Medieval Tymes - Citadel of the Southern Pass


Medieval Tymes - Citadel of the Southern Pass
The Citadel of the Southern Pass
August Edition
This is the August 2016 issue of the Medieval Tymes, a publication of the Citadel of the Outlands, of the Society for Creative Anachronism,
Inc. (SCA, Inc.).
It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2016 Society for Creative Anachronism,
Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in
contacting the original creator of the piece. Copyright © 2016 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting articles
and artwork from this publication, please contact the editor who will assist you in
contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.
If you would like to submit an article or artwork to the Medieval Tymes, please contact the office of the Chronicler. Deadline is the end of the
month for the next issue. to submitted work. In the case of major problems, you will be notified so that a solution can be found.Please update
your personal information as needed. The Chronicler reserves the right to make minor modifications
Court & Officers
Shayk Tariq Ibn Yusuf Ibn Askari Al
(George Maloof)
Shayka Elieth de Salazar
(Elieth Salazar)
Signore Bernardo dei Medici
(Brandon Sivret)
Duchess Morgana of Land’s End
(Debbie Turner)
Lord Mishal ibn Abdallah al' Askari
(Chance Seliskar)
Lord Rafael Fernando Montes de
(Daniel Rios)
Lord Tomas Moreno de la Cruz
(Tom Kozai)
Marco Paulo D’Este
(Jeremiah Fair)
THL Giovanni Prete
(John Lawson)
Vicomte Berold de Gilbert
(Barry Boetto)
Lord Ralf Blackwood of Ravenstone
(Ralph Barker)
Signore Bernardo dei Medici
(Brandon Sivret)
Helena de Flores
(Elena Flores)
Don Carlos Nieto de Andrade
(Carlos Andrade)
THL Edmund Peregrine
(Victor Singleton)
Mariah of Kilarney
(Jai T Perkins)
(Kathryn Zurmehly)
Lord Charles the Bear
(Charles Cady)
(Cheryl Sutton)
Image on the right owned by: Germán Vogel
nto the great and mighty Citadel of the Southern Pass do We, Tariq and Elieth,
Shayk and Shayka of this wondrous Barony send you most joyous greetings!
It has been a busy month for many of us as the heat of the summer wears upon us all. But fear
not! Cooler days are ahead as we head up to other lands to visit our brothers and sisters both
near and far.
As many of you know, Her Excellency has travelled deep into her ancestral lands of Argonia to
visit kin as well as to carry the torch of the Outlands so that those who live there may once
again be reminded of the glory of their Kingdom. We look forward to her return to our
beloved Barony but we are glad that she and the children are able to spend time in the lands of
the Huetar and the Boruca.
During her absence His Excellency has been busy with the day to day stewardship of the
Citadel. Although Her Excellency is missed, the rhythm of activity continues as always. We
are particularly happy that two older activities have been rekindled. Blacksmithing with
Master Wilelm the Smith has once again started up on the west side at the home of Their
Honors Christopher and Jamilla. These classes are being held on Thursday nights according
to Master Wilelm’s availability. We are also happy to announce that His Excellency, with the
help of Tula of Nahrun Kabirun and Lord Mingus O’Brien of White Mountain, have
successfully restarted quarterly Southern Regional Fighter Practices. The first one was held
this past Sunday up in the highlands of Ruidoso with the next one being planned for
September in Ruidoso, Truth or Consequences, or Silver City. These regional practices are
very important because it gives our fighters and rapier fighters a chance to intermingle with
fighters from other groups and it also helps to strengthen our bonds of friendship. There were
a total of 37 people who were in attendance, including both fighters and non-combatants. We
look forward to the next one.
Upon Her Excellency’s return to the Citadel, we will once again head out to visit our beloved
cousins in our sister Barony of Mons Tonitrus in order attend their Mace and Greatsword
event and to bear witness to the retirement of Sir Finnian and Mistress Brigit as well as the
investiture of their successors, Karl and Samara. This changing of the guard will also be our
opportunity to reaffirm the treaty between our two Baronies. We urge you all to join us for
this momentous occasion!
Speaking of great events, the time for Battlemoor is almost at hand! We hope that many of
you will be joining us at this super fun event in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies.
Although it is a bit of a long distance to travel, we can say that it is very worth it. But don’t
take our word for it, join us and experience our Kingdom’s Premier event for yourself! If you
are planning to attend, please contact ourselves or our Baronial Land Coordinator in order to
guarantee that we have enough space in Citadel’s land allotment. Do you want to go but feel
that it would be financially difficult for you to attend or you don’t have a ride? Let us know!
