April 2014 Newsletter - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc


April 2014 Newsletter - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc
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“For I was hungry and you gave me food.” Matthew 25: 35
April 2014
Vol. 2 Issue 30
Quarterly Newsletter of the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort, Inc., Established 1991
Illinois and West
Virginia lead states
in allowing CCDRE
to help disaster
victims in 2014
Due to tornadoes racing
through Illinois the last part of
2013, CCDRE was able to deliver
$530,469.03 to survivors in the
Brookport and Washington areas.
Our thanks to the N. Crockett
St. Church of Christ for their
cooperation in allowing CCDRE to
deliver loads of new furniture, bed
sets and mattresses, appliances,
refrigerators, and stoves to the
disaster survivors.
The Eureka Church of Christ in
Washington, IL also worked with
CCDRE and allowed cleaning
supplies, baby and personal care
products, loads of new furniture,
food, washing machines, dryers,
refrigerators, stoves, and linens to
be delivered for distribution to
disaster survivors.
West Virginia suffered a severe
chemical spill in January, and with
the cooperation of the Kanawha
City Church of Christ in Charleston,
CCDRE was able to deliver plastic
plates, cups, baby wipes, hand
sanitizer and loads of bottled water
to the survivors. Drinking water
was a severe problem.
Thanks to the Cross Lanes
Church, a load of bottled water →
Distracted Driving Equals Disasters
Distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways.
April has been assigned the “National Distracted Driving Awareness and
Enforcement Month.”
This risky activity can divert a person’s attention away from the
primary task of driving, while endangering the safety of the driver,
passengers, and bystanders. In 2012, there were 3,328 people killed and
421,000 injured nationwide in crashes involving distracted driving.
Text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from
the driver, and is by far the most alarming distraction. Take your time
and make wise choices while driving, and you may avoid a disaster. Pull
off the road at a safe location if you receive a call or if it is necessary to
make a text message or call. 
“The Lord is good to
those whose hope is in
Him, to the one who seeks
Him. It is good to wait
quietly for the salvation of
the Lord.”
An aerial view of CCDRE at
410 Allied Dr., Nashville, TN
was delivered to that location to be
distributed to the chemical spill
survivors in that area.
Plastic plates, cups, baby
products, hand sanitizer, and many
loads of water were delivered to the
Danville Church in Danville, West
A load of bottled water was
also delivered to the Madison, West
Virginia Church. CCDRE apprecites the excellent cooperation. 
- Writer of Lamentations
“Hope, like faith and a
purpose in life, is medicinal.
That is not exactly a statement
of belief but a conclusion
controlled scientific experiment.”
- Dr. Harold Wolff, Professor
of medicine at Cornell
University Medical College,
and Associate Professor
of Psychiatry.
Joe L. Dudney
Vice President/Executive Director
A story I remember from years
ago is one that I would like to tell
because it sums up what we do, our
purpose and what keeps us going.
In January, 1998, upstate New
York had a bad ice storm. We sent
truckloads of supplies to help
Plattsburgh, Massena, and Watertown, NY. Sometime later, after
things had somewhat returned to
normal, I received a phone call from
a woman who lived west of Watertown, up in the Adirondack
Mountains. Her home was very
secluded, and roads to her place
were closed. She had been cut off
before, so she knew how to prepare
for these hard times, but not for the
number of days this ice storm had
cut her off. She rationed her food
into a number of meals. At first she
was eating 2 prepared meals a day,
but knew she still had many days
before things opened back up, so
she began eating 1 meal a day. The
day after she had eaten her last
meal, she was worried and didn’t
know what to do. She was out →
of food, and water was also running
out. She had never prayed but
believed that there was someone
more powerful in the heavens. She
laid face down on the floor and tried
to speak to this person she knew
was in charge. She explained that
she said, “I am out of food and
water, I am hungry and thirsty, and
would you please help me?” At that
very minute, she heard a knock at
the door. She opened it, and there
stood a fireman carrying a food box
from Churches of Christ Disaster
Relief. She spoke to the fireman
about what had just happened, and
the fireman went to his truck and
brought her a second food box.
She had called to tell me about
her first request from God, to thank
us for helping her, and to tell us
what else had taken place since that
day. Once she was able to get out,
she began visiting the Church of
Christ that had helped get the food.
She met the people at the church,
people that cared for her and for
what was going on in her life. She
started attending worship, and
listening, and she studied the Bible
with them. She had recently been
baptized and was calling to thank us
for saving her physical life, while
through Christ, she had also saved
her spiritual life, and is now a
member of the Lord’s Church.
This is our purpose, and our
prayer is that people’s hearts will be
touched by the love shown by a
local group of God’s people
wanting to help their neighbor in a
time of need by taking food and
supplies that CCDRE is able to
provide. All of this can only be
done because so many continue to
support what we are doing. This is
all done to the glory of God.
Please continue to help us in
trying to bring others to Christ. We
thank each of you for your prayers
and your support for CCDRE. 
Ralph Coles
There was recently severe
flooding in Colorado, and we
delivered washing machines, dryers,
refrigerators, stoves, and a load of
bed sets and mattresses to the LongMont Church of Christ to be distributed to the flood survivors.
Flood cleanup in Longmont, Colorado
Many in Florida depend on the
sea for their livelihood. After one
of the seafood industries was
destroyed, CCDRE delivered a load
of canned goods and dried peaches
to the Franklin Church of Christ in
East Point, FL to help those who
were hurt by that destruction. →
(see Coles page 3)
Coles, from page 2
In addition to the cities already
mentioned, we were able to deliver
a load of food to the Bywater
Church of Christ in New Orleans,
LA after a hurricane recently struck
that area.
A load of food was also
delivered to the Belpre Church of
Christ in Belpre, Ohio after
flooding in that city.
much needed improvements made
to our warehouse facility.
We always extend our thanks
to all of our many volunteers who
work at the Operations Center. We
appreciate our indispensable truck
drivers who deliver supplies to
locations all across the U.S.
Please keep CCDRE in your
prayers, and come to see us
whenever you can. 
A typical scene at a distribution center
where local volunteers distribute items to
disaster survivors
We appreciate all types of
communications concerning disaster locations, and we confirm and
investigate these reports and
respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks for all the help.
I enjoyed four days in
Montgomery, AL while attending
the Faulkner Lectureship, and met
and greeted visitors who passed by
CCDRE’s display. The association
with other vendors, students, and
visitors was good exposure for
We are thankful for the →
Tim Larkin, author of
“Survive the Unthinkable,” has
trained more than 48,000 people to
protect themselves from attackers in
the past 2 decades. Following are
some helpful tips:
Be aware. The biggest issue is
awareness. If you walk or run
while plugged into a digital device,
it makes you less likely to notice if
someone is approaching you.
Don’t ignore your intuition.
Notice when something doesn’t feel
right, and get away.
Know what you don’t know.
Don’t presume an attacker will
behave as you would. When you
confront someone, you have no idea
how they will respond. People talk
about trying to live without fear, but
fear is actually biologically fantastic
for you. What you should worry
about is panic, and that is due to a
lack of information. 
Dwane Casteel
Greetings from lovely Charles
Town, West Virginia!
It seems the first 3 months of
2014 have passed very quickly, and
April has arrived, and so has spring.
The people who live where I live,
and I am sure people in other
places, are ready for spring. The
winter has been cold, and we have
dealt with more snow than we
wanted to. With spring comes
tornadoes and other severe weather.
I pray your community is spared
these storms, but if not, we are
ready to provide relief supplies to
help relieve some of the suffering.
The past 3 months I have
visited 15 congregations to tell →
(see Casteel on page 4)
$ 43,609.00
$ 61,918.85
$ 530,469.03
$ 54,848.70
$ 22,772.00
West Virginia
$ 70,721.35
$ 285,569.60
Total $1,069,908.53
* Canned goods unsuitable for CCDRE specialized boxes were donated to Healing Hands, Inc. and Hendersonville Church of Christ
Casteel continued from page 3
the CCDRE story. I have visited 6
churches in VA; 3 in PA; 2 in West
VA; and 1 in DE, CT, NJ, and MD.
Houses surrounded by floodwater
I visited and participated in 6
different church leader’s/preacher’s
meetings in PA and VA. I also
attended the Delmarva Day of
Men’s Fellowship hosted by the
Laurel, DE Church of Christ.
At the New England Church
Growth Conference hosted by the
Manchester, CT Church of Christ I
set up our display exhibit and
participated in a panel discussion
about providing physical/material
assistance following disasters. This
annual event brings brethren from
across New England together to
enjoy great fellowship and be
encouraged for church growth. I
also spoke during the Kanawha
Valley Unity Service on the campus
of West VA State University,
Institute, West VA.
churches came together for this time
of worship and fellowship.
