st. pius x parish - St. Pius X Catholic Church


st. pius x parish - St. Pius X Catholic Church
Welcome to
“A Place to Call Home”
6905 Blondo St., Omaha, NE 68104
Parish Office 402-558-8446
We Are St. Pius X Parish
grateful to our founders for a tradition
of sacrifice, hard work and simplicity,
proud of our economic, cultural and
age diversity.
As a Catholic community, we share
our gifts and resources to live the
Gospel of Jesus in a spirit of joy.
We commit to Spirit-filled worship
and prayer and excellence in
education for all.
We strive to be a welcoming
community, to work for justice and to
provide caring service for one another
and the world.
Parish Office:
Office Hours:
Weekdays 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am—Noon
Pastor: Rev. Michael Eckley
Associate Pastor: Rev. Mark Bridgman
Deacons: Mike Leick, Jim Nardini (Cindy) &
Gene Schimonitz (Carol)
Weekend Masses:
Saturday Vigil, 5:00 and 7:00 pm
Sunday, 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am
Daily Masses: 7:00 am and 5:30 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Marriage Preparation: Call the Parish Office
at least six months in advance
New Parent Baptismal Class: 2nd Thursday
of the month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Parish
Center. This class is required for baptism.
Pre-registration required 1 week in
advance. Call 402-558-1898
RCIA (for those interested in becoming a
Catholic) Call the parish office.
St. Pius X/St. Leo School: 402- 551-6667
Religious Education Office: 402-558-1898
Liturgy Office: 402-558-1847
Youth Ministry Coordinator: 402-558-8446
Pastoral Minister: 402-558-8446
Prayer Line: 402-556-4350, Irene Wolf
Bulletin Deadline: Two weeks in advance.
Monday, April 20th
7:00 am † John J. Molloy
5:30 pm † Alice Jamber
Tuesday, April 21st
7:00 am † Mike Filip
5:30 pm † Pat Crampton
Wednesday, April 22nd
7:00 am † Dan Tosoni
5:30 pm † Robert Kassmeier
Thursday, April 23rd
7:00 am † George Homan
8:30 am † Sandra Winn
5:30 pm † Luisa Majano
Friday, April 24th
7:00 am † Tobias Pochop
5:30 pm † Kunte Srb
Saturday Vigil Masses, April 25th
5:00 pm † Lawrence & Olivia
7:00 pm † Bill & Mona Braun
Sunday Morning Masses, April 26th
7:30 am † Dan Nelson
9:30 am
St. Pius X Parishioners
11:30 am † James Cowing
From your Pastor’s Desk…
Our Sick . . .
Kay & Marty Baye, Judy Bednarz, Maurine
Bloemer, Joyce & Richard Castle, Jane Cannon,
Leone Coyle, Jack DeVoe, Jane Dunn, Ron Duros,
Jerry Ewald, Peggy Fleming, Cindy Flogstad, Mary
Gaffney, Mary Ann Garvin, Margaret Garvin,
Jimmy Grasso, Louise Hanten, Rick Harrell, Buzz
Hawte, Corky Hillebrandt, Ralph Hoffman, Jack
Kacin, Dennis Keller, Bill Kirk, Nathan Kitzke, Blanche
Kolc, Leon Kresl, Erwin Krummel, Bernie Kuhfahl,
Peg Long, Marcie McCowan, Olga & Eugene
Michalski, Sr. Beatus, John Piper, Ray Ramirez, Teri
Roberts, Richard Roccaforte, Sharon Schleich, David
Sieben, Frank Sierawski, Shawn Simon, Geri
Stratman, Elena Sullivan, Mary Swafford, Harold
Trummer, Deb Vana, Lorraine Versch, Sr. Viola, Dan
Wais, Irv Wickert, Dorothy Williams
and all those who are in need of our prayers.
To place names on our Saint Pius X Prayer List
call the Parish Office at 402-558-8446.
Our Deceased...
