Troubleshooting Trusteer Rapport


Troubleshooting Trusteer Rapport
Are you getting the "Download Rapport" splash screen
even though you already have Rapport installed?
In most cases, a simple reboot of your computer will help address issues with the splash page appearing.
WHY? Rapport works to assure that your system with the most recent updates available. Sometimes,
when an update to your browser, operating system or even Rapport itself is installed, the system needs
a reboot to finalize those updates. To maintain the health of your computer, you should frequently do a
reboot of your machine to assure all system updates have been installed. Regardless of having Rapport
installed, a frequent reboot of your machine is a good idea!!
Still having issues with the splash or other issues with Rapport?
The following pages of this guide are provided by IBM Trusteer in an effort to help troubleshoot the
most common tasks. We don’t expect you to be a technical expert. If you continue to have problems
and this guide is not helpful, please reach out to us for help. Our Treasury Management Support team
can assist you in troubleshooting, and we can also access IBM’s technical support if the issue is complex.
There are options to help.
Treasury Management Support
800-844-1720 OPTION 1
We understand your time is valuable!
Our goal with requiring Trusteer Rapport is to protect your business from
fraudsters. Balancing the need to protect your online banking experience (and
the challenges that entails) with your need to quickly access online banking
functionality can sometimes be a challenge. In most situations, Rapport will work
quietly in the background. In the event you do have an issue, we’ll work to get
your issues resolved as quickly as possible.
Information Guide
Trusteer Rapport
Support Guide
March 2016
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation Issues
Installation Best Practices
Common installation problems:
1. Prevunis
2. Error Extracting Setup Package
3. Installation Stuck in “Select Destination” (Mac only)
4. Windows Installation Error 1638
5. Windows Installation Error 16xx (1625, 1601 etc.)
6. This Version of Windows does not Support Digital Signatures
7. Installation Ended Prematurely
Important Links for this Section
3. The Trusteer Rapport Icon
For PC Users
For Mac Users
Important links for this section:
4. Splash
Splash Keeps Appearing when Trusteer Rapport is not Installed
Troubleshooting steps:
Splash Keeps Appearing but Trusteer Rapport is Already Installed
Troubleshooting for PC Users
Troubleshooting for Mac Users
Important Links for this Section:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
5. Performance Issues
Rapport System Requirements
Slowed Computer or Browser
High CPU or Memory Usage
Important Links for this Section:
6. Interoperability
Password Managers
Screen Capturing Software
I Keep Getting “Password Incorrect” when Logging in
Visually Impaired Mode (Screen Readers or Magnifiers)
Important Links for this Section:
7. Uninstall
Uninstall Best Practices
Safe Uninstall Utility
Important links for this section:
8. Other Issues
Important links for this section:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
1. Introduction
This guide lists the most common questions and requests Trusteer Rapport users send to Technical Support.
Each topic contains general information, troubleshooting steps, and relevant links to the Trusteer website
on the topic.
Please read through the best practices in each section, as they may assist you in better understanding
the different problems you might encounter.
If your problem is not resolved once you have exhausted all troubleshooting steps, please feel free
to escalate the issue to the Treasury Management Support team for further investigation.
If you wish to contact Trusteer directly, please submit a problem report via the Trusteer Rapport console.
This sends Trusteer Support the relevant information from their computer such as Trusteer Rapport logs
and configurations, which assist Trusteer Support in solving the issue.
To submit a problem, follow the instructions below:
For PC users: Select Start menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Rapport console > Help and
Support > Report a Problem
For Mac users: Select System Preferences > Other > Rapport > Report a Problem
Additionally, our website specifies different ways to contact support, such as email, live chat or over the phone.
The website can be accessed through eh following link:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
2. Installation Issues
Trusteer provides a short and simple installation process which does not require any technical knowledge
from the end user. However, in certain cases users may encounter different problems when trying to install
Trusteer Rapport. Most of these problems have quick and easy fixes as described in the following sections.
Installation Best Practices
Before attempting to install, please verify your system is compatible with Trusteer Rapport. You can check
this in the System Requirements and Compatibility with Other Security Software pages on our website.
