The motion passed. A motion was made by Nancy Schlis and seconded by Sue Mangano that the 2015 budget include $1500 for the Retreat to cover an extra classroom, teachers’ fees and one lunch for each teacher. This money equals the expenses to the chapter for twenty members at $75.00 per person. It does not include surfaces or lunches. The funds will be replaced by the membership registration fees. The motion passed. NET Country Store/WMDPG - Tricia Joiner - Tricia repeated her explanation of our additional method to contribute to NCS. This plan allowed for consignment items, giving the painter an opportunity to make some money for their work. The painter would get sixty percent, the chapter twenty percent, and NET twenty percent of the selling price. Donated items will still be gladly accepted. There was considerable excitement as members gathered around the sale table today making purchases. They will have a little extra money to spend at NET. At this sale, during the meeting, the artist will receive 80% of the money earned and WMDPG receives 20%. Tricia reminded everyone that we would again have a sale table at the November General Meeting where the NET donation items and any additional painted consignment pieces will be sold. This includes new consignment pieces (items not for sale at NET) members choose to bring in. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 5 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Continued NET Country Store Co-Chairs - Melanie Knox and Sue Hodgkins - Volunteers are still needed for Tuesday’s set up and Wednesday - the busiest sale day. NET Liaison - Sue Hodgkins - Sue reminded everyone that she needs to give ten hours to either move-in and move-out or the front desk to fulfill her liaison requirement and could use some volunteer help. She also mentioned that Shout-Outs could be placed in the booklet for $15.00. NET Emergency Meeting - Cindy Harrison and Sue Hodgkins - A special soul searching meeting was held to decide what the future of the NET Convention should be. Because of the dropping attendance, if the convention continues as is NET will go bankrupt. Some ideas discussed: 1. Discontinue the convention altogether 2. Hold a retreat instead of a convention 3. Hold a smaller convention housed only in the hotel 4. Change the dates of the convention 5. Hold a smaller convention and change the dates Part two of the discussion included what the WMDPG’s future role should be. We now have two shares. Do we keep both shares or reduce our responsibilities to one share. We are no longer the largest chapter. It is now the Capitolers. Getting volunteers to handle the jobs is getting more and more difficult and is only made more of a problem by our decreased membership. Incentive for Members - 2015 Budget Items The Board passed a NET Volunteer Appreciation motion. The motion was that the WMDPG budget $500.00 to show appreciation for hours worked at the 2014 NET convention on WMDPG assigned jobs in two hour increments. Only hours worked on WMDPG’s two primary responsibilities and those of our Liaison would qualify. Board comments: Prizes should be given in $20.00 increments, giving 25 chances to win. The drawing will take place at the November meeting. The more hours worked, the more chances to win. Member comments: We don’t volunteer for money. “We volunteer from our hearts - not for a raffle. Everyone who volunteers should benefit - not just those whose names are drawn. The motion was made by Sue Mangano and seconded by Tricia Joiner to budget $500.00 as an incentive for members who volunteered to work at NET. The motion passed with 20 in favor, 4 opposed, and 8 abstentions. It was decided that a sub-committee be formed to decide how to spend the money. A motion was made by Deb Courville and seconded by Debbie Fortin to give free 2015 memberships to WMDPG members who paid their dues in 2013 or joined the Chapter in 2014 and are members in good standing with SDP. The motion passed. A motion was made by Shirley Cochis (SP) and seconded by Jeni Bognore to provide free lunches to members attending the General Meetings. The motion passed. FUNdraiser/Annual Raffle 2014 and Bag Raffle - Sue Mangano - both raffles were held. Palette Potpourri Drawing: Leanne Kelly - In Leanne’s absence Deb Courville officiated over this drawing. Centerpiece Raffle - Deb Courville - A big “Thank You” to Nancy Schlis for providing today’s centerpieces. Adjourn - (12:00 p.m.) The motion to adjourn, made by Debbie Fortin and seconded by Nancy Schlis and was passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Tricia Joiner, WMDPG Secretary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 6 April 2015 Retreat News... Workshops... Thank you everyone for bringing in your retreat class submissions. Now that we have generated excitement for the event we need to bring the projects back to the November meeting with the project cost, length of the class, and if the cost includes the surface or not. If you are not planning on coming to the November meeting please email me a picture of your piece with the additional information to and I will add your picture to our display. Thank you Dotty Pullo, CDA for the most wonderful day of fun painting the chickadees. They