† Helen Mahon
† Anton Kolc
† Attilio Lafata
Next Week’s Second Collection: Next weekend we will be
joining the rest of the Archdiocese in taking up a Collection for
Catholic Charities: Hunger Doesn’t Take a Holiday. Holiday times
are a time when many are very generous to Catholic Charities and
many other organizations that reach out and help others. This
collection reminds us that it is not only at holiday time that people
need assistance and the money generated from the collection will
enable to help those who come to Catholic Charities year round.
On Saturday evening, April 11th, during an Evening Prayer
at St. Peter Basilica in Rome, Pope Francis issued the Papal Bull,
Misericordiae Vultus. This Papal Bull was the official announcement
of the Extra-Ordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. This is an ExtraOrdinary Jubilee year because it is being done at a time other than
the usual Jubilee Years. Since 1300 AD Popes have declared
Jubilee years at 25 or 50 year intervals. It is out of the ordinary
but not completely unusual for a pope to declare a Jubilee Year
outside of the 25 or 50 year interval. The last Jubilee Year was
declared by St. John Paul II in 2000 AD.
The Bull begins, “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s
mercy.” If the Church is to be the presence of Jesus to the world it
must first and foremost show forth the Face of Mercy. The Holy
Father hopes that all will contemplate and live in a special way the
Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. He states, “Let us
rediscover these corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry, give
drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the
sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. And let us not forget the
spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant,
admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear
patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead.”
Today’s readings reflect God’s abundant Mercy and the
forgiveness all may find in the Lord. Jesus appears to his disciples
after the Resurrection and instructs them to preach repentance and
forgiveness in His name. Peter preaching in the First Reading from
the Acts of the Apostles tells the people that they acted in ignorance
in putting Jesus to death but that even now if they repent, all their
sins will be wiped clean. In our Second Reading, St. John tells the
people not to sin. This is easier said than done. Yet John reminds us
that if we do sin we have access to forgiveness, “But if anyone does
sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous
one. He is expiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but for
those of the whole world.”
With so much emphasis at times on justice and punishment,
the Holy Father reminds us that the Face of Jesus is not that of judge
but that of Mercy. We live in a world that is broken and so many of
our brothers and sisters are hurting. Mercy is what is needed. As
we move to the beginning of the year of Mercy on December 8 th
and move through the Year of Mercy, may we reflect on and live
the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
Ireland: I’m going to Ireland from September 21st –
October 3rd on The Best of Ireland Tour through Magi Travel and
you are invited to join me. If you would like more information about
the trip please contact me at the rector. You can also find
information about the tour at
Discussions with the Pastor: You are invited to come and
visit with an idea, concern, question, or if you would just like to talk.
Feel free to come alone or with others. This week I will be available
Tuesday, April 21st from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Thursday, April
23rd from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
Fr. Mike
Religious Education
The youngest disciples in the Religious Education
Program are under the guidance of catechist Lauren Barry,
who has been teaching her group of six six-year olds
important basics of the Catholic faith tradition, namely the
seven sacraments and the mass. Father Mark was the
group’s tour guide of the church, a recent “field trip”
planned by Ms. Barry. Father explained what the priest
uses when he says the mass: the chalice, the tabernacle, and
the lectionary to name a few of the items he highlighted.
“Cool!” The children loved learning about these items and
getting up close to see them, too.
Level 2 made their First Eucharist last weekend.
Mrs. Katy Chattin and Mrs. Terri Preston, co-catechists,
prepared the children for their reception of the sacrament.
Congratulations to Dale, Peyton, Tony, Kyra, Abigail,
Cecilia, Lucas, Nicholas and Addison. May the graces of the
sacrament bring you ever closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ,
who loves you with His whole heart.
The RE year is winding down and will end on April
29 with a special evening where the children in the program
will gather in church to honor Mary with song, flowers and
prayer. Then, Father Mark will award those children who
had perfect attendance and good attendance during the
year. The Level 8 disciples will be honored, too, for their
attendance during the year and blessed by all as they
depart the program. The final evening is always bittersweet. Summer vacation is glorious, but saying good-bye to
the Level 8 disciples is melonchaly.