The best way to install Trusteer Rapport is by downloading it directly from the splash. However, you can
always refer users to download Trusteer Rapport from the Installation page on our site. This page
presents a list of banks along with an install file for each bank. You should use the install file for Old
National as this guarantees that you enjoy the specifications Old National has chosen for the Trusteer
Rapport configuration.
When running the installation wizard be sure to check the box by I’ve read and agreed with Trusteer End User
License Agreement. To review the End User License Agreement, click on View License Agreement and you will
be redirected to the License Agreement on our site.
Clicking on Advanced allows you to install Trusteer Rapport in Visually Impaired Mode. This mode is
recommended when using assistive technologies such as screen readers or screen magnifiers to avoid
possible conflicts (more information can be found in the Interoperability section).
Once the installation process completes, be sure to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
For further assistance installing, please refer to our Installation Instructions and our Learning Center for
video demos of the installation process.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
Common installation problems:
1. Prevunis
If you have uninstalled Trusteer Rapport and wish to reinstall, you must first restart your computer. If you
try to reinstall without restarting the computer after uninstalling, you will be presented with this message:
Simply restart the computer and try again.
2. Error Extracting Setup Package
To install Trusteer Rapport we use a 2-phase installation: The user downloads RapportSetup.exe (a
bootstrap file). When this file is executed, it downloads the full installation file. If this download fails, which
is usually due to firewalls blocking the download, you will see the following message:
In this case the link to the direct download for the full installation file can be used: http://www.trusteer.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
3. Installation Stuck in “Select Destination” (Mac only)
The Mac installation wizard allows the user to select the destination to which they install Trusteer Rapport. In
some cases, users may say they are unable to proceed past this stage and the Continue button is greyed out.
This means that they are using an old and unsupported version of Mac OS X operating system. Trusteer
Rapport can only be installed on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or newer, as stated in our Supported
4. Windows Installation Error 1638
This usually means the user is trying to install a new version of Trusteer Rapport on top of a very old version.
To fix this, follow two simple steps:
1. Remove all Trusteer Rapport folders according to these instructions.
2. Run the Windows Cleanup Utility, downloaded directly from Microsoft.
Restart the computer and try again.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
5. Windows Installation Error 16xx (1625, 1601 etc.)
Any message similar to the above that contains an error code other than 1638, usually indicates a corrupt
Windows Installer. We treat this issue in different ways, depending on the OS:
For Windows XP/Vista/Server:
1. Update the Windows Installer directly from the Microsoft website.
2. Restart the computer and try installing Trusteer Rapport again.
For Windows 7/8:
1. Verify that the installer’s service is enabled:
a. Open the list of services by opening the “Run” command (Windows key + ‘R’ key) and typing:
b. Locate Windows Installer Service in the list, then right-click it and choose Properties. Make sure the
Startup Type is set to Manual.
c. Restart the computer and check if the problem persists.
2. If the problem persists, try to register the Windows Installer again:
a. Open the “Run” command (Windows key + ‘R’ key), and then type:
msiexec /unreg
And click OK. On the confirmation message, click OK again.
b. Once again open the “Run” command (Windows key + ‘R’ key), and then type:
msiexec /regserver
And click OK. On the confirmation message, click OK again.
c. Restart the computer and try again.
3. If the problem still persists, access the Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories. Right-click on Command
Prompt and choose Run as Administrator. Type in
sfc.exe /scannow
And let the process run. When it finishes try to install Trusteer Rapport again.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
6. This Version of Windows does not Support Digital Signatures
This message appears when crypt32.dll, an important Windows system file, is either missing or corrupt. The
customer probably is experiencing difficulties installing other programs as well, and has to contact Microsoft
to retrieve the missing system file.
7. Installation Ended Prematurely
Users often describe the problem as “installation rollback”, since the installation process begins normally and
then the progress bar rolls back to the beginning. They may be presented with the following message:
This is usually a problem in the operating system and a few items need to be checked:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
1. Remove all Trusteer Rapport folders according to these instructions. Restart the computer and
try again.
