June 2016


June 2016
Baronial Candidates (from left): The Honorable Lord Karl Haraldsson, Mistress Samara Caitlyn of Elfwyne, Master
Koga Takashiro Kagehiro, Lady Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako
Anno Societatis 51
The Barony March of Mons Tonitrus
June 2016
Baron Finnian Tulloch MacLeod and Baroness Brigit Ni Sheachnasigh
408-470-0548 (His Excellency) and 575Seneschal:
Master Martin De Gras
654-0218 (Her
Thunderbolt Pursuivant:
Lord Finnvardr Snaebiarnarson
Submission Herald:
HE Samara Caitlyn
THL Karl Haraldson
Knight Marshal:
Lord Ruan MacCumhail
520-459-1891; mariusconnor@cox.net
Deputy Armored Combat:
THL Karl Haraldson
Rapier Marshal:
Lady Hamasaki Miyako (Miako) (Kay Rayne)
Deputy Rapier Marshal:
Banthegn Juliana de Navarra (Jeanette Fiori-Clemente)
Archery Marshal:
Lord Finnian McBride (Robert Auten)
Equestrian Marshal:
Lady Francesca d'Aymonet
Waiver Officer:
Lady Fiona inghean Mheg Uidher (Laura Smeal)
520-335-2058; dragonship_red@yahoo.com
Please no calls before 9am or after 9pm
Minister of Arts and sciences:
Lady Mariette Dominique du Beau
(Carol Lewis)
Lady Francheska Lucrezia la sarta
Lady Tóka Kolbiarnardottir
Master Kago Takashiro Kagehiro
Lady Tiphina of Ledbury
520 378 3530
Web Minister:
Baronial Librarian:
Lady Moire Ayres (Pat Auten)
M’Lady Swetiue Schaefer (Tammie Bogardt)
Youth Activities Minister:
Lord Liam Bearsak
Minister of the Lists:
Current Baronial Champions
Baron’s Champion
Lord Liam Bearsak
Baroness’s Champion
Master Koga Takashiro Kagehiro
Lord Randolph
Youth Archery M'Lady Liliana
Arts & Sciences Champion
Bardic Lady Ilaria of Mons Tonitrus
Baronial Populace Serving as KingdomChampions
Queen’s Champion
Kensei-Sama Koga Takashiro Kagehiro
Archery Champion-Handbow
Lord Finnian MacBride
Words From our Baron
and Baroness
Hail and well met, Monsters!
Spring fades to summer. The crops are planted, the children play, and the Aten sun rears up to bathe the Thunder
Mountains with it's full, and glorious light.
June, for Mons Tonitrus, will be a time of choice and change for the entire populace. On June 5th, join Us at Veterans Park in Sierra Vista where we will hold a Baronial Polling to determine the next Baron and Baroness of Mons
Tonitrus. The polling event will be held at ramada #3 on the southeast side of the park from Noon until
2PM. Come and show your support for the barony, and it's future, by casting your ballot.
Her Excellency and I invite you to join us on June 18th as we travel north for Tir Ysgithr’s Boar-onial Invitational
Arts and Sciences Competition. This is an open A&S competition and anyone is welcome to come and display their
work. If you can't make it, but want to enter, let us know and we will transport your entries. Elks Lodge, 615
South Pantano Rd., Tucson AZ 85731. Doors open for set up and entry submission at 9:30 AM.
And We wish fair winds to those who will be attending the SCA 50 Year Celebration in Danville, IN. We want
you to have a grand time and bring back the knowledge and stories that you gather.
In service to Our Crown and to Our Populace
Baron Syr Finnian
Baroness Brigit
Chancellor of the Exchequer Report
Barony March of Mons Tonitrus
Chancellor of the Exchequer Report for: May 2016
Given: June 2016 Prepared by: Deborah L. Doyle
Checking Account:
Beginning Balance
Check #:
1538 City of Benson
Cleared Amount:
Site Fee for M&GS
Deposit date
Estrella Volunteer Hours
City of Benson reimbursement from Barmaids
Ending Checkbook balance
Ending Statement balance
Certificates of Deposit
Beginning Balance
CD 5728 (Jan/Jul)
CD 4159 (Mar/Sep)
Ending Balance
Total Funds: $17,394.50
Last month: $17,254.78
Barony March of Mons Tonitrus Polling
and Baronial Sunday
Please join us for a day of polling and picnics as we
poll to determine the next Baron and Baroness of Mons
Tonitrus. Bring a dish to share and let your voice be heard.
Baronial polling will be 12 Noon until 2PM followed by a
potluck picnic. Armoured Combat and Rapier fighter practice
will run from 4pm to 6pm as usual.
Registered members of the Barony may vote, but all are
welcome to eat, visit, fight, and enjoy a beautiful southern Arizona Sunday in the park. Site is discreetly wet, with no glass
When: Sunday, June 5th, 2016, from 11AM to 6PM.
Where: Veterans Memorial Park, 3105 E Fry Blvd, Sierra Vista,
AZ 85635, at Ramada 3.
For information or to sign up to bring a dish, please contact Lady Katherine Kelly, mka Suzy Gillott at: (385)628-9484 or
email me at: cookiegoddess42@gmail.com
Meet the Baronial candidates for the
barony march of mons tonitrus
Anno Societatis LI
Unto Their Solar Majesties, Casca and Melissa, Their Solar Highnesses, Craven and Elzbieta, Their
Excellencies, Finnian and Brigit, the mighty populace of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus, and Kingdom
Seneschal Bannthegn Natal’ia Diekova vdova Rabynovicha do we, Master Koga Takashiro Kagehiro, called
Taka-Kensei, and Lady Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako, called Eiwa-Gozen, send this missive with hope it finds you all
well and in good spirits.
We send you greetings as well as humbly declaring our intent to be considered to serve our fair Barony as Baron
and Baroness. We understand and are more than willing to accept the responsibilities that come along with this
service. We willingly pledge ourselves to a three year term of service, if the Populace and Crowns should so
choose us to serve in that role. We understand that should our letter be accepted, it will be published in the May
2016 Thunderbolt.
We seek to serve as Baron and Baroness out of our love for the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus and believe we
can promote the barony and support its populace well. In our travels around the Kingdom of Atenveldt and to
events in both Caid and the Outlands we have seen Mons Tonitrus and her people shine as bright stars across the
Society. Mons Tonitrus has long been known for its dedication to service, generous charity, its welcoming
heart, and its wide ranging support for the kingdom and one another. The populace works and plays together,
and comes together as one in times of need—regardless of divisions by household, what it is that draws us each
to the Society, or mundane life. We will continue to foster these qualities and build on the efforts of past bearers
of the Coronets.
Our desire and willingness to serve as Baron and Baroness was not made lightly, but come to through the
experiences and knowledge gained from years of membership in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Taka-Kensei began his journey in the SCA in Anno Societatis 35 (2000 in the Common Reckoning) in the
Kingdom of Drachenwald. After being invited to join a friend at something called “fighter practice” and
spending hours fighting with rapier, he was hooked. After departing the lands of the Dragon, he arrived in the
southern most barony of Atenveldt. And though his duty to the Army restricted him to attending only the weekly
fighter practices, he was always made to feel welcome. As is their way, the Army sent him away and he found
himself in a Caidan Canton in the South Pacific as a stopover on the way to the sand-blasted lands of middleeastern
Drachenwald. Eventually, the Army saw fit to return Taka-Kensei to Mons Tonitrus in A.S. 45, he
threw himself into supporting his chosen family, taking on the role of Deputy Baronial Rapier Marshal. He won
his first Baronial Rapier Championship that year and later took over as Baronial Rapier Marshal. After a number
of years in that role, he took on the responsibilities of Herald, as Thunderbolt Pursuivant. He currently serves as
the Deputy Baronial Chronicler. He continued to work for the Baronial Populace as he also worked for the
Kingdom, taking over as Deputy to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal for Cut and Thrust; and working as the Rapier
Marshal in Charge for Estrella while establishing the Knowne World Rapier Camp to share Atenveldt’s famed
hospitality. He has seen the workings of the Kingdom, serving on the Guards of many Crowns and both the
current Baron and Baroness and their predecessors; he has been Baronial Rapier Champion twice, Queen’s
Rapier Champion thrice, nearly won the Mace and Greatsword Tourney, and won the Duke Deaton Greatsword
Tourney in just the past year. Taka-Kensei has been recognized with a number of honors thanks to the support of
the populace of his home. He is co-Premier of the Order of Defence of Atenveldt, a Defender of the White
Scarf, Companion of the Luxbruder, the Pilgrim of the Desert, the Golden Blade, the Order of the Star of the
Desert-Gules, twice gifted with the Queen’s Cypher, and is a Companion of the Sable Chevronels. One of his
most treasured memories was being named a Lord of Atenveldt at the same moment he was made a Companion
of the Silver Morion. Taka-Kensei is a rapier fighter, an armored combat fighter, an archer, practices thrown
weapons, creates and supports the talented artisans of this Barony, and serves always the populace of Mons
Eiwa-Gozen was brought to the SCA in A.S 45, (2010 commonly) through Taka-Kensei when he offered as the
Baronial Rapier Marshal to teach her how to use a sword left handed. It only took one fighter practice in the
beautiful lands of Mons Tonitrus for her to know she had found a home, and a family. A little over a year later
Eiwa-Gozen was given the opportunity to serve her Barony when she was asked to take on the role of Baronial
Herald for a brief time to allow the then Thunderbolt Pursuivant to take on a position at Kingdom. Following,
and for the last two and a half years, she has continued as a warranted baronial officer as Baronial Rapier
Marshal. She has had the honor to stand as the Rapier Champion Her Excellency Brigit, as well as serve the
Crowns of the Kingdom as a member of their court guard. She has been a Deputy to the Rapier Marshal in
Charge for both Southern Crusades and Estrella for many years, and last year took over as Rapier Steward at
Southern Crusades. In her short time in the Society, Ewia-Gozen has been given recognition by her Barony as a
Guardian of the Saguaro, a Companion of the Silver Morion, a Companion of the Sable Chevronels, and
Companion of the Sable Harps. She has also humbly been honored by those outside Mons Tonitrus, with the
Fellowship of the Boar Argent from the Barony of Tir Ysgithr and Kingdom commendations as; a Lady of
Atenveldt, a Companion of the Golden Blade, a Companion of the Star of the Desert (Gules), a Companion of
Luxbruder of Atenveldt, a Companion of the Pilgrim of the Desert. In addition to rapier, Eiwa-Gozen enjoys
archery, and many Arts and Sciences of the Knowne World; to include calligraphy and illumination, clothing
and jewelry costuming, and alchemy.
