July 2015 Newsletter - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc


July 2015 Newsletter - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc
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“For I was hungry and you gave me food.” Matthew 25: 35
July 2015
Vol. 2 Issue 35
Quarterly Newsletter of the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort, Inc., Established 1991
$1,778,815.08 \
Beatrice Church of
Christ gives helping
hand to DeWitt flood
“Beatrice Daily Sun,” wrote a
report which appeared in the daily
paper in Beatrice, Nebraska on May
23, 2015.
As residents disposed of waterlogged
keepsakes, and other possessions,
Dennis McClintock, one of
CCDRE’s competent representatives, and Leroy Koehler, Minister
for the Beatrice Church of Christ,
the closest church to the disaster,
were looking for a place to unload
and distribute a truckload of
A total of 325 food boxes, each
containing food for a family of 4 for
a week, arrived on the first truck
along with baby and personal care
items, linens, diapers, etc.
The next trucks brought new
furniture, complete bed sets, appliances, washing machines, dryers,
refrigerator, stoves, and gas water
heaters. Normally, CCDRE does
(see DeWitt, page 2)
Charlie Boyd Tarkington
“A Wonderful Example of a
By John Miller, President, CCDRE
Charlie Tarkington, an Elder
at the Woodson Chapel Church
of Christ in Nashville, and a
founding father of Churches of
Christ Disaster Relief Effort, Inc.
has gone on to meet his reward. On
April 17th he passed away at the age
(see Tarkington, page 2)
The home of 91 yr. old Bessie
Mae Owen, Pine Bluff, AR was filled
with 18 inches of water. Her family
had taken precautions to try to save the
contents of the home, but water rose
much higher than predicted. Bessie’s
house and all the contents were a total
loss. Her family was overwhelmed
with what to do.
Bessie was fortunate to have a
daughter-in-law, Monica O’Briant,
who had a friend, Linda Hayes, a
member of the Hazel St. Church of
who was familiar with
CCDRE. Linda told Monica that help
was on the way, and Monica
responded, “What an answer to
Very soon they were receiving
non-perishable food items, much
needed cleaning supplies, toiletries,
linens, tarps, wheelbarrows, and other
supplies that were necessary for
Monica comments, “The work
that your team of Christians is doing
for the Lord through this effort has
touched many lives. God will surely
bless you because you are doing what
God has commanded each of us to do.
Although a simple “Thank you” is not
enough, please know how you have
touched our family forever. God bless
all of you!” 
(DeWitt from page 1)
not supply hot water heaters, but the
natural gas company would not turn
the gas back on for a house until a
new hot water heater was installed,
and the temperature was still
dipping into the 40’s at night. This
is an example of the compassion
exhibited by the CCDRE ministry
for people in need.
One of the local men remarked
that he had been through three
major floods in that village, and he
had never before seen this kind of
help and support. Many others
agreed with him.”
LeRoy Koehler, Minister,
Beatrice Church of Christ, wrote
and expressed, special appreciation
to Dennis McClintock for getting
the Beatrice congregation started on
this ministry and “pushing to get
things done.” Gratitude was also
extended to Mike Lewis and the
CCDRE staff, volunteers, and truck
A BIG THANK YOU goes to all
who helped make this possible.
Supplies with a total value of
$324,825.72 were delivered to help
the survivors in DeWitt, Nebraska.
Flooding in Wimberley, TX
“We include in each food
box a Bible and a
handwritten note of
encouragement from a
volunteer in
the Operations Center in
- Dennis McClintock, via “Beatrice
Daily Sun,” Beatrice, Nebraska
Mike Lewis,
CCDRE Executive Director
The tornado season didn’t bring all
the twisters this spring and early
summer like in years past. The disasters
we have been helping with were due to
wide spread flooding which occurred in
Louisiana, Nebraska, and extending to
northeast Indiana.
Tropical depression/storm Bill hit
land and moved slowly across the
country. Previous records of rainfall
were broken all across the country.
Because of you, we stand ready for
the next disaster! Since we buy supplies
in large quantities at a lower price, this
allows us to often stretch your donation
dollar more than 3 times what you
might purchase with it. We have the
storage facilities, the volunteers to pack
it, and trucks and trailers to ship it.
Your congregation doesn’t have to even
think about the logistics of where you
are going to get all of the things you
need in a disaster! Just give us a call.
Your congregation can receive these
goods, at no charge, and go to work
helping your neighbors in need after a
major disaster. Our goal is to give these
items to your congregation so your
church can help those in need, and
show the love of Christ across your
community, and give the glory to God!
Pray for the Lord to continue
blessing this ministry as He has for 25
years. 
(Tarkington from page 1)
of 86.
Mr. Tarkington was very active
in the development of CCDRE, how
we would help the victims of natural
disasters, and the level of service we
would provide. He helped during the
development of the by-laws and
operating procedures that still govern
us today. He and other members of the
original Board of Directors planned for
this work to be done only through
faithful Church of Christ congregations
in disaster areas. The desired result
was for the Lord’s church to be
recognized as showing the love of
Jesus in the community, and hopefully
spread the Gospel throughout the area,
resulting in souls coming to Jesus, and
to bring glory to God.
personally made some of the early
exploratory trips, along with other
members of the Board to the various
disaster locations to help those in need,
to learn what was really needed, and
consider the best way to send the
goods and how CCDRE could be more
efficient in giving assistance in the
different situations. He shared the
strong spirit of love for people in need,
and felt the urgency to be ready to
respond immediately when disasters
Charlie spent 38 years educating
elementary school children, most of the
time as principal at Brookmeade
Elementary School. John Hooper, a
member of Tusculum Church of Christ,
was one of the teachers at the school.
He said that ‘Mr. T,’ as he was called
at Brookmeade, was always concerned
about each student, and knew many of
the nearly 500 students by name and
knew all about them. He was very fair
to his teachers, and helped them in
every way he could. He was never in a
bad mood, had a good sense of humor,
was funny, and never got mad. The
school won a lot of awards with his
leadership. The parents, teachers, and
children loved him.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
from henceforth: Yea, said the Spirit, that
they may rest from their labors; and their
works do follow them.
- A voice from heaven speaks to
the aged John, son of Zebedee
One of the strong features of
CCDRE is that we are involved for
the long haul. Months, or years,
after a disaster, CCDRE may still be
checking with the local church to
see if they still need additional
household goods for the survivors.
Dave Dowlen, a past preacher
for the Pateros Church of Christ in
Pateros, WA, recently went to
Pateros to help those still trying to
recover after the 2014 wildfire, and
sent us a note.
“We are trying to communicate
with the 150-160 families that were
“We should do like you have
- Comment from Red Cross response
team after seeing the efficient and
professional manner in which CCDRE
served the disaster survivors
helped last year by CCDRE.
