St. Pius X Catholic Church
St. Pius X Catholic Church
, L' It StPIUSX 112 IRVIEW DRIVE' SELIN\GItOVE, ----' ." PA 17870-9406 I'N, I t g . t' i\ lilt \ I I -A ,'vlr'\ h ,'vI I, I ~ I lit ,\T \IJ'l.-li-1\ 11i\!'.'JA ll'iI\'EI(~ITY I HilA "I'ILI .•i t,MAll.Ll1,\\ IJDAt'.I'(IWIII \'1111< :';. ,.'. 7:,. ~ [)J\r--J'(IWlll L..=nAIIYIHI~\IIY )frlU H HIR"i M r: eptember 7-8, 2013 I ,\Y-FRIDAY 8:)OAM·'iPM· 570 17-+'-+ 113 • F: 'i/U.J74.0 156 • l: 1111LJ XPARI II. ET I'XO,t1/'l !J.N t T 23rd Sunda.' in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings: Wisdom 9:13-18. Philemon 9-10, 12-17. Luke 14:2~-33. J c..:sus taught His follow rs the bard lesson of the ross: good accounting. careful planning. anticipating changes, decision making and finisbing the job. INEXT WEEK'S SCRIPTURE READINGS: Exodus 32:7-11, 1 -14. I Timothy 1: 12-] 7. Luke 5: 1-32. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SATURDAYS FROM 3:30-4:30 PM; WEDNESDAYS FROM 5-6PM EUCHARI TIC LITURGIES Saturday, pternb T 7 5 pm-50th Wedding Anniver'ary of NIl'. & Mr.. .Tame Muller Sunday, September 8 8:30 am-Ema Berg-Joe & Kathkcn Herb Sunday, S ptember 8 10:45 am-Marion Rozinski-EJainc Me ennott Sunday, Septembe' 8 6 pm- People of the Parish and All 'u lluehanna l niversity students 12 Noon-Adoration Chapel-John Muore-Bob nd Edna Cravitz Tuesday, September to.......... , 7 am-Adoration hapel-George Margherio-Barb and Han::. Feldmann Wednesday, eptembcr II Wednesday, Septemb r 11 ' 3 pm-Selin. grove Center SpcciaJ Int ntion 12 roan-Adoration Chapel-Charles Kreamer-Tim and Carla Minori Thursday. "eptembcr 12 Friday. September 13 •.',. .fohn Chrvsu 'tOIl1 7 am-Adoration hapel-For the Health of Kazimiera Plociennik cott Rine and Rose Rine 5 pm-J 1m Brophy-Ter sa Pclitzaand daughters 'aturday. eptemter 14 unday, September 15 8:30 am-Marlin and Jan Moy r-Juy\:e and Michael Seno Sunda), September 15 10:45 am-Etl1el and Francis c, drew-Judy and Dick oy r 6 pm-P ople of the Parish and All usquebanna University students Sunday, September 15 COLLEGE MASS ON SUNDAY EVENINGS AT 6 PM During the time that Susquehanna University is in session. a unday evening Mass will bl,; celebrated at Sl. Piu X Church. Mass will be celebrated this evening. ullday. 'eptember 8. 2013 at 6 pm. Mr. and \1r . James Muller The Parish has a sistive listening devices available for those "who wish to use them during weekend Jvias.'Ie, . SUPERMARKET GIFT CARDS SALE GOD'S PLAN FOR GIVING TITHING Last Week's Collection Children & Teen Envelope Collection Total Income for August 3 I-Sept 1,2013 $ 9,902.30 $ Last Year's Collection We appreciate your continuing support of our Supermarket Gift Certificate program from Giant Food Stores and Weis Markets. Remember, you receive full value for the amount of gift cards purchased, and St. Pius X Parish receives 10% from Giant and Weis Markets. 10,393.60 51.60 10,445.20 PARISH INDEBTEDNESS Loan Amount Principal Balance Monthly Interest $ 1,900,000.00 1,382,088.27 6,910.44 Profit from last week $ 360.00. Gift Certificates are available to purchase before and after each weekend Mass in the Narthex. Gift cards are also available during the week from the Parish office, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm. DEBT REDUCTION Year-To-Date (fiscal year) Goal 16,000.00 Actual 10,492.75 Month of August Goal 8,000.00 Actual 6,229.75 MINISTRY SCHEDULE: WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 14-15,2013 5 pm 10:45am 8:30am Extraord inary Ministers Steve & Angie Marcinek, Grace Fellon, John Pagana, Dolly Hughes Charles Kerstetter, Marcia LaBant, Brandon Bucher, Mike Seno, Sherry Evans Ryan Felty, Jessica DeFazio, Mary Schuhl, Kathy Dalius, Annette Sarsfield Reader Dales Dues William Houser William Switala, Jr. Servers Aidan Finnerty, Liam Finnerty, Fiona Finnerty Kaitlin Pauling, Zachary Ramer, Joan Hannity Emily Rowe, Michael Morack, Madison Dominick Ushers Ed Marget, Joe McGranaghan Leon Rowe, Dave Sabotchick Phil Fetzko, Sherry Marczyk Music Minister Diane Jay Carla Minori Mark Kain Please pray for our family, friends