New Higher Word August 2008
New Higher Word August 2008
1 This is The Higher Word a publication of the Barony of Ered Sul of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Higher Word is available from Lara Connally PO Box 1770 Flagstaff, AZ 86002 It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. For reprint information please contact the chronicler. All graphics used in this publication are from copyright free sources unless otherwise noted. Current Issue Artist Credits: Cover Image - Art Explosion Publisher Pro clip art Please note the submission deadline is the 20th each month. Submissions may be emailed to (preferred), otherwise hardcopy and/or CD may be mailed. Black and white graphics need to be scanned and sent via email or on a CD-ROM. 2 Baron and Baroness Baron Christopher Fitzarthur and Baroness Miana ni Chonnagain (Chris & Maureen Walsh) 928-978-1808 or 928-1086 (No calls after 9pm) Acting Seneschal Bannthegn Saeunn Kerling (Mary Highline) (928)522-0804 (no calls after 9pm or Sundays) Acting Deputy Reeve Lady Aiofe (Pat Kolasinski)928-468-6509 (No calls after 9pm) Herald Master Roger Von Allenstein (David Hodge) 928-526-1309 Deputy Herald Lord Silus 928-951-0499 (No calls after 9pm) Chronicler Lady Fionnghuala Feuterer (Lara Connally) 928-607-8653 Deputy Chronicler Gry Thordis (Jilaine Callison) 982-525-1342 Acting A&S Minister Lady Grainne the Red Amber Shepard Hm:928-337-4624 Cell: 928-245-5721 (no calls after 9pm) Deputy A&S Bane Gunnar Skullsplitter (Tom Highline) (928)522-0804 (no calls after 9pm or Sundays) Marshall Lord Thaddeus the Legless (Joshua Spear) 853-1617 Rapier Marshal Lady Christine Sapio 928-308-3934 (No calls after 9pm) Chirurgeon Lady Osanna 856-4380 Children's Minister M’Lady Kolfinna av Bergen ( Kellie Rexroat)928-333-5129 Hospitillar Lady Rowena of Cornwall (Rebecca Cooke) 928- 607-3688 Web Minister M'Lord Kristof Veronov (Rian Bogle) 928-853-7825 Web Minister Deputy Lord Tyler the Younger 928-978-1883 (no calls after 9pm) Water Bearer M’Lady Aminah 928-699-7696 Head of Court, Head Lady in Waiting Lady Violet Elliott (Janice Bloomer) 928-774-4162 Captain of the Guard Wingman (Jon) Contact Info pending 3 Photo - Self Portrait by L. Fionnghuala the Fewterer Their Excellencies Baron Christopher & Baroness Miana by L. Fionnghuala Feuterer (The Baron and Baroness are Busy Preparing for Highland War. Stay Tuned next month for their next missive.) Baronial Progress (next 3 months) * indicates a member of the Northern Army - to be supported as fully as possible! Baronial Progress August 6th - 10th August 16th August 23rd August 30th - 31st HIGHLANDS WAR!!! Shire Life Collegium Granite Mountain Mideast Feast Twin Moons Baronial Investiture Mons Tonitrus To the populace of Ered Sul, Everyone is out working hard to make Highlands War the best ever! So this issue is a bit thin on content. We’ll be back to speed for the September Issue. Your missives, event advertisements, stories, articles, lower words, and song lyrics are due to me by the 20th day of the month. Please be mindful that the publication goes to press the first weekend after the 20th. Delays in submissions may cause at most a 7 day delay in publication so please be courteous and submit EARLY! As you read this issue please take note of any errors. I greatly appreciate any corrections that come my way. The best way to contact me is by email My cell phone is another good way to leave a message, 928-607-8653. I promise that I return calls. Yours in service, L. Fionnghuala the Fewterer 4 Event information: Site opens at 8:00 AM on Thursday, August 7th. Activities end on Sunday, August 10th at 12:00. Site clean-up will start immediately after. Site fees are as follows: Adult with proof of membership – Thursday - $35; Friday - $30; Saturday - $25. Anyone without proof of membership will be charged a $3.00 NMS fee. All adult site fees receive a $5 discount when purchased through ACCEPS. Youth ages 9 through 17 - $10 not date dependant. Youth ages 8 and under are free August 7th-10th Barony of Ered Sul War is Upon us! Yes, you have heard correctly. Invaders are coming!!! We have invaders amassed upon the borders of the Barony of Ered Sul and the Northlands of the Kingdom of Atenveldt! Our network of spies are active and our intelligence is bountiful, as we have discovered the route of the invaders! Hence, the armies of the Northland now march to meet this scourge in the high meadows and forest of Mormon Lake, AZ ( 30 miles south of Flagstaff, AZ). Mark ye, thine calendar to join us as this contest is played out Thursday, August 7th through Sunday the 10th, 2008. The rumors are true; a consortium of southerners led by the