Without Disaster Relief’s quick
response, we could not have
ministered to so many. Such a good
job was done that after the Red
Cross arrived, their people saw how
things were handled and said, ‘We
should do like you have done.’
“There is still much to do in
cleaning up and rebuilding houses,
but many people were served, and
God was praised because of the
work of Churches of Christ Disaster
Program in Washington State.” 
Shain C. writes. “Thank you so
much for all the help you sent to us;
it was very helpful. God bless all
of you for your help.
Tim and Cindy write, “Thank
you so much for sending food boxes
and cleaning supplies after our
recent flood. You really helped!
Nancy and Larkin experienced a flood on Memorial Day, and
send the following message:
“Your help has come to us in a
time of great need. We lost our
home, truck, all of our furniture,
and computer where I had pictures
“We have relied on God and
friends like you to rebuild our lives.
The food, supplies, pillows,
blankets, washer and dryer have
been and will be so important to us
as we rebuild. Thank you so much
for your help!
Fires such as pictured above have
devastated the western coast in the spring
and summer of 2015
Margie V. writes “A special
thank you for the kindness you have
shown the many families in San
Marcos, TX”
“Bear one another’s burdens and
so fulfill the law of Christ.”
- Paul
P. Webb, an experienced
Evangelist in raising funds and
preparing items for needy causes,
wanted to let CCDRE know how
much good the supplies did which
were delivered to a Coal City
survivor after an EF-3 tornado
struck the area and damaged 884
“In Coal City one of the tasks
assigned to me was to check on a
senior housing unit that was in the
heart of the damage. The tenants
did not get electricity for days. We
took lunches and supplies to clean
out refrigerators that contained
spoiled food.
“One sweet lady we helped
was using a walker and in poor
health. As we were getting ready to
leave, I noticed the CCDRE box
underneath a few of her daily
things. I explained to her what I
thought it was, and asked her if I
could open it for her. As I opened it
my heart lifted as I saw that she
would be able to get by until we
could return with more supplies.
Had it not been for your box, she
would not have had nourishment.
When we returned she was so
excited about the gift you had given
“I extend to you her
thankfulness.” 
“Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will never pass away.”
- Jesus
In the Western states,
call Dale Linge. He
speaks to congregations
in CA, NV, OR, UT, & WA.
If you would like a representative of
Churches of Christ
Disaster Relief Effort, Inc.
to come and tell your congregation our
story, have your leadership contact
these men. They would be happy to
schedule a time to come and meet with
you and tell you more about our work.
Call toll free
In the Northeast, Dwane
Casteel speaks in CT, DE, IN,
OH, PA, VA, VT, & WV.
Call 304-610-4478
January through June 2015 Shipments
If your congregation is in CO,
OK, NM, TX or WY, Ken Leonard
would be happy to come speak..
Dennis McClintock would like
to speak to you in AR, IA, IL, KS,
LA, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD, & WI.
Ken Lowry speaks to churches in
the Southeastern states of AL, FL,
GA, MS, NC, SC, & TN.
JUNE 2015
$ 47,812.15
$ 137,690.28
$ 50,134.00
$ 47,702.78
$ 169,468.04
$ 89,246.52
$ 196,287.46
$ 33,765.90
$ 324,825.72
$ 178,959.82
$ 74,479.65
$ 428,442.76
Pine Bluff, AR
Gov. Bill Haslam reported that a
total of 45 counties were included in a
disaster declaration making them
eligible for federal aid after they were hit
hard by winter storms and flooding in
February which took the lives of 29
The latest 9 added counties are
Claiborne, Cocke, Davidson, DeKalb,
Greene, Hawkins, Pickett, Rhea and
Wayne. 
Seagraves, TX
“The Constitution only guarantees the
American people the right to pursue
happiness. You have to catch it
- Benjamin Franklin
“Success has nothing to do with what
you gain in life or accomplish for
yourself. It’s what you do for
- Danny Thomas, Founder of St. Jude’s
Children’s Research Hospital
Houston, TX
Rayburn Adcock, White House, TN
Charles & Paulette Spencer
Odie B. Adkins, Memphis, TN
Helen M. Underwood
Ozie Allen
Nestor, Jo, Donna, David & Peg
Charles Archer, Kennett, MO
Mary Turner
Flora Neale Armstrong,
Castalian Springs, TN
Dean Thompson
Richard Armstrong, Nashville, TN
Herman & Pales Ramey
Jim & Marge Gregory
Sherry Vee Arnold
Larry & Tricky Arnold
Leo & Zora Ashburn
Harwood & Carolyn Adcock
Anna Mai Demonbreun Ashby
Jack & JoAnn Jones
Leonard & Loradia Walker
Margaret Anthony
Bessie Demonbreun
Edna Walling
Violet Ashby, Milton, KY
Darrell & Sondra Stinson
Paul Austin
Dale & Rhonda Crews
Edith P. Hammons Autry, Ft. Worth, TX
Larry & Helen Cravens
John Bailey, Nashville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Nancie Garner Bailey, Signal Mtn, TN
Rosemary Garner
Jessie Baisden
Jesse & Freeda Knight
James D. “Sambo” Baker
Wayne & Sheryl Voss
Louise Banks, Williamsport, TN
M/M Wayne Voss
Mike Banks, Salisbury, MD
Ruth Banks
Odessa Barnhill, Franklin, TN
Joy Class @ Antioch Ch of Christ
Ruth Baskin
Helen Street Church of Christ
Billie Bates, Dunnellon, FL
Teresa (Terri) Lahti
Lillie Mae (Young) Beard
Claudine Caldwell
Mary Bell (in memory of our
Mother on Mother’s Day)
Bobby & Anita Lewis
Evelyn Billings
Paul & Jody Krech
Paul Billow, Portland, TN
Raymond (Bud) Williams
Jane Whitson
Lee Pearson
Don Bills, Tullahoma, TN
Walt & Melisha Berridge
Frankie Bingham, Calhoun, GA
Phyllis E. Reynolds
Sarah Binkley, Hinesville, GA
Orval M. Winters
Lewis Blair, Franklin, TN
Sara Hood
Robert William Blair, Nashville, TN
Robert Stricker
Greg Bogard, Parkersburg, W V
Sharon A. Bogard
Gene Boren, Thayer, MO
Lorene Armstrong
Richard Botts, Nashville, TN
Cherri & David North
Helen Bowman, Hendersonville, TN
Dena & Tom Bruce
