Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel
Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel
Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel Pastor: Rev. Ron Calhoun - x301 Xaverian Assistant: Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X. Deacon: Dan Crimmins Pastoral Associate: Carmen Giombetti - x305 Religious Education Grades 6-11 and Youth Ministry Andrew Genovese - x310 Religious Education Grades 1-5 Pat Conte - x309 Director of Music: John Anthony Volpe 978-729-4226 Parish Nurse: Mary Ellen Bartlett 508-779-0020 Business Manager: Helena Siciliano - x304 Administrative Asst: Paula O’Brien - x300 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Phone: 978-562-2552 • Fax: 978-568-1761 @stmikes_hudson SAINT MICHAEL PARISH Mass Schedule Daily Mass Saturday June 21 4:00pm Peter Karpowicz Sunday June 22 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm Maria & José Figueiredo & deceased rel. Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas Martel Grace Ferreira Anastas Tiago Tavares Brazilian Mass Monday June 23 9:00am Abilio Fernandes Tuesday June 24 7:00am Michael Polk Wednesday June 25 9:00am James Gilroy Thursday June 26 7:00am Artur & Ana Roque Friday June 27 9:00am Maureen Chaisson Young Saturday June 28 Herminia and Francisco de Oliveira 9:00am 4:00pm Richard Donnelly Sunday June 29 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm Antonio C. Sousa Manuel F. Santos and deceased relatives Antonio C. Bairos & Filomena P. Chaves Ines Chaves and deceased relatives Brazilian Mass 9:00am - Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday – lower church 7:00am - Tuesday and Thursday – lower church Weekend Mass Schedule 4:00pm – Saturday – upper church 7:30am – Sunday – upper church 9:00am – Sunday – upper church 10:30am – Sunday – lower church 10:30am – Sunday – upper church/Portuguese Mass 12 noon – Sunday – lower church/Brazilian Mass Confessions are 2:30 – 3:30 pm on Saturdays If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member present the gifts, please see a Eucharistic Minister before the start of the Mass. Bread and Wine in Memory of Hugh M. Mill Lights and Candles in Memory of Maria and José Figueiredo Update: St. Michael Parish has raised $24,255 (64%) toward our 2014 Catholic Appeal goal of $37,798. Thank you to all who have helped make our campaign a success. Please give today to help us reach goal. Gifts can be made using a pledge form or online at On behalf of Cardinal Sean O’Malley and all who will benefit from your generosity, thank you for your support! Offertory Collection: Fuel Collection (in progress) Catholic Appeal (in progress) $ 7,506 $32,719* $24,255* June Second Collections Weekend of 28/29: Peter’s Pence The Fuel Collection is $2,281 away from our goal of $35,000. Thank you for your tremendous dedication and 2 HUDSON, MA Fr. Ron’s Ramblings Na semana passada em todas as missas apresentou-se o nosso novo ministro dos jovens e coordenador de formação de fé para os graus do sexto à confirmação. Andrew Genovese é o nome dele e enquanto sendo ainda novo faz ele ter mais experiência para ensinar educação religiosa ao grupo desta idade. A sua experiência em educação escolar é impressionante e a sua formação spiritual e a sua fe traràa novas etàpas aos nossos jovens. Last weekend at all of our Masses, our new Youth Minister and coordinator of faith formation for grades 6 through Confirmation introduced himself. Andrew Genovese is his name and while he is young, he has much experience teaching religious education to this age group. His educational background is impressive; and his spiritual formation and faith will bring a new depth to our young people. Andrew is very enthusiastic about bringing new life to our middle school program. His organized nature and attention to detail will help pull together the pieces! Of course as Andrew said, we are in need of catechists at all these grade levels. He intends to provide materials, guidance, and all the support anyone needs. So please consider stepping forth and helping the parish and helping Andrew accomplish his goal. He is a welcome addition to our staff and he has met both Abby and Belle and has been welcomed by them. O Andrew é muito entusiástico em trazer nova vida aos nossos estudantes dos programas dos graus das classes elementares, e a sua natureza de organização e atenção a detalhes porá todas as peças no seu lugar. Conserteza que como o Andrew disse necessitámos de catequistas para todos os graus. Ele pretende