Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains - White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild
Tole It To The Mountains The Official Newsletter of the White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Volume 32, Issue 2 From the President’s Desk… Hello again! I hope you have enjoyed the few days we’ve had over 30 degrees! It has been a long winter but Spring is here (even if you still can’t see the grass)! We had an awesome turn out at the March meeting! It was so wonderful to see everyone! What fun we had with Larry and Jo-Anne’s projects. It is always fun to be able to play with a new medium! We also had a celebration with cake and painted cookies! WMDPG formed a steering committee 30 years ago this March. Donna Frost researched our beginnings and gave us a report: organized 1985, Chartered 1987. Happy Birthday to WMDPG and all its members! I’m looking forward to Dotty’s surprise project “Mystery Mixed Media”. Hope to see you all there again! There are a lot of changes happening all around us. Please take the time to read this newsletter cover to cover, as there is pertinent information here! For one, check out Anne Wifholm’s report regarding NET!!! Dotty’s VP Article will tell you what you need to bring to the May Meeting! Everyone should also read the minutes of the last meeting to refresh your memory on the topics. We will be voting on a topic that may affect you (see page 14). Cindy Cleary has donated many surfaces to WMDPG. The Board will be organizing the ‘stash’ and it will be up for sale at the May meeting. All proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Foundation. Please bring some $$ for this sale! See you in May! Cindy Harrison President, 2015 Dotty’s Details... Thank you to all for coming out for our March meeting. It was so much fun to see so many of our members! As a group we make the meetings fun. Our Business meeting got over a little early, as did lunch, and we were then ready to play with alcohol inks. Larry did a great job sharing with us what he knows about alcohol inks and how to use them. He had a beautiful center piece at each table and lots of samples to look at and even purchase. By the time we were done everyone had enough March 2015 knowledge to paint their tiles and decorate their wreath. Thank you Larry for sharing your talent with us and making the beautiful centerpieces this month. After we finished with our tiles, Jo-Anne was set up to teach us how to paint cookies. I have never painted with food coloring and really never thought I would, but JoAnne has opened up the world of painted cookies for me. Thank you Jo-Anne, great job, and the cookies were delicious and the samples were lovely. I look forward to making some for Easter. What’s coming up next? In May I will be teaching the afternoon program and am hoping it is still a bit of a mystery. The project name is Shades of Blue and the surface is an 8” by 8” by 1 ½ “box. You will be bringing your own surface and you may purchase it at Michaels. An 8 by 8 square piece of wood will work too but then you can’t crackle the sides. Please sand, seal and paint your box with two coats of a light gray paint. I used Dove Grey but any light grey will work. In the first part of the class we will be creating a fun and one of a kind background using stamps, stencils and alcohol—no not the drinking kind. Next we will work with colored pencils, then crackle the sides of our box and accent our piece with silver leafing, and then finish it by painting a lovely flower on the top. We will even try stenciling with texture paste. The supply cost is $8.00 and please bring the following supplies: your surface, a few favorite dark blue Prismacolor colored pencils, two old brushes, one for silver leafing and one for crackling, a silver key, butterfly stencils and stamps (only if you have them), and your normal painting supplies. Lunch in May will be brown bag with some members bringing dessert. In September Maryse Roy will be teaching her "Stain Glass Flower" design in a Saturday Workshop and for the Sunday afternoon program she will share with us her “Lilies” design. In November Leeanne Kelly will be teaching us watercolor holiday cards. We are also planning a summer workshop on June 13th. Carol Howard will be teaching one of two beautiful designs. Come to the May meeting to vote for the one that will be taught. Wow, our three day retreat is just around the corner. The main plan is to have an enjoyable weekend painting with friends. I hope to see you all there. Hugs and blessing, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 1 Directions... Directions to Country Inn & Suites So. River Road, Bedford From points North, take Rte 3 South/Everett Turnpike, take Bedford Exit which will bring you in front of Macy's. Take a right on Rte 3 and follow this south until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the hill on the right. From points South, take Rte 3 North/Everett Turnpike, get off at the Airport exit before the toll booth, Rte 3 Merrimack. Go North on old Rte 3 toward Bedford. The hotel is 2 miles on the left. Get into the left lane just after the set of lights (junction of Animal Hospital/Neurospine Center/Hampton Inn). From points East, take Rte 101 West/293, get off at the Bedford Exit bringing you to South River Road/Rte 3. Take a Right and follow that until you pass IHOP & Bugaboo Creek, go over the highway and the hotel is on the right on the hill. 2015 Calendar of Events... January 11 January TBA January 23 February 14-15 February 8 March 8 March 21 April 11 April 25 April 17-19 May 3 May 11-16 June 6 July 25 July 26 August 3-8 August 15 September 12 September 13 September 26 October 7-11 October 17 November 1 November 8 November 21 December 6 General Meeting NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline NECC/NET & NET, Teacher Selection Committee Board Meeting General Meeting Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting NECC/NET Meeting WMDPG Retreat/Appreciation Seminar w/ Mary Svenson General Meeting / SDP National Convention NECC/NET Meeting Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting HOOT– Ohio Convention NECC/NET Meeting Maryse Roy Workshop General Meeting Newsletter Deadline NET Marlboro Board Meeting NECC/NET Wrap Up Meeting General Meeting Newsletter Deadline Board Meeting (Joint) The deadline for the next issue of Tole it to the Mountains is July 25, 2015 2014 WMDPG Officers & Board of Directors President 1st Vice President Newsletter Editor Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec Past Pres. Advisor Board Members Alternate Cindy Harrison 603-429-3556 Dotty Pullo 781-438-6907 Sue Hodgkins 603-225-9074 Tricia Joiner 603-203-8818 Carol Beers-Witherell 603-394-7034 Debbie Fortin 603-429-0429 Elaine McMahon 603-863-7863 Cheryl Barb 603-424-2918 Donna Frost 603-648-2386 Melanie Knox 603-529-7129 Jo-Anne Naugler 603-465-3405 Nancy Schlis 603-926-1562 Anne Wifholm 603-465-3462 2014 Presidential Appointments... Centerpiece Egg & Ornament Annual Raffle Historian Hospitality Installation Coordinator Memory Box Program Mercantile NECC/NET Rep Nominating Committee Paint-Ins Parliamentarian Bag Raffle Coordinator Special Events Co-Chairs Secret Pals Service Project/Charity Seminars Workshops Volunteer Award Chairs Website Chair Deb Courville Marj Kiley Kris Lafayette OPEN Leeanne Kelly Elaine McMahon Marilyn Moses Jackie Seastedt Jo-Anne Naugler Anne Wifholm Sue Mangano SUSPENDED Kris Lafayette Sue Mangano Dotty Pullo Tricia Joiner Anne Wifholm Leona Magnarelli Dotty Pullo Cindy Harrison Melanie Knox Sue Hodgkins Cindy Harrison 603-880-3791 603-483-2949 978-667-5709 603-689-8700 603-863-7863 603-382-5284 603-642-5156 603-465-3405 603-465-3462 603-437-3437 978-667-5709 603-437-3437 781-438-6907 603-203-8818 603-465-3462 603-927-4660 781-438-6907 603-429-3556 603-529-7129 603-225-9074 603-429-3556 2015New England Chapters Council NECC President NECC Vice President Secretary NECC/NET NECC Treasurer NECC Advisor NET Chair NET Asst Chair NET Treasurer NET Advisor Regina Brown Kris Beckman Dorey Joy Margo Wiggin Rocky Rockwell Laura Peterson Kathy Slawsky Sue Dowds Julie Talarski __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 2 WMDPG General Meeting... Things to Bring to the Meeting Date: May 3, 2015 Place: Country Inn & Suites, So. River Road, Bedford Directions: See page 2 9:00-10:00 TheTables: Palette Potpourri, Chapter Chatter, Coffee, Tea and Ice Water (Compliments of the Chapter) Boards (upcoming events), Goodie Bag Raffle 10:00-11:30 Business Meeting 11:30-12:30 Lunch—Brown Bag Lunch. Dessert provided by volunteers. 12:30-4:00 Afternoon Program— a mystery project with Dotty Pullo. A Friend or Guest Something for the Palette Potpourri Your painted name tag Money for raffles & Fundraiser tickets Memory Boxes UNFINISHED/FINISHED Item for David’s House Your calendar and money for the workshops / seminars and other opportunities. Secret pal gifts Donations for Retreat Door prizes. Your regular painting supplies Please bring an 8 ½” by 8 ½” wooden box or other surface, a few favorite dark blue Prismacolor colored pencils, two old brushes, one for silver leafing and one for crackling, and your normal panting supplies. See Dotty’s details for prepping instructions. Brown bag lunch and dessert if you volunteered for that. General Meeting Registration Form Name: Phone: Guest: Email: Please indicate the following: Pre-registered Guest Business Meeting Yes / No Yes / No Afternoon Project Yes $8.00/ No Yes $8.00/ No Lunch Yes $Free/No Yes Free/No Make checks payable to: WMDPG Mail to: Total Enclosed: Return this form ASAP if you are planning to participate in the afternoon project. Debbie Fortin 1 Hartwood Dr. Merrimack, NH 03054 603-429-0429 Email: or Registration Deadline: April 27, 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 3 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Sunday, March 8, 2015 10:05 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance Welcome - President C. Harrison welcomed all attending members and 4 guests. OLD BUSINESS Secretary - T. Joiner - The motion to accept the minutes as printed was made by M. Wiggin and seconded by N. Schlis. It was passed without discussion and they will be filed as published. Treasurer - C. Beers-Witherell - The members were informed that our account balance is above $20,000. We need to spend $3,000 + in order to keep our balance under the limit necessary to maintain our non-profit status. Newsletter: S. Hodgkins - The deadline for the next newsletter is March 21, 2015. NEW BUSINESS Membership - D. Fortin - We have 44 attending today’s meeting, 43 are staying for lunch and 31 are participating in the afternoon project. At the present time there are 70 confirmed WMDPG members. Vice President - D. Pullo Afternoon Programs, Workshops and Seminars Today’s program is Alcohol Ink on tile which is being taught by L. Provencher. Thank you, Larry, for providing us with a new technique class and a chance to try this product without having to purchase all the supplies. The programs for the remaining 2015 General Meetings were confirmed: May - Mystery mixed media project involving silver leaf - Dotty Pullo, CDA Sept - Stained Glass Flowers - Maryse Roy. See website for a picture of the piece. Maryse will be teaching both the afternoon program and the September workshop. Nov - Watercolor Christmas cards - Leeanne Kelly June - There will be an extra one day workshop in June taught by Carol Howard. 2016 Afternoon programs - Members are invited to bring possible projects to the September General Meeting. The membership will vote on their favorite projects which will become part of 2016 afternoon program schedule. This plan will be announced in the next newsletter so that interested teachers will have the summer to prepare. May General Meeting reminder - The next meeting is on May 3rd. (1st Sunday of the month) due to Mother’s Day. Lunches for 2015 General Meetings May - Brown Bag. Desserts will be provided. We need volunteers to bring desserts. Sept. - Catered Nov. - Pot Luck Today’s Birthday Cake - For all to share to celebrate WMDPG’s anniversary and all members’ Birthdays. The Painter’s Retreat - T. Joiner/D. Pullo co-chairs - The plans were reiterated. Retreat date is April 17 th- April 19th. There will be 3 Make it & Take it classes on Friday night, two classes on Saturday and three classes on Sunday. As part of the retreat fee, a light meal will be provided on Friday night. The Appreciation Seminar with Mary Svenson is free to all 2014 members. Although this seminar is being held in conjunction with the Retreat, one can attend just the Seminar and not have to pay for the retreat. A $20 deposit is required to hold your seat and will be returned when you attend the seminar. Saturday night activities will include a Dutch Treat dinner out and vendor tables along with entertainment provided by K. Lafayette. She asks that you please brush up on your trivia and bring a big pocketbook of “stuff” in order to be prepared for wild and whacky fun. NET - A. Wifholm - It was announced by the NET Board that NET was no longer going to be printing copies of the Convention class catalogue. The catalogue will be available on line. A printed copy may be purchased - Print on Demand from This new development was discussed at the last Board meeting. A motion was passed recommending that if a Chapter member had attended NET in the last four years, the chapter would order and pay for their printed catalogue. Extra copies would also be purchased for those members who would like to buy one at a discounted price. Since this information must be published in the newsletter before being voted on, a vote of confidence taken at the meeting supported the idea. It was pointed out that there would not be time to vote at the next General Meeting on May 3rd and have the printed copies in hand in