Barony of Sundragon is invading the beautiful and blessed lands of Ered Sul! Their Majesties of Atenveldt have decreed we settle our differences before They return from crusades in the East; and so, we hereby invite ALL to join us for this historic encounter! Whether ye be Foul Invader or Bold Defender of the Northlands, know that we shall contest mightily in EVERY arena Hardsuit, Rapier, Archery, Equestrian, Youth Combat, Arts and Sciences and Bardic. We hope you will come and enjoy the trials and tribulations of all! There will be cooler weather, trees, merchants, and surprises for all to enjoy. Location: There are five ways to get to the site. Being that each way is very detailed, it is recommended you visit the Highlands War web site for directions. GPS is not recommended. You will also find site rules, scenarios, and links to answer many other questions you might have. Should you need any information you cannot find, please contact an event steward on line or by phone. Main Event Steward- Bannthegn Saeunn Kerling (Mary Highline) 928-522-0804 Co-Event Steward - Aimee Douglas (Julie Holmes) 928-753-6648 August 16th, 2008 Barony of Sun Dragon Greetings to the populace of Atenveldt! Renaissance ‘Man’ is upon us again. In the Renaissance, a gentle of good breeding and class was considered to be someone well educated, artistically talented in several areas and skilled in rapier. This event is a ‘showcase’ for the Musketeer in all of us. The competition will be held Saturday, August 16th. Site opens at Noon and closes 5 at 8:00pm. To declare for the title of ‘Renaissance Man’ you must compete in all the competitions: skill with the rapier; numbers and letters; art; bardic, a surprise category and the everpopular political games. Entrants are allowed to have a champion compete for them in one and only one of the categories. This year we have a new theme on bardic: The populace are encouraged to filk their favorite musical songs into subjects about our beloved Barony and the SCA. Join us and make merry for we will also have a tasty sideboard. The main dish of BBQ beef, pork, and chicken plus a chunky fruit ‘gazpacho’ will be provided by the barony. If you mundane last name begins with A-H please bring appetizers, I-P please bring a side dish to accompany the main course, QZ please bring a dessert dish. Regardless, your presence is welcome. Baronial Court will be at Their Excellencies pleasure with the rapier tournament to follow immediately thereafter. The bardic competition will be held throughout the day. Site fee: is $12 for adult members and $15 for adult non-members. Youths 17 and under are free. This is a damp site and smoking is allowed in designated areas. Site: Casa Del Sol Club House, 6960 W. Peoria Ave. in Peoria This is a gated adult community and we will have a sentry posted to let people in. IMPORTANT NOTES: -There is an unfenced pool in the clubhouse patio area. Parents must ensure to supervise their children at all times. -No pets allowed DIRECTIONS: From the East you can take your best route to 67th Ave and Peoria go west to Casa Del Sol. The Entrance is on the North side of Peoria just west of the shopping center. Event Steward: Lady Rivka bat Yehudah (Becca Baum), 602-863-4278 Feast Steward: Lady Jacquelin de Normandie. August 23rd, 2008 Barony of Twin Moons Since the birth of the honorable Barony of Twin Moons, our Noble Barons have been linked to the legend of the Grail. These Noble Barons have joined in the quest for the grail and have been unsuccessful. Our current Baron, Baron Thomas, has been privy of new information and clues linking the Grail to the lands of the Middle East. Baron Thomas has picked up his sword to become one of the Crusaders and, as this missive is being penned, is marching off to join the King in this noble battle and to follow up on his newly found information concerning the elusive Grail. Please join us on Saturday, August 23rd as we gather round to celebrate the return of our Noble Baron and to hear the stories of his journey and quest for the Grail. There will be drumming and dancing and of course, a repast of the most delectable dishes of the Middle East. Merchants will be available with their exotic wares for those who wish to get in a bit of shopping. Bring your rugs, pillows, tables and your appetite and join us in this grand celebration. The location of this wondrous event will be at the Fountain Hills Community Center, located in Fountain Hills, AZ. We are extending the hours of this event this year. The hours shall be: 10 am to 8 pm. Fees are: Site: $10 for members, $13 for nonmembers, $6 for youth 5 and over, under 5 free. Feast: $8 for adults, $4 for youth 5 and over, under 5 free. Feast and Site fee Family Cap will be $48 and is available through ACCEPS Site Fee only Family Cap is $28 and will be available at the door. 6 SCA Corporate policy states that Family Cap pricing is only available to SCA members. Address and directions: Fountain Hills Community Center, 13001 La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Directions to site: Take your best route to the 101N and exit at Shea Blvd. Go East to Palisades Blvd. Turn left at the light onto Palisades. At the corner of Palisades and Avenue of the Fountains, turn right onto Ave of the Fountains. At 4-way stop at Ave of the Fountains and La Montana, turn right onto La Montana. Take an immediate left into the parking lot of the complex. From East Valley: Take Highway 87 (Beeline) to Shea Blvd., turn left onto Shea. Take a right at the light onto Saguaro Blvd. Go to Avenue of the Fountains and turn left onto Ave of the Fountains. At 4-way stop turn left onto La Montana, make immediate left into parking lot of complex. Animals are not allowed on site with the exception of registered service animals. Site is dry, no open flame, no indoor smoking or weapons are allowed. Your Event Steward is Lady Morwenna teg y Caernarvon, 480-917-9909 (no calls after 9 pm), email = Our lovely Feast Steward is Lady Dierdre the Herbalist, 480-782-1680 (no calls after 9 pm), email = Merchant Steward is Lady Helena, 480-8131060 (no calls after 9 pm), email = For more extensive information about this event and feast please go to this website. August 30-September 1, 2008 Barony of Mons Tonitrus One of the oldest tournaments in the long and glorious history of Atenveldt comes to us this year on a long holiday weekend. And you will need every minute of it to experience the Mace & Greatsword Tournament, the Investiture of a new Baron and Baroness of Mons Tonitrus, and much, much more. In Anno Societatus XXIII, the March of Mons Tonitrus first offered a different kind of tournament, in which combatants put away their traditional swords and shields to fight only with mace and greatsword. Come camp with us in lower Garden Canyon in the foothills of the beautiful Huachuca (Thunder) Mountains of Fort Huachuca and see who walks away with a beautiful French Flanged Mace, the victor’s prize for winning one of the more unique tournaments in the society. The site is easily accessible by dragons of all shapes and sizes. Plenty of heavily shaded camping is available with a seasonal flowing mountain stream. The site is primitive with no running water, so please bring your own drinking water. Site will open on Friday at 2:00 pm for setup with the event beginning Saturday morning at 9:00 am. In conjunction with opening Baronial court at 10:00 am, Baroness Christine will provide her famous brunch to feed our hungry travelers and fuel our mighty warriors. The Mace and Greatsword list will open following court with combat for the famed Mace of Thunder Mountain beginning at 1:00 pm. Following the Mace & Greatsword Tournament, around 4:00 pm, will be the final court of Their Excellencies Charles and Christine, Baron and Baroness of Mons Tonitrus followed by the Investiture of the new Baron and Baroness and a great feast in their honor. Sunday morning will begin the 7 tournaments to determine the new Baronial champions to include Baron’s Champion (hardsuit), Baroness’ Champion (rapier), Lieutenant of the Archery Guard, Youth Archery Champion, and Youth Champion (hardsuit). While only members of Mons Tonitrus may succeed to become our Champions, all good gentles are invited and encouraged to add to the competition. Sunday evening will conclude with a bardic, dancing and drumming. The fighting will continue Monday morning, followed by closing court. The site itself will close at 2:00 pm on Monday. Site fee for the three-day event, including the brunch, will be $10.00 for adults (18+) with proof of membership, $5 for youth age 5-17, free for youth under 5 years of age. The $3.00 non-member surcharge will apply as appropriate. The fee for Saturday evening’s feast is $5.00 with 100 tickets available. Please register for the event and feast via ACCEPS (see link on the Mons web site) or make out a check to “Barony March of Mons Tonitrus, SCA Inc” and mail to Jeff Durham, P.O. Box 703, Hereford, AZ 85615. Be sure to include your membership number. Feast registrations must be received by August 22. Site is wet with all mundane drinking and curfew laws observed. Special needs attendees or those seeking hotel information or crash space should contact the autocrats. Merchants are welcome! Directions: From I-10, take exit 302 (Sierra Vista/Ft. Huachuca). Drive south on