all turned out beautifully. I think our guild will have a hard time choosing from so many wonderful and fun projects! To all that brought in projects, you did a great job and the “Retreat Committee” thanks you. Dotty Pullo White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild We are honored to have Deanne Fortnam, MDA instruct us at the last of our 2014 Workshops. It has been a wonderful year for painting opportunities! I hope you were able to take advantage of all of them (or at least some of them). Next year’s schedule hasn’t been finalized yet, but we do have one of our long standing members, Maryse Roy coming for a workshop and afternoon program. Voting on projects will happen at the November meeting. Cindy Harrison, VP Presents 2014 Workshop with Deanne Fortnam, MDA Ornament Swap!! Please join in the fun and remember to bring an ornament to the meeting for the ornament swap. Deanne’s class is FULL! What a nice problem to have! If you can, please bring an extra one for David’s House! They would like newborn boy and girl orn aments, and anything for toddler boys and girls. For inspiration, they have a race car, old McDonald, Zoo and flower rooms but we know they would appreciate any ornament we make. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 7 Thank You Happy Birthday It gave me much pleasure and appreciation for all of you that have expressed your warm thoughts, prayers, love and cards for my speedy recovery. Thank you! It means so much to learn people care. I am doing as well as can be expected, everything is on track and hopefully I will be back soon. Oct.— Marj Kiley (23), Elaine McMahon (4), Arlene Menzigian (4), Marilyn Moses (6), Janice Tomlin (10) Thank you to Cindy Harrison, Officers and members of the Board for keeping our Chapter going. You all are truly wonderful people and I am proud to have you in my life. Dec.—Linda Conners (14), Fran Gelinas (5), Cathie Parker (8), Celeste Pitts (26), Kathleen Tanguay (21), Maureen Wilson (4) Nov.— Margaret Daly (13), Linda Evans (19), Christine Kane (25), Karen Kopf (12), Mary Svenson (23), Elizabeth Vitale (9), Margo Wiggin (28) Elaine Odds and Ends! “Giving Back to WMDPG” The teachers listed below will give 5% of your total to WMDPG when you purchase items from their website. You must tell them you are with WMDPG at the time of your order. If your birthday is not listed please contact Leeanne Kelly at Rebecca Baer - Cindy’s Decorative Painting - Tricia’s Legacy Designs - Memory Box News... Thank you to the friends who painted the wonderful Memory Boxes this past year! How varied and beautiful each one was! Eight boxes were delivered to Elliott Hospital where they were gratefully received. Please consider this service project as you paint this coming year. Boxes are always available at the chapter meetings and all designs are welcome. Thank you for keeping this in mind! We’re looking forward to seeing your new designs! Marilyn Moses and Jacque Seastedt __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 8 Treasurer’s Report as of June 29, 2014 1/1/20143/31/2014 Category 4/1/20146/30/2014 7/1/20149/25/2014 OVERALL TOTAL INCOME Charity Fundraising General Meeting Interest Membership Dues 2014 Membership Dues 2015 Net Dividend Newsletter Other Seminar Workshop TOTAL INCOME $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32.00 243.00 1,027.00 0.19 50.00 1,200.00 117.50 2,591.01 1,490.91 6,751.61 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16.00 148.00 620.00 0.21 70.00 48.42 510.00 270.00 1,682.63 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19.00 153.00 372.50 0.12 40.00 30.00 200.00 814.62 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 67.00 544.00 2,019.50 0.52 160.00 30.00 1,200.00 117.50 48.42 3,101.01 1,960.91 9,248.86 EXPENSES 2015 Retreat Awards Dues-SDP-NECC-SDP, NECC General Meeting NET-Country Store items Office Expenses SDP Banquet Table decoration Seminar VP Trip to Nationals Website-hosting Workshops TOTAL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12.57 250.00 817.78 10.00 65.57 1,035.42 2,191.34 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 266.98 48.72 59.29 103.27 2,303.29 750.00 123.30 3,754.85 $ $ $ $ 1,011.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 438.50 $ 1,449.50 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 12.57 250.00 2,095.76 48.72 59.29 103.27 2,313.29 750.00 65.57 1,597.22 7,395.69 OVERALL TOTAL $ 4,560.27 $ Checking Acct Balance 1/1/14 Income Disbursements Checking Acct Balance 9/25/14 CD Money Market Account Net Worth (2,072.22) $ (634.88) $ 1,853.17 $4,407.66 $9,248.86 $7,395.69 $6,260.83 $8,018.96 $5,003.86 $19,283.65 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 9 More 2015 Retreat News! RETREAT RETREAT RETREAT Dotty Pullo and Tricia Joiner (retreat co-chairs) are delighted to announce that our WMDPG membership voted to hold a painting retreat next April. Remember to save the dates - April 17 - 19, 2015. The Retreat will be held at our General Meeting location - Country Inn & Suites in Bedford. You may stay overnight at the hotel for a discounted rate or spend the night at home. Tentative Schedule - Friday - Check in, light deli platter dinner, optional 2 or 3 hour class Saturday - Appreciation Seminar with Mary Svenson or choose a regular class - Winter Snow Scene - with Tricia Joiner Saturday evening - Dinner out as group (Dutch Treat), vendor tables and entertainment Sunday - A repeat of Mary’s class and optional other classes for those who painted with Mary on Saturday. If you are interested in teaching, please remember to bring your project to the November General Meeting to be voted on. The project must be labeled with length of class, costs and medium, Two, three and four hour projects are requested. We will also be voting on Mary’s project at this meeting. Her project choices will be on display. Please bring your checkbooks and be prepared to pay your deposit for the retreat. We must have close to 20 people signed up in order to go forward with our plans. First come, first served for your choice of days for Mary’s seminar. We will have more information ready for you at the November meeting. A Painter’s Retreat New England Chapter Happenings... Want MORE painting opportunities? Find out who’s coming to a Chapter/Shop near YOU by logging on to and click “NE Chapter Happenings” in the left margin. A list of Chapters/Shops will appear. Click on BOLD lettered Chapter/Shop to find out who is coming to New England. United we Stand, Divided we Fall. If you are a teacher, hold classes, workshops or seminars and are an active member in good standing with your local Chapter, you qualify to have your business/name posted on this page as well. Please notify Cindy Harrison, NET Social Networking Coordinator and she will ‘link’ you up!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 10 Society of Decorative Painter News—October, 2014 The Society of Decorative Painters Board Meeting to go over the budget is usually held in November but this year it was changed to October. We have many changes to make and a critical need to put them into effect as soon as possible. We were pleased that this time, although only the 2015 budget was approved, we studied the forecast for 2016 and 2017. We were sad to hear Paintworks and associated magazines have gone out of business and that Tim Mulvey has decided to stop holding the Houston Expo. The Decorative Painter is now the only painting magazine in print but there are several ezines available including the new Pixilated Palette. It’s a good idea to join Facebook and several of the groups on Facebook such as Tole Painters Unite! to keep up with all the news. On past trips to Wichita we had discovered Mrs. O’Leary’s, a very fun shop that carries scrapbooking, cardmaking, jewelry making and other creative supplies as well as antiques. It’s located in the Old Town Section of old warehouses and vibrant new restaurants and shops. Vice President Wendy Watson suggested we spend time together just having fun and arranged for us to make a steampunk necklace since Gear Up for Art is our theme for Conference 2015 in St. Charles IL May 11-16! Chris Haughey of Cupboard Distributing is our conference artist. We had a great time in St. Charles for 2013 Conference so expect that we’ll have another great turnout. The only downside is the 45 minute shuttle ride from the airport but it doesn’t seem so long when the shuttle is full of painters. 2015 registration will not open in December like it has for the past few years and the conference special will be available on-line not quite as soon as it was last year. But, the classes have been chosen and we were able to peak at the planning binders to see what class each of us would like to take next year. Unfortunately, due to the date change for the board meeting in Wichita, neither Quarry House nor SDP were able to have a booth at NET. I got home and drove down to Marlborough Saturday night so I would be able to volunteer and shop. This was the first time I helped and the job wasn’t hard. We’ve been told NET will be smaller next year but if the same vendors come, there will be plenty of shopping to do. Please do not forget to renew your SDP membership. So many people are used to renewing at one of the shows. It is due now. Renewals after December 1 will be late and there will be a penalty charge because magazines for late renewals have to be mailed separately. At NET, I was asked by more than one person if I was glad I had served on the SDP board and the answer is Yes. Many of the reasons are the same as the being on the chapter board. Both are worthwhile in meeting more people and forming more friendships as well as being proud of what is accomplished. Look at how much our chapter members accomplish during the year from community service projects to fun programs. Don’t forget that the officers do a lot of work and have less time to paint so whatever you can do to help out is appreciated. I used a quote from Helen Keller: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” The Society of Decorative Painters started with only 22 members and look how it grew! The growth of painting started an entire new industry providing jobs for hundreds. Although membership has decreased, most aging out, the retention rate is about 86% which is phenomenal! We are very lucky to have a very active group of chapters in New England. Donna Frost Past President, The Society of Decorative Painters __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 11 NET Volunteer Hours! NET Country Store—WMDPG NET Volunteer Appreciation Recognition… Thank you everyone for your contributions to NET Country Store. Hopefully, we will sell it all and be able to put the money towards more fun things for our chapter members to do. The membership voted at the September General Meeting to budget $500 “to show appreciation for hours worked at the 2014 NET Convention in 2 hour increments.” In the August Newsletter an article was posted regarding “Guidelines” for a “Drawing”. The general consensus was that members were not in favor of a “Drawing”. One of the suggestions was to use the money towards a “free” volunteer workshop. The details have not been solidified yet, however. If you volunteered to help Cheryl Barb in Registration, Melanie Knox at NET Country Stores, or Sue Hodgkins reach her 10-hour requirement, please make sure that your hours were recorded in the Volunteer notebooks at the Registration & NCS stations. For every hour worked, you will be recognized! Secret Pal Thank You! Thank you to my Secret Pal for the bag of ephemeral! I love it and can’t wait to be able to sit and create some wonderful things. Cindy Harrison Thank you also to all of you who participated in the Show and Sale at our last meeting. There was a lot of excitement as members gathered around the painted items selecting the art work that they wanted to purchase. The total earned was $207.00 of which WMDPG received $41.40. By now the members whose paintings sold have received their checks. This will give them a little cash to possibly take to the trade show and purchase something special they might not have otherwise been able to afford. We will be holding another NET Country Store Sale at the November General Meeting. Any remaining donated items from NET will be on sale for a discounted price and any unsold consignment items will also be available. Take this opportunity to bring in any additional painted pieces you would like to sell to your fellow members. Again, twenty percent of the selling price will go to the chapter. The rest is yours. Keep painting!!! Participate!!! Earn money!!! Purchase Christmas gifts!!! Support your chapter and your fellow members!!! Tricia Joiner Reminder... Have you renewed your SDP membership!! Look for the renewal form in this newsletter. ALSO REMEMBER… WMDPG is giving FREE 2015 renewals for all 2014 members, however, you must complete the White Mountain form stating that you want to be a member and that your personal information is the same. Sending Well Wishes to our Madame President, Elaine!! Praying for a speedy recovery!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 12 Proposed By-Law Changes... Proposed changes to our By-Laws. These changes will be voted on at the November General meeting. IS: Article VII. Executive Board The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, the five directors, the Parliamentarian and the immediate Past President. CHANGE TO: Article VII. Executive Board The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, the three directors, the Parliamentarian and the immediate Past President. Reason: Five directors provided a good sampling of our members when our numbers were over 400. Our numbers are now under 80. We have been recycling our members to fill these positions. IS: Article VI. Elected Officers Section Duties of the officers shall be as follows: H. Five Directors shall be elected by the membership at the annual election. Their term of office shall be one year. No Director may hold the office of Director for more than two consecutive full terms. CHANGE TO: H. Three Directors shall be elected by the membership at the annual election. Their term of office shall be one year. No Director may hold the office of Director for more than two consecutive full terms. IS: Article VII. Executive Board The duties of the Executive Board shall be: If a board member is absent from three consecutive board meetings without notification to the President, the President shall ask said member to resign. Five consecutive absences shall constitute automatic removal. CHANGE TO: If a board member is absent from two consecutive board meetings without notification to the President, the President shall ask said member to resign. Three consecutive absences shall constitute automatic removal. Reason: The Board use to meet TEN (10) times a year: 5 before each General Meeting and 5 between General Meetings. We only meet FIVE (5) times now. WMDPG Painters’ Attic Sale As was mentioned at the May meeting, we had such a wonderful time during the March Painters’ Attic Sale that we would like to make it possible for two members at each meeting to make a little money. If you are interested in ‘renting’ a table at one of our meetings, please contact me. First come, first serve. One lady’s stash is another lady’s treasure!!! Cindy Harrison, VP __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 13 SDP Website Changes!! SDP is happy to announce a brand new way to enjoy our digital edition of The Decorative Painter! Visit and login with your Member ID* number and your Last Name (Case Sensitive, the same way you already log in to our Members Only