2. If the problem persists, verify the following system files exist on the computer:
a. c:\windows\system32\SRCLIENT.dll
b. c:\windows\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
c. For Windows XP: c:\windows\system32\wbem
For Windows Vista/7/8: c:\windows\system32
If any of these files does not exist, the user needs to contact Microsoft to retrieve the missing
system files.
3. Try to create any internet shortcut on the computer:
a. Right-click on the desktop, then select New > Shortcut
b. Type in
c. Select Next > Finish.
If this does not work, there may be a fundamental problem with the operating system blocking many
installation types. Once again this needs to be sorted out with Microsoft.
4. Right-click on My Computer, then select Properties > Advanced tab > Environment variables. Look for
the PATH variable and make sure the “Variable Value” field begins with the string:
If it does not begin with that string, please add the string to the beginning of the field.
If the PATH variable does not exist, create it by going to System Variables > New. Name the variable
“PATH” and copy the string above to the Variable Value field.
Click OK on all open menus and try installing Trusteer Rapport again.
5. If this is still unsuccessful, please escalate the issue to the Trusteer Technical Support team.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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Important Links for this Section
• System Requirements:
• Compatibility with other security software:
• Installation links:
End User License Agreement:
• Installation instructions:
• Learning Center:
• Removing Trusteer Rapport folders:
• Full installation file:
• Update Windows Installer (Windows XP/Vista/Server only):
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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3. The Trusteer Rapport Icon
After installing Trusteer Rapport, the Trusteer Rapport icon should appear in the right-hand side of your
browser’s address bar:
It turns green on protected sites (such as your bank’s site) and grey on all other sites. The user can manually
protect additional sites by clicking on the grey icon and selecting Protect this site.
The Trusteer website contains screenshots similar to the one above, which you can always use to verify what
the icon is supposed to look like and if it is indeed missing:
A common issue from users is that the Trusteer Rapport icon is missing. This issue requires a bit of
troubleshooting, as it can have several different causes and solutions.
For PC Users
1. Restart the computer – after installing Trusteer Rapport, the icon does not appear until the first restart.
2. Verify you are using a supported browser by checking the supported platforms at the following link:
3. Verify you are using the latest version of Trusteer Rapport. You can check the Trusteer Rapport version
in the Trusteer Rapport console (Start Menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Rapport Console),
under “Product Settings”.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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4.Check for possible conflicts with other programs:
Note: Not every conflict is related to the icon. Clicking on the name of a program in the list in the
link above shows exactly what kind of conflict it might cause, and how to solve it.
Main products that might cause this (click on a product for more details):
• ZoneAlarm Extreme Virtualization feature
• Sandboxie
• Kaspersky 2013 Safe Money feature
5. Verify the user did not accidently hide the Trusteer Rapport icon. In the Trusteer Rapport console,
the second line under Product Settings should be “Address bar icon: visible (hide)”. If it appears as
“Address bar icon: hidden (show)”, click on “show” and restart the browser.
6. If the problem persists, ask the user to submit a problem report from the Trusteer Rapport console.
You can do this by clicking on Report a problem, under Help and Support. This sends the Trusteer
Technical Support team important information for further investigating the problem.
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For Mac Users
1. Restart the computer – after installing Trusteer Rapport, the icon will not appear until the first restart.
2. Verify you are using a supported browser at the following link:
Note: Google Chrome is currently supported on Windows only.
3. Verify you are using the latest version of Trusteer Rapport. You can check the Trusteer Rapport version
in the Trusteer Rapport console (System Preferences > Other > Rapport), under “Product Settings”.
4. Check for possible conflicts with other programs at the following link:
Note: Not every conflict is related to the icon. Clicking on the name of a program in the list in the
link above shows exactly what kind of conflict it might cause, and how to solve it.
Main products that might cause this (click on a product for more details):
• iAntivirus
• Application Enhancer
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5. Try to force-quit the browser (CMD+Q), re-open it and check if the icon appears. If it does, it means
the browser comes up on computer startup, before Trusteer Rapport starts. To fix this, verify the
a. The browser is not set to start automatically on startup:
i. For Snow-Leopard OS (10.6): Go to System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items. If the
browser appears in the list, remove it.
ii. For Lion and Mountain Lion OS (10.7 and 10.8): Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups >
Login Items. If the browser appears in the list, remove it.
b. Make sure not to mark the checkbox for “Reopen windows when logging in” when shutting down
or rebooting the computer.
Restart the computer and check if the icon is still missing.
6. If the problem persists, ask the user to submit a problem report from the Trusteer Rapport console.
You can do this by clicking on Report a problem at the bottom left corner. This will send the Trusteer
Technical Support team important information for further investigating the problem.
Important links for this section:
• Screenshot of the Trusteer Rapport icon:
• Supported platforms:
• Compatibility with other security software:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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4. Splash
Users may complain about the splash screen promoting Trusteer Rapport which appears when trying to
login to their online banking account. This occurs with several different issues so it is imperative to first
understand exactly when this message appears and whether or not Trusteer Rapport is installed.
Splash Keeps Appearing when Trusteer Rapport is not Installed
Most splash screens have the option to click on No, thanks or Remind me later. If the customer selects the
Remind me later option the splash reappears every once in a while depending on the configuration the
bank chose when implementing the splash in the website. If the splash appears up to once a week this is
considered normal, however, if it reappears every day or on every login, it might be a problem.
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Verify that the browser is set to save or allow cookies. Instructions can be found on our site:
2. Verify the browser is not set to delete cookies when closed:
a. For Internet Explorer: Go to Internet Options > General. Verify “Delete browsing history on exit” is
not marked.
b. For Google Chrome: Go to Settings > Privacy > Content Settings. Verify “Keep local data only until I
quit my browser” is not marked.
c. For Mozilla Firefox: Go to Tools > Options > Privacy. Verify “Always clear my private data when I
close Firefox” is not marked.
3. Try to clear cookies and login again. The customer will see the splash on the first attempt, but after
clicking on “No, thanks” it should not reoccur. For instructions refer to:
4. If the problem persists escalate this to the Trusteer Technical Support team.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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Splash Keeps Appearing but Trusteer Rapport is Already Installed
The splash screen should recognize if Trusteer Rapport is already installed and only appear when it is not
installed. Hence, when troubleshooting a splash issue, always first verify if Trusteer Rapport is installed and
working properly.
Troubleshooting for PC Users
1. Restart the computer and try again.
2. Verify you are using the latest version of Trusteer Rapport. You can check the Trusteer Rapport
version in the Trusteer Rapport console (Start Menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Rapport
Console), under “Product Settings”.
If you are using an old version, download the latest version from your bank’s site and try again.
3. Check if the Trusteer Rapport icon appears in the browser’s address bar. You can use these
a. The icon does not appear – Treat as described above under “The Rapport icon”.
b. The icon appears but is grey on a protected site – Escalate to Trusteer Technical Support.
c. The icon appears and is green when the splash appears – proceed as below.
4. Restart the browser and try again.
5. If the problem persists, try to clear browser cookies and check if the splash still appears. For
6. If this does not solve the problem, it may be a networking problem. Try some advanced
a. Disable IPv6 – Go to Control Panel > Network and sharing center > Local area connection >
Properties. Verify “Internet Protocol Version 6” is unmarked.
b. Add the splash to Internet Explorer’s trusted sites – Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security >
Trusted Sites. Add
c. Ask the customer to browse to If the browser shows
“403-forbidden”, it means the user has a firewall, web filter or proxy server that is blocking the splash
and they need to add as an exception to these services.
7. If the problem persists, ask the user to submit a problem report from the Trusteer Rapport console.
You can do this by clicking on Report a problem, under Help and Support. This will send the
Trusteer Technical Support team important information for further investigating the problem.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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Troubleshooting for Mac Users
1. Restart the computer and try again.
2. Verify you are using the latest version of Trusteer Rapport. You can check the Trusteer Rapport
version in the Trusteer Rapport console (System Preferences > Other > Rapport), under “Product
If you are using an old version, download the latest version from your bank’s site and try again.