time for the opening of registration on May 1st. C. Harrison passed out a sign up __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 4 WMDPG General Meeting Minutes—Continued sheet for all who want a printed catalogue. She will find out what the costs will be and place the order. She will also send out a “shout out” to notify those not at the meeting and ask them to let her know if they want a printed copy. The approximate cost of the catalogue is $13.00. There will also be no monetary award for the art show winners and the show entry fees were going to be raised. SDP Banquet Table Decorations - C. Harrison and N. Schlis have volunteered to work together to create table decorations for our chapter table at the banquet. Annual Fundraiser Raffle 2015 - K. Lafayette requested painters and surfaces to provide raffle items by the May General Meeting. E. McMahon volunteered to donate a paint brush box. N. Schlis is donating a clock. D. Pullo will donate a tray. Painters Attic - J. Naugler described the continuation of the opportunity to rent a table at each meeting to sell painting related items. Two people can rent a table for each meeting on a first come basis for FREE. Tricia Joiner signed up for the November meeting. All other meetings are still open. A great way for members to turn items they are not using into extra cash or to buy items at bargain prices. Items donated to the chapter by Cindy Cleary will be on sale at the May General Meeting. Money earned will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Foundation. If you take a book from our book collection donated by L. Provencher, a contribution to David’s House would be appreciated. Secret Pals - A. Wifholm said that there is a rolling enrollment. Members can still sign up and participate in the fun. Please pick up your gift before leaving. Hospitality - L. Kelly - Nothing to report. Memory Boxes - M. Moses and J. Seastedt - Boxes are needed. Egg Swap - In celebration of the upcoming Easter holiday an egg swap was held and enjoyed by all who participated. Palette Potpourri – D. Fortin was the happy winner of the day. Centerpieces - The beautiful table decorations were made by L. Provencher. We thank him for going the extra mile to provide these along with teaching the afternoon program. . Brown Bag Raffle - will be back in May. Adjourn - (11:15 a.m.) The motion to adjourn was made by E. McMahon, seconded by H. Joiner and was passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Tricia Joiner WMDPG Secretary The afternoon project for the May 3, 2015 meeting is with Dotty Pullo. It’s a MYSTERY!! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 5 White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild Presents 2015 Workshop Lilies by Maryse Roy September 12, 2015 (Saturday) All Workshops will be held from 9:00 – 4:00 with 1 hour for lunch. They will be held at the Country Inn & Suites, Bedford, NH All workshops are $25 per WMDPG/NECC Member, $35 for non-members. Surface and palette fee will be $15. Complete this form and send it along with a check (payable to WMDPG) for $25 per event to Cindy Harrison, Workshop Coordinator, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054 Plan on bringing your own lunch. Questions? - Contact Cindy Harrison @ or (603) 429-3556 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name______________________________________________________________________________ Street______________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________ State_______ Zip_____________________ Phone _____________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ September 12, 2015 Maryse Roy Please pay: $25 Circle one: Check Cash Certificate Complete this form and send it along with a check (payable to WMDPG) to Cindy Harrison, Workshop Coordinator, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 6 A Painter’s Retreat RETREAT RETREAT RETREAT There is still a little time to sign up for the retreat. Please look over the photos of our fantastic projects and choose your favorites quickly so that you don’t miss out on this fun filled weedend. Fill out the form and return it with your full payment to Kathy Tanguay (address listed below). All payments for both retreat fees and class projects costs will be paid to WMDPG. FACTS: 1. For WMDPG 2014 members the Mary Svenson one day seminar is an appreciation event provided by the Chapter. A $20.00, “in good faith” deposit is required to sign up for this class. This deposit will be returned to you when you attend the seminar. There is no charge to WMDPG 2014 members except for the supply fee of $8.00. You may choose to take this class without being a part of the retreat. The surface fee is optional. You may bring your own surface or purchase the tray from Mary. Lunch is also optional. 2. $65.00 is the cost of the 3 day Retreat. For this fee you will receive a. b. c. d. a light deli platter dinner on Friday evening Choice of one of three Friday night 2-3 hour make it and take it style classes Choice of Mary’s or Tricia’s seminar on Saturday Saturday evening Dutch Treat dinner out and a fun evening of games, entertainment, and vendor ta bles. e. Choice of Mary’s seminar (the same project that was taught on Saturday), Donna’s or Sue’s class on Sunday. f. Door prizes 3. The project costs are not included in the registration fee. Please see the registration form and the information under the project pictures for details. Read through these descriptions carefully before making your selections. 4. There must be a minimum of 4 students signed up for all the classes except Mary’s or the class will have to be cancelled. The Saturday and Sunday extra classes may be held in small suites. This will mean the maximum number of students may be 10 - 12. Sign up early so you won’t miss out on your favorite class. 5. Remember: If you are planning to stay in the hotel, mention WMDPG when you make your reservations. This will entitle you to our Chapter discount. Please return your registration form to: Kathleen Tanguay 102 Horseshoe Rd. Dracut, MA 01826-4206 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 7 Chapter Appreciation Seminar with Mary Svenson Winter Tray - Mary Svenson Seminar Saturday or Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Same project both days - choose one day Project Cost - $8.00 packet and palette fee Surface - $25.95 for the tray to be ordered on the Retreat registration form. Or bring your own surface. The tray dimensions are: 20" x 11" x 2". **The reversible insert measures 10" x 12" and pops-out for easier painting. Mary was chosen to teach our Chapter Appreciation Seminar. The “Winter Tray” was selected by our membership as her project. You may choose to paint with her on either Saturday or Sunday. Or you may elect to fill your days with other class choices and still enjoy a fabulous retreat. If you were a 2014 WMDPG member, you may take this seminar without being a part of the Retreat (but you will miss a lot of fun). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 8 2015 Retreat cont. - Friday Night Classes— 6:30pm - 9:00pm Christmas Star Pillow - Janice Tomlin Project Cost - $10.00 (includes fabric paint, packet, and surface) Surface - 14 inch muslin square pillow - does not include inside foam Intro To Glass Painting - Sue Mangano Project Cost - $10.00 (includes glass paint, packet and 2 glasses) Surface - 2 wine glasses - Paint Sue’s rose or create your own flower. **A variety of painted samples will be provided Stroke Flowers On Ceramic Mugs - Tricia Joiner Project Cost - $10.00 (includes paint, packet with several designs to choose from, stroke practice surface and 2 ceramic mugs) Surface - 2 ceramic mugs - Tricia will be teaching a version of this project at the 2015 SDP Convention. More designs will be available after the convention for those who want to paint an entire set. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 9 2015 Retreat cont.—Saturday - 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Winter Scene Snowflake - Introduction to her 3 stage Zhostovo technique to paint a scene - easy and fun - Tricia Joiner Project Cost - $10.00 packet and palette fee (Crystals are not included. They are optional and can be purchased separately at the time of the class.) Surface - $25.00 for the snowflake to be ordered on the registration form. Or bring your own surface. The center of the snowflake can be painted on any 10" smooth round surface. Tricia will be utilizing a large screen and video camera to teach and will provide access to the video to those who want to see each stage again. Class size is limited. Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. O Chickadee-Dee - Donna Frost (a Marlene Kreutz design taught with permission) + extra time if necessary (one hour for lunch) Project Cost - $8.00 packet and palette fee Surface - Bring your own 12” by 12” surface. Donna used a wooden canvas purchased at Michael’s for $13.99. The basic design (without the butterfly) will fit on an 8” by 8” surface. Additional prep instructions will be provided for those enrolled in this class. Donna will also be available for an hour before class to help with backgrounding techniques, if necessary. Lazy Daisies - Introduction to pastels - Sue Mangano Four hour class, one hour for lunch Project Cost - $17.00 - includes sanded paper surface, packet and in class use of Pastels. Surface - No additional cost __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 10 2015 WMDPG Retreat April 17-19, 2015 Country Inn and Suites Bedford, NH Name ___________________________________ Date ________________________ Address _________________________________ Phone _______________________ _________________________________ WMDPG Member _____Yes _____ No Deposit Paid $ _________ Class Choices (Check your choices): Friday Night _____ Janice Tomlin _____ Sue Mangano (Glass) Saturday Class _____ Mary Svenson _____ Tricia Joiner (Rose) Saturday Lunch _____ Yes _____ No Saturday Night Dinner (Dutch) _____ Yes _____ No Sunday Class _____ Mary Svenson _____ Sue Mangano (Pastel) Sunday Lunch _____ Yes _____ No _____Tricia Joiner (Mugs) _____Donna Frost Cost: WMDPG Member Non-Member 3-Day Retreat $65.00 $90.00 Mary Svenson Seminar Only 2014 Members Only No charge _____ Buy Surface ($25.95) _____ Supply Fee ($8.00 ) _____ Buy Surface ($25.95) _____ Supply Fee ($8.00) Janice Tomlin _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) Sue Mangano (Glass) _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) Tricia Joiner (Mugs) _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) _____ Supply Fee ($10.00) Tricia Joiner (Snowflake) _____ Surface Fee ($25.00) Optional _____ Supply Fee ($8.00) _____ Surface Fee ($25.00) Optional _____ Supply Fee ($8.00) Sue Mangano (Pastel) _____ Supply Fee ($17.00) _____ Supply Fee ($17.00) Donna Frost _____ Supply Fee ($8.00) _____ Supply Fee ($8.00) Supply Fee Total Lunch (Optional) $10.00 per day Fees: Due Deposit Mary Svenson Only - No Fee Retreat Fee Paid Please mail your form and check to: Kathleen Tanguay 102 Horseshoe Rd. Dracut, MA 01826-4208 Supply Fees Total Lunch ( ____1 ____2) Total Due Total Paid (Cash/Check) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 11 Odds and Ends! Happy Birthday “Giving Back to WMDPG” The teachers listed below will give 5% of your total to WMDPG when you purchase items from their website. You must tell them you are with WMDPG at the time of your order. Apr.—Joy Keene (1), Nancy Stacy (9), Melanie Knox (28), Dottie Perotti (29), Jacki Murphy (30) May—Nancy Schlis (16), Suzi Franklin (19), Virginia Sargent (19), Kathleen Jolly (19), Leona Magnarelli (21), Larry Provencher (30), Dorothy Pullo (31), Rebecca Baer - Cindy’s Decorative Painting - Tricia’s Legacy Designs - Memory Box News... If you have any boxes, done or undone, that you would like to donate for the memory box program please bring them to the May meeting. Others might love to finish your box if you are not able to. June—Maryse Roy (2), Debra Courville (6), Jeni Bognore (12), Donna Frost (23) July—Grace Markauskas (15), Barbara Bilodeau (20), Cheryl Barb (26), Sylvia Lewis (28), Tricia Joiner (28) If your birthday is not listed please contact Leeanne Kelly at Thank you! Marilyn Moses and Jacque Seastedt WMDPG Painters’ Attic Sale Thank you for choosing us as Volunteers of the Year last year. The gifts were lovely! It has always been our pleasure to volunteer at NET and within the chapter and hope to continue to do so for many more years to come. We’ve met such wonderful people along the way had so much fun! Melanie Knox and Sue Hodgkins As was mentioned at the May 2014 meeting, WMDPG would like to extend an invitation to it’s members to sell their goods (painting related) at our meetings. It was decided that two members would be able to ‘rent’ a table at each meeting. If you are interested, please contact me. One painter’s stash is another painter’s treasure!!! Jo-Anne Naugler, Mercantile Chair Hi From KRIS I need a roomate for the retreat. Anybody interested? Call me 1-978-667-5709 or I have a bag of glass baby food jars from a friend. Who wants some? Just call or e mail. Thanks Secret Pal. Great stuff in the bag! Don't forget your "bag of stuff" for the retreat's Reverse Scavenger Hunt on Saturday night. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 12 Treasurer’s Report David’s House Wish List ... Quarterly REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2015 Paper towels Tissues Paper plates & bowls Plastic utensils Paper cups - 5 oz. only Laundry detergent - powder Kitchen sponges Dishwashing liquid Liquid hand soap Dryer Sheets Stain Removers Juice boxes, Concentrated juices Cookies and crackers Cereal Bars Cereal - single serving and regular Pop tarts Fruit snacks Applesauce Pudding Snack cups Microwave Popcorn Single serving microwave meals Soups (small size) Beef stew (small size) Coffee creamer (powder) Spaghettios/Ravioli (reg. size) Sanitary napkins Tampons Panty shields Nursing pads (disposable) New DVD's (family appropriate) Xbox 360 (teen rated or lower) Wii Games (teen rated or lower) -don’t worry about duplicates! Postage Stamps Phone Cards 1/1/2015 through 3/31/2015 Category OVERALL TOTAL INCOME Uncategorized Charity Inc Fundraising Inc General Meeting Inc Interest March Meeting 1,571.55 82.00 125.00 40.00 0.34 212.00 Membership Dues 2015 50.00 Retreat-April in Bedford 381.95 TOTAL INCOME 2,462.84 EXPENSES Uncategorized 1,328.59 2015 Retreat 2,118.30 Awards 20.00 Dues-SDP-NECC-SDP, NECC 250.00 Expense 100.00 General Meeting Teacher Gifts 1,210.28 14.98 TOTAL EXPENSES 5,042.15 OVERALL TOTAL -2,579.31 Bank Balances Money Market 5004.70 WMDPG checking 4866.65 WMDPG CD 8020.30 Total balances 17,891.65 We have spent down 2/3 of the amount planned. Gift Cards are always appreciated: Lebanon Co-Op Wal-Mart BJ's Shaw's Supermarket Best Buy Home Depot K-Mart Hannaford's Supermarket Irving New Items Only Please __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 13 NET NEWS New England Traditions painting convention kicked off their 2015 meeting schedule on 2/21. Each committee chair usually reports to the group, but since it is early, many chairperson(s) had little to report. Of interest is that NET is truly alive and well considering the number of artists who submitted projects to the committee. Fiftyeight teachers submitted over 250 projects! Class selection was being conducted after the committee meeting, so when the meeting adjourned, the number of classes was yet to be disclosed. Deadlines for project submissions by teachers was discussed and decided it should be moved up to before the holiday season. The convention artist is Cynthia Erickson. There WILL be a vendor exhibit/sales in the convention center building as it has been in past years. Shuttle service will, again, be provided. As last year, there will be some sort of Saturday Night social, with a limited number of tickets being sold. Currently this social is set to be held in the big open area in front of the check in desk area. The Art Show will still be held. There will be no cash prizes for artists who place. The cost of submitting artwork will increase slightly. (will advise actual cost in a later newsletter report) NET Catalogs will no longer be published and mailed. This is a cost-containment decision. The NET Catalog will be available to view on-line at: The good news is -- it will be available for viewing on April 1. The opening date to registration has been moved up to May 1. For those of us who love our catalog in hand, you can either print a copy on your own home office system or you may order a copy through Amazon. NET and Amazon have a "print on demand" agreement. There will be a link on the NET site directly getting you to Amazon so you can place an order for a catalog. Two options are color on a good quality paper or color on glossy paper. The exact cost of the "on-demand" printing option was not yet available, but it is estimated in the vicinity of $13 to $15 for each bound catalog (includes shipping). WMDPG had a lengthy discussion about the catalog situation and the board decided to present to the membership the following proposal: If you have attended a NET convention within the Save the date October 7-11 past 4 years (not all 4, but any number), and if you want a printed catalog, the guild will pick up the cost. All members will be provided with a registration page. Cindy Harrison graciously offered to place an order because she has Amazon Prime and can avoid shipping charges. Please let Cindy know if you would like to be on the list of members who want a hard-copy catalog. Many members were fine with viewing the catalog on the NET website. Anne Wifholm, NET Liaison As Anne Wifholm has reported, the NET catalogs will not be printed and mailed to the Chapter Members this year. They are going digital. The WMDPG Board realized that this might cause some unhappiness to our members. The Board passed the following motion: “If a WMDPG chapter member had attended NET in the last four years, the chapter will order and pay for their printed catalogue. Extras will be purchased for those members who would like to buy one at a discounted price.” We still do not know the price of this catalog, but were told somewhere between $13-15 which includes shipping. I have been taking names of people interested in a hardcopy so that I may order them all at once. However, the Membership needs to vote on whether WMDPG allots money from the treasury to pay for these books. If the motion to pay is voted out, people will be responsible for the cost of the catalogs Cindy Harrison __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 14 NET 2015 Teachers Betty (Elizabeth) Allen Lynne Andrews Patricia Appling Carolyn Bacon Maureen Baker Rosemary Barrett Nora Begona Barbara Bunsey Marion Buricatu Bobbie Campbell, CDA Janice Cooper Janice Cormier Cynthia Erekson Bonnie Frederico, CDA Ellen Gleason Christina Greenfield Belinda Harris Cindy Harrison Margit Hartl Chris Haughey Anne Hunter Sue Jacobs, CZT Jessica Jansen Arlee Jenkins Tricia Joiner Cynthia Knox Marlene Kreutz, CDA Arlene Linton Betty Love Laurie MacKenzie, TDA Linda McClure Donna McMichael Frances Mittelstet Nancy Mullen Arlene Newman, CDA Mary Owens Roxanne Puchalski, MDA Dorothy Pullo, CDA Judith Ribitch Donna Roskamp Maryse Roy Nancy Scott, CDA Donna Scully Patricia Smelkoff Janet Snell Laurie Speltz Carolyn Spohn Nancy Stauffer Mary Svenson, CDA Bobbie Takashima Juliette Talarski Diane Trierweiler Rebecca Trimble Elizabeth Wagner Christine Watson New England Chapter Happenings... Want MORE painting opportunities? Find out who’s coming to a Chapter/Shop near YOU by logging on to and click “NE Chapter Happenings” in the left margin. A list of Chapters/Shops will appear. Click on BOLD lettered Chapter/Shop to find out who is coming to New England. United we Stand, Divided we Fall. If you are a teacher, hold classes, workshops or seminars and are an active member in good standing with your local Chapter, you qualify to have your business/name posted on this page as well. Please notify Cindy Harrison, NET Social Networking Coordinator and she will ‘link’ you up!!! REMINDER Please notify the membership secretary if you will be attending meetings so that the correct number of tables and chairs can be set up. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 15 Society of Decorative Painter News—March 2015 If you are not going to the Annual Meeting of the Society of Decorative Painters in May, please send in an absentee ballot. Mail your ballot by April 5, 2015. All ballots must be postmarked no later than April 5, 2015 to count. Last year absentee ballots made up almost one third of the votes so Your Vote Counts! Happy 30th Birthday, White Mountain Decorative Painters! We can celebrate for the next couple of years since the Guild became a chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters in 1987. I think Sue Hodgkins and I attended the second organizational meeting held in Merrimack. Elaine McMahon was also one of the charter members. Who else? Members of Yankee Heritage decided it was time to form a chapter further north. I think Tole ‘N Me and Sea Strokes were formed by people who had attended White Mountain meetings. (Maybe Mary Frambach could help put some history together.) And the other chapters in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut were also offshoots of Yankee. Maybe Vermont, too. This will be SDP’s 43rd Anniversary of the first meeting organized by Priscilla Hauser MDA and attended by 21 other women. We started off painting cute designs like geese with bow ties and traditional stroke work but the entire field of decorative painting has progressed to numerous styles and different media. In the beginning there was only oils! Now there are colored pencils, watercolor and mixed media. And we no longer had to fly someplace to study with a great teacher, we had and have some great teachers right in our own neck of the woods who published and became well known travel teachers. And each year wonderful teachers from all over come to NET. I might have too many bottles of paint, more designs than I’ll ever paint, and not enough time to finish all my undones (if I can find all the instructions) but I also have a huge stock of memories and good times. A huge thanks to all the officers, board members, teachers, and volunteers who have made all this possible! We’ve come a long way, baby, and I think we’ve got a good thing going. Happy Painting! Donna Frost Past President, The Society of Decorative Painters Sue and I originally met in a beginners class at a small craft shop in Concord NH. Met again when we were members of a craft cooperative in Pembroke NH and kept seeing each other setting up to sell at craft fairs. Other SDP members are surprised to hear that White Mountain meets on a Sunday but back when it started, some of the members owned shops and Sunday was the best day for most people. Our chapter grew quickly to become one of the largest chapters in the United States. I met another member who had moved to NH when we both taught at the same shop, Crafts Plus, in Concord. She talked about all the teachers she had studied with and I was amazed but one of the reasons why she was able to take so many classes was because she attended the national SDP convention. The shop owner wanted to go to convention that year and talked me into going and sharing a room. Meeting teachers at convention was one way our chapter seminar chair could find people willing to travel to NH to teach. Remember, this was before websites and emails! Many chapter members were thrilled to go to a chapter seminar with a “Big Brush” so seminars filled quickly. People joined chapters just so they could go to a seminar. So many members belonged to both Yankee and White Mountain that the two chapters alternated hosting a yearly retreat. And soon local shops decided bringing in a famous teacher was a great idea, too. Eventually, the simple weekend retreats became a mini convention in NH called Mountain Magic with classes and a trade show. And in 1998, area chapters banded together to hold the first New England Traditions Convention! Reminder... Have you renewed your SDP membership!! Look for the renewal form in this newsletter. ALSO REMEMBER… WMDPG is giving FREE 2015 renewals for all 2014 members, however, you must complete the White Mountain form stating that you want to be a member and that your personal information is the same. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 16 SDP Website Changes!! SDP is happy to announce a brand new way to enjoy our digital edition of The Decorative Painter! Visit and login with your Member ID* number and your Last Name (Case Sensitive, the same way you already log in to our Members Only section) and you will be able to enjoy our new digital edition on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. In addition to better supporting the many different devices (iPhones, iPads, Kindle Fire HD, etc.) that you may use, we are also excited to give you new tools and special features for getting the most out of the magazine that you love. Go beyond simply flipping through the magazine pages, you can now: Search the entire issue for keywords (your favorite artist’s name, a project title, etc.) Click on the titles of projects in our table of contents and jump right to that section Click web links on the page that go to artist pages, vendors, and additional SDP content Print or download just the pages you want You can even crop sections of a page to save as a PDF or print just what you want! And more! We will continue to post The Decorative Painter, the linework, and our Exclusive Members Only Bonus Projects in the Members Only section of – this is just another benefit of SDP membership that we have developed for you. For now, only Issue #1, 2014 is available in this tool, but as more issues of The Decorative Painter are published with this method, you will be able to access back issues with this same format! Just like our existing print and PDF edition, it's packed with the art and artists you love, and we'd love to hear what you think of this issue on the Society's Facebook Page. Available until the end of 2015! Online E-Course for the Acrylic painter! Just $99! Artists include: Lynne Andrews, Diane Bunker, Debbie Cole, Janice Cormier, Cindy Harrison, Kelly Hoernig, Tricia Joiner, Arlene Linton, Golda Rader, Lydia Steeves, Chris Watson, and Beth Wagner Sign up on! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 17 Goodie Bags are Back!! Clean, clean, clean your unwanted treasures and bring them to our White Mountain Guild meetings to raffle off! You may place them in boxes, brown or plastic shopping bags, whatever works for you…will work for the Guild. What a great way to evaluate your supplies and earn money for our guild. Treasures may include surfaces, books, patterns, painted items, paint… General Meeting Raffle Rules Raffle held at general meetings Members will bring bagged or boxed items to be raffled in new or like new condition Painting supplies, surfaces, paint, mediums, books, magazines, useful items Painted items Tickets will be sold at that general meeting Drawing for these items will be at the same general meeting All proceeds go to White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild Tips ‘N Tricks.