December 13, 2015
December 13, 2015
! Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel ! ! Pastor: ! ! ! Rev. Ron Calhoun ! x301! Xaverian Assistant: ! ! ! ! ! Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X.!! Finance & Operations ! Helena Siciliano ! x304 Manager: ! Pastoral Assistant! Andrew Genovese x310! Religious Ed Gr. 611:!! ! Religious Education! Gr. K5!:! ! ! Pat Conte x309! John Anthony Volpe Director of Music: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9787294226!! Parish Nurse:! ! Mary Ellen Bartlett ! ! 5087790020! Administrative Asst:! ! ! Angela Donato ! 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749! ! Phone: 978!562!2552 • Fax: 978!568!1761 @stmikes_hudson ! ! S%&'( M&)*%+, P%-&.*! Mass Schedule! Daily Mass! ! Saturday! 9:00am!! 4:00pm!! Sunday!! 7:30am!! 9:00am!! 10:30am! 10:30am! 12:00pm! Monday! 9:00am!! Tuesday! 7:00am!! Wednesday! 9:00am!! Thursday! 7:00am!! Friday! ! 9:00am!! Saturday! 9:00am!! 4:00pm!! Sunday!! 7:30am!! 9:00am!! 10:30am! 10:30am! ! 9:00am Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday lower church! 7:00am Tuesday and Thursday lower church! December 12! Jose L. Chaves! Cheryl Guidotti! December 13! Manuel da Silva Melo! Jose Maria Chaves! Lawrence Leary! Mario Melo! Brazilian Mass! December 14! Phillip Dempsey! December 15! Joaquim Pires! December 16! Severino N. Barros! December 17! Abilio Fernandes! December 18! Alfredo Anastacio! December 19! Maria J. Silva! Joao Paulo Gaipo! December 20! Jose & Antonio Monterio & DR! Mario Odilio de Silva! Maureen Russo! Tiago Tauares! PLEASE NOTE! If there is a delay or cancellation from the Hudson Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily Mass is cancelled ! Weekend Mass Schedule! ! 4:00pm Saturday upper church! 7:30am Sunday upper church! 9:00am Sunday upper church! 10:30am Sunday lower church! 10:30am Sunday upper church/Portuguese Mass! 12 noon Sunday lower church/Brazilian Mass! ! Confessions are 2:30 3:30 pm on Saturdays! ! If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member present the gifts, please see a Eucharistic Minister before the start of the Mass.! Bread and Wine in Loving Memory of! ! Adelaide & Acacio Matias! ! Lights and Candles in Loving Memory of! ! Joao & Florentina Lage &! Armindo Lage! ! Sacrificial Offering! ! Offertory! ! Collection: $ 8,522.06! ! Grand Annual: $39,616! (79% of our goal!)! ! Special Collections! ! Weekend Dec. 13th: St. Vincent de Paul! Dec. 2425: Clergy Benefit Trust! ! Please be courteous and refrain from bringing food, beverages, or chewing gum into our Holy Church, unless it is a medical necessity. And please, silence your cell phone so we may all enjoy the Eucharistic Celebration. Thank you!! 2! ! H23.4', MA! Fr. Ron’s Ramblings! ! Ao ir lá fora com a Abby nesta manhã fria destes dias de Dezembro me senti maravilhado com a beleza do céu deste Inverno. Esta manhã as estrelas e a lua nova estavam tão brilhantes e o contraste entre as estrelas e a lua eram tão claras que parecia que se podiam arrancar do céu. Nao há outra época durante o ano em que tenham um corpo tão celestial com tanto brilho radiante. Deve ter sido num destes dias que o Dan Schutte escreveu aquela bonita canção do Advento que nós cantamos: Para alem da lua e das estrelas. N’ este cântico ele compara a profundidade da noite com a profundidade da nóssa busca por Deus. Ânsiamos por ver a Sua luz. Neste tempo do ano em que os dias são curtos e as noites longas,a nóssa nessecidade pela luz é mais cônstante. Na noite de Domingo passado os Judeus iniciaram a sua celebração da festa das luzes quando eles iluminam a Menorah por oito dias consecutivos para comemorar a reconstrução do templo. A cada fim de semana adicionamos mais uma vela à nóssa corôa do Advento ,simbolizando a aproximação do Natal e a vinda de Jesus Cristo às nóssa vidas. Velas iluminadas se vêem nas janelas de quase todas as casas mostrando que as decorações do Natal começam a aparecer. Estas velas nas janelas da mesma forma representam o mesmo sentido simbólico de boas vindas. Nós iluminamos as entradas das nossas casas com luzes do Natal para a chegada dos convidados. Nós colocamos velas nas janelas para dar as boas vindas a Jesus quando Ele entrar nas nossas casas tambem. Isaias refere!se ao povo do antigo testamento “ O povo que andava na escuridão “ até que eles viram a luz do Salvador. Que tambem estejamos vigilantes quando o Salvador venha até nós. Que Deus vos abençoe.Assim seja!!! As Abby and I go out in the cold early in the morning during these December days, I am drawn to the beauty of the clear winter sky. This morning the stars and the new moon were so bright and the contrast so sharp you’d think you could pluck them from the skies. No other time during the year are the celestial bodies so bright and radiant. It must have been on one of these days that Dan Schutte wrote that beautiful Advent song we sing: Beyond the Moon and Stars. In this hymn he goes on to compare the depth of night to the depth of our longing for God. We hunger to see His Light. In a time of year when our days are shortest and the nights are long, our need for light is highlighted even more. Last Sunday night the Jewish people began their celebration of the Feast of Lights when they light the Menorah for eight succeeding days to commemorate the rebuilding of the Temple. Similarly, each weekend we add an additional candle to our Advent Wreath, symbolically leading the way to Christmas and Christ’s coming into our lives. Lighted candles appear in the windows of most homes as Christmas decorations begin to appear. These window candles likewise have the symbolic meaning of welcome. We put on lights to illuminate our entryways for arriving guest. We put candles in our windows to welcome Jesus when he comes to our home as well. Isaiah refers to the people of the Old Testament as a “People who walk in darkness” until they see the light of the Savior. May we be watchful and vigilant when the savior comes our way. ! Readings for the Week of December 13, 2015 Sunday: Zep 3:1418a/Is 12:26/Phil 4:47/Lk 3:1018! Monday: Nm 24:27, 1517a/Ps 25:49/Mt 21:2327! Tuesday: Zep 3:12, 913/Ps 34:23, 67, 1719, 23/Mt 21:2832! Wednesday: Is 45:6b8, 18, 21b25/Ps 85:914/Lk 7:18b 23! Thursday: Gn 49:2, 810/Ps 72:14, 78, 17/Mt 1:117! Friday: Jer 23:58/Ps 72:12, 1213, 1819/Mt 1:1825! Saturday: Jgs 13:27, 2425a/Ps 71:36, 1617/Lk 1:525! Sunday: Mi 5:1!4a/Ps 80:2!3, 15!16, 18!19/Heb Next 10:5!10/Lk 1:39!45 ! **PARISH CENTER HOURS**! ! ! Monday/Tues 9:00am ! 3:00pm Thursday/Friday 9:00am ! 3:00pm ! ! 3! ! ! D+)+@A+- 13, 2015! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are awaiting with GREAT anticipation the Christmas Pageant which takes place on December 19 following the 4:00pm Mass! We invite the Parish Community to share with the children this annual event when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, with the children and Music Ministry of the parish! Please support these thespians as they act out the events of His birth! This week is the final week of classes for 2015! Classes resume on January 3, 2016 same times and places!! Join in the welcome of St. Nick on December 20 with breakfast goodies in Room 1 and the Conference Room on the first floor of the Parish Center following the 9:00 am Mass! Sponsored by the music ministry ! CHRISTMAS JOY CD! ! St. Michael Parish Family Music Ministry Presents Christmas Joy. CDs will be on sale by the Organ, after all Masses StartingNovember 28thfor $15.00 each. Great for Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers! Proceeds go to benefit our Music Ministry ! Come One, Come All, To a Carol Singalong!! ! January 3, 2016 at 3:00pm! A great family event to finish out our Christmas Season, featuring selections from Handel's Messiah!! ! See all of YOU there! God Bless! ! ! Sponsored by St. Michael Parish Family Music Ministry and Joined by Holy Trinity Parish Music Ministry of Harvard & Bolton.!! ! ! THE LITTLE BLUE BOOKS FOR ADVENT! We are looking forward to seeing you there!! ! ! Pieta Annual Memorial Mass! ! November 29th begins the season of Advent. That day, we will have our “Little Blue Books” available for you at the back of the church! Be sure to pick up your copy with the daily readings and meditation. Bring your bulletin home with you so you will know what is happening in our community during the season! The Pieta Bereavement Ministry will celebrate the Annual Memorial Mass December 14th at 7:00pm. Family and friend of anyone who have lost a child, regardless of age are encourage to attend the Pieta support reception. You do not need to attend the Pieta support group, all are welcome to honor their child at this special service. Candles will be lit for each child and a carnation will be given as a token of remembrance. A gathering reception will follow at the parish center and all are in- ! FATIMA SHRINE! ! All are invited to COME AND ENJOY “THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DISPLAY AT THE FATIMA SHRINE”. The Lights will run until December 27th, 2015. Daily from 5:00pm 9:00pm. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served in the Shrine Hall. ! ! Children of God to be Remembered ! in December! Christmas Wreath Sale! ! The annual Christmas Wreath sale will begin after masses December 6 and 13! Long lasting scentful, double!faced Balsam Fir wreaths with large red ribbon will be available in the lot between garage and Parish Center! $15 each! $10 each with out the ribbon. All proceeds to benefit the Parish. 4! Timothy Small Coleen Sullivan and Edward Mancuso Donna Cincotta Thomas “Tom” Jordan Babies Mary and Michael Moran Robert Robbin Sr,. Maureen Duffy Russo ! T*&-3 S2'3%N 4O A3P+'(! Clergy Benefit Trust Collection! DECEMBER IS NATIONAL FAMILY CARE GIVERS MONT! ! This Christmas, the collection will support the health and well!being of our priests. Our priests have dedicated their lives to serving the Catholic faithful. Now, it is our turn to help fulfill the promises made to care for them in their time of need. Please give generously to the Christmas collection, which will directly benefit the 614 active and senior diocesan priests who are cared for through the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust. ! TIPS FOR BEATING HOLIDAY STRESS! 1. Create a plan for the season. This will help with the fear, anxiety, rushing around and overspending. Make a list of everything that needs to be accomplished. Mark off social events on a calendar. Set a budget in advance. And most of all BE PREPARED for things to change and accept that with grace.! 2. Don’t take on too much. It is important to learn to say NO. ! 3. Give time to thinking about keeping your eating on track. Mental preparation is important to avoid holiday pitfalls you may encounter. ! 4. Avoid overspending. Remind yourself that spending is not what the holidays are all about. Let your heart be your guide. Make a gift list ahead of time. Think about each person for a minute before you buy. A gift that’s personal and comes from your heart will be more meaningful and may be the most memorable gift of all. Gifts from the heart increase feelings of joy in you as well as the person you are giving to. ! 5. Avoid Holiday Entertaining Stress. Don’t feel like you have to be “Martha Stewart”. Be yourself and prepare traditional meals and ask family members and friends to bring something to contribute.! 6. Plan your holiday traveling wisely. Avoid traveling immediately before or after the holiday. Book early if flying and plan on staying a few days after the holiday. ! 7. Remember the goal of the season. Feel and exchange joy, love and peace. Create peace by being fully present, show love by accepting others and giving with a positive attitude and experience joy by listening to your heart. ! 8. Handle your emotions physically and constructively. Allow yourself to cry if you are sad, if you are angry find a private place to work that anger out. Attending to your emotions rather than ignoring them will help you enjoy the holidays more.! 9. Take time for yourself. When things are hectic, sometimes you need a break to just be alone and relax. If you feel the warning signs of holiday stressanxiety, dread, denial and grumpinessstop and catch your breath and spend a few minutes relaxing to calm yourself down.! ! Suggested Holiday To Do List! Instead of buying presents…………..BE PRESENT! Instead of wrapping gifts……RAP SOMEONE IN A HUG! Instead of sending gifts…....................SEND PEACE! All are welcome to make a gift online at, use the in!pew envelopes that will be provided, or simply text the word PRIEST to 56512 (Msg. & data rates may apply). Thank you in advance for your prayers and generous support of this critical effort. ! ! St. Vincent de Paul Ministry! ! The Giving Tree will be located at the back entrance of the church this weekend. Please take a tag, the tag will have suggestions of gifts, age of the child and in some cases clothing size. Please wrap gift and attach the original giving tree tagand return it to the church byDecember 13. Our goal this year is to help 250 children. Thank you for your generosity and may you have a blessed and joyful Christmas season. Ladies Sodality for Father’s Table! Our Father’s Table is asking for your generosity once again. Gloves and Mittens for men, women and children. A container will be provided at both up and down stairs entrances. They will be there until December 20th. The Christmas party for OFT is December 21st at New Hope Church. Any help you can give is truly appreciated. Any questions call 978! 562!2705, Martha Berry. God Bless “On behalf of the Ladies Sodality, thank you for all your support at our recent Raffle. The winners were John & Mary Staperfield a turkey basketRena Blaise turkey basket and George & Mary Burney were the winners of the Afghan. Again thank you for all your support” ! Instead of making cookies…Make a Loving Gesture! Instead of seeing the lights…………..BE THE LIGHT ! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year…………..Mary Ellen! 