3. Check if the Trusteer Rapport icon appears in the browser’s address bar. You can use these
a. The icon does not appear – Treat as described above under “The Rapport Icon”.
b. The icon appears but is grey on a protected site – Escalate to Trusteer Technical Support.
c. The icon appears and is green when the splash appears – proceed as below.
4. Try to force-quit the browser (CMD+Q), re-open it and check if the splash still appears. If it does, it
might mean that the browser starts on computer startup before Trusteer Rapport starts. To fix this,
verify the following:
a. The browser is not set to start automatically on startup:
i. For Snow-Leopard OS (10.6): System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items. If the browser
appears in the list, remove it.
ii. For Lion and Mountain Lion OS (10.7 and 10.8): System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login
Items. If the browser appears in the list, remove it.
b. Make sure not to mark the checkbox for “Reopen windows when logging in” when shutting down
or rebooting the computer.
Restart the computer and check if the splash screen still appears.
5. If the problem persists, ask the user to submit a problem report from the Trusteer Rapport console.
You can do this by clicking on Report a problem at the bottom left corner. This will send the Trusteer
Technical Support team important information for further investigating the problem.
Important Links for this Section:
• Saving and allowing cookies:
• Deleting cookies:
• The Trusteer Rapport icon:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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5. Performance Issues
If the computer complies with Trusteer Rapport’s System Requirements, installing Trusteer Rapport should not
affect performance in any way. Please be sure you have sufficient resources before installing Trusteer Rapport:
Rapport System Requirements
• CPU: Intel Pentium 800 MHz or better
• Memory: 1024 MB RAM or higher
• CPU: Intel Core or better
• Memory: 512 MB RAM or more
Slowed Computer or Browser
In rare scenarios, Trusteer Rapport may cause slowness to the computer. This slowness is usually experienced
when opening the browser or browsing to different websites. Please note that while Trusteer takes these
issues very seriously, slight slowness is expected after installing any new security program. Since slowness is
a problem that might sometimes be hard to detect or analyze, always first verify that the slowness is indeed
related to Trusteer Rapport.
To investigate, follow these steps:
1. Try to stop Trusteer Rapport and use the computer normally for a few minutes, to see if the slowness
is consistent with Trusteer Rapport running. You can also try to start Trusteer Rapport again and see if
the slowness resumes.
To stop/start Trusteer Rapport: Start menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Stop/Start Rapport
Note: When Trusteer Rapport is stopped it has no further effect on the browser. If the slowness
persists it indicates the problem is unrelated to Trusteer Rapport.
2. Verify the computer has sufficient RAM:
a. Press the Windows key and the “R” key together, and in the Run Command Box type:
Click on OK.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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b. On the left bar, select System Summary and scroll all the way down to view the “Total Physical
Memory” and “Available Physical Memory”.
If the computer has less than 1 GB total physical memory, or 100MB available physical memory,
it cannot run Trusteer Rapport.
3. If the computer has sufficient RAM and the slowness is associated with Trusteer Rapport, escalate
this issue to the Trusteer Technical Support team for further investigation.
High CPU or Memory Usage
Trusteer Rapport normally uses two services which should appear in the task manager at all times:
RapportService.exe and RapportMgmtService.exe.
The following table shows normal memory and CPU consumption for these services:
Up to 40MB
Up to 15MB
Short CPU spikes are normal during Trusteer Rapport operations such as opening the browser, logging into
an account or opening the Trusteer Rapport console. However, customers may sometimes complain about
Trusteer Rapport consuming high resources, when it is actually within the normal amount.
If a customer complains about high CPU or memory consumption, please verify the following information:
1. Which process? (RapportService.exe or RapportMgmtService.exe)
2. Which resource? (Memory or CPU)
3. How much CPU/Memory is this process consuming?
If this resource consumption is indeed above the normal amount, please refer this customer to the Trusteer
Technical Support Team.