Al Bradshaw, Nashville, TN
M/M Merle C. Van Vleet
John Breeden
Michele Breeden
Silas E. Brewer, Piggott, AR
Mary Ann McClarin
Roy & Sarah Briggs
Frances Briggs
Blanche Brown,
Randallstown, MD
Joel Brown
Martha Kennedy Cartwright,
Nashville, TN
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Duncan
Jonathan & Carolyn Taylor
Jenny Joy Fitch
Henry & Dorothy Smith
Gant & Rebecca Mullins
HUGS Program
A.W. (John) Chaffin, Nashville, TN
Nancy M. Langhans
Charlotte & Wanda
Catherine (Kay) Cavin
Otis & Louise Charlton, Antioch, TN
Marjorie Charlton
Crystelle Carson Childress,
Ozona, TX
The Billy Hoover Family
“I am the resurrection
and the life. He who
believes in Me, though he
may die, he shall live, and
whoever lives and believes
in He shall never die…”
- Jesus comforts Martha
Farris E. Brown, Old Hickory, TN
Gene & Sara Helton
Don & Marie Kinzer
The Old Hickory Bunch
James Boyce Brown, Hohenwald, TN
Glen & Bettye Ammons
Elizabeth B. Day
Dorothy Gallaher
Ruth A. Peyton
Ruth Workman
Sharon Brown
Jim & Marge Gregory
Elizabeth McAlpin Bryant,
Thompsons Station, TN
Gloria Buchanan
Margurite Dunn
Anne Warren Buchanan,
Franklin, TN
Gloria Buchanan
John “Jack” Buchanan, Madison, GA
Gloria Buchanan
Robert M. Bufford, Franklin, TN
Rhett & Leah Johnson
Paul & Jody Krech
Barbara Campbell
Terry & Ann Evans
Bill Carden
Barbara Carden
Rooney H. E. Carr, Grove, OK
Adeline Carr & Children, Charri,
Ronette, Erin & Families
Donnie Carter
Jane Hughes
Mike Chumley, Franklin, TN
Lynn & Nancy Harris
Sara Parkes Church,
Nashville, TN
Alan & Brenda Owen
Ben Clements, San Antonio, TX
Laura Hendrix
James E. Coleman, Cordova, TN
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Jean Ownby Combass,
Green Cove Springs, FL
Juanita Burks
Wanda Combs
Mazelle D. Binnettte
Martha Cook, Lawrenceburg, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
James P. Cooper, Nashville, TN
Pat Cooper
Aaron Cope
Nestor, Jo, Donna, David & Peg
Billy Craighead
Bob & Darlene Webb
Ruth W. Craighead, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Shirley Crews
Dale & Rhonda Crews
Gary Curtis (Waverly, TN)
J. Hudson Wallace
Mary Dailey
Mike & Betty Wiley
Nancy Davidson,
Manchester, TN
Al & Wilma Hancock
Denny Davis, Old Hickory, TN
Mary L. Brown
Don & Marie Kinzer
Jim & Bitsy Oliver
John & Patricia Galloway
Tony Reynolds
Gene & Sara Helton
Mary Ann & Sonny Russ
Dorothy Davis, McEwen, TN
J. M. & Betty Suddeath
Donald Davisson, Kitts Hill, OH
Shirley Jones & Family
Domenic DeLeonibus,
Gallatin, TN
Martha J. Whitson
James Demonbreun, Jr.
Bessie Demonbreun
Doris Denton, Nashville, TN
Louise Oden
Brown & Sammie Taylor
Carl D. Dickey, Bentonville, KY
Lacona Dickey
Dorothy Mizell Diggs, Paris, TN
Rebecca Diggs
Lorene (Dossie) Dobbins
Barbara Seay
Eddie Donaldson
Emma Hall
Geraldine Willis Dorris,
Gordonsville, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Ken & Reba Parsley
Roger Dotson, Centerville, TN
Gary & Gayle Mathis
Amanda Mathis
Gladys Downs
Jane Hughes
Billie Drewry, Nashville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Joseph L. Dudney,
Brentwood, TN
Gail & Dennis Cheatham
Laurie Haugh
Ivey Duke, Nashville, TN
Ladies Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Ruth R. Duke, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Sara Duke, Nashville, TN
Melissa Duke & Robert
William Duncan, Nashville, TN
Don & Sara Winters
Freida Dunlap
Emma Hall
Steve W. Dunn
Margurite Dunn
Mary Lynne Dycus,
Gainesboro, TN
Richmond Brown Family
Jack T. Dye
Barbara A. Lawrence
John William “Billy” Dye,
Shelbyville, TN
Joe Paul & Jane Dye
Gary & Annette Pigg
Patsy Lynch
Bell Buckle Church of Christ
Tom & Katherine McGill
John William “Billy” Dye,
Shelbyville, TN
Barbara Morgan
Joy Womble
Christine A. (Granny Edwards)
Edwards, Spring Hill, TN
Jimmy & Carolyn Wood
Christine A. Edwards,
Spring Hill, TN
Nancy Hargrove & Mae Martin
Connie Stevens
Leola Beard
William & Paula Edwards
Leamon Moore “Nub” Edwards,
Waynesboro, TN
Donald & Linda Nutt
Roger Edwards, Tampa, FL
Bob Murray, Carolyn Mitchell
Edward Eichelberger,
Chattanooga, TN
Mrs. Edward Eichelberger
Michael Eisenhauser, Mauldin, SC
Suzanne M. Dills
Tom Eldridge, Nashville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Mark Elmore
Mike & Betty Wiley
Margaret Simmons Reed Elrod,
Duluth, GA
Ken & Joyce Smithson
Jerry Elston, Perkins, OK
Bob & Barbara Penick
Anthony E. “Tony,” Sr. & Florence
(McAllister) Emmons
Chris & Glenda James
Patricia English, Shelbyville, TN
Wayne & Jeong Hee Dillingham
Christopher Michael Ervin,
Nashville, TN
Cecil & Margaret Thomas
Johnny Hoyt Everett,
Lebanon, TN
Joel & Virgie Wright
Anna Lois Everly
Sally Cuni
Anna Lois Everly (To honor
Grammy’s legacy on Mother’s Day)
Little Rock
Georgia Faircloth
Howard & Heelan Barlow
Ruth Farley, Birmingham, AL
Dorothy B. Monks
Joseph & Dorothy Fecher
Terry & Nelda Newkirk
Sylvia McPherson Ferrell,
Louisville, KY
Art & Laquita Searles
John C. Finney, Brentwood, TN
Gale J. Sowers
Ralph & Mimi Samples
The Deeb Family
Molly & Tom Edmondson
J. Mark Nickell
Neal Fischer
Bob & Janet Ellis
Steve & Helen Huffines
Ralph M. Fleming, Nashville, TN
Mrs. James C. Wood
Clarence Douglas Forehand,
Nashville, TN
Wayne P. Forehand
Dora Foriest
Peggy Williamson
Ray Frizzell, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman & Family
Billy Bruce Gaines, Sr.,
Old Hickory, TN
James C. Bickel
Larry & Diane Bickel
Mary L. Brown
The Old Hickory Bunch
Old Hickory Church of Christ
Betty A. Franklin
M/M Jerry Callis
M/M Wayne Gragg
M/M Gene Helton
Dot Gallaher
Dot Jackson
Kenneth & Patsy Weatherford
Odis R. Goodwin, Meridian, MS
Tom & Etta Brock
Angie Gray
Jane Hughes
Clyde Green, Nashville, TN
Robert & Imogene Markum
Ruth Greer
Joyce Stephens
Dick & Marie Grimes
Chris & Glenda James
Junior Grimes, Antioch, TN
Beacon Class at Antioch
Church of Christ
Minard Ernest “Jake” &
Lutie (Downey) Grimes
Chris & Glenda James
Joe Grubbs, Jr.