section) and you will be able to enjoy our new digital edition on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. In addition to better supporting the many different devices (iPhones, iPads, Kindle Fire HD, etc.) that you may use, we are also excited to give you new tools and special features for getting the most out of the magazine that you love. Go beyond simply flipping through the magazine pages, you can now: Search the entire issue for keywords (your favorite artist’s name, a project title, etc.) Click on the titles of projects in our table of contents and jump right to that section Click web links on the page that go to artist pages, vendors, and additional SDP content Print or download just the pages you want You can even crop sections of a page to save as a PDF or print just what you want! And more! We will continue to post The Decorative Painter, the linework, and our Exclusive Members Only Bonus Projects in the Members Only section of – this is just another benefit of SDP membership that we have developed for you. For now, only Issue #1, 2014 is available in this tool, but as more issues of The Decorative Painter are published with this method, you will be able to access back issues with this same format! Just like our existing print and PDF edition, it's packed with the art and artists you love, and we'd love to hear what you think of this issue on the Society's Facebook Page. Come Visit My New Website! Thank you for visiting my booth at NET!! In the spirit of Giving—Receive a 20% discount on all DecoArt & Ranger Products on my website! Save shipping—I’ll bring your order to the meetings! Classes available: Wednesdays 10 am – 12:30 or 6:30 – 9:00 pm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 14 David’s House Wish List ... Nominations... President Cindy Harrison Vice President Dotty Pullo Treasurer Carol Beers-Witherall Secretary Tricia Joiner Membership Secretary Debbie Fortin Newsletter Editor Sue Hodgkins Past Pres. Advisor Elaine McMahon Members of Board 1 Cheryl Barb 2 Donna Frost 3 Jo-Anne Naugler 4 5 Nancy Schlis Melanie Knox 6 Ann Wifholm Paper towels Tissues Paper plates & bowls Plastic utensils Paper cups - 5 oz. only Laundry detergent - powder Kitchen sponges Dishwashing liquid Liquid hand soap Dryer Sheets Stain Removers Juice boxes, Concentrated juices Cookies and crackers Cereal Bars Cereal - single serving and regular Pop tarts Fruit snacks Applesauce Pudding Snack cups Microwave Popcorn Single serving microwave meals Soups (small size) Beef stew (small size) Coffee creamer (powder) Spaghettios/Ravioli (reg. size) Sanitary napkins Tampons Panty shields Nursing pads (disposable) New DVD's (family appropriate) Xbox 360 (teen rated or lower) Wii Games (teen rated or lower) -don’t worry about duplicates! Postage Stamps Phone Cards Gift Cards are always appreciated: Lebanon Co-Op Wal-Mart BJ's Shaw's Supermarket Best Buy Home Depot K-Mart Hannaford's Supermarket Irving New Items Only Please __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 15 Goodie Bags are Back!! Clean, clean, clean your unwanted treasures and bring them to our White Mountain Guild meetings to raffle off! You may place them in boxes, brown or plastic shopping bags, whatever works for you…will work for the Guild. What a great way to evaluate your supplies and earn money for our guild. Treasures may include surfaces, books, patterns, painted items, paint… General Meeting Raffle Rules Raffle held at general meetings Members will bring bagged or boxed items to be raffled in new or like new condition Painting supplies, surfaces, paint, mediums, books, magazines, useful items Painted items Tickets will be sold at that general meeting Drawing for these items will be at the same general meeting All proceeds go to White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild Bag Raffle Coordinator Sue Mangano — 603-437-3437 Don’t forget... To bring your finished or undone projects, that you painted at NET, to the meeting. Share on the Palette Potpourri table. We all want to see what you painted!! Meeting/Event Cancellation Policy Secret Pals...don't forget, the November Meeting is your BIG REVEAL! Please be sure to paint something for your pal and be sure to sign it. If you can't make the meeting, be sure to find a way to get your gift there. Cancellations for any WMDPG Event/Meeting will be posted on our website: Have fun and see you at the meeting. Happy Painting! no later than 8:30 am on the day of that activity. If you do not have access to the internet, please call a friend who does or call any Board Member. (See Page 2 for phone numbers.) Debbie Fortin __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 16 2014 WMDPG Raffle… Child’s rocker painted by Joanne Naugler. Noodle board painted by Melanie Knox. Southwest style pastel house on sanded pastel paper inspired by a pastel artist name Liz Hayward Sullivan and painted by Sue Mangano Oval Fruit Box painted by Deb Courville Remember... November is the Drawing!