Important Links for this Section:
• Trusteer Rapport system requirements:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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6. Interoperability
Trusteer Rapport uses a multi-layered security system which blocks malware and malicious activity from
your online browsing in many different ways. Unfortunately, these security mechanisms may sometimes
conflict with legitimate programs. In case of such conflicts you can choose to edit or disable the relevant
security policies.
To edit security policy settings:
1. Open the Trusteer Rapport Console (Start Menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Rapport
2. Click on the green arrow to go to the next page.
3.Under Security Policy, click on Edit Policy
4. Type in the security code as it appears on screen and click on OK.
5. After making any change to the policy, click on Save and restart the computer for the changes to
take effect.
Note that after disabling one of Trusteer Rapport’s mechanisms, you are not protected by it. While you are
still protected by all other Trusteer Rapport protection layers, we always recommend leaving the policies
at their default state. If you are not sure which changes you made, you can always restore to the default
settings by clicking on Restore Defaults.
Password Managers
Processes on your computer can access the browser and read sensitive information or tamper with your
transactions. When you are connected to a protected website Trusteer Rapport blocks processes from
accessing the browser regardless of whether the process is malicious or not. Unfortunately, this may cause
Trusteer Rapport to block legitimate programs trying to access the browser, such as password managers
and fingerprint verifiers.
If your password manager has stopped working after installing Trusteer Rapport, please disable the policy
Block access to information inside the browser.
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Screen Capturing Software
Trusteer Rapport blocks screen capture attempts while browsing a protected website. Programs on your
computer that try to capture the screen get a black image. Malware might try to capture the screen when
sensitive information (such as personal information) is presented. If you try to manually take a screen
capture while on a protected site, Trusteer Rapport presents a message asking you to approve this screen
capture. Unfortunately, this may block legitimate snipping tools and screen capturing utilities. Additionally,
some screen sharing and remote access tools using screen capturing technologies may be blocked.
If your snipping tool or remote access tool is blocked or presents with blank or black screens, please
disable the policy Block screen capturing.
Trusteer Rapport encrypts all keystrokes as they travel to the browser and hides them from malicious
programs (keyloggers) or malicious software components in the operating system (Kernel keyloggers) that
try to read and send keystrokes to attackers. If you have other encrypting or anti-keylogging programs (also
known as keyscramblers) on your computer, their encryption and decryption processes may conflict with
Trusteer Rapport, causing your keystrokes to come up as different letters than you originally typed. Two
major programs which may cause this issue are Constant Guard (supplied by Comcast) and ZoneAlarm
Extreme, both containing keyscrambling features.
Unfortunately, Trusteer is not always aware of these programs on your computer, as they may sometimes
be part of a larger anti-virus package, or even the keyboard driver. For these purposes Trusteer Rapport
has a conflict detection mechanism which scans for these conflicts and disables the appropriate policies
upon installation.
However, if you still notice that your keystrokes are not presented properly as you type, please disable the
Activate Character Replacement and Activate Kernel Character Replacement policies.
I Keep Getting “Password Incorrect” when Logging in
If a customer complains about “password incorrect” error messages when logging in, even though the
password is indeed correct, it is most likely a scrambled keys issue. For some pages, Trusteer Rapport only
encrypts the sensitive data or even just the password. Since the password field is usually hidden, users do
not see that the text they are typing is coming out wrong. In this case, try to disable the Activate Character
Replacement and Activate Kernel Character Replacement policies to verify this is indeed the problem.
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Visually Impaired Mode (Screen Readers or Magnifiers)
Some of Trusteer Rapport’s security mechanisms may conflict with assistive technologies for the visually
impaired, such as screen readers or screen magnifiers. Additionally, any change in the Trusteer Rapport
settings requires the user to submit a CAPTCHA which is a security code which cannot be read by
automatic programs.
In order to allow these customers to enjoy the added security that Trusteer Rapport offers, we have
enabled an installation mode designed for the visually impaired. Installing Trusteer Rapport in this mode
automatically disables policies which may conflict with these assistive technologies.
To install Trusteer Rapport in Visually Impaired mode, download and run the Trusteer Rapport installation
file normally. In the installation wizard, click on Advanced and check the box next to I am visually impaired
and regularly use assistive screen reader technologies. Click on Continue and proceed with the installation.
Important Links for this Section:
• Compatibility page:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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7. Uninstall
Uninstalling Trusteer Rapport can be done by a few short and simple steps. However, for security purposes
we might require the user to enter a CAPTCHA or password to verify it is not a malicious removal attempt.
Uninstall Best Practices
The best way to uninstall Trusteer Rapport is via the Control Panel > Programs and Features (or “Add/
Remove Programs”). Double-click on Trusteer Rapport to open the uninstall wizard. If you have any events
in the Trusteer Rapport Activity Report, or if Trusteer Rapport is blocking any malware, you will first be
informed of these events. If Trusteer Rapport is blocking malware we strongly recommend not to proceed
with the uninstall process as the malware might become active upon the removal of Trusteer Rapport.
Before the beginning uninstall, you are presented with an offer to contact the Trusteer Technical Support
team. If you are removing Trusteer Rapport due to technical problems, please click on “Connect now” to
start a live chat session with a support representative. To continue with the uninstall process click on “No
thanks, uninstall now”. You are then presented with a CAPTCHA. Enter the security code as it appears on
the screen and Trusteer Rapport is removed from the computer.
For further assistance uninstalling, please refer to the Uninstall Instructions on our site and the Learning
Center for video demos of the process.
Safe Uninstall Utility
In order to verify the Trusteer Safe Uninstall Utility is not wrongfully used by malicious operations it is not
installed during the Trusteer Rapport installation. However, if the normal uninstall process fails, the user is
presented with the following message:
This message is usually due to the uninstall process being blocked by other programs on the computer.
Clicking on the link redirects you to the Safe Uninstall Utility request form in which you can insert your
name and email address and are automatically emailed a download link to the uninstall utility. This process
secures the utility’s distribution and allows the users to safely remove Trusteer Rapport from their computer.
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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The uninstall utility is very simple to run and follow as you can see in the instructions for running the
uninstall utility on our site and the video demos in the Learning Center.
If customers complain about any problem uninstalling Trusteer Rapport, you can refer them to request
the uninstall utility. If this does not solve the problem reported, please escalate the matter to Trusteer
Technical Support.
Important links for this section:
• Uninstall instructions:
• Learning Center:
• Safe Uninstall Utility request:
• Safe Uninstall Utility instructions -
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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8. Other Issues
If you encounter a problem with Trusteer Rapport or a computer running Trusteer Rapport which is not
mentioned in this guide, please try several general troubleshooting steps:
1. Restart the computer and check if the problem persists.
2. Verify the computer is running an updated version of Trusteer Rapport.
To check the Trusteer Rapport version:
For PC users: Start Menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Rapport Console. The version
should appear under “Product Settings”.
For Mac users: System Preferences > Other > Rapport. The version should appear under “Product
If Trusteer Rapport is outdated please download the latest version from our site, restart the
computer and check if the problem has been resolved.
3. Check which other programs are installed on the computer, and if they may be conflicting with
Trusteer Rapport. You can verify this by navigating to the compatibility page on our site.
4. If the problem is on a certain browser, verify this browser is indeed supported and updated to its
latest version. For more information see the list of our supported platforms.
5. If the problem may not necessarily be related to Trusteer Rapport. Please verify it is indeed
consistent with Trusteer Rapport by stopping Trusteer Rapport and checking if the problem persists.
You can also try starting Trusteer Rapport back on again to check if the problem resumes.
To stop and start Rapport:
For PC users: Start Menu > All Programs > Trusteer Rapport > Stop/Start Rapport
For Mac users: System Preferences > Other > Rapport > Stop Rapport.
If these steps do not solve the problem, please escalate the matter to the Trusteer Technical Support
Team as detailed in the first chapter.
Important links for this section:
• Updating Rapport:
• Compatibility with other security software:
• Supported platforms:
Trusteer Rapport Customer Support Center > Troubleshooting Guide
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