Ernest V., Jr. & Pamela S. Bond
“For none of us lives to himself,
and no one dies to himself. For if
we live, we live to the Lord, and if
we die, we die to the Lord.
Therefore, whether we live or die,
we are the Lord’s.
- Paul writes to the Romans
Billy Bruce Gaines, Sr.
Jim & Marge Gregory
Gracie Orange
Barbara Griffiths
Jim & Barbara Hopper
Mary Ann & Sonny Russ
Anthony L. Reynolds
Old Hickory Church of Christ
Don & Marie Kinzer
Jim & Bitsy Oliver
Gene & Thelma Griffin
Charles & Sue Russell
Scotty & Tammy Lee
John & Patricia Galloway
Larry Graham
Christine Garton, Mount Juliet, TN
Mike & Joyce Swallows
Richard Garton & Patti
Ricky & Carolyn Gleaves
Jim & Marge Gregory
Donald Gentry
Mrs. Richmond Brown
Burt Gibson, Hindsville, AR
Joan Bowling
Katrina & Steve Bushkuhl
Steve & Lori Bowling
Laurie Gibson
Debra Davis
David Gilstrap, Titusville, FL
Helen Mason
Bill & Phyllis Tansil
Eddy Glenn, Sr., Guthrie, KY
Barry & Robin Travis
Lucille Haynes Glover,
Madison, TN
Mary Grissom
Buford & Peggy Putman
Norma Hagerman
Daniel & Nancy Doss
Argel Thomas Hale, Nashville, TN
Billy & Becky Cox
Danny Hale, Smyrna, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Christine Halfacre, Gainesboro, TN
Mrs. Richmond Brown
M/M Tommy Clemons
William (Billy) Harding, Antioch, TN
M/M Thomas E. Mason
Evelyn V. Moss
Roger Arthur Pratt
Annie Ruth Hardison,
Clarksville, TN
Gladys M. Rose
Billy Joe Hardison, Columbia, TN
Marjorie & Harry Sedge
Doris Lowe
David G. Hardison, Lewisburg, TN
Jay Liles
James Robert Hardy,
Covington, IN
Jon & Carolyn Taylor
Jim, Mary Pat, Tricia Tedder,
Michael & Alicia Clifton
Mrs. Roby Harvey, McEwen, TN
Ruth Anne Peyton
Geneva Hatcher
Dennis & Betty Frizzell
M/M Robert Bennett
Thomas H. Hatchett, Goodlettsville, TN
Jean Staphel
Dorlene Walker
Bettye Crowley
Charlotte Heights Church of Christ
Ladies Bible Class
Thomas H. Hatchett, Goodlettsville, TN
Fred Hatchett
Judith E. Shockley
Bob Murray & Carolyn Mitchell
M/M James Morrow
Frances Wall
Mary Fisher Anderson Healey,
Murfreesboro, TN
Martha Pulley
Bill & Barbara Shouse & Family
Mrs. Dusty Henderson
Charles & Virginia Loeffler
Betty R. Hendricks, Nashville, TN
Leasa Hendricks
Danette Gourley Henley
River Road Church of Christ
Larry & Linda Boardman
Sybil Hertenstein, Nashville, TN
Kay Cavin
Helen Hickey, Roseville, MI
Earl Hickey
Ramon W. Higgs, Wheeling, WV
Mary Regina Higgs
Sam P. Hirsbrunner, Nashville, TN
Wilma Koenig
Emma Hitchcock
Nestor, Jo, Donna & Family
Pauline Holcomb
M/M Wayne Voss
David Holland
Jim & Marge Gregory
William Hood, Nashville, TN
Patsy A. Todd
Benny R. Horton, Ramer, TN
Sherian Horton
Orville D. House, Hughson, CA
Mrs. Wyba Nienstadt
Diane Howard, Victorville, CA
Charles Howard
Joyce Hows
Ladies Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Geneva Huber (In memory of our
Mother on Mother’s Day)
Bobby & Anita Lewis
Joe Huber
Teena Harness
Joe Huber, Nashville, TN (In memory
of Father’s Day)
Anita & Bobby Lewis
Larry Huber, Nashville, TN
Bobby & Anita Lewis
William Joseph “Bill” Huber,
Hermitage, TN
Bobby & Anita Lewis
Aggie Litton
Evelyn Force
Jim & Marge Gregory
Buck & Joyce Telford
The Carter family
James “Fred” Hudgins, Fairview, TN
Joyce King
Dudley D. Jones
Shirley Jones & Family
M/M Robert Bennett
Chris, Tara, Nathan, Grace,
Hannah & Noah King
Ray & Nancy Stribling
Roger & Christy Mangrum
Billy Huffines, Old Hickory, TN
Mrs. Carl Franklin
Alton Hughes
Johnny & Lisa Bridgeman,
Ana & Amy
Tommy Hughes, Nashville, TN
Bill & Barbara Shouse & Family
Tommy Hughes, Noblesville, IN
Ed & Maye Lankford
Steve & Sandra Clifton
Dennis Hughey’s father
Helen St. Church of Christ
Henry Hunter
Mike & Betty Wiley
Travis Hunter, Ashland City, TN
M/M Robert McGowan
Kathy Echols Hust, Henderson, KY
Hubert & Valetta Raines
In memory of May 2, 2010
Flood victims
Thomas E. Roberson
Eva M. Jackson, Murfreesboro, TN
M/M Claude A. Crymes
Jerry Jackson, Waverly, TN
Ruby J. Jackson
Carter James, New Port News, VA
John & Avanell Peck
Elmer & Alice Lou James
Chris & Glenda James
James T. “Bud” and Mary
Elizabeth “Lizzie” James
Chris James
Ed Jared, Cookeville, TN
Betty & Jerre Grandstaff
Brock E. Jenkins, Whitleyville, TN
Rita L. Jenkins
Cheryl Jenkins, Greenville, KY
Jane Houser
Jack E. Jenkins, Whitleyville, TN
Rita L. Jenkins
Jack R. Jenkins, Whitleyville, TN
Rita L. Jenkins
Marvin Jinnette, Loudon, TN
Carol Whitaker
Chris Johnson, Cookeville, TN
Eddie S. & Linda S. Young
Dale Johnson
Dale & Kathy Hurd
Don Johnson, Franklin, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Buford & Peggy Putman
Christina Johnson, Cookeville, TN
Richmond Brown
Tommy & Dorothy Clemons
Iris Merritt Jones
Nancy M. Langhans
Norma Ann Edens Jones
James Jones
Velma Powell Jones, Nashville, TN
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Sharon Joseph
Steve & Bev Kelley
Frances Kay, Nashville, TN
Connie Kay