As our interests are varied, we understand and wish to support and encourage that wide array of activities the
populace of Mons Tontirus takes part in as they follow Their Dream. While maintaining support for those
programs that have grown strong over the years—including armored combat, rapier combat, arts and sciences,
and those who serve the Barony—we would work to improve and grow archery and thrown weapons; and to
revive and develop equestrian activities in the Barony.
It takes many hands to make the Barony run; even the smallest service is deserving of thanks. We would seek to
show our appreciation, even in little ways, to those who share their time, talents, and resources with our Barony,
other Baronies, and the Kingdom. And enable and encourage the Officers of the Barony to do the same.
Baronial lands stretch across Southern Arizona. We would seek to expand the Baronial presence into the lands
surrounding the heart of the Barony into those areas seldom frequented. We would work with our Chatelaine
and Knight Marshal to seek out more demo opportunities and fighter practice locations to allow a wider range of
the populace to participate and showcase their talents throughout the year. And to the greatest extent possible,
we would develop a system and work to aid those who have trouble getting to events in far-flung corners of the
Defense of the realm, support of the populace, education of those wishing to learn and encouraging the
enjoyment of this our Society: these are the goals for which we, Taka-Kensei and Eiwa-Gozen, will strive if
chosen to serve our beloved Atenveldt as Baron and Baroness of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus.
In service to these glorious lands of Atenveldt, the current and future Crowns, and the Society,
Master Koga Takashiro Kagehiro
Lady Hamasaki Eiwa Miyako
Member #162916, exp. 4/30/2019
Member #209126, exp. 4/30/2019
Mka William Bomar and Jennifer Weston
933 San Simeon Drive
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Phone: 520-2664286 or 314-604-1564
Email: wbbomar@gmail.com or k.rayne27@gmail.com
Unto Their Solar Majesties, Casca and Melissa; Their Highnesses, Craven and Elzbieta; Their Excellencies Finnian and Brigit; the Kingdom Seneschal, Baroness Natal’ia Diekova vdova Rabynovicha;
and the Populace of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus do we, The Honorable Lord Karl Haraldsson and
Mistress Samara Caitlyn of Elfwyne, submit this letter of our intent and desire to step forward as candidates for your next Baron and Baroness.
We submit this letter of intent to request the honor of being considered the next Baron and Baroness of the mighty and thunderous, Barony March of Mons Tonitrus. We do so after much careful consideration of the responsibilities and obligations of landed Nobility, to include a three-year warrant, and that,
if accepted by the Crown, that this letter of intent will be published in The Thunderbolt. If we should be
selected, our efforts would be to concentrate upon growth – both personal and populace – by continuing
to recruit, encourage and support.
Between us, we have over 60 years of involvement in the Society for Creative Anachronism. Karl
started in the beginning of 1981 in the Principality of Drachenwald holding offices at the Shire level as
the Herald of Knight’s Crossing and Marshal. During this time in Drachenwald he also held the offices
of Baronial Marshal, Principality Marshal, Clerk Sygnet and was part of the College of Herald’s staff
designing and submitting heraldry. Upon leaving Drachenwald, he arrived in Atlantia, again jumping
right in as the Lists Officer and then Marshal for the Barony of Tyr-y-Don and was also a Marshal at
Large for the Kingdom. He was moved by the Air Force to the Barony of Wyvernwoode in Trimaris and
took on the job as Deputy Marshal. In Caid, in the Shire of Carreg Wen, he took over as Seneschal of this
small group and with Samara, they started the event known as “The King’s Hunt” (which is still one of
the main events in the northern part of the Kingdom). Again, he was a Marshal at Large for Caid. Upon
returning to Atlantia, he was warranted as their Deputy Marshal and regained his Marshal at Large status.
He was the Guildmaster of the Brewer’s Guild twice, led Atlantia to win the Brewing competition between the East Kingdom and Atlantia as well as being chosen as the Royal Brewer by two different sets
of Crowns. Since arriving in Atenveldt (our final stop on this wondrous journey that started with the Air
Force for him and is ending up as our last home), he immediately immersed himself in helping the
Cook’s Guild form, became a baker of breads for all the events during that first year that the Cook’s
Guild was formed, took on the Thunderbolt Herald’s position and Deputy Marshal for hardsuit. He is also a Marshal at Large for the Kingdom and is one of the staff working with Abacus to help keep the Order
of Precedence updated and accurate.
Samara started in the summer of 1980 in Drachenwald. She jumped in with both feet taking on
the Principality Seneschal’s office for 4 years. She held the Kingdom Chronicler’s position, was event
steward and head cook for numerous Baronial and Kingdom events. She also worked as the scribe to
to the College of Heralds by recording all the heraldry and minutes from the meetings and research being
completed. Moving with Karl to Atlantia, she continued serving through holding Arts and Sciences at their
home weekly with woodworking, dancing and sewing as the main highlights. Samara was the steward and
cooked for feasts in their Barony, as well as travelling throughout the Kingdom helping other groups with
their events. She was also the Chronicler for the Barony’s Nod-y-writ and part of the group that started
Archery in the Barony. In Caid, she again took up the Arts and Sciences office and also the Chronicler’s
office. She worked with Karl to start the King’s Hunt working with the base and the Kingdom. She was
part of the court for 4 sets of Crowns, and during that time, neither she nor Karl missed an event. Back in
Atlantia, in the Barony of Storvik she was the Arts and Sciences Minister. For the Kingdom, she was the
Deputy Scribe (Scroll Wrangler), responsible with the Clerk Sygnet to ensure that scrolls were made for
all the populace that the Crown deemed to grant awards to. She travelled all over the Kingdom helping to
set up scriptoriums and ensuring that “Battle Scribes” were available at all events. Upon moving to
Atenveldt, she worked with Baronial members to form the Cook’s Guild during that first year before she
deployed with the military for almost three years.
She became the Deputy Exchequer while still deployed and upon her return has been the Baronial
Exchequer ever since. She has worked Pre-Registration and Gate for Estrella for three years and during
this last year was the coordinator of both Pre-Registration and Volunteers. Samara has been an event steward for both Baronial and Kingdom level events as well as doing the feasts for various events.
Because we have made Atenveldt, and even more importantly, Mons Tonitrus, our home, we are
very active in both this Barony and this Kingdom. With the example of the kind and respectful leadership
we have seen throughout the years, we have learned to encourage others by doing and sharing what we have
learned with the populace. Both of us make a point to make it to Kingdom level events and help others get
there as well. If someone cannot make it to a Kingdom event, but wishes to participate – we will (and have)
taken their entries and entered them for that member. We enjoy helping people strive for improvement in
both knowledge and skill in the martial arts (heavy, rapier, archery, thrown weapons and equestrian), the
gentler arts and sciences (to include – but not limited to: sewing, brewing, woodworking, armor making,
glass work, scribal, weaving), and service – to self, household, Barony and Kingdom. Over our years in the
SCA, we have helped others by both making for them and helping them learn to make their own armor and
clothing. We have both participated in archery, cooking, brewing, calligraphy and illumination, jewelry
making, research, dancing, drumming, heraldry (book and voice), music and any other topic or area that we
either decided to try or someone else wanted information on. Karl is not only an armored marshal and fighter, but also a rapier fighter and archer. Our goal is to help the Barony and her populace to grow and learn in
all areas of the combat (to include Ballista, Equestrian, Thrown Weapons, Archery – both target and combat, Rapier and Heavy), and in any area of the arts and sciences that interest those around us.
We wish to serve as Baron and Baroness out of our dedication for the Barony – our family. The
populace has always been known for its dedicated service; willing charity; open welcome of visitors, old
friends, and new members; and their support of each other and the barony. We, as a barony, need to play
and work as a team. Guiding gently, maintaining the Baronial tradition of fun and welcome, allowing our
officers to run the business side of this Society, we wish to continue fostering the feeling of community by
building upon the efforts of past bearers of the Baronial coronets and the efforts of the entire populace of
the Barony.
We wish to maintain links with both the past coronets and leaders of this Barony as well as the current members and populace through open communication to ensure that we embody what the Barony
wants and needs to further its growth in numbers and skills. Without these links, the Baron and Baroness
are nothing as the positions are there to serve the populace to the best of our abilities.
Defense of the realm, support of the populace, education of those wishing to learn and encourage
the enjoyment of this, our Society; these are the goals for which we will strive if chosen to serve our Barony
and Kingdom.
