July 2013 - Barony of Coeur d`Ennui


July 2013 - Barony of Coeur d`Ennui
The Boar's Snore
Official Publication of the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui in the kingdom of Calontir which is a part of the
Society of Creative Anachronism. Copyright © 2013
A Message from the Chronicler
Greetings! I hope you are enjoying this months Boar's Snore. I
want to thank everyone who shared their favorite quotes, stories,
successes and more. It has been great fun for me to put this
together for you. I hope I can count on you for even more
participation in future issues. To help you plan, the deadline for
articles, artwork, stories and other submissions will be the 2nd
Monday of each month. Remember, I will need to have your
permission to use them. The August Snore will feature "Feasting
& Fighting". Cooks, I would like your favorite recipes. Fighters,
please share your best tips about equipment, how to make it and
how to fix it. You don't fight? You can't cook/won't cook? Bet
you have a question. Submit your question and see it answered.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the the wonderful things you
have to share!
Una Billie, Chronicler
Clip art is all from “Medieval Illustrations” of Dover Publications, copyright 2001. Purchased by the
Chroniclers office. Additional art work used with permission of creator.
This is the July 2013 Issue of the Boar’s Snore, a publication of the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui of the
Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. (SCA, inc.). The Boar’s Snore is available from Una Billie 9557
University Avenue, #14, Clive, Iowa 50325. It is not a corporate publication of SCA, inc. and does not
delineate SCA, inc. Policies. Copyright © 2013 Society of Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on
reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler at
chronicler@barony­cde.org who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please
respect the legal rights of our contributors.
Greetings unto our populace and friends!
This letter will find us just past Coronation. If we know our populace, we have nothing but confidence
that it was a wonderful event. We thank each and everyone for their time, input and hard work.
Congratulations to those who received Royal recognition, but to all go our heartfelt thanks.
After coronation comes war! After war comes many fun and awesome events for us all to enjoy for a few
months. Yet we cannot rest too long. We have several things needing bids. We have Yule Court,
Warrior Child 2014 and the return of Raid or Trade in 2014! We also are called upon by the crown
to submit a bid for Crown Tournament to be held the 2nd weekend in October of 2014. Please note that
our bid must be received by no later than October 11th, 2013!! The sooner we start, the more time we
have to prepare.
Also coming up, we have our Summer Solstice Celebration, an event not to be missed! Once again, we
will hold all three Baronial Championships at that time. So fix your armor practice your aim and get
those A&S projects going. We cannot wait to see what you all have in store for us this year!
Thank you all once again, you should all be as proud of yourselves as we are of you!
In Service...
Arthur and Gracye
Axed Root Populace Meeting
What: Canton Populace meeting
When: 07/31/2013, 7pm
Where: Brookside Park, Ames, IA
To the good people of the Barony and Canton, I, Zaneta Baseggio, Seneschal of Axed Root, give
greetings. At the last business meeting of the Canton, it was decided that populace business meetings
would be held in months with a fifthWednesday. It is my duty to announce that July is one such a month
and the Canton of Axed Root will be holding a populace meeting on July 31st, 2013, at 7pm at our normal
practice location of Brookside Park. The officer's of the Canton will meet first.
If you have any item of business you wish to see discussed, please let me know so I may fit it into the
The Canton Axed Root
invites you to
Summer Solstice
August 10, 2013 10am­5pm
Sir Alexander’s Barn
416 Nature Road
Boone, Iowa
The Canton Axed Root invites you to Summer Solstice on August 10th, 2013. Come work on your projects, enjoy the
company of friends, and cheer as the next Baronial Champions are chosen. There will be a potluck lunch and Court at
the pleasure of Their Excellencies. Supplies will also be available to paint your device on a mug to decorate the hall.
Mug Painting:
Glass mugs are available to be painted with populace devices. If you do not have a device, check in with one of our
local heralds (we’re nice, we swear!) on how to create a device. Please bring a 3x4 inch printed copy of your device
to trace from. The shield shape found on the device registration forms is easily scaled down to the correct size.
Potluck Lunch:
Please bring a dish to share for lunch and your feast gear. Due to allergies, please write up a card with the ingredients
in your dish for display so that no one eats something they shouldn’t (and so everyone will know what the yummy
thing they just ate was!).
Baronial Championships:
In the heat of summer, Their Excellencies of Coeur d’Ennui once again seek Champions to defend the Barony by skill
and strength. Let the call go out through the Barony and Canton that on August 10th, 2013, all are invited to take part
in the trials for Baronial Archery, Fighting, and A&S Champion.
Archers, knock your arrows! Fighters, don your helmets! Artisans, prepare your best!
