1 Newsletter of the Barony of Brendoken Volume VIII


1 Newsletter of the Barony of Brendoken Volume VIII
Newsletter of the Barony of Brendoken
Volume VIII - Issue 7– September 6, 2009
Greetings to the populace of Brendoken from Maerwynn and Einar!
I hope that all of you have had as busy and fulfilling summer as we had. In preparation for Pennsic War I found myself becoming
sword and shield as well as combat archery authorized at the Brawl at the Crooked Dragon event. At Pennsic War, Einar and I both
took the field with the Brendoken fighters as Combat Archers and members of Runa’s Rangers’. I can’t tell you home proud I am of
those who supported our fighters as well as those who fought combat archery. As Dirk can attest, the golden star of Brendoken
shone very brightly on the field. I would also like to thank Baroness Catriona, Baroness Francesca, Lady Annabelle, Lady Ciodhna,
and m’ladies Emma, Katja, and Juliana for supporting and having way too much fun with the fighter café. It was very nice to be
appreciated for your service on the field. A special hoobah to the Blades of Brendoken for their service on the “great tape change”
when we all switched sides as well as earning The Award of the Dragon’s Teeth for their prowess on the field. It is my
understanding, that they have the distinction of being the only unit of their size to achieve this accolade. The Baronial Revel that
followed our court at Pennsic Pennsic seems to have set a new standard for the “if you leave hungry it’s your own fault”
Brendoken did very well this year at Pennsic, both with our first time in the Baronial Camp and the sheer number of awards that
were received by members of the Barony. I only hope that next year will be even better than this years was (how many weeks
countdown until Pennsic?).
Melee at Roswell just finished up and was the perfect opportunity to display the 40 x 40 tent nicknamed “Monstero” that the Barony
purchased from Duke Comar and Duchess Lisa. While we now understand why circuses use an elephant to set the center pole, it
was a very good group effort of those on site to set this tent in place, as well as assist in taking it down on Sunday. We love that
Melee is becoming a popular bardic event, as well as a family camping event. We ask that as we all take a well-deserved breather,
we keep in mind the local demos that need assistance.
Yours in Service:
Baron Einar and Baroness Maerwynn
Brendoken Business Meeting
July 5, 2009
Attendance: 20
A. Baron Einar and Baroness Maerwynn
1. Details are being finalized for the Baronial activities and camp at Pennsic
B. Seneschal
1. No Baronial meeting in Smithville in July due to Pennsic
C. Exchequer
1. There is $4095.97 in the checking account.
2. A returned check issue has been resolved.
3. Checks for expenditures (Portcullis publishing, Cookout at NOWM, Food for the Baronial revel at Pennsic, and
supplies for the new Baronial gate/arch) have been issued.
D. Herald
1. 3rd Quarter report has been submitted
2. The updates have been sent to the Web Mistress, Milady Violetta
3. Gorsedd Household device has been resubmitted
4. 3Towers is without a Herald. Please contact Lady Ursula, Baronial Herald, ASAP.
E. Chronicler
1. New issue of the Portcullis is available. June’s Business meeting minutes were lost, apology given
2. Quarterly report has been submitted
3. The issue of online archives was discussed. The Kingdom Chronicler will be contacted for input.
1. Quarterly report was submitted.
2. Discussed having an A&S meet and greet at local events.
3. New Northern Oaken Regional MoAS is Lady Halla of Mugmort
4. Lady Brighid in Gwyntarian will be hosting a gathering for Spinning on the 4th Sundays of the month at her home.
Please contact her for details.
G. Chamberlain/Regalia
1. Details for new gate/arch for the Pennsic Encampment were presented
II. Groups
A. Alderford
1. Thanks were given to all who helped at the Canton 1st Friday demo.
2. Reminder: Melee in Roswell is August 22nd.
3. Lady Francesca is class coordinator for Feb 20th Masque of Courtly Love
B. Gwyntarian
1. There is a Bardic/Dance Night was cancelled in August
2. The Potluck dinner is the 2nd week of the month, all are invited.
3. Reminder: 4th Sunday of the month, Spinning at Lady Brighid’s house.
C. Thistle
1. Summer meetings are flexible, please read the list for details.
D. Three Towers
1. Hunt for the Hare event went well.
2. A Cook’s Symposium is being planned for the Spring (March)
III. Old Business
A. Quina 2010:
1. Using a different site was discussed. Discussion was tabled until the event staff could be present
B. Brendokenfest 2010:
1. A new site has been contacted, but no response yet
IV. New Business
A. Thrown Weapons Championship, will take place at the event: Melee at Roswell
B. Making it a requirement that Baronial Officers attend at least one meeting a month was discussed
1. It was tabled until Regional Officers could be contacted for their input.
C. Baron Einar suggested that the Barony purchased the big tent Monstero from House Vexillarius for $700. It could be used by
the local groups for a small fee, with the borrower responsible for transportation.