In Service to the Dream,
The Honorable Lord Karl Haraldsson
Mistress Samara Caitlyn of Elfwyne
Ronald E. Doyle
Deborah L. Doyle
P O Box 2013, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
P O Box 2013, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
Exp: 8/2016
Living the Dream
Baronial Schedule
Business/Officers Meetings: Fir st Tuesday of ever y month at 7:00pm, Cochise College
Room 900, 901 N. Columbo Avenue. Officers will submit reports. Contact 520-508-7984
Baronial Court/Arts & Sciences Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Commons Area of Cochise College Library, 902 North Columbo Avenue. Their Excellency's will
hold court, everyone will attend in garb and there will be an Arts and Sciences class following
court. Contact: 520-508-7984
Archery Practice: Ever y Sunday mor ning from 9-11am. It is conducted at Chateau d’Aymonet. Starting from Mustang Corners where Highway 82 and 90 intersect, travel 1.2 miles north
on highway 90, turn left (west) on Camino de Mesa and travel another .7 miles to Arthur
Ranch Road, turn right (North) and then turn right again into Jacques and Francesca’s driveway.
Fighter Practice: Fighter Pr actice is held ever y Sunday and Monday at Veter an’s Memorial Park off of Fry Ave, unless there is an event or war. Sunday practice includes both Armored and Rapier Combat; Monday is Rapier Combat only. October marks the beginning of
the Winter schedule. Sunday Fighter practice will now begin at 4:00 pm. Monday Rapier practice will also start at 4:00pm. Contact: 520-459-1891. Len Roberts Park is the alternate site
when there is a conflict for the usual location.
The Strong Oak Consort (unofficial): We invite all instrumentalists and vocalists to join the
Strong Oak Consort rehearsals every Mondays at 5:00pm, Cochise College Library (usually
the Horace Steele Conference Room) 901 N. Columbo Ave. Have recorder, will tootle.
Craft Night (unofficial): 7 pm every Thursday. On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays it is at Case
Verde (Finn and Brigit's house)! 34 Danser Drive Sierra Vista. On the 1st and 3rd Thursdays it
is at Casa Doyle. We use this time to prepare for any upcoming events or help you complete a
project you may have laying around… or just come for the company and socalization
www.bmmt.org or www.monstonitrus.org
Official Baronial website is at www.bmmt.or g or www.monstonitr us.or g
Official Baronial E-list is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mons_Tonitr us
Unofficial Baronial Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/
A Note from your Chronicler
Pozdrowienia to my dear family of Mons Tonitrus!
I humbly come before you to request submissions for your
Thunderbolt. There are stories to be told, photos to be seen, and legends
to be heralded. Please consider submitting your current work of art,
knowledge in a science, or a simple tale to be told. While I gladly
provide the format for our newsletter, I am merely the messenger and
need more to our message. Feel free to wax poetic of your lady love or
tell the tale of a fighter so grand he stood ten feet tall. Let us never let
the truth get in the way of a good story. If you fear your writing skills
are not to the task, never fear! We have multiple members who have
studied the English language and will gladly assist. You may contact ei-
ther myself or my ever vigilant deputy for submissions. The Chronicler
email is bmmt.chronicler@gmail.com. We are also found on the great
Tome of Visages (Facebook) or in person.
Pozdrawiam Serdecznie,
Your Humble Servant,
Lady Astridr Kolbiarnardottir
Deputy Chronicler
Words of Thanks from Our
Baron and Baroness
Brigit and I wish to make known a huge debt of gratitude for Wulfric Von Frankfurt. Effective yesterday, Wulfric has stepped down from the position of Baronial
Seneschal. Wulfric has served Mons Tonitrus in so many ways and in an exemplary fashion for almost 5 years. For almost the last 3, he has been Our trusted right
hand. He has always been there for us, and been there for the barony, whenever
needed. We will truly miss having him as one of Our officers and the barony will
be poorer for it.
This opens the process of advertising the opening for Baronial Seneschal. We will
accept any and all letters of intent for 90 days, closing on Aug 07.
In the interim, Master Martin de Gras will be stepping in to act as Our Emergency
Deputy Seneschal.
Please send any LOIs to: monstonitrus@gmail.com, seneschal@atenveldt.org, and
to bmmtseneschal@gmail.com.
Baronial Officers
If you see something in the list that interests you, please contact
Their Excellencies and the Seneschal.
Seneschal (letters of intent due by 7 Aug)
Baronial Knight Marshal
Baronial Regalia Steward
Minister of Lists
Deputies for all Officers are always desired
Please send all inquiries to
monstonitrus@gmail.com, seneschal@atenveldt.org
(seneschal only) and bmmtseneschal@gmail.com
Knight Marshal, Sherriff, Lists, Regalia, and Deputies, Oh My!
My fellow members of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus, I come before you to let you
know of opportunities available in our fair Barony.
We ask those individuals who are interested in becoming officers to come forward and make
themselves known.