Juanita Keele
Carl & Jane Owen
Bernard Keith, Nashville, TN
Lynn & Nancy Harris
Jerry Dean Kilgore, Lebanon, TN
Charles Aston & Family
Dawn Renae King-Hambrick,
Fort Wayne, ID
Mary E. Turner
Bobbi Kirchberg, Nashville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Ronald (Easy) Knight, Crossville, IL
Margaret Linda Hughes
Alton Laird, Beaumont, TX
James & Medley Coatney
Walter Virgil Lancaster,
Goodlettsville, TN
Harold & Mary Jo Pratt
Donald Leo Lauderdale, Sr.,
Livingston, AL
Bonnie Gross
Charles & Ellen Gross
Ida Frances Lawrence,
Hendersonville, TN
Jane Hughes
Barbara J. McAdams, Brentwood, TN
Bill & Joe McAdams
Mary McAlister, Manchester, TN
Hudson Wallace
Norma Collins
Bill & Loree McBride
Debra Shepeard
William R. McBroom,
Mount Juliet, TN
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Cindy G. McClain
Joe & Pat McClain
Ruth McClure, Konawa, OK
Bill & Nancy Riggle
Charles L. McDonald
Ken & Reba Parsley
“All authority has been given
to Me in heaven and on
- Jesus
Ida Frances Lawrence,
Hendersonville, TN
Becky Cook
Ray & Celia Lawson’s mother
Ray & Celia Lawson
Billy Lewis
Emma Hall
Evelyn Lewis, Nashville, TN
Anne K. Smith
Steve Liles, Memphis, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Morris Litton, Murfreesboro, TN
Aggie Litton
Wilson Luckett, Duck River, TN
George McGrady, Nashville, TN
Edna Walling
Eugene & Nelsie McKinney
Charlotte Heights Church of
Christ Ladies Bible Class
Bessie Demonbreun
Jack & JoAnn Jones
Robert McKay, Jr., Columbia, TN
Al & Sandra Kennedy
Raymond McKitrick, Weirton, W V
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Rebecca McMurtry, Madison, TN
Bob Murray, Carolyn Mitchell
Danny Mercer
(In memory of our father
Chamberlain-McBroom Class
on Father’s Day)
Gary & Gayle Mathis
Leslie Michael,
Merle Lynch
Berkeley Springs, WV
Cynthia Woodson
Esther Michael Weaver
Harriett Machie
Harry V. “Bean” Midgett,
Helen Street Church of Christ
Conway, AR
Nellie MacLaurin, Lebanon, TN
Betty L. Midgett
Kathy & Duane Spraggs
Darlene Miller, Newark, NY
Lula Fain Moran Major
Donna Prince
Buddy Sanders Family
Kristy Milligan,
Colley Bowman
Murfreesboro, TN
Mary Louise Majors
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Hubert & Valetta Raines
Thelma Mills, Florence, AL
Dorothy & Ephraim Mangrum
Rita Raney
E. Roger & Christy A. Mangrum
Matt Mitchell, Franklin, TN
Sarah Boss Manley, Nashville, TN
Jim & Regena Crutchfield
Husband, Alanson Manley, Jr.
Bobby Morgan
Jared Mann, Clarksville, TN
Cherri & David North
Barry & Robin Travis
Bill Moss, Chattanooga, TN
Genella Markum, Nashville, TN
Howard G. Sawyer
Robert & Imogene Markum
James Mulholland, Belfast, ME
Jack Allison Marshall, Nashville, TN
Richard & Mary Joyce Nicks
Jean N. Dennison
Stephen Muncey, Lenoir City, TN
Wanda Buck Marshall
Charles & Karen Sellars
Nancy J. Fouchs
Betty Dudley Munsell, Ozona, TX
Brents Mathis, Decherd, TN
The Billy Hoover Family
Ann & Austin Stubblefield
Nokomis G. Musenja, Portage, IN
Odell Mayberry, Springfield, TN
Elzadie Johnson
Bill & Odene Graham
Carl Nash, McMinnville, TN
Jim & Ruth Willhite
Mrs. Robert (Joy) Troxler
Mary Philpot Nelson,
Murfreesboro, TN
Bill & Sue Corley
Wray & Violet Newkirk
Terry & Nelda Newkirk
David Nichols
Kerfese & Mary Jo Rogers
Ruth Orr, Lewisburg, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Jona Partin, Morristown, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Marvin Pate
Owensboro Church of Christ
Faye Payne, Turlock, CA
Gordon Roberts
Floyd Pearson, Flore, MS
Raymond (Bud) Williams
Kenneth Peck, Oakdale, CA
Arba Dale Peck
Marlene Peck
Clyde Percival, Modesto, CA
Wyba Nienstadt
Bill Perkins
Peggy & Kenneth Perkins
Floyd Perry, Old Hickory, TN
Mary L. Brown
Tony Reynolds
Gene & Sara Helton
Anne Williams Pierce, Nashville, TN
David & Jenny Calvin
John & Avanell Peck
Eugene R. & Shirley L. Williams
Sue Alexander
Melinda Bass
Nashville Gun Club
Addie W. Glenn
Katherine Maddox
Kay & Ed DuPont
John & Donna Hagan
Ray & Judy Baird
Barbara McCanless
Steven C. & Barbara S. Asbury
Tim Self
Elizabeth Ann Chrisman
Ann Qualls
Ronnie Pollock, Nashville, TN
David & Camille Dodd
Bill & Jenny Gambill
Bobby Price, Beaumont, TX
James & Medley Coatney
Voncile “Vonnie” Purnell,
Hermitage, TN
Ken & Lori Mattox
DeWayne & Sue Griffin
M/M Benny Lester
Bill & Clara Pharris
James & Mert Ray
Ann Wilson
Evelyn Force
Betty Burton
Jim & Marge Gregory
Brack & Patti Reed
Charles & Sue Russell
Luther & Dean Byrd
Freddie & Kim Gibson
Dorothy Lee Rader, Franklin, TN
Jim & Regena Crutchfield
William “Bill” Rainey, Franklin, TN
Jim & Regena Crutchfield
Janie Rakes, Arrington, TN
Martha & Van Kreh
Elizabeth Reed Raney,
Brentwood, TN
Jonathan & Carolyn Taylor
Sean & Kristin Cofoid
Deby & Helen Samuels
Bill & Faye Rieder
Otter Creek Church of Christ
Charles & Martha Brandon
Mickey & Kathleen Sparkman
John & Lynn Mott