We will do everything that we can to get you to the event!
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to encourage you all to explore everything that
the Citadel has to offer. There are activities every week that cover everything from fighting to
archery to arts and sciences. We are also looking to fill deputy positions for most of the
officer corps. Together we make this Barony great!
In Service to the Citadel and the Dream,
Tariq and Elieth
Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern Pass
As we write this letter, Clan Wars looms close at hand. We hope that many of our Baronial
citizens will be in attendance of this fun, relaxing event. We are also very fortunate to have
their Royal Majesties in attendance of the event. This is a great opportunity for many who
have yet to attend a camping event as it’s very close by as well as be able to witness a Royal
Court. His Excellency will be in attendance on Saturday evening and will be present
throughout the night’s festivities. We encourage you all to attend this event and support our
neighboring shires who are putting it on. Check out the event invitation of the Facebook
group for more information.
Image to the right and left belong to
Letter from the Seneschal
New Business: All of our upcoming openings in officer positions have been posted to the
website and will be included in our newsletter, so we have closed the loop on compliance in
that respect. We're now getting ahead of things, projecting out 6 months to a year rather than
taking things as they come which will help a lot and keep the group moving forward beyond
the current group leadership.
Upcoming Events: Lady Rita has planning fully underway for St Edrik coming up in October.
She will be briefing the Officers at our next meeting on progress that has been made. I have
been kept in the loop on several issues as she sees them to completion including asking
permission of the site owners if we can allow blacksmithing and other activities. Her attention
to detail is indicative that she "gets it" in terms of planning and still maintains positive
communication with me when she has questions.
Accomplishments: Lady Rita completed a gown and a tunic while HE Tariq continues to
impress with his fabric printing techniques which led to the creation of the Baroness's favor.
The favor now reside with Lord Mishal as the Baroness's Favor Champion and can be
challenged at any time for the right to wear it. This has helped spur friendly local fighter
competition. A regalia workshop took place along with a Children's A&S event this month.
Blacksmithing has started up again and efforts are underway to build interest.
Yours in Service,
Signore Bernardo dei Medici
Their most Noble Excellencies
Shayk Tariq Ibn Yusuf Ibn Askari Al Ghassani
Shayka Elieth De Salazar,
Baron and Baroness of the Citadel of the Southern
wish to invite one and all to the
Saturday October 15, 2016
The event will be on Saturday October 15, 2016
starting at 9 AM and ending at 10 PM.
The event will be held at VFW Post 812,
McKelligon Canyon, 2400 Davis-Seamon Road,
El Paso, Texas 79930.
Autocrat: Lady Rita Perle Von Der Wetterau CAA
Pre-registration details coming soon!
Site fee: $10.00 Adult Member Registration
$5.00 Youth Member Registration (6-11 years old)
Free (5 years old and under)
$15.00 Adult Registration
$10.00 Youth Registration (6-11 years old)
$20 merchants (or waived if the merchant teaches a class)
Feast: $10.00 (In addition to the Site Fee)
Free (5 years old and under)
-If you are coming from the West Side, take I-10 East to Loop 375 (Woodrow Bean Transmountain Road) to
Gateway Blvd. South,
Merge onto US 54 South to the Fred Wilson Ave. exit. Take Fred Wilson Ave. west to Alabama St. to DavisSeamon Rd.
– If you are coming from the East Side, take TX 601 and stay in the left lane to Fred Wilson Ave. Take Fred
Wilson Ave. west to
Alabama St. to Davis-Seamon Rd.
-Heavy fighting
-Light fighting
-War Practice
-Games for children and adults
-Arts & Sciences classes in the morning and afternoon (If you
would like to teach a class please contact the Baronial Arts and
Sciences Minister, THL Edmund Peregrine).
-Donation Lunch
-Evening feast
-Dessert competition. If you want to participate contact the
autocrat. More information will be forthcoming.
-Silent auction throughout the day for the Kingdom Travel Fund
(please contact the Autocrat if you wish to donate items).
-There will also be a table of items for sale to help raise funds for
the next Baroness Tea (please contact the Autocrat if you wish to
donate items).
-Merchants. If you want to participate contact the autocrat.