Autocrat: Zaneta Baseggio
Baronial Championships
Archery Champion – Zaneta Baseggio
Hugh de Puy has agreed to be Archery Marshal. The tourney will be at least three rounds
from different distances.
Fighting Champion – Alaeddin Kilicarslan
The double elimination tourney will be fought with pole arms only.
Arts And Sciences Champion ­ Lady Agnes von Heidelberg
Greetings unto the amazing artisans of the Barony and Canton. I know there are a great
number of you who do wonderful things on a regular basis.This year's championship is
fast approaching. We will be holding the championship during the Canton's Summer
Solstice event. The "theme" for this year is "Show Me Your Best!" Their Excellencies and
I want to see the best thing you have ever made, that you are most proud of. You can even
start working on your new best if you want. Documentation is required but it does not
have to be extensive. Just tell us a little about where and when your item would have
come from and how you made it. I look forward to seeing the many skills of our artisans
on display. Please do not feel intimidated by others just bring us YOUR best we want to
see it all.
Lady Agnes von Heidelberg
The Boar
Quotes heard at Lilies
At the end of closing court: Me I would like to mention the laugh I got as we all ran from the pavilion and a child ran
past me crying out "Flee flee flee fleeeeeeee!!!" It made me laugh despite the circumstances. ­ Agnes
We have to go into town my, youngest is allergic to the sun. ­ Ysoria
Heard at Lilies Ball when a musician's book light battery died, “I have Double A's!” “Really? They look bigger than
"Hello, my name is Johann. How would you like to die?"
(to Chris Lessa's boyfriend)
Heard at fireworks “Oooo, ahhhh, hey that's neat”
on the same day as the above "You make her cry, I know
Observations & Lessons Learned
where to bury you." Caomihn to Chris.
A bored huscarl and an abandoned bag of gummi bears
made for an impromptu kuimasatra lesson – Annette
The Buttered Popcorn Vodka really isnt that bad.... ­ HE
I learned that the Bards go "fire walking"' you just
invite them to visit, and they will sing whatever you
like. They also tell stories, and ask you to share stories
and sing along. We only had 3 people at our camp when
they arrived, and they stayed for over 1/2 hour! ­
We all had fun deciding what the letters LB stood for
on Langreth's bed. Unfortunately, the least unflattering
one stuck. ­ Annette
I KNOW they are Turkey Vultures, I prefer to think of
them as FALCONS! ­ Una
Worthy of Note
Nakano, Sam and Ila took second place in the
the 3 man shoot.
Gabriel (son of Lisa and Nakano) took First in
his age group for children's shoot on Thursday
of the war.
Lisa and Gabriel won the Adult Child shoot for
the 10 and under goup.
"It's only ok to slap with turkey bacon"
How Wunder Waffle Got His Name:
Langreth, Margarita, Natalia, Shokuzan, and I, along with
several others, were sitting under the permament shelter.
We began to discuss names and how Ootlander
woiuflkjsdfkjh (I can't spell or say his name myself)
decided on his chosen name for the SCA. After having to
say it several times...(next time you see him, ask him to
say it for you because again, I cannot) Margarita looks at
him and begins laughing. She said "All I can hear when
you say that is Wonder Waffle." Of course, we all started
laughing. He explained that it was a German kind of
name. At this Shoka added a German accent to it making
it sound like Vunder Vaffle....hence the correct spelling
would be Wunder Waffle. (Which by the way, you
should ask him about the Super WW henna tattoo he got
from Julia de Brescia) ­ Ysoria
When Teens Wage War
Lessa organizing a night swim for the teens with glow
bracelets in the lake. Wonderful organizer. ­ Ysoria
Camp teens being the designated walkers for Sahalla and
Shoka ­ Ysoria
at War
From Our Youngest Warriors
Oops, I almost forgot, Ronan read to Parise every night before going to sleep from a book she brought from home.
She brought Mary Kate &Ashley's the diary.! ­ Annette
Parise went to a puppet making class and came back with the words to Cheer, which she wanted to sing all the time.
When she lost the lyrics,Gabriel went to his camp and brought back a new copy along with lyrics to several other
songs. Now she is working on them too. ­ Annette
Memorable Events
Meanwhile back at home:
I didn't go to Lilies!!! Waaaahhhh – HE Arthur
More on Page 9
"You!! My backside is missing its jingle. Do
you have a jingle for my backside?" Majnun to
Ysoria when he needed a hip scarf.