Highway 90 about 25 miles where you will reach Fry Blvd with the Fort Huachuca main gate on the right. Turn right, into Fort Huachuca, and follow the signs to Garden Canyon. NOTE: Current vehicle registration, auto insurance, and photo ID for all adults in each vehicle is mandatory for entrance onto Fort Huachuca. Autocrats: Lord Brandan der Wanderer von Arnswold (Dan Singleton), (520) 226-0605, Please no calls after 9:00 pm. M’lady Caoilfhionn (Jana Stobaugh), (520) 459-0494, September 5th-7th, 2008 Kingdom of Atenveldt The cool climes of the north beckon warriors to prove their worth. Crown tourney in the pines! Willard Springs, old home of the Highlands War. The surrounding forest offers plenty of camping space. The site is wet. Kingdom Archery Champion Tournament The Kingdom Archery Champion Tournament is scheduled for the day after Crown Tourney on Sunday, September, 7, 2008. The current Kingdom Archery Champion, Lord Nicholas Fletcher of Canterbury, will provide the tournament. The tournament will be held immediately after opening Court and will close three hours later. The exact location will be announced at Court. In order to qualify for Kingdom Archery Champion, you must furnish proof that your membership is current, be prepared to stand Court, sponsor the Kingdom Archery Champion Tournament when your term is ending and any other duties as determined by the Crowns. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mistress Brenna MacGhie of Kintyre, Kingdom Royal Archer, at 623-9353457 or at The site will open September 5th, Friday at 5:00 pm and close on September 8th, Monday at 12:00 pm. Site fees are $12 for Adults with proof of membership (Nonmember $15). Children 17 years and under are free. Directions to the site: From the South, Take your best route to I-17. Head north. Look for Willard Springs (exit 326) and follow the SCA signs. From the East or West, Take your best route to I-40 head to Flagstaff. From Flagstaff take I-40 south. 14 miles south of Flagstaff look for Willard Springs (exit 326) and follow the SCA signs. 8 A list of hotels: Embassy Suites (928) 774-4333 Innsuites Reservation (928) 556-0130 Radisson Woodlands - (928) 773-8888 Monte Vista (928) 779-6971 Comfort Inn: - (928) 774-2225 La Quinta Inn & Suites - (800) 531-5900 Rodeway Inn near NAU - (928) 774-8820 Holiday Inn Express - (877) 863-4780 Hilton Garden Inn - (928) 226-8888 Amerisuites - (928) 774-8042 Contact info for the autocrat: Gunnar Skullsplitter, home phone (928) 522-0804 email Compete in the Subtleties competition! There will be prizes! Special consideration will be given to Subtleties that somehow represent the Barony…through heraldry, history, regalia or our traditions. Be creative! Refreshments will be served later in the afternoon, but feel free to bring a picnic lunch and snacks to enjoy throughout the day. Help add to the atmosphere of the hall by bringing your table decorations and heraldic banners. Candles are allowed with hurricane glass only. Don’t forget your favorite medieval table games to challenge your neighbor. Site Information: The event will be held on Satyrday, September 13th from 1pm to 9pm at the Croatian Hall located at 2434 W. Devonshire Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85015, just north of Indian School off the n-bound I-17 access road. This is a discretely wet site, smoking is allowed outside on the back patio. Site fee: is $15 Adult member, $18 Adult non-member, Free for Youth under 17. Site fee includes light refreshments created by the culinary genius of Mistress Isabel du Lac d'Azur. September 13, 2008 Barony of Atenveldt Fooles Fayre: A Day of Jesting and Jousting The Barony of Atenveldt invites one and all to a day filled with merriment and frivolity! Join us for a fun filled relaxing afternoon of games, dancing, contests of skill and wit, refreshments and good company. Show off your sense of humor! Win fabulous prizes! Marvel at the Lord of Misrule! Cheer on our bravest warriors in the bouncy joust! You don’t want to miss this one! Bring your desserts (and your purses) for a Dessert Auction to benefit the Barony. Don’t be shy, show off your favorite dessert, all desserts welcome. Directions: I-17 and Indian School. Take the I-17 and exit at Indian School. Take the northbound access road, stay right, and make your first right on to Devonshire Ave. The hall is on the north side of Devonshire. Event Steward: Lady Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd ( (480) 250-8480 (no calls after 10pm) Sideboard Refreshments: Mistress Isabel du Lac d'Azur 9 September 20th, 2008 College of Brymstone Chocolate Revel – New Site!!! The College of Brymstonne is happy to announce that this year’s Chocolate Revel will be held at a new and MUCH larger site!! The revel will be held at the Fountain Hills Community Center (13001 N. La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268). This site has plenty of space for dancing, games, and seating for all! Please join us on Saturday September 20th from 1pm – 9pm to enjoy in the festivities! Attention all Artists! Brymstonne will be holding our 5th annual Un-Finished A&S competition! The rules are simple: 1 – The item must be unfinished and appropriate for within the SCA period. 