Merchant’s fee $20 merchants (or waived if the merchant teaches a
Tentative Schedule
9:00 AM Site opens
10:00 AM Opening court
10:30 AM Silent auction opens (after Court)
10:30-12:00 Classes, marshal activities, and games
12:00 PM Donation lunch
1:00-5:00 PM Classes, marshal activities, and games
War Practice time to be announced
5:00 PM Evening court
6:00 PM Feast
Silent auction closes during Feast
Bardic following feast
10:00 PM Site closes
For the History of St. Edrik, click here.
For Lost and Found, questions, comments or concerns please contact the autocrat (Lady
Rita Perle Von Der Wetterau CAA).
The site is wet; however, all alcohol must be purchased at the VFW bar.
Baronial Calendar
August 2016
Baronial Calendar
September 2016
Kingdom Calendar
August 2016
For further details on Kingdom events, please visit
Kingdom Calendar
For further details on Kingdom events, please visit
September 2016
Help Wanted
We're looking for a new Webminister to handle all things website. It doesn't
require programming or web design since it is handled by a Content
Management System, WordPress. It is mostly about content management so
making edits to existing pages and posting articles, managing email accounts and
a few other odds and ends like posting pictures. It's a great way to get an
introduction to managing a website without any of the coding/scripting mess.
Plenty of help available in getting up and running on it, so beginners are
Please contact
Exchequer's Report
No Report Was Submitted
Arts and Sciences Report for the Citadel of the Southern Pass
What is Working Well Locally:
A&S Gatherings
A&S Classes in Local Group:
A&S Gathering: Regalia workshop 7/11
A&S Gathering: Children’s A&S and making mug covers 7/22
Smithing class 7/14; 7/21
Individual Achievements :
HE Tariq fabric printing; Baroness’s favor
Lady Rita gown and a tunic
THL Edmund Peregrine
Web Minister's Report
I revamped several features on the site to include creating an Archive
section for past events and the Galleries. The Galleries section now
includes Albums, which are sub-groupings of pictures. This way we
can create an overall Gallery for Fighter Practice and update Albums
for each practice. It will be easier for people to search our gallery for
specific events and dates for people they may want to see pictures of
for whatever reason.
I also have opened up the Articles section for other folks to contribute
including Their Excellencies and the Chronicler.
Bernardo dei Medici
Scribe's Report
No Report Was Submitted
Knight Marshal
Attendance: This month we had a little bit of a pickup in
numbers. Average about 4 hard suits on Sundays and turesdays.
We also co-hosted a regional fighter practice with White
Mountain and Nahrun Kabirun. 12 hard suits and 6 rapiers
attending. Fighting went well, but we were rained out.
Injuries This Month: No injuries to report.
Yours in Service,
Mishal ibn Abdullah al Askari
Rapier Marshal
Attendance at Practice: 3-5 on average for weekend practices, all combatants
authorized in rapier; Don Conrade du Montgomerie, Don Carlos Nieto de Andrade,
Lord Rafael Fernando Montes del Castillo, Niccollo Santi, and Frederick Fortesque.
During weeknight practices, there is no rapier combat practiced.
Authorizations Done This Month: No Authorizations were done this month
Injuries This Month: Two minor injuries to report: Don Carlos received a minor cut
to his pinky while practicing Cut and Thrust, and Lord Rafael suffered from minor
bruising on his right thumb during rapier combat.
Notable Notes: A Baroness’ Favor tournament was held; the format was a Swiss five
tournament. The victor was Lord Mi’Chal. Don Carlos Nieto de Andrade, Lord Rafael
Fernando Montes de Castillo, Niccollo Santi, and Frederick Fortesque all competed as
Efforts will be put forward to encourage more rapier practice in the barony, both at
Sunday fighter practice, and Tuesday night fighter practice.
Yours In Service,
Lord Rafael Fernando Montes del Castillo
Interesting Tidbits of Citadel History
(This is, in most part, the Questionnaire requested of the Citadel at the Outlands 20th Year Celebration event held in the summer of the 40th Year of the Society or 2006 in the Vulgar.)
Q: What year was your group founded?
A: The earliest records available say August of 1978 in the Vulgar.
Q: If your group has gone through level changes, i.e. Canton to Shire to Barony etc. can you list the dates, if known, of each change?
A: Citadel became a Barony of Atenveldt on 1 October, 1983 and a Barony of the Outlands on 14 June, 1986 (when the Outlands became its’ own Kingdom).