… I have been very busy for the past couple of months painting banners for the Lenten season for my church. I thought I would pass on a few tips that I learned and used while doing them. Even though I was painting for my church, you can use banners for lots of other places or groups that you might be involved with (classroom, library, organizations etc). I know I have mentioned Pinterest before but I can’t tell you enough how inspirational it has been for me. Just type a few words into the search bar and lots of ideas will start popping up. You won’t find patterns but if you are just looking for some inspiration you’ll find it on Pinterest. I had a few large walls to fill at my church and wanted something that might be able to be used again. Banners are great because they aren’t that expensive to do and can be stored easily when you are done with them. I used Roclon canvas that one might use for the linings of curtains. It’s not that expensive especially when you use a coupon at Hobby Lobby or JoAnne’s. As soon as you get it home make sure to take it out of the bag and unfold it. Leaving it folded can cause creases that are not easy to get out. (lesson learned the hard way for me) I now store my RocLon rolled up on an old wooden curtain rod. When the banners are done they should also be stored rolled up. In painting the background on my first banner, I rolled on a solid background and found that it takes a lot of paint to cover it sufficiently. Bottles and bottles! I smartened up for the next ones though and experimented with sponging layers of colors on. I loved the texture and depth that this gave me. The bonus was that it took much less paint! I also used a large stencil brush to do some of the background and larger parts of the design which not only gave me some texture but also was fast! When painting a banner for a large wall or even your front door, remember that detail will be wasted. No one will see the detail as they are driving by or standing far away, Go for the drama of bolder colors that will pop when seen from across the room and a design that is large enough to make out from a distance. I normally love painting detail so this was a good lesson for me in learning when to STOP! For these banners…less was better. I will try to remember to bring pictures of the banners to the next meeting if anyone is interested in seeing them. I had fun painting them and want to do more. In fact I have a daughter who is a teacher and I have lots of ideas for her classroom if only she’d let me loose in it! Jo-Anne Naugler—wouldn’t a ZenDoodled banner for your group be fabulous!! Happy Painting Sue Hodgkins, Newsletter Editor __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 18 Teaching Opportunities... Come one come all! Secret Pals Thank you to all who are participating in the Secret Pal program. There were really pretty packages sitting on the "Pals" table at the February meeting. Remember if you cannot make a meeting to send your pals gift with another member or you can mail it to your pal --- but use my return address so it remains a secret!! (Anne Wifholm; POB 162; Hollis, NH 03049) With the blanket of the dirty snow on the ground it is hard to believe our May meeting will be the last until after the summer. Ahhh , what a nice thought. it's never too late to sign up -- I'll find someone for you!! Anne Wifholm POBox 162 Hollis, NH 03049 At our January meeting we asked for submissions from our members who would like to teach an afternoon program. Think about it and if you are interested paint something from now until the September meeting and bring it in. You will have about 4 hours to teach your project. The cost of supplies needs to be reasonable and on a surface that is readily available. If the project isn’t your own design, no problem, but you must get permission from the artist to teach it. White Mountain has a lot of talented members and we would love to see what is on your painting table. We will vote on the projects at the September meeting. We are just not sure which month you will be teaching. With your submission let us know the cost of supplies and surface. I look forward to seeing your pieces. TDA note: Let us know if you are working toward your TDA we would like to help you with your journey. Dotty Meeting/Event Cancellation Policy Cancellations for any WMDPG Event/Meeting will be posted on our website: Any questions, just email me or give a call 603-345-3462 no later than 8:30 am on the day of that activity. If you do not have access to the internet, please call a friend who does or call any Board Member. (See Page 2 for phone numbers.) New Policy—for Missed Events Project Pieces If an individual paid for a class and is unable to attend, arrangements must be made to obtain the materials within 2 months or by the next General Meeting. Otherwise the class project will revert back to the Guild with no refund. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 19 WHITE MOUNTAIN DECORATIVE PAINTER’S GUILD SECRET PALS APPLICATION FORM Welcome to the Secret Pals Program. What a great way to get to know your fellow painters better and bring a smile to their faces. You are asked to bring a gift for your Secret Pal to each meeting AND pick up the gift from the member who has you for a Secret Pal. Please remember you are responsible to getting your gift to the meeting and picking yours up as well. If you cannot attend a meeting, please send your gift with another member, or mail it to your Secret Pal. We ask that all items are new and painted items complete. Exchanges take place at the March, May and September meetings. At the November meeting, each Secret Pal will exchange a hand painted gift and will reveal their identities. You will receive your Secret Pal information before the March meeting if received by January 26th. This will only work if everyone fulfills their responsibility. Hope everyone has fun. Enjoy! NAME_____________________________________________ OCCUPATION________________________________________ RETIRED : YES NO WISH YOU WERE? ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE*___________ EMAIL*___________________________BIRTHDAY (MM/DD)__________________________________ MARRIED_____________ANNIVERSARY________ SINGLE___________ CHILDREN (#)_______________________________ FAVORITE COLOR(S)___________________________________________FAVORITE FLOWERS________________________ WHAT COLORS IS YOUR HOUSE DECORATED IN_____________________________________________________________ WHAT STYLE IS YOUR HOUSE DECORATED IN_______________HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PAINTING _____________ FAVORITE ARTISTS______________________________________________________________________________________ FAVORITE MEDIUM______________________________FAVORITE MUSIC_________________________________________ TYPES OF BOOKS YOU ENJOY_____________________________________________________________________________ FAVORITE CANDY____________________________FAVORITE HOLIDAY__________________________________________ HOBBIES OTHER THAN PAINTING__________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS YOU LIKE TO COLLECT_____________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL INTERESTS_____________________________________________________________________________________ SOMETHING ABOUT ME MOST DON’T KNOW_________________________________________________________________ SOMETHING I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS YEAR__________________________________________________________ ANYTHING YOU WOULD RATHER NOT RECEIVE______________________________________________________________ ANYTHING ELSE YOUR SECRET PAL SHOULD KNOW__________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES______________________________________ PETS___________________________________________________ Please feel free to add or delete any information you wish. Any questions, please call or email the Secret Pal Coordinator. Anne Wifholm; POB 162; Hollis, NH 03049 603-465-3462 * NOTE: MANDATORY FOR SECRET PAL COORDINATOR __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 20 2015 WHITE MOUNTAIN DECORATIVE PAINTERS GUILD Newsletter Advertiser Contract An Affiliated Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Please take a moment to begin or renew your annual advertising contract and indicate which issues you would like to advertise in and the size of ad you desire. Remember: Two advertising options are available: by issue or by year (5 issues). Advertisers who are White Mountain Decorative Painting Guild members get a discount, and to advertisers who commit to 5 issues. (If you commit to a year of advertising there is a 10% discount.) Ad copy and checks should be sent to: Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Rates Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth Street Concord, NH 03301 Member *Reflects a 10% discount for prepaid commitment of one full year (5issues) of advertising space. Different copy and/or artwork may be submitted for each issue. Advertisers will be notified prior to each Newsletter deadline. Any Questions? or 603-225-9074 When possible, please email your ad to me. 1 Issue Non-Member 5 Issues* 1 Issue 5 Issues* Full Page $ 30.00 $135.00 $ 40.00 $180.0 0 1/2 Page $ 15.00 $ 67.50 $ 20.00 $ 90.00 1/4 Page $ 7.50 $ 33.75 $ 10.00 $ 45.00 Business Card (3.5 x2) $ 5.00 $ 22.50 $ 7.50 $ 33.75 N/A N/A N/A Little Notices Bulletin Board $ 1.00 Tole It To The Mountains Advertising Contract Agreement between and the White Mountain Decorative Painters Guild for Size: ad(s) in the following issues of Tole It To the Mountains. Issue Number Deadline Date Volume 32, No. 1 January 23 Volume 32, No. 2 March 20 Volume 32, No. 3 July 24 Volume 32, No. 4 September 25 Volume 32, No. 5 November 20 Amount Enclosed: Discount for WMDPG Members Yes, I offer a % discount. (Make check payable to WMDPG) Return this contract with payment. A confirmation will be mailed back to you. E-mail: Name: Phone: Address: City/State/Zip: Agreed by Advertiser:__________________________________ (Valid with original signature only) For office use only: Contract received____________ Payment received____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 21 New England Chapters Council New England Chapters Council proudly invites you to submit entries for the 2016 New England Traditions Convention Artist. "Artist's Choice" Requirements: A willingness to work closely with the 2016 NET board and committees for the duration of the convention preparations. Attendance at NET planning meetings. Bonuses: The opportunity to let your creativity flow. An ad will be created for you in our Catalog at no cost to you. You will be invited to submit a special event to the Special Event Selection Committee. Please send a 9 x 12 original painting on heavyweight paper, board, or canvas (without signature) relating to a theme of your choice. Please show us your ideas! What do you envision when you think of a theme for the premiere painting event in New England? These paintings need not be in final stage. Lettering suggestions should be included. Multiple entries are encouraged. Also, if you are too intimidated to do this on your own, consider having a buddy or team, this does not need to be a single person adventure. A full job description is available upon request. For more information and submission contact: Regina Brown NECC 2015 President 32 Galileo Way Latham, NY 12110 518.785.1117 E-mail: Submissions must arrive before May 31, 2015 for voting at the June meeting! Have fun with it! Let your creativity flow! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 22 2015 Membership Application — Society of Decorative Painters Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________State____________9 Digit Zip Code_________________________________ Phone ( ) _________________________________ □ Check box if this is a new address New □ Renewal □ Membership#_______________ Chapter Affiliations: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address________________________________Website:______________________________________________________________ □ INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: $50 (renewals $55 if mailed after 12/1) □ INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS ASSOCIATE: $80 □ HOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP $30(For immediate family member sharing same address) Check Enclosed (payable to SDP) or CHARGE my: □ Visa □ MC Card No.:_____________________________Exp. Date:___________________ Total $_________ Date:________________Signature:___________________________________ Mail form and payment directly to: SDP 393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203 or: Join online at: 2015 Membership Application — White Mountain Decorative Painters' Guild You must be a current member of the SDP to be a member of WMDPG. Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Year Joined Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________ State______ 9 Digit Zip Code __________________ Check box if this is a new address: □ Phone ( ) __________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________________ SDP Membership # ___________ New Member □ Renewal □ As a THANK YOU for being a member in 2014, your WMDPG membership is FREE in 2015. Please complete this form for our records. □ Newsletter Hardcopy add $10/year (optional) □ I do not have a computer! Mail for Free! □ Do not list email / phone to Membership Let Us Wish You Happy Birthday: MM ______ DD ______ Shop Owner □ Teacher □ Student □ Would you be a teacher at a meeting or a workshop? Yes___ No___ Medium Taught__________________ Would you be willing to be contacted for rides? Yes___ No___ Today's Date: _________________________ Referred By: ______________________ Questions? Call Debbie Fortin 603-429-0429 or email at: New members: dues is $20.00. Please send form and payment (check made payable to WMDPG), to: Debbie Fortin 1 Hartwood Dr., Merrimack, NH 03054 603-429-0429 or __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tole It To The Mountains Volume 32, Issue 2 Page 23 Tole It To the Mountains Newsletter of the White Mountains Decorative Painters’ Guild Sue Hodgkins 125 Portsmouth St. Concord, NH 03301
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