conseguir material, ajuda e o suporto que todos precisam. Por favor considere visitá-lo no centro paroquial para ajudar a paróquia e ajudar o Andrew a completar mais este novo objéctivo. Ele foi bem recebido pelo pessoal da paróquia e foi bem aceite pela Belle e pela Abby. Our K-5 program went smoothly this past year thanks to Pat Conte and her many volunteers and we look forward to the upcoming one in September. O nosso programa do K-5 correu bem este ano que passou graças à Pat Conte e aos seus ajudantes voluntários e nos estamos a preparar para uma nova experiência em Setembro se Deus quiser. On June 24 we are sponsoring a trip to Six Flags in Agawam for our altar servers, youth choir members, and youth group. My friend Fr. Bob and his altar servers will be joining us. Last year was a great day but as I remember it was one of the hottest days of the summer and us ‘older’ folks spent much time trying to find some shade. No dia 24 de Junho estamos oferecendo uma viagem ao Six Flags em Agawam para os assistentes do altar (sacristõens ), grupo coral e grupo de jovens . O meu amigo padre Bob e os seus sacristõens tambem nos vão acompanhar nesta Aventura. O ano passado foi um dia maravilhoso, mas eu me lembro ter sido um dos dias mais quente do Verão e nós mais idosos passamos mais o tempo procurando lugares com sombra. So let’s hope and pray the roller coasters are all running and we have a safe and fun trip! Vamos rezar e ter esperanca que as montanhas russas estejam todas a trabalhar e que nós tenhamos uma viagem agradável e segura. Que Deus vos abençoe e tenham uma boa semana!!! **Parish Office Hours** Monday - Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm 3 Please call or email us with any address or contact information changes! Thank you! THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Religious Education Gr K-5 Please refrain from bringing food, beverages or chewing gum into our Holy Church, unless it is a medical necessity. And please, silence your cell phone during Mass. Thank you! I hope you are all having a wonderful vacation time! Just a few reminders for you: Registrations are still being accepted. Kindergarten has a few remaining openings and we did add Monday afternoon for those families who wish to have that time slot. First and second graders should have their prayer booklet for the summer, if you have not collected yours, please do so as soon as possible. Notes from Music Ministry If you have any concerns or questions, please call the office any time between 10:30am and 4pm and I will assist you. Enjoy your family time together and God Bless! I hope to see and talk with you soon! Pat Conte, 978-562-7662 or e-mail Hymns that make you go Hmmm… Do you have a favorite hymn that you haven't heard in awhile but would like to? Call or text your request to John at 978-729-4226 or email! Youth Ministry and Participants Meet and Greet Do you love music? Do you love to worship our Lord through song? Are you vacationing in the area or visiting with family? Please feel free to join us in the choir section during any Mass and lend your voices to song!! We’d love to hear from you! We are holding a Meet and Greet for parents, youth ministry team members, and anyone involved in youth ministry on Thursday, June 26th from 6:00pm7:00pm in the Parish Center (ground floor) meeting room. Please plan to attend this brief meeting. One in body, heart and mind, Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe ————————————————————— Parish Photo Directory As you may already know, Mr. Andrew Genovese has been chosen among several candidates as our new dynamic Coordinator of Religious Education for Grades 6-11 (Edge/Confirmation) as well as Youth Ministry! The new beautiful Parish Photo Directories are IN! If you had your photo taken with us, you may pick up your free 8x10 photo and directory at the Parish Center Monday-Friday 9am-3pm. Scholarships Awarded to….. St. Michael Parish is please to award the Paula Sacco Scholarship, Ethel M. Duggan Scholarship and The Thimot Family Endowed Scholarship to Salvatore Maglione, who will be a sophmore at Marian High and Anthony Mollica who will be a junior at St. John's High School. These students will split the total of these scholarships. We wish the students great success next year in school and thank the families who made these scholarships possible. Walk to Aid Mothers and Children Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 1:30pm. Meeting on the Boston Common. Pre-register as a walker, start a team, or make a donation to a specific beneficiary: or call (617) 242-4199. 4 JUNE 22, 2014 EVENTS/MEETINGS/REMINDERS Ministry Meetings How are you, as a disciple of Christ, being called? Where can you best serve the Church and the community? For more information, visit, Ministries and Events page or email! Summer Book Study The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis Hosted by St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Center of Acton Take a leisurely look through this book, meeting just once a month over the summer. Feel welcome to come to any and all gatherings. You do not have to attend an earlier session to attend a later one. Discussion will be loosely broken into 3 sections, but emphasis of specific discussion will follow the interest of the group. Email Diahne Goodwin at for more info! Session 1 (June 16 or 19): Parts 1 - 3 (Chapters 1-12) Session 2 (July 21 or 24): Parts 4-6 (chapters 13- 24) Session 3 (August 18 or 21): Parts 7-10 (chapters 25-39 Readings for the Week of June 22, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Day: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sun: Day: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Mt 7:1-5 Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17 Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Mt 7:15-20 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Mt 7:21-29 Dt 7:6-11/1 Jn 4:7-16/Mt 11:25-30 Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Lk 2:41-51 Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19 Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Marian High School TUESDAY TOURS Looking for a high quality education? Join us for a tour, every Tuesday in July! Tours run from 9:00AM-2:00PM Open to ALL Contact the Admissions Office 508-875-7646 x203 5 PARISH NURSE JUNE IS MEN’S HEALTH MONTH This maintenance schedule for men serves as a reminder of YOUR need to take responsibility for safeguarding YOUR health. Regular check-ups and age-appropriate screenings can improve your health and reduce premature death and disability. You should consult your health care provider about the benefits of early screenings, especially if you are a member of a high risk group or have a family history of disease. PHYSICAL EXAM: Review overall health status---Every 3 years for ages 20-39, every 2 years for ages 40-49 and every year over the age of 50. BLOOD PRESSURE: At least every year. BLOOD AND URINE TESTS: Screens for various illnesses and diseases such as cholesterol, diabetes, kidney or thyroid dysfunction before symptoms occur. Every 3 years ages 20-39, every 2 years ages 40-49 and every year over age 50. EKG baseline at age 30. Every 4 years ages 40-49, every 3 years over age 50 and more frequently as directed by physician. RECTAL EXAM: Screens for hemorrhoids, lower rectal problems, colon and prostate cancer should be done yearly. PSA TEST: Levels rise when there is an abnormality such as an infection, enlargement or cancer. Should be done yearly over the age of 50 and earlier is family history or at discretion of physician. HEMOCCULT: Screens the stool for microscopic amounts of blood that can be the first indication of polyps or cancer should be done yearly. COLONOSCOPY: Examines the rectum and colon for cancer at its earliest and treatable stages. It also detects polyps that could progress to cancer if not found early. Should be done every 3-4 years over the age of 50 or more frequently is there is a family history or at discretion of your physician. SELF EXAMS: Testicles and breasts, to find lumps in early stages. Skin, to look for signs of changing moles, freckles or early skin cancer. Oral, to look for signs of cancerous lesions in the mouth. This information is provided to encourage you to begin a knowledgeable dialogue with your physician. Check with your health care provider about YOUR need for specific health screenings. CORPUS CHRISTI Sunday Throughout theWeek: Sharing the Gospel When God's people were in the desert with Moses, they got hungry. So, God gave them sweet manna from heaven every morning. It was all they needed to live. God sent Jesus to us from heaven, too, but he's much better than manna. Through Jesus, we can live forever with God. Prayer God, thank you for sending Jesus from heaven. Something to Draw Draw a picture of manna falling from the sky. In Memory/Honor of Joseph Albertini by Eugene and Paula Davis Joseph O. Bissonnette by Ronald R. Bissonette José Carvalho by Maria I. Monteiro Antonio F. Cunha by Irene Cunha The