Flamberge_2014Q3 - Barony of the Flame


Flamberge_2014Q3 - Barony of the Flame
Third Quarter; July 2014
The official newsletter of
the Barony of the Flame
The Officers of the Barony of the Flame
Baron & Baroness of the Flame:
Lord Jaime & THL Eleanor von Atzinger
(Jaime Haley & Erin Fortney)
(502) 727-7579
Hospitaller :
Lord Ceadda of Fox Hall
(Chad White)
(502) 435-4020
Lady Marissa von Atzinger
(Marissa Williams)
(502) 821-5369
Sir Axel Fairhair
(Lonnie Ater)
(812) 786-3442
Web Minister:
Mistress of the List:
Onora inghean Roibeaird
(Olivia Richardson)
(248) 943-7838
Lord Æric Ørvender
(Chris Lemke)
(502) 939-8078
Lady Rowann of Bridgeford
(Robin Johnson)
(502) 935-6254
Knight Marshal:
THL Ellowyn Kittel
(Stephanie Kittle)
(502) 933-5280
Sir Vitus von Atzinger
(Sean Garrison)
(502) 599-1277
Baroness Camilla de la Reynarde
(Melinda Strehl)
(502) 671-7255
A&S Minister:
Mistress of Youth:
Lady Maiosara Sauromatis
(Sarah Mitchner)
(502) 354-8097
Lady Arite Sauromatis
(Angela Erler)
Baronial Champions:
Heavy Weapons:
Lord Sigmund Kittel
Lord Edgar Chiswick
Arts & Sciences:
Lord Dovaidu maqqas Baignadi
Lady Marissa von Atzinger
Flamberge is a Quarterly Newsletter of the Barony of the Flame of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
(SCA, Inc.). Flamberge is available online at www.baronyoftheflame.org (follow the Baronial Officer’s link to
find the Chronicler’s page). It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies.
Copyright © 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For reprint permission, please contact the Chronicler.
Unless specified, artwork comes from Dover Publications or Microsoft Word Clip Art.
Cover Images By: Lady Marissa von Atzinger from Push for Pennsic 2014
Calendar of Upcoming Events
07: Louisville Stuff & Nonsense hosted by Erick & Camilla (8pm)
11-13: A Simple Day in the Country (Trafalgar, IN)
13: UofL Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
July 25 - August 10: Pennsic War
27: Baronial Meeting & Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
July 25 - August 10: Pennsic War
10: Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
24: Baronial Meeting & Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
01: Louisville Stuff & Nonsense hosted by Erick & Camilla (8pm)
5-7: Harvest Days (Pleasant Hill, OH)
14: Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
20: Hammer & Annville III (Annville, KY)
27: Fall Coronation (TBA)
28: Baronial Meeting and Championships at Irish Fest Demo (Louisville, KY)
06: Louisville Stuff & Nonsense hosted by Erick & Camilla (8pm)
10-12: Rendezvous at the Bridge (Lincoln City, IN)
12: Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
18: Fall Crown Tournament (TBA)
26: Baronial Meeting & Fighter Practice (Flightline Gym - UofL Belknap Campus)
Oct 31-Nov 2: Battle of Oken Hills (Annville, KY)
Sewing nights are being hosted by Lady Ellowyn Kittel on Friday nights at 7:30pm.
Please contact her for info & directions.
Weekly Fighter Practice
Every Tuesday at 7:30pm - Flightline Gym (Dougherty Hall), University of Louisville Belknap Campus
Every Thursday at 7:00pm - Sam Peden Community Park, New Albany, Indiana
For more information, visit our website at http://www.midrealm.org/baronyflame/index.html
Officer Letters
From the Baron and Baroness
Greetings to the Barony!
This has been another busy season for the most southern reaches of the Middle
Kingdom. The Barony has much to celebrate with many accomplishments and
triumphs happening in quick succession!
Two very successful events, the Martial Royal University of the Midrealm and
Border Raids took place during the spring months, and both brought great honor
to the Barony. The events were well organized and well received; we have had
nothing but positive feedback from all those who attended.
Our baronial members have also been doing amazing things over the past few
months; members of the Flame earned the title of Dragon Chefs at a contest
during May Day and many more had the honor of entering and placing in both the
regional and Kingdom Arts and Sciences competitions. We feel such pride when
the name of the Flame is heralded across the kingdom in such a positive way and
look forward to sharing time with all of you at events coming up in the future. We
look ahead to Pennsic and even further, Christmas Tourney, with great excitement
and anticipation!
With Pride,
Baron Jaime & Baroness Eleanor of Flame
Greetings Barony from your Exchequer,
Border Raids was a success!! Not a great one, but we made a little over $500.00 so
that means it was a success. I have implemented the new process for
reimbursement and it is working very well. I am now able to track all of the
reimbursements and keep our records clean and correct. Please remember, you
must have a printed receipt to turn in for a reimbursement. Any handwritten
receipts will be subject to review by the financial committee.
At the moment, we are sitting at about $5400.00 in the bank account. We need to
be on the lookout next year for events and ways that we can make money for the
Barony. If anyone has suggestions or ideas, let me know or come to a meeting and
Till next time,
THL Ellowyn Kittel
Unto the Good Folk of the Flame,
This has been an unusually busy year for us and I have borne witness to many of
our good people rising to the challenge with alacrity and grace. From the ReTourney to the Martial Royal University of the Midrealm to Border Raids we have
proven to all far and wide that our barony is full of hard-working and talented
tenants. And each day provides us with a chance to endeavor to improve upon the
The summer heat is now upon us and safety is a paramount concern of mine. As a
child of winter I do everything I can to avoid the sun at all costs, but I understand
that many of you will be venturing onto the unforgiving landscape under the
watchful burning eye of Sol. Please protect yourself with ointments and crèmes,
remember to drink many liquids, preferably water, and do not overtask yourself.
Fighters this is especially important for you. If you get injured it means a lot of
paperwork for everyone else. Don’t be selfish.
And have fun! Draco Invictus and Semper Igneus!
Seneschal in service to the Barony of the Flame,
Lord Ceadda of Foxhall
Greetings to the Barony of the Flame,
Thank you to everyone who submitted their missives, articles, and additions to
this edition of the Flamberge. I had a great time getting photos at the latest Demo,
and wanted to share those through the newsletter!
Have a safe summer!
In Service,
Lady Marissa von Atzinger
Chirurgeon/Marshal of Fence
The Chirurgeonate still exists, so don't make me do paperwork by getting injured.
The recent incident mentioned on Facebook brings up several points to remember
about privacy. The SCA does not charge for Chirurgeonate services. We are not a
covered entity according to the JCAHO/CMS definition, so strictly speaking, HIPPA
doesn't apply to us. In English, as volunteers we don't get paid, especially by
Medicare, and we don't run hospitals. Good taste and common sense should tell us
not to repeat anyone's personal medical info in a public forum like Facebook. If
the patient or the family posts it, chat away. If you talk about medical incidents
you see at events, PLEASE do not use names or personal identifiers. People will fill
in the blanks to suit themselves.
We have new loaner gear in M/L. Erick and I bring it to the majority of practices. If
you want to use it, let us know.
Baroness Camilla de la Reynarde
Border Raids Photos
Photos by Lady Marissa von Atzinger
Border raids: Thank You
By THL Ellowyn Kittel
Greetings to the Barony!
Border Raids is over!!!
Let me first say “Thank you” to all of those who worked so hard to help
make this event a raving success. I have heard nothing but wonderful
feedback regarding the event and I just want to say that I am so proud of
our Barony and the people that work behind the scenes to make it all
happen. People tend to forget that this is a volunteer organization and
often our volunteers get overlooked and forgotten. I am so happy to see
that our people are finally getting the recognition that they have
deserved for so long! Keep up the good work.
There were around 500 people through gate this year, so numbers were
decent. All activities went off as planned even though there were some
hiccups. All martial activities were well received and worked out
wonderfully. The children were kept pretty busy with arts and sciences
activities and Peeps. (If you have never had a Peeps S’more, it’s not bad.)
Border Raids will not happen for us again for 4 years, so have some fun
and get ready to make the next one even better.
Thank you again,
THL Ellowyn Kittel
Artwork by Mistress Bianca Rosamund
An Account of the Recent Known World Party Following the
Opening Ceremonies of the Great Pennsic War 42 as Related by
Submitted by Baroness Camilla de la Reynarde
This year's most popping party was the Known World, hosted by the assembled kingdoms. Located in the East
Kingdom presence tent at the edge of the battlefield, this party had everything. With the password "Aethelmarc,
you're soaking in it," a Known World of possibilities revealed itself.
Sombreros, senoritas, moustaches, and margaritas; and that was just Ansterroa! The food and entertainment
highlighted specialties of each kingdom, ranging from the assorted pates of Drachenwald to the kingdom-colored
M&M's of Calontir. Who know elk came in a tube?
The band on stage brought out the inner Middle Eastern dancer in a lot of people, including several queens. The
dancing only slowed up when Northshield started the snowball fight. (Didn't you notice the kingdom device on
the rolled sock snowballs?) Speaking of snowballs, who brought the snow cone machine? I didn't think it was
Ealdomere because they brought the maple syrup whisky and other maple goodies. The Middle Kingdom table
was staffed by our own von Atzingers, who laid out enough wine and cheese to feed a small army. A lot of people
needed all the strength they could muster for the stump tug o'war. Two wobbly stumps were set up, the
contestants stood on them, and then the Valkyre gave them the knotted rope to tug. If my description doesn't
paint a vivid enough picture, look for the YouTube videos. The party was a huge success, and lasted well into the
night. You know you've had a good time when you have to lick the fondue off your officer medallion!
Flame Baronial Championships Announcements
The Barony of the Flame will host their 2014 Baronial Championships on
Sunday, September 28th during the SCA Demo at Irish Fest.
More details will be provided via social media and the Flamebridge Group on
Pay heed, Nobel Fighters of the Barony of the Flame as I, Sigmund Kittel, have now determined
the fighting format for the Baronial Championship to be held in September of this year.
I will call the tourney a Jester’s Gambit.
Tourney format will be a Round Robin, random draw weapons tourney with a twist.
***Tourney Rules***
Round Robin Format: Each fighter will fight all other combatants in the list over two rounds, aiming for the
highest number of wins. The Baronial Champion will ultimately be chosen by the Baron and Baroness.
Each fight will start with the two combatants each drawing a card from the deck corresponding to the list
below. The two combatants will either agree on one of the two weapon styles drawn. If the combatants do
not agree on the weapon style they may pull one additional card and MUST fight in that style. If the
combatant is not authorized in the drawn weapon style they will have to fight the fight single sword off
handed. If at any time a “Jesters” Card is drawn all cards will be void and the Jester will then assume control
of the style of fighting for each of the combatants. There will be 20 cards in the deck each representing a
fighting weapon style or weapon set. Two of those cards represent the Baron and Baroness who will choose
the weapon style for that combatant, another four of the cards are marked as “Jesters,” meaning the Jester
appointed by their Excellencies gets to choose the weapon style of the Jesters choosing. If you do not
approve of the weapon style chosen you may petition the Jester for another selection by asking to perform
for the court. If the jester determines the performance worthy, the Jester will choose a better option; if the
Jester deems the performance lackluster it will be punished with a lesser option. The fighting will continue
until a winner has been determined by having the highest point total after two rounds.
I recommend that any combatant who wishes to have the honor of being the Baronial Champion acquire as
many weapon authorizations as possible before the Baronial Championship. I feel the Champion of our
Barony should be well versed in multiple weapon formats.
***Random Weapons List***
D = Diamonds
S = Spades
C = Clubs
H = Hearts
10-D = Single Dagger
10-S = Dagger w/ Buckler
10-C = Single Mace
10-H = Mace w/ buckler
J-D = Dagger and shield
J-S = Sword w/ Buckler
J-C = Single sword
J-H = two-weapons ms-matched
Q-D = Sword and shield
Q-S = Two Weapon
Q-C = Mace w/ shield
Q-H = Baroness’s Choice
K-D = Bastard/Great sword
K-S = Polearm
K-C = Barons Choice
K-H = 6 foot Spear
4 x Jesters cards = Jesters Choice
In Service, Sigmund Kittel
Flame Baronial Championships Announcements
To the Rapier Combatants in the Barony of the Flame do I, Lord Dovaidu maqqas Baignadi,
send greetings. This shall be the format of the 2014 Baronial Rapier Championship:
The format will be a Swiss 5 Tournament.
***Tourney Rules***
There will be five rounds, one for each authorization type.
1. Single Sword
2. Single Sword with Dagger
3. Single Sword with Buckler
4. Single Sword with Soft Parry
5. Case (Two Single-Handed Swords)
The winner of each round will face off in a final Round Robin, using the weapon type from the round they
won. If a combatant wins multiple rounds their final Round Robin weapon types can be chosen from those
original rounds they won.
Lord Dovaidu maqqas Baignadi
Barony of the Flame Archery Championship
Greetings, one and all! The 2014 Baronial Archery Championship will incorporate some standard shoots
from 20 yards and 30 yards. The final shoot will be a novelty shoot at close range.
Date, time and location of the event will be confirmed at a later date via Book of Faces and the Flamebridge
(depending on if we can participate at the Irish Fest Demo or if we will have to shoot off-site). This notice is
to encourage you to hit your local archery range and practice 20/30 yard shoots.
Lady Isabella and myself are available for encouragement and coaching. We tend to favor the range located
at Tom Sawyer Park. Contact us via Book of Faces. We have limited spare equipment for practice.
Please note: Crossbows will not be allowed in this year’s competition.
Please come out and enjoy the noble art of Archery!
Lord Edgar Chiswick
Greetings unto the Barony of the Flame! Artisans of the Flame, these shall be the guidelines for
the 2014 Baronial A&S Championship:
Your entry should represent an art or science that you have learned within the past 12 months. This is your
opportunity to practice and showcase a new talent - the possibilities are endless! You are encouraged to
explore something totally new to you (example: you usually practice illumination but you want to try your
hand at leatherwork or bookbinding). However, if you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to try a new
period technique, recipe, etc. and have not attempted it before, it can be entered in the competition.
Please include at least one page of documentation for your entry and include some details about what you
learned during the creation process and what you might do differently next time.
A&S entries will be displayed at the Baronial Championships in September and members of the populace
will vote for their favorites by traditional bead count. The final Champion will be determined by Their
Excellencies Jaime and Eleanor.
Lady Marissa von Atzinger
Demo Photos
Photos by Lady Marissa von Atzinger
On Saturday, July 5, volunteers from the Barony of the Flame and surrounding lands came together to demo
the combat and talents of the Society for Creative Anachronism at the Highland Renaissance Festival in
Eminence, KY. Heavy fighters, rapier combatants, and members of the A&S community were on hand to
demonstrate their various skills.
New Additions to the Bridwell Art Library
- Submitted by Mistress Cordelia
The Bridwell Art Library is located in Schneider Hall (across the parking lot from the Flightline Gym on
UofL’s Belknap Campus). The library is open to the public for viewing, and is equipped with two color
scanners and a black-and-white copier. You can scan images to your email for free, or pay $0.15 per page
for black-and-white printing.
Summer Hours:
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun CLOSED
Call 852-6741 for exceptions.
Website: http://louisville.edu/library/art/
Beautifully illustrated with reproductions from the remarkable stained glass collection at the J.
Paul Getty Museum, Stained Glass addresses the making of a stained glass window, its iconography
and architectural context, the patrons and collectors, and the challenges of restoration and display.
The selected works include examples from Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, the
Netherlands, and Switzerland.
This two-volume catalogue is the second part of the catalogue raisonne devoted to architectural and
topographical drawings from the Paper Museum commissioned and collected by Cassiano dal Pozzo
(1588-1657) and his younger brother Carlo Antonio (1606-89).
In late 15th-century Italy, there was a growing demand for goods of all types, including art. Painting
Under Pressure shows how the increased desire for art objects exerted significant pressure on highly
sought-after painters. Michelle O'Malley analyzes the lives and works of four artists: Alessandro
Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Filippino Lippi, and Pietro Perugino.
A lavish Renaissance pleasure palace for rest and entertainment, decorated with spectacular
frescoes of themes from ancient myth. Built for Federico II Gonzaga Duke of Mantua between 1525
and 1536, Palazzo Te is the masterpiece of Renaissance artist, designer, and architect Giulio
Romano, the most accomplished and favored of Raphael’s pupils.
Information and blurbs from Amazon.com

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