Currently the offices listed above are available. If interested, please contact the Seneschal or
Their Excellencies Finnian and Brigit.
As always, all Officers need deputies who are willing to learn, train, teach, and assist in aspects of those duties.—or just want to learn more about the ins and outs of the Barony.
Greetings from the great Thunder Mountains! The Barony March of Mons Tonitrus cordially invites
one and all to a most celebrated event. We honor our Baronial 27th anniversary with the Mace and Great Sword
tournament and will have the great privilege of honoring our new Baron and Baroness.
For those who wish to prove their great strength in armored combat, we have the Tournament of the
Mace. For those who wish to prove their prowess of rapier, there is the Tournament of the Great Sword. For
those who believe they have the swiftest of arrows, an archery tournament will be your judge. For those who
have the gift of song, gab or tomfoolery, bring your best of show for the Bardic competition. For those whose
skills lie in the vast arts and sciences, come show your best work and vie for prizes of the populace, Laurel’s,
Queen and the most rigorous of them all….the UFO!
Should you be famished from a busy Saturday of fighting, shooting, talking or napping, we invite you
to feast with us. A bevy of delightful treats direct from the gods above to the tables of Mons Tonitrus will
await you.
Site Opens: Fr iday, August 19th, 2pm; Site Closes: Sunday, April 21st, 5pm
Member Event Registration: $20 Camping $10 Day
Event Registration: $25 Camping $15 Day
Youth 11- 17: $10 Camping $7 Day 11 and under: FREE!
Feast Adult: $10 Feast Child: $5 (By Pre-Registration Only)
Site Rules: Site is discretely wet, no glass please. Pets allowed on a hand-held leash
with owners responsible for waste pickup.
Fire Restraints: Above ground fire pits only. All tents, kitchens and fire pits must
have 1 fire extinguisher visible at all times.
Directions: Take exit 304, Ocotillo Rd, off I-10. Make first left on Jackson St Follow
Jackson St 1 mile to park on Right. Follow the signs to come through gate. This is a residential
area and there will be children present. Be sure you follow all speed signs, there is likely to be
heavy traffic enforcement and Benson has a zero tolerance for speeding. Dry RV camping
available limited to 9. NO electricity on site, no dump. Amenities will be available.
HEAD EVENT STEWARD: Lady Toka Kolbiarnardottir (912)463-3701 or
The Archery
Archery is alive and well in the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus, but have you ever wondered what the rankings and
awards that are available for Archers. Here is a list of the current rankings and awards that are authorized in the Kingdom
of Atenveldt
The Kingdom of Atenveldt maintains a system of rank for Archers that is determined by the average of an archer’s three
highest Royal Round scores during a 12 month period. A Royal Round consists of shooting six arrows at the each target at
the following distances – 40 yd, 30 yd, & 20 yd, and a speed round consisting of shooting as many arrows as possible in 30
sec at the 20 yard target. The distances on the Youth Royal Round are 10, 15, and 20 yards.
0 – 24
White Tassel
Bowman Badge with Black Tassel
65- 84
Bowman Badge with Blue Tassel
Bowman Badge with Red Tassel
85 – 100 Bowmaster
Bowman Badge with Gold Tassel
100 – 114
Bowmaster Elite
Bowman Badge with Gold/Blue Tassel
115 -
Bowmaster Par Excellence
Bowman Badge with Gold/Red Tassel
Bowmaster Ludicrous
An Archer may achieve separate rankings in more than one of these divisions:
Open Hand Bow
Open Crossbow
Period Hand Bow
Period Crossbow
Leather, Steel, Linen and Liquor
The Arts & Sciences
Baronial A&S Competition
July 23, 2016 Barony March of Mons Tonitrus
Unto the artisans, alchemists, armourers, brewers, cobblers, cooks, musicians, potters, scribes, weavers and
those skilled with needle, song, or craft: TE Baron Finnian MacLeod and Baroness Brigit Ni Sheachnasigh of
the March of Mons Tonitrus do invite you to visit their fair lands for a day of feasting, friendly competition and
public display of the many arts and sciences which do bring honor and glory to our great Kingdom of
Atenveldt. All adults and youth may compete for the Category and Populace Choice awards, although only
members of Mons Tonitrus may compete for the Baronial Adult and Youth A&S Championships.
The populace will be offered workshops during the judging to while away your time.
Workshops to be offered are: White Vine Painting, Silk Painting, Drumming, Kumihimo, and more to come.
All are encouraged to display past works in an informal showcase, there will also be an UFO (unfinished
project display), so being that project that has been sitting on the back shelf that never gets completed.
Location: Cochise Community College, Sierra Vista Campus, 901 N. Colombo Ave.
Luncheon: Lunch is potluck we ask one and all to bring a dish to share.
Site Fees: Free
Schedule: Site opens 9:00 AM. Registration: 9:30-10:00 AM. Baronial Court: 10:30. Luncheon: 12:30 AM.