1. There was discussion
2. Lady Ursula so moved, THL Francesca seconded. The motion carried.
D. Baroness Catriona suggested the barony look into the possibility of hosting an upcoming RUM.
1. Lord Giles proposed that she create an event proposal, Lord Edward seconded, and the motion carried.
Baroness Catriona respectfully submitted the minutes.
Herb Pie
From the kitchen of The Goodman of Paris (1392)
Lady Catriona Fionnaghal nic Elphinstone (otherwise known as Lady Ceit) shares this recipe with us from “Under the
Influence of Bright Sunbeams: Centuries of Natural Cuisine in Recipes for Today” by Countess China De Burnay,
published in 1987 by Harper Collins Publishers.
1 pound puff pastry
4 oz fresh parsley, very finely chopped
2 bunches of watercress or Swiss Chard, chopped
6 oz curd cheese, or Ricotta
Black pepper to taste
1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated
Pinch of sea salt
2 Tbsp. fresh chervil leaves
4 egg youlks, beaten
4 egg whites, whipped stiff
1. Roll out the pastry & line a shallow 10 in. flan dish. Put in the oven at 400 degrees F for 6-10 minutes. When
cooked, remove from the oven & set to one side.
2. Mix all the greens together with the cheese, pepper, ginger, salt, chervil & beaten egg yolks in a large bowl.
3, Fold in the whipped egg whites, making sure that all the ingredients are well blended.
4. Pour the mixture into the pastry case, return to the oven & cook for 30 minutes at the same temperature.
The pie can be served hot or of cold. It makes a delicious meal served with garlic bread and plenty of good wine.
Here and There Around the Barony…
Greetings from Gwyntarian! - Our annual demo at Kent's Art in the Park is on Sept 12-13. We invite anyone willing
to help us to come out. It's a great demo with plenty time to walk around the art show. When there aren't many visitors,
we treat it like a small event. Come on out and have fun!
YIS, Signore Lorenzo
Greetings From Alderford! - It's been an eventful summer for us; we've had several demos, lots of Pennsic doings,
and an event. We're also moving into what looks like a busy fall as we start digging out the A&S projects to polish up
and finish. Alderford will have a camping demo at Atwood Lake the weekend of October 2-4. If anyone is available to
help us out, we sure would appreciate it.
YIS, THL Francesca
Pennsic 38 Memories ....
For some of us, when we go to Pennsic, there is a rumor of war. We see the pretty castle, battlefields, banners, see the bright
armor. Camped in the "B" highlands (which, alas, has been discovered), every morning we would walk behind the castle to the
north gate, up Brewer's road, make a left past the Chirurgeon's, and there! A&S was our goal.
Like all others who take classes, we had circled some of the classes in our books. Usually we would split up. I learned more about
Fibonacci and his promotion of Arabic numerals and simple math by substitution.
Another class was about the history of Celtic music, with recordings of instruments and examples of snippets that were found
tucked away in libraries on the continent. A two-part course on Welsh poetry drew me in: alliteration on unaccented syllables;
consonants in the second part of lines answering consonants in the first part of lines; and the teacher spoke Welsh and read and
sang examples of Taliesin in the original, and also translated them. (And, she also read her own poetry in the same heroic style,
and read from novels she wrote.) I couldn't fit in to an overflowing class which I had wanted to see, more for the schtick than
content, but was more than happy to sit in another next door and learn how to make... gloves out of leather for fencers or anybody
else. (Ask me, I bought all the notes, and I paid attention.) I also taught a class on music, and took somebody else's music modes
improvisation class (which Aedan helped; he didn't do badly in Dorian mode). These are some of the wonderful classes I was able
to take. My husband, Maelruain, also taught his Alchemy class, and, as I said, we split up mostly during the day; his list of what
he went to is as long.
The star of my A&S activities, as always, was the Pennsic Choir (part of The Known World Choir). I get to meet people from
everywhere in the Known World, and we prepare about half an hour's worth of difficult four or more part pieces in less than a
week. Our concert Thursday evening ended singing the words written over 400 years ago, "Long live fair Oriana." All the music
had something to do with stars, moon, or sun, honoring the 400th anniversary of Galileo, from "Stella Splendens" to "Hence
Stars." The conductor, Arianna, is from the Barony of the Debatable Lands (Pittsburgh), which also has a choir that performed
about a half hour of wonderful pieces. (My apologies to you, Baroness Catriona, because the Pennsic Choir was rehearsing next to
your class "Round and Round it Goes.")
Up in the "B" Highlands, it is difficult to get to all the activities. We missed some important ones. But, our Pennsic is always full
and exciting. There were many children where we camped; Aedan also called it home.
Lady Elizabeth of Gwyntarian
Brendoken at PENNSIC 38
The Trumpet Sounds
Notes from the Baronial Herald, Lady Ursula the Widow
At Midrealm Court at Pennsic XXXVIII, on August 6, 2009, Their Majesties Eikbrandr and Runa made
the following awards to Brendoken folk:
To Baroness Catriona nic Hugh Mclaey, the Award of the Sapphire.
To Francesca di Onorati, a Court Baroncey.
To Lady Cliodnha of Scoon, the Award of the Purple Fret.
The Blades of Brendoken received the Award of the Dragon’s Teeth in a field court earlier that day.
At Melee at Roswell on August 22, Their Excellencies Einar and Maerwynn made the following
To THL Giles fitz Alan, an Award of the Golden Alder Leaf for his work in period cheese making.
To Milady Emma of Flanders, an Award of the Golden Thistle for her service, particularly at Pennsic.
THL Dirk Edward of Frisia was made a Companion of the Heart of Brendoken for his leadership in archery
and combat archery.
Master Morgan De’Ath and THL Rivka De Rojo and Lady Mathildis De’Ath were made honorary citizens of
the Barony. The scroll presented to the Blades by Their Majesties was read out and Their Excellencies
offered their commendations to the rapier corps.
As always, I would be grateful if anyone whose recent award was not mentioned here would so inform me at
"The Hunter and Sable"
by Lord DonalBane of Blakmers
(Tune to "Scarlett," an Aethelmearc War Song)
Up from the great Middle Marches
A new cry came from the masses
"Brendoken!" went up from the throng
"Raise up your banners and lift up your songs!"
Chorus: Sable - Fight for the Hunter and Sable
Lift up your swords if you're able
String up your bows
Follow the colors wherever they go
Alex took the first cornet
Catriona lifted our hearts
They were there to inspire our dreams
Now Einar and Maerwynn’s brave call we will heed
Warriors, though few they are mighty
Our archers reign fear in the forest
And foes know that none will survive
Wherever the Blades of Brendoken arrive!
Three Towers keeps ever watchful
Alderford stokes our great hearth
And our foes know to avoid Thistle's thorns
and Gwyntarian's might lies in rapiers and bows!
Chorus x 2
A new song was added to Barony Brendoken’s repertoir of songs at the first Pennsic Baronial court of Einar
and Maerwyn, Pennsic 38. Lord DonalBane held the Brendoken banner as Maistor Iustinos introduce “The
Banner of Brendoken” at Pennsic 35 in 2006. It was only fitting that Lord DonalBane ask Maistor Justin to
hold the baronial banner as he sang “The Hunter and the Sable” for the very first time.
Hoobah for Barony Brendoken, the Hunter and Sable!! Hoobah for Lord DonalBane!!!
Baronial Officers
September 2009
4-6- Harvest Day
Winged Hills, Pleasant Hill, OH
4-6- Known World Heraldic/Scribal Symp ‘09
Lonely Tower, Calontir,Omaha, NE
4-5- Middle Kingdom Academy of Defense XII
Ravenslake, Lake Villa, IL
6- Baronial Meeting- 3-5 pm
Smithville, OH
11-13- Saxon Summer IX
Shire of Rivenvale, Hubbard, OH
18-20- Pounce VIII
Catteden, Vanlue, OH
25-27- Afternoon of Fun VI
Eastwatch, Burton, OH
26- Border Quest 7
Middle Marches Championships
Border Keep, Marietta, OH
October 2009
3- Midrealm 40-Year Celebration/Coronation
Grey Gargoyles, Chicago, IL
4- Baronial Meeting- 3-5 pm
Smithville, OH
9-11- Red Dragon
Marche of Tirnewydd, Columbus, OH
17- Fall Crown Tournament
Illiton, Peoria, IL
31- Newcomer's Seminar
Norborough,Troy, OH
Einar Blakklar
Darby Greene
4643 17th St NW
Canton, OH 44708
Maerwynn of Warwick
Theresa Greene
4643 17th St NW
Canton, OH 44708
Lord Giles fitz Alan
Curtis Conrad
428 Scott Street
Crestline, OH 44827
Lord Fohl Dubh
Dave Salberg
2849 Wise Ave., NW,
Canton, OH 44708
Lord Robert of Bristol
Todd M. Bunt
1234 Monument Rd. NW
Canton, OH
Baroness Catriona nicHugh Mclaey
Marti Livingstone
3951 Glenoak Drive
Louisville, OH 44641
Head Chamberlain
Lady Cliodhna of Scoon
Katie Nolen
2849 Wise Ave., NW
Canton, OH 44708
Pursuivant/Clerk of Precedence
Lady Ursula the Widow
Michelle Hartz-Coutts
November 2009
Milady Mair
Mary Ann Kienapple
1- Baronial Meeting- 3-5 pm
Smithville, OH
14- Flaming Gryphon Baronial Championship
Barony of Flaming Gryphon
Miamisburg, OH
Brendoken device on page 1 created by Marti Livingstone with Photoshop and used with permission.
Kitchen on page 3 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Medieval_kitchen.jpg
Heralds on pg 5 from from clipart.com and used with permission
Celtic oak/acorn graphic on page 8 from clipart.com and used with permission.
Photos: taken by Marti Livingstone and Theresa Greene and used with permission.
This is the Portcullis, a publication of the Barony of Brendoken of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The
Portcullis is available from Marti Livingstone, 3951 Glenoak Drive, Louisville, OH 44641 and is published monthly.
It is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies.