IB apr 2014 - Barony of Iron Mountain


IB apr 2014 - Barony of Iron Mountain
The Iron Baron
The Barony of Iron Mountain
April 2014 A.S. XLVIII
You are Invited to The Coronation of
Adhemar and Sorcha
April 4th-6th, Carrollton Georgia
Greetings Good Gentles of Iron Mountain,
As the frost melts and the winds die down, signs of spring are finally starting to appear. Weather
is getting better for fighter practice. We encourage everyone who can to come out to Patriot Park
on Sunday mornings and enjoy the good weather and cheer on the fighters. It also gives us an
opportunity to talk to passers-by.
April will be a busy month for many of us! There are many events this month, including our own Black Axe on April
25-27. We know that many of you are working hard to get ready for the event. It will also take many hands on site to
help things run smoothly, so be sure to check with THLady Adelaide and Lord Sven to see how you can help with the
We will be voting this month for the Oread and Chivalrous Dove awards, to be given at Black Axe. Voting is limited to
people who have been participating with the group for at least one year. Remember to submit award recommendations to
Us, also, preferably in writing (email or hard copy). Be discreet, but get them to us soon - the sooner, the better!
We plan to attend the following events in April:
Coronation, Apr. 5, Carrollton, GA
Fools War, Apr. 11-13, Macon, GA
Black Axe, Apr. 25 - 27, Arley, AL
We remind everyone to check the kingdom calendar (kingdom.meridies.org) and attend other events around the kingdom
when you can. It is a lot of fun to meet people from other areas and enjoy the activities that the other groups have at
their events. As you are considering events, discuss it with others in the group to see if car pooling might be an option.
In Service,
Francois & Lucilla
Baron & Baroness Iron Mountain
Baronial Awards and How to Recommend Someone
The Barony has awards for excellence in various activities.
Grey Wolf-Fighting, Fencing and Live Weapons
Moonstone-Arts and Sciences
Order of the Ardent Dragon-Children’s award
Argent Unicorn (women)-Service to the Barony
Sable Axe (men)-Service to the Barony
Sanguine Mountain-The Highest Baronial award, given at the pleasure of
the Baron and Baroness. It is an armigerous award, meaning that it includes and Award of Arms ( AOA, with the title of Lord or Lady) if the recipient doesn’t already have it. This also means that it is recognized at the
Kingdom level, and in the Order of Precedence it comes ahead of a normal
Anyone in the Barony may write a letter to the Baron and Baroness
recommending that someone receive one of the awards above. In addition to
the person’s name, be sure to state the award you think they deserve and why
you think they deserve it. This should include specific actions or accomplish-
Baronial Scrolls Needed:
Share your talent!
Contact Baron or Baroness for more
Page 2
10 Fools War
11 Fools War
12 Fools War
Iris Faire
22 Dance
Black Axe
Black Axe
29 Garb &
Grub Social
1 Business
6 Coronation
8 Class Night- 9
Honor &
13 Fools War
15 Project
Night-Black Axe
20 Fighter
27 Black
& Personal Projects
The SCA Birthday Dirge is sung to the first refrain of "The Volga Boatmen”. (First verse) It's your Birthday! (thud!) Happy Birthday! (thud!) Doom and
gloom and dark despair People dying everywhere! On your Birthday! (thud!) Happy
Birthday! (thud!) (Second verse) It's your Birthday! (thud!) Happy Birthday! (thud!) May
the candles on your cake. Burn like cities in your wake. On your Birthday! (thud!)
Happy Birthday! (thud!)
Mistress Marsali– 3rd
Master Enricx—4th
Lady Fleur –15th
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From the Chatelaine
THL Aranwen OfWillow Ford
Coming soon, to an event near you!
Black axe
The Chatelaine’s office is going to hold a “White Elephant” sale of all items
being taken out of the Gold Key closet. All proceeds will go directly back
into the closet to help restock on items needed. Ie: men’s tunics, etc. It’s
not too late to DONATE any old SCA items you want to get out of your inventory. What is needed will be kept , what is not will be sold.
Officer Turnover This month, the Chatelaine's office officially turns over.
THLady Aranwen steps down as your local Chatelaine and becomes
Kingdom Chatelaine. Mistress Alianore will be covering our local
Chatelaine duties. If you'd like to be her deputy, please let her know!
facebook, regarding
March 24th Demo). Thank you
guys for making a showing with
us tonight! We really got a
lot of flyers in hands of
folks with potential interest.
Was nice to see the number who
knew what the SCA was already.
Please prepare to join us on May
3rd for a demo at the annual We
Love Homewood event at
Homewood park. We will be
looking for fighters, any type of
A&S you’d like to demo, and
garbed members to attend. Look
for more details soon!
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The Barony of Iron Mountain Presents
How to Train Your Dragon
April 25-27, 2014
Hidden Cove Resort, Arley, AL
Join The Barony of Iron Mountain as we travel to the village of Berk, home to Vikings and dragons!
Test your mettle in our annual Black Axe Tournament! Cross blades in the Baron's Prize Rapier Tournament! Test your
skill with knives and axes (and more!) in a Live Weapons Tournament!
Bring the children! We are hosting a Youth Combat Practice!
Bring your paint and inks, there will also be a Scriptorium!
Site opens on Friday, April 25, 2014, at 5:00 PM.
This is a camping only site. Bath houses are available.
THLady Adelaide d’Montagne de Fer (Patricia D Lovelady) blackaxe@adaloden.com
Co-Autocrat/ Reservations
Lord Sven Ragnvaldsson (Stephen King) sting4252010@gmail.com
1680 Beckham Dr,
Homewood, AL 35206
Lady Margurite Stewart (Peggy Sokoll) peggysokoll@yahoo.com
Site is
Feast Token
Non-members add $5.
Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc. / Barony of Iron Mountain
Per Kingdom Law no family is to pay more than 3 adult admissions as long as the children are age 15
and under and are members.
Hidden Cove Outdoor Resort 687 County Road 3919 Arley, AL 35541
(Use GPS Coordinates: N 34°03’14.64” W 87°8’48.75”)
Site opens Friday 5pm and closes Sunday 10am.
Directions: Take I-65 to Exit #308 (Highway 278). Turn west (toward Double Springs), go 15 miles. Turn left onto
County Road 77. Go 9.5 miles, turn hard left (across from Old Nathan’s Store) onto County Road 12. Go 4 miles staying
left at all forks, to Hidden Cove entrance.
Did Chaucer Mention April Fools Day in
the 14th Century?
Written by Lady Anne Geyervogelin
Modern day controversy…who can claim the first April
Fool’s Day! Some say 16th century, some say 17th century, but
what about the Geoffrey Chaucer’s: The Nun’s Priest Tale in
the 14th Century. In the tale Chauntecleer (a cock) is tricked by a fox. But the
author mentions a specific date in the tale.
“When that the monthe in which the world bigan
That highte March, whan God first maked man,
Was complet, and passed were also
Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two.”
The date April 1st has people talking. What does “thritty days and two.” Some
say two days in March after the 30th means April 1st. Some say it means
April 2nd and is not reference to April Fool’s Day. Toward the end of the
tale Chaucer wrote:
“But ye that holden this tale a folly
As of a fox, or of a cock and hen,
Taketh the moralitee, good men.”
What do you think? I tend to think it may be the beginning of our present day
trickery and folly day. But then again…Medieval Feast of Fools was held in
Tidbits of Medieval history is a monthly article about a Medieval event/holiday
Page 6
March Business Meeting
Barony of Iron Mountain
March Business Meeting
March 4, 2014
Meeting called to order by Herald.
Seneschal greeting forwarded to Knight’s Marshall for report.
Knight’s Marshall Report-fighters practice this weekend but no practice next weekend due to Gulf Wars.
Several new fighters.
Seneschal forwarded to Baron and Baroness
Baroness- discussed Gulf Wars and plans for their arrival and staying at Last Bastion. Discussion of upcoming
Baronial Black Axe event next month. Black Axe is in conjunction with two other events. Market our event to
Baron-Banner carriers needed to Gulf Wars Royal Procession.
Baroness-thank you to Lady Anne for belt tokens for HRM.
Baron-Congratulations to Baroness Lyzianor on her race at Disney.
Seneschal ask for officer reports
Rapier Marshall Report- No report
Herald Report-Kingdom Herald changes. Baroness Flannait
Exchequer Report- Current funds reported
A&S/Provost Report-Reports due in April. Reminder to report classes taught or taken at Gulf Wars. Honor
and Courtesy class scheduled for April 8
Chatelaine-Demo March 24th for LARP movie.
Chronicler Report- March Newsletter. March Birthdays.
Historian-No report
Web Minister Report-New flyer available for Black Axe
Quartermaster Report- No report
Dance Master Report-No report
Old business-Volunteer for Gulf Wars, scrolls for Black Axe
Baroness-Suggestion on bidding Kingdome level event. Member vote and approved for Coronation bid for
September 14.
New Business- Black Axe jobs for individuals to volunteer. Discussion of needs, and event schedule, ie: live
weapons, coursing?
Gulf Wars discussion-who is going. Meeting next week (Gulf Wars week) will be cancelled and the week after
Gulf Wars will be a pot luck.
Business meeting closed by Herald.
. Meetings: Meetings are held Tuesday evenings starting at 7:00 p.m. at the
Valley Christian Church (2600 Cherokee Place Mountain Brook, AL 35216).
Members are requested to wear period costume to the first and fourth
meetings of the month; visitors are welcome to come as you are.
Fighter Practices: Fighter Practice (Heavy and Rapier) is held on Sunday
morning at Patriot Park, beside the Homewood Senior Center on Oak Grove
Rd and W Oxmoor Rd (Homewood Patriot Park - 710 Oak Grove Road,
Homewood, Alabama 35209). Practice begins 10:30 am. Practices have been
held in conjunction with other groups as well, days and locations will be
announced. Practice is weather-dependent. Check the website and the e-mail
list for changes in the regular schedule.
The Iron Baron
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The Iron Baron
The Barony Of Iron Mountain
April 2014 A.S. XLVIII
Baronial Officers
Baron & Baroness of Iron Mountain
Baron François le Souris & Baroness Lucilla da Cefalu,
Jeff & Stephanie Ross
Baron@ironmountain.meridies.org Baroness@ironmountain.meridies.org
Baroness Lyzianor Galeina Amy-Renee King
Lochlain O’Cais
Craig Brooks
Lord Sven Var Ragnvaldsson
Stephen King
Rapier Marshal
Lady Genevieve Alaiz D’Avignon
Kayla Adams
A&S/Rum Provost
Maestra Magdalena da Parma
Louise Webb
Knight’s Marshal
Lord Milo Garibaldi
Brian King
Lady Anne Geyervogelin
Cindy Gayer
THL Aranwen of Willow Ford Tina Williford
Baroness Lucilla da Cefalu,
Stephanie Ross
Dance Master
Master Gareth Gwynedd Clifford Carldwell
Web Minister
Lord Sebastian of Iron Mountain
Ryan Cullen
Check us out on the web!
This is “The Iron Baron,” a publication of the “Barony of Iron Mountain” of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). “The Iron Baron” is available from: The Barony of Iron Mountain c/of Cindy Gayer 1361 8th Place, Pleasant Grove Alabama 35127. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. The contents of this publication, “The Iron Baron,” are copyrighted 2014, by the chronicler's office of the Barony of Iron Mountain. Graphics from local members. Ownership reverts to the authors and artists .

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