In the coming weeks I will be
visiting churches throughout the
Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern
states. In addition to this, I will set
up our exhibit at the Ohio Valley
University Lectureship, Vienna,
West VA. I will also set up our
Southeastern PA Lectures, Pottstown, PA; New England Lectureship, Taunton, MA; Northeastern
States Men’s Retreat, Kent, CT, and
Mid-Atlantic Lectureship, →
in King of Prussa, PA.
I would love to visit your
congregation and tell the CCDRE
story, who we are, what we do, how
we do it, and some of the good that
comes from our efforts working
with/through local congregations
following major disasters in their
Please call me at 1-615-4761777 or 1-304-610-4478, and we
can arrange a visit at your
Dennis McClintock
Flood cleanup in Longmont, Colorado
In spite of years of funding
disputes, engineering challenges,
and a nearly disastrous flood, a
museum dedicated to victims of the
9/11 terror attacks will open in
May, 2014 in a giant cavern beneath
the World Trade Center site.
The museum will tell the story
of 9/11 through photos and video
and audio clips.
CCDRE delivered supplies for
many months to those touched by
the disaster. 
The Lord is faithful, He will
strengthen you and protect
you from the evil one.”
- P- ------
- Paul assures the
Greetings from Missouri!
It’s been a busy time here. I
traveled to Wisconsin this quarter to
visit congregations, and spent most
of February there. This was my
first trip to Wisconsin, so little did I
know it was going to be so cold
there. I was able to go to about half
of the congregations in Wisconsin.
I think I will wait until it warms up
to go back. I met and spoke to
some really great people. On this
trip I visited churches in Appleton,
Oshkosh, Manitowoc, Milwaukee,
Sheboygan, Marshfield, Waupaca,
and Elkhorn. During my trip home
I stopped and checked up on
Washington, IL to see how the
relief effort was going there since
the tornado hit last November.
On my way home I received a
call from a good friend, Wayne
congregation who informed me that
my wife, Lori, had volunteered us
to be the cooks this year for our
mission’s team, so the second week
of March we traveled to Alton, TX
where we cooked for our team
members while they were there
building a →
(see McClintock page 5)
McClintock continued from page 4
house/church that will be moved to
a site after completion. I was not
aware that it was that much work to
cook for 26 people; however, it was
a great experience. Then it was
time to go to the Tulsa Workshop.
If you are in the area and have
never been, you should go next
year. Put it on your calendar for
March 19-21, 2015.
What an
uplifting experience, don’t miss it.
Mike Lewis
We continue to help areas hit
by disasters in 2013. An important
feature of CCDRE is that we are
there after other agencies have left.
In January, I was able to travel
to the Washington, IL area which
was hit by a tornado last November.
The Eureka, IL Church of Christ
Local volunteers unload supplies at
Longmont, Colorado
A CCDRE truck parked at a Receiving and
Distribution Center and waiting to be
unloaded by local volunteers
I am now planning to be in OK
and AR in April and May. If you
would like for me to speak to your
congregation, please contact our
office toll free at 1-888-541-2848 or
my personal number 417-479-0808.
I look forward to meeting with you.
We are entering tornado
season, and we are gearing up to
help as quickly as possible when a
disaster strikes. I would urge you,
if you do not have a disaster plan in
place, that you make one as soon as
possible. We never know when or
where disasters will strike. CCDRE
can help, so please contact us to see
how we can help in time of need.
“Godliness with contentment
is great gain for we brought
nothing into this world, and it
is certain we will carry
nothing out.”
- Paul writes to Timothy
Some believe the time was
about 1446 B. C. Moses had
died, and it was Joshua’s new
job to lead more than two
million people into a strange
new land and conquer it.
What a challenge!
Every new job is a
challenge! Without God, it
can be frightening. With God,
it can be a great adventure.
Just as God was with Joshua,
He is with us as we face our
new challenges. We may not
conquer nations, but every day
we face tough situations,
temptations. However, God
promises that He will never
abandon us or fail to help us.
By asking God to direct us we
can conquer many of life’s
Copied from a popular Study Bible
Mike Lewis
coordinated the receipt and
distribution of the supplies in the
area due to the late fall tornadoes.
Eureka, along with the East Peoria
Church and the Northwest Church
in Peoria, IL have been working
together to distribute the food,
supplies, beds, and appliances to
those affected.
Next, I went to the Washington
Church of Christ in Washington,
Indiana. They were also hit by
tornadoes the same day in
They received a
shipment of supplies from CCDRE,
and had already distributed the
supplies to help those in their
community that were affected by
the disaster. →
(see Lewis, page 6)
Lewis continued from page 5
From Washington I drove to
Brookport, IL, another community
hit again, the same day in
November by the late season
The North Crockett
Church in Brookport, along with the
Metropolis, IL and the Lone Oak
Church in Paducah, KY, are
working together to help that
community. They had also received
a shipment of food, personal care
items, and cleaning supplies from
CCDRE, along with beds and
appliances. When I was there, other
groups such as the Red Cross and
other religious efforts had been long
gone, but the local Churches of
Christ were still active and trying to
help where they could.
All of us have been watching
the tragedy unfold about the
mudslide in Oso, Washington. We
were in touch with congregations in
the area on Monday after the
mudslide took place. We were
ready to send a truck, and had a
congregation ready to work with us,
but this disaster was different. →
Those that were in the path of the
mudslide on that Saturday morning
had no warning. A small number
were at work or away from their
homes, and the rest appear to have
been overtaken by the mud.
It takes a large space to unload a semitrailer truck load of supplies. Here we see
a Receiving and Distribution Center set up
at a mall in Colorado
There are very few to help, and
they do not need a 53 ft. semi-trailer
full of supplies for that small
number of people that survived the
ordeal. Those not overtaken by the
mudslide need temporary housing
but still have a job, still have local
groceries, and the majority of the
people are fine, still working and
have a home and still able to get
what they need. Assistance for the
small number can be taken care of
locally. This tragedy is one that is
very difficult to imagine. We heard
of one fireman from the area that
located his house under the mud,
dug through what was left of his
house and found his wife and son
covered by the mud. What a heart
breaking story! We can only turn to
God when things like this happen,
and if you don’t have God, to whom
do you turn? Please continue to
pray for the families and the
community in Oso, WA. 
Destruction in Longmont, Co, unlike the
mudslide in Washington where everything
was buried in mud, some as much as 40’
The Disaster Relief Effort
News is printed through the
courtesy of Pollock Printing
Co., Nashville, TN
The following
letter was
received by Minister Allen in
response to the Minister’s request
for people to make a pledge to his
church. Let this bring a smile.
“Dear Mr. Allen, In reply to your
request to send a check, I wish to inform
you that the present condition of my bank
account makes it almost impossible.
“My shattered financial condition is
due to federal laws, state laws, county
laws, corporation laws, liquor laws,
“Through these laws, I am compelled
to pay a business tax, amusement tax, head
tax, school tax, gas tax, light tax, water tax,
sales tax. Even my brain is taxed.
“I am required to get a business
license, dog license, car license, truck
license, not to mention a marriage license.
I am also required to contribute to every
organization or society which the genius of
man is capable of bringing to life: women’s
relief, unemployment relief, every hospital
and charitable institution in the city,
including the Red Cross, the black cross,
the purple cross, and the double cross. For
my own safety, I am required to carry life
insurance, property insurance, liability
insurance, burglary insurance, accident
insurance, business insurance, earthquake
insurance, tornado insurance, unemployment insurance, old-age insurance, and
fire insurance.
“My business is so governed that it is
no easy matter for me to find out who owns
it. I am inspected, expected, suspected,
disrespected, rejected, dejected, examined,
summoned, fined, commanded, and
compelled until I provide an inexhaustible
supply of money for every known need,
desire, or hope of the human race.
“Simply because I refuse to donate
something or another, I am boycotted,
talked about, lied about, held up, held
down, and robbed until I am ruined.
“I can tell you honestly that had not
the unexpected happened, I could not
enclose this check. The wolf that comes to
so many doors nowadays just had pups in
our kitchen. I sold them and here is the
Ken Leonard
An amazing five and a half
week-long trip through the SouthWestern states allowed me to meet
many brothers and sisters in Christ,
many of whom had never heard of
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief.
I am often greeted with tear-filled
eyes and comments of amazement
and wonder at the scope of this
It was a privilege to preach at
the Morrowood Church of Christ in
El Paso, TX. That congregation
handled the distribution for
survivors of the floods that occurred
Typical flood damage
last summer in Socorro, TX, a town
of 30,000 people just south of El
Paso, where there is no Church of
Christ. Most citizens of the town
knew little about the Church of
Christ before the flood, but after the
work of the Morrowood congregation and 5 truckoads of relief
from Nashville, they know about us
I preached next in Farmington,
NM, then on to AZ. I visited the
Church in Moab, UT, then on
Sunday morning I preached in
Kayenta, AZ which is in the middle
of the Navajo Reservation, the
largest reservation in the world, and
it reaches the states of AZ, UT, CO,
and NM. Our Navajo brethren were
an inspiration, and I was honored to
include them in the work we are
doing. I preached in Cortez, CO
The next place I preached was
in Payson, AZ, a beautiful little
workshop I went out to eat alone. I
was about to leave the dining area
when I saw Kylie who lit up to see
me. She took me to meet her
grandmother and the grandfather
who preaches at the Church in
Chino. Danael was there too. They
invited me to sit and visit, so I did.
After supper, the girls insisted I go
shopping with them, so I tagged
along for a couple of stores then
My next stop was in Tulare,
CA where I had a wonderful
reception, and I finished out the trip
at Prescot, AZ which was one of the
main congregations that worked
with us after the fire in Yarnell, AZ
that took hundreds of homes and the
lives of 19 firefighters. It was great
to see the brethren there again, and
to hear stories of things occurring
after we sent a trailer load of
refrigerators to disaster survivors.
After witnessing so much destruction, it is a
joy to see beautiful mountain flowers
blooming in the spring
town in the mountains northeast of
Phoenix. My next stop was in
Kerney, AZ, about 80 miles north
of Tucson. Then I preached in
Tucson at the Old Spanish Trail
congregation and the Palo Verde
Church of Christ. Duncan, AZ and
Safford, AZ were the next places
where I preached.
My next stop was in Monterey,
CA where I was scheduled to be at
“Recharge,” a workshop on the
west coast which is similar to
“Polishing the Pulpit” in the east.
While there, I made friends
with 2 ten-year old cousins from
Chino, CA named Kylie and
The last night of the →
It takes strong local volunteers to unload
refrigerators such as CCDRE delivers to
disaster survivors across this nation
I will be back in California for
a great part of the summer. My
wife, Lori, retired from the Federal
Government last January, and her
mother lives in California, so we
plan to use her home as a base
If your congregation would like
for me to come and share this
inspiring work, and tell you how
you can help survivors of disasters,
please contact me toll free at 1-888541-2848. 
acquaintances when we set up our
exhibit at the Freed-Hardeman
Lectureship in February.
appreciate the kind words of
support and sharing the stories
about how CCDRE has been able to
assist you and your congregation in
reaching out to those impacted by
disasters. It is also encouraging to
hear the numerous stories about
Bible studies and conversions that
have resulted from these efforts.
As I write this article, the news
is filled with stories about
earthquakes in CA, the horrific
mudslides in WA, and predictions
of imminent flooding as the heavy
When our load
is light, it’s
time to carry
Kenneth R. Lowry
One of our greatest challenges
at CCDRE is awareness! Please
help us by asking your friends and
families at other congregations of
the Church of Christ to contact us
so that we can share information
about CCDRE with them.
I would be honored to come
and share additional information
about CCDRE. If you are in NC,
SC, GA, AL, MS, LA, TN, or FL,
please contact me about how we
can help you and your congregation
learn more about CCDRE. Call me
at 1-919-270-8770 or email at
We have been fortunate to visit
with several congregations across
the southeastern U.S. during the
first quarter of 2014. We have
traveled in NC, TN, and AL. A
special thanks to the faithful
brethren at the Littleville Church of
Christ in Littleville, AL for their
hospitality and generosity to the
work of CCDRE.
We also had the privilege to
worship with the Maui Church of
Christ in Wailuku, HI and share
information about CCDRE.
It was a pleasure to meet so
many new people and renew→
An example of heavy flooding predicted
from melting snow in the spring
snows of the winter begin their
spring thaw. Disasters can occur in
every season and anywhere in the
Congregations and benevolent people want to assist when
these events occur, but often don’t
know where to turn. CCDRE is an
efficient and cost effective way to
provide that support. As the spring
brings its share of disasters – floods,
tornadoes and whatever else may
happen, please remember that
CCDRE can help you. Supplies are
distributed by local volunteers of
the Church of Christ which allows
the local church to extend a
benevolent hand with evangelistic
heart. Please help us financially if
you can, and keep the work of
CCDRE in your prayers. Thank
you, and God bless you!
Following are tips from AAA to
help your teen-agers drive safely and
avoid disasters:
▲ Set up a Parent-Teen Driving
details such as the kinds of behaviors
that will increase driving privileges,
and those that will decrease them.
▲ Set a goal for each practice
session. For instance, concentrate on
identifying potential hazards or
keeping a good following distance.
▲ Use “commentary driving.” With
the car in motion, you and your teen
take turns describing objects or events
that could affect your choice of driving
▲ Be patient with your teen.
Encourage him or her to forgive other
drivers’ mistakes and learn from them.
If you DO NOT want to receive
this Newsletter by mail, please
call 1-615-833-0888 or toll free 1888-541-2848. You may read the
Disaster Relief Effort News online
at www.disasterreliefeffort.org
Martha Adams
Dana Traffanstedt &
Claudine Caldwell
Martha Louise Stafford Adams,
Brentwood, TN
Louise Tilley & Family
Philip & Delores Coleman
Lynda, Lloyd & Virginia Karnes
Adams Church of Christ
Vivian Adams
Hilda Joan Dodson
Bronson Akins, Buna, TX
David & Opal Seals
Ida Akins, Rochester, NY
Donna Prince
Marian Alderman,
Virginia Beach, VA
Bobby & Margaret Saul
Eldra Alexander
Jane Wells
Lucille Allen
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
Tammy Andrews, Bellevue, TN
Jane Hughes
Sonny & Billie Bates
Martha Williams, Shannon,
Lyndsie, Shandie & Allie
Andy, Williamson, NY
Donna Prince
Sherry Vee Arnold
Larry & Tricky Arnold
Lela Ruth Arrington, Lebanon, TN
Jerry & Linda Bogle
Ms. Fran Arrington
Peggie D. Wright
Norma Jean Auble, Greece, NY
Donna Prince
Claudia Autry, Gallatin, TN
Harold Autry
Frank Aydelott, Linden, AL
Donald & Helen Lauderdale
Lee Tilden Bailey, Sr.,
Lewisville, NC
Ann & Ed Dancy
J.R. Bailey Jr., Nashville, TN
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Dr. Donnie S. Barnes, Lafayette, TN
Red Boiling Springs Ch of Christ
Bobby Basford, Jr.
Bobby & Eva Basford
Barry Glenn Basford
Bobby & Eva Basford
James Basham
Charlotte Heights Ch of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Ruth Basham, Clarksville, TN
Frances B. Trice
Mary Jo Bates, Franklin, TN
Dan & Liz Plattsmier
Jane Batey, Murfreesboro, TN
Dick & Pat Garman
Jim & Judith Douthit
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Evelyn Richardson
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
Benton Batts, Chattanooga, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Mignonette York Bearden,
Antioch, TN
Robert & Chlorene Brown
Mignonette York Bearden,
Antioch, TN
Ellen Powers
Bill Beck, Linden, AL
Don & Helen Lauderdale
John Beckham, Savannah, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Dewayne & Sue Griffin
Kenneth Bell, Nashville, TN
Jane Hughes
Steve & Gladys Bottoms
Bobby & Eva Basford
Doyle Boucher, Mount Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Wayne & Betty Williamson
James Russell Bowling,
Wartrace, TN
Marjorie & Harry Sedge
Agnes H. Boyce, Nashville, TN
James & Lauraette Morrow
`|áá `x? Uâà _xà `x ZÉ
When I come to the end of the
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little, but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must
And each must go alone.
It’s all a part of the Master’s plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing
good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go.
Ellen Bills, Normandy, TN
Walt & Melisha Berridge
Ellen Blanton, Woodbury, TN
Benson & Cindy Holmes
Bob Blaustein,
Clarksville, TN
Barry & Robin Travis
Winston Bliss, Victorville, CA
Doug & Myrtle Smith
Harriet Bolt, Oak Ridge, TN
John & Lora Leigh Heath
Betty Bonscees
Ken & Mary Culp
Leroy Bostic
Donna Prince
Darrell Boswell, Searcy, AR
John &Joy Hooper
Agnes H. Boyce, Nashville, TN
Delphia Orton
Agnes Wells
Kevin & Nancy O’Rourke
Charlotte Heights Ch of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class, Nash., TN
Billy Ray Boyd, Smyrna, TN
Barbara & David Gambill
Eula Mai Bradley, Nashville, TN
Mary H. Carrigan
Alabama Theatre
Wendell J. & Janet M. Moss
James & Carolyn Summers
Lawrence Bradley
M/M Larry Bradley
Christine Brashear, Nashville, TN
Katharine Wood
George Edward (JoJo) Brazil,
Brentwood, TN
Randy & Nancy Cornwell
Nancy Fullerton
Bill & Faye Rieder
Don & Barbara Thompson
Paul & Missy Huffman
Louise Lacy
Virginia W. Rubin
John Breeden
Michele Breeden
Marjorie Vaughn Brewer, Jackson, TN
Bob G. & Jackie Johnson
Kay & Ray Simons
Roy & Sara Briggs
Frances Briggs
Melvin Briley
Hal O. Briley
Doris Brown
Bob & Sue Hughes
Edsel Ford Brown, Nashville, TN
Monday A.M. Crew – The A Team!
Don & Evelyn Brown
Philip & Faye Brown
David & Sabin Brown
William Clark
Judy & Floyd Cross
Martha & Joe Carpenter
Jim & Judy Gilbert
Joe L. Dudney
Jim, Betsy, Robert, Amy & Families
James & Ruth Willhite
Virgie & Joel Wright
John & Patricia Miller
Charles & Brenda Paschall
Richard & Mary Joyce Nicks
Betty & Matt Morrison
Ty & Nancy Osman
George G. Brummett, Sr.,
Nashville, TN
Neal Martin
Sallie Bryant
Jimmie & Anna Pittman
John B. Buchanan, Franklin, TN
In honor of his birthday!
Gloria Buchanan
M/M Lavoy Buntley, Lewisburg, TN
Becky Hutcheson
Carl Douglas Burchard,
Centerville, TN
Edwin Jenkins
Lisa Burgess
Woody & Carolyn Adcock
Mrs. Billie Burgess
Katharine Wood
Dovie Bush, Mount Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Dewayne & Sue Griffin
Bob Butler, Henderson, TN
Ann Cook
Bob Butler, Memphis, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Clyde Buttram, Chattanooga, TN
Donna Prince
Eugenia Cadenhead, Morrow, GA
Donna Prince
Kenneth A. Caldwell, Jackson, TN
Leonard & Betty Brown
Juanita Edwards Anderson
Walter J. Campbell,
Fayetteville, NC
Juanita Burks
Dorris Canady, Nashville, TN
Judy & Floyd Cross
Charlotte Heights Ch of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
John Canfield
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Anne B. Carden, Nashville, TN
John & Dorothy Beamer
Janice Fetner
Orval & Beverly Winters
Bruce Carr, Smithville, TN
Donna Carr
Rosann Carson
Stroudsville Church of Christ
Delores Carter, Hermitage, TN
Buddy & Gail Krech
William “Bill” Cassetty,
Gainesboro, TN
Leo & Elizabeth Halfacre
John & June Vanhooser
Linda Casteel, Athens, AL
Buddy & Mattie Casteel
Mary Eleanor Castleman,
Nashville, TN
Richard & Mary Joyce Nicks
Walter & Sandra Robinson
Lorena Crouch
Bob & Mable Blevins
Tom & Judy Huckaby
Marie Lummus Cate, Springville, TN
Phil & Ruth Sweeney
Mrs. C. E. Christian, Portland, TN
C. E. Christian
Mildred Clinger
Jan & Amberry Brown
Nelson Cluck
Lon, Audree, Lincoln &
Harrison Keele
Geneva Comer, Indianapolis, IN
Paul & Wilma Tice & Family
Estelle Compton
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Dr. Thomas B. Cook, Jr.,
Pleasanton, CA
Jean P. Hoskins
E. B. Cotton, Murfreesboro, TN
Earl & Jean Wilson
Maggie Irene Crafton
Billie Ann & Leann White
Louise Cranmer, Tampa, FL
Edna Walling
Eugene & Nelsie McKinney
Mildred H. Cunningham,
Florence, AL
Jean Henderson
Edmund Curlee,
Murfreesboro, TN
Joy Troxler
Mary Dailey, Brentwood, TN
Jack & Patsy Cox
Bob Davidson
Anne Wright
Raymond L. Davis, Nashville, TN
In memory of his birthday, 55th
wedding ann. & date of death
Peggy Davis
Ruth Thweatt Davis
Nancy S. Merritt & Family
James Deatrick,
Mount Juliet, TN
Wm. & Sandra McBroom
Elizabeth Dedmon, Nevada
Jim & Marge Gregory
Tommy Deloach, Goodlettsville, TN
Shirley & Bobby Hymer
James Demonbreun
Bessie Demonbreun
Lloyd Derflinger, Front Royal, VA
Catherine Derflinger & Family
Floyd Wilson Dillard, Hermitage, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Chester O. Dixon, Jr., Nashville, TN
Carl T. & Robin C. Bateman
Linda Fisher Dodson,
Murfreesboro, TN
George & Polly Jones
Margie & Jerry Shouse
Martha Pulley
Cheryl & Tommy Hughes
Larry & Linda Pulley
Wiliam & Barbara Shouse
Roger Dodson
Jane Wells
Edith Smith Doran, Rolla, MO
Edith Schmidt
Doug Drake
Charles & Nancy Drake
Kenneth Driver, Mount Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Doris Dudney, Brentwood, TN
John & Carolyn Cobb
Dr. John A. Dudney,
Springfield, TN
Bill & Odene Graham
Roberta Bell
Valerie Cash
The Bob Bibb Family,
Kim, Jacob,
Robert & Marinelle,
Josh Jackson
Fayla Briley & Family
James & Mary Dudney
H. C. Green, Jr.
Catherine R. Loftis
Frances Swearingen
Jim & Ruth Willhite
Guy &Judy Stanley
Justine Perry Duke,
Hendersonville, TN
Mary L. Grissom
Buford & Peggy Putman
Mary Ann McClarin
Robert Dunbar, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Jamison Michael Duncan
Michael Duncan
Jon Ashley Duncan
Michael Duncan
Pearl Dunn, Dickson, TN
Lee & Dianne Mayo, Dottye Suggs
Phil Dunn, Memphis, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
R. Carl Durham, Hendersonville, TN
Camilla Durham
Walter A. Dycus
Jane Wells
Charles Dyer, Royal Oak, MI
Marlene Dyer
David Eagan
Cliff & Vickie Johnson
Gilda Ebling
Roger & Nancy Myers
David M. Edgin, Madison, TN
Evelyn Jean Boyd
R. D. Edwards, Woodward, OK
Dewayne & Paulette Barber
Edward Eichelberger,
Chattanooga, TN
Mrs. Edward Eichelberger
Mark Alfred Ellmore, Sr., Nash., TN
Dorothy Humphreys & Family
Dan, Elaine & Stephen Moss
Kirby & Judy Tedder
Robert & Holly Burkert
Jonathan & Carolyn Taylor
Kathleen & Mickey Sparkman
Elizabeth Elsey
Martha Williams & Jeff &
Shannon Potts
M/M Leo (Shirley) Ely
Elaine Ely
Addie Epps
Bill & Betty Lee
Frank D. Estes
Frank & Doris Pruitt
Evelyn Evans
Don & Sara Winters
Bonnie Faragher, Sylmar, CA
Janet M. Conklin
Rudy Nanagad
Lois &Jim Stadheim
Jan Conklin
Delores P. Felts, Hermitage, TN
Edward Ray Felts
Ernestine H. Fergus, LaVergne, TN
Howard & Frances Montgomery
Charles & Sue Russell
Paragon Mills Church of Christ
Tennessee Farms Cooperative
Gary & Marcia Lowe
John & Teresa Couch
Monte Richards
Richard & Millie DeVore
Julia Harris
Steve & Jan Clendenin
Thomas H. Davis
Joe L. Dudney
Phyllis Hurt
Mickey Fielder, Dickson, TN
Vonita M. Gray
C. E. & Veleta Pringle
Mary Annie Fiser, Charlotte, TN
Dorothy Hix
Ruth R. Forbes
Charlotte Heights Ch of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Glen Frazier, Smithville, TN
Margie & Jerry Shouse
Dean Freetly
John & Joy Hooper
Hollis & Nancy Tackitt
Tom Fulton, Murfreesboro, TN
Roger & Mandy Myers
Phillip “Phil” Fuqua, Nashville, TN
Herschel Gaddes, Nashville, TN
The Keenagers @ West End
Church of Christ
Bettie Beazley
Barney Gaines
De-Lois Garrette, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Mary Garton, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Lillian Giansante, Nashville, TN
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Linda Gibson
Martha Williams & Jeff &
Shannon Potts
Jane Hughes
Gladys Elizabeth Gooch,
Smyrna, TN
David & Jenny Calvin
Will & Phyllis Haynes
Mary Ann Young
Bertha S. Bradley
Philip & Delores Coleman
Lenora E. Weakley
M/M James L. Whisenant
Nancye Johns
Ruth Goodard, Nashville, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Howard (Gene) Goodman,
Nashville, TN
Emily Y. Hartman
Bettie Beazley
Louise Lacy
Bruce Goolsby, Jr.,
Cookeville, TN
Walter & Peggy Fitzpatrick
Cloa Gragg, Cookeville, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Dewayne & Sue Griffin
Leonard L. Graham, Sr.
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
M/M Hearne Granstaff
John M. & Shirley Granstaff
Dorris Green
Jane Hughes
Louise Green
Orval & Beverly Winters
Priscilla “Baby” Green,
Rochester, NY
Donna Prince
Glenda Greenwell, Newton, KS
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Randall Grider,
Tompkinsville, KY
Mrs. Randall Grider
Walker Junior Grimes,
Antioch, TN
Phillip & Trena Brimm
Wendell J. & Janet M. Moss
The Birdwell Family
Virginia Grubbs
M/M Jeff Potts
James Dewey “Mike” Haley
Gassaway Church of Christ
Gary & Jama Hancock
Mary Della Lane Haley,
Nashville, TN
Martin S. & Mary Blair
Marjorie R. Hernandez
Betty Alzamora
Gassaway Church of Christ
Gary & Jama Hancock
Betty Jean Lowe Hall, Louisville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Doris Hall, Nashville, TN
Martha Williams
Jeff & Shannon Potts
Faye Lee Hall
Delphia Orton
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Don & Lynne Adams
Lauraette Morrow
Minnie Pearl Harbison
Dennis & Linda Green
Roger Hardison, Shelbyville, TN
Marjorie & Harry Sedge
Darlene Harrell, Goodlettsville, TN
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Betty Harris, Murfreesboro, TN
John & Joy Hooper
Bob Harris
Ken Harris, Clarksville, TN
Ken & Mary Culp
Barry & Robin Travis
Atha Hartley, Columbia, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Charlotte Harvey, Youngstown, OH
Al & Dorothy B. Davis
Larry Thomas Harvill,
Old Hickory, TN
Tommy & Sandra Whittle
Janice & Grant Carruth
Roger & Joyce Hunley
James & Mert Ray
DeWayne & Sue Griffin
Billie Heathcock, Laurel, MS
Ellisville Church of Christ
Chuck Henegar, Morrison, TN
R. H. & Elizabeth Kerce
Martha Ann Park Hickerson,
Goodlettsville, TN
Verda (Polly) Bean
M/M James Carnahan
Joe L. Dudney
Earnest H. Hickerson, Jr.
Mrs. Frankie B. Lyons
Earl & Beth Santymire
Bill & Sherry Wallace
Ruth Workman
Ann Hickerson
Kelley & Sally Queener
Wayne & Bobbie Wilson
J. Michael Cisneros, DDS
Douglas & Carolyn Hughey
Shirley & Bobby Hymer
Ed & Maye Lankford
Steve & Nancy H. Pitts
Brenda T. Derryberry
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Bill Hickerson
Herbert & Donna Park
Jerry & Barbara Park
Barbara Montgomery
Irvie & Faye Loudermilk
Floyd & Shirley Loudermilk
Bill & Lille LaFever
Hartmut & Elsie Stuhldreier
Ken & Ruth Flint
John & Patricia Miller
Gary & Deborah Shaffer
Martha Ann Park Hickerson,
Goodlettsville, TN
Buford &Juanita Gregory
Dick & Clemmye Hays
John & Joy Hooper
Benton & Tanya Lowe
Bob Murray & Carolyn Mitchell
Mary Gill & Family
Margie & Jerry Shouse
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Hutcheson, Sr
Franklin, TN
Dr. Robert H.Hutcheson,Jr.,
Fairview, TN
Becky Hutcheson
Charles Huffo, Waynesville, NC
Jeff Hutto
Jeff Ingram
Ephesus Church of Christ
Wayne & Sherrie Voss
“The Lord is good to those whose
hope is in Him, to the one who seeks
Him. It is good to wait quietly for the
salvation of the Lord.”
Martha Ann Park Hickerson,
Goodlettsville, TN
Bill Gillespie
Grace Gillespie Hagewood
Jean & Alvin VanHook
Lois & Charles Taylor
Norman & Lonell Parker
Sandra Mullins Clifton
Thursday A.M. Ladies Class
at Goodlettsville Ch of Christ
Teresa Ann Baese
Lisa Barr
Jean Flynn
Matthew N. Johnson
Jean Knoch
Sherrie Robertson
Tiffany Shore
Paul D. Williams
Charles & Sue Russell
Ray & Vessie Falconberry
Michael Walls
David & Nancy DeGrella
Ramon Weldon Higgs, Wheeling, WV
Mary Regina Higgs
Elva Hill, Winter Park, FL
Larry & Pam Craig
Jerry Hill, Livingston, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Frances Hobdy, Portland, TN
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Frank Holdren, Tennessee
Bobby & Margaret Saul
Freeman C. Hollis, Sr.,
Nashville, TN
Ray & Oneda Edmundson
James A. Horton, Guys, TN
Ben & Kay Horton
Charles “Chuck” Warren Howard,
Jacksonville, FL
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Geneva Huber, Nashville, TN
In honor of her birthday
Bobby & Anita Lewis
Joseph Huber, Nashville, TN
In honor of his birthday
Bobby & Anita Lewis
James Hudgins,
Hendersonville, TN
Ann Hackett
James Hunt
Martha Williams
John & Joy Hooper
Shirley Ingram, Fort Worth, TX
Charlie Ingram
Earlie Faye Jackson, Evadale, TX
David & Opal Seals
Mary Jaros
Jim & Susan Miller
Bill Jennings, Murfreesboro, TN
Lewie & Vivian Nokes
Carmine Jennings, Woodbury, TN
Ralph & Betty Reed
Carl Ray Jobe, Tullahoma, TN
Betty Ann Franklin
Brian Johnson
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Robert Johnson, Robertsdale, AL
Albert & Pam Knox
Tony Johnson, Nashville, TN
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Toney Johnston, Bon Aqua, TN
Marie Garland
Jimmy Jones, Murfreesboro, TN
Jim & Judith Douthit
Joel Christopher “Chrissie” Jones
Nashville, TN
Reba Murray
Families of Andy Dodson & Pat
James & Lauraette Morrow
Paul & Jean Webb
Raymond & Peggy Davis
Bess Demonbreun
Steve & Denise Reynolds
Joe & Shirley Willhite
Bill & Nancy Hudgins
Jean & Robert Weaver
Margaret & Marshall Winkler
Don & Jackie Harper
Edith & J. Thomas Jones
Peggy M. Matthews
Eugene & Nelsie McKinney
Michael & Esther Headrick
Edna Walling
Mary Jones
Bruce & Mary Sue Simpson
Patty (Pattie) Jones
Don & Jackie Harper
Shirley & Bobby Hymer
Buck Jordan
Jim & Susan Miller
Frances Kay, Nashville, TN
Connie Kay
Pat Keel
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Glenn L. Kelley
Wayland & Millie Whitlow & Family
The Hargesheimer Family
Ida Marie Kelley
Steve & Bev Kelley
Alice King, Nashville, TN
Ruby Cooper
Lillian Knight
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
Sylvia Gunther Knotts.