Judging, Artisan's Showcase: 11:30 - 4:30 PM. Closing court will be held after judging is finished. Site closes
at 6 PM.
Site Rules: Cochise College is a dry site. Brewing entries will be judged off-site, and tasted only by the judges.
No pets (service and assistive animals only). Smoking is permitted a minimum of 20 feet outside of any
Directions: from Phoenix or Tucson - Take I-10 East to AZ SR 90 South (exit 302) toward Ft. Huachuca/Sierra
Vista. After passing the Sierra Vista Municipal Airport, turn left on Hwy. 90. At the intersection of Hwy. 90
and Charleston Road, turn left onto Charleston Road. Turn left onto Colombo Ave. and turn right at the
SECOND entrance into Cochise College. The 900 building (library) will be on your right.
Autocrats: Lady Mariette Dominique du Beau, Baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences
(Carol Lewis), carol_nightshade@hotmail.com 520-378-1215, deputy: Lady Francheska Lucrezia la Sarta
(link380@cox.net) 520-686-4152, and Lady Fiona inghean Mheg Uidher, Current Baronial A&S Champion.
The Strong Oak Club
What is the Strong Oak Club, you ask. And well you should.
The Strong Oak Historical Studies Club is a Cochise College club which is also part of the Barony. Because we’re a Cochise College club the college supports us with funding and facilities
and we participate in events like the Haunted Union and the Mardi Gras Shopping Cart Parade. Because we’re part of the SCA, the Barony joins in the demos, presentations, etc. And
due to this close coordination and participation, the College allows the Barony to use college
facilities without charge,
Who can join? Everyone is welcome to join the Strong Oak club in any and all activities. The
college is pleased when club events involve people from “the community,” and of course the
members of the club are happy to see you. Mistress Gwenllian (in her mundane persona of
Jeni Patton, CIS Instructor) is the faculty advisor. Gudrun Oddsdottir is a constant member
and a point of contact.
We do some of our own activities such as field trips (to the Amerind Museum, to the Phoenix
Art Museum, to a Shakespeare play at the UA, etc.). We are also the ONLY club to participate
in the Constitution Day activities (we present the Magna Carta, which is a medieval contribution to the development of present-day constitutions).
As a community-service activity we coordinate a series of programs at Prestige Assisted Living. The programs are about an hour long and contain anything our little hearts desire. Lady
Ghita’s program on making potpourri was so popular they demanded an encore, and she returned to assist with making Christmas-time potpourri. Other programs have included telling
time in the Middle Ages, illuminating bookmarks with Her Ladyship Maddalena, recorder music with the Strong Oak Consort, a fencing demo with Taka-kensai and Friends, Board games
with Beto, and so forth.
Kingdom of Atenveldt
Upcoming Events
Kingdom Events Calendar
1 Southwind Submissions Due
1 Southwind Submissions Due
7-8 Spring Coronation (SGH)
10 Chocolate Revel (CB)
14-15 Ered Sulabration (BES)
16-18 Champions in the Pines (BGM)
21-22 Torneo de Belleza (BGM)
20 Knight Light
24 Anniversary (BA)
1 Southwind Submissions Due
8 (Wed) Novice Tourney (BA)
11-12 Twin Moons (TBD)
12 Boar-onial Arts and Sciences Competition) 1 Southwind Submissions Due
1-2 Kingdom A&S Championships
17-28 SCA 50-Year Celebration (OOK)
25 Dance Collegium (BES)
5-10 Great Western War (Caid)
15-16 Pillage, Plunder, Pluck and Poke (SGH)
1 Southwind Submissions Due
16 Dragon’s Hoard (BTY)
7-10 Highlands War (BES)
19 (Wed) Rapier/Youth Novice Tourney (BA)
15-16 Boast and Toast (BTY)
21-23 Champions (BA) (BSD)
23 Baronial A&S Competition (BMMT)
28-29 Defenders (Twin Moons)
30 Baronial A&S Championship (BSD)
1 Southwind Submissions Due
6 Fabric War (BSD)
12-14 Too Darned Hot (BES)
19-21 Mace & Great Sword (BMMT)
25 (Thurs) Hawaiian Court (BTM)
27-28 Fall Crown Tournament
31-Sep 5 Battlemoor (Outlands)
28 (Wed) Novice Tourney (BA
1 Southwind Submissions Due
5-6 Fall Coronation (BGM)
9-14 Southern Crusades (BTY/BMMT)
19 Aten University (BA)
Kingdom Officer
Want Ads
Her Excellency Sir Valora, Kingdom Regalia Officer, is seeking a Deputy.
The Regalia Office’s duties include:
Keeping track of Kingdom regalia.
Ensuring that all pieces of regalia are signed for by a responsible party who
understands replacement responsibility and value before taking the regalia.