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 17 Please! Print as many as you like, then print some more! Sell them to your friends and families. Teachers, bring them to your studios and sell to your students. Fundraising Chairs: Jo-Anne Naugler, 603-465-3405, Sue Mangano, 603-437-3437, paintatheart@yahoo. To print from the newsletter: Open the newsletter to this page. From the File menu, select Print. If you do not see the File menu, press the ALT key. In the print menu, select Current Page. Drawing is November 9, 2014 Drawing is November 9, 2014 ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ WMDPG 2014 Thank You! WMDPG 2014 ENTER TO WIN! Address: _______________________ Thank You! WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 Name: _________________________ Thank You! WMDPG 2014 Drawing is November 9, 2014 WMDPG 2014 Thank You! WMDPG 2014 $1.00 Each or 6 for $5.00 ENTER TO WIN! Name: _________________________ Address: _______________________ ________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Drawing is November 9, 2014 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 18 News from NET Opportunites for Service White Mountain was well represented at NET this year and I think a good time was had by all. Many thanks to those who helped at the NET Country Store and Cheryl Barb in registration and class sales. I saw our members carrying buckets to clean classrooms, standing guard at the Art Show, setting out tablecloths for Move In/Move Out, cleaning buckets, wiping down tables and monitoring classes. Some of our members took time off from work and home responsibilities to come down to Marlborough just to help. They couldn’t stay the week or even take a class but gave up a day or two just to volunteer. WMDPG faces were well known in the volunteer station. I personally would like to thank all those who donated volunteer hours to me so that I could fulfill my liaison hours. Thanks to all of you, I had more than enough. The women at the NH State Prison for Women in Goffstown are gratefully accepting any and all donations of craft materials. The women would be especially appreciative of your unwanted fabric, yarn, painting supplies, etc. Many of them sew and do one stroke painting. These women are looking for meaningful ways to spend their time, and many of them cannot purchase their own supplies. Donations will also be used at Shea Farm, which is the women's halfway house in Concord. Bring your unwanted items to any meeting and Marj Kiley will collect them for distribution to her daughter in law who teaches at the Prison. The girls from the Prison were most appreciative of the items collected from the January meeting. They loved getting the wood to paint and really loved getting all the paints that Margo Wiggin donated. They have written a thank you note that was shared at the March meeting. If you have any questions you can contact Marj Kiley 603-483-2949 or Officer DiPietro 603 -668 -6137. You can also schedule a donation on your own by contacting Officer DiPietro. Thank you for your generosity! I applaud the efforts of everyone who gave of their time to make NET a success once again. It truly is amazing that such a tremendous convention can be pulled off solely by volunteers. The NECC and NET boards are a dedicated group who work tirelessly throughout the year to keep NET going year after year. Marj Kiley For those who took classes and spent money at the Trade Show, I hope that you walked away with a year of inspiration! Sue Hodgkins Tips ‘N Tricks.… While sitting at the NET Country Store for a week, I had plenty of time to peruse (and buy) a little cookbook put out by Tole n’ Me. The great recipes look delicious but the selling point were the “Helpful Hints” scattered throughout the book. Most were tips on cooking but at the beginning of the book is a page of painting tips from a Tina Greenfield seminar. The following are a couple taken from that page. * A damp paper towel is kinder to brushes when wiping off paint than a dry paper towel. * To sharpen a chalk pencil, put it in the freezer, then sharpen. * Denim fabric acts like a fine tack cloth to remove dust. * Background music opens up the left side of the brain, the creative side, so you can paint better! Happy Painting!! Sue Hodgkins Newsletter Editor __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 19 Volunteers of the Year November is a very busy month for WMDPG, not only are we electing a new slate of officers and members of the board, we are also recognizing two very important and wonderful people in our Chapter. The Volunteers of the Year are chosen based upon the commitment and dedication they have demonstrated to our Chapter and SDP. You must submit a name and briefly describe why you think this person will qualify and is deserving of this honor and to be recognized by our peers. White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild would not exist without people who are willing to give of their time and energy. It is not necessary for you to decide which category the individual will fall into, the committee will assign it based upon their membership with the Chapter. We have so many members that give so much of themselves, that we, White Mountain want to give them a small token of our appreciation and the recognition they deserve. Voting will take place at the November General Meeting. If you are unable to attend the November meeting, please, take a moment to recognize that special someone by using the