Nashville, TN
John &Joy Hooper
Willard “Ick” & Sandy Gunther
John S. “Jack” Knox, Sr.,
Columbia, TN
Jeff & Donna Knox
Todd & Tracy Knox
Jeremy & Holli Knox & Family
Jay, Diana & Liz Thornell
Stiversville Church of Christ
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Betty Edwards Ladd
Don & Lynne Adams
Claudine Caldwell
Dana Traffanstedt
Doug Ladzinske, Forest Park, GA
Calvin & Kay Wiser
Willie V. Lance, Nashville, TN
Georgie Bridgeman
C. Alvin Lankford, Nashville, TN
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Bob & Peggy Loggins
Joyce Lankford & Family
Linda M. Ogg
David Lawrence
Wayne & Sherrie Voss
Jimmy Lawrence
Wayne & Sherrie Voss
Clarice Gail Lee, Columbia, TN
Edwin & Virginia Jenkins
The Mountain Group
Nell Legg, Columbia, TN
Jim & Linda Pantall
Myrtice Lindsey, Albany, GA
Dr. & Mrs. E. J. Tison
Jack Linville, Hartsville, TN
M/M Jeff Potts
Edith Smith Little, Franklin, TN
Dan & Liz Plattsmier
Ray Logan, Thompsons Sta., TN
Patricia & Tommy Smithson
Cora Louallen, Old Hickory, TN
Katherine Boyd Sneed
Jim & Barbara Hopper
Earnest Malone
Jane Hughes
Donna Nell Martin, LaVergne, TN
Neal Martin
Imogene Martin, Gallatin, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Randy Joe Martin, Waynesboro, TN
Donald & Linda Nutt
Tom Matthews, Houston, TX
Joan Matthews
Mary Maxwell, Cowan, TN
James Maxwell
Harold Mayfield, Pelham, AL
Tom & Etta Brock
Harold Mayfield, Pelham, AL
Tom & Etta Brock
Grace M. Mayo,
Goodlettsville, TN
John & Avanell Pack
Orval & Beverly Winters
Mike McBride, Sodus, NY
Donna Prince
Betty McClain, Antioch, TN
John & Joy Hooper
Charles & Karen Sellars
Cecil McClary, Rochester, NY
Donna M. Prince
Raymond McCord,
Thompsons Sta., TN
Tommy & Patricia Smithson
Robert & Reathel McCready
Michael, Beth & Matthew Brooks
Earl McDaniel, Paris, TN
Benson & Cindy Holmes
Ann McElrod
Glenda & John Liddle
Mabel McGee, Noblesville, IN
Charlie & Linda Markus
Burns Church of Christ
Bruce McKee, Houston, TX
Jim & Marge Gregory
Jeffery Douglas McKinley,
Dixon, KY
Douglas, Sandra, Morgan &
Jack Ed Meador, Brentwood, TN
Charles & Sue Russell
Jimmy Melcher,
Hendersonville, TN
Jane Hughes
Terry Merchant, Clarksville, TN
Linda & Ernest Kelsey
Nell Milligan, Hendersonville, TN
Peggie D. Wright
Joe & Bettye Armstrong
James Milliken
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Mary Burns Mitchell
Paul & Ruth Edwards
Freddy Paul “Boley” Modisette,
The Woodlands, TX
Ben & Laura Baisdon
James Edmond Moloney,
Franklin, TN
Dan & Liz Plattsmier
Kathleen Morgan
Henrietta Vaughn
Nancy Langhans
Lori Walls Morgan
Ray & Jena Walls
Mr. Clausen Morrell
Wanda & Adron Billingsley
Craig Morrow, Brentwood, TN
Mary E. Ingram
Evelyn Twichell
John & Avanell Peck
Mother of Edelgard Hurd
M/M Bill Pettit
Susie Moulder
Juanita Burks
Jeremy “Bo” Myers
Steve & Nancy H. Pitts
Ed & Edna Nelson
John & Sharon Symonds
Melvina Nelson, Palacios, TX
Palacios Church of Christ
John Newbell,
Alexandria, TN
Bob & Sue Corley
Lucille Newby
Jane Hughes
Hershel Nolen, Madison, TN
Josh Lorance
Eldon Odom, Baird, TX
Etta Mae Westbrook
Olga Orange,
Old Hickory, TN
Pauline & Vinson Baldwin
Roy K. Pace, Greenbrier, TN
Mrs. Roy K. Pace
Ruthie Page
Roger & Mandy Myers
Beverly Pantin
M/M Jesse R. Knight
Dale Parker, Tullahoma, TN
Jimmy & Brenda Terry
Forest Parkey
Mary Jo & Jim Vaillancourt
Evelyn Parks, Shelbyville, TN
Nancy & Lindsey Craig
Perry, Clara, Don & Clyde Parnell
Carolyn J. Jennings
Tom Parrish,
Lawrenceburg, TN
James A. & Sandra R. Kennedy
John & Avanell Peck
James Garland Petway,
Franklin, TN
Richard E. Jordan
Mrs. Joe Bowman, III
Merlin Guilbeau12
William Pharris
John Cason
Anthony & Cherry Ramsey
Barbara Lee Phipps,
Baxter, TN
Edward E. & Carrol W. Carter
Walter Pigg, Jr., Murray, KY
R. H. & Elizabeth Kerce
L. A. & Barbara Teal
Billy Pigg
Roger & Mandy Myers
Mrs. Vangie Piper
Gene & Thelma Griffin
Kathryn Pope, Old Hickory, TN
Richard M. Pope
James Thomas “Tom” Poteete,
Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
John & Dorothy Beamer
Dana Traffanstedt &
Claudine Caldwell
Wilson & Barbara Vaden
Janet Sue Prewitt,
Leander, TX
Gary & Virginia Wagner
Jim & Virginia Nicks
Leander Church of Christ
Frances Tindell
Nathan Douglas Pringle
Vonita M. Gray
Clarence & Veleta Pringle
“Therefore being justified by
faith, we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus
Doug Pate
Bobby & Eva Basford
Earsel Elliot Peck,
Nashville, TN
Orval & Beverly Winters
Martha Virginia Peck Welfel
Don & Sara Winters
Judy & Floyd Cross
Morris & Lois Jennette
Kenneth Peck, Oakdale, CA
Marlene Peck
Ralph Wayne Peck,
Hermitage, TN
Orval & Beverly Winters
Don & Sara Winters
John & Avanelll Peck
Judy & Floyd Cross
Joe L. Dudney
Morris & Lois Jennette
Edna Pelham, Nashville, TN
John & Joy Hooper
Ernest Petty, Huntsville, AL
Walt & Melisha Berridge
Robert Pruitt
Don & Jackie Harper
Donna Jean Quattlebaum,
Conway, AR
The Dunn Family
Buck Raby
Jim & Fay McFarlin
Emery Nell Reagan,
Newnan, GA
Loretta Pollard
Ray & Pat Mooney
Bob & Vesta Brown
Dennis Goss
Syble & Colin Harris
Emery Nell Reagan,
Newnan, GA
Downtown Church of Christ
James A. & Sandra R. Kennedy
Radley Rehnborg, Murfreesboro, TN
Carl & Kay Mason
Billy Reynolds, Strasburg, VA
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Mildred Reynolds, Friends
Jean Katherine Thomson Rice,
Fern Nicholson
Faye Crowell
JB & Mary Raulston
Carol & Mike Jones
Bob & Patty Frederick
Joan Blankenburg
Virginia W. Thomson
Leon Richardson
Barbara R. Weatherspoon
Virginia June Richmond, Nashville, TN
Jim & Marilyn Smith
Danny & Yolanda Poteet
M/M Gene Aldridge
M/M Henry Sloan
M/M Bill Phillips
Michael Ricotta, Sr., Buffalo, NY
Donna Prince
Sue Rider, Knoxville, TN
James & Lauraette Morrow
Vern Riggenbach, Pauling, OH
Shirley & Mike Graham
Joann Roberson
Raburn & Sandra Barron
Earl E. Robertson
Darrell & Sondra Stinson
Ann Robinson, Springfield, TN
M/M Jeff Branch
James L. Robinson, Franklin, TN
Mildred H. Coffman
Sara Hood & Bertie Pantall
Anne C. Ford
Joyce Rucks
M/M Bill Pettit
Juanita Russell, Nashville, TN
Rebecca & Ernest Blunkall
Mary Parks Russell, Franklin, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Ramona Baker Sanders, Linden, TN
Jerry Forrester
Dean & Barbara Heady
Mrs. Santos
Barbara Burns
Joe Satberry, Texas
Bobby & Margaret Saul
Oma Savells
Jane Hughes
Shirley J. Scarbrough, Athens, AL
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Lucille Wilma Schneider, Arnett, OK
Church of Christ, Cimarron, NM
Alice Schofield
Bob & Sue Hughes
Martha Seay, Detroit, MI
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Ida Self
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Ronnie Sexton
Jim & Fay McFarlin
Michael Shambo
Donna Prince
Mrs. Terry Shaw, Antioch, TN
Jim & Marilyn Smith
Ronnie F. Sheron
Johnnie Faye Pruett
Bobby & Teresa Pruett
Jimmy & Suzanne Vaughn
Mack Short
Bobby & Eva Basford
Geraldine Shotwell,
Nashville, TN
Mary Ingram
“All things have
been committed to
me by my Father.
No one knows the
Son except the
Father, and no one
knows the Father
except the Son and
those to whom the
Son chooses to
reveal Him.”
- Jesus
Agnes Shouse
Ken & Mary Culp
Cecil Moran Shuler, Brentwood, TN
Dorcas Herron Shuler
Opal Sizemore, Corbin, KY
Ima Jean Baxter
Velma Browning
John Benjamin (Benny) Sledge
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Don & Mary Powell
Jack Sloan, Nashville, TN
Mary M. & Harry Alessio
Bud & Lynn Chumley
Pat Small, Gastonia, NC
Don & Peggy Rowland
Wayne Smartt, Bradyville, TN
Juanita Burks
Mr. Francis Smith,
Dickson, TN
Dot Stephens
Emery & Geneva Morgan
Bill & Charlie Smith
C. E. & Veleta Pringle
Kelley Smith, Crossville, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Tommy & Sandra Whittle
Phillip Thomas Smith,
Franklin, TN
John &Julie Barnes
William Smith
Clarence & Eleanor Roberts
Joyce Snell, Hutchinson, KS
Oak Hill Church of Christ
Herbert & Betty Franklin & family
Alice Snuske
The Stokes Family
Andrew L. Spann
Christine L. Bowman
Evelyn Sparks, Shelbyville, TN
Hilda S. Barker
Marie Spitzer, White Post, VA
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Jeff A. Spivey, Nashville, TN
Northside Church of Christ
The Benjamin Family
Dan, Elaine & Stephen Moss
Cliff & Donna Masih
William Sproule,
West Palm Beach, FL
A & B Lowe
Eugene Stanley
Wilma N. Gibson
Geraldine & Lindon Stanley,
Nashville, TN
Allen & Patsy Little
Mike & Linda Newman
Patsy M. Newman
Eva Gilley & Debby O’Brien
Bonnie Neuschaefer
Royster Moss
Dr. LaRue Moss
Eric & Terri Moss
Evan & Teresa Moss
Demarco Starks
Terri Jackson
Louise Stuart
Anita Stinnett
John & Sandy Lane
Anita R. Stinnett
Geraldine Gilley Stanley,
Nashville, TN
The Dunn Family
Eloise Eaton
Sue Carter
Betty Lee Carman
Harry & Betty Dunn
Doris & Marijan Jaksic
M/M Gerry Dalton
Gassaway Church of Christ
Bobby & Goodie Webb
Mary Anne Wright
David & Beverly Melton
Thomas & Brenda Lekki
Janet C. Fox
Bratcher, Horton, Melton &
Associates PLLC
Gary & Jama Hancock
Ruth Stephenson
Catherine Stephenson Taylor
Dorothy Graham
Cynthia Cunningham
Melinda Rojas
Eva Storie, Florence, AL
Woody & Carolyn Adcock
Dana Stribling
Ann & Bobby McElhiney
Katie Strunk (in loving memory
of our cherished granddaughter)
Johnny & Darlene Henderson
James Floyd Stubblefield,
Owasso, OK
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Marshall Eugene Sullens,
Kingston Springs, TN
Daniel, Mary Ann, Caitlyn,
Caroline & Caleb Green
Thomas & Rose Marie Hayes
Sunset Hills Baptist Church,
(DBA Radnor Baptist Church)
Marshall Eugene Sullens,
Kingston Springs, TN
Jack & Patsy Cox
Matthew & Julie Risinger
Jeff & Amy wood
Margaret Moore
Diane Sylvis
Ruth Sullivan
Tom & Katherine McGill
Ann Sutton
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ,
Ladies Bible Class
Dallas Swayne, Cabot, AR
Shirley Lamb
Sue Swearingen, Orange Park, FL
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Richard &Janice Sweeney
Alice Cooper
Clint Tackert, Canyon Lake, TX
Canyon Lake Church of Christ
Jim & Pat Haessler
Joyce Taliaferro, Denton, TX
Bill & Flavia Bigham
Mary Jo Temple
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Doris Thomas, Gallatin, TN
Ronnie Templeton
Billy Thompson, Sr., Celina, TN
Rocky Thurman
Robert Albert “Bob” Thompson,
Madison, TN
East High Alumni Association
M/M Don Harper
R. H. & Elizabeth Kerce
Corinne Belcher
Janice & Roy Thompson
Debbie &Jimmy Bryant
Lyle Thweatt
Dorris (my mother’s cousin)
Larry, Mary Ann Powers, Judy
Powers, Mike &Juanita Stanfield
Tracy, Joan & Rudy Smith
Rob & Janet Higdon
Wanda, Terry & Stephanie Mitchell
Travis Thompson
Terry Mitchell
Murrell & Deborah Crews
Rachel Tice, Canton, MI
Paul & Wilma Tice Family
Winnie Tice
Kathleen Tice
James Garner Tidwell
Burns Church of Christ
Joanna Cherry Tuck
Joe & Carol Chapman
Mary Carter
Louise Tucker, Evansville, IN
Jerry & Patsy Gaither
Jon Turner, Yellville, AR
Bob & Barbara Penick
William “BJ” Turner, Nashville, TN
Judy Jones
Robert Lee Underwood, Sr.,
Murfreesboro, TN
Thurman & Peggy Davis
Dan & Judy Kimbell
Sandra Borras
Winn & Elaine Borras
Ethan & Jennifer Borras & Family
Brian & Celeste Godfrey & Family
Robert Lee Underwood, Sr.,
Murfreesboro, TN
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Daniel & Nancy Doss
Lewie & Vivian Nokes
Boulevard Belles Red Hat Club
Jim & Judith Douthit
Evelyn Richardson
Richard E. Ursery, Antioch, TN
Lovie Prater & Family
William Harold Uselton, Jr.,
Nashville, TN
Larry D. Craig, Attorney
M/M Hope Vann
John M. & Shirley Granstaff
Evelyn Vantrease, Lebanon, TN
Glenis & Mary Mayo
Caroline Vaughn, Murfreesboro, TN
Don & Mary Powell
J. W. & Frances Vaught
Donovan Walden, Mount Juliet, TN
Aaron & Mary Jones
Jim & Marge Gregoroy
W. C. & Robbie Walker, Elora, TN
Barbara Walker (daughter)
Katherine Walkup
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
“No eye has
seen, no ear
has heard, no
mind has
what God has
prepared for
those who love
- originally spoken by
Isaiah and repeated by
Paul to the Corinthians
Richard C. Watt, Stratford, CT
(in memory of my husband
Of 56 years)
Evelyn E. Watt
Mrs. Will Neil Gregory Watts,
Murfreesboro, TN
Ray & Loretta McKisson
Kristy McKisson
Gregg & Sunnette Peay
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
Bill Bradley
Kay Perkins
Bill & Gail Griggs
Ron & Aletha Wright
Don & Melissa Wright
Sam & Sara Parnell
Rick & Nita Lawson
Dick & Pat Garman
Mrs. Will Neil Gregory Watts,
Murfreesboro, TN
Evelyn Richardson
Bessie P. Finley
W. McAllen Finley
Lucien & Patricia Simpson
Joe & Judy Powell
Jim & Judith Douthit
Mary Lynn & Johnny (Jack) Gambill
Mary & Martha Bible Class @
North Blvd. Ch of Christ
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Nicky & Mary Nicols
Sue K. Sanders
Sondra Wilcox
Donald & Gloria Daniel
Edward & Kathy Henderson, Jr.
Noland & Carla King
Dottie Travis
Greg & Gwen Watts
Paul Weatherford,
Clarksville, TN
Col. Michael C. & Patricia A. Baker
Eunice Weaver
Nelson Church of Christ
Jim Webb
Charles & Kay McCrory
Bill West, Jr.,
Madison, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Peggy Louallen West
Evelyn & Earl Green
Syble Rollins West, Woodbury, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Gordon & Peggy Tanksley
Danny White
Daniel & Nancy Doss
Edison L. White, Fostoria, OH
Sharon Shock
Laura Holman White,
Nashville, TN
Mattie L. Hartman
Virgil M. Whitesell,
Edmonds, OK
Alice Cooper
Gary & Kimberly Whitlow,
Rocky Ford, CO
Wayland & Millie Whitlow
Paul Whittenburg
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Tom & Mary Beth Walkup
M/M Robert A. Whorley,
Lewisburg, TN
Becky Hutcheson
Edwin “Buddy” Whorley,
Lewisburg, TN
Becky Hutcheson
Margaret Widick
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Donald Robert Wike ,
Jacksonville, FL
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Dick & Mary Williams
Joe Temples
Dorothy Rose Williams
Claudine Caldwell
Wanda Williams, Brush Creek, TN
Nola Smith
Clara Jean Wilson, Hermitage, TN
Frances Dudney Crowder
Mike Wilson, Moore, OK
Carl & Kay Mason
Robert Forrest Wilson,
Old Hickory, TN
Collee C. Blattmann
Janice & Grant Carruth
Robert Forrest Wilson,
Old Hickory, TN
Roger & Joyce Hunley
James & Mert Ray
William Woodard
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ, Ladies Bible Class
Paul Edward Woods, Nashville, TN
Libby Woods & Family
Martine Woodward, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Milton E. Wright
(in honor of his birthday)
Faye & Jerry Hardiman
Frank Yates, Nashville, TN
Don &Jackie Harper
Della Yoder,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Dale & Nell Yoder
Charlene Goodwin Zoet
James & Mert Ray
Russell Zoet, Fairview, TN
Becky Hutcheson
Russell & Charlene Zoet,
Fairview, TN
Becky & Clifford Owens
but Life Care Centers of America have concluded that laughter may have the following benefits: *Stress levels
drop * Vital parts of your body receive stimulation *You feel good *Your immune system gets a kick.. You
may use the following suggestions to get started: *Watch a funny movie or TV show * Read a funny book *
*Share laughter with friends. Laughter can never cure an illness or replace medical treatment, but it may
improve your everyday living.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMORIAL GIFT OR
MEMORIAL gifts are chosen by many to
express love and sympathy to families who
have lost loved ones.
LIVING HONOR gifts express honor,
appreciation, congratulations etc. A letter
which does not mention the amount of the
gift will be sent to the family. Gifts are tax
deductible. Make checks payable to
P.O.Box 111180/410 Allied Drive
Nashville, TN 37222-1180
Gifts may be made on our website
with a credit card or your checking
Please clip this form and send it with your memorial or living honor gift. Please print.
IN MEMORY OF_____________________________CITY_______________STATE_______
Please send Memorial
Letter to:
CITY_____________________________________STATE__________ZIP CODE__________
IN HONOR OF_______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS________________________________STATE__________ZIP CODE___________
GIVEN BY______________________________________PHONE NO.__________________
ADDRESS___________________________STATE_______________ZIP CODE__________
Eugene Adkins,
Smithville, TN
In Appreciation!
Woody & Carolyn Adcock
All the truck drivers
Barbara Carden
All the volunteers
In Appreciation!
The Purswells
Tom & Katherine McGill
Ruth Barnes
Keith Barnes
Arthur Bartlett,
Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Cathey Bartlett
Kylie & Muccilli, Michael Beck,
Nashville, TN
Best wishes on your
marriage of April 5!
Dr. & Mrs. James Jackson
“Rejoice in the
Lord always,
and again, I
say: Rejoice!
- Paul gives wise advice
to the Philippians
Annice Blackman &
deceased husband Stanley
Nashville, TN
Jimmie Ruth & Nadine Songer
Audrey Brooks,
Estero, FL
A. L. & Jean E. Shellenbarger
Andy & Patricia Bryson,
Woodbury, TN
Helen Davenport
Brian Burkert,
Clearwater, FL
Daniel Burkert
Marge Butler,
Henderson, TN
Ann Cook
M/M George Caudill,
Dickson, TN
Vonita M. Gray
Pat & Martha Clark,
Dumas, AR
Happy 50 Anniversary!
Roger &Joyce Hunley
Ruth Conway,
Ashland City, TN
Happy Birthday!
Evelyn Hicks
Joe Craighead
Peggy Williamson
Velvie Curry,
Cabool, MO
Donald Curry
Elizabeth Dash,
Fairport, NY
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Jason & Amy Dodson
Brian McLerran
Joe L. Dudney, Brentwood, TN
In appreciation of your
many years of service!
Paul & Loretta Smith
Ron & Cordie Duncan,
Winchester, TN
Happy Anniversary!
John & Avanel Peck
Juanelle Eddleman,
Murfreesboro, TN
Betty & Ken Chambers
Elders of Hidden Valley
Church of Christ,
Houston, TX
Leonard & Isla Pringle
Albert & May Ola England,
Mount Juliet, TN
Happy 50th Anniversary!
Jim & Marge Gregory
Ailene Fann, Nashville, TN
With love and gratitude
Katherine Sneed
Cindy Wright Freeman,
Charleston, TN
Anne L. Wright
God’s gracious generosity
to me
Barbara Horrigan
Pat & Carole Hackney,
Mount Juliet, TN
In appreciation!
Eddie L. Beard
Sue H. Hale,
Clinton, TN
Happy Birthday!
Maydene H. Asbury
Helen Hays,
Mount Juliet, TN
Happy Birthday!
Wm. & Sandra McBroom
Ruby Holley,
Warrington, PA
Cynthia Fredette
In appreciation of God our
Father and His Son our
Wesley & Terri Delk
Franny Jackson,
Prattsburg, NY
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Richard & Liz Jager,
Ripon, CA
Wyba Nienstadt
Ava Johnston,
Counce, TN
John & Sharon Symonds
John Kincaid,
Antioch, TN
Peggy Williamson
Marie King,
Vinemont, AL
John & Sharon Symonds
Edd & Glenda Knight,
Carterville, IL
James A. & Marsha K. Shull
Mary Ann McClarin,
Nashville, TN
Happy Birthday!
John M. & Shirley V. Granstaff
Charles McGhee, Lebanon, TN
Happy 80th birthday!
Bobby & Goodie Webb
Wayne Meissner,
Lathrop, CA
Best wishes for good
Wyba Nienstadt
Jaunice Morgan,
Pittsford, NY
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, Right
hand of God our Father
in Heaven
In Appreciation!
Wesley & Terri Delk
John Peck,
Nashville, TN
Happy 90 Birthday!
Judy & Floyd Cross
Orval & Beverly Winters
Don & Sara Winters
Joe L. Dudney
Harold & Iris Skelton
Jim & Marge Gregory
Clyde & Joyce Percival,
Modesto, CA
Wyba Nienstadt
Bill & Clara Pharris,
Old Hickory, TN
Emma Jane Pitt
Edith Cantrell
Hubert Raines, Nashville, TN
In appreciation for his love,
care and support of our
family in my mother’s
Kenneth & Reba Parsley
Herman & Pales Ramey,
Old Hickory, TN
Happy 50 Anniversary!
Tommy & Sandra Whittle
Herman Ramey, Old Hickory, TN
Happy birthday & thanks
for the many hours working
the line!
Jim & Marge Gregory
Susie Rudolph,
Owings Mils, MD
Happy 65 birthday!
D. E. Cook
David Seals, Kirbyville, TX
Happy 80 birthday!
Kitty Whitmire
Henry Smith,
Happy 90 birthday!
Marty & Martha Rothschild
Stroudsville Church of Christ,
Adams, TN
Demetra G. Boyd
The Hagan Family,
Lawrenceburg, TN
Randall Hagan
To honor the people who work
at Disaster Relief Effort
A. L. &J . E. Shellenbarger
Sue Tomes,
Falls of Rough, KY
Arlie &Judith Willoughby
Eddie & Janet Usher, Marion, IL
Jim & Marsha Shull
David West, Murfreesboro, TN
In appreciation!
Rob & Karen White
Jubba & Sarah Womack,
Woodbury, TN
Helen Davenport
Stephen D. Wright,
Charleston, TN
Anne L. Wright
Darlene Wuerges, Rochester, NY
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Churches of Christ
P.o. Box 111180/410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37222-1180
Nashville, TN
Trucks rolling across the nation aiding disaster survivors
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See how you have recently helped disaster survivors!
Churches of Christ
Disaster Relief Effort, Inc.
P.O. Box 111180/410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37222-1180
John Miller – President
Joe L. Dudney – Vice Pres/Exec.Director
Jim Willhite – Secretary
Al Daugherty – Treasurer
Ralph Coles – Hillcrest - Springfield
Dennis M. Crowder – Jackson St.
Al Daugherty – Granny White
Joe L. Dudney – Brentwood Hills
Walter Jenkins – N. Blvd. - Murfreesboro
John Miller – Allisona – College Grove
Jim Oliver – Old Hickory
Ronnie Pollock – Radnor
Glen Rodgers - Hendersonville
Jim Willhite - Main St. – Springfield
Lester (Buddy) Williams, Jr. – Concord Road
Fay Cornwell – Woodson Chapel
James W. Costello – Vultee
Buford Gregory – Concord Road
Gary Kell - Hendersonville
Mike Lewis – Chairman - Rural Hill
Tommy Moore – Lebanon Rd.
Richard (Dick) Nicks – Secretary – Bellevue
John Peck – Woodson Chapel
Wayne Russell – Antioch
Bruce Zupa – Bellevue
Newsletter Editor
Edna M. Walling
(615)833-0888 – (888)541-2848
E-mail: dsastrrlf@aol.com
Website: disasterreliefeffort.org
Editorial -
There I stood in front of the Detroit airport
waiting for the undertaker!
Uncle Harvey had left his southern home in
the early part of the 20th century and had gone
north to “make his fortune” like so many young
men of that era. He made very few trips back to
visit his few relatives in the south.
Many years passed and Uncle grew old. He
had no family, but his kind neighbors watched
out for him. Now he was dying, and they didn’t
know what to do with him, so Uncle told them
Edna M. Walling
Newsletter Editor
to call me! He was on his death bed and asked
me to come to see him, and I knew he wanted
me to take care of the arrangements for his last days on this earth. Lord, if you want me
to go and help Uncle, you will have to guide me because I don’t have a clue as to
what I am doing.
Upon arrival in Detroit, a kind neighbor gave me the names of 2 funeral directors.
After spending as much time as I could at the hospital, I had to get to the airport for my
flight back home. I only had time to call one of the funeral directors (this was before
cell phones,) and the help he offered was not satisfactory. I rushed to the airport, took
a deep breath and joined the travelers in the waiting room. While waiting, I suddenly
looked around, and I was the only one in the waiting room! What had happened! I
raced to the window to see my plane backing away from the gate.
After rescheduling my flight I had time to call the second undertaker and explain the
situation to him. He impressed me as being an honest, reputable businessman and
offered to come and pick me up at the airport, and take me to his place of business
where I could make all the arrangements. So there I was, standing in front of the airport
waiting for the undertaker. Lord, you better be with me now, or I am in deep trouble.
Three days later, I received the call that Uncle had passed away. I only had to make
one phone call to the kind undertaker, and everything fell into place. Missions are not
impossible when God is at the helm. We never know when He may use us to carry out
His will; we just have to be available and trust Him to do the rest. Uncle never made
his fortune, but he was brought back south and laid to rest alongside his parents. 