Coordinating and being responsible for the maintenance of Kingdom regalia.
Arranging for regalia to be at Kingdom events as requested by the Crown.
Arranging for bids for regalia; and, in consultation with the Crown and
Atenveldt Kingdom Financial Committee, approve bids for permanent regalia.
Classifying items as either regalia or a personal gift, if the presenter does not
specifically designate the item(s) as one or the other.
Attending Coronations and Crown Tournaments.
Be warranted by, and report directly to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and
the Crown, with reports sent on a quarterly basis.
Send a missive of your intent to take on this task to:
regalia@atenveldt.org and seneschal@atenveldt.org or speak with Her Excellency
Sir Valora in person.
The Barony March of
Mons Tonitrus Awards
Order of the Sable Chevronels (Service)
Given to those individuals who distinguish themselves through unselfish effort and
service. The Chevronel, an ancient symbol denoting excellence, is the symbol for this order. Holders of this award are styled Companions of the Order of the Sable Chevronels
and are entitled to place the initials CSC after their names.
Order of the Sable Harps (Arts and Sciences)
Given to those individuals who distinguish themselves through both excellence in the
gentle arts of these Current Middle Ages and a willingness to teach others. The Harp is a
most ancient symbol for the arts and the noble pursuit of peace and is therefore a most fitting symbol for this accolade. Holders of this award are styled Companions of the Order
of the Sable Harps and are entitled to place the initials CSH after their names.
Order of the Silver Thunderbolt (Armored Combat)
Given to those individuals who distinguish themselves through both excellence on the
field of honor and a willingness to teach the arts of combat to others. In ancient times, the
Roman Legions of Gaul used the thunderbolt to symbolize the power, might, and majesty
of Rome. The thunderbolt symbolizes the tremendous potential and strength of the forces
of nature. Therefore, it is a most fitting symbol for this order. Holders of this award are
styled Companions of the Order of the Silver Thunderbolt and are entitled to place the
initials CST after their names.
Keeper of the Silver Morion (Light Weapons)
Given to those individuals who distinguish themselves through their great skill with light
weapons (rapier and previously shanai) and their willingness to teach others. The symbol
of the order is the Morion helm, which was worn by so many during the age of
exploration and discovery. Holders of this award are styled Keepers of the Silver Morion
and are entitled to place the initials KSM after their names.
Keeper of the Sable Arrows (Archery)
Given to those individuals who distinguish themselves through both excellence in the skills
of archery and a willingness to teach those skills to others. The archer�s skill and worth
has been proven on the battlefield and as hunters throughout history. A sheaf of arrows is a
fitting symbol of this order. Holders of this award are styled Keepers of the Sable Arrows
and are entitled to place the initials KSA after their names.
New Orders of the barony
march of mons tonitrus
CENTURION OF THE SABLE HARPS (badge forthcoming)
Shall be given to those persons who have displayed, through long service, excellence in
the Medieval Arts and Sciences of the Current Middle Ages and are already Companions
of the Sable Harps. The holders of this award shall be styled, Centurions of the Sable
Harps and shall be entitled to place the initials CCOH after their name
Shall be given to those persons who have displayed, through long service, excellence in
the traditional martial arts of the Current Middle Ages and are already Companions of the
Silver Thunderbolt. The holders of this award shall be styled, Centurions of the Silver
Thunderbolt and shall be entitled to place the initials CCST after their name
Shall be given to those persons who have displayed, through long service, excellence in
the skills of archery and a willingness to teach those skills to others and are already
Companions of the Sable Arrows. The holders of this award shall be styled, Centurions
of the Sable Arrows and shall be entitled to place the initials CKSA after their name
Shall be given to those persons who have displayed, through long service, excellence in
the rapier arts of the Current Middle Ages and are already Companions of the Silver
Morion. The holders of this award shall be styled, Centurions of the Silver Morion and
shall be entitled to place the initials CKSM after their name
Shall be given to those persons who have rendered long and great service to Their
Excellencies and to the populace of the Barony March of Mons Tonitrus and are already
Companions of the Sable Chevronels .The holders of this award shall be styled, Centurions of the Sable Chevronels and shall be entitled to place the initials CCSC after their
Any member of the Barony may nominate any other member for a Baronial award at any time. The
nominee must be a paid member to be recognized. Please send your recommendations to: monstonitrus@gmail.com
The same is true for Kingdom Awards. Please visit the Kingdom website at: http://atenveldt.org/People/
AwardRecommendations to make recommendations.
Cover Photo: Lady Paparazzi
Page 4: Both Photos Courtesy of Lady Sigrid Ulfsdottir of Aschehryst
Page 11: Photo Courtesy of Lady Paparazzi
Page 14: Photo Courtesy of Lady Paparazzi
Page 21: Photos Courtesy of Francheska Lucrezia la sarta
All devices belong to their respective groups (Kingdom and Baronial) and are used
with their permission.