and loved ones who are ill and/or hospitalized: David Bailey Juanita Barlow Julia Becker Christian Bohling Don Borruso Gary Bowers Rose Brubaker George Cerezo William Colegrove Dick & Mary Lou Coukart Richard Donahoe Frank Doughtery Thomas Downs David Everett John Fatchaline Caleb Fornal Fritz Frost Sherman Good Christopher Hunt David Kehler Carol Kerstetter Kathy King Joe Kontura Harvey Kreamer Tim Legg Shirley Lenhart Andy Litavec Martin Family Ridge Maurer Billy McDonald Emma Merante Joe Molitoris Judy Moyer Sue Mull Jeffrey Murphy Billy Pensyl Nancy Ruffatto Lou Ann Sprenkle Lisa Sta rzel Billy Stewart Helen Underhill Fred White Walter Worhacz Betty Yagel Shirley Zoch ST. PIUS X KID'S CHOIR The St. Pius X Kids' Choir will be collaborating with Joyful Noise for Mass on Sunday, September 8 at 10:45 am. Beginning on Wednesday, September 11, the Kids' Choir will return to their normal rehearsal slot for the rest of the year from 6- 7 pm in the sanctuary. The Kids' Choir is always welcoming to new singers. If you have a son or daughter who is interested in joining the choir for any or all of the Masses this year, please contact Julie for details @ or 743-0360. Visit our updated website: ~ . ~ In an effort to have the ability to communicate with the parish in an electronic fashion, we are asking for each ;family who has an e-mail address to submit it to the Parish office. Simply e-mail your name and e-mail ~ address to the Parish office at We can then add this information to our in-house Parish Data ~ System. Thank you. , . Scriptures & Lunch will meet on Thursday, September 12,2013 in the parish library after noon Mass. RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY The Rosary is prayed: Monday-Thursday-II :40 am-Adoration Chapel; Tuesdays- 7 pm -Adoration Chapel and Thursdays- 5:30 pm -in the Church MASS AT THE MANOR OF PENN VILLAGE Mass will be celebrated on the First Friday of each month at 10:30 am in the Chapel at the Manor located on Route 204 in Selinsgrove: Parishioners are welcome to attend Mass and if able, are asked to help escort residents to Mass. September 8, 2013~ Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time~ YEAR OF FAITH The truth is that only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light. For Adam, the first man, was a figure of Him Who was to come, namely Christ the Lord. Christ, the final Adam, by the revelation of the mystery of the Father and His love, fully reveals man to man himself and makes his supreme calling clear. It is not surprising, then, that in Him all the aforementioned truths find their root and attain their crown. He Who is "the image of the invisible God" (Col. 1: 15), is Himself the perfect man. To the sons of Adam He restores the divine likeness which had been disfigured from the first sin onward. Since human nature as He assumed it was not annulled, by that very fact it has been raised up to a divine dignity in our respect too. For by His incarnation the Son of God has united Himself in some fashion with every man. He worked with human hands, He thought with a human mind, acted by human choice and loved with a human heart. Born of the Virgin Mary, He has truly been made one of us, like us in all things except sin. • Gaudium et Spes, BREAKFAST BUDDIES Breakfast Buddies will meet on Monday, September 9, 2013 at 9 am at the Pepper Tree Restaurant. The Pepper Tree Restaurant is located on Route 522, 1.7 miles from 18 th Street, on the left-hand side of the highway going toward Middleburg. Everyone is welcome to attend. Breakfast is ordered from the menu. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING The Knight) of Columbus will hold their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 7:30 pm in the Knights of Columbus Room on the lower level. CAPSULE CALENDAR Sunday, September 8-9:30 am-l0:30 am-Religious Education Classes-Lower Level Sunday, September 8-2-4 pm--Oblates Meeting-Parish Library Monday, September 9 -6 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Monday, Septeber 9- 9am- Breakfast Buddies-Pepper Tree Restaurant Route 522 Tuesday, September 10- 12 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Tuesday, September 10 -7 pm-Rosary Prayer Group-Adoration Chapel Tuesday, September 10-7:30 pm-Knights of Columbus Meeting-Lower Level Wednesday, September 11-12 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Wednesday, September 11-7 pm- Parish Council Meeting-Parish Library Wednesday, September 11- 7: 15 pm-Parish Choir Practice-Church Thursday, September 12 -12 am-12 Midnight-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel Thursday, September 12-7-8:30 pm-R.C.l.A- Lower level Friday, September 13-12 am-6am-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament-Adoration Chapel ~~GIFT NEWS~~ CAPTIVATINEi Come join us on a journey into the heart of a woman! As we look at the things that motivate her, the things that wound her, and the intricate aspects of God's own heart which he created her to bear and bring forth into the world, and what is lost if she is taken out of the world. Ladies, we were given an ilTeplaceable role in this Grand Adventure of God. Join your fellow parishioners in a dynmnic retreaJ being offered for women ages 18 & over-Presented by O.B.1.C. Ministries of Lynchburg, VA Friday, October 11 from 6 pm to Sunday, October 13 at 6 pm at Foxboro Bed and Breakfast, Selinsgrove. This retreat includes lodging, meals, and all needed materials. There will be guided talks and time for reflection, prayer, and fellowship. All free of charge! Contact Angela Dudley by phone (252-423-1171) or email: ( by eptember 15 th to reserve your spot! x--- ~<--- ~<--- ~<--- ~<--- ){--- ~<--- R.C.LA. RiTE OF CHRiSTIAN !NITIATION OF ADULTS R.C.I.A. classes begin in the Fall. If you or someone you know wishes to join the Catholic Church or simply desires information (no obligation to join), please call the parish office (374-4113) and leave your name, address and phone number, or drop the following slip in the collection basket. Classes are held at the Church begirming in September and run through Easter. I am interested in learning more about the Catholic faith in the R.C.l.A. Program. NAME- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADDRESS _ PHONE ~--- BEST TIME TO CALL ~<--- ~<--- x--- ~<--- ~<--- _ ){--- ~<--- ST. PIUS X PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The St. Pius X Parish Council will meet on Wednesday, September 11,2013 at 7 pm in the Parish library. 30th ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTHRIGHT Birthright of Sunbury will be celebrating their 30th Armiversary with a dirmer at the Townside Too, 253 Front Street, Northumberland on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 6 pm. Tickets may be purchased by calling Bilthright at 286-8560 or 286-7556. The ticket price is a donation toward Birthright. The dirmer is complimentary. Tickets are $20 per person or $150 for a table of eight. YOUNG ADULT SOCIAL HOSTED BY THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF HARRISBURG What if YOU could connect with young adults from all around the Diocese of Harrisburg ... in one place ... one party?? As a way to kick off the 2013-2014 year, the Diocese of Harrisburg will be hosting a night for young adults ages 21 to 35ish all across the Diocese to come together, play games, enjoy a few drinks and appetizers, and get to know other Catholic Young Adults who are also interested in meeting new people! JOIN US on September 28 at the Coliseum's What If... West Restau rant & Bar and meet young adults from around the Diocese and surrounding areas who are looking to meet new people and have fun with friends in an environment that is enjoyable, safe, and filled with opportunity to get to know others like you! WHERE: What If. .. West Restaurant & Bar (410 St. John's Church Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011). See their website for more details: WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 7:00 pm until II :00 pm COST: $10 Per person if registered on the Diocesan website by Wednesday, September 25,2013 or $15 at the door. (this includes entrance, appetizers, a drink coupon, and music) ALSO AVAILABLE: Bowling Alley, Arcade, and a full menu. Follow Fr Dan on TWITTER: @FR_DAN_POWELL Like us on Facebook- FISHERS OF MEN DINNER Most Reverend William J. Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh, will be the Keynote Speaker. We are faced with a challenge! Many dioceses throughout the United States are facing the challenge of fewer vocations to the priesthood. We in the Diocese of Harrisburg are faced with a different kind of challenge - the need to provide solid seminary formation for an increasing number of men who are studying for the priesthood. What a wonderful challenge to be blessed with! As we have counted on your prayers for young men considering a vocation to the priesthood, so now we need your financial help in providing seminary formation for them. HYMN SING St. Pius X has been invited to sing at the Selinsgrove Center Hymn Sing on Thursday, September 26th from 7:00-8:00. Anyone is welcome to join us. This is a great opportunity for community service and is appreciated by residents and staff. Meet at the entrance to the Central Bldg/Selinsgrove Center on Rt 522 at 7:00pm. We sing the songs right out of our church hymnals. Any questions, call Marcia LaBant at 717-805 -4494. COME AND SEE A NEW MOVIE ABOUT MEDJUGORJE The Triumph, a powerful new movie exploring the reported apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be presented on Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Digiplex Cinema Center, Susquehanna Valley Mall. Tickets are $ 10 and must be purchased in advance by calling Sue at 570.373.1740. PETER'S PENCE COLLECTION The Peter's Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural disaster and others in need of emergency assistance. Be a pilgrim of charity-please be generous by donating to next weekend's Peter's Pence Collection. History: The Peter's Pence Collection derives its name from an ancient custom. In ninth-century England. King Alfred the Great collected money, a "pence," from landowners as financial support for the Pope. Today, the Peter's Pence Collection supports the Pope's philanthropy by giving the Holy Father the means to provide emergency assistance to those in need because of natural disaster, war, oppression, and disease. ST. PIUS X PARISH CHOIR The St. Pius X Parish Choir will practice on most Wednesdays at 7: 15 pm. Rehearsals are scheduled for September 11 and 18. We will sing on Saturday, September 21 at the 5 pm Mass. We will rehearse in October and November with choir Masses each of these months on Sunday. Practices for Christmas begin on November 13th. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Diane Jay 570-658 7568 or deebiu\ (/\Cri/ YEAR OF FAITH PILGRIMAGE IN DANVILLE The Basilica of Saints Cyril and Methodius is the culminating site of a Year of Faith Pilgrimage which will be held at Villa Sacred Heart in Danville, PA on Sunday, October 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. At 1 p.m. a presentation on the mission and ministry of Saints Cyril and Methodius will be given. A Living Rosary will follow, that will include an outdoor procession ending in the Basilica. Msgr. Thomas Derzack, National Chaplain of the Slovak Catholic Federation will offer a reflection and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will conclude the pilgrimage. For more infOlmation please call 570-275-3581. THE SMALLEST GIFT The Smallest Gift is a nonprofit organization started by St. Pius X parishioners Brad and J ean nette Gill and Rob Thawley and Mandy Maneval. Last spring, their lives were forever changed by the birth and death of their infant daughters. In their grief, they recognized the need for an organization that reaches out and helps families affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. The Smallest Gift sends gifts of comfort to grieving families and works with the health care arena and our community to raise awareness. If you or someone you know has been affected by miscalTiage, stillbirth, or infant loss, or you would like to donate your time or talents, please email or visit our website at SELINSGROVE MARKET STREET FESTIVAL The Selinsgrove Market Street Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2013 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. in downtown Selinsgrove. St. Pius X will sponsor a booth and will be selling Pierogies and homemade Maryland Crab Soup. Workers are needed to help set up and take down the booth, as well as workers at the booth for one hour shifts. Sign-up sheets for workers are in the Narthex. PLEASE VOLUNTEER! Men, women, Youth Ministry High School students and th th we especially encourage 7 and 8 Grade Confirmation students who can use the hours worked as service hours for Confirmation. For more information, please contact Mike Schlenker at 570 374-8125, Jack Kircher 570-765-4919 or you may contact the Parish Office at 570-374-4113. ST. PIUS X PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING The S1. Pius X Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Thursday, September 19, 2013 in the Parish library from 6-8 pm. New members are always welcome. For information, please contact Kathy Dalius at OR 570.374.9883. PRAYERISHAREfMEAL PSM usually stands for Prayer Shawl Ministry. This time it also means Prayer/SharefMeal. On Sunday, October 6th we are having a special (mini-retreat) meeting for all those who have ever been I nvolved in the PSM, for those who would like to know more about this ministry, and for those who may consider joining. We will meet from 12 to 3pm in Richfield to share a meal, and to reflect on the Prayer Shawl Ministry as a way to make God more present in our world through the work of our hands. Bring your handiwork along if you want. To RSVP and/or for more information & directions, call or email Kathy Dalius at 374-9883 kalhvdal 'u.ptd.nd ATTENTION ALL GARDENERS AND FLOWER LOVERS The Relay for Life team is taking orders for beautiful spring and early summer flowering bulbs. Some of the varieties available are Guinea Hen flowers, Candy Club Tulips, Lavender Mountain Lilies, Maripo sa Lilies as well as daffodils, hyacinths and many others. Plan on stopping by the parish library either Saturday, Sept. 14 or Sunday, Sept. 15 after the Masses to check out the brochure and place your orders. All bulbs will arrive in time for the fall planting season. 2013 LARC DAY OF DIALOGUE For Christian clergy and laity, either as parents or mentors, ministry to a couple preparing for or living in a marriage when one partner is a Christian and the other comes from another religious tradition involves the often difficult task of "speaking the truth with charity". This is especially necessary in a cul ture in which the prevailing trend is to view "all religions as the same". Guided by the insights of Rev. Leo Walsh, the Ecumenical Officer for the Archdiocese of Anchorage and a nationally recognized expert in interreligious marriage from the Roman Catholic perspective, this year's LARC day of dialogue will address the various theological, pastoral, spiritual and canonical issues that are unique to these marriages. The day will be held on Monday, October 28 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Cardinal Keeler Center, 4800 Un ion Deposit Road, Harrisburg. For more information please contact the Office of Ecumenical and Interre ligious Affairs (717) 657-4804 ext 265. 18TH ANNUAL ST. PIUS X GOLF TOURNAMENT The 18th Annual St. Pius X Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the Susquehanna Valley Country Club. Registration will be at 8 am with a shotgun start at 9 am. Cost is $90.00 per person and includes golf, cart, Continental Breakfast, lunch, and prizes. Single golfers are encouraged to sign-up and we will pair people together. Registration and sponsorship forms are available in the Narthex of the Church. If you can help with contacting businesses or working at the tournament, please contact Greg Felty at 570.743.7052 or gregfelty@earthlink.ne1. Thank You.
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