Q: Was the current group's name always the group's name or have there been other names? If there is more than one previous name, please list all of them with approximate dates.
A: According to all the files available to me, the name submitted to the College of Heralds on 20 August 1978 was "The Citadel of the Southern Marches". “Southern Marches” may have conflicted with a current group…
The approved name when returned to us was "The Citadel of the Southern Pass".
Q: What were the origins of the group's name/s?
A: The Citadel of the Southern Marches was to be the area of the United States occupied by the Shire in the area of Far West Texas. I can only speculate as to why the College of Heralds did not pass the name...Further
documentation possibly held the following information - "El Paso del Norte was the northern most pass known to the Spaniards of the 1500's. Since we live in the United States of America, the idea was that it was the
southern most pass in current times and since a pass wouldn't be undefended, a Citadel or fortress would guard it - hence, the Citadel of the Southern Pass."
Q: Can you list the original slate of officers from the group's founding?
A: Officers - (titles held at the time)- Seneschal - Duncan MacDonnacaidh; Herald - Lord Carl of Carmarthen; Exchequer - Katarina of the Neverlands; Arts - Gealbhann of Woodelven (79) Sciences - Rahlahn of Nyne
Mulberry (79); Knight Marshal - Warmin of Belshire; Hospitaler - Gustave the Enchanter.
Q: Who was the first paid member in your group?
A: As for this, almost none of the original members are active any more. However, Lord Rahlahn of Mulberry, has a membership number of 7789, which in theory would put his membership year sometime very roughly
in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s.
Q: Who was the first AoA for your group?
A: Previous to our becoming a group, it was Lady Jessica the Steadfast in May of 1973. The oldest indigenous Citadellian's AoA is Lord Rahlahn of Mulberry in May of 1980.
Q: What was the first event (Kingdom, local, demo, whatever) that your group held? Any info, such as attendees, was there a court, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
A: The earliest records refer to a Demo Tourney held at Memorial Park on 6 August 1978. Members of the local group, new members to the Society and folk from the Freehold of the Great River (Las Cruces NM) were in
Q: How many people were in the group when it was originally founded?
A: The number of signers on the device petition is 10.
Q: Are the territorial boundaries of your group different from what they were originally? From what they were in 1986?
A: Yes. No change from 1978 to 1986. During the Baronial Tenure of Berold and Bahiyyah, 5th Baron & Baroness of the Citadel (11/96 - 4/01), the areas of Sunland Park, Anapra, Anthony and
Chaparral, New Mexico were added to the area of the Barony.
Q: Could your first newsletter be tracked down?
A: Sadly not. No newsletter was available in 1978.
Q: Does your local group have an ongoing annual event? (if more than one, please pick the oldest).
A: 12th Night Festivities held in January every year since 1981 with a hiatus of a few years ending in the resurgence of the event in 2016.
Q: Do you know who the first fighter was? Who the first recognized artisan was?
A: For the first fighter, a toss up between Rahlahn of Mulberry, Carl of Carmarthen and Warmin of Belshire. The first artisan... another toss up between Christine Jehan, Suzanna of the House of Jewels
and Reanna de Loire.
Q: Who was the first person in your group to have registered arms?
A: Warmin of Belshire’s arms were passed in November of 1980.
Q: Are there any members playing in the current group that were playing the year the group was founded?
A: Baron Warmin of Belshire was here at the beginning but due to military service abroad and a hiatus has not been active here in the Barony the entire time. Of note, the "Shire Fathers" as listed were
Rahlahn of Nyne Mulberry, Warmin of Belshire and Brabston the Wasteful.
These are some jewels in the crown of our history here in the Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass.
Penned by Vicomte Berold de Gilbert, Baronial Historian
Depositor, Repositor and Keeper of Baronial Knowledge
A Good Scribe Is Hard to Find
Cuhelyn of Northanhymbre
Dragonsspine A&S, A.S. 49
22 November 2014
There was, once upon a time, in Northumbria, a wandering man known to most as only Cuhelyn.
To the Baron who paid him, he was known as ‘Lady Alikina’s Husband’. At the first, the mighty
Baron and Knight knew more tales of Cuhelyn’s lady than himself, for she was a well-known
and much respected scribe in the Baron and King’s service, but in time Cuhelyn began to serve
them as well. In little ways, at first, setting up for the great feasts of the Barony and setting up
the magnificent pavilions for the tourneys, but in time Cuhelyn perceived that the greatest
struggle for the Barony came in the realm of the Arts.