5! ! ! Read the Gospel and Color! Sunday Throughout theWeek: ! ! ! Sharing the Gospel ! ! How can you show you love God? Instead of keeping all of your clothes and food, share some with people who don't have any. Be happy and thankful for all God has given you. When you love God more than money, you'll be happy to share.! ! Prayer! ! Dear God, help me to share happily with others. ! Something to Draw! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Draw a picture of yourself sharing a snack with a classmate who has none. ! Mission for the Week! ! The next time you go grocery shopping with your parents, ask if you can pick out some foods to share with the poor. As a family, talk about how thankful you are for the many ways God takes care of you. ! 6! LOUIS MONTI FOLEY & SONS FLOOR & TILE A.R. CARVALHO & SONS, INC. SALE & INSTALLATION OF Grounds Maintenance. Inc. Regonini - Zoll Memorials Monuments Markers Cemetery Lettering 978-368-7539 S&F Concrete Contractors, Inc. Monumental Craftsmen 978-562-3495 Family Owned & Operated Since 1918 The Eastern Seaboard’s Largest and Finest Concrete Contractor 166 Central Street PO Box 427, Hudson, MA 241 Maple Street, Marlboro Ceramic Tile ~ Linoleum ~ Carpet Hardwood Floors ~ Wallpaper THE FAUCETORIUM Plumbing Specialties (978) 779-6555 SALES & INSTALLATION OF Tubs ~ Toilets ~ Sinks ~ Faucets Customized Lawn Care (978) 897-5698 (978) 897-6787 Fax (978) 897-0311 485-1990 Free Estimates Fully Insured 161 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. HUDSON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Vic’s Barber Shop Victor Mackiewicz, Owner 20 Main StreetHudson, MA Dr. Michael R. Girard At the Rotary The Best in Glass and Service 7 Tower St., Hudson 978-567-9299 Falamos Portugues Celebrating 25 years of helping people of all ages regain and Bring in this ad and receive a 10% discount on your purchase. maintain their health Contact LPi for more information! 1-800-888-4574 978-562-2332 978-562-6011 Visit our new location at 78 Cherry Street, Hudson, MA Residential • Commercial & Industrial Plumbing BEST WESTERN® Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center 181 Boston Post Road West • Marlborough, MA 01752 License # 11900 Weddings, Showers, Birthdays, Corporate Meetings & More Mention this Ad and receive a 10% discount 978.562.2742 Colleen McManus • - 508.303.1782 152 Manning St., Hudson Accidents Happen… Don’t Worry Any More Than You Have To! Located at 492 South St. off Route 85 508-481-5979 1-800-888-4574 • Expert Collision Repair • Paintless Dent Removal • Spray-On Truck Liners • Restorations & Auto Trim Serving the area for over 25 years! FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 10:57 AM ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672 Michael A. Cardinale, Jr. ACKERMAN MONUMENT CO. Master Electrician - Fully Insured Lic# A6682 JUNIPER FARMS / BOLTON OIL MONUMENTS • MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING JRRBC, INC. - Heating System Installations - Bottled Gas - Specializing in Custom-Made Monuments 562-5233 John D. Loureiro • Mary E. Loureiro 6 Colburn Circle Hudson, MA Juniper Road, PO Box 22 Hudson, Massachusetts 01749 Over 150 Monuments Set Up On Premises Cardinale Electric Co. Light - Power - Heat Bolton 779-6160 Hudson 562-3342 Marlboro 508-485-7380 Infant • Toddler • Preschool • Pre-K The Flower Pot Before & After Care for Kindergarteners Available Maximum Class Size of 15 for all your floral needs 978-897-5027 46 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 “We help seniors stay at home.” Full Day Kindergarten (Hudson) Register now for September 2015 Hudson 978-562-6862 Southborough 508-481-1437 Owner: Life Long Saint Michael Parishioner Senior Home Care Meal Preparation • Errands Hourly or Live In Joe Chamberlain 142 North Road, Sudbury 978-287-2002 Offering Personalized Service for Over 50 Years 508-429-5465 2234 Washington St., Holliston (978) 562-5309 15 Bonazzoli Ave. Hudson, MA Tighe-Hamilton Funeral Home TH Thomas M. Hamilton - Funeral Director Pre-Planning • Pre-Payment 50 Central Street, Hudson ~ 978-562-3252 Memory Lamps A treasured gift in memory of a loved one. Perfect for all gift occasions. Personalized verses with each Gift of Light. Delivered to homes and funeral homes and shipped long distance. For Advertising Information, call DEBRA DRAPER at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3435 This gift of light has been specially chosen in loving memory of your Mother. May her love, spirit, and light continue to shine. Occupational Physical, Speech Pulmonary & Cardiac Therapies Alzheimer’s Care 713 Main Street • Bolton, MA 01740 5HÁHFWLRQODPSVFRP 400 Bolton St. ~ Marlborough 508-481-6123 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SEPTEMBER 29, 2015 10:57 AM ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672
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