May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016
! Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel ! Welcome New Parishioners! We welcome you to the community of St. Michael. Please introduce yourself to the priests, call, visit the Parish Center or visit online at to fill out a registration form.! ! RCIA! If you have not been baptized or were baptized but have not received First Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation, please contact Sheila Mahoney at 9785623148, call or email the Parish Center.! ! Infant Baptisms! The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Baptism catechesis for the parent(s) and godparent (s) is held on the 1st Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Register online at or call the Parish Center.! ! Marriage! ! Pastor: ! ! ! ! ! ! Xaverian Assistant: ! ! ! ! ! Rev. Ron Calhoun x301!! Arrangements should be made at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding. Please call the Parish Center to schedule your date and make an appointment to speak with one of the priests.! ! Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X.! Anointing of the Sick! The church encourages all who are ill, about to undergo surgery, or confined to their home due to illness be to prayed over and anointed with sacred oil. This can take place at a parish Mass, or in the home or in the hospital. Please do not wait for the last moment for yourself or a loved one to be anointed and by all means speak to a priest for more information or details.! !! Finance & Operations ! Helena Siciliano ! x304! Manager:! !! ! ! Religious Education! Gr. K5!:! ! ! Pat Conte x309! Boasvindas aos Novos Paroquianos! Damoslhe as boasvindas à nossa comunidade de S. Miguel. Por favor apresentese aos padres e telefone ou visite o Centro Paroquial para se registrar.! !! John Anthony Volpe Director of Music: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9787294226!! Parish Nurse:! ! Mary Ellen Bartlett ! ! 5087790020! Se ainda não foi baptizado ou já foi mas não recebeu a Primeira Comunhão, Reconciliação ou Confirmação, por favor contacte Sheila Mahoney no 9785623148 ou telefone para o Centro Paroquial.! !! Baptizados Infantis! Angela Donato!! O sacramento do Baptismo é celebrado no terceiro Domingo de cada mês à 2 da tarde. A preparaço do baptism para pais e padrinlos é no primeiro Domingo à 2 da tarde na igreja. Registese online or chame para o Centro Paroquial.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Administrative Asst:! ! ! ! ! ! RCIA! Casamento! ! 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749! ! Phone: 978!562!2552 • Fax: 978!568!1761 Devem ser feitas preparacções pelo menos 6 meses antes da data em que pensa casar. Por favor telefone para Centro Paroquial para marcar a data e fazer um apontamento para falar com um dos padres.! ! Unção dos Doentes! A Igreja encoraja a todos que estão doentes, ou que vão fazer uma operação ou que tênham de permanecer em suas casas devido a doença, a fazerem orações e serem ungidos com os óleos sagrados. Isto pode ter lugar durante uma Missa na paróquia, em casa ou no hospital. Por favor náo espere até ao ultimo momento, para si próprio ou para um ente querido ser ungído e não hesite em falar com um padre para mais informações e detalhes.! @stmikes_hudson ! ! S!"#$ M"%&!'( P!)"*&! Mass Schedule! Daily Mass! ! Sunday! 7:30am 9:00am 10:30amE 10:30a.mP 12:00pm Monday! 9:00am! Tuesday! 7:00am! Wednesday! 9:00am! Thursday 7:00am Friday!! 9:00a.m. Saturday! 9:00 am 4:00pm Sunday! 7:30am 9:00am 10:30amE 10:30a.mP 12:00pm 9:00am Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday lower ! ! ! church! 7:00am Tuesday and Thursday lower church! ! ! Weekend Mass Schedule! May 15! Jose L. Chaves! ! Agostino and Helena Sousa! Ana C. Freitas ! Tiago Tavares! Brazilian Mass! May 16! Matias and Lage Families! Lady of Fatima! May 17! Antonio and Jose Monteiro ! May 18! Aldora Serpa! ! 4:00pm Saturday upper church! 7:30am Sunday upper church! 9:00am Sunday upper church! 10:30am Sunday lower church! 10:30am Sunday upper church/Portuguese Mass! 12 noon Sunday lower church/Brazilian Mass! ! Confessions are 2:30 3:30 pm on Saturdays! ! May 19 If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member present the gifts, please see a Eucharistic Minister before the start of the Mass! ! Miguel Figueiredo ! May 20! Souls in Purgatory! May 21! Johanna Pauplis! Joao Fernandes Lage! May 22! Joaquim Pires! ! Mary and Ed Cokely! Ana Cardosa Rua ! Mario Melo! Brazilian Mass! ! ! Bread and Wine in Loving Memory of! ! João Fernandes Lage! ! Lights and Candles in Loving Memory of! ! Alfredo P. & Maria J. Anastacio! ! Offertory Collection ! $8,100.00! Fuel Collection! $23,620 ! Catholic Appeal ! As of May 3rd we have raised $27,315.00 which is 75% of our goal of $36,392.00 ! ! Second Collection for the Month of May! ! ! 5/14/16 & 5/15/16 Seminaries ! 5/21/16 & 5/22/16 Ecuador Relief 2! ! ! ! HAB*C#, MA! Fr. Ron’s Ramblings! ! This! weekend as we gather together we celebrate the wonderful feast of Pentecost, traditionally known as the birthday of the church. As the apostles were huddled in that !upper room, anxious and expectant, Jesus comes into their ! midst and gives them the gift He has been promising, the gift! of The Holy Spirit. This is a powerful scene where the apostles are transformed from a frightened group of crestfallen followers into enlivened pioneers, equipped to face all the challenges of those early days of the formation of the church.! ! The descent of the Spirit upon them is so mysterious and all consuming that several images are used to help us to understand. The strong wind blows through them. Wind cannot be seen but we certainly feel its effect upon whatever it touches. Trees swaying in the wind is a great example!! ! Tongues as of fire conveys the burning enthusiasm which entered their hearts and souls and propelled them forth to preach the Word. Those tongues transformed their words in such a way that all the foreigners in Jerusalem were able to understand the message.! ! Astounding and amazing are the two words used to describe the experience, and because of this thousands came to follow Jesus and His message of salvation.! ! Each year as we remember this event in the history of our church it gives us pause to think about what may enliven us and fire us up in our faith life. God’s Spirit continues to move within and among us and transforms us each day onto the people God has created and called to follow Him. Let us go forth as Witnesses to that amazing and astounding message of salvation!!!! ! Este fim de semana ao estármos juntos para celebrármos a maravilhosa festa do Pentecostes, tradicionalmente conhecida pêlo aniversário da igreja. Assim como os apóstolos estavam reunidos no quarto superior,esperando desejosos,Jesus veio no meio d’eles e lhes dá o que Ele tinha prometido,o Dom do Espirito Santo.Esta é uma ação muito ponderosa onde os apóstolos são transformados de um grupo de medrosos e seguidores falhados a um grupo animado e inergético,preparado para enfrentar todos os desafios daquele tempo no principio da formação da igreja.! ! A descida do Espirito Santo sobre eles é um grande mistério tão ardente que diferentes imagens são usadas para nos fazer entender este mistério. O vento forte sópra sobre eles. O vento não se vê mas certamente podemos sentir o seu efeito em tudo o que toca. As árvores balançando no ar com o vento é um grande exemplo!! ! As linguas de fogo transportam o ardente entusiasmo que entra nos seus corações e alma e lhes dá coragem para irem em frente a pregar a Palavra. Aquelas linguas tranformam as suas palavras de forma tão ponderosa que até os estrangeiros em Jerusalem podiam entender a mensagem.! ! Incrivil e maravilhoso são as duas palavras usadas para descrever a experiência. E por esta razão milhares de pessoas se tornaram seguidores de Jesus e da Sua mensagem da salvação.! ! A cada ano ao relembrarmos este evento na história da nossa igreja nos faz pausar para pensar o que nos eleva e nos faz sentir o fogo ardente na nossa vida de fé. O Espirito de Deus continua a moverse no nosso meio e nos tranforma a cada dia nas pessoas que Deus criou e chamou para Seus seguidores.! ! Vamos seguir em frente e ser testemunhas desta incrivel e maravilhosa mensagem de salvação!!!! ! Feliz Domingo de Pentecostes! ! Happy Pentecost Sunday!! Readings for the Week of May 15, 2016! Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:19 or Ex 19:38a, 1620b or Ez 37:114 or Jl 3:15/Ps 104:12, 24, 35, 2730/Rom 8:2227/Jn 7:3739! Extended Vigil: Gn 11:19/Ex 19:38a, 1620b/Ez 37:114/Jl 3:1 5/Ps 104:12, 24, 35, 2730/Rom 8:2227/Jn 7:3739! Day: Acts 2:111/Ps 104:1, 24, 2931, 34/Rom 8:817 or 1 Cor 12:3b7, 1213/Jn 14:1516, 23b26 or Jn 20:1923! Monday: Jas 3:1318/Ps 19:810, 15/Mk 9:1429! Tuesday: Jas 4:110/Ps 55:711, 23/Mk 9:3037! Wednesday: Jas 4:1317/Ps 49:23, 611/Mk 9:3840! Thursday: Jas 5:16/Ps 49:1420/Mk 9:4150! Friday: Jas 5:912/Ps 103:14, 89, 1112/Mk 10:112! Saturday: Jas 5:1320/Ps 141:13, 8/Mk 10:1316! ! **PARISH CENTER HOURS**! Monday/Tuesday9:00am!3:00pm Thursday/Friday9:00am!3:00pm 3! ! ! M!E 15, 2016! Sodality Baby Month! ! During the month of May there will be a crib in the upper church foyer and a basket in the lower church for anyone wanting to donate new baby items. Diapers are something all babies can use. These items will be presented to the Birthright organization. ! On Monday May 16th at 12 noon in the Parish Center, Carol Porreca of Birthright will be our guest speaker. All are welcome to attend. We begin with lunch at noon, followed by recitation of the Rosary and then enjoy Carol telling us about the current work with Birthright. ! Notes from Music Ministry! Choir rehearsals! ! Portuguese ChoirThursdays at 5:00 pm! Adult ChoirThursdays at 6:00 pm! ! One in Body, Heart and Mind, ! Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe! ! Catholic Daughter Spring Fundraiser! The Catholic Daughters would like to thank all the individuals that purchased tickets to their spring fundraiser. With your support this fundraiser was a hugh success and even if you didn’t win you are a winner because you helped contribute to various charitable causes. Here is the list of winners:! Doris Bowles! Audrey Davidson! Laura Santos! Maria Monteiro! Mary Walling! Emily Thomas! Ann Lussier! Michelle Dusseault! James Donato ! Laurina Goasto ! Claire Ashman! ! Congratulations to the winners!! ! ! Easter Time ends with the celebration of Pentecost. For fifty days the Church has been immersed in the mystery of new life with the risen Lord, a mystery that draws us into the relationship of Jesus and the Father. In the Resurrection, Jesus breaks the bonds of human limitations and promises that we too will be raised. In the Ascension, the Father receives the beloved Son into the divine realm, and with the sending of the Spirit, we become a dwelling place of the Advocate, who reminds us all the Lord has told us. The coming of the Spirit is the birthday of the Church. ! ! Luke describes this divine intervention in human affairs with the sound of wind and tongues of fire divine energy that consumes and amazes the gathered assembly. The impact of the Spirit is destined to shape the Kingdom of God through the efforts of all those renewed by the Spiritincluding us.! ! The Spirit of Pentecost is not confined by language, place of origin, gender, or social status; it is a universal gift that reminds us to put flesh, bones, hands, and feet on the teachings of Christ. It calls us to the mighty works of God, speaking them ourselves and seeing them in others. The gift of the Spirit is our source of life, not only for fifty days, but every day.! 4! Children of God to be Remembered! In May Baby Brianna Doherty Peter Martel Matthew R. Pano Thomas “Tom” Russell Mark Salvucci Kathy Hanson ! P S !! PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY! ! Ministry MeetingsAll are welcome! ! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Monday after the 9:00am Mass until noon time, in the lower church. ! Ladies Sodality monthly meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th at noon in the lower level of the parish center.! Men’s Club monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday Evening, May 17th in the lower level of the parish center.! Portuguese Cursillo Prayer Service will be held on Wednesday May 18 at 7:900pm in the lower church.! MASS OF HEALING! On Saturday, May 21st at 11:00 am we will be celebrating our semi!annual Mass of Healing and the Sacrament of the Sick. All Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend, in particular the sick and those who care for them. This Healing Mass encompasses any physical, mental or spiritual illness, exhaustion, the elderly and the homebound. If you have a family member in need of a ride or assistance to come to this sacramental gathering, please call or email Mary Ellen at the Parish Center or This is a wonderful time for those parishioners who are ill and their caretakers to be blessed and rejuvenated in their faith life. If you cannot join us please keep all of them in your prayers. Celebrating Hudson’s 150th Anniversary! One of the ministries I chair as your Parish Nurse is the Prayer Shawl Ministry. I decided to take this opportunity to let you know a little about Prayer Shawl. Did you know there are a few devoted women in our parish who have dedicated themselves to making not only shawls but lap afghans (a shawl that covers one’s lap), skull caps for children and adults who have lost their hair from chemotherapy, or who just need a warm hat in the winter months? They also make caps for soldiers in combat areas to wear under their helmets. They have taken up making Baptismal Robes for our youngest parish members too. The men, women and children who are the recipients of their dedicated work range in age from infants to people in their 90’s. The reasons all vary for the items they make chronic illness, sickness or loss of a family member, hospitalizations, cancer, entering a nursing home or just a simple thing as much needed comfort. We call these articles HUGS FROM GOD. ! ! The making of a Prayer Shawl item is a spiritual experience for the “shawl” maker and many blessings are prayed into each and every article while it is being made. In addition to these prayers periodically I bring the items to the church where Fr. Ron blesses them during Mass on the weekend. “….May the one who receives this item, be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace and wrapped in love.” ! ! This is an ongoing ministry that meets on the second Wednesday of each month in the lower church at 1:30. Please come and join us if you wish to participate. If you used to knit or crochet but haven’t in a while and need a refresher, there will be someone there to help you get started again. New participants are always welcome. Requests for a shawl or other item can be made at any time by calling the Parish Center and leaving me a message. Each item is a tangible sign of God’s love and comfort for the recipient. The members of this ministry feel blessed to be able to offer their prayers while their hands are busy working in order to provide comfort and peace to others. Please keep our ministry and shawl makers in your On Tuesday May 17, 2016@7:00pm at the prayers. Thanks and God Bless, Mary Ellen, Parish Hudson Senior Center . “A River, A Dam Nurse.! and A Town²Hudson on the Assabet”.Sponsored by the Friends of the Senior Center, this slideshow presentation and seminar is led by resident historian Dick Gelpke. 5! ! Sunday Throughout theWeek! . Sharing the Gospel! The disciples must have missed spending time with Jesus after he went back to heaven. But they knew that the Holy Spirit would always be with them, helping them remember what Jesus taught them. The disciples kept learning about God and kept growing closer to him. The Holy Spirit will help you remember Jesus, too. ! Prayer! Dear God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit.. ! Something to Draw! Draw a picture of Jesus washing his friends' feet.! Mission for the Week! Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask him to help you learn more about Jesus.! 6! Regonini - Zoll Memorials Monuments Markers Cemetery Lettering 978-368-7539 LOUIS MONTI & SONS, INC. S&F Concrete Contractors, Inc. Monumental Craftsmen 978-562-3495 Family Owned & Operated Since 1918 241 Maple Street, Marlboro The Eastern Seaboard’s Largest and Finest Concrete Contractor 485-1990 166 Central Street PO Box 427, Hudson, MA Giggi’s Bridal & Mr. G’s Tuxedo Have all you need for first communion dresses and tuxedos. 51 Main St., Hudson, MA 978-568-3333 • HUDSON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Michael R. 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apresente-se aos padres e telefone ou visite o Centro Paroquial para se