2 – The item can not have been entered in a previous Brymstonne Un-Finished competition. 3 – The documentation must include the following: When it was started, what it will be when finished, and why it hasn’t been completed. We will also be holding a separate Novice A&S competition. This competition is open to anyone that has NEVER competed in any A&S competition in the past (Kingdom, Baronial, Shire, etc). Bring on the Bards! This year will also see the return of the Bardic Garden. Last year’s performances were amazing and we’d love to invite all Bards to please so honor us again. The populace will be given tokens to bestow upon their favorite Bards. An award will be given to the Bard with the most tokens. Please contact M'Lady Viola verch Howell ( for further details. Calling all Cooks! We hereby challenge all cooks in this Great Kingdom to try your hand at some friendly competition. The challenge is quite simple; bring your finest chocolate desert, non-chocolate desert, or best edible display to be judged by the populace. Awards will be given in each of the three categories. All guests that bring an item(s) will receive a $1 discount per person! Don’t forget the Dancing! And of course, no Brymstonne Chocolate Revel would be complete without DANCING!! And lots of it! Once again we will have live musicians to inspire all those dancing shoes and merry jigs! There will be a Dance Mistress to explain the steps and encourage you along the way. Fabulous Food As wonderful as chocolate is, it is necessary to add a bit of substance to the fare. Once again the renowned cooks of Brymstonne will be offering tidbits to tempt the tongue. There will be a buffet served throughout the event to help temper the sugar buzz so please bring your feast gear. The buffet table will be continuously resupplied from 3:00pm to 7:00pm so please don’t fear lack of nourishment. Site Fees (Site and sideboard are included in the fee): Adult with proof of current membership: $12.00; Adult without proof of current membership: $15.00; Youth 5 to 17: $6.00; Youth under 5: Free Please keep an eye out for further details on fee payment and event information on your local lists, Southwind, Baronial newsletter, and the Brymstonne website ( Event Stewards: Lady Selina Trastamara de Luna ( ) Lord Fearghus Remahar mac Mhoail Domhnaich mhic Thoridhealbnach ( Feast Steward: Lady Freydis in kyrra Alfarinsdottir ( 10 Monthly Baronial Events Heavy Weapons Practice: Contact Lord Thadeus the Legless 853-1617 Rapier Practice: Wednesday Night 6pm-9pm NAU Fieldhouse, North Campus. All are welcome. Contact Lady Christine 928-308-3934 Monthly Bardic: First Fridays at Master Roger’s home. See Regnum for Contact information. Baronial Gatherings All Gatherings take place at the Adult Center at Thorpe Park from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Contact Bannthegn Saeunn Kerling for more information -(928)522-0804 . Please note a change to the Baronial Gatherings. After discussion with the A&S Minister and Deputy, We decided that we cannot accomplish much in the way of A&S in 1.5 hours on a Thursday night. So, A&S classes will be done a minimum of quarterly on an open weekend. On Thursdays, we will instead do a quarterly Bardic Workshop. We invite anyone interested in bardic to come to receive help developing a piece, fine-tuning a performance, or just to be an audience. In April, we’ll be focusing on the pieces bards would like to perform for the Bard of the Sun competition in May. Also, the Thorpe Adult Center is available for meetings for anyone in the Barony on the 4th Friday of each month. Contact Bannthegn Saeunn Kerling for information - (928) 522-0804 Date July 17 August 21 September 18 October 16 November 20 December 18 Gathering Type Bardic Workshop Populace Gathering Officer Meeting Bardic Workshop Populace Gathering Officer Meeting Society for Creative Anachronism: Kingdom of Atenveldt: Barony of Ered Sul: College of Sankt Vladimir: Ered Sul Email Group: The Southern Crusades: http:// Estrella War: Stefan's Florilegium: Tournaments Illuminated: Atenveldt Heraldry Page: Highland War: