2007-09 The Vulkanfeldt Signal - Barony of Vulcanfeldt
2007-09 The Vulkanfeldt Signal - Barony of Vulcanfeldt
THE VULCANFELDT SIGNAL Barony of Vulcanfeldt, Yakima, WA Courtesy of HL Berengaria Longbow Courtesy of Lord Gils September 2007, AS XLII Volume 25 Issue 9 Website: www.Vulkanfeldt.org Email list: Vulkanfeldt-subscribe@antir.sca.org Their Majesties King and Queen of AnTir Teirnan mor dal Cais and Miranda Faoltiarna (Todd & Miranda Brothers) king@antir.sca.org queen@antir.sca.org Their Royal Highnesses of AnTir Sir Cedric Blackwell Rolfsson and Elizabeth Owles (Tyler and Tamara Everett) Their Excellencies Baron and Baroness of Vulcanfeldt Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow and Baroness Ashley Longbow (Jim & Shirley Pechtel) (509) 248-9504, no calls after 9:00 p.m. please rolfandashley@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/ash_as19/ Kingdom Seneschal Viscountess Nadezhda Volynskaiia (Kim Stump) seneschal@antir.sca.org Ladies in Waiting to Her Excellency, Ashley Longbow Please feel free to contact them regarding our itinerary, court business, suggestions for the good of the Barony or any questions you may have. HL Berengaria Longbow (Bridget Pechtel) bpechtel@msn.com Jenefer Moberley (Jennifer Mullin) jenefermoberley@hotmail.com BARONIAL CHAMPIONS Vulcanfeldt Heavy Champion Sir Cedric Blackwell Rolfsson tyler@everettlaw.net Vulcanfeldt Baronial Protector HL Toyama Yoshiaki (Kari Erickson) amber@mthand.com Vulcanfeldt Arts and Sciences Champion Thegn Sir Rolf Longbow rolfandashley@hotmail.com Vulcanfeldt Baronial Rapier Champion Lord Cadet Dominick El Borak (Ed Lund) grimwolf@hotmail.com BARONIAL OFFICERS Seneschal HL Regina O'Duncan mka: Reggie Brulotte 509-865-3500 uwchem@aol.com Constable Lord Donall O'Dill mka: Donald Dill 509-877-6920 (message) Arts & Sciences HL Megen O'Meagher mka: Jean Hayes 509-941-7376 ladymeg@peoplepc.com Exchequer HL Sgt. Sq. Tai Tjorkilsdatr mka: Teri Stine 509-865-4432 taiscribe@hotmail.com No calls after 8 p.m., please Chamberlain HL Regina O'Duncan mka: Reggie Brulotte 509-865-3500 uwchem@aol.com Herald HL Shannon O'Duncan mka: Shannon Duncan 509-865-3500 mushroomcook@aol.com Chatelaine Baroness Ashley Longbow mka: Shirley Pechtel 509-248-9504 rolfandashley@hotmail.com List Mistress HL Megen O'Meagher Jean Hayes 509-941-7376 ladymeg@peoplepc.com Chirurgeon HL Shannon O'Duncan mka: Shannon Duncan 509-865-3500 mushroomcook@aol.com Master of Blades HL Shannon O'Duncan mka: Shannon Duncan 509-865-3500 mushroomcook@aol.com Chronicler Jenefer Moberley mka: Jennifer Mullin jenefermoberley@hotmail.com Master of Stables Sir Osrik Wolfsbater mka: Kelly Coursey 360-440-8441 osrikwolfsbater@hotmail.com Web Master Lord Dominick Magnussen mka: Edward Newton 509-307-5023 dominikmagnussen@charter.net Librarian HL Onnwuen mka: Susan Irwin 509-577-9215 GentleHarp@msn.com Please leave message, no calls after 10 p.m. MEETINGS AND EVENTS Baronial Council Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at Round Table Pizza, 1300 North 40th Avenue, Yakima, WA (across from Fred Meyer). They begin at 7:00. Contact the Seneschal for more information. Heavy fighter practices are held every Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 at the Toppenish Armory in Toppenish. Contact the Master of Stables for more information. Rapier Practices are also held every Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 at the Armory. Contact the Master of Blades for more information. Arts and Sciences meetings- please contact the Arts and Sciences officer for information as to dates, times and project information. Archery Practice-Tuesday evening at 7:00. Please contact HL Daniel of Moncrieffe (Dan Moncrief) at 509-248-5583 or d-moncrief@charter.net for information. CALENDAR OF EVENTS September 3-9, 2007 September 7-9, 2007 September 10, 2007 September 14-16, 2007 September 14-16, 2007 September 21-23, 2007 September 21-23, 2007 September 22-23, 2007 September 28-30, 2007 Autumn War Dregate Revel Baronial Business Meeting Summits Fall Coronet Last Chance Border War Emprise of the Black Lion VII AnTir Bardic Championship Banner War Barony of Blatha an Oir Shire of Dregate Barony of Vulcanfeldt Barony of Terra Pomaria Barony of Dragon’s Laire Barony of Welsdmere Shire of Wyewood Barony of Aquaterra Barony of Aquaterra Rolf and Ashley send Greetings unto the populace of Vulcanfeldt this 1st day of September, Anno Societatis 42, being 2007 Gregorian. Congratulations to His Lordship Shannon O'Duncan, first Yeoman for the Barony of Vulcanfeldt! Huzzah! The candidates who attempt the Trials begin studying a year in advance to insure they are well versed in all the aspects of the SCA (Heraldry, Forms of Address, Weapons, Armor, Castles, Dance, Bardic, not to mention their specialized field of testing), we would like to thank all those who attended the Sergeantry Trials and offered support and encouragement. Upcoming in the Barony of Vulcanfeldt: Fighters Practices will be moving back to our winter indoor site this month. Archery Fest: October 5 – 7 (yes, we do know that Baron's Ball is the same weekend) Yule Feast: December 15 (Tournaments and Arts/Sciences Championship competition will take place at the Toppenish Armory during the day, the Feast will commence in the evening at the Eagle's Lodge). Their Majesties plan to attend Yule Feast, now is a good time to write in award recommendations. Baronial Council Meeting is Monday, September 10, we have asked Her Ladyship Regina, to place "Baronial Pavilion" on the agenda so that discussion can begin as to whether we want to begin collecting bids for a baronial pavilion or if we want to continue using the pop-up shade. We hope to see everyone at the meeting with their views, opinions, and ideas. In Service to the Barony of Vulcanfeldt and the Kingdom of AnTir, See you at the Baronial Council Meeting, Monday, September 10, Roundtable Pizza. Rolf and Ashley Baron and Baroness of Vulcanfeldt VULKANFELDT BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 13, 2007 Meeting called to order 7:03 p.m. Attendees: Rolf Longbow, Ashley Longbow, Raginmund Ahrens von Danzig, Dominick Mangusson, An te’ ruadh, Onnwuen, Giovanni Gallo, Luella Erisdottir, Megen O’Meagher, Roger (? Can’t read the writing), Quar-a’ Seguuder, Sarah Cunningham, Padraig Blair, Chinuagan, Regina O’Duncan, Shannon O’Duncan, Diego Ortiz del Valle, Donall O’Dill, Caoilainn O’ruaire, Daniel of Ratcrieffe, Tai Tjorkillsdatr, Jenefer Moberley Minutes from July 9th Meeting approved, motion and general acceptance OFFICER’S REPORTS: Seneschal: Quiet on lists Exchequer: Greetings unto the Populace of Vulkanfeldt, Currently we have $5427.03 in the bank, including all outstanding checks. Last month we had $5513.85 in the bank, including all outstanding checks, this is a difference of -$86.82. There were no deposits since the last meeting. Checks that have been written since our last meeting include: $12.00 to AnTir College of Heralds-Baronial Device Submission $74.82 to Shirley Pechtel-Folk Life barbecue A difference of $86.82. The quarterly report is in and we showed a profit of $2293.51. Chronicler: Minutes were emailed out before meeting, had a couple articles for the Signal this month Constabulary: Nothing to report Herald: Heraldry class held last weekend, Baronial submission went to Kingdom and should pass Master of Stables: Fighter’s practice still Wednesdays, Cedric and Stearkar came up last week, possible combined practices with Wastekeep some Saturday, possible regional youth practice Branch Rapier Marshall: Quar-a took 2nd in tournament at August Ails, still practicing Wednesdays Deputy Archer: Wastekeep August Ails report, looking into what new targets cost Arts & Sciences: Nothing to report Chatelaine: made contact with the people who filled out cards at Folklife, nothing yet; new family will be moving into the area from Alaska Chamberlain: everything in storage except for some targets, will be getting them back for Archery Fest First Aider: Deputy card will be expiring in a month, regional Chiurgeon hasn’t been receiving any reports, if she gets them she will sign off on them Lists: Sir Qorin won tournament at Folklife, otherwise nothing to report Web Master: Made some minor corrections on page, gallery pictures resized, if you want a larger size ask for a CD, spam getting through filters to officer emails Librarian: 3 books are checked out PAST EVENTS Folklife: Went pretty well, 6 or 7 on lists Saturday, Geoff won rapier tournament, met Realms of Avalon people, made a few contacts, feast went well, thanks to all those who helped set up May Crown: Question about getting repaid for site clean up UPCOMING EVENTS Sergeantry Trials: 2 candidates still, site fee was $7.00, set up at 9, court and trials begin at 10, feast about 5:30 or 6, Baronial pavilion will be onsite, fighters