Patty Griffith, Director
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014
- June 30, 2015
“Good News”
From St. Pius X/St. Leo School
"St. Pius X / St. Leo School is a diverse community forming
students in the Catholic faith
to excel in academics and service to others."
Our music teachers, Mrs. Karen English and Mrs.
Carol Drvol were so proud that one of our 4th grade
students, Zahid Falcon, was selected from about 480
students’ compositions in the metro area to have his piece
premiered at the LinkUp! Concert on March 4th at the
Holland Center. Zahid was interviewed at school. The
interview was shown on the big screen in front of all of the
students attending. This program has grown so large that
there were 3 concerts, so his piece was played by about
5,000 students. The Concert Master announced at the
concert that Zahid’s piece, “A Peaceful Rhythm”, would be
played by everyone in the hall and had the composer Zahid
stand up and take a bow. The school administrators had the
opportunity to be present for this great time along with all
of the 4th grade teachers, students and Zahid’s family. As
Mrs. English said, “It is so amazing and I know his life has
been forever changed!”
On Saturday, March 7th the 24th annual Bible Bowl
competition was held at St. Bernard’s Catholic School for
4th, 5th and 6th graders.
The following students
participated in the annual St. Bernard's Bible Bowl:
4th graders - Katie Peklo & Chelsea Okosi
5th graders - Andrew Washington, Wistrom Herfordt,
Walker Goebel, and Jacob Dasher
 6th grader - Dallas Davis
Congratulations to them all for their dedication and
hard work. They proudly represented our school. Thanks to
Mr. Carreon and Mrs. Sheehan, who helped at the Bible
Bowl and Miss Lowndes who coached the students.
Joyce Gubbels, Principal
April 12/13
Our per Sunday goal is …………..…....$19,096.00
Sunday Envelopes……………$14,461.75
Deficit Reduction……………………$5.00
Children’s Collection……..….........$122.08
Plate Collection………………….$592.00
Total Sunday Contribution……….….…..$15,180.83
This week’s deficit....…….…...................($3,915.17)
Year-to-date Parish Stewardship….…..$741,662.48
Budgeted Year-to-date Stewardship…..$782,936.00
Parish Deficit Year To-Date…………….($41,273.52)
This is week 41 of 52 weeks this fiscal year 2014-15.
Our Weekly Average Year-to-date is…..$18,089.33
Thanks for you help!
Other School News…
Crew #3 has cafeteria duty this week.
Menus: M) Chicken fried steak; T) Popcorn chicken;
W); No School Th) Pizza; F) Brunch
Development Dialogue
Consider your Christian responsibility to yourself, your family and to God to be a wise steward of the gifts God has
given you. How will your gifts (assets) be passed on to
those you love and care for when you die? Planning now
will help those you love more peacefully in the future.
Please prayerfully consider remembering our School and/
or Parish's Endowment Funds in your will or estate planning. Please contact Bob Nowaczyk, SPSL's Development
Coordinator at 402-551-6667 for more information.