Glenda Reaves, Columbia, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Melvin & Glenda Reaves,
Columbia, TN
Barbara W. Smith
Ruth H. Wiles
Michael Reed
T. C. & Louise Keeling
Bob V. Reep, Cincinnati, OH
Barbara Burns
Gladys Brown Renfro, Columbia, TN
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Mary Reynolds
Tusculum Church of Christ
Leon Richardson
Barbara R. Weatherspoon
Billy Rogers
Barbara Davis
Chad Rosenberg, Manchester, CT
Frank & Barb Rohan
Ken Samuel
Barbara Carden
Lee E. Saylor, Eustis, FL
Peggy S. Saylor
John Fred Scarborough,
Murfreesboro, TN
Gary & Betty Hodgin
Eugene Schroo, Lyons, NY
Donna Price
Jerry Sessions, Yakima, WA
Verna Mae Sessions
Dennie Lee Shade
Richard M. &
Frances C. Shively
Mary Arnette Sheppard,
Scottsboro, AL
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Barry & Billi Hartsfield
Cleopa Shipp, Overbrook, KS
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Lola Shives
Dr. Ronald, Beth, Evan &
Eric Cox
Melvin Short, Soddy Daisy, TN
Terry & Mary Crabtree
Bill Shrode, Georgetown, TX
Lillian Henson
Denis Sim, Golden Valley, AZ
Art & Laquita Searles
Cheryl Conder Sims
Glenn & Doris Conder
Delpha Sims
Joann Campbell
Frances Sloan
Peggy Williamson
Billy H. Smith, Nashville, TN
Judy Bradshaw
Aliene Fann
Geneva, Keith & Brenda Morgan
Billy H. Smith, Nashville, TN
Gary & Victoria Kindell
Harmony Road Teachers
The Canasta Group:
M/M Richard Brown
M/M Richard Vines
Evelyn Hooper
Helen Jones
Martha Underwood
Etta Smith, Wilson, NC
John Smith
Hazel Louise Smith
Nancy M. Langhans
Kay Smith
Virginia Smith
Kathryn Madora “Katie” Strunk
Nana & Papa
Helen Sullivan
Carl &Jane Owen
Ruth Larkins Sullivan,
Bon Aqua, TN
Chad Edwards
Lakeshore Estates, Inc.,
The Meadows
Mrs. Tommie Collins
Dudley D. Jones
Jane Hughes
Shirley L. Jones & Family
Ronald & Nancy Mullens
Paul explains the resurrection to the Corinthians
“The body is sown in corruption, it is raised
in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is
raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is
raised in power. It is sown a natural body,
it is raised a spiritual body. There is a
natural body, and there is a spiritual body.”
“The body is sown in corruption, it is raised
L. T. Sneed, Whitleyville, TN
John R. Cason
Anthony & Cherry Ramsey
Twin Lakes Employees &
Jean M. Burnett
Shirley Sorrow, Nashville, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Ronnie Southall, Linden, TN
Linden Church of Christ
William Spurlock, Bentonville, AR
Herbert Franklin Family
Mary Jane Stacey & her
father James, Madison, TN
Lois Stacey
Mary Jane Stacey, Madison, TN
The Sewing Ladies of
Neely’s Bend Ch of Christ:
Judy Barnes
Barbara Burton
May Ruth Hosale
Carolyn Powell
Robie Parsley
Nancy Shipman
Janelle Williams
Milton Elizabeth Curtis Starnes,
Hendersonville, TN
Shirley T. Smith
Alta W. Starr
Darlene Randall
Darrell Sterry
Willene Williams
Bill Stewart,
Murfreesboro, TN
Aggie Litton
Norman C. Stikes, Sr.
Joan Jenkins
Wayne Stiller, High Point, NC
Ruby Cooper
Dale Stolzman, Puyallup, WA
Monique Stolzman
Ruth Larkins Sullivan,
Bon Aqua, TN
Brentwood Hills Ch of Christ
Angela Sullivan & Family
Juanita Sutton
M/M Morris E. Hannah
Charlie Boyd Tarkington,
Nashville, TN
Mike & Judy Jones
John & Avanell Peck
Larry Wells
Brenda Burchard
Dorothy, Rob & Rachel Hatchett
M/M James Humphreys
Ray D. Scott, PhD
Evelyn Twichell
Susan S. Weiss, Attorney at Law
TN Attorney General’s Office
Harold & Iris Skelton
Blair & Vanessa
Leelee Burnette
Terry & Peggy Bebout
David & Jenny Calvin
Brice Burchard
Tim & Sandra Osborne
Joe & Martha Cooke
Meredith DeVault
Charles & Karen Sellars
Criminal Justice Division of
TN Atty. General’s Ofc.
Dolores & Jim Chilton
Wanda & Pat Chilton
Jimmy & Lisa Chilton
Cynthia & Rick Garnto
David F. & Linda G. Osborne
The Walker Family
Renee W. Turner
Kenneth & Linda Mayes
Jeanette W. Connell
Carol & Dorothy Roberts
Helen Conlee McMackin
Charlie Boyd Tarkington,
Nashville, TN
Alisa & Camille Reasonover
Nina Tarkington, Nashville, TN
Larry & Linda Boardman
Janeen Cook
Mary Atnip Taylor
Walter & Peggy Fitzpatrick
Pam Taylor
Judith E. Shockley
Tyce Taylor, Woodville, AL
Wylie & Phyllis Herrod
Helen Ruth Teague, Little Rock, AR
Larry & Linda Harrell
Dale Thomas, Columbia, KY
Daryl & Judy Bradshaw
Eddy Thomas, Smyrna, TN
Al & Wilma Hancock
Kay Thomas, Bridgeport, AL
Jim & Marge Gregory
Wilma Tice, Brentwood, TN
Billy Caldwell
Ginna Durard
Natasha Smith
Kathleen Tice
Magedeline Tice
Danny & Joyce Tice
Fred & Donna Gray
Patricia & Seth Carmody
Robert & Ellen Bell
Henry & Dorothy Smith
Horace Tidwell
Mary Ensey
Clyde Ricky Todd, Woodbury, TN
Juanita Burks
Lonnie Todd
Owensboro Church of Christ
Ruth Todd, Murfreesboro, TN
Dorothy Baskin
Joan S. Ryan
Madge Johnson Tramel,
Nashville, TN
Sylvia Hire
Bill & Bonnie Stafford
Charlene Taylor & Chaz Taylor, Inc.