Family of Raymond J. Curley Jr. The Family of Antonio A. Gonçalves Antonio P. Monteiro by Irene Cunha Francisco Monteiro by Maria I. Monteiro John Monteiro by Maria I. Monteiro Joseph P. Monteiro by Irene Cunha Leonard E. Van Vorse by Leonard J. VanVorse Mission for the Week Every morning when you eat breakfast, spend time with Jesus. Trust God to give you all that you need. 6 LOUIS MONTI FOLEY & SONS A.R. CARVALHO FLOOR & TILE Grounds Maintenance & SONS, INC. SALE & INSTALLATION OF Regonini - Zoll Memorials Monuments Markers Cemetery Lettering 978-368-7539 S&F Concrete Contractors, Inc. 978-562-3495 Ceramic Tile ~ Linoleum ~ Carpet Hardwood Floors ~ Wallpaper Monumental Craftsmen THE FAUCETORIUM Plumbing Specialties SALES & INSTALLATION OF Tubs ~ Toilets ~ Sinks ~ Faucets The Eastern Seaboard’s Largest and Finest Concrete Contractor 241 Maple Street (978) 897-5698 (978) 897-6787 Fax (978) 897-0311 166 Central Street PO Box 427, Hudson, MA 485-1990 161 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 & Complete Landscaping (978) 779-6555 Customized Lawn Care Free Estimates Fully Insured 508-460-3405 Providing excellence in Catholic education since 1910 Immaculate Conception School Marlborough Pre-School through Grade 8. ICS warmly welcomes St. Michael’s families. HUDSON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Michael R. Girard 7 Tower St., Hudson Celebrating 25 years of helping Hardware • Paint Plumbing Equipment Rentals & Service people of all ages regain and maintain their health Family Owned and Operated 978-562-7316 978-562-6011 31 Washington St., Hudson ds Sell A is h t e k Li One! Advertising Sales Opportunities • Prior Outside Sales Experience Preferred • Base Pay - Plus Commissions & Bonuses • Medical & Dental Insurance • Generous 401K Employer Matching Contributions • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays Email Resume: or call Chris at (800) 477-4574 ext. 6224 Residential • Commercial & Industrial Plumbing License # 11900 978.562.2742 152 Manning St., Hudson This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Karla Naylor, 1-800-888-4574 x 3330 or email: FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MAY 22, 2014 8:37 AM ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672 Michael A. Cardinale, Jr. ACKERMAN MONUMENT CO. Master Electrician - Fully Insured Lic# A6682 JUNIPER FARMS / BOLTON OIL MONUMENTS • MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING JRRBC, INC. - Heating System Installations - Bottled Gas - Specializing in Custom-Made Monuments 562-5233 John D. Loureiro • Mary E. Loureiro 6 Colburn Circle Hudson, MA Juniper Road, PO Box 22 Hudson, Massachusetts 01749 Over 150 Monuments Set Up On Premises MA CSL#: 105131 • HIC#: 170249 15 Bonazzoli Ave. Hudson, MA Like us on Facebook! Additions • Remodels New Construction Sean Bairos phone: 978.618.4319 e-mail: (978) 562-5309 The Best in Glass and Service Cardinale Electric Co. Light - Power - Heat Falamos Portugues Infant • Toddler • Preschool • Pre-K 978-562-2332 Full Day Kindergarten (Hudson) Register now for September 2013 Bring in this ad and receive a 10% discount on your purchase. Hudson 978-562-6862 Bolton 779-6160 Hudson 562-3342 Marlboro 508-485-7380 Senior Home Care Meal Preparation • Errands Hourly or Live In Joe Chamberlain 142 North Road, Sudbury 978-287-2002 Owner: Life Long Saint Michael Parishioner Tighe-Hamilton Funeral Home Slattery Funeral Home Inc. Family Owned Since 1929 TH Thomas M. Hamilton - Funeral Director Pre-Planning • Pre-Payment 50 Central Street, Hudson ~ 978-562-3252 Directors At Home Arrangements 508-429-5465 2234 Washington St., Holliston “We help seniors stay at home.” Southborough 508-481-1437 Pre-Need Planning Offering Personalized Service for Over 50 Years Alan P. Slattery Regina Bonanno Slattery Scott A. Johnston Cremation Services Matt Whitters Prudential Prime Properties 433 Main Street, Hudson Cell (617) 763-8219 Maria G. Cabral Koral Real Estate Sales Person Off Street Parking C: 978-973-6043 508-485-0225 40 Pleasant St., Marlborough This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative 58 Main Street, Maynard, MA 01754 LAW OFFICES OF MOREIRA & FRIAS José P. Moreira, Esq. Richard Frias, Esq. 145 Main St. Hudson, MA 01749 Karla Naylor, 1-800-888-4574 x 3330 or email: FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MAY 22, 2014 8:37 AM Tel: (978) 562-3456 Fax: (978) 568-8028 ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672
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