My Quest
The best story of the at for me was when Gabriel was made a
student of Master Doland. ­ Annette
Watching the Clown Guy battle. (Paco the Clown) ­ Sam, Nakano's
Otto being “hused” – mentioned by many
My Dad won a thrown weapons competition. (Monday) ­ Gabriel.
Nakano's son
At the Couer d'Ennui party on Wednesday night at Lilies War, the theme was Taste the Rainbow, the skittles
advertising tag line. We had 7 ladies of the rainbow, one for each color, and they were giving out beads in their colors
to people who completed their quests. Some quests were easy. Lady Orange (Julia de Brescia) asked me to fight for
her in the Buffer Pas. Lady Red (HE Gracye) asked for a tart from the treat table. I can't remember which lady sent
me to recite a poem to HE Gracye. The only one I could think of was by Shel Silverstein, and I think I confused Her
Excellency a little. Eventually, I had 6 strands of beads. All I needed now were beads from Lady Purple (Lady
Shandra) to complete the set. So, I went to Lady Purple and asked her what I could do to win her beads. And there,
the adventure began..
Lady Purple wanted a pink warbird from the encampment of Master Edward. We were in the permanent shelter and
Master Edward's encampment is across from the showers, so there was walking involved. I picked up my mug,
squared my shoulders, and I started off... headed to a failure. Because I knew very well that Master Edward abhors
pink warbirds (MKA pink flamingos), and does not allow them in his encampment for any reason. But, a quest was a
quest, so I went.
It was a dark and windy walk. Well, it was after sunset and it was Lilies, so it's usually windy. I walked into Master
Edward's and immediately met a friend who'd just gotten to the war. Lord Hannibal was very helpful. I told him I had
been sent to get a pink warbird from Master Edward's encampment. He told me there were no pink warbirds in the
encampment because Master Edward hates pink warbirds and does not allow them. I knew that. But it was my quest.
So, Lord Hannibal sent me to Master Edward, and I told him that Lady Purple, also known as Lady Alexandra Vasquez
de Granada, had sent me on a quest to retrieve a pink warbird from Master Edward's encampment. He got a little
quiet, pressed his lips together very tightly, and yelled, "Marcella!" (continued on page 9)
A Tale From a Lilies Long Ago
Lillies 4. I forget the year, you may do the math. It was the Laurels vs. the Pelicans, and I was the general in charge
of the Laurel forces. I had asked Sir Lars who was in charge of the laurels as he was a laurel for his pottery skills. He
was the most senior of the combatants in the order so I figured first refusal was his. He said I should be in charge. He
put out the word and l was handed the reins of command.
Master Pavel was the general for the Pelicans. I knew I was in for a fight. I learned a lot from fighting alongside him
and got a taste for command. His advice to me had been to read Clauswitz's ON WAR, and play as many war games
as I could find. I did. Now I have hundreds of lead soldiers to prove it.
So I knew I would have to have a clever plan if I was to win against our great general. I gathered my resources, and
came up with a plan that would work at least once.
The day of the field battle arrived. The field was a triangle about half the size of the field near the permanent shelter
by the point at Smithville lake. Pavel's pelicans would be starting with their backs to a point and I would be starting
with the wide base behind my line. I divided my troops into several groups. The Vanguard, a Skirmish to sweep the
right side of the line, a Left refusal unit, and a clean up unit to follow the skirmish around the right.
Sir Roger was in command of the center and the the Vanguard. If I had a hundred soldiers, he had sixty of them. Sir
Roderick was in charge of the Skirmish and he had 20. Rorik Galbraith and Ariel of Glastonbury Tor were in charge
of the Left Refusal unit and they had 15. Sir Conn MacNeil was in charge of the Clean up unit and he had 5.
Roger was in the center, Rorik and Ariel were on the left right up to the boundary of the field, Roderick was on the
right and stationed directly against the right side of Roger. Sir Conn's men were about 20 paces behind Roderick's
men. I positioned myself at the junction of Roger's unit and Roderick's unit.
Ariel and Rorik had the task of preventing our left from being flanked. Roger had the task of hitting the front line as
hard and as fast as possible and engaging belly to belly as completely as they could. Roderick would lead his people
in a mad dog right, sweeping around the flank and into the rear of the pelican forces. Sir Conn would follow the mad
dog right and clean up those who would be looking in the wrong direction due to the confusion of being flanked so
The command to charge into combat would be the marshal's cry of lay on.
Lay on was called and everyone set into motion immediately. Pavel's forces took a moment or two before they started
towards us. We were on them before they could get more than a couple of yards forward. Everything worked well.
At the first hold I had their left flank completely turned. My forces formed a perfectly square corner. They were
pinned and flanked and we cut them down with very few losses.
I had one combat archer in my force. A foeman broke through the corner and tried to chase him down. I clobbered
him with the cry of Stay Out of My Back Yard!
I recieved my highest complement from Pavel himself. You hit us too fast, we were not ready.
That is the story of my first battle as a general at a lillies war. There were many to follow.
Baron Angus of Blackmoor, Lord High Sheriff, OL, KSCA, OP
What is the hardest part when you return home from Lilies?
Bedtime. At Lilies, I have no light and last minute bathroom visits are a hassle. At home, bedside lamp, lots of books,
and a close bathroom that doesn't require shoes. Hello, insomnia. ­ Xiemena
Mine is a very mundane adjustment ­ with the change from the van back to the car, I spend 3­4 days trying to
remember where the gear shift is! ­ Una
Not being surrounded by people... Having someone to talk with in just a few steps of time, and many many fun things
to do, if I so choose. ­ Julia
No meal plan. I have to figure out what's for supper and cook every night. ­ Antonia
The quiet. No distant singing or drumming. ­ HE Gracye
The solitude. ­ Ragnar
I think the hardest adjustment is when I return to work I don't have anybody there that I can share my War stories
with. No one who really understands the things I did, what I won or recognition I may have gotten. They definitely
don't understand my Calontir family that I am closer to than my own relatives or co­workers. ­ Juliana
My Quest
continued from page 7
Marcella came over and I repeated my quest. Everyone was very impressed that I could actually say Lady Purple's
full name. Master Edward and Marcella both repeated that there were no pink warbirds in the encampment, and gave
me 2 messages to carry back to Lady Purple. Master Edward suggested that if Lady Purple wanted a pink warbird
from his encampment, she should come and get it herself. And Marcella asked me to ask her apprentice sister to,
"Please understand that I would like to sleep with my husband for the rest of the war." I committed both messages to
my memory (I was slightly drunk at the time, so they might be a bit garbled now), thanked them for their courtesy in
helping me with my quest, and returned to the party.
I found Lady Purple and repeated both messages to her. And she giggled at both messages. I asked if I had earned her
beads, and she said she'd think a little more and let me know. What I earned that night from Lady Purple was fudge.
Very good fudge. And I got her in trouble with Master Edward.
This summer evening,
My sleeves damp with tears and gin,
I raise up my cup.
Happy memories to keep
Of a flawed but noble man.
Owakare, Pavel­dono.
Akitsuki Yoshimitsu
Baronial Officers
Baron of Coeur d'Ennui
HE Arthur of Balon Moor
Baroness of Coeur d'Ennu
HE Gracye of Lockwoode
Lord Otto von Wolfhagen
Mistress Kateryn de Devlin
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lady Langreth Bacon
Knight's Marshal
HE Hugh du Puy
Archer Marshal
HE Hugh du Puy
Equestrian Marshal
Sir Alexander Caithnes of Wyk
Minister of Arts & Sciences
Lady Iulia Kaloethina Eirenikina
Carbochard Pursuivant
Lady Ximena Etxeberria
Lady Una Billie
Web Minister
Lady Agnes von Heidelberg
Regularly scheduled Baronial Activities
• Baronial A & S Meeting – First Monday of the
month at 7:00 pm.
Located at the Community of Christ Church at
4504 Ashworth in
West Des Moines, IA.
• Baronial Fighter Practice – 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Located at McHenry Park (Oak Park and 8th St
in Des Moines)
• Baronial Archery Practice – Every Thursday at
7:00 pm at
Barefoot Traditions at 617 Euclid Ave Des
Moines, IA ($5.00 fee)
• Baronial Bardic – Second Monday of the
month at 6:30 pm.
Hosted by Kjarten Hreinsson and Ysoria
Chaloner at 1087 28th
Street Des Moines, IA
• Baronial Court – Third Monday of the Month
7:00 PM Located at
the Community of Christ Church at 4504
Ashworth in West Des
Moines, IA
• Soiree avec les scribes du Sanglier –Sunday
of court week at
4:00 pm. Hosted by Julia de Bresca at 1513
64th Street Windsor
Heights, IA Call (317) 989­2861 for instructions
Regularly Scheduled Canton Activities
• Canton Weekly Meeting and Fighter Practice ­
6:30 PM
Location: Brookside Park in Ames, IA
• Equestrian Practice ­ 1st and 3rd Thursdays,
4th Sundays, 1:00pm­3:00pm
Location: 3G Farms, 17830 550th Ave, Ames,
Note: Riding lessons may not be given while at
a Canton
Equestrian Practice. Please contact the
equestrian marshal for
more information if you need to set up riding