Nancy & Dana White
Arbra & Helen Triplett
Barbara Carden
George Triplett
Barbara Carden
Rosene Troup, Huntsville, AL
John & Avanell Peck
Larry Turner
Walter & Linda Jenkins
Robert L. Underwood, Sr.
Helen M. Underwood
Linda Varner
Ruby P. Cooper
Edward Veard, Madison, TN
Ms. Jacque Parkinson
Ruby Wagner, Philippi, W V
David & Debbie Ross
Charlene Wakefield,
Culleoka, TN
James & Lauraette Morrow
Josie Waldron, College Grove, TN
Bobby & Anita Lewis
Barbara Ann Walker, Nashville, TN
Donald & Mary Powell
Mary Ruth Walker
Carl & Jane Owen
Verna Walker, Martin, TN
Allie Warren, Waverly, TN
John & Avanell Peck
Betty Mildred Warren
Terry & Kathleen Gross
Tom & Bonnie Gross
Herbert Watkins,
Shafter, CA
Victoria Grogan
M/M Arnold Watson
Mike & Betty Wiley
Dr. Exum Watts,
Murfreesboro, TN
Sondra E. Wilcox
Joyce Welchace Hathaway
Gary & Betty Hodgin
Frances Boyd Weaver
Edith Smith
Betty Webster,
Murfreesboro, TN
Becky Smith
Agnes Wells,
Nashville, TN
Liz Honeycutt
Dorothy A. Stephens
Joanne Wentworth
David & Judy Franklin
Carolyn & Bob White (In memory
of their 55th wedding anniversary)
Thomas E. Roberson
Jim White, Lebanon, TN
Linda E. Jenkins
Mike White,
Lebanon, TN
Linda E. Jenkins
Floye (Pop) Whitehead,
Duluth, GA
Larry Bouldin
Marie & Shac Herbert
Sara Smith
The Caring Ministry @
Woodmont Hills Church
Margaret & George O’Connor
Clinton W. Whitten,
Huntsville, AL
Virginia W. Carden
Carol Williams
Lebanon, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Mary Lou Williams
Mark & Yvette Smith
Jane Morgan Wilson
Pamela Whitworth
Myrl Wilson, Winslow, AZ
Gayle A. Kasulaitis
Charles Wingo, Hendersonville, TN
Jane Hughes
Katherine Wood
Evelyn Janes
Hiram (Pete) Wright, Nashville, TN
Alan & Brenda Owen
Jesse Kenneth York,
Murfreesboro, TN
Bobby & Eva Basford
Philip & Delores Coleman
Barbara Stanfill
Wilma Koenig
Paris Brenton York, Broken Arrow, OK
Donny & Karen Longest
Ray Young, Sr.
Walt & Melisha Berridge
SCAM ALERT! If you have never been a victim of identity theft, you
have no idea how long in months or years it may take for you to again
become a legal person. Sid Kirchheimer, author of Scam Proof Your
Life, offers some advice on action we should take when we lose a loved one.
 Immediately send death certificate copies by certified mail to the 3 main
credit reporting bureaus. Request that a “deceased alert” be placed on the
credit report.
 Mail copies as soon as possible to banks, insurers and other financial
firms requesting account closure or change of joint ownership.
 Report the death to the Social Security Adm., the IRS, and the DMV.
 In obituaries, do not include the deceased’s date or place of birth, last address or job.
 Starting a month after the death, check the departed’s credit report at annualcreditreport.com for suspicious
activity. Crooks have many sources from which they obtain information, but Stephen Coggeshall of ID
Analytics, an identity theft protection company in San Diego, says, “Perhaps the best know source is the Social
Security administration’s Death Master File.”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A donation, memorial gift, or living honor gift can also be made on our website: www.disasterreliefeffort.org
MEMORIAL gifts are chosen by
many to express love and
sympathy to families who have lost
loved ones.
LIVING HONOR gifts express
honor, appreciation,
congratulations, etc.
A letter which does not mention
the amount of the gift will be sent
to the family. Gifts are tax
deductible. Make checks payable
P. O. BOX 111180
Nashville, TN 37222-1180
Please clip this form and send it with your memorial or living honor gift. PLEASE PRINT.
Please send
Letter to
GIVEN BY__________________________________________PHONE NO.________________
CITY_____________________________________STATE___________ZIP CODE__________
John & Jackie Agati, Auburn, NY
Thankful for our long time
friendship over 26 yrs.
Donna Prince
M/M John Baylor,
Nashville, TN
Emily Hartman
Kenneth Binkley,
Joshua, TX
Sharon McGehee
Willis Booth,
Tallahassee, FL
To honor Daddy on this
Father’s Day, 2015
Rick & Deana
Keith & Julie Boyd,
Adams, TN
Demetra G. Boyd
Lee & Jing Boyd,
Clarksville, TN
Demetra G. Boyd
Coach Randy Brown,
Portland, TN
Charles & Kay McCrory
Churches of Christ Disaster
Relief Effort, Inc. Workers
Al & Jean Shellenbarger
M/M Deryl Clevenger,
Hart, TX
Janell Clement
Helen Coniglio,
Winter Park, FL
Emily Hartman
Ruth Conway,
Mobile, AL
Happy Birthday!
M/M Bennie Thompson
Debbie Cook,
Stafford, VA
Happy Birthday!
Bob & Karen White
Fay Cornwell,
Nashville, TN
Alisa & Camille Reasonover
Verna Lee Couch,
Madisonville, TN
Happy 81 Birthday!
Wilma N. Gibson
Charlene Holloway
Harvey & Linda Craft,
Nashville, TN
With Brotherly love!
Ray & Krystyna Hayles
Ray & Brenda Dale,
Gallatin, TN
James & Peggy Harris
Ethel Davis,
Chesapeake, VA
For being a wonderful
DeWayne Duncan,
Arnold, MO
Because of your need during
the flooding in the south!
Charles G. & Madeline R.
Daniel Franklin,
Columbia, KY
In honor of graduation!
Herbert & Betty Franklin
Ben & Ayden Gambill,
Nashville, TN
Love You!
Morris Grimes,
Nashville, TN
Fred & Beverly Wolfe
Joe Haley,
Nashville, TN
Thanks for all you do
for the 60+ group!
John & Avanell Peck
Violet Hance,
Grand Prairie, TX
Sharon McGehee
Jim Harris,
West Melbourne, FL
Happy Father’s Day!
Rob & Karen White
Alvin R. Jones
James Jones
Miriam Lilly Lamontagne, Liverpool, NY
My namesake, dear
Lillie R. Wallace
Diana & Dr. Gary Larkins,
Clarksville, TN
Demetra G. Boyd
Jerome & Jeanie Losson,
Salem, IN
Happy 27 Wedding Ann.