form below and mail or email the completed form to the committee. Cheryl Barb 6 Den Ave. Merrimack, NH 03054 Leona Magnarelli PO Box 36, 36 Cascade Rd. Wilmont, NH 03287 Remember, awards cannot be given unless YOU nominate another member. Your vote counts and could make the difference in a tie. Please vote, it counts. I nominate: _______________________________________________________________________________ This individual deserves the volunteer award because: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 20 2015 WHITE MOUNTAIN DECORATIVE PAINTERS GUILD Newsletter Advertiser Contract An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Please take a moment to begin or renew your annual advertising contract and indicate which issues you would like to advertise in and the size of ad you desire. Remember: Two advertising options are available: by issue or by year (5 issues). Advertisers who are White Mountain Decorative Painting Guild members get a discount, and to advertisers who commit to 5 issues. (If you commit to a year of advertising there is a 10% discount.) Ad copy and checks should be sent to: Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Rates Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth Street Concord, NH 03301 Member *Reflects a 10% discount for prepaid commitment of one full year (5issues) of advertising space. Different copy and/or artwork may be submitted for each issue. Advertisers will be notified prior to each Newsletter deadline. Any Questions? or 603-225-9074 When possible, please email your ad to me. 1 Issue Non-Member 5 Issues* 1 Issue 5 Issues* Full Page $ 30.00 $135.00 $ 40.00 $180.0 0 1/2 Page $ 15.00 $ 67.50 $ 20.00 $ 90.00 1/4 Page $ 7.50 $ 33.75 $ 10.00 $ 45.00 Business Card (3.5 x2) $ 5.00 $ 22.50 $ 7.50 $ 33.75 N/A N/A N/A Little Notices Bulletin Board $ 1.00 Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Contract Agreement between and the White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild for Size: ad(s) in the following issues of Tole It To the Mountains. Issue Number Deadline Date Volume 31, No. 1 January 26 Volume 31, No. 2 March 24 Volume 31, No. 3 July 25 Volume 31, No. 4 September 28 Volume 31, No. 5 November 22 Amount Enclosed: Discount for WMDPG Members Yes, I offer a % discount. (Make check payable to WMDPG) Return this contract with payment. A confirmation will be mailed back to you. E-mail: Name: Phone: Address: City/State/Zip: Agreed by Advertiser:__________________________________ (Valid with original signature only) For office use only: Contract received____________ Payment received____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 21 2015 Membership Application — Society of Decorative Painters Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________State____________9 Digit Zip Code_________________________________ Phone ( ) _________________________________ □ Check box if this is a new address New □ Renewal □ Membership#_______________ Chapter Affiliations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address________________________________Website:______________________________________________________________ □ INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: $50 (renewals $55 if mailed after 12/1) □ INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS ASSOCIATE: $80 □ HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP $30(For immediate family member sharing same address) Check Enclosed (payable to SDP) or CHARGE my: □ Visa □ MC Card No.:_____________________________Exp. Date:___________________ Total $_________ Date:________________Signature:___________________________________ Mail form and payment directly to: SDP 393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203 or: Join online at: 2015 Membership Application — White Mountain Decorative Painters' Guild You must be a current member of the SDP to be a member of WMDPG. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________ State______ 9 Digit Zip Code __________________ Check box if this is a new address: □ Phone ( ) __________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________________ SDP Membership # ___________ New Member □ Renewal □ As a THANK YOU for being a member in 2014, your WMDPG membership is FREE in 2015. Please complete this form for our records. □ Newsletter Hardcopy add $10/year (optional) □ I do not have a computer! Mail for Free! □ Do not list email / phone to Membership Let Us Wish You Happy Birthday: MM ______ DD ______ Shop Owner □ Teacher □ Student □ Would you be a teacher at a meeting or a workshop? Yes___ No___ Medium Taught__________________ Would you be willing to be contacted for rides? Yes___ No___ Today's Date: _________________________ Referred By: ______________________ Questions? Call Cheryl Barb 603-424-2918 or email at: New members: dues is $20.00. Please send form and payment (check made payable to WMDPG), to: Cheryl Barb 6 Den Ave Merrimack, NH 03054 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 31, Issue 3 Page 22 Tole It To the Mountains Newsletter of the White Mountains Decorative Painters’ Guild Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth St. Concord, NH 03301
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