bring armor, bring whatever projects you are working on, Baron requested beer Archery Fest: Will be one, need to do write up to send out on lists, does conflict with Baron’s Ball, maybe in future combine with Wastekeep? Yule Feast: Event write up read, $12 site fee with $3 NMS, gate opens at 11, feast hall opens at 3, feast begins at 5, possible youth tournament OLD BUSINESS Baronial Regalia: In holding pattern until device passes Vulkanfeldt favors/tokens: Nothing to report Baronial Device: Waiting on submission passing Round Table Scroll: Waiting to hear back from Fiona, she’s working; getting wording done NEW BUSINESS: Loaner Armor: Some problems with idea is that people get used to using it and would consider it their own, it wouldn’t fit right Events in Ellensburg: Looking at different sites around the area, possibly better draw from west side, check into indoor arena Archery Targets: Looking into having a set fee when we loan out targets, 8 Baronial targets, some may need replacing soon, need to find out how much they cost to replace BARON/BARONESS REPORT: Baroness turned 50, Rolf is stepping down as Regional Marshall, still thinking about war next year Adjourned CHRONICLER’S CORNER I can’t believe how quickly the last few weeks have gone. It seems like I just sat down to complete the August Signal, and it’s already September! Recently I went to the Sport of Kings, and it was a wonderful event, even for a nonfighter! There was plenty of interesting classes to take and a lot of rest to be had. Even if my tent somehow generated a lake of water Saturday night. Many thanks to the autocrats for this event, they made everything seem smooth and seamless. Congratulations to the new Yeoman, HL Shannon O’Duncan!! Sergeantry trials was a fun event, even though the wind was a force to be reckoned with. Thank you to everyone who came out and made it a great day. I regret that mundane commitments prevented me from attending September Crown, where our own Sir Cedric Rolfsson took the tournament for his lady, Elizabeth Owles! Congratulations and best wishes for a fun reign to everyone involved. Who and what are the Officers, Sergeantry, and Champions © Baroness Ashley Longbow, August 2007 The Society for Creative Anachronism consists of various levels and positions that fulfill medieval and modern roles. Among these roles, we have Officers, Sergeantry, and Champions. Branches are required to have certain offices filled; baronies are required to have the offices of Seneschal, Exchequer, Herald, Master of Stables, Arts and Sciences, Chronicler, and Chatelaine. (An Tir Kingdom Law) OFFICERS Seneschal(e) is the administrative head and legal representative of the Barony. Exchequer is the chief financial officer and is responsible for the financial records. Herald is the chief heraldic officer and advisor of the Barony. Master of Stables is the heavy marshal and promotes heavy fighting within the Barony. Minister of Arts & Sciences encourages the research and development of the arts and sciences. Chronicler is the record keeper and is in full charge of official publications within the barony. Chatelaine is the welcome officer, introducing new and prospective members. Baronies have the privilege to offer admittance into the Order of Sergeantry to those who fulfill and meet certain requirements. SERGEANTRY The positions of Sergeant, Gallant, Yeoman and Courtier may be attained by passing a series of tests designed to demonstrate proficiency in a variety of skills and subject matter. Upon successful completion they shall have the right to wear the regalia of their achievement. Sergeant-Natural brown leather belt with a buckle bearing the Orders badge. Yeoman-Natural brown leather bracer bearing the Orders badge Gallant- a brown or tan scarf tied around the left bicep bearing the Orders badge Courtier-a medallion bearing the Orders badge. Each member of the Order shall instruct novices in the matters of their combat arts and other forms of courteous and noble behavior and shall uphold the ideals of chivalry, courtesy, and nobility with their every word and deed. Branches may hold Champions Tournaments to choose their defenders. CHAMPIONS The Barony of Vulkanfeldt shall have the following Champions (Minor Carta): Heavy Armored Champion, Rapier Champion, Archery Champion (known as Baronial Protector), and Arts and Sciences Champion. All Champions are expected to promote their discipline within the Barony during their reign as Champion. DREGATE REVEL September 7-9, 2007 Shire of Dregate Dregate welcomes you to our annual revel, commemorating our shire's first event. Come find fellowship, relaxation and acquaint yourself with old friends and new. We will have Dregate's famous Fir & Feather Tavern (with games and tournaments! bring something to add to the potluck stew on Friday night), heavy fighting scenarios, archery, and our famous Dregate Feast and bardic. Feast tickets sold onsite Saturday. Feast fee is Adults $10, 6-16 $5, and under 6 are FREE, Family cap of $30. We will also have card weaving and brass etching classes on Saturday. The site has bunk-style beds in communal cabins. For reservations contact the autocrat (see below). Hot showers and bathrooms are on site. Please note there is a lake nearby so be cautious. The site is somewhat remote, please bring any special dietary items or meds that you require. The site is discreetly wet. Quiet pets, which are leashed and picked up after are welcome. AUTOCRAT: HL Killian Carrick mka Kelly Cariker Box 61 Omak, WA 98841 EMAIL ki11ian@hotmail.com (note #1's not l's) Also for cabin reservations. SITE ADDRESS: Camp Ortoha- 8 Lost Lake Rd. Tonasket WA 98855 (note this address will not work on GPS or on the net- many signs will be posted) SITE OPENS: 5PM on September 7th and closes on 4PM on the 9th. SITE FEE: Adults $10, 6-16 $5, and under 6 are FREE. Family cap of $30. SCA non member surcharge of $3 will apply. Make Checks payable to: Shire of Dregate SCA. ANTIR BARDIC CHAMPIONSHIP September 22-23, 2007 Barony of Aquaterra Greetings unto the populace of An Tir, especially those whose passion tends towards bardic pursuits and the performing arts. The fifth Kingdom Bardic Championship (KBC) will be held this year on September 22nd –23rd. The event will be split between two sites, just blocks away from each other, in Everett, WA Saturday's festivities will be at: Trinity Episcopal Church 2301 Hoyt Ave Everett, WA 98201 Sunday's finals will be held at Everett High School: 2416 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 His Royal Highness has decided that He will have a fight practice on Saturday. Children’s activities will be going on throughout the day, Saturday. Please watch for an upcoming schedule. There will also be an Italian feast created by Baroness Fiamma for 10$ per person on Saturday evening. A soup lunch will be available Saturday for 2$ per person. Site fees for all Kingdom events are: 15 USD ($3 NMS applied to all non-members charged an adult rate) or 16 Canadian ($4 NMS applied to all non-members charged an adult rate). More information will be forthcoming as it is confirmed. This will be a two-day competition, along the basic lines of Kingdom Arts and Sciences. Just as for the Kingdom A&S Championship, contestants will need to declare their intention to enter in advance of the competition. The deadline for applications is July Coronation (the deadline might be extended if you have a compelling reason why you could not meet the original deadline - this will be decided on a case by case basis). This year's KBC will be held in the charming Barony of Aquaterra. If you intend to compete for OVERALL Kingdom Bardic Champion you must notify, in writing, the Crown, the A&S Minister, and the Kingdom Bardic Deputy. 'In writing' will include: snail mail, e-mail, and / or physically handing the written letter of intent to the parties in question. The email addresses of the Crown and the A&S Minister appear at the end of this message. It is also possible to enter single entries at KBC, which can be an excellent way to get feedback and exposure. A single entry is also a good way to test the waters if going for overall Bardic Champion seems too intimidating. If you wish to enter a single entry, you do not have to send a formal letter of intent to all the parties listed, but you do need to send me an email listing your name and very specific details about your proposed entry ('song' is not specific). Single entries also do not have to meet the July Coronation deadline, but there are a limited number of spaces for single entries, so the sooner you contact me the better. When we run out of judging slots, no further single entries will be allowed. No single entries will be allowed at the last minute. More information about the 5th KBC will be posted as it becomes available. The rules, procedures