sharing memories - Black Hills Area Decorative Artists


sharing memories - Black Hills Area Decorative Artists
Black Hills Area Decorative Artists
September 2014
Volume 22 Issue 9
A couple of reminders!!
First—feel free to make other plans for our usual 3rd Saturday meeting day in September. We will have NO regular meeting that day and the seminar dates are Sept.
26, 27 and 28.
Second—we WILL have our regular meeting on October 18th and the Bunco party is
on the next day, October 19th.
Third—I am so happy I know all you ladies. Most of our paths would have never
crossed if not for BHADA? I’ve learned that we come together in our sameness and
we grow in our differences. Painting was our original common bond but look how
our differences have enriched our lives! Each member has contributed some service, some bit of wisdom or has shared some resource, expertise or information.
On our own, would we have been taught by teachers with national credentials,
would we have known that BHADA was the last name of a painter? It’s doubtful
that we would have sailed on a painting cruise or attended an Elvis concert…no, really… we SAW him. Wouldn’t we have missed our introduction to the memory
box program.
Thank you to the original founders of this group. We are still sharing the skills, the
talent, the support, the recipes. But most of all it’s the people. It is my pleasure to
know you! Thank you one and all!
Merry Mary
Happy Birthday
Connie M
Karol J
Bonnie E
Sept 7
Sept 19
Sept 21
2014 BHADA
October 19th is only 2 months away. Linda K.
oopsed again, I forgot to hand out sheets for
signing up for jobs to do on the day of bunco
such as registration table, raffle tickets,
silent auction, set up, clean up and treats. So
I will have them at the Fall Seminar, so
please sign up. I have sent out the Save a
Date cards and I already have had one
responder. So please remind your family and
friends. I just need names.
Linda K, Linda H and Romy
Mary Z.
Charlie B.
Carol D.
Deb C.
Newsletter Editor
Luann B. 341-6005
Many of our older [or should I say more experienced??] painters may recall Georgia Feazle who was a painter, teacher and
author from the early days of Tole Painting. She created many
“rub-out” patterns. Here is a notice that was posted on-line:
“I've noticed some painters mentioning Georgia Feazle and
thought I would offer some information with permission of her
daughter Lu Anne Feazle. Georgia Feazle is now in Portland,
Oregon with her daughter Lu Anne battling terminal cancer.
Lu Anne says she has little time left, so for those who would
like to show their appreciation for her dedication and contributions to the industry for over 40 years with over 45 books and
videos, along with being one of the founding members of the
SDP, you can send cards to: Georgia Feazle 10612 NE Wygant,
Apartment A, Portland, Oregon 97220. Let's do this now, to
bring some cheer to the time she has left.”
If you knew her work or not, why not send a note or card to
share some sunshine with this fellow painter today?
*Keep making Bunco prizes and make sure to
tell your friends to save the date!!
*Tickets for the raffle have been handed out,
*Remember to be selling tickets!!
Minutes for August 16, 2014 Meeting was called to order at 9:35 with 13
members and 2 guests.
The minutes were read and a motion was made by Bonnie and 2nd by Pat K
and approved as written in the newsletter.
The financial report was passed around and a motion was made by Pat K
and 2nd by Linda K. and approved as written.
Decorative Painting month: it was suggested that we have a display at the
Bunco Party.
Spring Retreat. Be on the lookout for canvas tennis shoes and flip flops.
Fall Seminar: Treats by everyone. Will be able to get in at 4;00 Thurs.
Luanne passed out the planners for the members of the seminar.
Deadline for registration is August 23. To All: Have a great time
painting and learning!
Webmaster: the web site money is due and Jo Ann will take care of that.
New Business. A motion was made to buy and have a fan fund raiser.
Show and Share: Jo Ann, Linda K, Carol D, and Charlie.
Memory Box Drawing; Carol, Connie, and Jo Ann.
Charlie won the door prize and will bring a prize to the seminar.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30.
Submitted by Carol D. Sec.
$15.00 per person
What a busy month our Memory Box Artists have had. Bonnie mailed out 70 Memory Boxes this month. These went to Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, New York, South Dakota, Virginia and Washington.
Important Note from Karen Chase & Annie Strebe of the Memory Box Program: “On August 15th Annie sent a mass
mailing to all the hospitals in our database letting them know that the database was not working and to send their requests for
boxes to her. Within a few days we had requests for 309 boxes. We were able to ship 108 boxes to fill that many orders.
Great job!! We are still in need of boxes and we know that those orders will be filled as soon as possible. Thanks again for all
the great work that you do for the program. The program would not exist without each one of you.”
Important Note from Brenda Rickman of the Memory Box Program: “I know how much the parents appreciate this
act of kindness during such a tragic time in their lives. I hear from hospital coordinators and parents alike with appreciation and love for our cause. I know our Artists will work hard to fulfill the outstanding requests as quickly as they can.
Thank YOU Artists! You are the life blood of our program and I am proud to associate with each and every one of you.”
Thank You Notes:
“From Sinai Hospital of Baltimore I would like to thank you all for your generous gift of time and the memory
“I was one of the original members of tole friends and for years I painted memory boxes and had my students do
the same. My son grew up in my painting world and many times helped me base coat the boxes and then when
they were done, he helped me varnish them. This was something he did from the age of 8 up until he was
through college. He is now 28 and this morning, he and his wife in Columbus Ohio, received a memory box after
they lost a baby. It really touched his heart and I thank you for that as his mom. Becky Johnston”
News from Bonnie: “Just thought I would let you know that Diane McNary just dropped by a $100 donation for the Memory
Box Program! She had dropped by last nite to ask about the seminar and I had mentioned what a crunch the program is
in. YAY! Bon” [Thanks so much Diane!!]
Below are photos from an e-packet that I recently purchased from Margaritha Pronk for $6.85. These are only a
few of the Baby Ostriches that are included in this packet. She has given me permission to share this photo with
you. She has many other adorable designs available … Love Birds, frogs, turtles, butterflies, chicken, mermaid,
ladybugs, hedgehogs, cats, ducks, dragons, elephant, squirrels and cute monkeys. If you are interested in purchasing this packet or others, so that you can paint these cuties too, please contact her at her e-mail address: She will get right back to you.
Keep painting those Memory Boxes … they are needed and appreciated!
Fall Seminar Preparation
On the Candle Glow Santa, I accidentally copied page
3. Those are for class room instructions. Please DON'T
work past the preparation prior to seminar. You will get
full instructions at seminar for each of the projects.
For the Rose, DON'T do anything with the instructions on page 2. Just use the heart pattern and do the
So Sorry if I caused confusion. I did it quick on my
lunch hr one day and didn't even notice I had copied
more than I wanted to.
Remember, it is ok to reduce or enlarge as you like. It's
also ok to paint on whatever you like. It doesn't have to
be canvas.
It is close now!! I'm looking forward to a fun time with
my painting pals as usual.
Luanne T.
Everyone brings
For the seminar
Michaels will cut
10% from your bill
with an AARP
membership card.
APRIL 17,18,&19, 2015
to bring
book to
for your
to write
in. :)
Start planning your three days of safari
outfits; be it tribal dress, British Colonial,
animal print or any other type of dress that
would be worn at a safari.
You will need to bring a cheap pair of
canvas shoes to the retreat to paint on.
Just a heads up.
Retreat Note
If you are planning on attending the retreat this year, you will need canvas
shoes to paint on and flip-flop shoes that you will be decorating. This is just
a heads up so you can be looking for them.