Randall & Marilyn Losson
Jimmy Mathis, Duck River, TN
Happy Father’s Day!
Gary & Gayle Mathis
Bill & Betty McIntosh,
Shreveport, LA
M/M Richard Tatum
A good ole boy won a raffle drawing. He brought it
home, and his wife looks at him and says, “What you
gonna do with that? There ain’t no water deep enough to
float a boat within 100 miles of here.” He says, “I won it,
and I’m gonna keep it.”
His brother came over to visit a few days later. He sees
the wife and asks where his brother is. She says, “He’s
out there in his bass boat,” pointing to the field behind the
house. The brother heads out behind the house to see his
brother sitting in a bass boat in the middle of a big field
with a fishing rod in his hand. “What are you doing?” His
brother replies, “I’m fishing, what it looks like I’m
doing?” His brother yells, “It’s people like you that give
people like you and me a bad name, making every body
think we is stupid. If I could swim, I’d come out there and
whip you!”
Sharron Harris,
West Melbourne, FL
Happy Mother’s Day!
Bob & Karen White
Stephanie Hewgley,
Nashville, TN
Becky Cook
Mary T. Hilton, Lexington, NC
For all you do for others!
Ralph & Elizabeth T. Leonard
Sandy Hood,
Fairport, NY
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Norma Idom,
Lenoir City, TN
Jessie Bowers
Ray Jenkins,
Greenbrier, TN
Elder @ Whites Creek Church
of Christ, in appreciation!
Doug Adcock
Dovie Mears, Fairview, TN
Happy Mother’s Day!
Chris, Tara, Nathan, Grace,
Hannah & Noah King
Janice L. Moncrief, Everette, WA
Happy Birthday!
Rob & Karen White
Kelsi Nation,
Summer Shade, KY
In honor of graduation!
Herbert & Betty Franklin
M/M Brent Newtown,
Holts Summit, MO
Happy Anniversary!
Donna Prince
Jane Oberhellmann,
Nashville, TN
Becky Cook
M/M Jeremy Ouimet,
Rochester, NY
Happy Anniversary!
Donna Prince
Wes Parker,
Whites Creek, TN
Elder @ Whites Creek Church
of Christ, in appreciation!
Doug Adcock
Betty Paschal,
Woodbury, TN
Helen Davenport
M/M Arthur Petty,
Woodbury, TN
Happy Anniversary!
Juanita O. Burks
E. J. & Barbara Price,
Hazel Park, MI
For all you do!
Amos & Ginnie Prince,
Huntington, W V
In Appreciation!
Donna Prince
Margie Prince,
Stockbridge, GA
Happy Birthday!
Donna Prince
Glen Pulliam,
Lodi, CA
Wyba Nienstadt
Bertie Rummel,
Greeley, CO
Happy Birthday!
Carl Rummel
Bob Sanner,
Shickley, NE
Happy 90 Birthday!
Kathy Anderson
Wayne & Kim Scott,
Henderson, TN
John & Sharon Symonds
April Shaw,
Summer Shade, KY
In honor graduation!
Herbert & Betty Franklin
Annette Simmons,
Wynne, AR
M/M Jerry Dallas
Kathy Smith, Nashville, TN
Becky Cook
Doyle Sumner, Kingman, AZ
Happy Birthday!
Laquita Searles
Guy Sumner, Mesa, AZ
Happy Birthday!
Laquita Searles
Cole C. Walden, Summer Shade, KY
In honor of graduation!
Herbert & Betty Franklin
J. C. & Helen Wallace, Logan, AL
John & Sharon Symonds
Edna M. Walling, Nashville, TN
Diana D. Barnes
Agnes Wells, Nashville, TN
Happy Birthday!
Velma M. Bradshaw
Louise F. Whitten, Huntsville, AL
Virginia W. Carden
Delores Whorley, Nashville, TN
Robert & Imogene Markum
Martha Williams
Nashville, TN
Happy 80 Birthday!
Jane Hughes
Churches of Christ
P. O. Box 111180 / 410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37222-1180
Nashville, TN
Trucks rolling across the nation aiding disaster survivors
Churches of Christ
Disaster Relief Effort, Inc.
P. O. Box 111180/410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37222-1180
John Miller – President
Lester (Buddy) Williams, Jr. – Vice President
Mike Lewis – Executive Director
Al Daugherty – Treasurer
Mike Morello - Secretary
Ralph Coles – Hillcrest - Springfield
Dennis M. Crowder – Jackson St.
Al Daugherty – Granny White
Walter Jenkins – N. Blvd – Murfreesboro
Mike Lewis – Rural Hill
John Miller – Allisona – College Grove
Mike Morello – Brentwood Hills
Jim Oliver – Old Hickory
Glen Rodgers - Hendersonville
Jim Willhite, - Main St. – Springfield
Lester (Buddy) Williams, Jr. Concord Road
Riley Clemons – Hart Street
James W. Costello – Vultee
Buford Gregory – Concord Road
Gary Kell – Hendersonville
Tommy Moore – Lebanon Road
Richard (Dick) Nicks – Secretary – Bellevue
John Peck – Woodson Chapel
Wayne Russell - Antioch
Bruce Zupa - Bellevue
Newsletter Editor
Edna M. Walling
(615)833-0888 – (888)541-2848
FAX (615)831-7133
E-mail: info@disasterreliefeffort.org
Website: disasterreliefeffort.org
Facebook Page:
“He who does not love does not know
God, for God is love.”
- Apostle John, son of Zebedee
Editorial -
That is not exactly a phrase we use while
trying to convince someone to believe in
Jesus, but if the Lord allows us to exist in
these old fleshly bodies for as many as 100
plus years, we probably agree with Paul
that we have experienced trials, we are
experiencing trials, or we will experience
Our short trek through this world is a
provin Edna M. Walling
proving ground for eternity. If our focus is
Newsletter Editor
on loving, serving, and obeying God to the
best of our ability, then we find ourselves
“pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us
heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
The beauty of “pressing on” is that we do not have to do it alone. Paul told
the Philippians that he was convinced “that He (God/Holy Spirit) who began a
good work in them would continue it to the day of the Lord.” The same Spirit
to which Paul referred lives in our hearts today and wants to help us. It is
up to us to humble ourselves and accept His help.
James, probably Jesus’ half brother, tells us the benefits of enduring trials.
He tells us to “consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds.” Come
on, James, be real! He continues, “because you know that the testing of your
faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its works so that you
may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
The disciples asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God
requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He
has sent.”
Accepting the fact that this life may not be a bed of roses, let us pray for
faith like Job had when he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him…”