You must understand that Cuhelyn was no seeker of fame nor accolades. In his long time
as a mercenary, Cuhelyn had sold his sword and services, never seeking to be among the
powerful or influential, He took his pay and moving on. In fact, he preferred the shadows and
honest work to the fripperies of the nobles and their servants, things he would say he did not
understand being a bastard and common-born, and so it was such that he came to the Barony
with no name and no legends to precede him.
In his journeys across the Known World, Cuhelyn had picked up many skills, and so
when his lady bemoaned the loss of scribes in the Barony to travels and travails, he began quietly
to help. At first, he did no more than prepare the vellum and parchment for her work and then
later to assist in painting the fantastic and detailed illuminations for the scrolls she created, but
still it did not seem enough. After a long day and night of work, Cuhelyn put his lady to her rest
and promised himself he would find a way to do more, to ease her burden and the burden of the
scribes under her care.
And so he learned the ways of the scribe, at first creating only the beautiful illuminations
that graced the pages and then later the calligraphy that held the sacred words of the Baron and
Baroness of his home realm. But wanting no glory or fame, he refused to put his name to these
works no matter how his lady begged, pleaded and demanded. Finally, after much struggle and
many cups of tea, and not a few of whiskey and rum for Cuhelyn, they came to an agreement.
She would place a name on the scrolls for him, a foreign name from the East so that no one
would become too curious. And so Nezumi Rei, the Ghost Mouse from the Eastern lands, was
born. With this, he contented himself, more than contented himself. When he was a child, many
of the priests had said that Cuhelyn must have been the bastard child of Loki Lie-Smith. For all
his solemnity, there was a streak of mischief in him.
And so he misdirected, prevaricated, misled and his lady with him. If Loki was indeed his
father, he must have shone with pride in the legendary halls of Asgard. Each time the Baron held
a great feast, the foreign scribe Nezumi Rei produced scrolls for the awards the Baron and
Baroness gave, and the Barony enjoyed his work, relieved at first to have another scribe and then
content with his work.
And yet he remained a mystery. Nezumi Rei seemed able to deliver scrolls to the Feasts
without anyone seeing him. He was seldom able to stay and enjoy the foods, the drink and the
company of the Baron’s Court, and in time the Baron and Baroness became curious and began to
seek out this mystery scribe from the East. Yet no man nor woman could truly say they knew
Nezumi nor what names he traveled by. Word of their curiosity reached the ears of Cuhelyn, and
he became anxious that they might discover his secret workings.
But there was one more thing he could do to prevent his own discovery. Cuhelyn became
the Barony’s Reeve, privy to and responsible for the treasures and monies of Dragonsspine,
seated at the Baron’s left hand, all word of the Baron’s seekings came to him and subtly, craftily,
he misdirected his Baron down other paths that would lead him far away from his Reeve.
And so Nezumi Rei, Cuhelyn’s ghost mouse, continued his scribal work. And it seemed
that his secret would never be known because the Baron and Baroness had ruled long and well
and were much loved by their people, but finally it was time for them to pass on the reins of
power to their children. His successors did not know Cuhelyn as well for they had been much
occupied in foreign lands and so knew him as no more than the storytelling Reeve: amusing,
useful and always willing to help, and in time they rewarded him for his work as their Reeve and
later their storyteller. In fact, the award for Cuhelyn’s storytelling was a fine work by Nezumi
Rei himself, but no particular curiosity or suspicion was aroused in them for bards were not
scribes nor artists . . . no suspicion surrounded until the new Baron was called to foreign lands.
The Baroness decided that as many of their Populace should be rewarded for their service
and that some had long been overlooked, one such was Nezumi Rei. And the Baron and
Baroness knew that Nezumi was known to their Reeve as he had taken receipt of many of
Nezumi’s work, and they asked their Reeve if he would arrange a journey for Nezumi from the
East to Dragonsspine to receive his just reward. Cuhelyn said he could do so and asked which of
their Feasts and Festivals they would like Nezumi to attend, and it was decided that Nezumi Rei
should appear before their Court at the Feast of Fools and that the Baronial scribe, Cuhelyn’s
own lady, make the scroll for the award.
And so Cuhelyn and his lady plotted and planned.
When the day of Feast of Fools arrived, Cuhelyn and his lady arrived. Cuhelyn went the
field to duel with rapier and wit, and Alikina to the Baroness to assure her that all was going to
plan . . . and it was. Just not the Baroness’s plan.