and other details pertaining to KBC can be found on the KBC website: http://www.currentmiddleages.org/kbc . People who need to receive your Letter of Intent to enter for overall Bardic Champion: Kingdom Bardic Deputy: kbc@ibix.net Their Royal Majesties, King and Queen of An Tir: king@antir.sca.org, queen@antir.sca.org Crown Prince and Crown Princess: prince@antir.sca.org, princess@antir.sca.org Kingdom Arts & Sciences Minister: artsci@antir.sca.org In service, HL Raffaella di Contini / HL Soelig Sweetglee / Lady Isebel von Waldeck Autocrats AnTir Kingdom Bardic Championship You can contact the autocrats at: raphaellad@yahoo.com, a_peirce@verizon.net, or holly@L7.net BORDER WAR September 21-23, 2007 Barony of Wealdsmere Rumors of war come unto the populace of Wealsdmere! The threat comes from across the border, the Artemsian foes have set their eyes upon the riches of An Tir! Come all and defend this wondrous kingdom with your arts, be they martial or gentle. There will be many war scenarios, Arts & Science competitions, Bardic Competitions, and other activities to earn the victory over these would be conquerors. The Wealdsmere Culinary Guild will be sponsoring a Medieval Iron Chef contest. Contestants will be given a secret ingrediant and they may add whatever they like. Points will be given for: Number of dishes, Presentation, Creativity with Secret Ingrediant, and Complexity. Bonus points will be given for any documentation. This is a chance for you to show off your talents! It will be worth one war point. The site will be Scott Campground at Farragut State Park. You will need to stop at the park office/Visitor Center to pick up a parking pass. Merchants: Farragut State Park charges a $35 vendor fee. If you are interested in merchanting, please contact HL Jhone MacLachlan at terkemm@aol.com to arrange space and for payment info. The fee must be paid to the park PRIOR to the event to be able to merchant. Site opens at 3:00 p.m. Friday and closes and 1:00 p.m. Sunday. Site Fees: Weekend—Adults 16 and up $10, Youths 10-15 $5, Child under 10 $4. Day—Adults 16 and up $5, Youth 10-15 $3, Child under 10 $2 NMS applies. Make checks payable to Barony of Wealdsmere, SCA, Inc. Autocrat: Sir Brandt Sturrock, mka Bruce Spurlock, 5418 Estep Road, Newman Lake, WA 99025, 509-226-2966, sturrocks@comcast.net EMPRISE OF THE BLACK LION VII September 21-23, 2007 Shire of Wyewood "Let it be known that there will be a very great festival of arms and a very noble tourney with maces of one measure and rebated swords, in appropriate armor, with crests, coats of arms and horses covered with the arms of the noble tourneyers, as is the ancient custom ..." The Shire of Wyewood and the Madrone Equestrian Guild are pleased to welcome you to this 7th Emprise of the Black Lion, to be held September 21-23, 2007. The site this year will be Reber Ranch. The site will open at 6 p.m. Friday, September 21, and close at 5 p.m. Sunday, September 23. Some limited camping may be available, but only by prior arrangement with the autocrat (see below for contact information.) The site fee will be $12 for adults, children 8-15 $10, under 8 free. There will be a $3 nonmember surcharge assessed to those without proof of SCA membership. 10'x12' stalls are available for horses for $12 per day or $20 per day + night, with bedding included in the price. Please pre-register in order to secure a stall. The Shire of Wyewood will be providing lunch on site for a modest fee. The format of the "Champion of the Emprise of the Black Lion" tournament is inspired by the 1460 treatise by Rene of Anjou "traictie de la forme et devis d'ung tournoy". The games for the Championship of the Emprise of the Black Lion will be: • Rings • Reeds • Pigs • Speed Quintain • Jousting • Behord • Birjas • A counted blow heavy tournament (yes, on foot!) Those competing for the Championship of the Emprise of the Black Lion need enter only four of the above games. In addition to the games for the Championship, there will be a variety of heavy armored combat tournaments also in the style of Rene of Anjou's treatise. The evening will end (as per King Rene's instructions) with dancing and socializing. Sunday will feature more opportunities for equestrian activities and heavy fighting. For more information contact the autocrat-Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol (Lisa Mohr) gulesandor@yahoo.com (425) 277-0763 until 10 p.m.