School days thatShine - the Extra Mile Education Foundation
School days thatShine - the Extra Mile Education Foundation
2013 ANNUAL REPORT Shine School days that Extra Mile Education Foundation helps urban children and their families meet the challenge of obtaining a values-based, quality education from pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade. FA C T S A B O U T T H E E X T R A M I L E E D U C AT I O N F O U N D AT I O N - 2 0 1 3 PURPOSE SCHOOLS Operational Subsidy Basis: To provide financial support for children from urban, economically disadvantaged families seeking a quality, values-based education from select elementary schools, thereby keeping tuition at affordable levels. Scholarship Basis: ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR, Hill District, Pittsburgh, PA SR. THEA BOWMAN CATHOLIC ACADEMY, Wilkinsburg, PA EAST CATHOLIC, Forest Hills NORTHSIDE CATHOLIC, Brighton Heights ST. BARTHOLOMEW, Penn Hills COMBINED ENROLLMENT Over 600 children from early childhood through eighth grade DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE ACCREDITATION PARTICIPATION COLLABORATIONS Student population is predominantly African American and non-Catholic. More than 70 percent qualifying for free/reduced-price lunches, and 60 percent live in single-parent families. Middle States Association of College and Schools Daily attendance is 95 percent. Parent participation in educational conferences is 97 percent. All families pay at least a portion of the $2,000 tuition, a 30% share of the cost of education per child. Quality of the education and values transmitted in the schools are equally important for families. EDUCATION COMMUNITY Carlow University – staff development, gifted students, classroom tutors, teacher practicums Duquesne University – instrumental music, technology training Grove City College – student teachers, practicums for education majors LaRoche College – programming for gifted students Robert Morris University - classroom practicum for education majors St. Vincent College – Challenge Program SummerBridge of Sewickley Academy – summer program and after-school tutors University of Pittsburgh – staff development, tutors, evaluation, reading interns Triple P Program SOCIAL SERVICE COMMUNITY Office for Cultural Diversity – diversity classes, annual graduates retreat City of Pittsburgh Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) Homewood and Hill District YMCA – after-school programs Laughlin Children’s Center – hearing screening, remediation services Mercy Behavioral Health – prevention training, “Dancing Classrooms” CULTURAL COMMUNITY Carnegie Museums – student visits Carnegie Science Center – classroom assemblies, student visits The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust – tickets for special performances Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera – tickets for performances Pittsburgh Symphony – visits to the schools Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium – school programs and visits RESULTS FINANCIALS SOURCES OF SUPPORT 1,500 eighth-grade graduates 96 percent high-school graduation rate 88 percent pursue learning after high school – in college, trade school or the military No one entering high school has to repeat ninth grade. Budget for 2012-2013 school subsidy was $1,850,000, representing 65 percent of the cost of education. Remaining support comes from tuition, school-based fund-raising, parish subsidies and from the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Local corporations, foundations, and individuals who care about the future of children in the community. D A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN ear Friends, Extra Mile supports the education of urban children in a faith-based environment that emphasizes a culture of caring, mutual respect and high expectations. The importance of our work cannot be overstated. Thanks to Extra Mile, and all those who support it, parents have access to two excellent elementary schools for their children: St. Benedict the Moor in the Hill District and Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy in Wilkinsburg. In these schools, dedicated teachers challenge children to reach within themselves and learn. In these schools, children come to the realization that they have talents, that they matter, that they have well-formed lives to live for their families, their communities, for themselves. Additionally, scholarship support is made available to urban children attending several other Catholic schools serving urban neighborhoods. In this past year, we have broadened involvement among young professionals thanks to our Young Professionals Advisory Committee (YPAC), which has enabled us to reach out to more people through sponsorships and events. We thank all those who support this essential cause, from longtime donors to those who joined us for the first time this year. And we continue to invite more and more to join us. J. Christopher Donahue Chairman of the Board A MESSAGE FROM B I S H O P D AV I D A . Z U B I K y Dear Friends, On behalf of the Extra Mile Education Foundation and the Diocese of Pittsburgh, I thank and salute all our supporters — from generous donors to community partners and volunteers such as the young professionals group that helps to raise money and awareness within their peer groups. Through your support and involvement, you are extending a hand that gives children with limited opportunities a firm educational and moral foundation and a future with limitless opportunities. answered a call from a friend to learn about Extra Mile and then funded a scholarship program. Thank you all so very much. And you are making it possible for people and organizations to join us. Faculty members at Duquesne University’s School of Music, as an example, have formed a band program for middle school children at St. Benedict the Moor. A lawyer designed a mock trial program for eighth graders at Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy. A retired business professional Grateful for our belief that “Nothing is impossible with God,” I am Your brother in Christ, Most Reverend David A. Zubik Bishop of Pittsburgh A MESSAGE FROM THE YOUNG PROFESSIONAL A D V I S O RY C O M M I T T E E ( Y PA C ) n its third year, Extra Mile’s Young Professional Advisory Committee (YPAC) continues to execute its vision of serving as a team of diverse, creative, and energetic individuals that support Extra Mile’s mission of helping children and their families meet the challenge of obtaining a values-based, quality education. To date, we have raised more than $80,000 in unrestricted funding through our increasingly successful annual Extra Bases for Extra Mile fundraiser, Sponsor a Student campaign drives, direct giving and other miscellaneous fundraising activities. These funds directly enable Extra Mile to continue its critical mission of shaping not only the future of the children and families it supports, but the communities in which it operates. Moving forward, we are thrilled to continue supporting the Extra Mile as a volunteer body and to identify further ways to build awareness, raise funding and invoke thoughtful leadership. From everyone on the Young Professional Advisory Committee, we thank you for your continuing support of the Extra Mile Education Foundation. Sincerely, Shawn O’Brien President - YPAC T 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW An Extra Mile-supported education offers so much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic! That is where Extra Mile’s partners enter the picture. Our corporate partners give our students and teachers opportunities to experience learning - whether it’s curriculum or social skills — in new and creative ways. We are very grateful to our generous partners. Cyberchase A phone call in the late winter of 2007 was the start of a great partnership. Cyberchase was a PBS children’s program sponsored nationally by Ernst & Young. The program’s animated heroes were regularly confronted by problems that involved the use of good math skills to solve. In addition to its corporate support, Ernst & Young wanted to involve employees in the classroom using the television program as part of the instruction. They enlisted the aid of the public television affiliate in each of the cities where they had a major presence and planned their volunteer activity. When one of the selected cities withdrew from participation, William Thomas — an Extra Mile alumnus who works for Ernst & Young in New York — suggested the city of Pittsburgh and Extra Mile as perfect partners for Cyberchase. For five weeks each May, a team of volunteers arrive at the chosen school (St. Benedict and Sr. Thea Bowman rotate annually) where they lead the third grade in activities that both engage and excite the students. The five-week program concludes with a field trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo and certificates of achievement for each participant. Ernst & Young volunteers have gone beyond Cyberchase in Extra Mile classrooms to provide Christmas gifts, outdoor landscaping with assistance from the eighth grade, and planting the school’s brand-new urban garden. Dancing Classrooms Dancing Classrooms launched in 1994 as a not-for-profit project of the American Ballroom Theater Company. It is an arts-in-education program that teaches ballroom dance to students of participating schools. Dancing Classrooms is an in-school residency for every child, regardless of his or her background or experience. “While Dancing Classrooms is hailed as an effective program for teaching social dance, it provides many other benefits. Dancing Classrooms is about creating an atmosphere that allows students who are typically introverted and reserved to step out and shine. It focuses physical energy and increases health through the joy of movement. It builds self-esteem and interactive social skills as it improves children’s confidence and their ability to relate to others.” — The Dancing Classrooms program was introduced to the Extra Mile schools through the collaborative work of Mercy Behavioral Health, which operates the program, and McAuley Ministries, which funded the program in its inaugural year. Begun as a classroom activity for fifth-grade students, Dancing Classrooms now includes an eighth-grade component that allows students who participated in fifth grade an opportunity to brush up on their dance skills. A series of competitions are held at the conclusion of each semester, leading up to the Colors of the Rainbow finals in May and the crowning of both fifth and eighth-grade champions. The program has been enormously successful at the Extra Milesupported schools with students placing in the semi-finals and finals in past years. continued O F H A N D S - O N D I S C O V E RY RY “I NEVER THOUGHT T H AT I W O U L D P L AY A N I N S T R U M E N T. AT F I R S T I WA N T E D T O Q U I T B U T I KEPT MY HEAD AND P R A C T I C E D E V E RY D AY. ” 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW Instrumental Music In August of 2013 a shipment of flutes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, saxophones and percussion instruments arrived at St. Benedict the Moor School. Over sixty students from fourth through eighth grade were ready to put them to use in the new St. Benedict the Moor School band. A partnership between the Duquesne University Mary Pappert School of Music, McAuley Ministries, and St. Benedict the Moor led to the new program. Dr. Paul Doerksen, Associate Professor and Chair of the Music Education Department at Duquesne, guided the development of the program. “I NEVER KNEW I WOULD B E G O O D AT F L U T E . I WA S S U R P R I S E D . AT T H E S TA RT O F T H E Y E A R I WA S N ’ T GOOD BUT I GOT BETTER AND BETTER. I LOVE P L AY I N G T H E F L U T E . ” ( page 2 ) It was critically important that the program be free to the students and that it be sustainable. Both goals were accomplished. Undergraduate music education majors from Duquesne University teach group instrumental classes twice a week to the students, receiving invaluable classroom experience. The value of the music instruction for the students was shared in letters of thanks written at the conclusion of the first year. ASSET STEM Education ASSET STEM Education is a national Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education improvement nonprofit. It fosters STEM fluency and college/career readiness by providing educators of students pre-kindergarten through career with highly effective professional development, hands-on educational materials and consulting services. At the elementary level, it supports a standards-based science program through teacher professional development aligned with “ B A N D I S I M P O RTA N T T O M E B E C A U S E I T TA U G H T ME MANY THINGS L I K E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y, TEAMWORK, RESPECT AND PERSEVERANCE.” hands-on curriculum materials. Membership provides teacher training for all teachers of science as well as providing access to the vast storehouse of science modules that can be used in the classroom. St. Benedict the Moor and Sr. Thea Bowman have been participants in the program for several years. McAuley Ministries provided the funding for the start-up of ASSET STEM Education at St. Benedict the Moor and the Ryan Family Foundation provided support for Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy. “IT INSPIRED ME T O P L AY W I T H A C O M M U N I T Y. ” 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS J. Christopher Donahue President & Chief Executive Officer Federated Investors, Inc. Chairman of the Board Louis D. Astorino, FAIA Chairman L. D. Astorino & Associates, Ltd. Vice Chairman & Chairman of Disbursement Committee Donald J. Heberle President BNY Mellon of Pennsylvania Vice Chairman & Chairman of Nominating Committee Paul Michael Pohl Partner Jones Day Vice Chairman & Chairman of Development Committee Lynette A. Horrell Managing Partner Ernst & Young Vice Chairman & Chairman of Investment Committee BOARD MEMBERS Charles E. Bunch President & Chief Executive Officer PPG Industries, Inc. William S. Demchak President & Chief Executive Officer PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Thomas W. Golonski Chairman & President, Retired National City Bank of Pennsylvania Gregory B. Jordan Executive Vice President & General Counsel PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Milton A. Washington President Allegheny Housing Rehabilitation Corporation Kevin S. McClatchy Chief Executive Officer, Retired Pittsburgh Pirates Bishop David A. Zubik Diocese of Pittsburgh Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki Saint Vincent Archabbey Thomas H. O’Brien Chairman of the Board, Retired PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Joan C. Peirce Peirce Family Foundation Charles J. Queenan, Jr. Chairman Emeritus K&L Gates, LLP Arthur J. Rooney, II President Pittsburgh Steelers John T. Ryan, III Chairman Mine Safety Appliances Company Vincent A. Sarni Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Retired PPG Industries, Inc. Amy Sebastian R. P. Simmons Family Foundation David S. Shapira Executive Chairman, Board of Directors Giant Eagle, Inc. Michael P. Tomlin Head Coach Pittsburgh Steelers DIRECTORS EMERTI Frank V. Cahouet Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Retired BNY Mellon John F. Donahue Chairman Federated Investors, Inc. ADDITIONAL OFFICERS Lori A. Hensler Federated Investors, Inc. Assistant Treasurer Director of Audit David P. Klasnick PNC Wealth Management Assistant Treasurer Ambrose P. Murray Extra Mile Education Foundation Executive Director & Secretary Suzanne M. Vertosick Extra Mile Education Foundation Director of Programs Assistant Secretary Dr. Michael A. Latusek Superintendent for Catholic Schools Diocese of Pittsburgh DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING COMMITTEE G. Reynolds Clark, Chair Vice Chancellor University of Pittsburgh Tammy B. Aupperle TB Aupperle Consulting, LLP Dr. Rita Bean University of Pittsburgh, Retired Michael Doherty Sherpa Resources LLC j Brian E. Goerke PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Eugene E. Harris U.S. Steel Corporation, Retired Ambrose P. Murray Extra Mile Education Foundation Stan Muschweck Stand Out Marketing & Advertising Tony Quatrini Pittsburgh Steelers David P. Synowka, PhD Robert Morris University Suzanne M. Vertosick Extra Mile Education Foundation Gerald J. Voros Ketchum Communications, Inc. Retired Aaron A. Walton Highmark, Inc. SUPPORT EXTRA MILE Extra Mile Education Foundation depends on philanthropic support from foundations, corporations, and individuals to fulfill its mission. All gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law and will be acknowledged upon receipt. Methods of support include: Gifts and pledges of cash Gifts of tangible assets (such as appreciated securities or real estate) Gifts of insurance Trust arrangements Bequests In addition, various in-kind gifts, including supplies, equipment, professional services, and volunteer help are encouraged. For more information: Call Extra Mile at 412-456-3103 email us at visit our website at Donations may be made online. Financial Statements may be found online at thank-you 2013 DONORS FOUNDATIONS Allegheny Foundation Bethany Foundation Bozzone Family Foundation The Jack Buncher Foundation Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation Estelle S. Campbell Charitable Foundation Anne L. & George H. Clapp Charitable & Educational Trust Donahue Family Foundation Druckenmiller Foundation Elsie H. Hillman Foundation The Earl Knudsen Charitable Foundation John E. & Sue M. Jackson Charitable Trust Thomas Lord Charitable Trust Thomas Marshall Foundation Massey Charitable Trust McFeely Rogers Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Miles Family Foundation Millmont Foundation W. I. Patterson Charitable Fund A. J. & Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust Peirce Family Foundation Reinecke Family Charitable Foundation Ross Family Charitable Fund Ryan Memorial Foundation Salvitti Family Foundation James & Lucy Schoonmaker Foundation William G. & M. Virginia Simpson Foundation Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation Stanny Foundation Rachel Mellon Walton Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Hilda M. Willis Foundation Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc. Dollar Bank Eat’n Park Hospitality Group Ernst & Young, LLP Federated Investors, Inc. Feldstein Grinberg Lang & McKee FHLBank G. S. Jones Restoration & Consulting Henderson Brothers, Inc. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Jim Ludwig’s Blumengarten Jones Day Kelly-Rielly-Nell-Barna Associates L. J. Aviation LanXESS Maher Duessel Mascaro Construction Company, L.P. Nemacolin Woodlands Resort NFL Alumni-Pittsburgh Chapter Pitt Ohio Express, LLC Pittsburgh Pirates Pittsburgh Steelers PJ Dick/Trumbull/Lindy Paving Plans Examiners, Inc. PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Point Park University Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLC R.C. Holsinger Associates, P.C. Reed Smith, LLP Robroy Industries, Inc. Saint Vincent Archabbey Tool Sales & Service Company, Inc. TriState Capital Bank CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS BNY Mellon Foundation of Southwestern Pennsylvania Federated Investors Foundation Giant Eagle Foundation Mine Safety Appliances Company Foundation Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation PNC Foundation PPG Industries Foundation CORPORATIONS L. D. Astorino & Associations, Ltd. AHRCO Atlas Energy Resources, LLP Blue Danube, Inc. BNY Mellon Buch Electric Company CivicScience, Inc. Constellation INDIVIDUALS Mr. Andrew Achilleos Mr. Curtis Aiken Ms. Teara Alloian Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Andersson Mr. Louis D. Astorino Mr. Jeffrey B. Balicki Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beck Beechwood Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Beeler Mrs. Joanne Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Bigley Ms. Lisa Bilich Mr. Stephen Blass Bowser Family Charitable Fund Ms. Spencer Boyd Ms. Megan Boyers Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bozzone Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooks Broadhurst Mrs. Carol R. Brown Mr. Brad Buchanan Mr. Charles E. Bunch Mr. Ryan Burke Mr. Michael F. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Calihan Mr. Scott Canary Mr. Ryan Casciani Ms. Susan L. Chase Mr. Mark R. Chesko Mr. Jon Chong Ms. Patricia Conner Mr. Kevin P. Counihan Ms. Katherine Counihan Mrs. Sarah Cox Mr. Randall Crawford Mr. Kenneth Culp Daltorio Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation George & Ada Davidson Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Mr. W. Wallace Danforth Mr. Dennis DaPra Mr. Brian Daubenspeck Mr. Andrew De Silva Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Deiseroth Mr. William S. Demchak Mr. Alex Dick Mrs. Barbara M. Doerfler Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Donahue Mr. John F. Donahue George & Eileen Dorman Mr. David P. Duessel Mr. Darrell Eng Mr. Mike Faber Mr. Michael J. Ferko Mr. & Mrs. John B. Fisher Mr. Richard B. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fitzgerald Dr. & Mrs. Henry J. Gailliot Mr. Norbert Garbisch Mr. Michael Gleason Mr. Brian E. Goerke Mr. Thomas W. Golonski Mr. Judd G. Gordon Mr. Thomas P. Gordon Mr. Carl J. Grande Mr. Glenn H. Graner Mr. & Mrs. Alan Guttman Mrs. Ellen Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Haller, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hannon Mr. Edward H. Harrell Mr. Eugene E. Harris Mr. Donald J. Heberle Ms. Lori A. Hensler Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Holl Ms. Lynette A. Horrell Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Hosking Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hotopp Mr. Raymond Huber Ms. Lynn M. Huth Mr. & Mrs. Jay K. Jarrell Mr. Paul Jarrell Mr. Brett Johnston Mr. Gregory B. Jordan Ms. Suzanne Kause Mr. & Mrs. David P. Klasnick Mr. Brian J. Koble Mr. & Mrs. John P. Krolikowski Ms. Lauren Elizabeth Lampark Ms. Helene Ann Larkin Mr. James J. Leeper Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Lego Mr. David Littlefield Mr. David J. Malone Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marous Mr. Daniel Mastalski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mazurczak, II Mr. Denis McAuley III Mr. & Mrs. John R. McCartan Mr. Kevin S. McClatchy Mr. David L. McClenahan Mr. Joseph F. McCormick Mr. Ryan McElroy George & Jamie Magovern Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Mr. Philip J. McGivney Mr. Ryan H. McKenna Mr. Edward S. McKenna Mr. J. Donald McKinney Mr. Thomas McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Terrence McNamara Mr. John McWilliams Mr. Kevin C. Meacham Mr. & Mrs. Glen T. Meakem Mr. Daniel Milich Mr. & Mrs. David R. Misch Mr. Thomas R. Murphy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose P. Murray Ms. Jeanne P. Murray Ms. Mary Katherine Murray Mr. Jonathan Newman Ms. Carol A. Neyland O’Brien Family Charitable Trust Ms. Paula Jean Pawlak Mrs. Michelle Peduto Anthony P. Picadio, Esq. Mr. William A. Pietragallo, II Ms. Janet Pinnix Paul Michael Pohl, Esq. Mr. Robert Pritchard Mr. Joseph Pudner Mr. Charles J. Queenan, Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Reich Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Robinson Mr. Samuel F. Rockwell, III Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Ruscetti Mr. Ryan Ruskin Ms. Catherine Ryan Ms. Kathleen D. Ryan & Mr. James Elson Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ryan, III Mr. Jared Sadowski Sarni Family Fund Mr. William Schaefer Ms. Jodie Schmidley Mr. R. Damien Schorr Mr. Christopher Schurman Mr. Henry Scully Terry and Janet Serafini Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Ms. Molly Siegel Mr. Richard P. Simmons Ms. Kimberly Smith Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Smith Mr. W. Henry Snyder Mr. & Mrs. John A. Staley, IV Ms. Suzan Stein Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. & Joan R. Stephans Mr. Douglas Stirling Rev. Kris D. Stubna Mr. & Mrs. Jan Swensen Mr. David P. Synowka Mr. Amit Tacker Ms. Marian B. Tintelnot Thomas J. & Sandra L. Usher Charitable Foundation Mr. Mark F. Vernallis Mr. Jeffrey Wangler Washington Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Werner Mr. Art Winkleblack Mrs. Dee Wokutch Ms. Laura Zaleski Ms. Allison Zyra COMMEMORATIVE DONATIONS In memory of Ms. Rita M. McGinley By Ann, Lisa & Dan Cain Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Mr. & Mrs. David J. Federline FN Trust Company Ms. Rita J. Gould Mr. Stephen J. Gurgovits, Jr. Ms. Jane C. Hellman Mr. Terrence S. Jacobs Jubilee Association, Inc. Leonard F. Polk, & Co., PC Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas McGough Ms. Ann S. P. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose P. Murray Ms. Jeanne P. Murray Mr. & Mrs. John C. Murray Ms. Mary Katherine Murray Mr. Pascal M. Nardelli Mr. Bryan Neft The Lackner Family & Paper Products Company, Inc. Mr. Charles J. Queenan, Jr. Ms. Lori J. Ruttenberg C. Paul Scott, MD Mr. Peter C. Varischetti In memory of Mr. R. Julian Allen, III By Mr. Daniel H. Shapira Mr. David Shapira In memory of Mr. Louis Berkman By Mr. Charles J. Queenan, Jr. In memory of Mr. David W. Hunter By Leigh Tison Charitable Trust In honor of Ms. Bobbie Bossert By Ms. Heather Cunningham Ms. Lori Melton In honor of Mr. Jack Butler By Mr. Randall McDaniel In honor of Mr. Gregory Jordan By Highmark Health In honor of Mr. William Miller By Ms. Kristina Miller In honor of Mr. Daniel H. Shapira By Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heltzel, Jr. IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Mr. Louis D. Astorino Arthur Murray Dance Studio Birdsfoot Golf Center Carlow University Carnegie Museums of Art & Natural History City of Pittsburgh Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) The Club at Nevillewood Day Ford Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc. Diocese of Pittsburgh Duquesne University Eat’n Park Hospitality Group Ernst & Young LLP Fairway & Greene Mr. Brian Flaherty Frank B. Fuhrer & Associates Galleria Sun and Specs Garrison Hughes Gateway Clipper Fleet Giant Eagle, Inc. Golf Galaxy Mr. Glenn H. Graner Grove City College Henne Jewelers Hidden Valley Resort Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Hill District YMCA Homewood YMCA Jones Day Laughlin Children’s Center LaRoche College Maher Duessel Mr. Kevin S. McClatchy Mercy Behavioral Health Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose P. Murray Nemacolin Woodlands Resort Office for Cultural Diversity and Persons with Disabilities Omni William Penn Hotel Oxford Athletic Club The Parador Pittsburgh Civic Light Orchestra Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Pittsburgh Opera Pittsburgh Penguins Pittsburgh Pirates Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. PPG Industries Reed Smith LLP Mr. & Mrs. Tony Renda Robert Morris University Sport Clips St. Vincent College Summerbridge of Sewickley Academy Texas De Brazil University of Pittsburgh Venture Pittsburgh Mr. Milton A. Washington Wilson-McGinley Inc. EXTRA MILE E D U C A T I O N F O U N D A T I O N Extra Mile Education Foundation 111 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222 PH: 412/456-3103 FAX: 412/456-3186 EXTRA MILE EDUCATION FOUNDATION STAFF Ambrose P. Murray Executive Director Suzanne M. Vertosick Director of Programs Victoria L. Armstrong Office Manager Photographs of Students © Copyright 2014, Barry Myers
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