And so the day passed with the Populace of the Barony enjoying the fighting, the food
and the fun of the day, but unfortunately it came to end and Court was announced. Still it was
Court of Merriment, of Tricks and tomfoolery or more accurately Robert and Bjorn-foolery
before it settled into the matter of rewarding those who had served faithfully the Baron and
Baroness of Dragonsspine.
Many were called to be rewarded for their diverse efforts, and Cuhelyn waited seemingly
at ease within the crowd but tense and nervous within himself. A companion rested at his foot, a
stuffed mouse dressed in the clothes of Nezumi Rei’s homeland, but none noticed this addition to
the Populace viewing the Court.
And then the great Herald of Dragonsspine, Kiara Loftus, called for Nezumi Rei.
Cuhelyn, the Bard and Reeve of Dragonsspine, stood up, mouse in arm and asked of the Baron
and Baroness . . . had they called him or his joke.
Stunned were the looks on the Baron and Baroness’s faces as Cuhelyn stepped forward,
his mouse ready and his staff beating a steady beat on the scuff-free floor as he crossed the open
‘Yes, it was me the whole time,’ their Bard and Reeve replied, his eyes gleaming with
wickedness and mischief, ‘but if it makes you feel any better, your ancestors didn’t figure it out
And the Populace and the Court roared with laughter.
And the old Baron, hearing of this trickery in distant lands, began to plot his revenge.
sayyid* tariq ibn yusuf ibn askari al ghassani
12th Baron of the Citadel of the Southern Pass
I am Tariq ibn Yusuf ibn Askari al Ghassani. Sometimes known as al Hisan
Aswad, I am a direct descendant of the Ghassanid Kings of old. I come from the
formerly occupied city of Giblet in the region known as Jibal Lubnan.
Although many of our ancestors served the Byzantines Empire, My father, Yusuf
ibn Askari ibn Hassan al Ghassani, followed a different path which led him to
resist the Latin invaders of our beloved land. Having served as an Amir to the
great Nur al-Din for many years, he was finally released from military service
following injuries sustained while fighting against the Infidels that were holding
Edessa. He, however, continued his service to his lord as a diplomatic envoy,
which took him to many strange and wondrous places.
The first and only diplomatic mission in which I accompanied my father was to
the land of the Northmen. It was during this time that I became separated from
my father’s party and became lost in a snowstorm. I was at the point of
contemplating my end after several days when my life was saved by a Northman
hunting party.
I was taken before their leader, whom they called a Jarl, a charismatic man
named Leif Ivarsson. Leif took me under his wing and taught me many things
including the way of the sword. Leif eventually adopted me as his own son and
I travelled as a member of Clan Ivarsson for several years.
After several years of service with Ivarsson, I received word that my father had
fallen ill and I decided to return to Damascus and my father’s home. Upon my
return to Syria, I went into the service of the great Atabeg, Salāh ad-Dīn Yūsuf
ibn Ayyūb. It was during my time in his service as a cavalry Amir that I became
known as al Hisan Aswad, The Dark Horse.
Upon leaving the service of Saladin, I took the Hajj and travelled to many
wondrous places including the dark and mysterious lands to the South, known
as Argonia. Many marvels did I see and experience during my travels in those
mysterious lands, but those are for a tale at another time. Upon my return to
the Known World, I went into the service of His Excellency Christopher, Baron
of the Citadel of the Southern Pass as the Amir of the Bayt al-'Askarī, a free
cavalry unit in the service of His Excellency. With the retirement of Baron
Christopher, by grace of Their Outlandish Majesties I was selected to succeed
him and to this day I serve the Outlands as the Baron of the Citadel of the
Southern Pass, alongside my beloved Argonian wife, Sayyida* Elieth de Salazar.
* The terms “Sayyid” and “Sayyida” are the accepted Arabic equivalents of “Lord” and “Lady” in
the SCA
Chronicler's Note: This is the first of many Citadel Profiles we
hope to publish. If you would like to submit a SCA persona
backstory, please submit it to
Please keep submissions to a maximum of two pages in size 12
font. Pictures welcome!
Images From Clan
Depicted are Sir Ruter on top, Sir Conrade on the left, Sir Berold on the right, and Sir
Roger sitting on that tree stump. Image by Lord Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
(Daniel Rios)
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Just another way the Society helps connect you to the Current Middle Ages!