Liturgical Ministers for April 25/26
5:00 pm Mass: E Rogan/J Vreugdenhil
7:00 pm Mass: L Alvarez/P Franks
7:30 am Mass: W West/B Giles
9:30 am Mass: J Maciejewski/M Waldron
11:30 am Mass: A & K Salzman
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
5:00 pm M Leick/S. Rosalie/M Jarzynka/M Bieker/L
Lazure/M Donovan/B Campbell
7:00 pm M Dorcey/S & M Hillier/M Cox/J Klug/C
Nelson/D Juszyk
7:30 am G Schimonitz/D West/J Fortina/J Owens/M
Dai/DA Bayer/E Borowiak
9:30 am J & C Nardini/D Mausbach/A Weidle/K
Roshone/C & J Morrissey
11:30 am I Salzman/K & K Dinkel/K Schinker/R Versch/T
Griffith/J Brown
Maplecrest EMHC’S: B Ervin/J Harding/T Potter
Altar Servers:
5:00 pm A & L Papa/Need S Sub
7:00 pm T Novotny/J Macias/F Ward
7:30 am K Brown/M Fowler/A Chattin
9:30 am A Bressani/S & M Baysa
11:30 am E Salzman/E Dinkel/R Townley
Ministers of Hospitality:
5:00 pm L Ehlers
7:00 pm P Botos
7:30 am C Ciciulla
9:30 am D & MB Mausbach
11:30 am S Skorniak
C.A.R.E Sellers:
5:00 pm K Papa
7:00 pm M Novotny
7:30 am L Thomsen
9:30 am K Bressani
11:30 am D & M Martins
5:00 pm Mass: C Johnson
9:30 am Mass: Alleluia Choir
11:30 am Mass: Jennifer Cimino
Scripture Readings Next Weekend:
1st) Act of the Apostles 4:8-12
2nd) 1 John 3:1-2
Gospel) John 10:11-18
Are you caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or
dementia? Plan to attend a FREE 2-part presentation on
the various types of dementia and how to manage your
loved one’s symptoms. This educational offering will be
held on two Saturday mornings, May 2nd and June 6th, 9:30
a.m.-12:30 p.m., at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 14330 Eagle
Run Drive. The presentation includes time for sharing your
Participants are asked to attend both
To register, contact Wendy Everson at or call 402-496-7988, ext. 239.
April 12th:
April 13th:
April 14th:
April 15th:
April 16th:
April 17th:
April 18th:
Dave & Patty Juszyk
Dan Zahm
Anita Solon
Andy & Jen Bayer
Debbie Tuttle
Ralph Hoffman
Hazel Tylski
Recently it was our pleasure to welcome and congratulate
the following children who were baptized at
Saint Pius X Catholic Church:
Reid Jeffrey Sualy
Son of Rahul & Abbey Sualy
John Costelloe Roode
Son of Patrick & Virginia Roode
We welcome them to the family of God!
St. Leo Parish is offering Vacation Bible School again
this summer and St. Pius X children are invited to attend!
Dates are June 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Monday through Thursday),
9:00 am – 12 noon, at St. Leo Church. The theme this year
is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty
Power! Children age four through 5th grade in the fall of
2015 are eligible to attend Vacation Bible School.
Register by calling 402-397-0407 or . The
registration deadline is May 17. Don’t tarry because space
is limited.
Bereavement Ministry
Do you ever wonder what to say and what not to say to a
grieving person? The St. Pius X Bereavement Ministry is
sponsoring a presentation at the Centering Corporation on
Saturday, April 25th 9:00 am- 10:30 am. The Centering
Corporation is at 7238 Maple. It provides resources for
the many types of grieving we all go through. If you would
like to attend please RSVP to Rita,,
558-8446 or Margaret,, 553-7547
by April 21.
Anointing Mass
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a liturgical and
communal celebration that provides strengthening, peace,
and courage to overcome the difficulties that go with the
condition of illness. The Sacrament can be received by all
who are suffering from serious or chronic illness, preparing
for surgery, or suffering with emotional and physical
addictions. The Sacrament of Anointing will be given for
those that desire during the 9:30 and 11:30 am masses on
Sunday, April 26.
High School Youth Group
All events are in the Parish Center unless noted.
Monday, April 20th:
- Tai Chi, 9:15 am
- Pillars, 6:15 pm
- Boy Scouts, 7:15 pm, gym
Tuesday, April 21st:
- AA, 6:30 pm, school cafeteria
- Choir Practice, 7:00 pm
Wednesday, April 22nd:
- Tai Chi, 9:15 am
- Deacon Mtg., 6:00 pm
- Religious Education, Levels 1-8, 6:30 pm, school
Thursday, April 23rd:
- St. Pius X/ St. Leo Volunteer Appreciation Mass/
Breakfast, 8:30 am, Church & Parish Center
Friday, April 24th:
Saturday, April 25th:
- Dusting Disciples Crew #8 Wangler 402-991-2625
- Shawn Simon Fundraiser, 5:30 pm, School Cafeteria
Sunday, April 26th:
- Sunday Preschool, 9:30 am, kindergarten
- Youth Ministry Core Team Mtg., 12:30 pm
- Financial Peace University, 4:00 pm
 Rosary: 6:30 am and 5:05 pm M-F, 7:10 am Sundays
 C.A.R.E. is sold after the weekend Masses and weekdays in the school and parish offices.
Worlds of Fun: All current 7th-12th graders are invited on
our annual Worlds of Fun trip June 3rd! Forms are due
May 10 ($75 ) and can be found on parish website on
youth page!
Service Camp Opportunities:
~Youth Serve: For current 7th-8th grade students. This 3day experience is a perfect step into service camps! Early
registration cost is $125 by April 29th. Three summer sessions available. Spots fill fast! Forms can be found on the
parish website youth page!
~Winnebago Service Trip For current 9th-12th grade students. A 5-day camp to Winnebago and Walt Hill, NE July
12-16. We host a VBS and do other odd jobs around the
mission. Cost is $125 and due May 1st. If you were unable to come to our meeting last weekend, please contact
Janet at for more information.
National Catholic Youth Conference: NCYC is a powerful,
energetic experience held in Indianapolis, IN November 19
-21. Open to all 2015-2016 Freshmen-Seniors. Cost is
$150 due May 1st. There is nothing like this! Join us for
the experience of a life-time! If you were unable to come
to our meeting last weekend, please contact Janet at for more information.
Senior Luncheon: St. Pius X Youth Ministry invites all graduating seniors and their families to a Senior Graduation
Luncheon May 3rd at 12:30 pm in the parish center. RSVP
by April 27th to Janet Drvol at
or 402-558-8446.
May 31, 2015
11:00 am-6:00 pm
This week-end April 18th and 19th and the following weekend April 25th and 26th, donation sheets will be available
for the Grocery Booth and Concession Stand. We need
your help to fill the grocery bags and provide condiments/
charcoal for those tasty brats and burgers!! Please bring
your items to church and a large box will be available
labeled FESTIVAL for your deposit during the next few
weeks or bring to the rectory. Questions call Mary Harrell
402 392-0158 or Karen Walag 402 390-2717. Thank
It’s Festival time again! St. Pius X is hosting its 11th annual
Summer Funfest on Sunday, May 31. We are seeking the
following donations for the game booths:
2Liters of pop and bottles of sports drinks for the Pop
Ring Toss
 Glassware for the Dime toss
 Individually wrapped candy and small toys as prizes
for booths
Please bring your donations to church and place them in the
Festival donation receptacles. Questions: Thank you!
TWO BIG EVENTS – Ann’s Attic and the Garage Sale scheduled for July 16, 17 and 18.We’re putting out a little
reminder for your clothing for Ann’s Attic, and other items
for the Garage Sale. Also, both events will have a space
at the Ministry Fair on May 2 and 3, and we’d love to have
you sign up to help at one or both. Other information will
also be available.
St. Pius X / St. Leo School Golf Tournament
Take a swing for SPSL at the 11th annual St. Pius
X / St. Leo School Golf Tournament! The tournament
will be held Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm at
Tara Hills Golf Course. You can find the registration
information on the school website or call Kim
Ramsey in the school office 402-551-6667.
“St. Pius X/St. Leo Sports Night”
The St. Pius X/St. Leo Sports Association invites you to
support “St. Pius X/St. Leo Sports Night” on Thursday, May
7, 2014, at St. Pius X /St. Leo School Gym. We are excited
to welcome Dr. Tom Osborne as our guest speaker and the
presentation of the Dan O’Doherty Award to longtime SPSL
teacher, AD and girls basketball coach, Leisa
Please contact Mychal Lanik @ for more information.